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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/17/12(Sat)21:08 No.18362093 File: 1332032925.jpg-(108 KB, 610x432, 1257082709619.jpg)
"You lie," you growl.
"I didn't have a fucking clue!" Sean howls.
"I just did that to piss you off!" he wails.
"Well, Sean, you did a really, really good fucking job," you state. "You have just trolled yourself right out of existence. Why did you run, Sean? Why did you run?"
"Cuz I knew you'd flip your shi-"
"No, Sean, I mean, why did you opt to die tired?" You take another step forward.
"He really didn't know!" Robin wails, running through the surf to your side. She latches both hands around your arm and goes utterly limp, letting her entire weight drag on you.
"Leggo, sis. I've just become Sean's own, personal potato famine."
"He's really nice and sends me cool stuff and you can't kill him pleeeaaassse~" Robin wails.
You feel your heart sink. Your sister. Your little sister, begging you.
"... fine," you grunt. "Okay. All he did was give edged weapons to a little violent drop-bear of a sister. Okay. I guess that's worth a few snap-rolls." You slide your eyes towards Sean. "Run."
Sean gets off his ass and books down the beach, and you think you can hear him cackling with wicked glee.
You look down at Robin.
"Are you letting go?"