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  • File : 1305222489.jpg-(223 KB, 800x600, 1304372835533.jpg)
    223 KB Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)13:48 No.14903175  
    You are a strange creature, capable of taking over other lifeforms to serve as your vessel. Your current host, Jack Winters, was unbeknownst to you a drug addict, and oversdosed on speedball. To survive, you bonded with him, but this damaged you, leaving you without any idea of what you are. Your only order was to scout, and while exploring the area, you met a cyborg-like creature controlled by a mechanical centipede, who attacked you. You managed to defeat it and hid it's body, returning to your hosts house to rest.
    The whole of the first quest can be read here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14881965/
    >I'd like to apologise to anyone who was here for the quest yesterday, my connection died on the service providers end.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)13:49 No.14903192
    Aaand I forget the subject. Bodysnatcher Quest 2, for anyone interested.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)13:50 No.14903199
    Your known abilities are:- reinforcing your muscle and bone tissue, making you stronger,faster and tougher
    - growing weapons from your arms, limited to one on each arm in any combination:a hooked, double edged blade on your forearm, claws or a spike that springs out from your wrist underneath your palm
    - absorbing ingested organic material, that you can use to increase muscle and bone density(animal tissue is the most effective)
    - the ability to call forth your host's memories, skills and knowledge
    You can also bond to another host, but this requires you to undo the bonding which takes 2 days and leaves you with minimal motor skills and intelligence. You also need to overpower your new host.
    Your host has:-aprroximately 40,000$
    -a handgun
    -2 ounces of good quality marijuana
    -15 grams of heroin and cocaine
    -a suburban two-story house
    -a disposable cellphone
    -Merces-Benz 750i
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:51 No.14903207
    Was RE: your pic

    I'd hit it

    signed /tg/

    Sent 10:51 am local time
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)13:51 No.14903208
    Last we left off, you have managed to convince your host's girlfriend that the reason you've been missing for the last 3 days is that you had a horrible trip, and that you have now renounced drugs. Overjoyed by this news, she left to organize a party for you.You are starving, as using your strengthend muscles and morphing uses a lot of energy.It's 12.40 right now, and the party starts at 10 PM. Wat do?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:54 No.14903238
    Eat your host's girlfriend's face off.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)14:01 No.14903299
    Forgot to mention the part that when you encountered the cyborg, your order to scout was accomplished and no other surfaced, so you are currently confused as to what you should do.
    She already left, and there's no real reason to do that besides the "for the evulz" mentality.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)14:05 No.14903334
    Bumping for players.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)14:08 No.14903353
    Check the fridge.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)14:10 No.14903367
    You already ate everything remotely edible in the kitchen and pantry when you woke up yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)14:13 No.14903393
    In that case we need to go and get food from...somewhere. Do we know any places nearby?
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)14:17 No.14903430
    You dig up some addresses for diners and reastaurants in the vicinity. Be warned though, the amount of food you'd need to properly replenish your reserves is rather large, quarter of your body weight or so.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)14:18 No.14903438
    There are a couple of supermarkets in close driving distance as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)14:25 No.14903512
    Off to the super market we go
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)14:31 No.14903567
    Time to buy a bunch of whole chickens I think, maybe at a Costco?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)14:34 No.14903602
    rolled 78 = 78

    SO what is our overall goal?
    Do we have something to aspire to, some kind of mission? Or are we just herping around trying to get better hosts?
    [haven't read previous threads yet]
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)14:37 No.14903623
    sauce plz
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)14:37 No.14903629
    You hop into the car and drive to the nearest supermarket, Jack's driving skills easily accesible to you. You get a cart, and start piling in various frozen meat products, mostly whole chickens. Anything else you want to buy?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)14:40 No.14903659
    Flowers for the GF, gotta make sure our "reformation" seems sincere so there aren't questions alter.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)14:42 No.14903688
    Some lovecraft inspired animu apparently, I don't know specifically, picked it up here on /tg/.
    The damage you suffered while bonding to this host has blocked or erased any knowledge of your mission, partially because of the way your orders are structured(you recieve the next when you complete the current one). You know it has something to do to the cyborg you killed.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)14:45 No.14903708
    >herp I forgot something else
    You also saw a report on an object entering the atmospere and dissapearing above the city the day before you awakened. The sight of the object filled you with a gnawing sense of unease.
    >> Diarca 05/12/11(Thu)14:51 No.14903763
    We should see if the store has any rope, or maybe duct tape. Something we can use to tie a person up.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)14:52 No.14903770
    Flowers and check how much time we have until the party
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)15:00 No.14903842
    You pick up some flowers, rope, and duct tape as well. You check your watch, and see that you have more than 8 hours left until the party. You head to the checkout counter, and pay for your things, but notice the cashier giving you a bit of a strange look. You pack in the 60 or so pounds of meat, the flowers, the rope and the duct tape into your cars trunk and head home.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:02 No.14903865
    where is this from?
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)15:06 No.14903901
    See >>14903688
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)15:17 No.14904001
    You arrive back home, carry your purchases inside, and start unfreezing the meat. Cooked or raw, /tg/?
    >sorry for the slow reaction speed, waiting for new players to join
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:19 No.14904017

    If no one else is around to see us eat, then down them raw.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:19 No.14904020
    Will we be eating all of it in one sitting, and how long will it take? If someone walks in on us gnoshing a pile of raw chicken, there will be toruble.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:22 No.14904046
    >object entering the atmospere and dissapearing above the city the day before you awakened

    I bet anything it's that mechanical monstrosity we kicked the shit out of yesterday.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)15:25 No.14904069
    You live alone, and the door is locked. It should take you an hour or so at the most if you only eat the non-frosted ones (about two thirds of what you bought)
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)15:25 No.14904073
    Assuming you eat it raw, of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:25 No.14904074

    Raw it is then. OM NOM NOM NOM
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:27 No.14904082

    (Oh yeah, and just eat the ones that are thawed out. And if anyone knocks on the door or whatever while we're eating, stop immediately and clean up what we were doing.)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:27 No.14904089
    We might have BS'd the bitch about the drugs, but we need some heightened problem solving skills.

    I say we find a good place to do a line of coke and smoke a few bowls.
    Coco-puffin' is an awesome way to zip straight into abstract thinking mode.

    In humans anyway, but since we're working with Homo Sapiens wetware at the moment it'll probably do the same for us.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:31 No.14904121

    The brain damage we got from our host doing highballs is what got us into this mess in the first place. I don't think it would be a good idea to fry our neural circuitry even farther.

    And I think it was mentioned in the last thread that we now metabolize the stuff way faster and more efficently now, so we probably wouldn't even get the desired effect from it if we tried.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)15:34 No.14904150
    You can neutralize poisons, hallucinogens and the like, but it's not necessary, altough the effects of drugs on you might not be the same, or could be downright harmful.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)15:34 No.14904159
    Also, any addictions Jack might have had are now gone.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:35 No.14904170

    Yeah, I don't want to risk damaging our host body and brain even further.

    Just go with eating the chicken for now. We'll be able to do more on a full stomach then.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:41 No.14904220

    But once we have a full stomach, we need to do SOMETHING to get our brain going.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:43 No.14904247
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)15:48 No.14904286
    You pack the frozen meats into the freezer and wolf down the rest. You are sitting on a sofa, crunching with statisfaction on the last bone, feeling the most relaxed since you woke up four days ago. You are still concerned about your lack of orders though, so you try to think of a way to jog your memory. Any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:53 No.14904324
    Do some computer research on the strange object, it might have something to do with our mission or our cyborg encounter.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:54 No.14904336
    I agree with Mr. Coco-puff there. Let's take some cocaine and smoke a little marijuana.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)15:58 No.14904375
    Let's see some rolls then. Highest decides.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)16:07 No.14904461
    Fo anyone who doesn't know how, put dice 1d100 into the e-mail field.
    >> dice 1d100 Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:17 No.14904565
    rolled 99 = 99

    dice 1d100

    For computer surfing
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:18 No.14904571
    I'm voting for not taking drugs, it's too risky. I say we just continue with our hosts life for a short while, trying to make connections. Learn a bit more before trying to make the next proper move.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:18 No.14904576
    rolled 9 = 9

    forgot dice roll
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:19 No.14904582
    well fuck.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)16:24 No.14904641
    You don't have a computer. Will you try to surf on your phone, or buy a laptop or something?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:27 No.14904673
    rolled 21 = 21


    If our phone can access the internet, use that.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)16:39 No.14904823
    You try to find as much infromation as you can. It would seem like there were numerous objects entering the atmosphere in the last few days. You are sure that it has something to do wiht your purpose, but have no idea if these things happened because you are here, or if you are here because of these objects. You try to force yourself to remeber, but as you push, you feel a sharp stab of pain that makes you trash around, followed by a dull but insistent headache. When it passes, you find that something came loose so to speak, and you now remeber that you can shift your host's appearance, including skin/hair/eye colour, fingerprint and facial features.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:42 No.14904855
    rolled 28 = 28


    Fuck yeah. Is there a limit to how much we can shift our appearance? Like copying another person identically? Is it something we can do multiple times without penalty?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:43 No.14904863
    first thing to do is to change our fingerprint. if we were on record for doing some shit in the past, this may help us a little in the future.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:45 No.14904886
    rolled 9 = 9


    Ooh, that is a good idea. We probably have a criminal record.

    I'd suggest changing our facial features too, but we still have a girlfriend to deal with, and she'd definitely notice that something was amiss if we did that...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:48 No.14904913
    Come to think of it, what does our host look like? Can we find a mirror to take a look?
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)16:49 No.14904917
    It's untaxing for minor changes(no change in height/build/gender), but takes some time, and unless you have a reflective surfaces, there's a chance that you move into the uncanny valley, looking slightly wrong. If you can see yourself, you can use your host's brain to see if your new look seems normal. You can mimic a specific person, but you need either a picture to study, or to spend some time with them to memorize their features. The time required to change varies on the level of alteration, as you need to gently shift bones, soft tissue and melanin.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)16:56 No.14905007
    190 cm, caucasian, short black hair, bright blue eyes, short stubble, somewhat handsome face.
    Jack was never caught selling or using drugs, but he was sentenced to four and a half years of juvie when he was 13 for killing the neighbour when he beat the neighbour to death with a shovel when he beat his wife unconscious and broke his daughters arms(childhood friend, still lives next door, tried to date the host when he came home but it didn't work out, relationship soured)
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)16:57 No.14905023
    >mfw when I didn't notice that I already typed in half the sentence
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:57 No.14905029
    rolled 30 = 30


    They'll probably still have our fingerprints from that, so altering them first would be a good idea.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)16:59 No.14905042
         File1305233983.jpg-(36 KB, 316x341, not this shit again.jpg)
    36 KB
    >mfw when captcha ate my face
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:04 No.14905084
    rolled 48 = 48


    Didn't we just have this argument? We don't know what kind of effects we'd get from the drugs, and I don't think we want to risk burning out our body even more.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)17:05 No.14905098
    You also notice that it's already 20:50, it looks like the daze you were in lasted a lot longer than you thought.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:08 No.14905121
    when was the party we were meant to go to? i think it's probably a good idea to go, as nothing else appears to have sprung up and this should provide us with some opportunities to gather information.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:10 No.14905144
    rolled 48 = 48


    Well we've still got time to get ready for that party. It was at 10, right? Do we know where it's being held? Attending it will make us look more normal, and give us some better information on how humans interact in social settings.

    See if we can get ahold of our girlfriend about where the party is, and clean ourselves up for it.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)17:12 No.14905168
    You give her a call, and she tells you that it's at Jacks usual haunt, a popular bar downtown. It's supposed to start at 10, and it takes a good half hour by car.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:17 No.14905234
    Should we set off about now then? it's not like there's much to do here, we might as well get there early
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:17 No.14905235
    rolled 61 = 61


    Let's see, it's 8:20 pm now. That gives us plenty of time to clean up a bit, maybe shave.

    We can afford to be fashionably late to the party, after all.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)17:28 No.14905353
    You shower and shave, and decide to change. Stumped, you let whatever remains of Jack decide. You put on black jeans adn a simple white Hilfiger t-shirt and balck Puma sneaker. It's rather warm outside, a balmy summer night, so the choice seems adequate. Do you hurry and arrive on time, or do you drive at a more relaxed pace?
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)17:29 No.14905364
    >wow, that's a lot of typos
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:31 No.14905380
    rolled 20 = 20


    Relaxed pace. At the worst, we show up fashionably late.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)17:40 No.14905479
    I'm going to take a cigarette break, be back in 5.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:45 No.14905544

    Bumping then.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:46 No.14905553
    Get dressed up for the party. We need to blend in until we figure out what to do.

    Don't change appearance just yet - having an identity is a useful thing. We should be sure to remember Jack Winter's looks so we can shift back to his looks.

    We might also think about bringing Jack's girlfriend into the loop - tell her what happened, but make it sound like we're still her boyfriend, just trying to help some alien out in fighting those cyborg xenos.

    It'd be good to have an accomplice.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:48 No.14905568
    Drive at a relaxed pace. No one's going to mind if we arrive a few minutes late, and getting picked up by cops would really suck right about now.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)17:53 No.14905623
    You drive to the club/bar, taking care to obey speed limits. You spend some time trying to fing find a parking space, in the end, you decide to use a parking garage. Making your way on foot, you can see the huge sign from far off, some strange combination of letters, numbers and images. The place is chock full with people, blue and red lighting giving the place a -to you- strange look. You see the girlfriend waving at you from a table in one of the corners of the main room, surroended by half a dozen twentysomethings you identify as Jack's friends.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:57 No.14905649
    rolled 28 = 28


    Observe the socialization around us, we can pick up some good information on human behavior here to fill in the gaps of our own knowledge.

    Ask the girlfriend if she's seen anything strange around the area or heard of mysterious disappearances, things like that. Be casual about it, mention hearing something about it on the TV.
    >> dice 1d100 Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:58 No.14905662

    Join the girlfriend and your friends.

    Play it up. We've just quit drugs, we're celebrating our new life, and we're most definitely not an alien parasite. Try to crack a joke or something, scour Jack's memory for one of the ones he knows pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:59 No.14905669
    rolled 96 = 96


    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)18:09 No.14905750
    You walk to them with an easy smile, and one of them shouts to the laughter of the rest"Here's the man himself! A drink to you buddy, round's on me!" and shoves a shot of vodka into your hands. You tell a joke about the quality of the drink he could afford, something the group often mocks him about, to the amusement of the others.

    >We've just quit drugs, we're celebrating our new life, and we're most definitely not an alien parasite.
    >This line cracked me up.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:15 No.14905807
    rolled 41 = 41



    Okay. We can kind of fade into the background of the party now, we made our big appearance.

    Let's work on singling out our girlfriend person and talking with her. After talking with her about how she's been and whatnot, segue into telling her about how we've got a weird feeling about all of that UFO crap that's been in the news. Ask her if she's seen any of that or has heard anything weird lately, and tell her you're worried about her.

    I think we can dupe her into helping us out if she thinks her boyfriend is still her boyfriend.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)18:24 No.14905913
    How many of you guys are there? Just kind of confused and would like to know.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)18:26 No.14905934
    Ugh, going to get some coffee, seems like my english is getting pretty bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:27 No.14905947
    dig deeper into jacks memory who of his friends has believes ( religion or spiritual ) or is an conspiracy freak.
    If we end up making an accomplice those might be got leverage points as in "an angle choose me", "I'm the reincarnation of someone important") stay away from the conspiracy ones
    also try finding more details on the relationship to our girlfriend how strong is her loyalty to the host?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:28 No.14905960
    I'm having a good time.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)18:43 No.14906114
    There really isn't anyone in the group who has strong religious beliefs or pays much attention to conspiracy theories, they are mostly college slackers and party animals.The girlfriend is somewhat loyal, she's been with Jack for a bit more than month. She's also a bit of an airhead and kind of ditzy.
    Luckily, it seems like they are used to giving Jack his space, as otherwise you would get lost rather quickly, their conversations switch at a speed that would be hard for you to follow.When you ask her, she says that she hasn't really noticed anything. Overhearing your question, one of the girls starts poking the guy who greeted you, grinning and saying "Come on, tell them what you saw. Come oooon." "Fine, fine, goddamit woman, you'll be the death of me. See, I was walking back home from this new place down on 2nd Street, the Gem or whatever, when I heard this whirring sound. I look up, and I swear to God, I saw something huge moving in the air, but you could barely see, just outlines, like in the Predator movies when they're cloaked, you know?" The girl laughs, and punches him in the arm."You've been hitting the good stuff without me, huh?" They start mock-arguing, which ends in them sneaking away, "for a quickie", as he tells you with a huge grin.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)18:45 No.14906129
    Jus asking because the last quest had a pretty heavily fluctuating amount of participants.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)18:57 No.14906248
    Buuuuuuuuump for missing players.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)19:16 No.14906410
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:23 No.14906478
         File1305242638.jpg-(117 KB, 500x333, problem_human.jpg)
    117 KB
    I have to go eat rather quickly, but I just finished reading through the last thread and this is very relevant to my interests. So.... reporting in.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)19:25 No.14906491
         File1305242746.jpg-(17 KB, 400x343, 8073-1288034169.jpg)
    17 KB
    >Go for coffee
    >Come back, post wall of text
    >Players have dissapeared
    >Finally getting to the point where the pace would pick up
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)19:26 No.14906501
    Oh, hey, didn't see you there.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:30 No.14906530
         File1305243039.png-(571 KB, 1920x1200, cyberman_linux.png)
    571 KB
    Damn humans and their mating interrupting what could be extremely useful intel.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)19:32 No.14906548
    Anything you want to do, or are you going to sit back for the rest of the evening?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:35 No.14906569
    I'll try to observe for now, and see if I can manage to work in some casual-sounding queries about what he saw if he gets back. We want to avoid drawing attention to abnormalities, so remain we'll quiet if we can't make it seem like Winters is talking the way he should.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:37 No.14906592
    We need to get to 2nd street but...without anyone noticing. Look for a back door or a bathroom with a window maybe?
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)19:40 No.14906627
    Rollan time then.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:42 No.14906650
    Rollan to try and weasel out some intel from the rest of them before trying to sneak out.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:43 No.14906658
    Apparently I do not know how dice work.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:44 No.14906678
    rolled 87 = 87

    E-mail field:
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)19:44 No.14906682
    noko dice 1d100 goes in the e-mail field.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)19:53 No.14906784
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:59 No.14906850
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)20:00 No.14906862
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)20:04 No.14906910
    I have no idea how you can mess this up. Type it in the E-mail field:
    noko dice 1d100
    Just crtl+c ctrl+v it
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)20:05 No.14906931
    rolled 58 = 58

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)20:06 No.14906939
    rolled 41 = 41

    >noko dice 1d100

    It should be:
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)20:07 No.14906955
    It doesn't matter, it gets filled in automaticalyy
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)20:26 No.14907172
    Anyone still here? Things are pretty quiet...
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)20:33 No.14907255
    Welp, my players seem to be of the phantom variety.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)20:45 No.14907389
    Sooo, gonna bump a few more times, then call it a day.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)20:54 No.14907482
    So I'm wondering, what happens when nobody posts for half an hour? Do peope just loose interest or what?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)20:58 No.14907519
    rolled 36 = 36


    Maybe. I just got home from work. You could call it a day and try again sometime tomorrow or later this week.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)21:02 No.14907551
    Yeah, might be a good idea. I'll study for some time, if none posts then I'll hit the sack and try again Friday evening.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:03 No.14907565

    I was out and about for a few hours, but I'm back and I'm pumped for your game. I'll continue if you feel like running it, Brain.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:04 No.14907574

    Welp, see you then I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:05 No.14907578
    rolled 26 = 26

    We should try and stay at the party for now leaving early might cause suspicion or hurt the girlfriends feelings and we don't want to have to deal with drama issues while we try to figure out our primary directive.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)21:06 No.14907592
    Well, it's prety much the same situation for me as with the first quest. It's already late as fuck for me, and I have to get some stuff done in the early morning, so I might as well stay up. I'd like to continue as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:08 No.14907617
    You're having troubles with player retention because your posts are short and fairly bland. Expand your posts out with more sensory details and engage us more in the fluff and interactions of the setting.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:09 No.14907621
    what would happen if we detached from the host. Not to us, but to him would he be mentally handicapped or something.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)21:11 No.14907640
    Had a feeling that that was the problem, I'll try to get my shit together.
    He'd be brain dead at best, most likely he'd just up and die.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:16 No.14907691

    It's implied that he'd be a brain dead vegetable, if not outright dead.

    I'm not sure we want to detatch from out host anyway. We can change our appearance, and if we go into a more living subject, we'd have to contend with their mind.

    Unless we want to know what's in someone's head, switching hosts isn't necessary.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:22 No.14907777
    So, what do WE actually look like? Anything that can pass as terrestrial or are some freakish eldritch horror?

    Anyway, I say we look around a bit more and try to get a feel for who our host is. We might be sticking with him for a while and there is probably no better time to gather intel. The other aliens can wait, I get a feeling they'll come looking for us and not vice versa.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:26 No.14907816
    Cool, lets start impersonating rich people.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)21:32 No.14907870
    You lounge around in your leather armchair, paying attention to Jacks friends, trying to figure out the patterns in their facial expressions and their body language as more and more people flood the dancefloor. It would seem that the main DJ has arrived, the music switching from slower monotone rythms to the fast paced,slightly distorted tunes taken from a song that's been popular lately. The already stifling heat only gets worse by the minute, the air getting filled with smoke by dozens of cigarettes glowing in the blue lights of the hall. Trying to distract yourself, you try to join the conversation, noticing something strange. You didn't see it before, but most of Jack's friends seem to be somewhat afraid of him, one girl flinching back when you lean forward for your drink.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:32 No.14907875

    Hey Brain in a Jar, would you let us know one way or the other if you're going to continue now or leave and come back later? I'm thinking later, but you also did post after you said it.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)21:34 No.14907889
    The real you doesn't have an actual form so to speak, at the moment you are tissue inside Jacks brain.
    >> Diarca 05/12/11(Thu)21:38 No.14907949
    Search Jack's memory for a reason as to this. Has he been abusive to them in the past?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:40 No.14907973
    rolled 22 = 22


    I'm guessing Jack Winters wasn't exactly a nice person. I don't know whether or not we want to change that image - we don't know what we're up against right now.

    Whatever it is, I think it's for the best if our 'friends' are willing to go out on a limb for us. We might need their help later if we need something.

    In other words, let's use the remainder of this party to be a generally swell guy. We're the new Jack - brain dead host Jack. Let's leave whenever the other people start leaving.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:44 No.14908016

    To be a bit more subtle, go up to your girlfriend and tell her that you feel you've been kind a dick to people lately. Depending on her responses, you should either go around apologizing or just try to shift toward not being a douche.

    BTW, is there any potential trolling value we can do with the shapeshifting or is our alien strictly humorless?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:46 No.14908054
    rolled 22 = 22


    Since we are the alien, it has whatever sense of humor we have. Plus it knows much of what Jack knows, so I'm sure it appreciates humor on some level.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)21:47 No.14908078
    Diving into your host's memories, it soon becomes clear that the tendency to get violent with strangers when high and the fact that he almost always carried his gun with him made his friends rather jumpy. He never physicaly hurt them, but he often got verbaly abusive, so they learned to keep some distance from him. The reason they sticked around seems to be that they depended on him to supply them with drugs, often at a discount. Deep in thought, you are startled when the girlfriend touches your arm. "You wanna get some air? It's getting pretty suffocating in here."
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)21:51 No.14908132
    rolled 4 = 4


    Do as she says. Try to be casual and such.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:01 No.14908306
    Try apologizing when you go outside with her. Ladies love it when you apologize.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)22:10 No.14908420
    "I,uh,well,yes?I guess?" She smiles and picks up her bag, leaving for the front door, worming her way through the crowd. You have a harder time following, the press of the bodies slowing you down, until someone spills most of their drink on your shirt. Some part of Jack resurfaces, and you give the guy a murderous look, apparently a very convincing one as he shirks away, muttering an apology. Having had enough, you force your way through the rest of the crowd pushing people out of the way. Stepping out on the street, you can feel a cool breeze in the air, drying your sweat and making you long for a warm coat. She's waiting for you, sitting on a bench with her legs crossed, lighting a cigarette."What took you so long?"
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)22:12 No.14908450
    >sorry for the speed, I managed to destroy a half written post by refreshing
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:18 No.14908530

    What took us so long? How'd she get out so fast? Whatever. Sit next to her on the bench or some such and chat with her. Find out what she's been thinking about - I bet having your jerk ass boyfriend doing a 180 degree turn is kind of surprising and she'd like to talk about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:27 No.14908627
    I'm getting an ominous feeling. I think we should tell her that all the news coverage about meteors has us spooked, and that we want her to be careful.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)22:27 No.14908628
    You sit down beside her, leaning back, enjoying the crisp, clear night air, and dig up some topics from Jack. You ask her how's work going("Terrible, that bitch Samantha won't get off my back, what's her problem?") how's the family, can she believe that those two went at it in the bathroom, throwing out any topic you find and listening to her intently. After a short silence, she looks at you. "You know, something's different about you today.You're, well, don't take it wrong, not a jerk today. You ask about me, and actually listen as well. What's really happened to you?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:31 No.14908656
    rolled 83 = 83


    Grin. "I don't know baby, I just feel like a brand new man. Better than ever. "

    (Delicious, delicious dramatic irony)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:35 No.14908702
    rolled 76 = 76


    Chalk it up to that near death experience. Say that when you were on the verge of death, you realized that you regretted who you'd become the last few years, and that you wanted to change who you were.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:37 No.14908724
    waitwaitwait alien bodysnatcher with shapeshifter weapon arms, selective amnesia, and somehow is a BETTER PERSON than the original human was?

    Fuck, we really ARE Alex Mercer, aren't we?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:39 No.14908738
    "I don't know, maybe something from one of those UFOs hit me in the head."

    Play it up as a joke, and gauge her reaction.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)22:42 No.14908767
    She gives you a sweet smile and says "Well, I for one like this new you.", puts her left hand around your shoulder and nestles her head on your neck.You stay like this for a while, content to let her have this moment, and look up at the cloudless sky, turned into a black void by the street lamps. You just start to relax, when you feel a jolt of pain in your head, followed by what feels like a host of voices, unintelligible but somehow familiar. You can only hear it for a split second, but after a moment, you hear it again, and again, and again, with the pause between it shortening.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)22:43 No.14908778
    Left out the obligatory Wat do?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:45 No.14908787
    rolled 66 = 66


    Oh shit did she see that? If she asks, just play it up as a headache.

    Actually, claim we have a headache anyways, drive ourselves home. I think whatever faction sent us is coming our way...
    >> Obsidian 05/12/11(Thu)22:49 No.14908834

    I feel... different after that last high. Better. I'm sorry if it bothers you...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:49 No.14908842
    Seconding the headache idea. Whatever's happening we don't want to be near a crowd while it runs its course.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:50 No.14908846
    rolled 49 = 49



    My bet's on xenos. If the voices seem benign, just blend in. If we're getting any bad vibes, we've got to get moving now.

    We need an excuse to get out of here. Tell the girl that you're feeling like heading off with her to her place - I'm not sure we want her stumbling on all those frozen chickens at ours - but we need to get moving, now. Get to the car. We barely took the first alien. This next guy could kill us or our pseudo friends.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:04 No.14909027
    rolled 42 = 42

    Girl's name?
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)23:05 No.14909030
    She looks at you with concern as you gasp from the pain."Are you okay?" "Yeah, just, this headache keeps coming back, I think I'll turn in for the night"With obvious worry, she says"Wel, if you say so. I kind of promised Tiff I'd go home with her, you don't mind right?Okay, make sure you rest, and call me when you wake up." She gives you a kiss, and heads back inside the club. Meanhile, you can feel the voices growing stronger, homing in on you. You hurry through the dark street, cursing yourself that you parked two streets down. Whatever it is, it's almost on you as you breakinto a run, only to see a girl, no older than fifteen, dressed in a punk rocker outfit, standing in your way. As you look at her, you feel a connection, somehow knowing that she is like you, your kin. For a second, you are relieved that finally found someone who can help you understand what's going on. Untill she looks at you with dead eyes, and says in a flat voice" You are deaf to the voices. You refuse your orders. You need to die." You can see the morphing on her arms, spikes being readied.
    Wat do?
    >I just remebered that I forgot to add in the abilities section that you can harden your skin into a thin bone armor
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)23:06 No.14909049
    Catherine. Should've mentioned that.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)23:07 No.14909068
    Typos, typos errywhere
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:08 No.14909086
    rolled 29 = 29


    We have a gun, right? Drill the bitch in the head. Use the distraction to armor up and take evasive action.
    >> Obsidian 05/12/11(Thu)23:08 No.14909089

    Oh god damnit. Wait, would it be possible to disable her? Pump her for info maybe?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:08 No.14909093
    Fight her (it), capture it, restrain it at home witht he rope from earlier, and question it about the mission. Failing that, terminate with extrime self-preservationy prejudice.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:10 No.14909111
         File1305256240.jpg-(45 KB, 494x371, imaFl2Paaa7DOiaaaO+TYhkDz0yw==.jpg)
    45 KB
    rolled 92 = 92


    Fucking hell, so now we have cyborg aliens AND our own kind out to kill us?

    The Hook-Sword arm and Spike combo worked pretty well for us last time, go for that again. Stay on the defensive, block with our sword-arm and punish her attacks with our spike.

    And bust out the bone armor. Might as well throw in all our chips for this one.

    pic related yet again.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:11 No.14909121
    rolled 22 = 22


    Actually, looking at the other suggestions now, it would be a good idea to see if we can incapacitate her first and interrogate her.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:13 No.14909148
    rolled 24 = 24

    Using powers takes up a lot of energy. All we've got to do is screw around with her until she runs out of juice, and beat her into submission and take her back to our place for interrogation.

    So. Armor up and let's start dodging like mad.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:14 No.14909152
    Do we know if there's a way we could temporarily disrupt the other bodysnatcher's link to the host? We're not exactly at the top of our game, so any little advantage might help.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:14 No.14909157
    How secluded is this area?

    Can we pump a bullet into a less-lethal location without causing too much of a scene?

    Also, change appearance (don't want our host copping a murder charge)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:17 No.14909197
    rolled 34 = 34


    This sounds like a good idea.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)23:25 No.14909291
    You feel an itching sensation as your skin turns into segmented bone plate, readying yourself for her charge. She rushes a you, and you barely have enough time to pull your head away fromher left palm, the spike shooting out from underneath it, missin you by an inch. At the same time, her right hand hits home, the spike burying itself into your stomach, shattering the bone on your stomach with a wet crunch. Yelling out in pain, you grab the right arm and push your spike through it, her forearm turning into leaking pulp from the impact. The hook-blade sprouts from your right, leaping downward in a blur, latching itself into her shoulder joint. She screams, the sound more like that of an animal than a person, as she kicks you in the cheast, pulling herself away from you, ripping the tendons in her shoulder in the process.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)23:30 No.14909347
    She crouches in front of you, her arms useless, her dress stained dark and her face painted a feverish yellow in the dim light of the street. You feel the voices again, but this time preceded by a wail, sounding like a small child crying for help. As you watch her, something get's knocked loose in you, a piece of information you never knew you had. You can absorb the creature inside the girl, killing both in the process, but there is a chance that you could gain what it knows this way.
    Wat do?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:32 No.14909365
    Devour the creature! What was our mission! Who are we?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:33 No.14909370
    rolled 60 = 60


    Drain her for knowledge.
    >> Obsidian 05/12/11(Thu)23:33 No.14909371

    We don't want to completely alienate our species, do we?


    Fuck it, eat the bitch
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:33 No.14909377
    If we're trying to figure out how *not* to be hunted by both sides of the apparent conflict, absorptionis probably the wrong answer here.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:34 No.14909383
    Our team is already out for us. We've gone off the reservation pal.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:34 No.14909394
    rolled 74 = 74

    Let us feast
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:35 No.14909401
    If our own kind rejects us, then it seems we have little choice in the matter. They will become our prey as well and we will show neither side mercy.

    Devour it. If we cannot be rejoined with the whole, we shall strip the whole apart, piece by piece.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:38 No.14909433
    rolled 34 = 34


    I'm still for capturing her alive. We might be able to get new information out of her as it comes in.

    Continue fighting with the intent to disable.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:41 No.14909470
    rolled 87 = 87

    C'mon people, let's be the bigger person and show some mercy.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:44 No.14909496

    Her directive is to kill us. We would have to have a way to keep her restrained AND effectively get information out of her constantly (without attracting attention due to having a bound, gagged, and badly injured TEENAGE GIRL in our house), and that seems like too much risk for an uncertain reward.

    Devour her.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:46 No.14909519
    rolled 64 = 64

    We can always absorb her after we interrogate her. My vote's for capture.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:46 No.14909520

    We are fighting for survival here against a faction that is much larger and with access to more resources than we have, both in terms of man(alien)power and information.

    We have no room for mercy in this fight.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)23:48 No.14909533
    You let out a hungry snarl, pouncing towards her. She turns and tries to run, letting out a weak whimper as you land on her back, pinning her to the ground. You reabsorb the spike and blade, your thumbs turning into needle-like extensions. Grasping her head with both hands, you plunge your thumbs into her skull, the bone giving away with a pop. You reach out from them, extending yourself in small tentacles, searching for the creature inside. It puts up a fierce resistance, denying you anything it can, ripping itself apart in it's struggle. You absorb what you can, and stand up, dizzy from the mass of information, too much to sort at once. You realize a number of things. First, this was an Infriltrator, the same thing you were supposed to be. Second, Infiltrators aren't supposed to posess te ability to sprout claws or blades, or grow armor. Third, the wail you heard was a distress signal of some sort, calling out to anyone nearby. It was answered by more than a dzen Infiltrators, and two creatures that she called Warriors.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:48 No.14909543
    >> Obsidian 05/12/11(Thu)23:53 No.14909582
    Our species is everywhere, Fuck!

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:53 No.14909588


    GTFO. NOW.

    Get in our car, drive away. Alter our appearance somewhat too, so that way if the girl sent out a broadcast showing what we looked like, they'll have a harder time finding us.

    But that bit of information was interesting, we're an Infiltrator but have access to combat abilities we're not supposed to have? I wonder what else we can do...

    We need to spend more time discovering our abilities. We'll need to have as many tools and weapons available to us as possible to weather the coming storm.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:54 No.14909594
    rolled 28 = 28


    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:56 No.14909631
    rolled 54 = 54

    get somewhere busy and in public(hey,they've been quiet so far) away from camera's just in case. a bar would be ideal. dig out whatever bits of her knowledge we can. focus on how they track. and what warriors are.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/12/11(Thu)23:57 No.14909639
    You feel sick, the untainted genetic information raging through you, burning you, changing you. It opens something, a part that is not supposed to be there.
    Choose two enhancements:

    Improved muscle and bone reinfrocement
    Harder Bone Armor
    Increased weapon strength
    Launchable bone spikes
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:58 No.14909648

    Harder Bone Armor
    Launchable Bone Spikes
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:59 No.14909667
    rolled 21 = 21


    Improved Muscle and Bone Reinforcement.

    It's something that can protect us when we're trying to be stealthy AND in combat, and will probably give a boost to our normal strength and resistance. A lot more utility than the other options, something that won't immediately give us away if we make use of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:00 No.14909675
    Harder Bone Armor: The Infiltrator forms can crunch through our current set, that's not very useful.

    Increased Weapon Strength: The "Warriors" probably have armor, which our current weapon evolutions might be ineffective against.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:00 No.14909686
    rolled 55 = 55


    Oh, we can pick two? In that case, go with Improved muscle and bone strength and harder bone armor.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:01 No.14909695
    rolled 23 = 23


    *Improved muscle and bone reinforcement
    *Harder Bone Armor

    That way we can tank damage and move faster, important when we're outnumbered. Agility is critical in combat.

    We can augment our combat prowess with human weapons, something I don't think our filthy xeno coutnerparts will think to do.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:02 No.14909699
    Will guns work on them though?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:05 No.14909731
    rolled 67 = 67


    Fuck if I know, but it's worth a shot. Taking a bullet to the eye or kneecap has got to do something to the human body, even if it's being biologically reinforced by some alien monster.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:06 No.14909739

    Changing my Improved Weapons to Muscle and Bone Reinforcement. It may be less effective in combat, but I agree it has more general utility.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/13/11(Fri)00:09 No.14909773
    You drop to all fours, pain coursing through you, as your body becomes stronger, your muscles becoming more efficient, the skeleton denser and harder and the bone plate doubling in thickness. The change complete, you stand up, shaking, feeling the power coursing trough you. As you orient yourself, trying to decide what to do, you hear a car speeding up. Turning towards it, your are momentarily blinded by it's headlights as it turns the corner, figures leaning outside the windows. You spot rifles in their hands.
    Roll for reaction! First three counts.
    >> Diarca 05/13/11(Fri)00:11 No.14909791
    rolled 44 = 44

    Dive into the nearest alley, get your gun ready, grow your new bone armor. Maybe try to get onto the rooftops?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:12 No.14909798
    rolled 55 = 55

    I hope we do well.

    I say we turn and run for the hills. Like, right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:12 No.14909810
    rolled 74 = 74

    Dive into an alley and look for a fire escape to clamber up.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:13 No.14909816
    rolled 14 = 14


    Dodge at 'em and vault over the car - they won't expect it and they won't be able to change direction that quickly. Run like hell in the opposite direction.

    That should give us enough time to break line of sight and get back to the car and DRIVE
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:17 No.14909860
    rolled 18 = 18


    Man. They do use guns.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:19 No.14909893
    probably a bad time to ask. but what kind of physical capability do we have?
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/13/11(Fri)00:20 No.14909918
    You leap, the concrete cracking under your feet, and soar towards the alley to your left. You hear the sharp stacatto bark of an automatic weapon,followed by the roar of several hunting rifles. Bullets bound of your side, their bite painful but bearable. The bone of your fingers extending, you grow out your claws, pushing them into the side of the alley, propelling yourself upwards in great bounds, scurrying to the rooftop of the building.
    Wat do?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:22 No.14909928
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/13/11(Fri)00:22 No.14909940
    Due to your newfound enhancements, currently unknown. Before, you were about twice as strong/fast/though as a fit human of your size and build.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:23 No.14909943
    rolled 75 = 75

    Improved muscle and bone strength and
    Launchable bone spikes.

    The improved muscle and bone strength helps both defense and offense, it makes all our attacks hit harder and makes us able to take more damage. It is also very subtle because there wouldn't be any visible changes so we could use it with normals around us.

    The launchable bone spikes open up an entire new form of attack. They're silent and not visible when not in use so they make a perfect assassin weapon. THey also let us keep out of reach of the warriors
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:24 No.14909957
    rolled 37 = 37


    Glad we got better armor.

    I say we go across the rooftops away from the road systems for a few buildings, drop down back to street level, and then find a crowd to blend into for a while. We could look through our hosts memories for a good street to end up on in terms of crowd density.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:24 No.14909959
    rolled 94 = 94

    . . .that answers my capability question.

    run. run. run. then double back and try to observe what they do. if we loose them.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:24 No.14909962
    rolled 90 = 90


    Run. Roof hopping. They can't follow in that car, and we've got the lead if they get out and try to pursue on foot.

    We should get off the roofs after we've ditched them - maybe get on a bus or lay low in a club or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:24 No.14909965
    lets retreat to that body we hid and try the nero thing on it see if we get anything usefull
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:28 No.14910018

    I think the parasite will have decayed. We won't get any use out of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:28 No.14910024
    rolled 38 = 38

    Flee along the roof-tops to get a bit of a lead, change our appearance and then return to ground level (being careful not to be scene returning to the gorund by anyone).

    Find a public phone and call the cops on the car if we saw the car's number plate.

    FInd somewhere to lay low for a while, I'm thinking either a club (because we'd be hard to find) or an internet cafe (because we could do some research at the same time)
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:29 No.14910038
    add on if possible:new face if we loose them. hope they cant track us through other means.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:31 No.14910054

    We've got the same clothes.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:32 No.14910070

    This is me. Add the phone the cops thing, report the license plate. The xenos are trying to be sneaky. Make it hard for them.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:34 No.14910095
    i admit. was hoping that all sapients and their trappings kind of look the same to them. but thats very true. and they may be more socially. . aware then we are. we just might be broken.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:38 No.14910143

    Our guy got brain dead before we were able to mind rape him. We're working off of nothing.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/13/11(Fri)00:40 No.14910162
    You run across the dirty roof of the building, putting everything you have into speed. You leap through the street, landing on a tiled roof on the other side, everything under your feet exploding into shrapnel from the impact. You move as fast as you can, barely sliding to a halt as a massive figure lands ahead of you, towering above you, it's spiked armor glistening sinisterly. It raises it's head towards the sky, a howl rippling forth from a fanged maw, the call answered from a the top of a building nearby. You turn to escape,as a faint whirring sound becomes noticable, and infront of your eyes a blurry outline clears out to reveal a vehicle of some sort( a VTOL, whispers Jack) in the sky for a brief moment, before spotlights blind you.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:41 No.14910171
    *pouts* shoot holes with logic in all my knee-jerk ideas. and its my first post in one of these too! mea culpa. that makes sence.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/13/11(Fri)00:43 No.14910208
    Aaaand this is where we stop for now. I hoped you enjoyed it after I got my narrative skills running at a half decent level, and I'll be coming back with the next part tonight. What would be best for you guys time-wise? It would seem that there are more interested players/fewer other quests running after 20:00 boardtime.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:43 No.14910212

    Welp. I don't think we're going to be able to get away. Let's act afraid and signal the VTOL for help. Whoever's in there is probably wise to what's going on, and we could use their assistance.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:43 No.14910217
    oh shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:45 No.14910236

    20:00 boardtime is great with me. About 5:00PM my time. I've been posting a lot, and I'll keep at it next time you're on.
    >> Brain In A Jar 05/13/11(Fri)01:06 No.14910438
    20:00 board time it is. Thread archived, I'll see you guys later.

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