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  • File : 1253395065.jpg-(35 KB, 420x254, Ant queen 4.jpg)
    35 KB Ant Quest -- A new way of life Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)17:17 No.5927362  
    >Previous threads

    Timestamp: 13 hours
    Most Eggs have hatched!
    140 Tyranid larvae - 2 hours to MM.
    140 ??? larvae. - 2 hours to MM.
    75 larvae 1 hours to MM. (IIwarriors)
    75 IIwarriors have MMed.
    10 Tyranid eggs next to large mineral cluster. ? hours to hatch
    10 ??? eggs next to large mineral cluster. ? hours to hatch.
    !! Mineral effect discovered - Delay growth?
    !! Unknown substance knowledge gained - Upgrade earned!

    Upgrade options:
    -Mandible strength
    -swarm speed
    -antenna sensitivity
    -chitin thickness
    -lifting strength
    -improved hive bond
    -improved egg clutch size
    -improve intelligence
    -Mutate new strain - scouts
    -Improve strain - Warriors
    -Improve strain - Diggers
    -Decrease sloth affliction by 10%
    -Mutate 1d4 random strains.
    -Produce new queen.
    -Random adaption (d30)
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)17:18 No.5927365
    Ant assignments:
    740 workers --
    30 harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    10 collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    15 digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 confronting aphids (5 sloth)

    50 tending larvae.
    100 .5 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    20 scouting east.
    40 digging new Royal Chamber -- DEEP
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    155 collecting roots from root clusters.
    10 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    25 confronting aphids. (20 sloth)
    20 tending to wounded ants (10 sloth)
    5 wounded ants (aphid venom)

    Warriors 240
    70 infernic (30 sloth), attacking an earthworm.

    10 subduing the aphids ~ Using lethal force to eliminate one aphid.
    15 wounded (aphid venom) (10 sloth)
    45 attacking an earthworm (20 sloth)
    100 traveling to secondary hive (75 sloth)

    IIwarriors 225
    25 guarding the entrance
    25 guarding the queen
    25 out patrolling in groups of 5.
    75 Waiting for Splendorious ants to act as diplomats then traveling EAST to foreign hive.
    75 newborn (Splendor)

    Diggers -- 190
    45 aiding the 80 workers (30 sloth)

    80 working on new queen chamber, food chamber, and nursery in far hive tunnels, 1 hour from the main depth shaft. (80 sloth)
    85 digging new food storage chamber. (60 sloth)
    10 expanding treatment center
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)17:19 No.5927372
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 20 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel. They haven't been finding much recently.
    Diggers have found a massive deposit, in the center of the close clusters.
    The massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry. 20 larvae are being cared for next to this massive deposit.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Eighteen clusters have been located.
    Scouting tunnels have enountered a new root! These are an hour's travel from the hive to the west, and an hour's travel back. These roots are thick, and solitary. They seem to extend very deep into the soil. The roots also appear to be covered in a black-grey slimy substance.
    Aphid pens: 13
    Aphid pen construction halted due to aphid rebellion.
    8 aphid pens occupied.
    !! Aphids are attacking the ants which are tending to them! -- the wounded have been moved from the area, and cannot work. The aphids appear to be cooperating with eachother, protecting themselves. The aphids are being contained within the pen area.
    The wounded ants appear to be suffering from the Aphid venom. It is unknown if they will survive.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)17:19 No.5927374
    The ants which are tending the wounded are not quite sure how to help, though they are keeping them well fed, using a variety of food types.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Treatment center: treatment capability: 300 ants
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Fourth food chamber: 1200 ants worth of food.
    Treatment center: 300 ants can be treated here.
    820 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant - Grain.
    1240 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant.
    485 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food. Plant - Biotic.
    450 ants worth of earthworm flesh chunks. x7 feeding ability. Strange energy food. Meat.
    1490 ants worth of earthworm guts. x1 feeding ability. Low energy food. Meat.
    1 aphid - 5 ants worth of food. x? feeding ability. ? energy food. Meat - Insect.

    Second hive chambers:
    Food storage size: 1800 ants worth. Max size.
    Nursery chamber: 600 larvae
    Queen's chamber: Can hold a single queen.
    Food Storage size: 1000 ants worth.

    Third Royal chamber: DEEP HIVE
    Time to reach desired depth: 1.5 hours.
    Time to finish Royal Chamber construction: additional 2 hours.

    Additional materials:
    Leaves:60 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)17:21 No.5927398
    >The second brood's queen needs a name.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)17:30 No.5927468
    Choose upgrade option: mutate 1d4 random strains.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)17:32 No.5927485
    >Will wait for 8 minutes longer -- no other suggestions and default will be first choice.
    >> ThatGuy !!VGs43RyCnbv 09/19/09(Sat)17:45 No.5927626

    I second
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)17:46 No.5927637
    >Defaulting to 1d4 strains. First roll after this post of 1d4 gets #. Then for each post thereafter 1d30 shall be rolled until the quality of strains has been determined for the number of strains created minus one. !! Brood Bonus, one strain will be selected from these options: Stalkers, Honeypot, Acidic.
    >Further decisions will wait 10 minutes if only one person is choosing. 3-5 people will default to first to 2 votes. 6+ will default to first to three votes. With two players choices will be debated until consensus.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)17:52 No.5927709
    rolled 2 = 2

    >> ThatGuy !!VGs43RyCnbv 09/19/09(Sat)17:55 No.5927729
    rolled 20 = 20


    Anyone else chiming in?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)18:03 No.5927802
    >20, normal strain. Selection options -- Colossal, Water-walker.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)18:05 No.5927815
    >Stalker ants: These ants are named for both their stealth capabilities and their longer than normal legs. Their front two legs are 50% longer than their other legs, and are used for complex communications through contact. These ants are unable to emit pheromones. They are noticeably faster than regular ants. These specialized ants must be requested in specific numbers before the queen lays eggs.

    >Honeypot ants: These ants are able to condense and store food and nutrients for extended periods of time. Nutrients can be excreted from the Gaster of these ants. They move at the speed of regular workers when unburdened by a large store of food, but slower than them with a large quantity of nutrients. The nutrients produced by these ants is a form of liquid sugar and cannot be stored in dirt or in the heat for extended periods, though the ants themselves can survive these conditions. They harvest food materials at a rate of a regular worker, but can instead convert it as they harvest into the nutrients for storage or bring it back like a regular worker. These specialized ants must be requested in specific numbers before the queen lays eggs.

    >Acidic ants: These ants have acid glands scattered throughout their body, and if crushed will release acid into the surrounding locations. These ants are resistant to acid of like ants, though such protection does not extend to other ants. Their mandibles can secrete an acidic coating as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:10 No.5927859

    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:11 No.5927870
    rolled 23 = 23

    woo woo
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:15 No.5927911

    So we pick between these for our first optional strain? If so, I say we get stealth ants. Our circle of awareness is pretty small as I remember it.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:18 No.5927940
    I want to join this quest.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)18:19 No.5927946
    >To clarify, two new strains are being produced. One choose between Colossal ants and Water-Walkers, the other choose between Stalkers, Honeypots, and Acidics.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:26 No.5928033
    Can we get stats on the colossal and water walkers?
    >> ThatGuy !!VGs43RyCnbv 09/19/09(Sat)18:27 No.5928039
    can you give us more background on both Colossal and Water-Walking? I understand the basic idea, but would like more detail.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)18:37 No.5928140
    Certainly can.
    >Water-Walker: Ants specifically designed to have a larger than average surface area on their undersides, or more specifically, their legs. Most ants are incapable of traversing over water bodies, or operating during the rain. Water-Walkers are capable of operating shortly after a rain and are able to travel over larger bodies of water, though water which moves rapidly is still dangerous. They are more or less identical to worker ants with the exception that they can traverse water and have a larger body, and summarily, slightly greater physical abilities but inferior combat potential.

    >Colossus: Gigantic ants towering above even the queen and WarriorIIs, Colossi are extraordinarily well designed for defense ability, and have moderate offensive ability. They however, require significantly more food than a normal ant, 5x as much once matured. Their great size helps them traverse distances quicker than some of their smaller relatives. They are however, incapable of utilizing the Diving substrain ability. These ants are close to the size of a ladybug, 10mm by 8mm by 5mm. They cannot travel through the current tunnels however.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)18:39 No.5928166
    >Current votes: 1 for stalker.
    1 vote to name the second Queen "Betty".
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:39 No.5928172
    Water and stalker ants, then.
    >> ThatGuy !!VGs43RyCnbv 09/19/09(Sat)18:44 No.5928244
    I second Water and Stalker
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:45 No.5928256
    Agreed on Betty

    Water and Stalker ants
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)18:47 No.5928275
    Water Walker and Stalker ant strains chosen.
    Queen Betty Decided upon.
    Proceed with directing the hive.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:49 No.5928298
    Votin' stalker and Colossus, although I fully expect to be outvoted on the second.

    I mean, we don't even have any water around us, but the Colossi could make killin' earthworms easier.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:51 No.5928313
    IIwarriors 75 newborn
    Have 15 assist with guarding / controlling the aphids
    Have 5 goind the groups of ants out patrolling in groups of 5.
    Have 5 ants assist in guarding the entrance
    have 5 ants assist in guarding the queen

    Have 20 assist in helping with the earthworm

    Have the last 25 head to the second base and start patrolling in groups of 5.
    >> ThatGuy !!VGs43RyCnbv 09/19/09(Sat)18:52 No.5928320
    If the wounded ants are showing no progression I vote they be gotten rid of, as it stands they are merely a drag on the hive. If we can't do anything for them, let them die.

    Do we still have the Warp Burrowing capability? I remember something like that from previous games.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)18:52 No.5928329
    Indeed, ants do have warped burrowing.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:54 No.5928340
    The wounded should be turned to food.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:55 No.5928351
    Well if we can figure out how to help then we may be able to get an upgrade out of it.

    Anti-Fate grants us upgrades if we do cleaver or interesting things. It isn't holding us back to have some ants dealing with this and healing / medical information can come in handy down the road.
    >> ThatGuy !!VGs43RyCnbv 09/19/09(Sat)18:56 No.5928356
    Can we get an update on the progress of attacking the earthworm? Are we making any headway at all?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:56 No.5928359
    Also, we found some new roots according to the last thread. Let's get some sloth workers on the ol' taste test. Draw five from the root cluster gatherers.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)18:56 No.5928362
    Of if we start eating them, we could get some kind of cannibal feat. I DUNNO.
    >> ThatGuy !!VGs43RyCnbv 09/19/09(Sat)18:58 No.5928385
    I second this opinion
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)18:59 No.5928388
    Earthworm combat progress unknown. It took some time to fell the first one.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:00 No.5928397
    How's about if we eat the wounded?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)19:04 No.5928442
    >I will not tell if specific actions will result in an upgrade ahead of time. You must use your own judgement in directing the Hive.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:05 No.5928452
    Have 5 of the wounded ants eat the dead aphid.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:07 No.5928470
    Have the ants trying to dig aphid pens stop and start digging a mineral storage chamber.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)19:10 No.5928512
    Aphid: x3 feeding ability. ? Energy food. Meat - Insect. !Kills wounded ants!
    5 dead ants - 15 ants worth of food. x? feeding ability. ? Energy food. Meat - Insect.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:10 No.5928516
    >The massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry

    Try digging around it, if needed it can just be part of the chamber.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:12 No.5928540
    >Aphid: x3 feeding ability. ? Energy food. Meat - Insect. !Kills wounded ants!
    >5 dead ants - 15 ants worth of food. x? feeding ability. ? Energy food. Meat - Insect.

    Have 5 ants that are tending the wounded eat the 5 dead ants. Have only them eat them.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:18 No.5928609
    Yeah, a controlled experiment.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)19:18 No.5928616
    rolled 12 = 12

    dead tyranid ant: x1/2 feeding ability. Entropic Energy food. Meat - Insect - Canabalism. ! The five ants which consumed the corpses have grown slower!
    !! Odd food source inspected! -- Own flesh. Xomgrade!
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)19:19 No.5928624
    >Sloth strain affliction decreased by 10%
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:21 No.5928642
    Xomgrade is the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:21 No.5928643
    I'm new here and have no idea what this means.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)19:21 No.5928644
    >Sloth strain affliction decreased by 10%
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)19:30 No.5928752
    >Require both larvae metamorphosis choices and egg laying choices. Stalker ants are produced at a rate of 1/5th normal ant production rate. 150 eggs to be laid by Tyranid Queen. Betty will not lay eggs this upcoming timestamp.
    >> AmbassadAnt 09/19/09(Sat)19:50 No.5929023
    Hey guys, sorry I missed the last session

    Tyranid eggs? oh god im going to have to read up the last thread, what did you guys DO?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)19:53 No.5929067
    >Just a name ambass.
    >> AmbassadAnt 09/19/09(Sat)19:59 No.5929128
    What is betty's status? ie location etc etc
    What is the name of our original queen?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:06 No.5929217
    75 Workers

    75 Stalker

    May as well get a good batch now for testing and getting used to them.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)20:09 No.5929255
    Betty is enroute to the secondary hive structure, and will begin her independent though supportive actions.
    Main queen goes by the name: Tyranid Queen, and it is her namesake for which the rest of the hive is named: the Tyranid Hive.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:16 No.5929353
    Have all workers that are building food storage keep building and upgrading foodstorage.

    Agree with having the Pen building ants start making a mineral storage area.

    The building ants at base 2 should be building food storage area, Improving queen chamber to max size, taking the hachery to max size.

    Have them splti evenly across the tasts. As they finish the queen and hachery chamber have the queen chamber group join the food storage group. Have the hachery group start making a treatment area.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)20:26 No.5929469
    >Where the HELL do you people keep getting the idea that some ants are digging more aphid pens?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:30 No.5929504
    I thought it said that the construction of new pens had been suspended. I am just trying to direct them to a new tast if they haven't been put on one already.
    >> AmbassadAnt 09/19/09(Sat)20:31 No.5929519
    Has food been moved to the secondary hive for the new queen? if not, do so,

    How are the aphids doing, if they have not been subdued sent 20 splendorous ant warriors to go separate them into individual pens
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:32 No.5929534
    Agreed. If we have more aphids then pens we should kill the ones that can't have their own pen.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)20:32 No.5929543
    >Yeah -- suspended, No ants are doing that right now. There COULD be more pens built before the chamber reaches maximum size, but they aren't BEING BUILT right now. The ones which WERE doing that, are currently confronting the aphids.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:33 No.5929550
    If we do this then we should take 5 treatment ants and have them feed on the dead aphids. This is only if they are not wounded. Have only the 5 ants eat the aphids so we can get a long term effect study going on it.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:37 No.5929592
    Ok, sorry for the mix up Anti-Fate.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)20:39 No.5929616
    >Still waiting on Larvae designations. --Future ants distribution will need to be decided upon AT the time of laying as opposed to when larvae metamorphose. Current output of eggs will be 75 workers, 15 Stalkers (75worth). Still need to know what the 140 tyranid larvae and 140 Betty larvae are going to become -- half of them MM as infernic you know.
    >> AmbassadAnt 09/19/09(Sat)20:41 No.5929635
    nids - 80 warriorII
    40 diggers
    40 workers(can we decide if they are majestic? having majestic workers working withthe aphids would be good)

    betty - 80 workers 80 warriorII
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:42 No.5929645
    >140 tyranid larvae and 140 Betty larvae
    >>100 tyranid larvae to be warrior 2s
    >>40 tyranid larvae digger ants
    >> 40 warriors 2s (if she can make them)
    >> 50 worker ants
    >> 50 digger ants
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)20:44 No.5929658
    >All tyranid born from now on will be SPLENDOROUS.
    >> AmbassadAnt 09/19/09(Sat)20:47 No.5929701
    leave the green text to anti-fate so it's easier to identify his posts please
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:48 No.5929713
    5929645 Here

    I change my mind to >>5929635
    Also sorry about the green text.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)20:52 No.5929757
    >Thats 160 for each queen. There are 140.
    >> AmbassadAnt 09/19/09(Sat)20:54 No.5929777
    I also refered to the splendorous ants as majestic, i am not ontop of things tonight -_-

    reduce nid worker and digger count by 10 each

    reduce betty worker count by 20
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:55 No.5929785

    nids - 80 warriorII
    30 diggers
    30 workers(can we decide if they are majestic? having majestic workers working withthe aphids would be good)

    betty - 70 workers 70 warriorII
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)20:56 No.5929802
    Sorry Anti-Fate, Trying to play from work and getting distracted. I'll try to more on point.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:26 No.5930141
    Timestamp: 13.5 hours

    70 Betty infernic MMed (35 WarriorII, 35 worker)
    70 Betty Larvae 1.5 hours to MM (35 warriorII, 35 worker)

    75 Tyranid eggs
    15 Tyranid stalker eggs
    70 Tyranid infernic MMed (40 WarriorII, 15 Digger, 15 workers)
    70 Tyranid larvae 1.5 hours to MM.
    75 Tyranid larvae .5 hours to MM. (IIwarriors)
    The Tyranid Queen has consumed 25 ants worth of food and produced 150 eggsworth.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:27 No.5930147
    Ant assignments:
    820 workers --
    30 harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    10 collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    15 digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 confronting aphids (5 sloth)
    15 Newborn (SPLENDOR)

    50 tending larvae.
    100 1.5 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    New species identified! Wasps, Scorpions, Spiders. 3 Upgrades earned! Images on their way.
    40 digging new Royal Chamber -- DEEP
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    5 collecting oozing roots. Return in .5 hour
    10 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    25 confronting aphids. (20 sloth)
    15 tending wounded ants (10 sloth)
    5 canabalism test subjects

    Warriors 240
    70 infernic (30 sloth), attacking an earthworm.

    10 subduing the aphids.
    15 wounded (aphid venom) (10 sloth)
    45 attacking an earthworm (20 sloth)
    100 traveling to secondary hive (75 sloth)

    IIwarriors 265
    25 guarding the entrance
    25 guarding the queen
    25 out patrolling in groups of 5.
    75 Waiting for Splendorious ants to act as diplomats then traveling EAST
    40 Newborn (SPLENDOR)
    15 guarding/controlling aphids (SPLENDOR)
    5 patrolling. (SPLENDOR)
    5 guarding the entrance (SPLENDOR)
    5 guarding the Queen (SPLENDOR)
    20 aiding the warriors against the Earthworm (SPLENDOR)
    25 Patrolling the second hive in groups of 5. (SPLENDOR)

    Diggers -- 205
    45 aiding the 80 workers (30 sloth)
    15 Newborn (SPLENDOR)

    80 working on new queen chamber, food chamber, and nursery in far hive tunnels, 1 hour from the main depth shaft. (80 sloth)
    85 digging new food storage chamber. (60 sloth)
    10 expanding treatment center
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:28 No.5930157
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 20 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel. They haven't been finding much recently.
    Diggers have found a massive deposit, in the center of the close clusters.
    The massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry. 20 larvae are being cared for next to this massive deposit.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Twenty clusters have been located.
    Scouting tunnels have enountered a new root! These are an hour's travel from the hive to the west, and an hour's travel back. These roots are thick, and solitary. They seem to extend very deep into the soil. The roots also appear to be covered in a black-grey slimy substance.
    Aphid pens: 13
    Aphid pen construction halted due to aphid rebellion.
    7 aphid pens occupied.
    !! Aphids are attacking the ants which are tending to them! -- the wounded have been moved from the area, and cannot work. The aphids appear to be cooperating with eachother, protecting themselves. The aphids are being contained within the pen area.
    The wounded ants appear to be suffering from the Aphid venom. It is unknown if they will survive.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:28 No.5930165
    The ants which are tending the wounded are not quite sure how to help, though they are keeping them well fed, using a variety of food types.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Treatment center: treatment capability: 300 ants
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Fourth food chamber: 1200 ants worth of food.
    Treatment center: 300 ants can be treated here.
    310 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant - Grain.
    1400 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant - root.
    485 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food. Plant - Biotic.
    450 ants worth of earthworm flesh chunks. x7 feeding ability. Strange energy food. Meat.
    1490 ants worth of earthworm guts. x1 feeding ability. Low energy food. Meat.
    1 aphid - 5 ants worth of food. x3 feeding ability. ? Energy food. Meat - Insect. !Kills wounded ants!
    0 dead tyranid ants. - 0 ants worth of food. x1/2 feeding ability. Entropic Energy food. Meat - Insect - Canabalism.

    Second hive chambers:
    Food storage size: 1800 ants worth. Max size.
    Nursery chamber: 600 larvae
    Queen's chamber: Can hold a single queen.
    Food Storage size: 1000 ants worth.

    Third Royal chamber: DEEP HIVE
    Time to reach desired depth: 1 hours.
    Time to finish Royal Chamber construction: additional 2 hours.

    Additional materials:
    Leaves:60 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:35 No.5930236
         File1253410539.jpg-(14 KB, 500x375, Spider 1.jpg)
    14 KB
    3 upgrades earned.
    -Mandible strength
    -swarm speed
    -antenna sensitivity
    -chitin thickness
    -lifting strength
    -improved hive bond
    -improved egg clutch size
    -improve intelligence
    -Produce new strain - Scouts
    -Produce new strain - Tyranid slayer (three options: Risk 1 upgrade, beat d30 DC 25. risk 2 upgrades, beat d30 DC 15. 3 upgrades, auto-success)
    -Improve strain - Stalkers (2 upgrades)
    -Improve strain - Water-Walkers
    -Improve strain - WarriorIIs (2 upgrades)
    -Improve strain - Diggers
    -Decrease sloth affliction by 15%
    -Mutate 1d4-1 random strains (d30). Can use 2 upgrades for 1d4+1 random strains instead.
    -Random adaption (d30)
    -Improved random adaption roll (d30, 2 upgrades)

    >Image is spider 1/3
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:36 No.5930245
         File1253410590.jpg-(40 KB, 657x480, crabspider.jpg)
    40 KB
    >Image spider 2/3
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:37 No.5930255
         File1253410623.jpg-(11 KB, 277x320, silverspider.jpg)
    11 KB
    >Image spider 3/3. Wasp images next.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:37 No.5930260
         File1253410666.jpg-(47 KB, 558x353, redwasp01.jpg)
    47 KB
    >Wasp 1/3
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:38 No.5930266
         File1253410698.jpg-(33 KB, 836x511, Blackwasp.jpg)
    33 KB
    >wasp 2/3
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:38 No.5930272
    15 Newborn (SPLENDOR) - Have assist with tending to the aphids.

    40 Newborn (SPLENDOR) - Have 25 guard the queen to make it a total of 30 Splendor warriors. Have the other 15 assist with the earthworm. Have the 25 others that are currently guarding the Queen join the patrols.

    15 Newborn (SPLENDOR)
    Have 10 join the team digging food storage
    Have the other 5 join the team expanding / making the queen chamber.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:39 No.5930277
         File1253410746.jpg-(298 KB, 1152x864, Whitewasp.jpg)
    298 KB
    >wasp image 3/3. Scorpion images incoming.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:40 No.5930292
         File1253410814.jpg-(17 KB, 320x274, Scorpion T.jpg)
    17 KB
    >scorpion 1/3
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:40 No.5930296
         File1253410848.jpg-(42 KB, 500x400, Psudoscorpion.jpg)
    42 KB
    >Scorpion 2/3
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)21:41 No.5930302
         File1253410890.jpg-(17 KB, 250x180, scorpian.jpg)
    17 KB
    >Scorpion 3/3
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)21:41 No.5930307
    -Mutate 1d4-1 random strains
    >> AmbassadAnt 09/19/09(Sat)21:56 No.5930441

    -mandible strength
    -improved random adaptation
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)22:09 No.5930558
    >Current votes:
    Improved random adaption: 1 vote (2 upgrades)
    Improved mandibles: 1 vote
    1d4-1 random mutations: 1 vote
    First to 3 votes gets it -- If unable to get 3 votes for things within 30 minutes, that which has 2 votes will be entered into revote as only options, first to 2 more votes.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)22:34 No.5930790
    >God damnit people, the three voted for ones right now can't ALL be chosen! D:
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:35 No.5930794
    -improve intelligence
    -swarm speed
    -chitin thickness
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:37 No.5930814
    5930794 here
    I Will change my votes to
    -improve intelligence
    -mandible strength
    -improved random adaptation
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:38 No.5930831
    With improve intelligence we may be able to handle the damn aphids better.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)22:38 No.5930834
    >And now 6 things are in the running:
    Improved random adaption: 1 vote (2 upgrades)
    Improved mandibles: 1 vote
    1d4-1 random mutations: 1 vote
    -improve intelligence: 1 vote
    -swarm speed: 1 vote
    -chitin thickness: 1 vote
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:39 No.5930839
    I vote for this one too, just to move plot forward.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:39 No.5930841
    Better smarts would be a good plan.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)22:40 No.5930848
    >Oi. READ. Improved random adaption is worth 2 of the 3 upgrades.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:40 No.5930850
    Intelligence, speed, sensitivity
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:40 No.5930855
    -improve intelligence
    -improved random adaptation
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:40 No.5930856
    changed his votes to mandible strength as well

    so theres
    2 for imp rand ad
    and 2 for imp mandi
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:41 No.5930859
    These sound good to me.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)22:41 No.5930866
    >Improved intelligence is chosen.
    2 upgrades remain
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:43 No.5930873
    -swarm speed
    -antenna sensitivity
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:45 No.5930892
    Random adaptability
    >> Electronic Cigarette electroniccigarette 09/19/09(Sat)22:47 No.5930910
    <b>Electronic Cigarette</b>

    Electronic cigarettes are great, it looks like a cigarette, feels
    like a cigarette, tastes like a cigarette but it isn't a cigarette. It's a
    non-flammable cigarette substitute that uses micro-electronic technology,
    which provides smokers a real "smoking" experience without the fire,
    tobacco, tar, or smell found in real cigarettes. You still get your
    nicotine without having to suffer many of the other negative side effects
    of tobacco smoking. It's smoking minus most of the bad effects! They even
    allow you to inhale and exhale a real smoke "vapor" that replicates real
    cigarette smoke.

    Since the <a href=http://www.webanswersbeta.com/health/general-health-care/other-general-health-care/>Electron
    ic Cigarette</a> does not burn tobacco or ash like a
    traditional cigarette, it is not restricted by USA smoking laws and is
    completely legal to use indoors i.e. restaurants, bars, etc. You can smoke
    anywhere, anytime! There are no needs for lighters and you don't have any
    messy leftovers to dispose of. The E-Cigarette is so much more than
    economical than other "traditional" cigarettes, you enjoy the traditional
    sensation of smoking, but avoid all of the other adverse side effects!.

    The new E-Cigarette works by utilizing a very small in line vaporizer that
    turns the liquid inside the cigarette into an atomized smoke mist. They are
    fully re-chargeable and each E-Cigarette can last a full day on one single
    charge. They make a variety of flavors that contain a either no nicotine or
    a high levels of nicotine, depending upon what your intended use is.

    Visit: http://www.webanswersbeta.com/health/general-health-care/other-general-health-care/
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:49 No.5930919
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)22:53 No.5930966
    >Improved random adaptation roll seems to have it. First post of 1d30 after this will determine quality.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:53 No.5930968
    rolled 22 = 22

    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:57 No.5931006
    ...what's going on!?!?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)22:58 No.5931027
    >22 Great adaption: Great Improved intelligence, Basic causal understanding, basic linguistic (verbal and nonverbal) analysis.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)22:59 No.5931035
    I came
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)23:00 No.5931038
    >Oh right. Only one of those though. Pick quickly god damnit.
    >> AmbassadAnt 09/19/09(Sat)23:01 No.5931042
    Fuck yes, handling those aphids will be easy once we can understand them, lay a new batch of splendorous linguistigants
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:01 No.5931043
    Awsome! I take it we will need to wait for the next batch of eggs for the upgrades?

    I think once we get some smartyants we can have them try to learn the aphids speach and also try to get them in line.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:03 No.5931058

    I vote improved great intelligence or causal understanding.
    >> AmbassadAnt 09/19/09(Sat)23:03 No.5931061
    damnit, didn't see this.

    I vote for basic linguistics
    Our splendorous AmbassadAnts will garner us many allies in the future
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)23:03 No.5931066
    >And all three of those are upgrades which will be retroactive and span the ENTIRE hive. Meaning the living ants will gain the benefit of whichever is picked.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:05 No.5931083
    Great Improved intelligence

    We'll have genius bugs.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:05 No.5931085
    basic linguistics
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:07 No.5931106
    Basic causal understanding or basic linguistic (verbal and nonverbal) analysis
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)23:08 No.5931122
    >Basic linguistic analysis has it.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:12 No.5931167
    I vote for I intelegence, Swarm Speed, and Scouts.

    Speed is always worthwile, if we get our Intelegence up we might be able to develope real medic atempts for wounded
    and scouts as they are likely still yet faster, we can use them as mesengers between away parties.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)23:16 No.5931202
    >! The warriors and workers can understand some of the pheromones given off by the aphids now. The aphids reek of fear, anger and frustration, and their posture suggests they are almost cowering when the ants approach them. They seem to be especially fearful of the warriors. There is also another pheromone left where the 2 slaughtered aphids died. There is also one pheromone which hasn't been identified yet emitted by the aphids.

    >Reports from the scouts indicates they could feel lots of anger, hate, death and death in the vicinity of the 9 newly encountered individuals bugs. One of the scorpions also seemed to emit a pheromone related to safety. The wasps seemed primarily interested in the spiders. The spiders seemed primarily interested in the wasps. The scorpions seemed to be interested in safety and fleeing.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)23:19 No.5931244
    >! Intelligence bonus: The root clusters around the hive have been recognized as the roots of the grass above. The large tap roots have been recognized as the oozing plant's roots. The large mineral cluster's exterior geometry has been identified as unnatural!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:24 No.5931313
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:25 No.5931325
    kill it!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:28 No.5931365
    maybe the aphids will be more productive if they calm the hell down
    >> AmbassadAnt 09/19/09(Sat)23:29 No.5931371
    Have the warriors back away from the aphids but block the exits, have our new SPLENDOROUS workers, grab samples from all of our food types as well as send 5 to grab anything green from the surface, place food near the aphids, watch.

    scouts, observe the wasps and spiders
    >> Anonymous 09/19/09(Sat)23:38 No.5931475
    If we end up having to ally with either wasps or spiders, I chose Wasps. It will give us respectable air power. Aditionaly social insect unity. Aditionaly many species of wasps/hornets (such as yellow jackets) can dig and make nests in the ground. Worker exchange programs. Our superior tunnel planning and digging abilities can work as trade for their military support as well as their ability to gather necture from longer ranges.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/19/09(Sat)23:46 No.5931573
    I gotta go now. . . Please finish making suggestions, and archive thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)00:13 No.5931872
    Search for fungus.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/09(Sun)00:37 No.5932120
    what is this I don't even

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