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  • File : 1250130531.jpg-(87 KB, 600x600, Well What The Fuck Now.jpg)
    87 KB Bad Guy Quest 10 The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)22:28 No.5435695  
    Alright you maladjusted menace, Let's bring you up to speed. You've captured number 6, he's that one scientist who claimed to be a reincarnated wolf spirit.

    This in addition to the two others you already have(3 and 8), means you've taken out a third of the competition and would you look at that. We're on quest number 10.

    3 became your base's floating holographic computer A.I.

    8 Is now a Loli-French maid who cleans with lasers.

    Someone discussed turning 6 into either a puppy loli or some other loli based off some chick that is part two-tailed cat or some shit.
    let's make one of those two ideas final and soon.

    You have too many secondary projects for me to care enough to name and explain each. Shall we get this shin-dig started?

    I guess I'll answer questions too, if you guys need more information.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:32 No.5435720
    Why do you always start at this hour, just when I'm about to head to bed?

    So, how are we on the WMD/Doomsday device front?
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/12/09(Wed)22:33 No.5435731
    Turn him into a dog that shoots bees when he barks.
    >> That one Techpriest 08/12/09(Wed)22:34 No.5435738
    I'd still like to stomp on his corpse after extracting all the data we need.

    But then again, we can use him in my experiments to create a new vehicle, with proper psycho conditioning naturally.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)22:34 No.5435740
    I start this late because when I tried earlier, we ended up with a much more random than normal thread. I honestly would like to start earlier though.

    As for our WMD's, I mean shit. You have an orbital laser, a fucking pyramid that spews enough lava to cover the Earth's surface, and if you ever die, the canister of nano-bots near your heart will go off, causing a gray goo dooms day scenario.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:34 No.5435742
    I'll go for a puppygirl with a collar, for thematic reasons and because being a dog is more humiliating.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:38 No.5435765
    Turn #6 into a puppy-loli. First thing that comes to mind is Horo, but she should be relativly harmless right now. Make her Ewok sized and earn her keep by working with #8. Later we can put her to work doing something like being on TV and indocterating children into loving us. (I love you, you love my master!)
    Oh, time to celebrate. Book the London Philharmonic Orchastra for a private show. Program a nice evening dress for #3 and take her out on the town.
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/12/09(Wed)22:41 No.5435786
    Make sure the lasers in your monocle are facing the right way.
    >> That one Techpriest 08/12/09(Wed)22:41 No.5435788
    Also, I'd like to test a scaled down Cobalt Bomb somewhere to see the effects.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:41 No.5435789

    Ah right. Makes sense.

    Okay, so, this wont do. We need a salted nuke launcher that can get strangehouse to leap out of his chair!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)22:42 No.5435794
         File1250131358.jpg-(92 KB, 600x600, Puppy-Loli-What-The-Fuck-Ever.jpg)
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    So something along these lines?

    I'm starting to notice there is some heavy "whoo"ing happening with Number 3.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)22:44 No.5435799
    You want to cause massive nuclear fallout? That'll raise a few eyebrows.
    >> That one Techpriest 08/12/09(Wed)22:44 No.5435805

    Agreed, Scientist Lord, would you prefer yourself to adjust the focusing lenses or should I do it? I've been meaning to make it more like a Hellpistol blast anyway.
    >> That one Techpriest 08/12/09(Wed)22:46 No.5435816
    Not quite, something more on the scale of five square, or cubic miles if you would, taking into factor the fallout and prevalent winds of the areas at hand.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:46 No.5435823

    Its one of those just in case things.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:47 No.5435832
    Looking good.

    If we're going to take time off, let's ask 3 what she'd like to do.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:47 No.5435834
    Don't we already have a dog? That also happens to be a world class detective. I think cat thing would work out much better also spite them since they would probably like being a dog.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:49 No.5435847
    I think we should consider creating a cult and charging people to get in sure we don't believe in god or any variation, but suckers do. It worked for that sci-fi writer and he managed to create his own navy imagine what someone with your influence could do.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:49 No.5435848
    Horo is a wolf and a detective. #6 is a pet. She probably hates being a pet, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:49 No.5435853

    We already have sherloli-holmes, make her a bunny.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:50 No.5435863
    what the fuck is this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:50 No.5435872
    How about just a dog this time?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:51 No.5435885
    Cute as all get out. Perfect replacement for Barney.

    The whole dynamics of having an evil wife will keep your mind sharp. Molls grow tiresome, a smart wife will be there to give moral support and advice you can count on.
    Or at least all of the plotting between missions will keep you entertained.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:51 No.5435886
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:52 No.5435895
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:53 No.5435903
    I suggest using the North Sengelese island as a testing ground. Nothing there except for some xenophobic tribals.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:53 No.5435905
    I am going to 2nd the bunny plan.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)22:53 No.5435907
         File1250132008.jpg-(145 KB, 600x600, MECHANUS OMNISSAIH!.jpg)
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    Yeah, fine alright. It's not like I'm busy plotting to take over the world. Go fix it in some corner and pray to it or whatever you do.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:54 No.5435918
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:54 No.5435923
    >> Scribble !!lJ3L9/7XgeF 08/12/09(Wed)22:55 No.5435924
    You're wasting you time, scientist.

    There is a girl in dire need of some awesome CYBERNETICS.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:55 No.5435931
    WAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHh- wait, what's going on? Why are people saging all of a sudden?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:56 No.5435941
    Saging is the new and revolutionary way to compare epeen sizes. The harder you sage the more the Emprah loves you.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:56 No.5435945

    Consult 6 on what he knows about the rest of 9, then play fetch with him.
    >> That one Techpriest 08/12/09(Wed)22:57 No.5435946
    Fuck, if I can build a Warhound Titan I can do a lot of shit.

    Wait, What if we introduce Promethium to the market?

    And here's your monocle back.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:57 No.5435952
    Dunno, beats me.
    >> Specific Fantasy RPG 08/12/09(Wed)22:57 No.5435957
    So we just took down number 6...
    Buy up as much media as we can, all over the world. Our takeovers of Russia and South America were both heavilly reliant on our media ownership. Do it in a non-suspicious way though. Then we'll make one final push to get total global saturation for our candy before enacting the climax of Operation: Candy.
    also, status of Operation: Loli-Anime?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:58 No.5435958
    Puppies are cuter, IMO. Do we have any specific programs set up for manipulation of the masses? Going the Children's show with Patty, the Puppy-loli route would be an excllent long-term plan for future minion recruitment.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)22:59 No.5435968
    I'll sage because we never got those tentacle monsters to sell hotdogs :<
    I am disappoint scientist
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:00 No.5435974
    Interrogate 6.
    So far we followed 3 to find 8 and 8 to find 6. Hopefully 6 has a clue for us on our next target.
    Contact Sherloli Horomes as well. Tell her we have a new plaything for her, and then ask her how the hunt goes.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:00 No.5435977
    We've already got an anime based on the original 5 lolibots. At least, I think we do. Maybe they're just a heavy metal band.
    >> Scribble !!lJ3L9/7XgeF 08/12/09(Wed)23:01 No.5435983
         File1250132460.png-(4 KB, 326x275, Scribble Cleric of Pelor.png)
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    By the way, scientist, do you know what happened to that thread where you and this elf chick were being chased by dragons in a jungle? And I volunteered to be heal bitch but it was too late?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:01 No.5435991
    We bought up all the animation studios in japan. The show is in production as we speak, I believe, and we're using our media ties to heavilly pre-promote it.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)23:01 No.5435993
         File1250132510.jpg-(139 KB, 600x600, SAGE.jpg)
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    It was retcon'd.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:02 No.5435997
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:03 No.5436008
    Dont listen to them scientist! Come! Let us build WMDs and silly doomsday devices!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:03 No.5436009
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)23:04 No.5436016
    Not sure, but damn if I wouldn't do that shit again in a heart beat.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:05 No.5436029
    So #6 obeys all our commands and stuff now right? Like... sit, stay, roll over...?

    How are the girls reacting to the new family pet?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:06 No.5436044
    With our stranglehold on the world's energy market, begin selling to countries while subtly making sure that they know you could cut them off at any time. While doing this, begin construction of a Space Station base and Space Elevator, from which we will colonize the stars under our rule.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:07 No.5436051
    I liked the Chen, two tailed idea. That way, we can fuck the guy up with catnip. Crack for cats.
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/12/09(Wed)23:08 No.5436053
    Using the money spent on oil to fund a new energy source?!?!?!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)23:08 No.5436056
         File1250132892.jpg-(81 KB, 600x600, Aww Man, Fine.jpg)
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    Alright, I guess. Geez, let's see. What kind should we make?

    Oh, and someone wants me to interrogate number 6 right?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:08 No.5436061

    Meteor fortress! Big enough to wipe out the world dinosaur style if it crashes!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:09 No.5436068
    Rapping tentacle monster hot dog seller plox.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:09 No.5436072

    We already did. We've developed fuel cells based on methane crystals harvested underwater.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:09 No.5436074
    Moon magnet? Something to crash the moon into the earth? We'll rig it up to the Fuck The World button.
    And yes, Interrogate 6. Tell her to Speak. then give her a biscut and call her a good dog when she obeys.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)23:10 No.5436077
    Pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:11 No.5436085
    Soooo ...

    What's Quasi Baroness up to?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:11 No.5436087

    Massive gravity gun that could send the earth flying into the sun.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:13 No.5436112
    I'm ashamed to say it but... Could we make a lolification virus? Using 6's science, wouldnt it be possible to invent a bacterial strain or virus that we could use to turn everyone in the world into a loli?
    Can we rig it up with some kind of activator so it can spread undetected, then be activated all at once whenever we so desire?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:14 No.5436116

    The Scientist, despite your brilliance in most respects, you cannot seem to grasp the fundamental core of Evil Science. Your Evil Science e-peen is directly correlated to the number of doomsday devices you've built. The more doomsday devices you have, the more the Evil Scientist ladies want to fuck you and the more the Evil Scientists respect and fear you. It doesn't matter how impractical having multiple doomsday devices is. It's a status thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:15 No.5436124
    No! We want to rule the planet, not blow it up! What are we, a MAD scientist!?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:16 No.5436133

    Never said we would use any of them. Just having them is what matters.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:17 No.5436140
    This Anon knows too much.
    >> That one Techpriest 08/12/09(Wed)23:17 No.5436144

    If I'm correct, we already have a orbiting laser, a bizzare ass pyramid, a canister that enacts some sort of Doomsday if he dies, and I'm setting up a Cobalt bomb network all over for the "Fuck the World" situation.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:18 No.5436150
    Wait... who are you again? And what are you doing in our fortress?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:19 No.5436154
    Well, the orbiting laser is a strategic weapon. It's not going to blow up everything, just a city or two. Maybe.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:19 No.5436155

    Kind of like skinny fashion really, everyone does it, skinny is best even if it kills you.

    Only this is cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:20 No.5436160
    Personally I wanted you to rip all his scientific knowledge of genetics off of him and degrade his intelligence into something only just above a beast.

    But whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:21 No.5436173
    By the why my lord did Determined minion ever get that promotion?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)23:21 No.5436174
         File1250133707.jpg-(126 KB, 600x600, Ha! HOW IRONIC.jpg)
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    We'll think on that moon magnet idea, I mean a few quests back, we were dead set on a moon base.

    You go ahead and play your demented part, telling 6 to "speak" you go about asking what she knows on the whereabouts of number 8.

    She looks off to the side, crossing her arms, ears drooping. "I don't really know. Elizabeth called us up the night before to get a few experiments ready for some sort of rock off. Wolves don't rock out with instruments though."

    Handing 6 the dog treat after asking for information, you inwardly pat yourself on the back for making fun of a certain scientist's predicament.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:21 No.5436175

    Don't go knocking the pyramid. Do you know how much money and effort we've sunk into it? It hover and move, it's bristling with laser weapons, is heavily armored, has a deflector shield capable of withstanding nuclear blasts, houses the most powerful AI known to man, can fuck the world with lava, and houses a factory for mass-producing war drones. We're almost invulnerable when within it.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:23 No.5436192
    What happened to the PROMOTIONS minion from last time? We should give him cool stuff to do since he was so awesome- and his new name should be Hunk.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)23:24 No.5436196
    This idea is horrifying. My god. Why would you give everyone such an easy idea on turning EVERYONE into a Loli?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:24 No.5436197

    Also, we have a space-base that need building. The number of bases is a contributing factor to Evil Science e-peen. Not as crucial as doomsday devices, but still important and much more practical.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:24 No.5436198
    Damnit! Ok. Contact Sherloli Horomes. Lets see if she's on the case.
    Hey, are our candy sales reaching 100% of the industrialized world yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:24 No.5436199
    Enough doomsday talk. We need to find a few leads on our next targets. Also I suggest using #6's bio-engineering to enhance a number of our minions. After all what kind of scientist would we be if we didn't have our own super-solider program. Later rent out super soldiers to high paying customers on the black market.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:25 No.5436211

    Right so no information then? Contact Loli-Bond and Sherloli-Holmes to see if we can find another of our enemies.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:26 No.5436224
         File1250133989.jpg-(18 KB, 300x454, Hunk.jpg)
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    >> That one Techpriest 08/12/09(Wed)23:27 No.5436237

    Hmm...does it happen to draw material from the lava for the warfactory? If so, I'm informally dubbing it the Star Forge.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:28 No.5436245

    Remember how that first poster suggested the original loli? Every day I exult in his misery and overwhelming guilt.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:29 No.5436258
    We never had a proper celebration for our recent victories. Call in the loli-bots three and the baroness and throw a party. Get the lolis nice gifts the Baroness some vacation time and perhaps some nice virtual jewelry for three. And hell why not invite that one minion and give him some cool shit for being so damn awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:30 No.5436271
    Give the Lolis LASER DEATH PONIES!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:32 No.5436302
    No not something deadly. They deserve some nice toys or video fames. Something they cane enjoy in their down time for being the best things that ever could have happened to us.(remember family man back story.)
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:34 No.5436323
    Well, the LASER DEATH would be activatable only by us of course.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:35 No.5436336

    Oh my god... It's... It's beautiful...
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:35 No.5436340
    Have we considered growing a goatee yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:35 No.5436344
    Also wear a nice suit under that lab coat remember Scientist your a gentleman as well as a scientist.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:37 No.5436356
    Gentlemen, you know now what we must do.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)23:37 No.5436357
         File1250134643.jpg-(119 KB, 600x600, Intelligence We Don't Need No (...).jpg)
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    You dial up the two in one go. Loli-Bond looks slightly distracted, Sherloli-Holmes looks contemplative.

    Ask away on to the location of your next foe!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:39 No.5436382
    Girls, Good news! We have a new puppy. She is adorable, even if she does pee on the carpet. Now. Status report. Any leads on the remaining members of the 9? Sherloli, why are you so distraccted?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:39 No.5436394

    First, ask why Loli-Bond is distracted, and then tell her to run a search. Ask Sherloli if she has singled out any areas where we are likely to find one of our enemies.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:41 No.5436409
    Sorry, meant to direct the "why so distracted" at bond
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:41 No.5436412
    Why does loli-bond always look so distracted? Every time we contact her she seems to be distracted. Ask her to point her wrist communicator off to the side she keeps looking. She must obey us if not there may be something up here.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:41 No.5436414

    They're plotting something.

    >> That one Techpriest 08/12/09(Wed)23:42 No.5436417
    I also request to know if there is any sign of Imperium activity, or if there is any psychic disturbances on the globe.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:44 No.5436443
    Shut the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:44 No.5436448
    She's deep undercover, remember? We always end up calling her at the worst possible times and if anyone ever found out it would be bad news all around. Plus she's probably got a boy there. I'll bet they were totally holding hands and making out.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:44 No.5436449

    Please stop trying to turn this into a WH40K quest thread. You're 38,000 years too early.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:48 No.5436480
    ( To Loli-Bond ) - "Sherloli-Holmes is acting contemplative lately. Too much so. Something's up. I need you to track & observer her."

    ( To Sherloli-Holmes ) - "Loli-Bond has been very distracted lately. I need you to find out what she is up to."
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:48 No.5436482
    Allow us to assuage our suspicion. Find out why loli-bond is distracted.
    >> That one Techpriest 08/12/09(Wed)23:49 No.5436498

    Fuck man, if I'm here so could they.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:51 No.5436516
    Remember, our robots cant directly disobey us. Lets just ask whats up.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)23:52 No.5436522
         File1250135526.jpg-(121 KB, 600x600, Another Intriguing Series Of I(...).jpg)
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    Loli-Bond takes a second to look at the screen of her watch communicator.

    "Um... Alright."

    Sherloli-Holmes goes about the normal jubilations most young girls are known for.
    Once again, Loli-Bond's eyes shift from side to side.
    "You're sending me encrypted messages wirelessly into a high security spy organization. It's kinda risky you know?

    Don't worry though, I'll take a look into the MI6 database after this and call back. What am I looking for?"

    Sherloli-Holmes, smiles slightly.

    "The biomechanic engineer right? Have you tried any countries with an exceptional level of MANLINESS?"

    Bond blinks at the statement and stares through her spy watch into Sherloli-Holmes monitor.

    "That's... You can't be serious."
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/12/09(Wed)23:54 No.5436548
    Sorry. I only drew that for a gag. Let it slide alright? You're the Schrodinger's cat of Bad Guy Quest universe as far as I'm concerned.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:55 No.5436564
    We've already been to Russia though.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:56 No.5436574
    I say Sherloli, I do believe you're on to something. Better explain to Watson what you've discovered though, you know how she is.

    Give lolibond ongoing orders to keep track of any activity that could be the work of the 9. This is an ongoing thing, and she should know it. we'll need her ready when we call next time. As punishment... she has to go hold hands with a boy. Thats an order! Now get to work on tracking down those scientists. We'll see what we can do from our end to make these transmissions safer in the future.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:00 No.5436613
    "Hmm... Are there any other countries with a high MANLINESS ratio?"
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:02 No.5436632
    What are the specialties of the remaining 9? I forgot.

    Have lolibond look for activity that fits any of their modus operandi, including the ones we've already dealt with. Anything that leads to one might lead to the others.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:02 No.5436634

    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:02 No.5436636
         File1250136147.jpg-(120 KB, 600x600, My God.jpg)
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    Whoops, forgot the picture.

    Sherloli will most definitely explain her deductions to Watson after this call.

    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:03 No.5436651

    Canada, Great Britain, and Australia in WW2 era.

    France for plenty of points in history, too.

    As for current day, not quite sure...
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:04 No.5436656
    For a whole 20 seconds. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:05 No.5436667

    Disregard him. No punishment yet. Loli-Bond is the least loyal robot, and while she cannot lie to us nor disobey a direct command, she is capable of lying by omission. After she's hung up, give Sherloli secret orders to investigate loli-Bond.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:06 No.5436681
    We should bio enhance our minions. Just for the lulz really. Also to kick god in the balls some more.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:06 No.5436685
    Do we look like we're kidding? Just make it look natural.
    Hmm... perhaps we are being too harsh though... Find us some data on this biomechanic member of the nine post haste, or else you shall see just how serious I am.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:08 No.5436703

    If they don't comply put on our red eyed RAGE face.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:10 No.5436721
    Its got to be Canada. Lumberjacks and Curlers.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:10 No.5436726
         File1250136646.jpg-(118 KB, 600x600, All I Have To Do Is Erase And (...).jpg)
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    "We obviously have a mystery in need of solving. Which country would have the most OUTRAGEOUS beards and men who can drink almost twice their weight in alcoholic beverages...?"

    "What?! That's stupid! You're stupid!"
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:10 No.5436727
    We need to ensure loli-bonds loyalty have 3 hack Security footage of MI6 and what exactly loli-bond is up to. She's surrounded by some of the best information gathering equipment in the world but she has not even once given us a lead on our targets. Sherloli has done more with a magnifying glass and a sidekick than she has. If she is being loyal give her a little gift for doing such risky work but don't apologize she must not grow suspicious of our suspicion.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:12 No.5436752
    Aww tsundere-bond is tsundere. We know there's some boy she likes. Note to self practice speech for when she brings a boy home.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:13 No.5436755
    For the record...

    #? - Elizabeth - Robotics. Head of the 10.
    #? - Biomechanic design.
    #3 - Human to computer A.I. Interface technology.
    #? - Advanced psychotherapies still in testing.
    #? - Rptiles and ways in which we could apply their adaptations to modern uses.
    #6 - Gene splicing.
    #? - New surgical techniques not even dreamed of.
    #8 - Applied Laser technologies
    #? - Poisons, his latest study involving spiders and other such insects."
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:13 No.5436760

    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:13 No.5436765
    We're looking for dwarves?

    Other than that, sounds like Germany to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:13 No.5436768
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:14 No.5436774
    You guys are changing a 40-something year old secret agent man into a girl. This is horrifying once again.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:14 No.5436778
    Is Boatmurdered a country?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:15 No.5436781
    And your talking to the voices in your head which is worse?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:17 No.5436800
    Good point.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:17 No.5436806
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:17 No.5436811
    Look. He stood against us. This is what he gets. Now he's behaving suspiciously, which is worse.

    Lets have #3 work a security hole into MI6's communications networks so that we can inoculusly contact our little girl anytime we need to.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:17 No.5436818
    Which is why it is glorious.

    Also, what's the status on our PR? We still heroes?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:17 No.5436819

    What do you expect? You're giving 4chan, a decrepit hive of scum and villainy, a chance to be genuinely villainous. Of course we're going to be villainous! We're just going to dick around with people in horrific but non-fatal ways for a sort of personal touch you wouldn't get anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:19 No.5436840
    Whatever our status is, buy more media holdings.
    And give us a report on total world candy saturation. We need this at 100%!
    >> Lion'el Richie !HdbvGtoIhw 08/13/09(Thu)00:20 No.5436843


    It's in the music, broseph.

    The music of LIFE.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:20 No.5436845
    Side-Story where you battle it out with the voices in your head for supremecy?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:21 No.5436861
    Dude, we're the voices
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:23 No.5436881
    All the better. Whoever he triumphs over gets banned for a week or something.
    >> Inner Sadist 08/13/09(Thu)00:27 No.5436926
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:28 No.5436937
         File1250137707.jpg-(125 KB, 600x600, This Is Verging On Ridiculous.jpg)
    125 KB
    Sherloli Furrows her brows more, bubbles erupting from her pipe. "I think it is not... I myself and finding this to be a fairly complicated puzzle to solve.
    "Whoa! I'm sorry ok? Look, can I go already?"
    Asking the COMPUTER EXPERT to HACK? WOW. Oh, and yeah. She did it.
    Yep and Brazil loves you too. Add that to your ever growing list.
    At random? if I had to guess on candy saturation, probably a good 30% give or take.
    This is a mind bending conundrum I'd rather leave be at present.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:28 No.5436941
    *Sigh oh all right* While Lolo-holmes and Bond-Holmes are searching, lets go out on the town to celebrate our triumph over #6
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:30 No.5436954
    "I think it is not... I, myself am finding this to be a fairly complicated puzzle to solve."

    Quick edit for my shit illiteracy.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:31 No.5436969
    Let lolibond go. But warn her that we expect results.
    Make following suggestions to Sherloli: Canada, Scotland, Australlia.
    Tap into mi6 security feed to find out what Bond wanted to get back to so badly.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:32 No.5436982
         File1250137956.png-(61 KB, 230x173, 230px-Bandit_Keith.png)
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    We should continue our search............IN AMERICA!
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:34 No.5436996
    Lets build some robotic ponies for the lolis.
    And buy up big, influential media holdings. They have proven invaluable in the past.
    Also, buy more candy companies. We need a candy bar in every childs hand when we make the recall.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:34 No.5436997
    Why are we even bothering with revenge anymore? I mean, we already covertly rule the world.
    >> Inner Sadist 08/13/09(Thu)00:36 No.5437016
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:37 No.5437026
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:37 No.5437028
         File1250138268.jpg-(110 KB, 600x600, Off And Away.jpg)
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    Loli-Bond leaves the conversation quickly and rather flustered.

    Sherloli-Holmes offers a quick salute.

    "I'll do my best!"
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:38 No.5437037
    now this! >>5436996
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:41 No.5437065
    Now tap into the security feed so we can see what was keeping bond so distracted. If its something insignificant than we'll know to punish her next time.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:42 No.5437072
    Because we're mad. Maladjusted, insane, vengence-craving. What means the world, if we cannot have revenge?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:44 No.5437090
    Actually did the other scientist's have any staff working for them? Researchers, minions, janitors anything like that? If so we could let some of our more "persuasive" minions see if they can pry any information from them. If not try looking into black market purchases. Any high end technological equipment being sold? If we can't find any we should have some minions steal something than offer it for sale chances are some of our rivals may be interested. If not whoever does buy it may have some information we can use to narrow down our searches.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:47 No.5437119
    Buy up the media in Ausieland, Scottland and Canada. We'll be heading there eventually, so might as well do it now...

    wait... Canadian media. Lol. Buy up the American Media.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:47 No.5437125
    *sidelong glance to three*

    "Ok? What are the gals up to?"
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:50 No.5437151
         File1250139019.jpg-(96 KB, 600x600, Why Ponies Why.jpg)
    96 KB
    Fine. Alright. We build the freaking ponies and I guess we'll give them as a gift.

    You've been doing the other two almost aggressively. Some just won't sell especially in America.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:51 No.5437164
    Get an angry Russian minion to start torturing people reservoir dogs style. Why Russian? Because they always sound threatening.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:52 No.5437169
    Hm. The beards bit really makes me think Germany. Perhaps we should move in there?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:53 No.5437181
    They pretty much worked by themselves didn't they? 3 for sure but maybe 8 had a few lackeys.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:53 No.5437188
    Beards & beer? .. Ok, it's not one of the Islamic countries ..
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:54 No.5437191
    Lets take that "fake movie" footage from the attack on 6 and turn that into an oscar-winning smash hit.
    Promotional tie-ins are a must.
    We also need a loli-video game series to go with the anime/music/candy.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:55 No.5437207
    She shall be called Moonshadow, and Raven will love her very much.
    >> Scribble !!lJ3L9/7XgeF 08/13/09(Thu)00:55 No.5437208
         File1250139328.png-(4 KB, 326x275, Batman.png)
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    I gotta wonder, in this world of mad science, are their super heroes to rival those such as we?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:56 No.5437210
    Lackeys? Shit. They're secret scientists. They do secret shit. I don't even want to begin complicating this any further by having secret lackeys. You know what? I'll tell you if they have lackeys.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:57 No.5437225
    I am never Loli-fying Batman.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:58 No.5437236
    Scan the media we control. See if we can find any reports of biomechanical tomfoolery about. What countries currently have the best bio-mech technology? Have baroness start scanning shit and crunching numbers ASAP. And lets get her to find out the most beer-drinking, beard-growing country around too.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)00:58 No.5437242
    What people? Or which people?
    >> Scribble !!lJ3L9/7XgeF 08/13/09(Thu)01:01 No.5437266
    I'm not saying you should. I'm saying you should make sure neither he nor any of his costumed chums bust into your lair and ruin your day.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:01 No.5437268
    I... I think he means random people...
    But that seems counter productive...
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:01 No.5437270

    Doesn't matter. They need the practice & we'll need the capability eventually.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:02 No.5437282
    Just make sure he's not wearing the minion suit when he does this. We have a reputation to uphold.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:03 No.5437292

    >most beer-drinking

    ...Why do I feel like there are going to be dwarves involved?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:03 No.5437297
         File1250139799.jpg-(171 KB, 1024x681, redblog5-759068.jpg)
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    I know just the place!
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:05 No.5437312
    Actually I was agreeing with the lackey comment but interrogation is always worth the time. Also put him in a nice suit just because.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:05 No.5437315

    Beard and beer thing narrows it down to at least that much. And Sweden hasn't really done the whole 'Major rape-fest European power' thing for a good 200, 300 years, so...

    Norway or Denmark?

    ...Maybe Finland?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:05 No.5437323
    That does beg the question: What are the other numbers doing while we whittle down their numbers? I think we are over due for a base invasion.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:06 No.5437328
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:07 No.5437345
    No one wants to attack a floating pyramid that shoots lava. Also there's the fact that our base is so secret that even we don't know where we are.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:07 No.5437348
    Vikings! Russia perhaps. Send out some spy sattelites asap.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:10 No.5437369
    Vatican city.

    Gotta be.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:11 No.5437380

    Oh, God... it's the pope...
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:11 No.5437382
    Unless they have a ANTI-LAVA BEAM! They'd just drill up from the bottom anyway, eveything is better with drills.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)01:13 No.5437401
         File1250140419.jpg-(124 KB, 600x600, I See Some Growing Rivalry.jpg)
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    Sounds like a plan. You get Baroness on the job.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)01:14 No.5437413
    Beer drinking, beard growing AND the use of duct tape? Hmm... Maybe.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:15 No.5437424
    Rivalry? 3 is the only one for us. Treat her right show her she has nothing to fear.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:16 No.5437440
    Why does #3 seem so jealous of Baroness. We use #3 when we want shit done. We use Baroness when want large amounts of data sorted through. She's a robot, she's designed for menial tasks like that.

    While that is in progress, check on the status of Operation: Anime. They should have a pilot or something done by now, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:20 No.5437478
    We currently have Lolibond, Baroness, and Sherloli all doing seperate searches for signs of this guy.
    Watch as they all turn up contradictory results.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:20 No.5437479
    Idea for the 'fighting the voices' subplot idea:
    Just run a more traditional story, going against what we say. This causes all sorts of shit to go down, providing us with entertainment when we get the reins back.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:21 No.5437494
    C'mon, we're scientists people. Let's just build us a MANLYdar and be done with it.

    Seriously, what the hell?
    >> Inner Sadist 08/13/09(Thu)01:23 No.5437513
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:24 No.5437522
         File1250141062.png-(236 KB, 650x520, Brilliant.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:24 No.5437526
    A device that detects concentrations of beer and beards? I like it!
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:26 No.5437539
    Good god. Of course! The answer was right infront of us all along!
    Build a device to detect Beards, Beers and Bees on a global scale!
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:27 No.5437549
    3 jealous? Let's go to the cyber-world again and show her that we care. We just use the Baroness for trivial tasks. 3, on the other hand, is our main go-getter around here.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:30 No.5437577
    Right. #3 will rule the world at our right hand, we'll punch the big red button together to drop our enemies into the shark tank.(With freaken laser beams on their heads.)
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:32 No.5437597
    Highly impractical inventions? Like the one in Something Positive that would hold the world hostage until it cured Terry Pratchett's alzheimer's? FUND IT!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)01:34 No.5437610
         File1250141646.jpg-(145 KB, 600x600, Manliness Radar.jpg)
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    This is doable and easily put together. The only problem is making sure your own SHEER MANLINESS doesn't interfere.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:35 No.5437622
    Bust out the old guitar, riff around a bit.

    Stare at three. Smile a rakish smile.

    "What's goin' on?"
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:35 No.5437630
    Hmm... good point. Better put on a dress.
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/13/09(Thu)01:36 No.5437646
    Put on a dress.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:37 No.5437655
    DO IT
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:37 No.5437661
    Ummm. Watch a chick-flick like Steel Magnolias and/or What Women Want while this thing scans. We'll be so deballed that we won't ever register.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)01:40 No.5437685
         File1250142037.jpg-(113 KB, 600x600, 3 Embarrassed, Again.jpg)
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    "Oh, n-not too... I mean."

    3 looks off to the side.

    "I meant to say not too much. Just... floating around a bit. Thinking a little too."
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:40 No.5437686
    It won't be able to detect us in cyber-space. Best that we go in there and make 3 feel like a digital woman again. We DO care, for being a heartless scientist.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:42 No.5437703

    *smile again* "Uh huh."


    Off we go.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:42 No.5437704
    Best put a dress on while we do it though. Just in case.
    Ask her what she's thinking about. Girls love that.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:42 No.5437705
    THIS. Accomplish two goals in one fell swoop.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:42 No.5437710
    I think I have the solution...

    We're men of SCIENCE and as such.... we were the kids who got their asses kicked all the way through school and were virtually invisible to the opposite sex.

    Remembering that bitter fact oughtta cut out any interference with the device... and make us want to bomb every fraternity between here and hell into a fine glass crater...
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:45 No.5437734
    I believe you mean "lolify every fraternity" so we can go up to them and say "Who's the big man now, huh?"
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:47 No.5437751
    No cause then we couldn't kidney punch them afterwards. We may be evil but we're not a bastard.
    >> Scribble !!lJ3L9/7XgeF 08/13/09(Thu)01:48 No.5437768
    I doubt we were picked on much.

    "Wha- what's going on? <Insert Name Here>? What are you doing in my room?"

    "You made fun of me, Micheal. You called me Dork Brain, put me in the trashcan, locked me in the locker, pulled down my pants."

    "Look man, I was kid-"

    "And now I have here a range of surgical equipment and other miscellaneous object. Let's see what you look like as a little girl, eh?"


    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:48 No.5437769

    AFTER we bomb their houses to the ground.

    ...And pay the New Zealand rugby team to ground them into a fine paste.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:49 No.5437779
    Give the device to Sher-loli. She's already in the field anyway and she won't interfere with it's readings. Also since she is going to a really MANLY country get some minions to escort her there. Just make sure it's not determined minion. maybe a few of our more "fanciful" guys. Or maybe some other women we are equal opportunity employers after all.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:50 No.5437790

    Wait, does the B even have a proper AI, or, is she just a 'bot?
    >> Scribble !!lJ3L9/7XgeF 08/13/09(Thu)01:51 No.5437802
    This works
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:51 No.5437804
    >we are evil opportunity employers after all.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:52 No.5437815
    She's a bot. No personality at all.

    Also do this. It will be quicker and this being /tg/ a minion with tits will have shown up sooner or later might as well do it yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:57 No.5437863
    Hot chicks in gas masks FUCK YEAH!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)01:57 No.5437866
         File1250143070.jpg-(107 KB, 600x600, Romancing Is Now A Science.jpg)
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    This happens, except for that dress part.

    Seeing as this is going to maintain a certain classiness, we'll skip forward a little.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:58 No.5437868
    She has similar AI to the lolis. Which is to say that yes, she has AI. My understanding of it at least. A personality too. She's our babysitter, after all. We just don't see enough of her for it to really shine through.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:59 No.5437879
    Perfect. Now, what do the readings indicate? Where is this bearded son of a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:59 No.5437889

    Time well spent.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:02 No.5437913

    Huzzah! Hopefully #3 knows that we care. Just to be on the safe side, lets spend an hour or so in there afterwards, talking with her/making her feel special/ etc etc etc while the MANLINESS DETECTOR does its work. We need to find the greatest MANLINESS/BEARD/BEER ratio, and that could take some time. Best not mess up the delicate machinery with our badassery, after all.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:05 No.5437938
    Seconding Giving Sher-loli the device. She's done this much with just a magnifying glass so she deserves being able to use some kickass equipment from time to time.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:05 No.5437939
    When we next see you, you will be in a robe and smoking a cigar and have a glass of whiskey in your hand.
    Wait..that would make the manliness detector explode..
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:06 No.5437943
    1) Our main driving force is our hate of Elizabeth.

    2) Which is at odds of our other main driving force, which is everything else we have going for us now.


    Contact our other rivals. Level with them.

    "Enough of this. Eliminate Elizabeth for us. Save for this we have everything we want & now have better things to do with our time. Do this for us & our rampage ends. Let there be peace between us."
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:07 No.5437952
    We want revenge against Elizabeth AND the 9. They laughed at us you know. They called us mad.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:11 No.5437980
    ( At the very least it's gonna really throw them for a loop. And impress three. Damn we're a smooth bastard. )
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:13 No.5437995
    We have to find them before we can contact them. If we had everyones email adress we'd have tracked the fuckers down already.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)02:13 No.5437996
         File1250143986.jpg-(156 KB, 600x600, I Like It.jpg)
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    Only because I think they need some form of supervision.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:14 No.5438008
    I really just want to see female minions. So I don't really care what you do as long as they show up in it.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:14 No.5438010

    A partial sacrifice OF our original goals to three.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:15 No.5438019
    why do Sherloli and Watson look like they want sex up the minion?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:15 No.5438020
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)02:15 No.5438023
    Because you've been on 4chan too long.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:16 No.5438038
    Do I smell future drawfag thread material?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:17 No.5438043
    While they're out doing that, lets check in on lolibond. See if she has anything for us. If not... well... hope she's on good terms with the local lads...
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:22 No.5438092
    Nanny Minion or N.M. for short is now born. She should make sure Sherloli and Loli Watson eat right (since it is hard to always eat right when you travel as much as they do) and have a designated bed time. Bed time story included. They can only stay out late if they have a hot lead they MUST ABSOLUTLY follow or it's off to bed for them.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:24 No.5438114
    If this doesnt devolve into sexings, nothing will.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)02:32 No.5438198
         File1250145153.jpg-(128 KB, 600x600, Loli-Bond In A Panic.jpg)
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    You ring her up with no trouble, even if she does seem to be answering you while hiding inside of a cabinet.

    "...Hello, um. Need something?"

    This is adorable. From now on this is canon.

    You're bad people.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:33 No.5438210
    Alright so #3 knows she's our #1 loli-bond is hopefully searching for leads. Sherloli has the manliness detector and a nanny now. And the Baroness is crunching all the intel she can sort through. I'd say we just have to bide our time now. Relax a bit or create some side project for the lulz if we're one of those busy body types.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:35 No.5438226
    Times up. What do you have for us bond?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:38 No.5438259
    "I just want to see if your doing alright dear. I wanted to let you know that your doing a wonderful job there and to let you know that you need to come visit some time. I have some new technology that your just sure to love. And maybe just a little present for you. Also hows that intel coming along? No rush now. After all it's better to have a sure thing rather than a wild guess."
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:40 No.5438274
    Say this with a bright smile and a mildly threatening tone.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:42 No.5438295
    I love how bond is trained against every type of torture imaginable... except the kind we are capable of inflicting.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)02:48 No.5438349
         File1250146132.jpg-(123 KB, 600x600, It Just Might Be Right.jpg)
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    "Oh, thanks... I think."

    Bond seems slightly nervous.

    "I've been trying."

    Opening her mouth again hesitantly, she forces herself to speak. "...I think it's Scotland. I mean, the Highland Games are coming up so... Y'know."

    Almost as a second thought, she adds:

    "I'm not completely certain though."
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:50 No.5438362
    "Very well my dear. We shall investigate Scottland.

    But if you turn out to be wrong..."

    Then laugh diabolically.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:52 No.5438378
    "That sounds quite good actually, I'll look into that."
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:52 No.5438384

    "What's wrong? You seem excedingly nervous lately. Have I been doing something to put you off? I don't mean this in a threatening way, I genuinely want to know."

    Gentlemen, we don't want our minions become hostile towards us. This is moving in a bad direction. Let's try to rectify this immediately.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:54 No.5438399
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:54 No.5438402
    >But if you turn out to be wrong..."

    >Then laugh diabolically.
    We don't want her getting too nervous, might effect performance. Still do this and end it with something like "...Actually it wouldn't be a problem. We'll just try to confirm on our end. Keep up the good work."
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:57 No.5438425
    "That's alright dear you've done a grand job so far. I'll have Sher-loli check out your findings. See if you can't find out a little me for me please? Tell you what afterwards why don't you take a little vacation time for yourself? Come visit me and the others a have a little break dear. So long for now."
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:58 No.5438441
    I hope that our minions aren't becoming intimidated by ourt increasing lack of scruples related to getting our revenge. They need to know that, no matter what, we CARE about them, and that they are integral to our success.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:58 No.5438442
    Imagine if James bond was caught in a closet talking to one of his arch-villains.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)02:59 No.5438445
    Damn bump limit is kicking in.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:01 No.5438462
    Someone archive this. We dont want what happened last time happening again.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:02 No.5438468
    It's okay, the archives are working this time.

    Assuming someone remembers to put this there, that is.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/13/09(Thu)03:02 No.5438472
         File1250146956.gif-(9 KB, 600x600, Animooted-Scientist.gif)
    9 KB
    Animooted Scientist.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:04 No.5438488
    Hey Scientist before you knock off for the night would it be too much to ask for a picture of Nanny Minion reading A bedtime story to Sherloli and Loli Watson?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:05 No.5438499
    Oh man. Messing with bond is too much fun.
    Lets see how sherloli and baroness are doing in their investigation. We'll see if they can colaberate bonds story.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:06 No.5438502
    Good work there.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:08 No.5438518
    Add in.. "Oh, if you have any little friends that you'd like to invite, feel free to bring them along. I can't wait to meet him..err. I mean them."
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:12 No.5438539
    I can see the boy hanging out with loli bond wondering why she keeps jumping into closets and things in the middle of their dates.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:50 No.5438560
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:51 No.5438566
    Inviting her over might be a bad idea. It wouldn't look good for her to be hanging out at an evil scientist's base.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:53 No.5438582
    We can claim she's on assignment.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:56 No.5438593
    Weapons investigation committee
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:57 No.5438600
    But then they'll probably expect her to do something about us. If she doesn't come back with some sort of results, she'll just end up looking suspicious anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:57 No.5438601
    She works for MI6, not the UN.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:01 No.5438623
    Mary-Sue can cover for her.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:05 No.5438640
    Theory: Loli-bond is similar to her male counterpart in more ways than we thought.
    Who said it had to be a boy she's got her eye on? It would explain why our insistence of such flusters her so.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:06 No.5438644
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:09 No.5438664
    Loli-lesbian bond eh? I for one sir find this line of thought to be a most agreeable one. (Note to self modify speech in case she brings home a girl)
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:24 No.5438752
    If we can't call her over, let's send her a gift instead.

    No, wait, that could be traced back to us, and then she's attract suspicion anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:27 No.5438774
    Booby-trap it or something, let her know beforehand so she can keep appearances up.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:30 No.5438800
    Is our Scientific lord still even here or are we going to wait until Quest 11 to go farther?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:31 No.5438807
    Hey scientist, if your still with us, this would be really awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:35 No.5438828
    He normally stops after we start autosaging. We'll pick up with number 11 and track down this manly motherfucker then.

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