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!!0ZviLFh59My 02/08/12(Wed)00:31 No.17852632 File1328679080.jpg-(849 KB, 3466x2776, 1327121300320.jpg)
 "Got that, pip pip and CHEERIO," you call back, and deliberately begin a turn to the right as the Martian turns hard-right himself to re-engage you. The turn puts you right in front of him and soon he's on your six, tracking for a shot. Sean keeps you informed quite tersely, since he's the one without anything but plexiglass between him and the minirockets.
Your slow, easy turn gives the Martian an easy shot... and keeps him making a slow, easy turn. There's a brief roar of magical engines, the distant, muted rat-a-tat of small arms-
"He's down, he's down!" Sean calls out excitedly.
"Join on me!" Minna calls, and you see very dim green lights flash once in the darkness. Consulting your artificial horizon, you pull back the throttles just a little and form up. Looking right, you make out the vague silhouette of another Witch on your right, not thirty or forty feet away."
"Bearings?" Minna asks.
"Scattered contacts co-alt," Sean replies immediately, "small gaggle ahead, two miles, angels five, cold. Scattered formation at three o'clock, eighteen-hundred yards, angels... six and change, circling. Four miles, large gaggle, angels twelve? Hot."
Minna is silent for a single, charged moment, and then she starts barking orders, quickly routing wing-pairs of Witches in every direction. About half of them she orders to climb hard for angels twelve, a few she keeps circling, trying to cover the Beaus, and she calls the rest to join on her.
"Chatter on the Limey band; some Blenheims caught up with the level bombers at angels nine," Sean reports. |