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  • File : 1263197094.jpg-(87 KB, 1044x1558, Blackadder Pose.jpg)
    87 KB Lord Quest XI - The 2nd Arc Begins Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:04 No.7534792  
    Lord Quest is Back. Sorry it took so long, one thing after another in the new year. Lets get this show on the road.

    Previous threads:

    The last thread ended with alchemy win, and Urist's return. I'll start with a new month to get everything moving.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:07 No.7534823
    Fuck yes, Lord Quest.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:07 No.7534826
    Last month's gold 111.775 LUMBER FOOD SKINS ALE STONE
    Gold Incoming 23.92 Last months lumber 47.1 Last months food 105 Last month's skins 0 Last month 19 Last month 38.8
    Gold Outgoing 5.2 Lumber Cut 60 Food Grown 15 Skins Gathered 20.8 Ale Brewed 3 Stone Quarried 5
    Gold Profits 18.72 Lumber Used 54.53333333 Food Hunted 20.8 Skins Used 0 Ale Drunk 0 Stone Used 0
    Total Gold 130.495 Lumber Created 5.466666667 Food Eaten 24.1 Skins Created 20.8 Ale Created 3 Stone Gained 5
    Debt 0 Lumber Stockpile 52.56666667 Food Brewed 3 Skins Stockpile 0 Ale Stockpile 22 Stone Stockpile 43.8
    To brother 0 Max Stockpile 200 Excess Food 8.7 Max Skin Stockpile 0 Max Stockpile 200 Max Stone 1000
    One Time Costs 0 Stockpile Spare 147.4333333 Excess Stored 0 Stockpile Spare 0 Stockpile Spare 178 Stockpile Spare 956.2
    Cost 1 0 Excess Wasted 8.7 Leather Created 0
    Cost 2 0 Food Stockpile 105 Leather Stockpile 0
    Max Food 200 Max Leather Stock 0
    Stockpile Spare 95
    Last Month's peat 0 Last Month 0
    Peat incoming 29.9 Bog Iron incoming 0
    Peat used 0 Bog Iron used 0
    Fraction stored 0 Fraction stored 0
    Peat Stored 0 Amount Stored 0
    Peat Stockpile 0 Stockpile 0
    Max Stockpile 0 Max Stockpile 20
    Peat sold 29.9 Sold 0
    Peat Price (gold) 0.8 Price (gold) 0.1
    Profit made 23.92 Profit made 0

    POPULACE 123
    Workers 92 Peasants 64 Hunters 8 Peat Gatherers 20 Builders 64
    Soldiers 14 Men at Arms 5 Yeomen 7
    Milita on duty 2 Peasant Milita 0 Manhunters 2
    Craftsmen 2 Carpenter 1 Miners 1
    Indentured Criminals 1 Quarry 1 Quarry Deaths 1
    Average Work Level 2 Work level 2
    Advisors 11
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:08 No.7534833
    Cheers :)

    Growth 5 Local Growth 1.505170732 Miagrants 4.08576
    Local Hapiness 5.066666667 Reputation 4
    Hapiness History 8
    Health 7 Health Modifiers 1
    Deaths 2 Old Age/Illness 1.757142857
    Bandits/Raids 0 Bandit Modifier (good) 1 Lord's Raiders 2.4
    Mishaps 0.332657343 Safety Modifier (good) 1 Hunter Mishaps 0.307692308 Peat Mishaps 0.769230769 Builder mishaps 1.454545455
    Other 0
    Other II 0
    Cattle 10 Cows 6 Bulls 2 Calves 2 Age(months) 5
    Birthed 0 Draught 4 Feed Grow at 24
    Goats 16 Nannies 10 Billies 3 Kids 3 Age(months) 4
    Birthed 0 Feed Grow at 6
    Horses 3 Grow at ?
    Riding 3 Mares 0 Stallions 0 Foals 0 Age(months) 0
    Birthed 0 In use/Away 3 Feed Geldings 3

    Carts 3 Quarry 0 Peat 3 Digging Mine 0 Bog Ore 0
    Ropes 3 Used 3 Spare 0
    Small Ropes (1d5) 3 Used 3 Spare 0
    Medium Ropes (1d15) 0 Used 0 Spare 0
    Fuses 3
    Magic Scroll 1 Months to tranlation 2
    Hunting Scroll 1 Taught 1 Untaught 0
    Spearheads (steel) 25 Used 12 Unused 13
    Crude bows 3
    Crude knives 11
    Carrot Seeds 5 Months until wasted 5
    Potato Seeds 5 Months until wasting starts 4
    Lyre 1
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:10 No.7534852
    Turnip Patches 30 Units Turnips 15
    Rice Plots 10 Units Rice 0 Months to harvest 3

    Goat Herding 2 Goats Tended 16 Goats Escape 0
    Cattle Heading 1 Cattle Tended 10 Cattle Escape 0
    FARMING 50
    Turnip Farming 30
    Rice Farming 20
    Gathering Wood 6
    Quarrying Stone 15 Work Done 5 Ropes 0 Rope Bonus 0
    Criminal Bonus 2
    Brewing 3
    Basic Peasant Militia 0
    OTHER 2
    Renovating Town 2 Carpenters bonus 0 Renovations total 2

    Cattleshed 64 Rate 2.2 Draught 4 Carts 0 Ropes 3
    Total 500 Progress/Month 163.6 Total Done 322.8 Total Remaining 177.2 Rope Bonus 14
    Lumber Used 54.53333333 Stone Used 0

    Unassigned Hunters 0
    Hunting 8
    Searching Forest 0
    Manhunters 2

    Unassigned Carpenters 0
    Decent Furniture 0
    Helping Build 0
    Renovating Village 0
    Renovating Keep 1 Rooms/month 1

    MINERS 1
    Unassigned Miners 1
    Digging Mine 0 Rate 5 Draught 0 Carts 0 Ropes 0
    Total 100 Progress/Month 0 Total Done Total Remaining 100 Rope Bonus 0
    Lumber Used 0 Stone Used

    Gathering Peat 20 Peat Gathered 29.9
    Carts 3
    Gathering Bog Iron 0 Bog Iron Gathered 0 Peat Price (gold) 0.1 Profit made 0
    Carts 0
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:12 No.7534871
    SOB... I was just about to go to bed...

    Give Baldric the largest turnip in the field as a reward for good service.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:12 No.7534872
    LODGINGS 207 Total Spare Room 42 Homeless 0
    VILLAGE 120 Huts (5) 24 Share Houses (10) 0
    Some Room Lodgers 100 Room Spare 20
    THOM'S MERCY 60 Huts (5) 0 Share Houses (10) 6
    Some Room Lodgers 50 Room Spare 10
    KEEP 27
    KEEP ROOMS 13 Poor Rooms (1) 2 Decent Rooms (1) 6 Good Rooms 5
    Poor Rooms Spare 2 Decent Rooms Spare 4 Good Rooms Spare 0
    Some Room Lodgers 7 Rooms Spare 6
    BARRACKS 14 Size 20 Soldiers 14
    Some Room Spare Room 6

    HIRED 5 Total Cost Overall 5.2
    ADVISORS 3 Total Cost 1.6
    Dan Ganawb 1 Cost/Mason 0.5
    Urist 1 Cost 1
    Harry 1 Cost 0.1
    CRAFTSPEOPLE 2 Total Cost 0.2
    Carpenters 1 Cost 0.1
    Miner 1 Cost 0.1
    INDENTURED CRIMINALS 1 Total guards needed. 1
    Yet to be assigned 0 Guards 0 Escaped 0
    Quarry 1 Guards 0.2 Escaped 0 Worked to death 1
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:13 No.7534881
    rolled 3 = 3

    Rolling for tactics training with Leold.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:13 No.7534882
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:16 No.7534927
    Baldric happily accepts the largest turnip in the field, and decides to save it against a rainy day. The next morning it rains, so he eats it. Sir Pinky helps out.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:18 No.7534948
    We need to recruit more soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:19 No.7534950
    rolled 3 = 3

    Attempting a hard experiment, dice don't fail me now.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:21 No.7534985
    It's going to take a while to get back into the swing of things, have to remember all the various projects we're working on.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:21 No.7534990
    This month you train under Leold, learning tactics and such.

    Roll 1d5 for (possible) major event. 1=bad 5=good.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:23 No.7535011
    Sucess. Alchemy skill increaced by .2.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:24 No.7535019
    After we blow our faces off, let us converse with the good Urist. I am sure he has some useful stuff in that cart of wonders.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:28 No.7535086
    rolled 2 = 2

    slow start
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:29 No.7535106
    Let's investigate these new seeds we have take them to that horticulturist we hired ask him where they would be most effectively placed.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:30 No.7535109
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:30 No.7535111
    Urist is now full time working for you for a gold a month. In return you can send him on your own personal trading efforts, or send him to trade using your money, and split the profits a generous 50/50. If there is profits. As his lone backer, if he makes a loss, you get no profits, and still have to pay his wage.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:33 No.7535158
    We should put on some entertainment for our population to raise morale. Throw a little "fall fair". Invite some of the local lords and attract some merchants into our town.

    We will begin by having a jousting tournament, then follow with the execution of our indentured criminal, then end with song dance and ale.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:35 No.7535185
    a 2-4 is no major random event. So don't worry. A one is a random event that comes with omens, as is a 5, so you'll know a good/bad event will ococur that month, and then something happens.

    He advises down in the peasant village. They have the best multi-purpose land, so expanding further fields there would be the best option.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:37 No.7535210
    The keep is not yet ready for such an event. Maybe by next spring.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:38 No.7535223
    You were planning to have a tourny later this year, when you were in more of a position to hold one.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:40 No.7535251
    well what about an show execution event? we can call a conference from the local lords and discuss banditry and its effects on the region.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:41 No.7535259
    I think we need to focus on getting some more immigrants into our town. We should get our bard to begin composing a song in conjunction with Erik and Symatt advertising our town. This will be the world's first jingle.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:42 No.7535277
    The bandits were sent by another local lord, I don't believe we normally have a problem with bandits aside from those sent to burn our town down by others.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:45 No.7535321
    Off the bat, Aegon comes up with:
    "Teajy, Teajy, where life is rather peachy.
    It's a nice place with turnips, and most of the ladies still have lips,
    Teajy, Teajy, where life is mostly peachy."

    It'll need some work, Aegon is more used to singing glorious songs and sagas, not jingles selling the good peasant life.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:47 No.7535347
    even more reason to do so. if the culprit lord is in attendance we can intimidate him a little bit, or if he doesnt show then we can use it to embarass him infront of other lords. We gotta trump up the incident though, saying "if we dont so something about banditry now, then it will spread to your kingdom".
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:48 No.7535350
    Indeed, your new informant and official ne'er do well, Harry told you that he and the bandits were sent by Lord Arkem Sylem.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:49 No.7535364
    Should we be at all concerned about deforestation? It seems like we're harvesting quite a bit of lumber on a regular basis, and as I recall our lands are not that large.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:49 No.7535369
    we should dig a well in Tom's mercy
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:49 No.7535371
    Off with his head!!!
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:51 No.7535397
    The other lord has a millitary much larget then yours. Inciting any open warfare might be a bad idea. He has poor relations with your other immediate neighbours, but with these other lords allied to you, you'd be about even.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:54 No.7535436
    Dear anon,
    read the previous threads.

    Love Anon
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:54 No.7535442
    Okay, I can't read the stats anymore. It's just a bunch of numbers swimming around.

    Any chance we can get an executive summary? We should ask Smyatt if any of the stockpiles are running low, and if we have enough food to last the winter.

    And I believe we left off last time with the mage and the miner looking for ore deposits. How's that going? Or were we still haggling?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:55 No.7535447
    Nothing to be worried about yet. Your villagers aren't even true lumberjacks, just wood gatherers. They're copping off low branches, and gathering wood, not cutting down large trees (except some saplings, etc.). The bigger trees are out of their league.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:55 No.7535454
    Send Urist on a trade expedition with twenty gold. Give him instructions to try acquire plenty of rope/carts while making a bit of money for the town, then if it's not too much else to ask get him to attract one or two more merchants to the town.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:57 No.7535478
    I'm afraid I must second this. While having the stats is nice, there's a point at which it merely becomes too much to handle. I suppose that we're victims of our success in expanding our holdings, given that this has become a problem.

    A summary describing anything which has significantly changed, any problems likely to emerge if action is not taken to avoid them, and any unusual events is probably all that we really need to see in every monthly report, although the full number listing every several months would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)03:59 No.7535502
    Yeah, ask him if he has a brother or cousin in the businesses he would recommend. Lets get a dorfen trading enclave going.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)03:59 No.7535504
    This is Smyatt's summary you're getting. He'll (ie. I'll) warn you if anything is running low, etc.

    Just look for the ALLCAPS titles that are relevent, and read that bit.

    Alternatively, maybe putting a few anons to keep an eye/deal with particular issues might help.

    They're still checking around the place, it's slow going when you have to stop to scy the land every so often.

    Can I get a 2nd?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:01 No.7535522
    Oh fuck yes Lord Quest, I have been looking for you EVERY DAY since New Year's. I have missed this that much. I feel like a little kid at a toy store.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:02 No.7535538
    I don't have a problem with this, as our treasury is substantial. We might as well put our money to work.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:04 No.7535560
    I'll post the full stats for anyone who wants to see them, and for reference (so peeps can look back), but sum up the important parts in a post "Smyatt's Summary" style.

    Looks like Lord Green isn't much for numbers and accounting. :P

    Looks like a 2nd to me. Off he goes.

    Cheers mate. :) Good to know I'm appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:07 No.7535610
    It seems to me that we don't have a lot that we need to accomplish this month; for the most part, our various construction and harvesting projects are proceeding apace and we've rolled for our training. I'd be willing to move things forward.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:08 No.7535616
    We should probably send a couple guards with Urist, maybe Harry too since he's got nothing to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:10 No.7535649
    We visited Seakay last month, correct? Let's wait a month and then invite the whole family over.

    Also, remember their warning about the need to get armed. Just remember that as we plan and scheme and plot.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:11 No.7535657
    can I get a 2nd?

    Harry could scout out around the trade routes for information of note.

    New month?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:12 No.7535668
    New month, send Harry.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:13 No.7535679
    Ok, loading.
    adding. . . .
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:22 No.7535788
    >>Cheers mate. :) Good to know I'm appreciated.

    Well shit, you think that's something--in the past week or so I saw one Anon asking another Anon who claimed to be an Aussfag if the Aussfag was you and if so when Lord Quest would be resuming. On two separate occasions, no less.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:25 No.7535828
    Woah, awesome. On that note, I'm a Queenslander and a Bris Vegas boy, so kudos goes to the best state. They're a weird mob south and a weirder mob west.

    Last month's gold 110.495 LUMBER FOOD SKINS ALE STONE
    Gold Incoming 23.92 Last months lumber 52.566 Last months food 105 Last month's skins 0 Last month 22 Last month 43.8
    Gold Outgoing 5.2 Lumber Cut 60 Food Grown 15 Skins Gathered 20.8 Ale Brewed 3 Stone Quarried 3
    Gold Profits 18.72 Lumber Used 54.53333333 Food Hunted 20.8 Skins Used 0 Ale Drunk 0 Stone Used 0
    Total Gold 129.215 Lumber Created 5.466666667 Food Eaten 25 Skins Created 20.8 Ale Created 3 Stone Gained 3
    Debt 0 Lumber Stockpile 58.03266667 Food Brewed 3 Skins Stockpile 0 Ale Stockpile 25 Stone Stockpile 46.8
    To brother 0 Max Stockpile 200 Excess Food 7.8 Max Skin Stockpile 0 Max Stockpile 200 Max Stone 1000
    One Time Costs 0 Stockpile Spare 141.9673333 Excess Stored 0 Stockpile Spare 0 Stockpile Spare 175 Stockpile Spare 953.2
    Urist Trading 0 Excess Wasted 7.8 Leather Created 0
    Cost 2 0 Food Stockpile 105 Leather Stockpile 0
    Max Food 200 Max Leather Stock 0
    Stockpile Spare 95
    Last Month's peat 0 Last Month 0
    Peat incoming 29.9 Bog Iron incoming 0
    Peat used 0 Bog Iron used 0
    Fraction stored 0 Fraction stored 0
    Peat Stored 0 Amount Stored 0
    Peat Stockpile 0 Stockpile 0
    Max Stockpile 0 Max Stockpile 20
    Peat sold 29.9 Sold 0
    Peat Price (gold) 0.8 Price (gold) 0.1
    Profit made 23.92 Profit made 0

    Cattle 10 Cows 6 Bulls 2 Calves 2 Age(months) 6
    Birthed 0 Draught 4 Feed Grow at 24
    Goats 16 Nannies 10 Billies 3 Kids 3 Age(months) 5
    Birthed 0 Feed Grow at 6
    Horses 3 Grow at ?
    Riding 3 Mares 0 Stallions 0 Foals 0 Age(months) 0
    Birthed 0 In use/Away 3 Feed Geldings 3
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:26 No.7535831
    I am reluctant to support this. Our keep is still in a state of relative disrepair. Having our allied lords over is one thing, inviting their families as well when our holdings cannot impress is another.

    That said, since we are eyeing a lady raised in a larger and more prosperous holding in any case, obsessing over if what we have is enough may just be shooting ourselves in the foot.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:28 No.7535853
    I am surprised to see no anon has written up a program to keep track of our stores, economic/population growth etc
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:30 No.7535869
    Carts 3 Quarry 0 Peat 3
    Ropes 3 Used 3 Spare 0
    Small Ropes (1d5) 3 Used 3 Spare 0
    Medium Ropes (1d15) 0 Used 0 Spare 0
    Fuses 3
    Magic Scroll 1 Months to tranlation 2
    Hunting Scroll 1 Taught 1 Untaught 0
    Spearheads (steel) 25 Used 12 Unused 13
    Crude bows 3
    Crude knives 11
    Carrot Seeds 5 Months until wasted 4
    Potato Seeds 5 Months until wasting starts 3
    Lyre 1

    Turnip Patches 30 Units Turnips 15
    Rice Plots 10 Units Rice 0 Months to harvest 2

    POPULACE 125
    Workers 95 Peasants 67 Hunters 8 Peat Gatherers 20 Builders 64
    Soldiers 14 Men at Arms 5 Yeomen 7
    Milita on duty 2 Peasant Milita 0 Manhunters 2
    Craftsmen 2 Carpenter 1 Miners 1
    Indentured Criminals 0 Quarry 0 Quarry Deaths 0
    Average Work Level 2 Work level 2
    >Smyatt's note: You've worked the last of the indentured criminals to death. May Morr have mercy on their souls.

    Advisors 11

    Growth 5
    1 local lad, 4 immagrants
    Deaths 2
    One old age, one from river pox (non contagious, don't worry)
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:32 No.7535893
    Goat Herding 2 Goats Tended 16 Goats Escape 0
    Cattle Heading 1 Cattle Tended 10 Cattle Escape 0
    FARMING 50
    Turnip Farming 30
    Rice Farming 20
    Gathering Wood 6
    Quarrying Stone 15 Work Done 3 Ropes 0 Rope Bonus 0
    Criminal Bonus 0
    Brewing 3
    Basic Peasant Militia 0
    OTHER 2
    Renovating Town 2 Carpenters bonus 0 Renovations total 2

    Cattleshed 64 Rate 2.2 Draught 4 Carts 0 Ropes 3
    Total Done Last month 486.4 Progress/Month 163.6 Total Done 650 Total Remaining 13.6 Rope Bonus 14
    Total 500 Lumber Used 54.53333333 Stone Used 0

    Unassigned Hunters 0
    Hunting 8
    Searching Forest 0
    Manhunters 2

    Unassigned Carpenters 0
    Decent Furniture 0
    Helping Build 0
    Renovating Village 0
    Renovating Keep 1 Rooms/month 1

    MINERS 1
    Unassigned Miners 1
    Digging Mine 0 Rate 5 Draught 0 Carts 0 Ropes 0
    Total 100 Progress/Month 0 Total Done Total Remaining 100 Rope Bonus 0
    Lumber Used 0 Stone Used

    Gathering Peat 20 Peat Gathered 29.9
    Carts 3
    Gathering Bog Iron 0 Bog Iron Gathered 0 Peat Price (gold) 0.1 Profit made 0
    Carts 0
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:37 No.7535944
    Assign the new peasants to help the carpenter. Is the peasant militia a full time job that prevents other labor or can a peasant become part of the militia while still doing the necessary labor?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:38 No.7535954
    >Magic Scroll 1 Months to tranlation 2
    Is this being actively translated? Its timer doesn't seem to have counted down.

    Do we have another builder's project scheduled for after the completion of the cattleshed?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:39 No.7535964
    LODGINGS 207 Total Spare Room 42 Homeless 0
    VILLAGE 120 Huts (5) 24 Share Houses (10) 0
    Some Room Lodgers 100 Room Spare 20
    THOM'S MERCY 60 Huts (5) 0 Share Houses (10) 6
    Some Room Lodgers 50 Room Spare 10
    KEEP 27
    KEEP ROOMS 13 Poor Rooms (1) 1 Decent Rooms (1) 7 Good Rooms 5
    Poor Rooms Spare 1 Decent Rooms Spare 5 Good Rooms Spare 0
    Some Room Lodgers 7 Rooms Spare 6
    BARRACKS 14 Size 20 Soldiers 14
    Some Room Spare Room 6

    HIRED 5 Total Cost Overall 5.2
    ADVISORS 3 Total Cost 1.6
    Dan Ganawb 1 Cost/Mason 0.5
    Urist 1 Cost 1
    Harry 1 Cost 0.1
    CRAFTSPEOPLE 2 Total Cost 0.2
    Carpenters 1 Cost 0.1
    Miner 1 Cost 0.1

    Might be because I havn't released the formulas I've made the spreadsheet use for all the stuff. Some things are simpler then others.

    But if an anon wants to write one up, I"d be more then happy to give them the workings for everything.

    We don't have any peasants gathering Bog Ore, although we don't have any use for it yet. The cattle shed is almost done too, and shall be finished by the end of the month.

    We've worked the last criminal to death, so there's that also. Since they take negligible food to feed, and we have the guards also, any more we can round up to boost productivity would be good for Teajy.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:39 No.7535966
    whats with the idle miner?

    Have him lay mines in wilderness areas around our village. Can we use our alchemy to make anti-personell mines?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:39 No.7535971
    Good enough to second. The cattle shed will be done next month, what should we build afterward?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:40 No.7535978
    He's with the mage you've got checking the surrounds for metals, He should be done sometime this month.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:43 No.7535999
    I really hope you were joking, because then you were witty enough to make me laugh with you, instead of stupid enough to make me laugh at you.
    >> Kel Ragebrew 01/11/10(Mon)04:43 No.7536000

    Good, good. I would suggest the next project be a forge/furnace combo. Let us turn the peat and bog iron into servicable weapons and armor, and give us something else to export.

    There was that one jewelry merchant a while back who we considered hiring. Once we get a place for him to work up and running, we should try and get a hold of him.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:44 No.7536014
    Is the smoke room finished?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:44 No.7536017
    It's a fulltime job. Your peasants are all undertaking a few hours milita training a week, on rotation, but that aside they're not doing any duties.

    If they're on millita duties they'll patrol, etc, and fulltime be on defence. You can raise x militia for one off things also, withing your lands, which won't impact the month's work.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:44 No.7536019
    Seconding the first part, especially if we find enough metal deposits to make it really worth our while.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:44 No.7536023
    We'd need to recruit a skilled blacksmith for that to be of benefit. Any ideas on where we could find one?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:47 No.7536043
    Never got around to building this.

    The carpenter can only take on one apprentice, he can't teach 3 peasants all at onces. Within a month they'll be good enough at the basics to pass on what they know, etc.

    Basically you can't more then double any specialised workforce.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:47 No.7536051
    Could our builders restore the keep? If so we might want to consider getting them on that. It seems like all of our plans for social events are a bit ruined by the state of our keep.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:49 No.7536062
    Then give him the brightest as an apprentice and put the others to... building. The extra work hours from building this month (a considerable number this time) can go toward the new forge, right?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:51 No.7536083
    Your builders are very basic people. You'll want architects for major rebuildings, but builders under the mason's direction could patch up any holes, etc.

    Your rooms are going up in quality at one/month, going up one level of quality thanks to your carpenter.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:52 No.7536084
    I'd say we start on the smoke room then. Since one of our main activities is hunting we need some way of preserving the meat. Unless the mage finds a large deposit of rock salt.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:54 No.7536105
    well while he is scouting with the mage, he can dig holes and the mage can place magical land mines in them.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:55 No.7536108
    rolled 6 = 6

    Training with Leold.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:55 No.7536112
    A second on the smoke room?

    Also, what size?
    100 units of work will store 50 units of meat
    150 work = 100 meat
    200 work = 200 meat
    300 work = 500 meat

    You can store up to 5 units of meat for every peasant working there. This is because they'll be rotating ut old meat, and smoking new meat to keep the stores as fresh as possible.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:57 No.7536126
    Awesome, that's your training for the month.

    Anyone want to roll the events d5?

    And will you be doing an experiment this month?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:57 No.7536128
    I'm more for the forge, or for keep repair with the mason overseeing. Smoke room doesn't seem quite as much a priority.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:58 No.7536134
    rolled 3 = 3

    Events, using the +1 ring if we're allowed.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:59 No.7536136
    rolled 6 = 6


    If we do the 100 meat station we'll be done in a month and can start on the forge the next month. I don't think we'll need too much more storage then that.
    >> Kel Ragebrew 01/11/10(Mon)04:59 No.7536138
    The 300 one would be most efficent, allowing us to store a great deal of meat, and have to worry about upgrading it any time in the future. However, that many work units will take a long time to accumulate, meaning other work projects will have to wait till later.

    Could we use some of our gold to hire professional builders to help speed up the process?

    And perhaps some more rope. A lot more rope, in fact.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)04:59 No.7536140
    Disregard that roll, I had rolled previously and did not clear the email field.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)04:59 No.7536142
    The forge will require a blacksmith on site, to set things up for himself.

    Discussion for builders going into stonework repairs vs. buildign a smokeroom go.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:02 No.7536149

    Still no events though. Also, on the events roll, a nat one will have a bad event, regardless of modifiers. Modifiers will reduce the severity though.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:03 No.7536160
    Size 200 work

    More food stored = less food spoiled = less work needed in the fields = more free people for other projects.

    Not to mention it's an ensurance against disaster.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:06 No.7536186
    rolled 10 = 10

    Hard experiment go. If +1 ring isn't allowed for event roll, use it now.

    Let's get a blacksmith in for next month, maybe Urist can get a young dwarven blacksmith fresh from apprenticeship without a nice family forge to come and have us build one to his specifications (within budget). Dunno how he'd feel about making more generic items though. Maybe a dwarf whose elders feel needs a lesson in humility?

    Either do the 100 work smokeroom and get it done in a month so that we can repair the keep for at least a month or two before any tourney, or go whole hog and do 300.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:06 No.7536189
    rolled 12 = 12

    Let's go with that smoke house then. Rolled for a hard experiment.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:07 No.7536202
    Damn, good thing I rolled second.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:08 No.7536204
    Man! If only I'd waited 10 more seconds...
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:09 No.7536212
    Wait, was Alchemy looking for high rolls or low?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:10 No.7536228
    We have to roll under our skill
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:12 No.7536244

    Experiment failed. Nothing broken though, just nothing learned.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:12 No.7536247
    Since we need an architect to properly repair the keep id' say we go for 300 and use the time in between to find one.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:12 No.7536252
    I think preparations for WRECKTEMBER are a priority - the winters are hard here, so food stockpiles are a must. I know the smokehouse was proposed, but did anything come of the idea of making a turnip cellar/general-purpose storage area in the basement of the keep? It'd save us from wasting perfectly good turnips when we overproduce.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:16 No.7536296
    Smoke room. Largest one that we can build in one month.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:17 No.7536306
    Hmm, now that I think of it, has the tannery started production?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:17 No.7536307
    If we build the biggest storeroom, does it require a full staff of peasants, or is that determined based on the amount of meat?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:18 No.7536317
    Let's the 300 Storage Smokehouse. We don't want to spend the time building or repairing when we either can't do so efficiently or use the structure yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:18 No.7536322
    I'd say it depens on how many we asign.
    More pesants just means it willl fill quicker.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:19 No.7536325

    I'm voting for the 150WU/100 meat smokehouse - more than that is beyond our requirements at the moment, and it's pointless building a FUCKOFF HUEG smokehouse if we've nothing to smoke in it. If we become so prosperous later on that we need to expand the smokehouse, by that point we'll have plenty of labour with which to do it.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:21 No.7536341
    300 then? Unless there's some serious objections. You got all of the next month to discuss it.

    If you want to find a blacksmith/architet, Erik sugests you send someone to go to Seakay and hire them.

    It's done, but hasn't started yet. :$ I meant to let you know in Smyatt's report, but Smyatt got distracted. Feel free to get some Peasants in there under Erik's supervision. The brewers can handle their stuff now.

    On the amount of meat. The only disadvantage for big places is they take longer to make.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:21 No.7536345
    Other stuff we were discussing building:
    Root cellar (preserves turnips)
    Well (clean water source)

    We should also train up at least one more yeoman, to replace the one we lost when fighting the bandits.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:22 No.7536359
    Switching my vote from 300 to 100. Let's get it done in a month so it's ready before winter. As somebody else said, if we reach the point it needs to be bigger than it should be easily done then.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:23 No.7536373
    Staff the tannery then.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:25 No.7536390
    New month?

    The builders will finish their thing this month, and you can pick what they should start before the beginning of the next month.

    How many peasants? I'll put the 2 unemployed lads on there, but do you want to pull anyone else from elsewhere?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:26 No.7536406
    Yeah, I'm changeing my vote to 100 too.
    The thing about smoke rooms is that they tend to burn down. Better to have a bunch of smaller ones.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:26 No.7536407
    New month sounds good.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:30 No.7536458
    I'd say another two.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:31 No.7536469

    Ok, just a moment.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:32 No.7536473
    New month, 100 smokehouse, and the two unemployed plus as many extra needed to get it finished by the month's end.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:33 No.7536483
    From lumberjacking.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:35 No.7536503
    Before making armour and arms, tools is much more needed, both to make our current workers more effective, and to start with real woodcutting.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:37 No.7536525
    We need both, really, and as soon as we can get them. We have a literally divine word saying we'll need to be ready to fight in the future, and ignoring that is at our peril. Meanwhile, we need tools to maximize worker efficiency and accelerate growth.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:37 No.7536526
    BTW, have we gotten the reference for Aegon yet? As in, the first Dragon Lord from SoIaF?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:40 No.7536556
    We did
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:45 No.7536605

    Actually, that's not where I got the name from. I got it from somewhere 'older'.

    And NEW MONTH:

    Last month's gold 129.215 LUMBER FOOD SKINS LEATHER ALE
    Gold Incoming 23.92 Last months lumber 58.03267 Last months food 105 Last month's skins 10.8 Last month's Leather 10 Last month 25
    Gold Outgoing 5.2 Lumber Cut 40 Food Grown 15 Skins Gathered 20.8 Leather Created 20 Ale Brewed 3
    Gold Profits 18.72 Lumber Used 54.53333333 Food Hunted 20.8 Skins Used 20 Leather Used 0 Ale Drunk 0
    Total Gold 147.935 Lumber Created -14.53333333 Food Eaten 27.6 Skins Created 0.8 New Leather 20 Ale Created 3
    Debt 0 Lumber Stockpile 43.49933667 Food Brewed 3 Skins Stockpile 11.6 Leather Stockpile 30 Ale Stockpile 28
    To brother 0 Max Stockpile 200 Excess Food 5.2 Max Skin Stockpile 300 Max Leather Stock 200 Max Stockpile 200
    One Time Costs 0 Stockpile Spare 156.5006633 Excess Stored 0 Stockpile Spare 288.4 Stockpile Spare 170 Stockpile Spare 172
    Urist Trading 0 Excess Wasted 5.2
    Cost 2 0 Food Stockpile 105
    Max Food 200
    Stockpile Spare 95
    Last Month's peat 0 Last Month 0 Last month 46.8
    Peat incoming 29.9 Bog Iron incoming 0 Stone Quarried 3
    Peat used 0 Bog Iron used 0 Stone Used 0
    Fraction stored 0 Fraction stored 0 Stone Gained 3
    Peat Stored 0 Amount Stored 0 Stone Stockpile 49.8
    Peat Stockpile 0 Stockpile 0 Max Stone 1000
    Max Stockpile 0 Max Stockpile 20 Stockpile Spare 950.2
    Peat sold 29.9 Sold 0
    Peat Price (gold) 0.8 Price (gold) 0.1
    Profit made 23.92 Profit made 0
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:46 No.7536610
    Cattle 10 Cows 6 Bulls 2 Calves 2 Age(months) 7
    Birthed 0 Draught 4 Feed Grow at 24
    Goats 4 Nannies 2 Billies 1 Kids 1 Age(months) 0
    Birthed 0 Feed Grow at 6
    Horses 3 Grow at ?
    Riding 3 Mares 0 Stallions 0 Foals 0 Age(months) 0
    Birthed 0 In use/Away 3 Feed Geldings 3
    Carts 3 Quarry 0 Peat 3 Digging Mine 0 Bog Ore 0
    Ropes 3 Used 3 Spare 0
    Small Ropes (1d5) 3 Used 3 Spare 0
    Medium Ropes (1d15) 0 Used 0 Spare 0
    Fuses 3
    Magic Scroll 1 Months to tranlation 2
    Hunting Scroll 1 Taught 1 Untaught 0
    Spearheads (steel) 25 Used 12 Unused 13
    Crude bows 3
    Crude knives 11
    Carrot Seeds 5 Months until wasted 3
    Potato Seeds 5 Months until wasting starts 2
    Lyre 1

    Turnip Patches 30 Units Turnips 15
    Rice Plots 10 Units Rice 0 Months to harvest 1
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:48 No.7536626
    POPULACE 138
    Workers 108 Peasants 80 Hunters 8 Peat Gatherers 20 Builders 64
    Soldiers 14 Men at Arms 5 Yeomen 7
    Milita on duty 2 Peasant Milita 0 Manhunters 2
    Craftsmen 2 Carpenter 1 Miners 1
    Advisors 11

    Growth 4
    Incoming migrants.
    Deaths 2
    Both from old age.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:49 No.7536633
    Goat Herding 2 Goats Tended 4 Goats Escape 0
    Cattle Heading 1 Cattle Tended 10 Cattle Escape 0
    FARMING 50
    Turnip Farming 30
    Rice Farming 20
    Gathering Wood 4
    Quarrying Stone 15 Work Done 3 Ropes 0 Rope Bonus 0
    Criminal Bonus 0
    Brewing 3
    Basic Peasant Militia 0
    OTHER 2
    Renovating Town 2 Carpenters bonus 0 Renovations total 2

    Cattleshed 64 Rate 2.2 Draught 4 Carts 0 Ropes 3
    Total Done Last month 486.4 Progress/Month 163.6 Total Done 650 Total Remaining 13.6 Rope Bonus 14
    Total 500 Lumber Used 54.53333333 Stone Used 0

    Unassigned Hunters 0
    Hunting 8
    Searching Forest 0
    Manhunters 2

    Unassigned Carpenters 0
    Decent Furniture 0
    Helping Build 0
    Renovating Village 0
    Renovating Keep 2 Rooms/month 1

    MINERS 1
    Unassigned Miners 1
    Digging Mine 0 Rate 5 Draught 0 Carts 0 Ropes 0
    Total 100 Progress/Month 0 Total Done Total Remaining 100 Rope Bonus 0
    Lumber Used 0 Stone Used

    Gathering Peat 20 Peat Gathered 29.9
    Carts 3
    Gathering Bog Iron 0 Bog Iron Gathered 0 Peat Price (gold) 0.1 Profit made 0
    Carts 0

    Tanning for storage 4 Skins tanned 20
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:51 No.7536658
    If we can put some of our tanned skins to use making leather armour for the Yeomen I think that'd be a good step. Not as good as metal, but better than nothing.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:54 No.7536689
    Need Leatherworker
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:55 No.7536703
    LODGINGS 207 Total Spare Room 42 Homeless 0
    VILLAGE 120 Huts (5) 24 Share Houses (10) 0
    Some Room Lodgers 100 Room Spare 20
    THOM'S MERCY 60 Huts (5) 0 Share Houses (10) 6
    Some Room Lodgers 50 Room Spare 10
    KEEP 27 Rooms Upgraded 1
    KEEP ROOMS 13 Poor Rooms (1) 0 Decent Rooms (1) 8 Good Rooms 5
    Poor Rooms Spare 0 Decent Rooms Spare 6 Good Rooms Spare 0
    Some Room Lodgers 7 Rooms Spare 6
    BARRACKS 14 Size 20 Soldiers 14
    Some Room Spare Room 6

    HIRED 5 Total Cost Overall 5.2
    ADVISORS 3 Total Cost 1.6
    Dan Ganawb 1 Cost/Mason 0.5
    Urist 1 Cost 1
    Harry 1 Cost 0.1
    CRAFTSPEOPLE 2 Total Cost 0.2
    Carpenters 1 Cost 0.1
    Miner 1 Cost 0.1

    OK, time to roll d5 for events, roll for training (d8) and roll for an alchemy project if you like.

    We got new goats growing up, and one of the nanny goats has birthed a new kid.

    You have some copper deep underground in the north, and large deposits of iron in the bogs. More importantly, there is some silver in the river one could pan for if one had the gear/knowhow. The miner can do this, and has the gear. The copper is deep underground and will need a lot of work to get to.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:57 No.7536728
    rolled 12 = 12

    Hard Project
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:58 No.7536734
    rolled 3 = 3


    Isn't the cattle shed done now?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:59 No.7536740
    rolled 3 = 3

    Event roll.

    I think we should go for the silver. It'd be easier to acess and using the money from it we could fund a lot of needed projects.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)05:59 No.7536744
    Oh shi- We have us a critical fail.

    d5 on the crit fail chart, you can use your ring on this if you like, but remember to say so in the post rolling.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)05:59 No.7536750
    Are we alive?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:00 No.7536757
    rolled 2 = 2

    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:01 No.7536759
    rolled 5 = 5

    We're doing pretty well moneywise, but more never hurts. We might want to keep it quiet though in the event of a rush of squatters. Of course as the lord here we could just kick them all off by force or jail them, but still.

    The iron is the real treasure.

    Rolling for crit with ring.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:02 No.7536771
    Whoops, skipped over that, easily done.

    DONE in big letters. Which size smokeshed was chosen in the end?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:02 No.7536775
    rolled 3 = 3

    Why didn't you use the ring, you fool?

    Rolling for training with the ring, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:03 No.7536790
    100. Supplying enough peasants to get it done also by the beginning of this month so we can get to the storing of meat.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:04 No.7536798
    Nice roll. Lower was better here. Pity you didn't use the ring.

    You've exploded the kit, it's shattered everywhere, but you're unharmed except for a few superficial cuts. You'll need a new kit if you want to do more alchemy.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:05 No.7536808
    Well at least we didn't break anything or turn ourselves purple.
    >> Kel Ragebrew 01/11/10(Mon)06:05 No.7536812

    Give Urist some extra coins to get us a new alchemy kit on his next trade trip. Also, try and make it an expanded one. More chemicals and tools, for larger explosions!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:05 No.7536813
    Or at least didn't break any body part.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:10 No.7536869
    He's out, should be back for the new month. Remind me then.

    Ok, cheers.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:11 No.7536874
    So we should have the cattle shed done, and the smokehouse done. Looks like we're a lot more ready for winter.

    I say we get a mine for iron built, since we still need a blacksmith for the smith design.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:11 No.7536876
    Panning for silver in the river could be an issue given that it's on our border with Seakay. Though if we let him know about it and agree only to pan for silver on our respective sides of the river I guess that could be resolved amicably.

    I think we should start stockpiling iron ore now even if we can't smelt it just yet, as that'd let us hit the ground running when the smelter's finally built.

    Size 100/150 labour smokehouse seemed to be the consensus - gets it built this month, and is more than adequate for our needs.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:12 No.7536888
    Was that 100 work 50 meat?
    Or 100 meat 150 work?
    you're doing 160/month more/less
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:12 No.7536896

    100meat/150 work.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:13 No.7536899
    Well now I guess the question is send the miner after the copper, silver, or iron. I'm thinking we might want to get started with the silver and using that money we hire a couple more miners to expedite our peasants training/ the construction of the mines.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:13 No.7536900
    100 meat then, since that fills out the month's building labor nicely.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:14 No.7536913
    the Iron can be gathered by peasants, only reason you haven't been is because you have no use for it yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:14 No.7536918
    Iron will get us making our own tools and arms. Copper isn't worth much to us right now. Silver is money, but we have that.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:15 No.7536933
    Well, this might be a good time to have some of our peasants move from building to iron collecting. Unless we have another major construction project? The forge will have to wait, and the keep may or may not have to wait.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:18 No.7536952

    I'd say set the miner to panning for silver, with a peasant assistant or two to train up. Meanwhile set a bunch of peasants (about as many as collecting peat?) to collecting bog-iron, as that'll come in very handy later on. Maybe transfer half of the peat-gatherers to that task, as we've got plenty of cash and have been saturating the peat-market lately (hence the decreasing price). The bog iron can just go in a heap for the moment, to be refined once we've got a furnace going.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:18 No.7536955
    turnip cellar (addition to granary, allows some turnips to be stored)
    well x2
    more walls/palisade
    Alchemy workshop (so you don't burn the keep down if you mess up an experiment badly)
    have all been mention'd

    There were more iirc too, just forget what.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:19 No.7536965
    This is a good idea, but we should propose a joint mining effort. We don't have the manpower to gather the silver and protect it too.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:20 No.7536976

    Refurbishing the keep's basement to provide a root cellar was on the list, I think - does that require the mason as well as the builders? It'd be a good task for WRECKTEMBER, as it's indoor work.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:22 No.7536995
    Begin storing meat in the smokehouse. Make sure other food stockpiles are filled up. Make sure herds are fairly near the stable so they can be driven inside quickly if a winter storm hits.

    Miner pans for silver with an assistant.

    10 peasants from peat collection to mining iron. Without a smith/forge it's not a priority right now.

    Is the mage going to be sticking around?

    Builders... hmmm.

    >>We don't have the manpower to gather the silver and protect it too.
    How do you figure? Just have a militiaman or two watch over the miner. We'll trade it off before it amounts to anything huge. It's not like we've been unable to guard our gold.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:24 No.7537009

    Make sure that we record exactly where and how deep we need to mine for the copper - it's somewhat beyond our means/needs at the moment, but that'll be valuable information later on.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:25 No.7537024
    The mage can only detect valuable minerals, nothing much he can do here.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:28 No.7537037
    Who can we send to hire a smith from Seakay?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:29 No.7537047
    By tradition, you're both allowed to pan from your side of the river, unless you agree otherwise.

    Gotta finish it first, It'll be done at the end of the month.

    Anyone to second the rest?

    Mage will be buggering off now, unless you can entice him with something.

    There is a couple unemployed, you can put one of those on panning for silver if you like. The other can join the carpenter if you like.


    He can do metal-magic, that is, anything magical with metal. YOu only paid him for the magical metal scrying though.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:30 No.7537052
    Let's send Doobs to travel to seakay and find an architect and a smith, with maybe fifteen gold?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:32 No.7537064
    Can he enchant metal objects? Perhaps a sword that hones in on its target, a shield that moves to block attacks, and a dancing tea and sugar set.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:32 No.7537067
    And a leatherworker
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:33 No.7537072
    Baldric and Erik are free atm.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:34 No.7537086
    >>Gotta finish it first, It'll be done at the end of the month.
    >>Anyone to second the rest?

    Finish what, exactly? The post you referred to wasn't entirely clear. The furnace? I thought all of that had to wait.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:35 No.7537088
    Oh god send Erik, anyone but Baldric. He'd come back with a baker and a haberdasher.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:37 No.7537112
    No, he'd come back with an expert cheesemaker, soapmaker, and potash maker.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:38 No.7537123
    That's arcane magic there. But he can magically sharpen or re-enforce the blade. Make it magically ballenced, etc. It'll be expencive. 40 gold per thing improved/sword, half that for daggers/other weapons. Or for 60, he'll give a weapon the deluxe treatment, magically balanced, weighted, sharpened, re-enforced, etc. Won't lose it's edge or chip either.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:39 No.7537132
    What about the spearheads?

    They're small enough the it seems like it should be somewhat cheaper.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:39 No.7537133
    Can he make a set of armor puncture-proof?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:40 No.7537139
    That's a little rich for my blood, ask him for a buisness address for a later time though.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:41 No.7537147
    Likewise for our silverware set.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:43 No.7537159
    Doobs is busy training the troops some. However you can send him if you like. See >>7537072

    Rofl. For making me laugh so hard, guess what next month's migrants are going to be skilled in?

    It's just as much effort involved apparently. More fiddly with smaller things. Swords are more because they're easier to enchant, generally being better made pieces of kit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:43 No.7537160
    Oh! Could he magically meld a piece of metal into a sculpture for a certain lady we've taken a fancy to?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:46 No.7537188
    Right then let's send Erik with fifteen gold to bring back the architect, smith, and leather worker.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:47 No.7537197
    Since they're easier to enchant, he can do more for them.

    He could do that as well. He's intruged by this request, he'll do it for 30, or 50 if you want him to magic it somehow, apart from being magic quality sculpting.
    He can't proof it, but he can magically re-enforce it. Same price as a sword for that. He can make it lighter too.

    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:49 No.7537213

    Now that we have a cattle shed a cheese maker will actually be useful.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:49 No.7537215
    Ok, no objections?

    >He could do that as well. He's intruged by this request, he'll do it for 30, or 50 if you want him to magic it somehow, apart from being magic quality sculpting.
    goes with >>7537160
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:51 No.7537222
    Seems like a workable cost. Let's have him enchant the spearheads and then then tell him to come back later to enchant a special breastplate. We'll make it with the iron from our very bogs and add our family crest.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:51 No.7537225
    What would he be able to do with it if he magicked it somehow?

    Also for the players: what sort of metal sculpture would you present to a budding alchemist tomboy lady?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:52 No.7537239
    Wait! Let's have Symatt haggle the prices down, he's got a modifier to haggling if I remember correctly.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:52 No.7537240
    Voting NO to spearheads. Also if we're doing the breastplate we probably already have one that will work nicely.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:53 No.7537241
    Magic it how?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:54 No.7537253
    Second. 20gp per spearhead?

    Far too expensive.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)06:56 No.7537263
    He's a mage, even if just a journeyman. He's one of the few people who won't go out of his way just to please you because you're nobility. In a way, he's the high nobility to be of the magical social society. There's no gaurentee he'll be back.

    You might want to do weapons for your characters before doing ones for the plebes.

    Magically reflecting, maybe have the colours done in various metals, despite it being a flawless one peice item. Or have it untarnishable, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)06:59 No.7537285
    >>Magically reflecting, maybe have the colours done in various metals, despite it being a flawless one piece item. Or have it untarnishable, etc.

    This is doable. Did we notice anything during our visit at Seakay that would be a good choice of sculpture item? Other than a very nice untarnishable piece of alchemy equipment?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:00 No.7537292
    Just wanted to make sure this was noticed.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)07:00 No.7537297
    Ok roll a d30 for haggle test. Lower is better. It's a hard test, he's a mage and thusly is a) intelegent and b) selling something very in demand.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:01 No.7537311
    Or let's also ask Erik and Smyatt.

    I'd remember but I've been up all night (my fault, but you provided the reason) and I'm about to dash off to work.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:02 No.7537320
    rolled 29 = 29

    Luck don't fail me now.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:03 No.7537326
    rolled 11 = 11

    Haggle roll.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:03 No.7537334
    Oh wow. At least it's not a critical fail.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:04 No.7537339
    A mirror that seems to be in the middle of turning from lead to gold, artistic enough for the parents not to take offense but with a hidden meaning for the daughter.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:05 No.7537348
    I like this idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:06 No.7537354
    You're the sort of guy that guys like me get compared with by their girlfriends.

    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:08 No.7537369
    Yet I'm the virgin who never had a GF.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)07:09 No.7537383
    cheers. It was noticed, don;t fret. But Cheers for pointing it out, I do miss things.

    "Oh, alchemy?" he asks. "Well, we can do some nice things if she wants alchemy kit. For 80gp, I can make an alchemically null experiment dish, and a set of alchemical metal testing rods, which will change colour depending on heat, magical energies and elemental properties, much more sensitively then normal metals, and won't conduct heat into the hand of the holder. They're known as Tenant Rods. They'll take a month to make, but will be a fine gift for Sarah.

    Don't worry, I *know* nothing, merely that deducing that a lady you are wooing, hereabouts that is interested in alchemy is not a hard thing. I passed though Seakay on my way here, and stayed at the Sheff Household for a few months. Gave the lord a deluxe on the sword you bought him too. A fine piece of steel that, and of a fine and rare alloy with a hint of Mithril. A sword well beyond what you would have paid for it I would believe."
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:09 No.7537390
    Give it time. Shit, I'm glad I waited as long as I did before having sex.

    Anyways, back to the thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:11 No.7537403
    Hmmm... this or the mirror are both great ideas. I'm torn.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)07:15 No.7537435
    Ouch. He's somewhat offended at the blunt prices you offer, and disregard your haggling entirely. The prices stay the same.

    "A fine idea, but I'm not an alchemage, but a metalmage. I do need the metals I'm working with in order to make something. If you have lead and gold I oculd do it, but otherwise no. "
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:15 No.7537443
    I'm having trouble deciding, both are such good gifts, though I think she'd probably love the alchemy set more. Though it might bother her parents that we're indulging her alchemy practice. Though this just gives us an excuse to invite the family over and present it to her in private.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:19 No.7537472
    OP keeps remarking that our keep is still in disrepair. I think we should hold off on other things and work on getting the boulders out of our dining room, no?

    How much gold/time will it take to renovate the keep?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)07:19 No.7537475
    Wow, all this in /tg/ and no enjoy yor hand? /TG/ is even more civil in my theads. Thanks guys :)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:19 No.7537476
    Problem is that 80 gold is half our reserves and could be a bit much for the first gift we ever send her.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:21 No.7537490

    To fully restore the keep we need an architect, which we are in the process of hiring.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)07:22 No.7537496
    Your dining room is decent, and you have a few decent rooms now. Your keep in general is ok, it won't impress, and don't go getting a duchess in here, but it won't shame you (though lords from inner Erondia might think you;re a bit rustic out here on the borders). At the same time, you only have enough rooms for a few people.

    KEEP 27 Rooms Upgraded 1
    KEEP ROOMS 13 Poor Rooms (1) 0 Decent Rooms (1) 8 Good Rooms 5
    Poor Rooms Spare 0 Decent Rooms Spare 6 Good Rooms Spare 0
    Some Room Lodgers 7 Rooms Spare 6
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:22 No.7537497
    We are waitng fo the arhitect.
    After that ww will ned an oracle...where is that priest for the hunting godess?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)07:23 No.7537508
    KEEP 27 Rooms Upgraded 1
    KEEP ROOMS 13 Poor Rooms (1) 0 Decent Rooms (1) 8 Good Rooms 5
    Poor Rooms Spare 0 Decent Rooms Spare 1 Good Rooms Spare 0
    Some Room Lodgers 12 Rooms Spare 1
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:23 No.7537509
    He said last thread to stop asking, we'll have to get a five on our random event rolls to see one.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:24 No.7537523

    Though when are we going to be able to get the opportunity again?

    Buy it, but keep it in reserve and first present her with a lesser gift (and one less controversial with her parents) to warm things up.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:25 No.7537537
    The only problem I have is that if we buy the gift we won't really have cash left over to buy an enchantment for ourselves. The kind of enchantment that may or may not save our life in an upcoming battle with Sylem.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:26 No.7537545

    God fucking dammit, lets just go find Morpheus and unplug ourselves before we get any more involved in this.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:27 No.7537549
    True. But we don't need to give it straight away. We can hold it in reserve. I doubt we'll be seeing much more of this guy once he's gone. Personally, I'm favour of getting it and besides, it will take him time to complete it so we'll have more coin in reserve by the time he's done.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:27 No.7537552
    Seeing as I doubt we have any lead for the mirror it's the only option we have.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:32 No.7537593
    Does the metal mage have a name?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:36 No.7537634
    Could we convince him to say come back next year?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)07:41 No.7537678
    David Imrod

    He'll take some convincing. You need to make him *want* to come back here. And he doesn't need for money.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:47 No.7537728

    Kind of like a dave-ining rod, eh?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)07:49 No.7537752
    Indeed, name bonus on David Imrod 1/2.
    +2 to standing/attitude.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:50 No.7537757
    Tell him about the festival we've been planning for the new year. There will be dozens of local nobles and lords about. Who knows what interesting items will be passed around and what the other lords could have for him to do. Perhaps another more powerful lord will take him on to study an artifact, the possibilities for him are endless.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:54 No.7537790
    Can we ask him about the metal Sylem is using in his weapons? It's been described as black and it sounds vaguely like it's some cursed metal. He should know about it being a metalmage.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)07:55 No.7537806
    He reacts with some interest, although he doesn't promise anything, if he's handy and otherwise not busy he'll be there.

    So the alchemy set?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:57 No.7537830
    Buy the alchemy set.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)07:58 No.7537840
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:03 No.7537884
    50g left to spend this month. David will be around at the new month, we'll be working on the alchemical thingies in the meantime.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:04 No.7537889

    Do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:05 No.7537905
    new month?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:06 No.7537916
    Sure, want to spend the 50g you have there first though? The mage is here, and he might as well do your weapons, etc. while he's at work on the alchemical set.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:07 No.7537917
    I agree, new month.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:13 No.7537992
    Do we have any special items? Like a set of ancestral armor or a sword. If we do get that enchanted and end the month.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:13 No.7537995
    since we can't have the deluxe sword have him improve the armor
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:14 No.7538003
    Find a wizard specializing in necromancy, and have him teach you how to leach souls to prolong your own life.

    Become the Immortal Lord.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:16 No.7538040

    If our own sword is special enough to warrant the price, sure. We can't afford the deluxe, but some kind of upgrade could be handy.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:18 No.7538064

    Batten down the hatches for WRECKTEMBER.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:23 No.7538129
    He'll be here next month, get him to do the sword then if you want the Deluxe.

    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:24 No.7538137
    Last month's gold 52.935 LUMBER FOOD SKINS LEATHER ALE
    Gold Incoming 24.32 Last months lumber 43.5 Last months food 105 Last month's skins 11.6 Last month's Leather 30 Last month 28
    Gold Outgoing 5.2 Lumber Cut 40 Food Grown 15 Skins Gathered 20.8 Leather Created 20 Ale Brewed 3
    Gold Profits 19.12 Lumber Used 54.53333333 Food Hunted 20.8 Skins Used 20 Leather Used 0 Ale Drunk 0
    Total Gold 72.055 Lumber Created -14.53333333 Food Eaten 27 Skins Created 0.8 New Leather 20 Ale Created 3
    Debt 0 Lumber Stockpile 28.96666667 Food Brewed 3 Skins Stockpile 12.4 Leather Stockpile 50 Ale Stockpile 31
    To brother 0 Max Stockpile 200 Excess Food 5.8 Max Skin Stockpile 300 Max Leather Stock 200 Max Stockpile 200
    One Time Costs 0 Stockpile Spare 171.0333333 Excess Stored 0 Stockpile Spare 287.6 Stockpile Spare 150 Stockpile Spare 169
    Other I 0 Excess Wasted 5.8
    Other II 0 Food Stockpile 105
    Other III 0 Max Food 200
    Stockpile Spare 95
    Last Month's peat 0 Last Month 0 Last month 46.8 Last month 0
    Peat incoming 29.9 Bog Iron incoming 0 Stone Quarried 3 Silver panned 4
    Peat used 0 Bog Iron used 0 Stone Used 0 Silver used
    Fraction stored 0 Fraction stored 0 Stone Gained 3 Silver gained 0
    Peat Stored 0 Amount Stored 0 Stone Stockpile 49.8 Silver stockpike 0
    Peat Stockpile 0 Stockpile 0 Max Stone 1000 Max Silver stockpile 5000
    Max Stockpile 0 Max Stockpile 20 Stockpile Spare 950.2 Stockpile Spare 5000
    Sold (%) 100
    Peat sold 29.9 Sold 0 Sold (amount) 4
    Peat Price (gold) 0.8 Price (gold) 0.1 Silver Price 0.1
    Profit made 23.92 Profit made 0 Profit made 0.4
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:25 No.7538145
    Ignore this, gotta finish the updating.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:29 No.7538191
    Last month's gold 52.935 LUMBER FOOD SKINS LEATHER ALE
    Gold Incoming 24.32 Last months lumber 43.5 Last months food 105 Last month's skins 11.6 Last month's Leather 30 Last month 28
    Gold Outgoing 5.2 Lumber Cut 40 Food Grown 55 Skins Gathered 20.8 Leather Created 20 Ale Brewed 3
    Gold Profits 19.12 Lumber Used 54.53333333 Food Hunted 20.8 Skins Used 20 Leather Used 0 Ale Drunk 0
    Total Gold 72.055 Lumber Created -14.53333333 Food Eaten 27.4 Skins Created 0.8 New Leather 20 Ale Created 3
    Debt 0 Lumber Stockpile 28.96666667 Food Brewed 3 Skins Stockpile 12.4 Leather Stockpile 50 Ale Stockpile 31
    To brother 0 Max Stockpile 200 Excess Food 45.4 Max Skin Stockpile 300 Max Leather Stock 200 Max Stockpile 200
    One Time Costs 0 Stockpile Spare 171.0333333 Excess Stored 40 Stockpile Spare 287.6 Stockpile Spare 150 Stockpile Spare 169
    Other I 0 Excess Wasted 5.4
    Other II 0 Food Stockpile 145
    Other III 0 Max Food 200
    Stockpile Spare 55
    Last Month's peat 0 Last Month 0 Last month 46.8 Last month 0
    Peat incoming 29.9 Bog Iron incoming 0 Stone Quarried 3 Silver panned 4
    Peat used 0 Bog Iron used 0 Stone Used 0 Silver used
    Fraction stored 0 Fraction stored 0 Stone Gained 3 Silver gained 0
    Peat Stored 0 Amount Stored 0 Stone Stockpile 49.8 Silver stockpike 0
    Peat Stockpile 0 Stockpile 0 Max Stone 1000 Max Silver stockpile 5000
    Max Stockpile 0 Max Stockpile 20 Stockpile Spare 950.2 Stockpile Spare 5000
    Sold (%) 100
    Peat sold 29.9 Sold 0 Sold (amount) 4
    Peat Price (gold) 0.8 Price (gold) 0.1 Silver Price 0.1
    Profit made 23.92 Profit made 0 Profit made 0.4
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:30 No.7538203
    Cattle 10 Cows 6 Bulls 2 Calves 2 Age(months) 8
    Birthed 0 Draught 4 Feed Grow at 24
    Goats 4 Nannies 2 Billies 1 Kids 1 Age(months) 1
    Birthed 0 Feed Grow at 6
    Horses 3 Grow at ?
    Riding 3 Mares 0 Stallions 0 Foals 0 Age(months) 0
    Birthed 0 In use/Away 3 Feed Geldings 3
    Carts 3 Quarry 0 Peat 3 Digging Mine 0 Bog Ore 0
    Ropes 3 Used 3 Spare 0
    Small Ropes (1d5) 3 Used 3 Spare 0
    Medium Ropes (1d15) 0 Used 0 Spare 0
    Fuses 3
    Magic Scroll 1 Months to tranlation 2
    Hunting Scroll 1 Taught 1 Untaught 0
    Spearheads (steel) 25 Used 12 Unused 13
    Crude bows 3
    Crude knives 11
    Carrot Seeds 5 Months until wasted 2
    Potato Seeds 5 Months until wasting starts 1
    Lyre 1

    Turnip Patches 30 Units Turnips 15
    Rice Plots 10 Units Rice 40 Months to harvest 0
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:32 No.7538231
    POPULACE 137
    Workers 107 Peasants 79 Hunters 8 Peat Gatherers 20 Builders 64
    Soldiers 14 Men at Arms 5 Yeomen 7
    Milita on duty 2 Peasant Milita 0 Manhunters 2
    Craftsmen 2 Carpenter 1 Miners 1
    Advisors 11

    Growth 4
    1 local lad, 3 miagrants. A cheese maker, potash maker and a fish cleaner.
    Deaths 2
    Both were old men dying from Vemberfrost - non contagious disease bought on by exposure to cold.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:33 No.7538240
    Goat Herding 2 Goats Tended 4 Goats Escape 0
    Cattle Heading 1 Cattle Tended 10 Cattle Escape 0
    FARMING 50
    Turnip Farming 30
    Rice Farming 20
    Gathering Wood 4
    Quarrying Stone 15 Work Done 3 Ropes 0 Rope Bonus 0
    Criminal Bonus 0
    Brewing 3
    Basic Peasant Militia 0
    OTHER 2
    Renovating Town 2 Carpenters bonus 0 Renovations total 2

    Smokehouse 64 Rate 2.2 Draught 4 Carts 0 Ropes 3
    Total Done Last month DONE Progress/Month 163.6 Total Done #VALUE! Total Remaining #VALUE! Rope Bonus 14
    Total 150 Lumber Used 54.53333333 Stone Used 0

    Unassigned Hunters 0
    Hunting 8
    Searching Forest 0
    Manhunters 2

    Unassigned Carpenters 0
    Decent Furniture 0
    Helping Build 0
    Renovating Village 0
    Renovating Keep 3 Rooms/month 2

    MINERS 2
    Unassigned Miners 0
    Panning River (Silver) 2 Silver Panned 4

    Digging Mine 0 Rate 5 Draught 0 Carts 0 Ropes 0
    Total 100 Progress/Month 0 Total Done Total Remaining 100 Rope Bonus 0
    Lumber Used 0 Stone Used

    Gathering Peat 20 Peat Gathered 29.9
    Carts 3
    Gathering Bog Iron 0 Bog Iron Gathered 0 Peat Price (gold) 0.1 Profit made 0
    Carts 0

    Tanning for storage 4 Skins tanned 20
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:39 No.7538291
    rolled 5 = 5

    Random event roll.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:40 No.7538307
    I knew the universe was telling me not to roll today anymore. :D
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:41 No.7538309
    So did Urist make it back with Harry? If so let's see the goods and ask if they have any news or any stories to tell.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:42 No.7538320
    LODGINGS 207 Total Spare Room 37 Homeless 0
    VILLAGE 120 Huts (5) 24 Share Houses (10) 0
    Some Room Lodgers 100 Room Spare 20
    THOM'S MERCY 60 Huts (5) 0 Share Houses (10) 6
    Some Room Lodgers 50 Room Spare 10
    KEEP 27 Rooms Upgraded 2
    KEEP ROOMS 13 Poor Rooms (1) 0 Decent Rooms (1) 6 Good Rooms 7
    Poor Rooms Spare 0 Decent Rooms Spare 1 Good Rooms Spare 0
    Some Room Lodgers 12 Rooms Spare 1
    BARRACKS 14 Size 20 Soldiers 14
    Some Room Spare Room 6

    HIRED 5 Total Cost Overall 5.2
    ADVISORS 3 Total Cost 1.6
    Dan Ganawb 1 Cost/Mason 0.5
    Urist 1 Cost 1
    Harry 1 Cost 0.1
    CRAFTSPEOPLE 2 Total Cost 0.2
    Carpenters 1 Cost 0.1
    Miner 1 Cost 0.1

    Urist returns: He's brought in 5 ropes, and 5 carts. He's found another alchemy set, better then the last (gives a +1 bonus on all alchemy rolls whilst using it). Also he's brought 1d100 gold on top of this. Roll away.

    Wreckvember was mild, our rice harvest wasn't even interfered with. The carpenters have done well, all of the poor rooms are now decent, and they're moving at 2rooms/month now.

    2 new peasants that can be assigned. I sugest that we put them to gathering silver, Urist has brought reports that the price of peat will drop dramatically over the coming months. The cost of silver is very steady, and is unlikely to vary.

    Roll d5 for event, d8 for training with Leold. Feel free to try out the new kit. If you're using the ring, say it in the post you roll.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:44 No.7538344
    Nice work.

    Roll a d5 for how good the event is.
    1 is good but will need to be done right, 5 is excellent, and with correct treatment, EPIC. And again, ring can be used.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:45 No.7538357
    If so, I'd say we move 5 workers from peat duty to silver.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:45 No.7538360
    rolled 96 = 96


    You know what, I'm going to press my luck rolling for gold.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:46 No.7538369
    I vuv you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:47 No.7538375
    rolled 4 = 4

    I'm on fire, I can't afford to not roll. Rolling for Leold's training.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:47 No.7538381
    rolled 4 = 4


    Rolling for SPECIAL EVENT, using the ring.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:47 No.7538382
    Just don't roll alchemy.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:48 No.7538392
    Exclusively good rolls? On Lord Quest? Impossible!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:49 No.7538405
    We will destroy the alchemy set with the next experiment.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:53 No.7538442
    Ok, well, I remember you asking about the stone needing a market, so I went and enquired about where Lord Sheff sold his stone too. Just down the river, to the good lord Lyann. And on the topic of the good shifty lord, he has spies in the Sheff household, nothing shifty, just an ear to the ground. I wouldn't be surprised if Sheff knew this already, he's smarter then he looks.

    What's more the dwarves are holing up some. Urist doesn't want to talk about it, but they weren't at the normal trading places on the dates. It wasn't that they didn't make it, it was that they said they wouldn;t be there somehow. Dunno how htey got the message thourgh, but that they did. The villages are burring up, full of soldiers. Something's happening there.

    And there was a fire in Kapheights, burned out half the merchants district. Too far away to change much here, but there you go.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:53 No.7538444
    Oh yes, but it'll be a glorious explosion at this rate.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:53 No.7538448

    Holy shit. Urist done good.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:57 No.7538487

    So wait, it's the dorf villages that are full of soldiers? Which locations specifically are gearing up for defence?

    Was Kapheights where we found the jeweller who rune-engraved our rings for us? Might be worth sending him a message about how we heard of the fire, hope that he's safe and offer our assistance should he need it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)08:57 No.7538493
    More then quadrupled his starting money.

    I don't like the sound of this. We need more spies we need to know more.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)08:57 No.7538495
    Niceah :)

    I'll get to your event this month, but suffice to say you awoke with a mouse (sir pinky none the less) on your sill, and you saw a Wyrm Viper cross your path whilst out on your morning stroll, which your mother's family has always taken to be good luck, contrary to normal tradition.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)09:02 No.7538539
    The dwarf trading villages. The smaller ones have moved in to the larger ones, or moved into a mountainhome if close enough.

    Kapheights is the capital of Erondia. Far FAR to the east of here. Central Erondia.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:04 No.7538553
    sooo, since we suddenly have enough money, do we get the deluxe treatment for both sword AND armor?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:06 No.7538576

    I'm assuming the deluxe treatment involves magically reforging the target item to be worthy of such enhancements? Because I think it'd be wasted on just making a plain old common-or-garden sword or armour a bit tougher, but if it can turn it from being a moderately good item to being a SUPER SHINY EXCELLENT+++ item worthy of a lord, then go for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:08 No.7538590
    What do we exactly wear and use in battle? I'm assuming we inherited some sort of family armor and sword, probably not the best as we are the second son, but something.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)09:12 No.7538616
    It starts with whatever sword you give him, and makes it better ballenced, etc. Basically the deluxe will improve the sword by +2 in battle, and will make it unbreakable (to mundane weapons anyway) and keep it's edge for an inane amount of time, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:19 No.7538686
    Well then let's go find the finest blade and set of armor we own and slap the enchants on it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:24 No.7538735
    rolled 3 = 3

    Attempting hard experiment.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:27 No.7538763
    wreckvember, my new favorite month.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:36 No.7538848
    Quest Lord, you still here?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)09:37 No.7538865
    You have:
    Wyvernsting (Bastard Sword) 6
    Breastplate (functional) 3.5
    Shield (Has the family crest on it) 3
    Chain shirt 2
    Breastlplate (tourny, with family emblem 3

    Numbers give a rough idea of quality and usefulness.

    Your sword, wyvernsting, is a family hairloom from the DOOBS family (your mothers side) as your older brother got your father's old sword 'Thorn'. Wyvernsting has a hilt made from a wyvern's two stings (tounge and tail) and a pommel made from a wyvern's tooth, carved. Although the venom is long gone, the bladeside of the crossgaurd is covered in wicked barbs, and has proved to be as strong as steel. The metal is all of Morr's steel, as is the the tang which has been inserted magically into the bone so as to be all of one peice.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:43 No.7538922
    Alright definitely our bastard sword and that functional breastplate with the highest quality.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:44 No.7538933
    Sword + shield
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:46 No.7538956

    I'd say boost the shield, maybe. With the family crest on it it's an item of more significance than a functional breastplate.

    Really what we're making here are heirlooms for our future descendants.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:47 No.7538982
    From a practical point of view we must change the breastplate depending on the situation. The shield can be used both in battle & a tourney.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:50 No.7539017
    4thing the sword and shield combination.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)09:59 No.7539125
    sword and shield
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:00 No.7539130
    so, this moth we digg the turnip cellar?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:01 No.7539140
    For the upcoming months, I think the next project (given our lack of blacksmith) should be rebuilding the ramparts and palisades around the keep - we've got enough food storage to be going on with for the moment, so next we should look to defence.

    Set two spare peasants to silver-panning, and switch all peat-gatherers to collecting bog iron.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:04 No.7539171
    It's too cold to work outside right now, so we might as well do an indoor project.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)10:04 No.7539176
    Sucess. 0.2 added to alchemy skill. In addition, this solves a conundrum that Sarah was having in a novel and rather intelligent way. When you next see her, she'll be impressed with this.

    I'm here. my internet was playing up some, but I'm still here.

    Leold returns from his hunt, particularly jovial. When you ask what he's managed to kill today, he grins, and says "Nothing my lord. However I'm pleased to present Cohen Mikenzy, your mother's champion before he went a-Questing and Knight of the Order Held. He's returned from the Westros Isles, and not only has he learned things from the barbaric Celtan, he brings tidings and omens.

    A tall knight walks in, wearing an old ratty travelers outfit. His long hair is crudely hacked, and on his face a blue Wyvern is tatooed, flying in a storm. The tatoo dominates half of his face. The only armour he wears is a pair of stylised gauntlets and wrist guards, and a giant claymore as used by the northerners is on his back.

    "Hey there cousin. Old Leold here has filled me in on the situation here. I bring mixed tidings. Fistly and most importantly, a telling from the shamans of the Isles. This is why I returned. 'The walking sapling must ride the beast, he will need the strength of both brothers of blood, brothers of raising, and those who's only kin is blood itself. Tame the beast, and the fruit shall flourish, fight it, and the victory will wither.'

    Secondly, I was tired of living among savages, and it was time for my wandering. My young son is chief now and thusly here I am. If the portents were right, my family will need me. Is all well at Greenhall?"
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:10 No.7539224
    a new captain of the guards/awesome trainer? GOOD.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:12 No.7539243
    Yes all is well from what I've last heard. Though here at Teajay there is a storm brewing. There is another Lord named Sylem, a sick and twisted individual who has attempted to burn down the village and torture our merchant.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)10:14 No.7539251
    For 120, the mage does both the shield and sword. The sword he is particularly impressed with, saying that there was magics lying dormant in it, waiting for something. He enquires after the history of the weapon, and after you tell him all you know, he resolves to travel next to Greenhall.

    He says he didn't disturb the magics, and the weapon was already finely balanced, but he gave it "edge that wouldn't dull for another 200 years, a bite keener then your hound's and twice as messy." Apparently the blade showed signs that it was once barbed with many tiny barbs up the blade. He's returned this and advised that you take the weapon to a master weapon mage at some stage. "It's a sword worthy of a name. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the twelve wild blades."

    All peat to bog iron? Can I get a 2nd?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:17 No.7539282

    Greet him respectfully but warmly, and send word to the kitchens to have a hearty meal prepared to welcome our cousin, and share what news we have of the rest of the family - DOOOOOBS might be better at that, as he's been back home more recently than we have.

    What is entailed in being a champion as Cohen was? Invite him to tell us of his career as Champion and Knight, so we can get a better idea of who he is and what he's like.

    (And I'm guessing this guy's name is a reference to Colin Mackenzie - the one involved in SE Asian SOE during WWII, perchance?)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:18 No.7539288
    50/50 split for now, we don't have a market for the iron yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:18 No.7539289
    Half of the peat farmers to bog iron mining is better.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)10:20 No.7539298
    "Sylem? Would that be old Sani Sylem? Or has his son, young Arkem, taken over? I fought with Sani in the Norburg Seige. Good man, saved my life. He was a s wild as the Norse ogres he was, and twice as bloodthirsty. Made for battle."
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:22 No.7539311
    Westros<->Westeros (SoIaF)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:23 No.7539324
    His son Arkem, but this is dark talk. Let's get you some food and rest before I trouble you with our problems. You can have a tour later.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:24 No.7539326

    "Indeed, his son - though he shares his father's thirst for blood, his character is cruel and twisted."

    Give a synopsis of the current Lord Sylem's general reputation and his mistreatment of our merchant friend Urist.

    Also, does Cohen have any thoughts on the meaning behind the shamans' prophecy? We've heard other auguries that foretell of coming conflict, and his arrival is all the more welcome because of that.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)10:39 No.7539411
    No, just equally unimaginative naming. Sorry. But our new companion's name might come under some scrutiny.

    Not Colin Mackenzie.

    But young ladies of marriageable age often have a champion between the time they're old enough to be married and the time they are married. If all other prospects fall though, they marry the champion. But moreso, he protects her honour, is a chaperone, etc. It's a position of trust, given to a knight high in the esteem of the family. Some northern famalies take it a step further, and until a truegroom is found, the you lady is for all intents and purposed married to the champion. In places where this is custom, there is 5 years between 16 and 21 where this takes place, and after that, the marriage is fulfilled. In order to become a truegroom, a prospective courtier must best the champion in single combat, to the third blood.

    However none of that northern nonsense went on in your family, despite the Mikenze's being a northern family.

    Shortly after your mother married your father, he disappeared mysteriously, apparently this is because he undertook a quest of the hunt, and went westwards to find something to slay. He taps an odd tooth, hanging on an ear ring which was previously hidden by hair. "Sand shark" he says, "This tooth was the smallest in it's jaw. But the real prize I have in my chest, the Isle Turtle's tooth. I had no way to bring the skull back here, my eldest lives in it now see."
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)10:41 No.7539420
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    Is the thread autosaging? If so, I think it'll be time for me to crash. Either way, can someone archive this?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:46 No.7539458

    He lives in it? In the turtle's skull? He'll certainly have to tell us the tale of how the creature was slain - here, call in the bard to listen to the story, there's undoubtedly a song in it.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)10:46 No.7539462
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    'The walking sapling must ride the beast, he will need the strength of both brothers of blood, brothers of raising, and those who's only kin is blood itself. Tame the beast, and the fruit shall flourish, fight it, and the victory will wither.'

    "Hmm, well the beast is a figure which comes up in the shamans augury a fair bit. It's supposed to mean conflict, and the enemy. It could be anything. Your wolf here, a wyvern, anything. But whatever it is, you gotta work with it, not against it."
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/11/10(Mon)10:54 No.7539526
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    "Isle turtles are massive creatures, so called beause they're basically small islands. The turtles hibernate for decades, and finding one is always fortuitous for the tribes. The tribe of the Isle Turle totem tame them, and live in small famalies upon hteir backs, and in their shells. But the other tribes will often slay them, for they have much meat, and their bones are very useful. They enrage the beast with poisoned arrows, from rafts, then they swim back to shore, the massive beast chasing them, continually being goaded inwards with arrows. When it reaches shore, three mighty hunters will attack. Two with long spears, and the third with an odd hooked blade they use. I just used Ogrebane here. the two with long spears fight it, goating and wounding the creature, until it extends its neck long enough, then the swordsman will cut the massive artery under the throat. Then the spearmen must keep it angry enough at them so that it doesn't swim away to die, and this is the most dangerous part. A massive beast like that, flailing about, a glance from it's head and you can kiss Morr's reapers personally, and dance them like a maid."
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)10:58 No.7539558
    I like that the Sylems follow naming convention.

    Sani Sylem = Insane Asylum
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)12:26 No.7540371
    Come back for my lunch break from work and... holy shit that was good rolling.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)12:30 No.7540406
    Wait, our sword now has tiny barbs all along the edge? Sweeeet.

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