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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 03/28/10(Sun)16:36 No.8840261 File1269808581.jpg-(93 KB, 772x486, wait thats no zaku boy.jpg)
 Zolomons nowhere to be found, which is irritating, you could have done with some backup. The two of you are slowly circling each other, waiting for a chance. You carefully toggle your chest gun to lethal, and settle into a firing position.
Your opening shot comes not from your bazooka but from your Beam Cannon. The shot takes him by suprise, catching the left side of his mobile suits face. On a person it'd be a lethal hit, but a mobile suit can ignore such things. The left eye is melted in half, and you see sparks intermingled with the ammo feed dumping 60mm shell after 60mm shell to the ground. He get's lucky and the ammo magazine doesn't cook off. You dash to the left as he returns fire with the beam rifle, but the head damage must be interferring with his sensors and the shot goes wide. You fire a second blast at him, he fails to completely dodge it, but nevertheless the rocket bounces harmlessly off his pauldron as he quickly ducks and careens into an empty space behind the two of you before exploding.
By his second shot you can tell he's adapted to the head damage, and slags the leftmost belt skirt armour and neatly shears the handle of your Heat Saber off. Damn, that's one less option for you.
Despite this you dash in close, your thrusters jet unequally, causing you to spin to the side, it's this maneouver that enable you to rapidly reduce your profile and avoid his next shot. Your shoulder collides with him at 300kmph, and his mobile suit tumbles head over heels backwards you see his Beam Rifle go flying.
You press your assault... |