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!vv/Nr3MYLo 02/09/12(Thu)20:26 No.17876737 File1328837173.jpg-(43 KB, 579x450, MarkOfChaos.jpg)
 You stand inside your throneroom, itself within the Vengeful Spirit. Before you is Ahriman, Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons and one of your most trusted comrades in this 14th Black Crusade.
Yes, the 14th Black Crusade. Although there had been thirteen other preceding it, all failures, this one was different. It was a crusade that transcended time itself. A quest, to kill the Emperor and bring Chaos eternal to the galaxy.
You have experienced things stranger than you ever have in your entire life within the last few months. You have slaughtered extinct beasts by the dozens, gained a fiance a child, and did the impossible by converted Eldar to chaos. Yet despite all these things, you feel as though there is so much more to come....
Ahriman speaks. "Yes. As I was saying, I'm very pleased with you." the sorcerer says "Things have been very...quiet recently. No random Eldar ship attacks, no murderous cultist trying to kill us, and no word of Alpharius since you had that...thing, done to him." You feel as though Ahriman is smiling behind his helm. "Yes, all in all it has been a very pleasant and peacfu-"
Then a warhound titan comes crashing through the ceiling.
Think fast, warmaster. |