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Navy PTs Remind Me I'm Out of Shape Edition
it's dead jim
Still feeling pretty sore, but I'm here as promised. You guys know the drill, as usual I have something to do beforehand. I'll be back momentarily.
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Starting off with what I finished yesterday
I hope you like my little shading experiment there
Voicefag will be unable to do voicework edition.

Sorry, guys.
Hello, are we having NUI?

Looks great man.


Please don't shitpost in here, we have something nice going on. This is not a Nui route, though we will be encountering her in the future.
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Sup OP? You're early today.
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Holy fuck son
Ok, I have kept a ctrl f script on this thread, and if NUi is mentioned i will look and share my opinions on the events of the adventure

Won't be for a while, mate.
>Nui route
How would this work in any way, shape or form?
Sorry, OP.

Get ready for the inevitable.

We come to Honnouji as a beta and return home as the Joker, of course.

Absolutely based.
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You can't escape
For those of you just tuning in, all the previous threads can be found here:


and some art of the character here:

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Your body may not have been ready, but ours are.
What are the rules? How are we processing votes?
First to 10 votes wins, I'm generally in charge of counting, unless I'm absent

First to 10 wins.

After OP post choices the first choice to get 10 votes wins.
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Thanks guys, I try my best.
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Excellent, man! Fantastic! I would hang around and chat but I'm fucking exhausted, so I don't think I'll be around to see this thread really kick into gear. Hope you guys have fun

OP, when Drawfag shows up, can you extend him the same offer I mentioned in the email? Turns out I'll be gone all night.
You need the svg on this one?
The .png is probably enough since it's huge, but I'll take it anyways. Thanks again, man.
Bueno. Thank you, friend.

See you all later. I may potentially pop my head in since I might be able to access my mobile for a few later on, but chances are I'll be missing out on this one. Love you all and have a great evening.
I hope we'll see your updated cover design soon
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Keep up the good work.
Took longer than I thought.

Alright guys, let's get this ball rolling.
>OP is back
>complaints removed
Just perfect.
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Yes, please do.
On a side note, if you would like to see a vector of any of the Anaru drawings I haven't traced yet, just let me know
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Guys, guys?
It's ok we still live

Do you though?
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>level 1, level 6, level 15, level 31
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You listen with patience, as your father had always taught you to. A reckless man's satisfaction is more fleeting than that of a patient man, for he tastes portions while his rival is delivered the whole.

You keep your eyes and more importantly, mouth, shut as Satsuki relays to you everything. Everything about REVOCS, Life Fibers...even Honnouji Academy's true purpose.

A fortress to stand against the inevitable surge of COVERS.

You listen as she washes herself, the temptation to watch almost overwhelming. But you are patient, you must force yourself to be.

Nothing good ever came from pursuing transient feelings. And before all is said and done, you have to be sure.

You have to be sure that what you're feeling is real, and that she reciprocates. So for now, you opt to play the loyal guard, the unyielding ally.

You do all in your power to focus on her revelations and not on the feeling of her lips pressed against your own.

Her shower begins to wind down. You can hear the lather of shampoo against that flowing hair, and it is really distracting you. When she is done speaking, the silence between you two resumes once again. The water continues to fall, the steam continues to obscure your vision.

You're sharp. You're not the sharpest guy out there, but you're no moron. You know enough about people to tell when someone is skirting around a subject, and Satsuki is definitely doing that. Every time she began to talk about her mother, she'd backpedal and continue only to reference the woman.

It's clear enough to you that she despises her mother, and who wouldn't? The lady is trying to destroy mankind. But something is off, and you have a feeling that this is what Hakodate was talking about. This is what you need to confront with her, be at her side for.

Then again...

[ ] Ask her about Ragyo
[ ] Ask about her childhood
[ ] Ask her about her Elite Five and what she thinks about them
[ ] Remain silent
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is this nigga serious
Just about. It depends on how that burrito I had earlier goes down
[X] Ask her about Ragyo
[x] Ask about her childhood

>[x] Ask her about Ragyo

Under the pretext if knowing the enemy, of course
>[X] Ask her about her Elite Five and what she thinks about them
We go straight for molestation and that's not gonna work.

>[ X] Ask about her childhood

And maybe elaborate a bit on our own, so it's not just a one-way street. she's giving a lot here, only fair we do the same.

Looking at the rate at which people reply, I'm not sure if we're gonna have enough replies for 10 votes on a single option
>[x] Ask about her childhood
We back to 10 votes?
>tfw have to drive 30 fucking miles for a copy of FFX/X-2 because of shitty city
>tfw make it back just in time for OP's first post
It was all worth it.

Depends on thread's speed, but for now, yes.

>[X] Ask about her childhood
>[X] Remain Silent
Story time.

>tfw got it mailed to me yesterday via Amazon

Step it up senpai
>[x] Ask her about her Elite Five and what she thinks about them
I think Ragyo should be brought up later, she already told us a lot and that's definitely the touchiest subject. Give her a little more time.
[ ] Ask about her childhood
I think asking about Raygo might be much. I think with enough time Satsuki might talk about it herself
Elite five. Ease her into it.
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>made it on time

OP pls for the love of all that is holy can you get a twitter for this?
That's what I would usually do, but since my local Gamestop had mother fucking Persona 4 Golden and Danganronpa I assumed they or somewhere else would have an HD Remaster of a fairly well known and popular game. I can't believe I was so wrong.
At the moment we got 5 votes on one option (childhood), and less on the others
Drop it to 5, maybe?

Five it is.
>>[ ] Ask her about Ragyo

Maybe at least until more people come in. We're only about at the time things normally get going now anyway, I think.
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Figured I'd try my hand at profile + Phoenix
Sounds about right, seems like there are less people here today.
I like the approach
Fuckin' A. I like it.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuu that's cool.
>[x] Ask her about Ragyo
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Fucking incredible.
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Reposting this one.
Hot damn son! That looks awesome
[x] Ask her about Ragyo
>[X] Ask about her childhood
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[x] Ask about her childhood
>OP using my shitty ms paint thingy
Feels good.
Ragyo got 5 votes first I think?

[X] Ask about her childhood
>[ ] Ask about her childhood

No, child hood definitely hit five first.

and may have actually hit 10 buy now
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Reminds me of the style from this episode. It's the neck and shoulders.
Childhood hit five first

yep ragyo got 5 first

We actually ARE Dandy as fuck, only we actually get shit done. Usually.

We also actually hit things.
Refer to the post above yours
>[x] Ask about her childhood

Making her explain Rapey Ragu while she's naked and in the shower doesn't seem like the best idea.
Refer to this

Ragyo, last one on 21:58:41

Childhood, last on 22:04:18
Does Anaru preffer tits or ass?
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Space dandy is pretty fucking based.
Ah, my complete mistake. I was only focused on people who quoted OP.

Yeah, Childhood got 5 first.
You missed one post for childhood, which was before >>30937404
Trust me, I know how to count
>implying he doesn't like it all equally
That's why we're going for Satsuki. Perfect ass, perfect tits, perfect everything.

Th-thanks guys
Been a while since I've drawn/uploaded anything
cCredit to OP for inspiration!

He admitted his mistake, m8. Let's keep it civil in here.

Childhood did indeed get five first, though since more people are arriving I think we can return to 10.
I submitted the post before the thread refreshed and I saw >>30937792 , my apologies
And understood, I will count to 10 now
I thought replying to OP was required to be on the count?

Well, not like we set any rules, makes sense that you can change them around all you want
I count any post clearly referring to one of the choices, regardless if it's a reply or not
Yeah, my total mistake. Child got 5 first, counting those who didn't quote OP.

However, since it's 10 again, does that include this one or does Childhood still win for getting 5 first?
A quick google search yielded this.
>Also characterizing large-breast preference was a tendency to date frequently, to have masculine interests, and to read sports magazines.
So I want to say he likes big boobs because of "masculine interests". From a gut feeling I would say he's an ass man though because I like saying ass man.

Seems fair, though if OP wants to clarify and say "need to quote" I don't think anybody would object too hard?


I think Childhood still makes it to 10 after we stopped counting.
>[ ] Ask about her childhood
Hope you're doing well OP.
Yeah, childhood still got 10 first a well.

Nonetheless, I motion that we make a rule stating you have to reply to OP.
That sounds fair
It seems like a rather pointless rule to me, but if OP decides so, I will obey

why bother? We've got a vote counter who hasn't steered us wrong yet, and a system that's been working really well.

If it's not broke, don't fix it.

I don't really insist either way, a vote is a vote, but OP decides how he wants to run his quest.
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"We'll deal with REVOCS when the time comes," you say, crossing one leg over the other and leaning against the glass. "There's plenty of other things we can talk about other than this depressing crap."

"Hm," she breathes out, and you know from the tone that she's smiling. Even if only a little.

"I'm getting out," she calls, and you fly to your feet in an instant. Trying to be helpful, you grab the towel that had been sitting next to you and hold it out in front of the door with your eyes closed. She turns the water off and it's suddenly very quiet, save for the gentle slapping of bare feet on the tile floor.

The glass door opens and you can feel her approach. Her movements stop and you know she's just standing there in front of you, completely bare and probably enjoying your bashful actions.

"How gracious of you," she teases lightly, taking the towel out of your hands. She starts to take a step past you, then hesitates.

A wet hand comes up to rest on your left cheek, and with a quick and deliberate movement she pulls your right cheek towards her lips.

A quick and gentle kiss on the cheek, chaste and forgettable. But you won't be forgetting it any time soon.

You're left reeling in the steam-filled bathroom as she moves over to Junketsu's case.
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>A quick and gentle kiss on the cheek, chaste and forgettable.
my dick
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Hmm. HMMM.
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God, you're gonna make my heart nearly explode again, aren't you.

I'm too young die.
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Gee S-satsuki chan...
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>Jump in shower with Satsuki

Remember to listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzIIA21sYPs during this part.

I really hope Before my Body is Dry play when we use the Phoenix Regalia.
The bonus soundtrack remix of Blumenkranz seems more fitting
But anon I want to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULQgMntenO8

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"So, uh..." you begin awkwardly, rubbing your cheek as she rests in her throne once again. "What was your childhood like?

"My childhood?" Satsuki didn't seem to expect this question.

"Yeah. By the way, would it kill you to get another chair in here?"

She chuckles again and damn it, you could really get used to that sound.

"Perhaps I'll ask Soroi about that sometime in the future." She takes a sip, closing her eyes as she reflects. "My childhood..."

Then she smiles that devious smile, and you realize she had a trap waiting.

"Come to think of it, Ondori...you've hardly spoken since barging into my bathroom." You can tell she's enjoying this. The moment your hand goes back to scratch your neck, her smile only widens. "It's hardly an equivalent exchange, so why don't you tell me about yours, first?"

"Mine, huh?"

You decide to sit cross-legged on the floor, mirroring Satsuki's earlier expression as you try to recall.

"Where do I begin...?"

[ ] The Warrior's Way
[ ] Papa Pompadour
[ ] Previous schools
>Papa's Pompadour
>[ ] Papa Pompadour
Indirectly ask her about her father and mother.
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>[x] Papa Pompadour
>[X] Papa Pompadour
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perhaps we can somehow make Satsuki not lose her way
[X] Papa Pompadour

"It all started with my old man..."
[ ] Papa Pompadour
>[x] Papa Pompadour
>[ ] Papa Pompadour
>[x] Papa Pompadour

>Previous Schools

>[X] The Warrior's Way

Papa pompadour.

I really wanna know what happened to him, also: Anaru takes a lot of examples of what his dad used to say.
That was pretty one-sided
>[x] Papa Pompadour
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>[X] Papa Pompadour
>[ ] Papa Pompadour
[ ] Previous schools
Damn that was quick! Still it's gonna be awesome bringing up based Pompadad

I voted for previous schools, but I ain't even mad. this was like choosing between 3 different top-shelf whiskeys.


Jesus christ the resemblance to Soichiro Kiryuin/Isshin Matoi is uncanny.
Of course.
A: Pompadad was probably our biggest influence in our life.
B: It'll help lead into Satsuki talking more about her past and parents than the others
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Also, our dad taught us the Warrior's way, so it kind of just flows.


>inb4 secret NUDISTO BEACH pompadad

I can't see it.
>implying pompadad isn't this burly motherfucker here

Look up.
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http://pastebin.com/b6XxyU38 here you go bro
Hey /tg/. I've been away for a number of weeks so I'm only just getting into this quest now, but I saw mention of the "Elite Five", not Four. Is this quest a sequel to the first KLK-Quest where we became the new boxing club captain and went up to the Generals Election arc of the anime?

Because odd surgery shit or relation.
I'm getting caught up on the show, and a certain scene from episode 21-22 made me realize that Khorne would probably take Ryouko has his 'hammerspace full of blood' waifu. Now I can't help but picture some kind of Kill La Kill with Chaos stuff, like a Khornette wearing Senketsu.
No, that one has not been continued, and was made by a different person

Completely different quest, anon.

Well, the four Devas do neatly fit into homage of the Four Gods.

Uzu = Khorne (headbodywristheadbodywristheadbodywrist)
Nonon = Slaanesh (WE ARE AMPLIFIED!)
Gamagori = Nurgle (neverchanging)
Inumata = Tzeentch (who controls information controls the truth)

So does that make Satsuki Chaos Undivided, despite the fact that she's more akin to the God-Emperor of Mankind?

One-Stars would be space marines, obviously.
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Tune: Majula, Dark Souls 2 OST

You laugh a little as she takes another sip, leaning back on your arms as you stare at the ceiling.

"I guess it wouldn't be right to start without mentioning my old man. He's the one who made me the man I am today, whether he was by my side or even if I was just carrying his advice along."

Satsuki crosses one of her legs and listens intently.

"He's just a lazy, frivolous old fart these days," you frown, "but way back when I was growing up, he was an idol. A real paragon in the country, and in our family."

"Our family," you continue, "was first based around a series of very old tenants known as the Warrior's Way. It really was just a bunch of old vague shit scribbled on a tablet," you chuckle.

"But my old man went and read that tablet every day, once before breakfast and once after dinner. And over time, he told his parents that he felt like the tablet was speaking to him. It was as if he could read between the lines, to the meaning beyond the words."

Tired of sitting, you lie completely on your back and Satsuki catches on, gesturing to her bed.


She nods, and you feel exceedingly grateful. Plopping down on that thing is the best you've felt all week. Over on her throne, Satsuki takes another sip and waits patiently for you to continue.

"Anyway," you resume, "my old man basically took it upon himself to pull our family 'out of the dark,' so to speak. Instead of some old fairy tale, the Warrior's Way turned into actual teachings! A legend became guidelines, guidelines became rules, rules became scripture. The Warrior's Way was now a true part of the Ondori blood, and I was born into the first generation of kids who would grow up completely around this new path rather than the old one."

"Truly fascinating," Satsuki commends, setting her empty cup down. "And this path, how did you follow it?"

[ ] Training with Pa
[ ] Incidents in school
[ ] Mention the feud
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I can't see Satsuki anything other than God-Emperor. Nothing else really suits to be fair
>[ ] Training with Pa
Father and son together
>[X ] Mention the feud
[x] Training with Pa
Nerd - Tzeentch
Nonon - Slaanesh
Gamigori - Nurgle
Monkey - Khorne

[ ] Training with Pa

[X] Training with Pa

Pa route when
[ ] Training with Pa

Backstory, ho!
[x] Training with Pa
[X] Training with Pa
>[x] Training with Pa
>[ ] Mention the feud

I know it sounds edgy as fuck, but I'm curious about this "feud".
>[X] Training with Pa
>[X] Mention the feud
I wanna hear this
[ ] Training with Pa
>[ ] Mention the feud
>[ ] Mention the feud

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Satsuki is Abaddon. She loses about as frequently, too.

>[X] Mention the feud
Satsuki is god emperor, because in a hypothetical final battle bad end, Ryuuko could be reduced to the Life fibers she's made out of and end up being dispersed Across the galaxy, primarch style.

Que Satsuki getting the human race to rebuild, and taking over the world using the remnants of REVOCS, nudist beach and Takara comitte then getting them ready for SPACE adventures as she takes out Life fiber incursions on other planets, purging them and placign Xenos under her strict rule whilst looking for the pieces of her Holy Sister.

The Elite four also get beefed up into saints or retain their positions.

Eventually, they find out all life fibers Originate fro ma hellish dimension known as the Weave, where the forces of chaos are found in thread form and sent across the galaxy by X lords of the weave.

KLK is now 40k.
Spoiler that shit anon! Lest we give GW any fucking ideas
Well said
Fucking hell, guys. I mean, I'm all for more info on Pompadad, but this feud is too damn juicy to gloss over.
Damn it. Hope Ward isn't lurking today
We'll get to it. I highly doubt OP would bring it up once and then just never mention it again. We're just trying to build up to it. Gotta do the good times before the bad times for that proper emotional impact.

Too late now, but

[X] Mention the Feud
agreed, I feel like the feud could lead to something VERY important in the near future.
Oh well
Oh, and Fight Club Mako gets a three star and goes full HALLELUJAH MGS3 Boss Mother of armed forces for panty Sisters of battle.

Senketsu becomes something of a holy spirit after evolving to OLF size, that can grand his strength to others in small fabric patches sent through warp space or something, like in the Tri city raid.
Uh, can you provide a link to the music next time please?

My mistake.


C'mon its the third ost
>not preordering Dark Souls 2 and having the OST on your computer
_______________git gud_______________________

Fucking this. That was so cool of them to include.
A saw what weapons and shields you get for preordering, fuck that
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>mfw collector's edition

Senketsu is the Omnissiah, obv. Fiber Priests integrate the sacred life fibers into their flesh.
No fuck off, it's easier for OP to put a link so i don't have to bother searching it. Especially if doesn't appear right away when searching the fucking name.
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Is that angry face or aroused face?
>inb4: Yes.
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>Satsuki is abaddon
I don't think that's quite right...
You can have a fair point and completely ruin it by being an asshole.

Calm yourself, it's not that serious.
They are pretty garbage anyways.
I was making a joke with the git gud thing. Calm down, man.
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And excuses to post some of my favorite images continue.

That's not an image /a/non.
Takara is pretty much the Unspoken saint of rouge traders who established some sort of rough Pirates code, and his committee pretty much runs most of the Imperiums finances

Technically Ryuuko's holy blood and Senketsu's will is basically Anti-life fiber life fiber, which attest to the will of humanity overcoming the taint of the weave with pure RESOLVE AND WILLPOWER.

The Patron saint of Love, destiny and fate and preservance of man is of course Daddy dearest, Seeing as he's roughly based on the Japanese match maker.

Otherworldly Life fibers are like Tyranids + Chaos and vary across the galaxy.

My only worry about this setting is what will happen to Nonon, because she's a special case.
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At least one nigger gets it
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They ARE garbage and they look like shit. I don't want to ever see them in my game
>I don't want to ever see them in my game
But they are in the game regardless. The preorder only makes you get them at the start instead of finding them later in the game.
Been making a list of Future themes

>Theme for our one man war against REVOCS


>Theme for future Anaru/Satsuki moments


>Theme for the showdown with Nui

>our personal theme the Night before the Rebellion


>Eventual theme for when we crack it at Nui/Ragyo about Satsuki


... Ugh
I guess I'll reconsider then

>Ryuuko's holy blood ;_;

I can see all too clearly Satsuki on her knees in front of Ryuuko's altar...

The sounds of your jimmies being rustled only makes me smile.

But I won't post the other thing I like to post, because I ain't actually here to make any body mad, despite it being 100% appropriate.

>One man war against REVOCS.

We're not that stupid to do that.
Slightly aged and withered but with her steeled resolve to spend that X promised time together after they won the final battle?
Crap I Forgot I hadn't added Nui showdown theme any suggestions?
Nah it's cool man, 'tis all in good fun

I lol'ed at the Anaru/Satsuki theme. It may become appropriate further down the line but they haven't got together that far yet.
Not a matter of stupidity but Passion manliness and the Satsuki route
>Showdown with Nui


That, or when using Final Form: Phoenix

>Anaru, NO!
>Theme for the showdown with Nui
I propose this
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"Well," you continue, "you're already pretty aware that the Warrior's Way is a philosophical thing, at least on some level. But a lot of it does focus on fighting. Not explicitly, I mean, but..."

You groan, wracking your brains for a way to put this. Satsuki waits patiently from over on her seat.

"...it doesn't tell us to fight, but we fight because we're human. I guess it shows us how to deal with or avoid conflict, and when that conflict comes to blows, that's when the actual training becomes applicable."

"Training," Satsuki repeats.

"Yeah, my dad trained me. He's a little on the fat side due to getting old and lazy, like I may have mentioned earlier. But when I was younger, so was he. And that really meant something. Nobody in the country could've beaten him in a fight, whether it was fought with words OR fists."

"He didn't pamper me at all," you continue with a smile, "because I had no siblings and in any case, that wasn't the way he did things. If he was the strongest fighter in the world, then he wanted to be that plus one. We trained every day: simple running or parkour, wailing on practice dummies, and a bunch of vaguely helpful bullshit that didn't even make sense at the time."

"Such as?" Satsuki asks with a raised eyebrow. You can't help but lift your head off of her bed and smile at her.

"One time he told me to hide for an entire day without being found, and if he found me he promised to kick the crap outta me."


"Now I'm really good at hide-and-seek."

Satsuki laughs and you laugh with her, surprised to see she's actually doubled over. She really does seem to loosen up when you're around. When her laughter finally fades, she's still got a case of the giggles, but still manages to question you further.

"And how is your relationship with him, now?"

Your smile falls pretty fast and she catches on immediately.

"If you don't want to discuss it, that is understandable."

[ ] Fair enough
[ ] Tell her anyway
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Realized some of the color schemes were double-counted the first time around, so I basically redid everything.
I propose this for Phoenix Regalia
[x] Tell her anyway
>[x] Tell her anyway
Satsuki's cool, we can tell her.

>[X] Tell her anyway
>[x] Tell her anyway

We are opening up so she will.

[X] Tell her anyway

We are not asking her to open herself up only to close ourselves.
[x] Tell her anyway
[X] Tell her anyway
[ ] Tell her anyway
[ ] Tell her anyway
>[X] Tell her anyway
Fair enough

we gotta keep some things close, to reveal them later!
>[ ] Tell her anyway
there's some options that ask to be skipped
[ ] Tell her anyway
Do it.
>[x] Tell her anyway
>[X] Tell her anyway
I neeeeed to know this!
I thought this would be the obvious choice >www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gyjUFQYntI
Followed by
As we start to dissipate

It seems far more appropriate then love conservative IMO after some consideration.
[ ] Tell her anyway
Fastest yet I think
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Pretty sweet
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>mfw always 1st
this is a little to aquatic. i can hear bubbles in the background. we need FIRE. POWAH. SPIRIT.

I propose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F3hbt_CQVU&list=PL2131F728CE223D64
>Satsuki laughs and you laugh with her, surprised to see she's actually doubled over. She really does seem to loosen up when you're around. When her laughter finally fades, she's still got a case of the giggles, but still manages to question you further.
Too cute for words. Too cute for my heart.
Look at that shit-eating grin!
Personally I don't think it has the sinister devilish innocence that's leads to calamity that Nui's theme should have.
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You're awesome really though
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>mfw always last
It feels good to be the decider.
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>[X] Tell her anyway

Here's a crazy thought: What if, when we're fighting Ryuuko, we notice the strange similarity behind the way both of their fists (palms?) feel, and that somehow lets us connect the dots that she is Satsuki's sister? Is something like that possible in any way, or is this the sleep deprivation talking?

If you want unleashed epicness I propose :

Shit, I know I've heard something appropriate but can't remember
>not Awakening the Chaos

It's almost impossible for us to beat Nui, and that song feels like a battle you can't win, until at the last moment you asspull something
Sounds a little far fetched. I think you're tired.
I propose this one
>wanting fire and spirit
>not posting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQgXvmtI_ug for when we pull the finishing blow

damn that whole soundtrack so fine.

Honestly, while it's a little hard to tell sometimes because the detail level of the animation swings back and forth a lot, Satsuki and Ryuko have very similar facial features. I think apart from Ryuko's weird buddhist/chaos/rifiled pupils, their eye color is close too.

Maybe if we saw both Satsuki and Matoi make the same expression...
what the fuck
I think that Awakening the Chaos is somewhat of a last boss only track. It's too, uh... grand for her, I think is the way to put it?
Nice taste.
You're now imagining listening this at night, on your own and you've left your closet open
Speaking to the soul via the fists is entirely appropriate for the sort of character we are.

Well, Satsuki did slap us. We know what her fist feels like.
We'll that was disturbing and this is coming from a guy that adores creepy, it would be great if not for the fact it screams Horror and not Calamity behind a facade of sweetness
It's more likely to notice general similarities, like "something about/around the eyes/nose/mouth/cin/insert random body part" (I hear that a lot where I live) or something equally vague.

Anaru would be more likely to notice the equally fierce sprit and draw the connection from there, though.
How's about this?
I vote for this one as well
Just a little food left to eat, I'll be back momentarily.

>all these people not thinking we're a one-man army
>all these people who forgot about Satsuki in her rape cage

>eating food
>not just drinking your calories
Got some fire whiskey on this fine day?
>rape cage
Op no. Don't make it so.
I know we're through with the MGR stuff, but I think this is pretty fitting for Nui https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKdhkCcMIAo
I could go for some food
Too bad it's 3 AM
I think this would be cool after we release our Phoenix Regalia

We will eat that cage.
It will be delicious
>yfw I want to Know play during the rescue operation
I was about to complain how underrated regular encounter themes from MGR are, but you've surprised me, good job
Fuck, it's Uni all over again

>Ragyo comes in
>Random guy munching on the cage

Make it so

What if, during a fight, she uses the scissor blade as a crutch to get back up, and, just for a moment, she stands in the iconic Satsuki pose, and our epiphany strikes us, like lightning drawn to a pompadour tree.
>not the final part of The Year 1812

All gone ;_;


Haha ow. Fuck you man, it hurts to laugh.
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>Anaru's face when

>"Oh, hey, Matoi looks a lot like..."
>"What are you doing."
>>all these people who forgot about Satsuki in her rape cage
>depression time after we think Satsuki might be dead, but we always hold out hope
>we see her in the rape cage
Oh shit we're gonna go full Ryuuko.
I can dig it

That...would be magnificent.
>yfw one of OP's posts starts with "Tune: Ambiguous"

Shit yeah.



Nice quads.

Also, one thing I learned from one time I played a goblin was that you can eat anything, if you just show it who's boss. Rocks, rotten food, other goblins. Anything.
How about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vX3U2F2kj4

I offer a rebuttal:

Mightn't be a bad one for Nui.
Works just as well
I tried to think of something else, but I keep getting pulled back in
Actually scratch this one. this one instead
Though personally, I prefer this version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNQvLECht08
Both are apparently called Tengen Toppa Edition
I want to take a shit, but I don't want to miss the next post. OP, when will you finish writing this part?
>Not posting this instead
Kaiki is best monogatari
Are we supposed to die after using Phoenix or not? Because if yes only a few of the songs posted fit, imo these ones

Also Libera me from Hell or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l__jSgTAmQ
Nah. Just nudist.
Which means that we need to use it in Naturals Election to get a bitchin mark II.
>No Wonderful 101

Wharble i love you
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seeing as a HUGE part of every phoenix mythos is rebirth, I hope not.

If OP has any sort of goodness in him, we'll burn out and almost or appear to die, then come back from our ashes (figuratively speaking.)
Thanks, guys, now I need to teach my singer Japanese.

I didn't even know there was a full version of this
>burn out and almost or appear to die, then come back from our ashes (figuratively speaking.)

No, I want us to literally arise from our own charred remains.

>Implying Matoi wouldn't beat us and we get a Mk II anyway


I mean, we've talked about using a suicide-type attack in the Phoenix to try and take out Ragyo later before, but I do not think the form itself is inherently lethal, just time limited because, y'know, burning life fibers.
Not enough pompadour.
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Drawin more, with varying levels of effort/completion
Any requests?
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>Anaru sees someone talking shit about Satsuki.jpg
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>Anaru reenact a the anti-spiral battle in Phoenix regalia form
>complete with 2big4gama forms
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We need to use phoenix in ragyo fight and go out in a literal blaze of glory as we use it to immolate the original life fiber like the morning sun.
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Can I make a half-way unrelated request?

I like it. Can't think of a request.
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It's fucking glorious.
>Not the biggest thing on the screen, even when there are galaxy-sized mecha around
Step up.
Fan-bloody-tastic my good anon
The ideal time to use it would be when Nui tries to unravel the uniform, assuming we don't lose it to Ryuuko first.

Burn her fucking fingers.

were we completely naked in that scene? I just remember some ab-flashing.
>Gama bigger than a galaxy sized mecha
Sweet fuck I lost my shit there anon, that's brilliant
Again, his size is "Bigger than you."

No exceptions.
Third-year student Isaac Clark in his 3-star uniform -- Stomp Regalia?

I'm not sure we should be able to really do anything to Ragyo. At least not anything substantial. Let the sisters handle her, It'd be to mary sue if we came into fully-realized kamui levels.
Didn't remember, also not finished
Gotta wait to edit more til I get home to my tablet

You, uh... already replied to me: >>30940497
Engineer Regalia?
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>Anaru during the election, fighting all the small-fry.
No, Stomp.

Always stomp.

When in doubt, stomp.

Stomp stomp stomp.
That would be straight up Tengen Toppa.

Anaru's the contingency plan that Satsuki relies on as the final fallback.

Anaru enters the original life fiber with full intent to die from the immolation.

Powered by the original life fiber, he becomes a temporary god before burning out his life and the fiber. The last thing he does is give Satsuki and everone else a thumbs up before running a comb through his pompadour, unable to finish coming it into perfection, he dies halfway.
Good point.
We need a new and better avatar quest.
A: Sounds fun, I'll give it a go, but possibly not this thread

B:Shit, phone posted earlier without my knowledge
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Well, the thing is, we'd try. Unless physically prevented, Anaru would try. So we talked about some shit we might do, several of which involved blowing ourselves up in a blaze of glory and life fibers.
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Soroi enters while you consider how to put it, sparing you one quick glance as he greets Satsuki and offers to fill her cup. He mutters something to her but she waves it off, looking at you again. Soroi simply bows and steps out, leaving the kettle of tea on the table next to her.

"I guess he just...gave up."

Satsuki looks away from her cup and back to you, surprised. Clearly, she had expected you to remain silent.

"He gave up, he settled down. He got weak, but not because of age." At this point you're gritting your teeth. "He did not age gracefully, but shamelessly and quietly. He's just a womanizer with too much time on his hands, now."

"...I see. Then, your mother...?"

"Gone. She left when I was very young, and I never saw her again."

"I'm sorry."

Now that was surprising. You're not particularly torn up about talking about the past, since it's pretty much dead to you anyway. Yet here she was, Kiryuuin Satsuki...wearing the look of pain that should be on YOUR face, instead.

"Heh, don't go wasting your breath like that, Satsuki. You've got nothing to apologize for."

"I wonder about that..."

Silence once more. Feeling that it's been enough for one day, you rise up off of her bed.

"You can tell me about your mom some other time," you offer. Satsuki's eyes widen at that.

"I'm going to go check on Ryu-...sorry, Matoi's Fight Club. I'm sure you'll want to know how they've been progressing."

You approach the door and as you grip the handle, she smiles.

"Where do you think we are headed, Ondori?"

What a strange question. You answer the only way you know how.

"Wherever we're going, I'll be at your side."

Then you're gone, the doors swinging shut behind you. Satsuki sets her cup down, looking morose.

"But you won't have feelings for me when we arrive," she whispers.

The tea grows cold beside her.
Anaru needs this somewhere
I just don't know where

I want us to die after it is perfected. A true blaze of Life and Fiber.
complete with Marxist equalises that ignite the fires of revolution throughout the world as dissent among benders & none benders grows?
It just keeps happening.
Stop it, you're giving me ideas
Seriously, OP is making me want to start my own quest sometime.
Is it weird that I love everything about the "Burn out after full-phoenix and be reborn as a life-fiber hybrid kamui for Satsuki" idea, except the fact that afterwards we won't be able to hold her, or kiss her, or preform husbandly duities?
I thought you said you were out of whiskey.
>"But you won't have feelings for me when we arrive," she whispers.
>"But you won't have feelings for me when we arrive," she whispers.
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>"...I see. Then, your mother...?"

>"Gone. She left when I was very young, and I never saw her again."

Oh god the Implications

We'd be able to do all three though, anon.
>Is it weird that I love everything about the "Burn out after full-phoenix and be reborn as a life-fiber hybrid kamui for Satsuki" idea

No, it's normal. Yes we'll be able to hold her. She can kiss us, and we'll be her piece till we die
At least being able to make a speech while the sisters are dealing the finishing blow would be sweet.

>Our fate is not in the hands of some clothes.
>Bit by bit, we carve our own path with our fists! That's how we work! That's how humans work!

>We are not your pawns! WE ARE HUMANS!
>[Sorairo Days intensifies]

I'm tired. Could be a lot better.

>Killing Anaru.

no no no no no no no no no non no NO

Oh, right. We should probably tell her how we feel about her sometime. Because she probably thinks that we're into Matoi now.

Also, OP, srsly. I need all my organs. Especially my heart. Stop shoving your hand in there and punching me in it.


We can do all of those things as clothes.

nooooooooooooo bittersweet endings always just make me drink heavily. don't do it OP my liver can't take it.
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OP please
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>his pompadour falls to the Earth and Satsuki tries to catch it, but it bursts into Life Fibers and floats away
Please no.
Matoi seems more Anaru's speed. Satsuki is more GLORIOUS LEADER.
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This.....this hurts....

Senketsu has shown able to move and stuff, but he's still fabric. kissing seems out of our reach. closest we can do is some blanket/pillow like cuddling I guess? blargh, I vote we just come back crazy hurt like Ryuuko was after ripping off Junketsu.

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I agree, Junketsu is the purest
Life fiber flames.

The only end I see for Anaru is glorious final blaze too. I like it for some reason.

He'd rather go out in a blaze of masculine glory than grow old and LOSE HIS WAY LIKE HIS FATHER.

See whatcha did there.
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(on an unrelated note, how would a Pompadour translate onto a kamui?)
>He'd rather go out in a blaze of masculine glory than grow old and LOSE HIS WAY LIKE HIS FATHER.
>implying that would happen with Satsuki there to help him and vice versa

That'd still kill us because we're not magic. Unless we become magic. Or are already magic, barring FORESHADOWING.


I mean, to an outside observer, probs, but we've already made out a little with Satsuki (and enjoyed it) and imoto'd Matoi. I think Anaru feels more like Matoi is a sibling or a good buddy than he wants to give her the P.
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>Anaru dies in a glorious way burning like the sun
>Satsuki lose her way from seeing the scene

So now Satsuki thinks we are NTR her ?

It forms a giant spike on the chest bracketed by two eyes which say "You trying to look at mai waifu's boobs, punk!?"
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We have indeed imouto'd the Ryuuko a little. More imouto potential in the future. Also,


She doesn't know we're not "like that" with Ryuuko
Since you're leaving, and I doubt this will end before you do, any continuity plans in the works for how to let people know of a new CYOA thread?

>Implying we don't come back by punching death in the face to give Satsuki one last kiss and set her straight.

I thought we were already a little magic after that life fiber test? like wasn't hit hinted we've got some fibers running inside us now?

MAYBE it's just enough to keep us barely alive after going full phoenix. please Please PLEASE let it be just barely enough.
This can be playing when he gives his epic speech and fades away
No, she's thinking that he won't like her for the terrible shit she thinks she has to do to save the world.

Of course, Anaru's gonna tell her otherwise, because FUCK THAT DEFEATIST BULLSHIT.
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I'd probably start an innocent KLK thread with discussion about the series. Then I'd transition in the CYOA threads and talk about them a little, gather up the discussion.

I'd namefag or tripfag as "The Higher Power"

Then I'd post this with my actual trip on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kujo7V9m0gk
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I couldn't go with the obvious joke.

And I also couldn't make the purification joke because I'm not a horrible person.
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While we vanish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAab3pPV9ls

Sadly it's a terrible rip

I don't think so. she's just assuming once either A)we find out she's 'damaged goods' or B) she goes full hitler in the moments before betraying her mom We'll leave her because she's lost her way.
Found a better one, mate.

OP, you leaving for today?
OP, will you let us pump up someone's football in this story?

I would fuckin' lose my shit.
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I want to finish this thread first.


I am really, really considering it. I want to write some good, artistic, classy sex and make it work.

At the end we confess to Satsuki. Right before we go out.

>"Satsuki. You know, I always considered you my girl."
>He holds his hand up,"You know what I gotta do to end this for good."
>Satsuki goes silent, bowing her head before giving him the order,"Finish this..." A tear runs down her cheek.
>"Planned on it." He runs his come through, his pomp. "Satsuki, catch."
>She looks up just in time to catch the comb.
>"Not gonna need it anymore..." He says as he walks into the original life-fiber, as though he were walking towards the setting sun.
>Satsuki doesn't call for him, because this is the answer to preserving his warrior's way, to tell him not to go would be an insult.
>So instead she watches, witnessing his last moment as he throws her a thumbs up before the fiber and his flames engulf him.
>"Sayonara." A whisper carried on the wind.
>>I am really, really considering it. I want to write some good, artistic, classy sex and make it work.
How did you describe us missing out on the Nonon sex? "I was ready to make her something in the moonlight"? Something like that. I thought it was the funniest thing in the fucking world.
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>Checking CR for subs delays
>Availability Information
>Wow. So delay. Much patience. Many thanks.
Gee, I sure like me some unfunny overused memes, Crunchyroll
> not using www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BO5AgiOo6E
>not basically reenacting the last 15 minutes off ttgl

do you even into Burning spirit feels?
We'd be burning those fibers too.
>I am really, really considering it

More delays? Fucking hell.
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[Libera Me From Hell Intensifies]
"mfw I was completely prepared to detail how we turned her into a sweaty, wanting, depraved little mess as the moon fell and you all effectively cockblocked yourselves"
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Aight, well here's some work in progress. Pretty bad but at least It's something.
>making light of the fact that they don't know how to do their fucking job
I swear if they do this next week I'm gonna get pissed.
that song fits for when the tables are turned

we're looking for our last song here

He's not angry.


>implying he wouldn't be completely fucking rage mode
Yes, I just had the brains to check the archive.

Fucking golden.
Damn this mashup is good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgfWEjpEhsU

The ending is real good too
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>Satsuki gets the Yukon treatment

op OP! Pls no NO!
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Maybe he could be put in a rage cage
Well at least it ensured pomp shenanigans
That was the most glorious fucking moment in that series. The best fucking death I've ever seen.

I want a sequel where everyone has to do this year of school over again on account of the world almost ending, full of bento boxes and double dates and all sorts of fun stuff.
>not pure, unadulterated rage

Bro, that's our waifu in the rape cage.
Oh yes. No regrets.

We are to remain pure for Satsuki.

Crap, forgot she's already used goods. There's no point.
u avin a giggle m8
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Common guys, Anaru cannot die, he's too cool for that.

And for fuck's sake OP can we have a happy ending for once?
He'll go writer-kun on us if we demand happy too much. Gotta have the good with the bad.
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here let me fix this
>So instead she watches, witnessing his last moment as he throws her a simple wave gesture
>"Adios." A whisper carried on the wind.
TRUTH. also awesome picture.
We can still have the bad. We just don't have to die and leave Satsuki behind. I just want Anaru and Satsuki to have a loving family. I want to give the Kiryuin sisters the family they never got to have. Let me just have happy.
Are you tone deaf? This is the melancholy reprisal of pierce the heavens, it fits perfectly.

>We discover Satsuki is still alive
>[Planning Intensifies]

On an unrelated note I fucking loved when Gama dropped from the chopper in front of Satsuki.
Page 8 is upon us OP. New thread!

That is a seriously awesome scene.
You know who we're also to cool to die? Kamina & Kittan.
And be sure to link us to it please.
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You're just minding your own business, heading over to the Fight Club's office when it happens. Your entire hand goes numb. You jump a little at the sudden sensation and examine the top of your hand, finding a little needle stuck there with a note attached.

Honestly, is there no end to the weird shit that goes on around here?!

You remove the needle delicately and let your hand fall limp at your side. Unfurling the damn note is a pain in the ass without your other hand, but somehow you manage to do it by holding on with your teeth and pulling away with your good hand. And all that effort is wasted on a stupid, infuriating, unnecessarily vague message:

"Over here," you read aloud. There's a cough from behind you, and you turn around just in time to watch the bastard walk around a corner!

You run right after him and turn into the hallway, but he's gone! Just then, another needle hits you in the opposite hand!

"You have got to be KIDDING ME!" You shout. Nearby students are understandably confused as you whirl around and search for the culprit, your arms flailing limply at your sides.

"Eeeeeehhhhhh," a voice grumbles from behind you. You're just in time to catch the man responsible standing in a maintenance elevator, the doors mere seconds away from closing. "A little slow on the uptake, aren't we? Ondori Anaru."

You make a beeline for the elevator just as the doors close, your forehead ramming into the metal and sending you tumbling to the floor. Your eyes are blazing and every step you take as you sprint to the stairs is resonating with indignation.

Once again, you run by your assistant Hakodate as she and her friends are traveling down the hallway.

"Oh, there you are! Honestly, you are never around the office these days," Hakodate complains as you approach. "Hey, what do you say to-"


Till next time...
Guys, I had a terrible thought.

What if, if we ever have the misfortune of trying to take on Ragyo or Nui, we get an unwanted haircuit?

Thousands would mourn the loss of our glorious pompadour...
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can you get a twitter for this?
>Till next time...

I have a Twitter, I just hardly use it. But I guess I might as well START using it.

Many thanks, OP. Now I don't have to worry about missing a thread.
>Not continuously refreshing /tg/ catalog
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you trying to kill me?
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>Till next time...
>Till next time...
It's fine though. This will actually give me time to do something somewhat productive at work rather than sit on 4chan. I'll probably still just end up on 4chan all night.
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Oh god I'm so bad at gifs what am I doing oh god.
>Till next time...
>not getting drunk again and keeping us up until 4am

OP you need to take responsibility after destroying my sleep schedule
This time I'm staying until the thread 404s, in the event OP suddenly changes his mind again
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>CYOA threads are kill
>kill la kill will be kill soon
>nothing else to get hyped about

Please, please for the love of all that is holy, finish this gif.

That is hilarious.
I need excuses not to work, pls OP.
klk OVA in September.





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op is kill
>forgetting OVA
>not hype for Stardust Crusaders
>not hype for Mekaku
>implying the CYOA threads will die
>implying our love of KlK will die
Has anybody started on a KlK waifu circle jerk visual novel yet?
God dammit i just realized we haven't even got out of episode 7 yet.
Movie when?

Stop it people you are giving him a stage to set off in the sunset until next time. He basically has no choice now.
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I'll improve it later, it's like 2:30 here and I need a break from gimp. I threw a friend request to you in steam earlier.
I know I don't need to remind you, but better safe than sorry. Take r-responsibility and archive us, Newfag Herder-kun!


Sorry m8. Tomorrow I will alleviate your post-stream suffering by doing a CYOA until subs are out, and then possibly after.


I know I'm bogging us down, anon. But I've got something planned with sensei that will hopefully do a great deal to accelerate the story.

Of course, if you'd rather we travel through EVERY event in the story, I can drop the idea. However, that would mean that there is no way in hell that I am finishing this thing by next Tuesday.
When season 2 is confirmed

>yfw klk is alternate pocket dimension inhabited by anti-spirals

Accepted your request.
I doubt it will get a S2. But I can dig that dream. I can dig it.

Above all let it flow as you feel it. There's no real need to rush to catch up the episodes.
I think we need to Ping Pong Accelerate to the naturals election

I was thinking the same thing.
I really like the fluff, but I'm also scared that if you don't finish it in time it'll never get finished and that will kill me worse. Do whatever you feel you should OP. Don't miss out on the big points you want to do though.

I don't think you need to finish this before you leave, it'll feel too rushed, i can wait for your return but i can't say the same about other anons.
We're good. Is this confirmed it for the night?

We need Homura.




>thread over
finally, now I can actually get started on the stuff I just got in the mail
I need to add you guys
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Yep, that's all I can churn out at the moment. Pardon my laziness.


Hop to it, faggot!
I'm afraid I lack the investigative skills to find your profiles
What do you think Satsuki associates with molestation beyond Ragyo herself? like is
fingering associated or sex in general?

Fuck sex with Satsuki is going to be like having sex with a rape victim, we'll be checking constantly to make sure she isn't freaking the fuck out.



Please do this, I need muh Satsuki-sama.

Well, we've put a lot of build up into the Fight Club thing, so you should resolve it, but that should be sooner rather than later.

Then we timeskip the week for the Naturals Election, and get to the king of the hill battle. Our place in the fight order should be decided based on the "what we did for that week" choice probably, or just whatever you feel like. Matoi fighting the other Student Council members maybe doesn't need to take up such a huge distance between posts, unless your plan is to have us really influence that kind of thing.

Not trying to be demanding or anything, just trying to think about smooth story structure and offer suggestions.
How many days before you ship out? Do you leave Monday or something?

I really appreciate it, anon. I really do!


6 days left.
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Check email.
Please do this. Please do this. Pls
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Lel forgot pic

Oh, oh. Do Ground Zeroes first and then come back to us with details, whether it was worth the buy, etc.
Tuesday night then?
Tuesday night I'll post your comments from "that" thread.

Blackmail him to continue now.
>Ground Zeroes
I like the game, but it just isn't worth 30 bucks. Maybe the 20 bucks for digital, but I played through pretty much everything in less than 5 hours. Seriously beat the story in about an hour and thirty minutes which is just ridiculous for the asking price.

I'm not using the stuff I learned in Creative Writing right now, so somebody should benefit from it.

Plus, speaking from personal experience, tight pacing is super-key.

I probably won't have Internet access then, so Monday night would make more sense if you're GOING TO BE A GIANT DICK!

But yeah, if I do find out otherwise, I'll let you guys know.


No, don't do that.


Aaaaaand that answers that question, thanks anon.
No, it's not the time. It has to be the last day.


I'm only doing it because you said some rather inspirational stuff that everyone here ought to keep in their hearts.
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Are you going to a boot camp equivalent or being deployed?

I was pretty drunk. I always get super preachy and philosophical when I'm drunk.


Navy Basic Training
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Ohhhh shit son
Not that anon, but for 20 bucks, it was worth it. The side missions are fun, exploring is great, and just general fucking around is enjoyable, but it really make you yearn for a larger map, so we'll have to wait for TPP.
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Since voicefag is out today, I made a little something from the a dumb joke I made before the last thread went under.

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>without rapper
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Who's anointed nil? I can't decipher it.

brety gud though.

Oh, it's REVOCS! I get it now.
See you in 9 weeks than OP.

In my defense, my accent is both fake, and dialogue based of someone WITH an impenetrable accent.

Don't fucking remind me. The nerves are setting in.
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Top accent.
Made a choice, just stick with it.

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm all for it. Getting out of the comfort zone fucking sucks, though. And you know it.
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Next thread can't come soon enough.

In the meantime, have a cutest Kill in progress.
Don't believe in yourself OP, believe in the Anon that believes in you!
It'll be alright, OP. We all grow up sometime.
You'll do well. Grit your teeth and and be sure you don't lose your way
These threads are bretty bopular.

We're at 532 replies already.
At least you're working towards something OP. That's more than I can say for a lot of us.
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OP is very based. It's just good clean fun.

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