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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/10/12(Sat)21:18 No.18280456 File: 1331432293.jpg-(73 KB, 520x420, 1325151039255.jpg)
"I mean, me and Erica both know the strength-enhancing technique," Minna tells you. "But Trude is a born natural. She never had to learn anything, and she's far more powerful then either me or Erica, using it. For that matter, Shirley's remarkably good with machines, and we suspect her brother has similar abilities. Perrine has the Tonnere. I've got enhanced situational awareness. It's not just one-dimensional. Technically speaking, there's really no reason a Witch couldn't wield the Machine Affinity, or a male manifest a shield as strong as any."
You feel your soul fill with dark, wicked glee. Fuck you, Sean. And *fuck* your soap bullets.
"Doesn't often work that way, though."
Your hopes shatter upon the floor.
"It *is* an extension of your soul, your self, remember," Minna explains. "It's not easy to just... train people to do this or that with it. Which is why we need Striker's in the first place. Or broomsticks, in olden days. A machine, or at least a focus. But still, it's not impossible. You... read any history?"
You jerk a thumb at the wings pinned on your shirt. "Dude."
"Right," she says. "Well, plenty of ancient male warriors were described as almost supernatural in their martial ability... like you might've described Sean, the night of the raid."
You recall the brutally efficient, furious grace Sean displayed - *grace,* no less - as he waded into the Martians with that broadsword. "Yeah. I get that."
"But some of them went further. Some were actually credited with feats like jumping thirty feet through the air, or picking up rocks that ten men couldn't lift. Or clearing men off the decks of a ship by swinging the mast around like a club. It's called myth these days, but some Witch scholars aren't so sure." |