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!!857o4GkKJgy 01/07/11(Fri)18:16 No.13433961 File1294442211.jpg-(40 KB, 500x375, cc08e0b81f9d499014b91f0821cbce(...).jpg)
 >>13433736 >AA heat hawks. It is possible, we have done it.
"We" is a funny way of saying "Zolomon"...
Anyway. The Outer Heaven begins it's attack run, heavy beam cannons and lighter AA guns send a storm of fire into the melee, and in the midst of this confusion you open the ventral doors and the three of you leap out of the back.
The whole area around you is a melee of dogfighting, you draw your Bullpup rifle and tell the other two to stay close, and cover each others blind spots. As you fall, you pick a good target and begin shooting. The other two behind you open fire as well as your altitude continues to fall.
"Damn, it's going to be hard to pick out the enemy Saberfish from our own Saber-Tigers when it starts to get dark..." Bernard comments.
"If we do this right, we'll be gone before that happens." you tell him.
"What time is it here anyway?"
"Looks like midday, now cut the chatter Ruubens and concentrate on your targets." you abrusquely order. At the speed you're falling, you pass to quickly through the enemy formations for them to properly notice as you scythe through the ranks. At 200 meters you order them both to hit their thrusters to begin breaking, it's a maneouver that you've all practiced and performed in combat hundreds of times now, and you're able to land safely.
The Outer Heaven passes by overhead, it's picked up a couple of enemy fighter wings, but it's too agile and well protected for them to be a threat.
You have currently landed in what appears to be the MS refitting workshop areas. The open courtyard appears deserted at this time. To the west are a mass of cranes and warehouses that make up the docks, to the East is the more open terrain of the central area. To the north is a Refiting Workshop, overwhich is the above ground sections of the War Factories and to the south are spare parts and munitions warehouses, as well as the Military forces Barracks and Hangars.