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!!0ZviLFh59My 02/21/12(Tue)23:48 No.18049671 File: 1329886093.jpg-(244 KB, 861x593, 131181290832.jpg)
 "... NO HOMO!" you both shout in unison.
"... uh," Minna says, staring wide-eyed at both of you.
Sean glares at you. "Like hell you are!"
"What, I was washing your back?" you retort sarcastically.
"Back-stabbing!" he improvises hastily. "I drop the soap and then youaahahaha no, wait, *wait,*"
Minna is backing away, flat palm in the air, an extremely confused look on her face. "I didn't mean... uh, carry on," she says, trying to wave away the situation with a small box in her other hand, like she didn't see shit. She turns her back on you and begins striding away.
You and Sean meet each other's eyes in silent, mutual agreement. You roll free and Sean cocks his arm back.
The spinning soap smacks Minna right in the ass, in deference to her recently-shot noggin. She yelps, spinning around with shock and murder on her face. You're already hiding underneath a rolling tool cabinet, but Sean has to run for his life.
"ERICA!" you shout, trying to make your voice echo off the high ceiling so you're not caught out. "GET HER!"
There's a few shots from nearby, and then ERICA yells in alarm.
"Crickey, lass," somebody says, sounding mighty smug.
There's a loud crash and clatter.
"CRIKEY!" he shouts, not so smug this time.
You're just beginning a prayer to the Saint of Not Getting Your Shit Kicked In when the huge tool cabinet is rolled away to reveal Minna standing over you, hands on her hips, glowering.
>Fight? >Talk? >Flee? |