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  • File : 1251078923.jpg-(127 KB, 600x600, Where Is This.jpg)
    127 KB Bad Guy Quest 14 The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)21:55 No.5569271  
    Something seems terribly off. You have awoken in the middle of a clearing. Number 3 is no where to be seen. You cannot seem to find your base. No matter how many times you call out, none of your minions or Loli-bots seem to be responding.

    On top of all of this, you seem to be wearing strange clothes and all that remains of your normal attire is your very basic monocle which seems to be missing it's laser weapon. You don't know how you got here or when you did for that matter.

    You have:
    -(1) Strange Garb(s)
    -(1) Mysterious Back Pack(s)

    What do you do?
    >> Pyro Minion 08/23/09(Sun)21:57 No.5569291

    [ I wasn't here last night, what happened? ]
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)21:58 No.5569310
    Random shit. It turned out very unproductive. You really didn't miss much.
    >> FluffandCrunch !6SvhbvZVZI 08/23/09(Sun)21:59 No.5569332
    I check to see if anything is in my backpack.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)21:59 No.5569334
    We check the backpack, of course, to see what gear we might actually have.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:01 No.5569357
    Indeed, check the backpack.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:01 No.5569364
    Fuck the backpack, eat the garb, ride the monocle
    >> Pyro Minion 08/23/09(Sun)22:01 No.5569365

    [ I leave it up to you to invent a suitable oufit for Pyro Minion in this weird ass world. ]
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:05 No.5569412
         File1251079515.jpg-(96 KB, 600x868, Howling_Banshee_Progression_by(...).jpg)
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    i will probably, call the MOTHER FUCKING BANSHEES
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:06 No.5569420
    Inspect back pack. There might be a note. I believe we have run afoul of one of our enemies.
    >> Anonymous Red Shirt 08/23/09(Sun)22:07 No.5569437
    Check strange garb
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)22:09 No.5569458
         File1251079775.jpg-(166 KB, 600x600, Delve Within And Prepare.jpg)
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    You open the backpack and find yourself surprised. There are no speakers, no devices whatsoever within. Even as you take note of how barren the insides of it is, you hear a voice.

    "Choose your weapon o' lost one." The voice seems to echo as though far off. it sounds familiar, giving you s small sense of calm.

    "Choose and wield it well. Do not fear, do not hesitate, but do not fail or all is lost."
    >> Pyro Minion 08/23/09(Sun)22:10 No.5569468

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:10 No.5569474
    Our weapon shall be as it always has been. SCIENCE!
    >> D00M Marine 08/23/09(Sun)22:11 No.5569477
    Scythe...or chanisaw....
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:11 No.5569483
         File1251079913.jpg-(35 KB, 282x387, Axe_of_iron_from_Swedish_Iron_(...).jpg)
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    swedish war axe.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:12 No.5569491
    BFG 9000
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:12 No.5569494
    Mind-control ray.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:14 No.5569513
    Dude, there's only one weapon we need. The Power of ROCK!

    The obvious answer is the Tesla Guitar.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:14 No.5569515
    Does our fortress count as weapon?

    Also: Investigate the bag for any signs of where that voice came from. We may be able to use the parts from the (obviously technologically based) device to build something to help us.
    >> D00M Marine 08/23/09(Sun)22:14 No.5569519

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:15 No.5569522
    The voice is 3! Save us 3!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:16 No.5569531

    A crowbar fashioned out of the heart of a dead star.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:18 No.5569549

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:20 No.5569575

    How about the weapon belonging to our most powerful enemy?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:20 No.5569576
    The heart of Micheal Jackson?
    >> FluffandCrunch !6SvhbvZVZI 08/23/09(Sun)22:20 No.5569578

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:22 No.5569594

    Science isn't a weapon, it's a tool.

    For making weapons.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:23 No.5569606
    All the better.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:23 No.5569608

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:24 No.5569612
    I think we've already thwarted the plot here with our insistance on science as a weapon. What are we gonna do? Pull out some test tubes?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:24 No.5569620
    I don't suppose we could choose "#3" as our weapon?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:25 No.5569631
    I think it would be better to get one of the lolis in here. We seem to be in a fantasy setting, based on the garb. Highlolider would probably be best.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:25 No.5569632
    Test tubes.

    ... and the components for the BFG 9000.
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/23/09(Sun)22:26 No.5569639
    rolled 7 = 7

    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)22:26 No.5569644
         File1251080799.jpg-(100 KB, 600x600, Cheap.jpg)
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    "Tragic weapon. Brutish thing."

    The voice seems to drift, unable to come from any one direction.

    "I fear you as I fear for you."

    The bag closes for only a moment before you feel it suddenly grow heavier. Inside, you find yourself disappointed. This was not the weapon you asked for.

    You have:
    -(1) Strange Garb(s)
    -(1) Mysterious Backpack(s)
    (New Items)
    -(1) Long Barreled Musket(s)
    -(20) Prepared Pouches Of Shot
    -(1)Stack(s) Of Paper
    -(1)Small Bag(s) Of Lead Bullets
    -(1)Small Bag(s) Of Black Powder
    -(1) Attachable Bayonet
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:26 No.5569649
    "I choose as my weapon .. SLAANESH!"

    Or Lolihighlander.
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)22:27 No.5569651
    An acute sense of direction.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:28 No.5569660
    Um .. squint at the musket. Is it one? Is is more? What the hell were we drinking?
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)22:28 No.5569661
    Crap, either a blowpipe or a gun. Observe surroundings past immediate..
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:28 No.5569663

    Let's head to the mountains now. At least to that near one, so we have a good point to see the rest of the surrounding countryside.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:29 No.5569668
    Use our SCIENCE! to make a better gun. Get a rifling coil in there and stuff.

    Also, lets look around. Are we on a path or anything? Any sign of civilization nearby? We may need tools.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:29 No.5569669
    >> FluffandCrunch !6SvhbvZVZI 08/23/09(Sun)22:29 No.5569670

    Load the musket, attach the bayonet and let's try to find our where the hell we are.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:29 No.5569675
    Great, we probably have the most powerful, technologically advanced weapon in this new setting, and it's a freaking smoothbore round-ball musket.

    How much do we know about firearms? W need to rifle this SoB ASAP and maybe press the shot into a minibal(sp? not a /k/tard) shape.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:30 No.5569676

    First things first, let's improve the shit out of this musket. Rifle the barrel, straighten the god-damned thing so it can actually hit at a range further than ten feet and not fire sideways, get a loading chamber so you can just pack in all the bullets at the same time..
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)22:31 No.5569680
         File1251081062.jpg-(115 KB, 600x600, What It's A Fucking Musket.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:31 No.5569682

    Load the musket, do NOT attach the bayonet. Keep that steel shiv tucked away somewhere we can pull it out in a flash.

    If it gets to that we'll use the musket as a club.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:31 No.5569686
    This coupled with >>5569675
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:31 No.5569690

    Use your keen analytical mind to load and ready the musket for firing. Also, inspect the bayonet. Does it obstruct the barrel when fitted onto the musket?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:32 No.5569697
    >-(1) Long Barreled Musket(s)

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:34 No.5569720
    In b4 wound analysis of combat surgeons being quoted to demonstrate the uselessness of fixed bayonets.
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)22:35 No.5569731
    Oye. Forget about the musket. It's for later. You are currently standing in the middle of a clearing. Your needs are not met. Look around you.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:36 No.5569743
    Use science to fashion a telescopic sight out of your monocle for the newly acquired musket.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:36 No.5569744
    Upgrade the Musket for more accurate firing.
    Ideally arrange a sort of rapid reload as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:39 No.5569776
    Load musket * sling under arm.

    Hide bayonet on self, or in belt, or whatever.

    Cap everything else up nice & tight.

    Look around & walk. Mountains anyone?
    >> D00M Marine 08/23/09(Sun)22:40 No.5569784
    Hvae to second this, looks like there'll be no sciencing for a while so better get moving
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:42 No.5569805
         File1251081762.png-(34 KB, 336x336, awesome.png)
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    How many clips do we have for our gun?
    I mean... magazines. sorry.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:43 No.5569814
    Interrogate talking bag.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:43 No.5569818

    None of either.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 08/23/09(Sun)22:44 No.5569822

    If it's a musket, it may be a muzzle-loader.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:46 No.5569842

    1 magazine, technically.

    It's our quiver. Or whatever that tube thing is.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:46 No.5569858
    It has a ramrod. It is most certainly muzzle-loading.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:47 No.5569862
    Hmm.. Do you still have all your knowledge intact? Be nasty if we got amensia. Run through blueprints, math, what we last rememeber.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)22:48 No.5569868
         File1251082093.jpg-(131 KB, 600x600, The Tools Of The Trade.jpg)
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    You attach the musket's bayonet, just to see if it would in anyway impede your shots if you had it on. it appears not to block the barrel.

    Thinking it over though, you decide it is better used detached.

    Taking a quick scan of your surroundings, you find not a single sign of civilization.

    You think on whether or not you should head towards the mountains.

    (Yes, I realize the background is different, you turned around to check your entire surroundings.)
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/23/09(Sun)22:48 No.5569874
    Load Musket and place Bayonet somewhere on your self. Sling your back pack and find a tall tree to climb and get your bearings.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:49 No.5569879
    Any rivers or bodies of water nearby? We should go towards them.
    If not, the mountains seem a fair target. Afterall, we can see better from up there.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:50 No.5569891
    A valley might be better. Are we sure on the mountains?
    >> D00M Marine 08/23/09(Sun)22:51 No.5569903
    Heading for the mountains seems to be the only viable option....do we have any small canisters available, where we could stroe water? we may need to fetch a drink before heading into obviously dangerous territory
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/23/09(Sun)22:51 No.5569904
    Follow a river if one is near. They ALWAYS lead to civilization.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:52 No.5569917
    OK! options:

    a) Head down river.

    - otherwise -

    b) Head up mountain.
    >> D00M Marine 08/23/09(Sun)22:53 No.5569921

    Looking for a body of water seems to be the consensus, but did we see any sort of lake or river?
    >> FluffandCrunch !6SvhbvZVZI 08/23/09(Sun)22:53 No.5569924

    Keep the mountains in mind, but let's interrogate that talking bag. Ask kindly at first for information about your current situation and what got us here, but elevate to threats if it proves uncooperative.

    We got a monocle, so we can start a fire and light this bitch up if necessary.

    Ve have vays of making you talk, Bag!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:54 No.5569933
    Second, water = civilization.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:55 No.5569938
    Travel to the top of a mountain and shout

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:55 No.5569939

    Not that I'm recommending it but we've got a big ole' bag of black power if it comes to that.

    We might wanna keep the cylinder intact if only to keep that powder dry.
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)22:56 No.5569947
    Hmm. This isn't good. Do you see any local geography, that could support civilization? Or are we too far up in the mountains to find a river.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)22:58 No.5569979
    Keep an eye out for wildlife or lack thereof
    >> Arcbound 08/23/09(Sun)23:00 No.5569997
    I've got it. This is all some sort of virtual reality thing.

    Quick, find the red pill!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)23:00 No.5570002
         File1251082854.jpg-(125 KB, 600x600, A Survey Of The Landscape.jpg)
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    Climbing up a large tree, you scan your surroundings again with your new viewpoint. Far off to the north and heading towards the mountains you can see a roughly made road. Even better is the river and an actual bridge going over it.

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:01 No.5570006
    Oh! Take a close look at our clothes. Do we have any pocketsss?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:01 No.5570009
    To the mountains, it will at least give us a good view for our next destination.

    And just in case.... "End program"
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)23:02 No.5570011
    No signs of civilization my ass. We must be short as all hell. Head for said road.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:03 No.5570040
    Go to the bridge. from their either road direction should take us to civilization.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:03 No.5570045
    Agreed, and head northward if possible.
    >> D00M Marine 08/23/09(Sun)23:06 No.5570081
    go to the bridge but don't cross it, instead checl under it. Weird shit happens under bridges in weird ass places....this new land qualifies as such...
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)23:09 No.5570113
    if anything, to learn about said bridge, and it's engineering. The more clues as to what sort of technology used, the better.
    >> D00M Marine 08/23/09(Sun)23:11 No.5570127
    ...this seems more reasonable....
    still, keep a look out for trolls...
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)23:18 No.5570199
         File1251083900.jpg-(152 KB, 600x600, The Dark.jpg)
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    It's called: "The artist didn't want to add too much fucking detail". Shit was hidden by bushes, high grass, and trees.

    You head towards the bridge and check under it warily.

    Momentarily you are caught off guard, surprised by who is under the bridge. Why, it's Raven!"

    "Father. Father? Father! Father. Father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father."

    She smiles suddenly, exposing rows of inhumanly sharp teeth, barely fitting together.

    "Come with me to the dark Father. Come with me under the bridge. Sleep with the others in the dark. Just move closer Father."
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:19 No.5570217
    Check your internal CreepO'Meter, If it's a high rating then calmly back away from her.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:20 No.5570218
    Ask what happened to her.
    Oh, and the flying praymid of doom, 3, our minions, and everyone else.
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)23:23 No.5570250

    Pull her out from under the bridge.
    >> D00M Marine 08/23/09(Sun)23:24 No.5570268
    this seems too dangerous, try to reason with her and get her out from under the bridge....but do not engage in physical contact..not yet at least...
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)23:25 No.5570275
    On second thought. Start break dancing Starting like this.
    Put your hands to the side, and as silly as it seems, shake your body like a salmon swimming up stream.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:27 No.5570294
    Looks like we got fucked over by our rivals. I knew they wouldn't sit still for lolification.
    Stay away from Raven, try to remember if there is any easy way to disable her if she goes for our neck. ANy shut-down codes?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:27 No.5570299
    second this.
    >> Arcbound 08/23/09(Sun)23:29 No.5570317
         File1251084543.jpg-(739 KB, 1280x1991, OH SHI-.jpg)
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    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)23:29 No.5570318
         File1251084549.jpg-(157 KB, 600x600, Come Along Have Fun Play With (...).jpg)
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    Considering you normally talk to corpses and spit in the face of god, it take quite a bit for any sort of "Creepy" sensation to affect you.

    "Whatever are you talking about Father? Come under the bridge Father. We can play under the bridge."

    You try asking her to come out from under the bridge. You notice her edge in closer.

    "Why don't you want to come under the bridge Father? It's dark under here. It's nice down here. Everyone loves to rest in the shade down here Father."
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)23:30 No.5570325
    Holy shit, what comic is this?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:30 No.5570327
    attempt to perform a diagnostic with voice commands.
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)23:30 No.5570328

    Moonwalk the fuck away from her. She is not who she looks like.
    >> Arcbound 08/23/09(Sun)23:31 No.5570338
    Domino, I think.

    I really have no idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:32 No.5570346
    "Candy gram"
    >> D00M Marine 08/23/09(Sun)23:32 No.5570348
    No kidding....chances are the rest of the lolis are dead and 3 well...that fading echo could've been her last breath....

    And if any of this is correct....they're watching us closely....still, try to reconnect with Raven and....if we're forced to terminate her,....as terrible as it sounds we should salvage what remains of her body and use it to enact pure unadultered revenge on all remaining sentient life....
    >> That One Techpriest 08/23/09(Sun)23:33 No.5570355
    Prepare to back away, possibly shank with bayonet in critical places as last resort.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:33 No.5570357
    Oh shit, If she says "They all rest down here" GET THE FUCK OUT.
    >> D00M Marine 08/23/09(Sun)23:36 No.5570391
    Or...well...on second thought...we can just leave...walk over the bridge and continue forward on the road....

    War has it's casualties....
    >> Arcbound 08/23/09(Sun)23:36 No.5570392
    We should be careful.

    She could be a grue.
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)23:37 No.5570403
    Considering this might be a trip to the subconscious, I'd say that sounds good. Although, leaving behind something that might be dangerous later...
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:40 No.5570451
    Go under the bridge and seduce her.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/23/09(Sun)23:42 No.5570461
         File1251085326.jpg-(163 KB, 600x600, Damn It Respond.jpg)
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    You issue the voice command.
    "Raven, Unit 5. Run a code 3 full diagnostic."

    Raven laughs lightly, her eyes going pitch black.

    "Why are you talking so silly Father? Do you still want to play? We can play under the bridge. Once you get sleepy I'll even tuck you in with the other sleepy people. Don't you love me Father?"
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:43 No.5570478
    Ask her why we would want to play under there when there's a much better bridge to play under out here. Then we go and use our Master Thespian Skills to pretend to play under a greater bridge outside.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:43 No.5570483
    Ok this is possibly dangerous. Get the fuck out of there.
    >> That One Techpriest 08/23/09(Sun)23:44 No.5570489

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:45 No.5570494
    "Other sleepy people? Can we see them?"

    Please do keep a hand on the bayonet.
    >> Heretic Ted 08/23/09(Sun)23:46 No.5570509
    What is she made of by the way?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:46 No.5570511
    Fix the Bayonet and stab the shit outta that bitch.
    >> Arcbound 08/23/09(Sun)23:46 No.5570512
    This is not our daughter. This is not the Raven that we have known, the one who likes anime and plays bass in the band.

    This is some vile being that has taken her form, using her to try to lure us to our doom.

    Expunge this monster who dares violate our daughter's frame.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:47 No.5570521
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:47 No.5570522
    Shoot. Her.

    shoot her right now.

    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:49 No.5570545
    We can always rebuild her if needed
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:51 No.5570557
    No try to leave calmly first. If she follows, then take her out.

    No sense wasting bullets.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:51 No.5570563

    Bitch is too damn cheery to be our Raven. Plus, I don't recall giving her eye implants allowing her to show the blackness of her non existent soul.

    Calmly walk away, but be ready for anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:52 No.5570570
    It appears that someone or something is trying to destroy our sanity by presenting our loved ones as twisted caricatures of their normal selves.
    They don't stand a chance.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:55 No.5570598
    She didnt respond. This is clearly not Raven, but some other girl who just happens to resemble Raven. Ask her for directions, then get away. Its not becoming of someone of your standing to lurk around under bridges when we still have to figure what is happening here.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/09(Sun)23:56 No.5570609
    what happened to science why didnt you pick that?
    >> D00M Marine 08/24/09(Mon)00:00 No.5570639
    True enough, continue then, onwards to adventure following the eh.....barely noticeable dirt road....to the north preferably
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)00:01 No.5570647
         File1251086461.jpg-(154 KB, 600x600, A Rather Foreboding Welcome.jpg)
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    "It's too bright for there to be a bridge above us Father. That was a funny joke. Would you like to come under now?"

    You back away ready to leave.

    "Father! Are you going to go get more people for me to play with father? I'd love to have another new friend Father."

    Because this afternoon, I sat in front of my laptop and said: "Man, how can I spite this one guy on /tg/?" Then it was just a stroke of brilliance. Nah, someone picked "gun" first.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:01 No.5570649

    Right. If she comes out after us, we can act. But let us just make a note of this so we can torture our rivals even more hideously. Back away and head for the road.
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)00:02 No.5570659
    If A highwayman or bandit jumps us either kill him or lead him back to Raven. A new playmate will surely grant us her loyalty.
    >> D00M Marine 08/24/09(Mon)00:03 No.5570665
    "Yes dear, papa will get you some more friends, papa will make everything better now, you just rest and sleep, sleep well my little girl"

    Then >>5570649
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:05 No.5570677
    what the christ is that symbol in her eye? Looks kinda familiar....
    Were any of our rivals specialists in psionic abilities?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:07 No.5570699
    DING! What were their areas of expertise again?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:07 No.5570705
    oh shit it's #6
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)00:11 No.5570745
    Challenge #6 to stop fighting like a pussy and face us or well tell everyone what a fag he is.
    >> Arcbound 08/24/09(Mon)00:11 No.5570747
         File1251087091.png-(416 KB, 1024x768, alucard1024x2bn4.png)
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    She is either a grue or pic.

    We should be afraid either way.
    >> D00M Marine 08/24/09(Mon)00:11 No.5570751

    Hmm....intriguing....in that case still follow the road.
    We're playing his game....but let's hope he doesn't know he's just playing into ours....I thin....I hope...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:12 No.5570759
    O.k., I gonna guess that this numbered asshole's specialty is either hypnosis, telepathy, or some kind of drug induced psychosis.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:15 No.5570785
    We've probably come under the grasp of the psychotherapist. We didn't fortify any of our bases against mind raping technology so we're trapped, god damn our lack of forethought.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:15 No.5570790
    use SCIENCE to create a mental construct of a destructive viral thought analogue of a computer virus, try and infect the one who is fucking with us
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:19 No.5570815
    One was proficient in biomechanic design.

    One was more inclined towards advanced psychotherapies still in testing.

    One was into gene splicing.

    One was studying reptiles and ways in which we could apply their adaptations to modern uses.

    One was on the verge of new surgical techniques not even dreamed of.

    One was into applied Laser technologies that make even you advanced systems seem embarrassingly lacking.

    One was researching ground breaking human to computer A.I. Interface technology.

    And the last was studying poisons almost avidly, his latest study involving spiders and other such insects.
    The last one is #6
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)00:19 No.5570819
    If this is induced hypnosis we can turn this against him. Start about crazy shit until he becomes confused or frightened. Expose him to the voices in your head.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)00:20 No.5570832
         File1251087654.jpg-(146 KB, 600x600, The Inability To Please The Ch(...).jpg)
    146 KB

    The same lilting voice from before floats down from the air.

    "The abandoned child. The unknowing parent. To know is to not know. I cannot help you. I can barely reach you. You must not repeat your mistakes."

    You turn once more and look back just in time to see Raven hide under the bridge without making a single sound or unsettling the smooth running river.

    You've figured it out. It's one of the ten. It must be. This is far deeper than a mere attack though. It must be an attack on the mind. What was the number again? You strain yourself, unable to think of who it is.

    Your back pack gains a little more weight.
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/24/09(Mon)00:22 No.5570846
    rolled 18 = 18

    Check the pack.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:22 No.5570849
    Check that fucking pack
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:23 No.5570857
    look in pack.

    Also look at river. Can you cross it easily?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:24 No.5570877
    inspect your backpack

    I haven't kept up with this quest much, do you guys think this has to do with past experiences?
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)00:26 No.5570884
    Don't let him realize that you found him out. Subtly fight him at every turn. Bid our time until we can strike. We will play his game for now.
    >> D00M Marine 08/24/09(Mon)00:28 No.5570904
    >One was proficient in biomechanic design.
    He's done for
    >One was more inclined towards advanced psychotherapies still in testing.
    Hmmm, suspicious...
    >One was into gene splicing.
    Puplolithing right?
    >One was studying reptiles and ways in which we could apply their adaptations to modern uses.
    Still running lose
    >One was on the verge of new surgical techniques not even dreamed of.
    Still running lose too
    >One was into applied Laser technologies that make even you advanced systems seem embarrassingly lacking.
    >One was researching ground breaking human to computer A.I. Interface technology.
    our waifu
    >And the last was studying poisons almost avidly, his latest study involving spiders and other such insects.
    Still on the lose....

    Seems to be the psychotherapies guy....
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:30 No.5570917
    When we find him, let's make him into a jester. Break his mind and make him dance for our amusement, what would be worse to a man who's spend his entire life studying the mind then to lose his own.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:31 No.5570927
    I think it's clear to everyone with a medocrum of intellegence that we are apparently trapped in some manner of extra-dimensional simulation matrix. We have possibly been placed within this "Matrix" by one of our enemies. The environs around us and those people that we encounter are likely simply simulations of people drawn from our recent memories. That was not Raven, for example, but something that seemed like Raven. If, indeed, we have been placed into this "matrix" by one of our earstwhile enemies, then it stands to reason that we are being toyed with (hence our current predicament rather than outright death). This likely being the case, I hypothesise that we have three options regarding our escape from this 'matrix.' First, we must outsmart this system. This shouldnt be too much trouble for our outstanding intellect, but our opponent may have planned for many such inevitabilities and may be planning for just such an attempt, making this option quite dangerous. Second, we must prove triumphant over this 'game' of wills and wits we have been placed in. Likely this is playing directly into the hands of our enemies, but knowing the type we routinely deal with, they have vastly underestimated us, and claiming victory will catch them off guard. Third, we may simply attempt to outlast the game. Our disapearence has no doubt caused alarm in our minions who are most likely out to rescue us at this very moment. There is no telling how long it may take for this rescue though, and we may be subject to some manner of temperal misperception wherein time is traveling faster for us than for reality.

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:31 No.5570931
    It being established that this is some manner of simulated reality, and one in which our foe has trapped us in an attempt to defeat us, we must mindful of a few factors. There will likely be many dangers ahead of us. Often, these may take the forms of things we perceive of as safe, perhaps even drawn from our memories as indeed this Raven imposter was. We should be warey. We must prepare ourselves to defend against our friends and comrades in battle. We must also be aware of more... liberal... interpretations of reality. 'Magic' may be common here, as irritating as it is to imagine. We must be on guard from unexpected quarters.

    With any luck #3 has become aware of our situation and is attempting to infiltrate and assist as we speak. The weapon could be a sign of it.

    Truly, an unfortunate situation we have landed ourselves in, but one that, most assuredly we can overcome.
    We are, after all, a man of science.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:33 No.5570942
    >When we find him, let's make him into a jester-loli. Break his mind and make him dance for our amusement, what would be worse to a man who's spend his entire life studying the mind then to lose his own, and also lose his manhood.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)00:33 No.5570949
         File1251088413.jpg-(114 KB, 600x600, A Strange But Familiar Fruit.jpg)
    114 KB
    Inside of it you find a strange blue fruit.

    As you continue to walk along the dirt road, you see a town slowly coming into view. Surprised, you hear what sounds like someone crying as quietly as they can off to the side.

    You have:
    -(1) Strange Garb(s)
    -(1) Mysterious Backpack(s)
    -(1) Long Barreled Musket(s)
    -(20) Prepared Pouches Of Shot
    -(1)Stack(s) Of Paper
    -(1)Small Bag(s) Of Lead Bullets
    -(1)Small Bag(s) Of Black Powder
    -(1) Attachable Bayonet
    (New Items)
    -(1) Familiar Fruit(s)
    >> Arcbound 08/24/09(Mon)00:34 No.5570953
    Okay, I have a question...

    WHEN did we get hit by this guy? I mean, did we eat or drink something toxic? Did we look at a screen we weren't supposed to?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:34 No.5570958
    Lets make sure we have ratholes and paths throughout his head though, so we can bring him back at a moments notice if we have some need of him.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:35 No.5570965
    So I'm new to the Bad Guy Quest threads.

    Why does the intrepid villain wear a monocle?
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)00:35 No.5570967
    If we are forced to face our old allies we better hope to the God-Emperor we don't have to face Determined Minion.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:36 No.5570973
    Go back, light bridge on fire.
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)00:36 No.5570975
    Because we're a stylish mother fucker that's why.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:36 No.5570980

    I suspect the fruit may be a gift from #3, who could be attempting to assist us as best she can.
    We must either eat this fruit immediatly or save it for a special occasion.
    Let us go investigate this crying. Perhaps we can get directions while we are at it.

    Be on the guard though.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:37 No.5570981
    In a situation like this, we could have lost whatever short term memory of the event we should have. As long as we are here at least... even thinking about this objectively is difficult.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:37 No.5570982
    A very astute, albeit overly verbose review. I recommend we don't harm anyone we know though, if he's gotten to us who's to say that our minions aren't in here with us. That possibility of danger for us is nil as we have a doomsday device rigged to our heart like a dead man's switch, but he could be trying to tempt us to destroy our minions minds.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:38 No.5570998
    Eat it!
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)00:39 No.5571005
    Damn we're smart. You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.

    Also polite sage
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:39 No.5571006
    Go back, ride bridge like mechanical bull
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:41 No.5571018
    I'm assuming he used some sort of beam to attack our mind. Our base is nigh impenetrable to conventional means of infiltration or attack, but we did not prepare for someone to be so cocky as to attack our mind directly.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:41 No.5571019
    I think this may be an attempt at mind control.
    This voice that's helping us is either 3 infiltrating the system, or our enemy trying to get us to trust him/her and be against our own minions.

    For now, let us follow our advice.

    Attempt to avoid past mistakes.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:41 No.5571024
    Examine the fruit
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:43 No.5571046
    We must remain wary, if this is 3 then it could be our salvation that lies in the fruit. If it isn't then the good doctor could be preparing to screw us over royally, proceed with caution gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:45 No.5571055
    Agree, don't harm those who mirror out minions.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:45 No.5571067
    Its a deadly game we play. We must be one step ahead of an enemy who assume's we'll be one step ahead of him. Our greatest hope is that he's overconfident in his abilities. He may think it inconceivable that we'll be victorious.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:46 No.5571069
    Take a bite of the fruit, just a little nibble to see what happens
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:47 No.5571074
    lick the fruit
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:48 No.5571092
    Voting examine fruit but save for later.
    >> Arcbound 08/24/09(Mon)00:49 No.5571100
    Fair enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:50 No.5571117
    I don't think it's the amount of fruit we consume that will effect us, it's the mental act of willingly eating it. That being said it seems like we have no other choice then to eat it to progress.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:50 No.5571120
    Oh .. & .. uh .. look off to the side. What's going on over there?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)00:53 No.5571141
         File1251089625.jpg-(139 KB, 600x600, To Look On At A Painful Abomin(...).jpg)
    139 KB

    The voice from before flares up, sounding panicked.


    As it cuts off, it only seems to echo throughout the forest just as you reach the source.

    Two very familiar faces seem to stick out of a tree, weeping quietly. At first they don't notice you.

    "Why are we here? Why does it hurt?"

    One of them finally notices you.

    "Please, it hurts. My stomach... Our stomachs hurt. We're so hungry. Why are we so hungry?"

    She notices the fruit in your hand. "Please, feed me the fruit."

    The second head only continues to weep.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:55 No.5571147
    don't give them the fruit, it's a trap. A horrible, horrible trap.
    >> How do I shot trip? !H508X.HbJ6 08/24/09(Mon)00:55 No.5571151
    Take a bite out of the fruit to determine edibility. Then give it to them.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:55 No.5571158
    ( For now play dumb )

    Who are you & what are you doing here?
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)00:56 No.5571162
    Is that nameless and Mary?
    >> D00M Marine 08/24/09(Mon)00:56 No.5571164
    OH SHI-
    Don't feed 'em the fruit...either leave or....no, nothing else, just leave......
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:56 No.5571165
    Oh comon, do we really look that gullible?

    Ignore the heads, investigate the fruit
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:56 No.5571167
    It's trying to steal the fruit away from us. If it looked trustworthy that might be one thing, but this shit is tripping balls. Take a bite of that damn blue fruit.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:58 No.5571181
    Laugh Diabolically.
    Then eat the delicious fruit right infront of them.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:58 No.5571185

    Okay. Break off a little for them to eat. They didn't specify how much they wanted now, did they?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)00:59 No.5571190
    So right now we have more votes for eat the fruit?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:59 No.5571193
    If anything, throw them the stem
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:59 No.5571199
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)00:59 No.5571200
    I think so.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:00 No.5571208
    Save some though, just in case. Also, look around for something else to eat. We'll feed them that. Just to fuck with whoever is running the game.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:00 No.5571209
    ( We're gonna be pissed off at the apparent abuse of our minions but we ain't givin' up the fruit back to that tree. )

    Yell out to the sky "Neat take on the knowledge fable. What's next? A snake?" ( sotto voice: "Asshole." )
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)01:00 No.5571212
    Somebody roll a dice.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:01 No.5571219
    >The voice from before flares up, sounding panicked.
    Sounds good enough to me!

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:01 No.5571222

    what type?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:01 No.5571226
    rolled 22 = 22

    Come on critical!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)01:02 No.5571232
    Eh... Let's use the good old fashioned d20.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:02 No.5571234
    rolled 8 = 8

    Come on critical on a proper d20!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:02 No.5571237
    Yah. Consensus seems to be to eat. It came from the tube 'o plenty so it should safe & meant for us.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:03 No.5571248
    Well let's hope we aren't doing anything too critical.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:03 No.5571249
    Err... I hope we add our Int bonus to that or something
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:03 No.5571251
    rolled 20 = 20

    >Meant for us
    Thats what worries me.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:04 No.5571256
    Lets use this roll instead.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:05 No.5571259
    If only you were three posts faster.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:05 No.5571270
    No, let's play with what fate has dealt us, it's not fun if we have everything handed to us.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:06 No.5571272

    "Your recommended daily average fiber intake has been partly sated."
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:07 No.5571284
    I don't care what we're handed, as long as it isnt a sword through the gut.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:07 No.5571294
    we rolled an 8. I'm a little scared.
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/24/09(Mon)01:08 No.5571302
    rolled 19 = 19

    Would my rolls be disqualified because you can't see them? I could force a 1 on every roll and nobody would know.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:08 No.5571303
         File1251090512.jpg-(41 KB, 322x240, tripping-balls1.jpg)
    41 KB
    This better not be some freaked out virtual mushroom!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:08 No.5571306

    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:09 No.5571312
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:09 No.5571317

    Isn't that cannibalism? They are a tree, after all. Inappropriate behavior, -10 brownie points.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:10 No.5571323
    Just a heads, we're 40 posts from autosage. We may be in wonderland for a few more sessions, unless our patron Scientist here feels like going extra long tonight.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:11 No.5571334
    wow you're right
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:11 No.5571336
    Lets make a mental note.
    When we get back, we'll get Raven some new friends.
    Then we'll get some delicious fresh fruits for the twins.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)01:12 No.5571344
         File1251090745.jpg-(133 KB, 600x600, Congratulations You Set Your M(...).jpg)
    133 KB
    If only.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:13 No.5571350

    Yes, yes! Agreed!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)01:13 No.5571363
    Dude. Don't break the trust system over something like this. I'll catch on eventually when you start getting 21's.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:14 No.5571368
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:14 No.5571372


    Hair pie?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:14 No.5571374
    attempt to projectile vomit the fire NOT AT THE TWINS
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:14 No.5571375
    The hell? Spit the fire out. Does it burn at all?
    Well... this is clearly some sort of mistake. Lets pocket what remains for now and go looking for some more food we might be able to give the tree.
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)01:15 No.5571383
    Well shit. If I had a quarter for everytime I have caught fire.
    >> How do I shot trip? !H508X.HbJ6 08/24/09(Mon)01:16 No.5571391



    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:16 No.5571393


    ..Wait, that's too Beard Beard there.

    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)01:16 No.5571396
    Actually if the fruit causes fire it's a good thing we didn't feed the twins or else they would be burning to death right now. Note to self barter for food in town and bring the twins some.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:18 No.5571411

    Ok, spit out the little #3
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:18 No.5571416

    We'll go with this after our burny purge.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:19 No.5571427

    (inb4 town full of minions)
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:21 No.5571459
    breath out the fire, not at the tree
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:22 No.5571467
    Not the way we want to be eating our waifu.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:22 No.5571475
    Hold it in as long as possible. I... trust this fruit for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:24 No.5571488
    Does the fire hurt?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:24 No.5571493

    The next weirdinated thing we run across gets lead poisoning.

    All in favor?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:25 No.5571510
    we're bad at this.
    OP I hope it isn't you that keeps figuring everything out, that's cheating.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:26 No.5571522
    Nay.This is a game of wits. We must be scientific about it. We shall only use our weapon when the time calls for us to use our weapon.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:27 No.5571529
    what specifically are you refering to when you say "figuring things out"?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:29 No.5571548
    I'm refering to these posts.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)01:29 No.5571551
         File1251091789.jpg-(140 KB, 600x600, Back Tracking In My Quest LOL.jpg)
    140 KB
    Well you don't.
    After your initial freak out from having your fucking mouth catch fire, you check the damage. Oh look, you burnt your entire mouth. Wondering on whether or not to get food at the town and come back, you look towards the path and notice that leading towards the bridge that you came from earlier is a chasm.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)01:31 No.5571564
    I can 100% honestly say that I have been using my tripname/code/whatever it is, every single post in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:31 No.5571567
    I'm the one who made that first post, and last I checked I wasn't The Scientist.

    Head towards the town, ignore the helltree's cries.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:32 No.5571578
    Stupid sexy fruit.
    Ok, pocket the fruit.
    Appologise to the tree. Tell it its just a figment of our imagination anyway. We'll feed the real them when we get out. Continue on to town.
    >> How do I shot trip? !H508X.HbJ6 08/24/09(Mon)01:34 No.5571591
    Nice scar. If we lose our lips we'll be even creepier.

    TO TOWN.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:34 No.5571592
    Sorry then, I suppose I'm just paranoid.

    Proceed to the town!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:35 No.5571601
    Hmm... We seem to be losing ground.
    Better get a move on, eh? Before we find ourselves off on another trip. I hear casms are splended during the fall. Hope we can find a hotel in the town. We don't want to plum-it.

    Etc, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:35 No.5571607
    We need to find some sort of civilization, we need to treat the burn or it could have serious implications in reality. There should be medical supplies, or things we can turn into medical supplies.
    >> Arcbound 08/24/09(Mon)01:37 No.5571623
    "Mental note to self:

    Replace lips.
    Remove necessity to eat."
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:38 No.5571636
    If we lose our lips it would be difficult to speak, and we'd sound silly making grand speeches in front of our minions.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:38 No.5571647
    Also if we ever build that body for 3 things will get rather weird
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:39 No.5571656
    technically 3 has a body...

    Its just... you know... loli...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:40 No.5571660
    Poor, Poor 3...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:42 No.5571673
    Are we autosaging yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:42 No.5571676
    You know... when we build our moonbase... we should see about hollowing the thing out and using it as massive computer for 3.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:43 No.5571682
    So, we done for the night?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:44 No.5571695
    We'd best not be. I want to know what the fuck happens next. Doesnt feel like we've done much, all in all.

    Even if we are autosaging...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:45 No.5571704
    We've gotta archive this!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:47 No.5571711
    It already is.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)01:48 No.5571724
         File1251092904.jpg-(130 KB, 600x600, And They Continue To Wail As T(...).jpg)
    130 KB
    Leaving the twins as they are, you steel yourself as their pleas grow louder, the second adding in finally. They beg and pleading, wailing out in desperation. For food, for mercy, for attention, for anything. Finally they to, fade away. For a second reality seems to ripple before settling.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)01:50 No.5571741
    We're auto saging. Well, this is a good time for me to stop for the night to.

    Tune in tomorrow night folks. We'll continue the trip further into your obviously sick subconscious.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:51 No.5571759
    It seems like undergoing extreme emotional duress makes this illusion falter. We need to find a way to use this.
    >> Guardsman Nil 08/24/09(Mon)01:52 No.5571762
    He is toying with us. Trying to weaken our will by using our family against us. We must steel ourselves and continue moving. It's all an illusion they are not our family. When we beat him at his own game we will show our family how much they mean to us.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:54 No.5571785
    Fools! We should of treated them as daughters and not minions. We have doomed them by turning our backs on them
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:55 No.5571799
    Shit... no I'm wondering if we've been doing the right thing...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)01:56 No.5571809
    Who keeps tagging these things as "Bad Gay Quest" in the archives? that's really going to screw up the reading order for some people.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)01:57 No.5571814
    God I love using "Gray" scenarios.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)01:58 No.5571822
    Did you see the one where they named it "Dad Guy Quest"?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)02:03 No.5571883
    Yeah, but that was tagged properly at least. Look, http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Bad%20Guy%20Quest

    #2, #13, and #14 are not on the list because they are mistagged and show up under http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Bad%20Gay%20Quest

    Oh, nice twist btw Sci. Way to shake things up a little.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)02:08 No.5571934
    I'm laughing at the labels and thanks. I feel pretty good with this little number.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)02:09 No.5571954
    Aw crap. I copied the tags over from a previous one without looking too closely. The tagging was a total oops - not a stupid attempt at sabotage.

    I'm off to beg on the IRC channel for a fix.

    Sorry about that guys.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)02:11 No.5571981
    I'm the guy who accidentally tagged 2 and 13. I just copy pasted from the name of bad guy quest one, which was misnamed as bad gay quest.

    Then I wasnt really paying attention on the autocomplete for 13.

    Sorry guys. I sent an email.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)02:13 No.5571998
    That only makes it funnier for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)02:15 No.5572022
    You should feel good Sci. With Reaver on vacation from tgchan, you're the best quester active right now.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/24/09(Mon)02:31 No.5572149
    God damn it. I am determined to be the last one to post on my own thread for once.

    And I will take that compliment to make my ego grow.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/09(Mon)02:43 No.5572237
    You can try Scientist. But we will always be one step ahead of you.
    And one step after.

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