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  • File : 1316034037.jpg-(223 KB, 800x600, 1304372835533.jpg)
    223 KB Bodysnatcher Quest 27 Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)17:00 No.16296199  
    Heya folks, I'm here and typing, so report in.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:10 No.16296287
    Hell yes!
    >> Recap! Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)17:22 No.16296382
    You are a strange creature, capable of taking over other lifeforms to serve as your vessel and turning them into biological engines of war. Your current host, Jack Winters, was unbeknownst to you a drug addict, and overdosed on speedball. To survive, you bonded with him, but this damaged you, leaving you separated from the bodysnatcher command structure. An individual by accident, you are hunted by the cyborg aliens and your own kin, allied out of necessity with the century spanning conspiracy the Wise, and their many forces.

    Confronting Catherine, you had to realise that she was partially taken over by the Monster. Drawing her into your own mind during your struggle, you managed to wrest back control from it and your own Beast with the help of the Progenitor Trees.
    >> Still in text form, since what I made looked like ass! Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)17:23 No.16296386
    Your known abilities are:
    - reinforcing your muscle and bone tissue, making you several times stronger,faster and tougher
    - growing weapons from your arms, limited to one on each arm in any combination:a hooked, double edged blade on your forearm, claws, a spike that springs out from your wrist underneath your palm or launchable bone spikes
    - hardening your skin into thick,segmented bone plate armor resistant to heat and energy weapons, and growing a membrane under your skin, that contains fluid that hardens on impact
    - absorbing ingested organic material, that you can use to increase muscle and bone density(animal tissue is the most effective)
    - the ability to call forth your host's memories, skills and knowledge
    - altering your appearance, includin skin\hair\eye colour, facial features, height, build, and gender, though the more elaborate the change is, the more time and effort it takes.
    - producing almost any kind of drug,poison or acid in liquid form, including sedatives, that you can deliver via gasses, at high pressure from an opening that can be created anywhere on your body, or through the wristspike.
    - producing special material that can be a flaming liquid sprayed out, a flammable gas or a sticky jelly on fire
    - emitting pheromones that influence humans
    - sensing the mind-link of bodysnatchers
    - enhanced senses, capable of switching to different spectrums (infravision, ultrasound, noise filtering, etc.)
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)17:24 No.16296399
    - fiber-optic nervous system, allowing you to ignore pain to some extent, and speeding up your reflexes by orders of magnitude
    - a pair of leathery wings growing from your shoulder blades, with a bio-fuel fed jet system underneath it, allowing you extremely fast aerial movement
    - superhuman sense of balance
    - four combat tentacles
    - sonic vibrator drums that can cause disorientation, loss of balance and nausea on a wider area or severe pain and internal damage when focused. The effect magnifies the more drums you use.
    - combat tendrils that can be shot out to a few dozen meters, they are a centimeter in diameter, as strong as steel cable, and have hooked ends that lodge themselves into objects or enemies
    - reading and altering the mind and memories of humans using specialised tendrils

    -Perfect Predator
    Noise-level sense, body better optimised for stealth, invisible to digital sensors and leaves no scent
    -Monstrous Strength
    Increased strength, speed, and leaping distance
    -Armoured Juggernaut
    Massive armour, capable of deflecting most attacks and weathering the rest.
    -Master of Arms
    Improved bodysnatcher weapons
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)17:24 No.16296401
    Cath smiles at you brightly as you hold her close, Richard walking to the two of you. "Nice show, pretty impressive. I only came out here to give you this." He hands you a slip of paper with two phone numbers on it. "Contact numbers for Esther and William, respectively. Same setup as Eliah's. You leave a message, they'll get it plenty fast. Oh, and Professor Kellery got Miss Abazzia to one of our maximum security facilities in Britain, figured I'd tell you. We know about it, so the others probably do too."

    "Uh, Jack, what's going on? You caught Megan?" Richard winces slightly, and backs away. "I'll leave you two to talk, contact us if you reconsider. Catherine might be in on the deal as well, if her condition does not revert." He turns and walks away, giving you a slight wave as he does. "Soooo. I wasn't quite all there, mind clueing me in on what happened in the last few days?"

    Wat say/do?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:26 No.16296410
    Fuck yes, I was waiting for this for 5 hours.

    .... fuck, should have slept those 5 hours now I am sleepy as hell
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:31 No.16296445
    You know ... I missed the last two threads but I am the same guy who kept insisting on raiding a meat warehouse.

    Not only we didn't raid one, we haven't eaten much in between. There were perfect opportunities to order large quantity of meat from Wise to eat while flying on the plane.
    I would have suggested that if I was there.
    Any way that we could have the wise deliver us huge amount of meat right now and not have our shit blown up before we manage to eat it?

    Definitely don't tell her that she killed several hundred of civilians. I don't think she needs to hear that.
    Tell her that you woke up in some secret base, that you wrecked some shit, managed to kidnap Megan and then delivered her to the Wise (don't talk about the horrible mind rape)
    Tell her that she was taken over by the Beast and that she hunted the Cyborgs all over the globe.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:31 No.16296449
    >Release horniness pheromones
    >Devote all energy to pheromones and penis-upgrades, as well as stamina and semen production
    >Fuck bitches all day erry day

    That's what I do
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:33 No.16296465
    Nah, I live entirely in different timezone so it would be at inconvenient time for me anyway. I just still have free time to stay awake at 1 am.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:33 No.16296466
    "After I got shot in the head, I woke up three days later in the Fools facillity in Sweden, about to be dissected. They thought I was dead. Long story short, I escaped and took Megan with me, though this wasn't easy. Apparently they did something to her and she can control disabled HK's now. I sedated her, extracted whatever information I could without damaging her brain and send her to the Kellery. Then Richard called."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:36 No.16296494
    Okay, so what do we do? Contact Esther or William? Visit Kellery (that will be tricky though, seeing as she's in different country)?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:38 No.16296520
    >Contact Esther or William

    I do not care about these guys so much.

    But I guess we'll have to, sooner or later
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:43 No.16296561
    rolled 47 = 47

    Okay, so after I apparently I got shot in the head my body was captured and was dragged off to a base belonging to the fools. Somehow I regenerated and woke up about 15-20 hours ago? Trashed their base, wrecked an HK and captured Megan. I uh, tortured Megan, wish I hadnt done that. Turns out she had her reasons for doing things, not that I forgive her but still.

    You on the other hand from what I've been hearing have been running around destroying Cyborgs and bodysnatchers all day everyday. On Live TV.

    I think we can fix this! Really!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:44 No.16296569
    Okay guys, I think we have our first long term objective - find one of the Queens. Not to absorb her, though. No, we should show her Progenitor Trees. Remember, when we did that to Cath something came loose and she recalled tiny bits of information about both species. Who knows, maybe if we show them to aliens something same thing will happen and we will finally learn something about them.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)17:46 No.16296586

    I suggest we keep eating bodysnatchers till we are completely unstoppable. We can think of world peace after that.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)18:09 No.16296803
    >Jesus, sorry guys, my connection shat itself

    "Oh. Well. I suppose it could have been worse." Her eyes suddenly go wide. "Oh God, Annie. She saw me transform. She must be freaking out. We gotta get home. Were are we anyway?" "Seoul." She's speechless for a moment. "What? How did I get here? I remember wanting to destroy something under there," she points at Eliah's complex. "but I was just flying around. I crossed an ocean?"

    "Seems like it. It might take a bit of time to get back, we should go to someplace more quiet." You recall an internet café a couple of blocks from here, and head over there. No one bothers you as you sit down by a secluded corner table, and pull out the notes with the numbers on them. "What's with Richard? I, uh, I thought I vaporised him." "He got better." "Oh."

    Where to now? No easy decision. And should you tell Cath about the Wise, and Elaih's offer?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:19 No.16296895
    "He got better." "Oh."
    I Loled.

    >Where to now? No easy decision. And should you tell Cath about the Wise, and Elaih's offer?
    Well yes we should deffinitely tell Cath about the Wise and the whole thing. After that voting we contact Kellery and Daisy to let them know how it's going.

    I'm up for contacting either Esther or William once that's done if everybody else is. The sooner all of the Wise start working as a team again the better. Sorta concerned about Megan though and if someone will try to break her out.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)18:20 No.16296911
    Figured I'd adress this. After gaining Protean Nature, which I seemed to have managed to leave out from the list for some reason, you require much less food. And you have eaten, you cut out some parts from the three Fools soldiers when you grabbed Megan.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:22 No.16296926
    >and Elaih's offer?
    Is it that time crucial?

    Imma gonna vote to have Jack eat half a ton of meat before doing anything.
    We know that he doesn't even need that much time to consume things. If he can eat entire person under 10 seconds, consuming large quantity of meat wouldn't take 5 minutes.
    I guess we should contact Richard and ask him for food. ALOT OF FOOD.
    Again, a damn meat warehouse or something, a place he knows we can go in consume and get out without making a fuss.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:25 No.16296976
    Oh... is that so?


    Still, wasn't one of our powers which let us have better muscle and bone density the more we ate?
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)18:28 No.16297011
    Yes, you can do so, it just isn't as vital as before.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:30 No.16297035
    We needed it last time for regen because we kinda went berserk and hit that Cyborg thing so hard we almost shattered ourselves down to the last bone.
    After that, we ran into the woods, ate some trees and a slow squirrel.
    Could barely keep us from eating those Fools whole.

    We should just hitch a flight home, talk things over and have some nice steaks while we're at it.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:30 No.16297043
    But... but wont making them denser make us stronger and bones more durable?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:33 No.16297070
    Try explaining to the nice man in the taxi why you weigh 500kg and broke his car.
    It could make us faster, better, faster, stronger, but it could cause all kinds of problems.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:35 No.16297091
    Brain, I was wondering if it's okay if I were to record a reading of Breaker Quest, since the literary style lends itself to a kind of radio play. I feel like since it's your creation, I should ask.

    polite sage for off topic.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:36 No.16297106
    But weighting 150 kg is not that much of a problem, right?

    How much do we weight anyway?

    And besides .... when is the last time we used a taxi? Hell, we fly to places nowadays and if we ever get the Lord of the Skies mutation...
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:42 No.16297159
    How fast can we fly?

    How fast can Cath fly?

    If Cath can fly faster then us, can she carry us?

    And would that be faster then plane travel?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:44 No.16297183
         File1316040246.png-(770 KB, 697x1000, 1313715170672.png)
    770 KB
    You, Sir, are awesome.
    Have some Van Canto. Song kinda related.


    Also Orange Tranparent Chainsaw always related.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:46 No.16297208
    >And would that be faster then plane travel?
    It might be but it would be a good idea to let the Wise know before doing something like that so they didnt all totally freak out.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)18:51 No.16297289
    After running the short version of your conversation with Eliah by her, Cath stares into space. "That explains a few things. Well, it just makes everything more confusing, but at least we know who we're dealing with." She frowns. "I don't know about you, but I don't have my passport. I could wire us some money, but I'd need a very good printer to forge us some ID."

    "Maybe Richard will let us back on that plane of his. We're going to need to go back." Cath beams at you. "I have a better idea." You can feel her flare up with information, and she reaches out to you, a little metal headset forming from her hand. "I got his number, use this." With a little apprehension, you put it on, a thin cord running back inside her arm from it. Richard picks it up in a heartbeat. "Who is this?" "Jack." His hostility dissapears. "Hey man, what you calling me from? I can't get a lock on it." "Catherine." "... ooookay. What you need?"

    You sigh, a little uncomfortable with relying on him again. "We don't have passports. Could you lend us the ride I came here in, get us back to the states?" "Sure thing mate. They're refueling it right now, it should be ready to take off in an hour or so. Anything else?"

    Indeed, anything else you want to do before leaving?
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)18:53 No.16297318
    Sure man, go ahead. I was tickled to see your post in the last thread. You might want to alter some lines though, make it flow better. Also, Carver has no accent, he's been around long enough to loose it. Nitalah does indeed have an indian accent. As for the Kala, I had none in mind, go nuts.

    And I'm trying to regain some speed, sorry for the constant delays people.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:56 No.16297360
    Tell him to load the plane with food.

    (yeah, I am not going to drop this, I still feel that Jack should be starving or at least be on the verge of it)

    Also ask him what the news is on the bodysnatcher aliens front. Ah, and weren't the cyborgs going to attack just before we got knocked out?

    Cannot think of anything else. We are going back to Daisy again, right? And we're going to meet Cath's sister?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)18:58 No.16297383
    How about we enjoy the town, grab us a snack and behave like, you know, people?
    And fill the plane with steaks and what other meat he can get. And some sauce to go with it. Meat best be raw.

    I think it would be cool if they had a Berlin accent, but I just can't think of how to do this in English.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)18:58 No.16297391
    No, the cyborgs who were coming to wreak havoc were destroyed/taken apart/"kidnapped" by the Fools and what was likely Anne Grey.

    Yes, you are going back to Daisy, Kellery, and possibly Annie, Cath's sister.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:01 No.16297423
    Rah, my syntax sucks today.
    Excuse my idiotic scribbling, it's late and I just came home from work.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:07 No.16297497
    And what about these questions >>16297159

    anyway, we should just let going.

    Hmm since we have like an hour to kill lets just spend time relaxing in a coffee shop or something.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)19:10 No.16297536
    The answers are in order:

    Mach 2 or so.

    You have no idea, but likely faster than you.

    She could.

    Faster than any commercial jet, or even most fighters, but it would certainly have some problems, especially if it was unkown to the Wise.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:14 No.16297583
    >Tell him to load the plane with food.

    >(yeah, I am not going to drop this, I still feel that Jack should be starving or at least be on the verge of it)

    Not a TON of food, but something for both Us and Cath to eat. Speaking of, ask her if she wants anything for on the plane ride.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:15 No.16297611

    Anyway, I don't have anything else to add for now.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)19:29 No.16297795
    "Some met for me. Raw, beef if you can get it. And some sauce, barbeque. And for Cath, well, what do you want Cath?" She ponders it for a moment. "Scrap metal. Actually, just any regular junk will serve, I can just break it down and rearrange it as needed. Just make it non-organic, and non-smelly. Ooooh, and ice cream." Richard chuckles. "What flavour?" "Surprise me." "Got it. My people will be waiting for you. Call me if anything comes up."

    Catherine zips the line and headset back, reabsorbing it in a moment. "Let's go sight seeing then, we've got some time." Some poor guy gets killed in his game after being distracted by her squee, and you quickly leave under the dissaproving gaze of the employees. Catherine drags you arond downtown, thrilled, and you find yourself slightly bored. Sightseeing isn't your thing apparently, most of what you see too mundane to hold your interest.

    After what seems far too long for a single hour, the two of you find a secluded alley, and leap up into the night sky, simply flying to your destination. Amanda is waiting for you there, greeting the two of you with the same sunny expression.

    "Very good to see you again sir. Miss Abbey, I am Amanda Nesser, and I will be at your service until you arrive. If you would please come with me to the jet."

    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:35 No.16297880
    "I didnt think to ask before but you have parachutes onboard right? There shouldnt be any problems, just worried for the safety of the crew."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:39 No.16297917
    Are you planning to do something really, really stupid?
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)19:41 No.16297946
    You walk down to the jet, now standing in a different section of the airport than when you left it, and climb aboard, ignoring the twitchyness of the gunmen by the stairs leading up. After it lifts off, Amanda herself brings you your food, and you dig in, enjoying the meal.

    She can't help but stare as Cath makes pile after pile of plastic and metal dissapear, then browses through the inflight moves with a large box of icecream on her lap. You take your time, but finish soon enough, and start meditating again, tuning out the Rob Schneider movie Catherine chose for some reason.

    The hours fly by as your completely relax, simply listening to the trees shift and bend in the unseen wind, the Beast nowhere in sight. You wake to Cath gently shaking your shoulders. "Jack? We're here. We're home." Standing and stretching, you make your way down, stopping for a moment when you see Daisy and Kellery standing between the row of armed men on either side of the exit. The girl waves excitedly, the cat held in the crook of her arm worming it's way out of the suddenly uncomfortable embrace.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:42 No.16297953
    No, just considering the possability that with both us and Cath onboard this plane might become a target of the Fools, Cyborgs or Bodysnatchers. If any of them were tracking Cath and are still doing so it might be an opportunity to get the drop on us.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:43 No.16297964
    Go and greet them.
    Hug Daisy, I suppose.

    Ask how they are doing.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)19:49 No.16298030
    Erm, this.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:04 No.16298166
    waitan for op
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)20:12 No.16298196
    You walk over to them with a smile on your face. "How you doing, kiddo?" You get a torrent of an answer, and hmm and aah as she explains what happened to her in the last few days, focusing on how worried she was, how nobody listened to her, and what she ate. After a few minutes of this continuing even as you get into a car prepared for you, you manage to get a word in edgewise. "Prof, how are things looking?" Cath immediately blurts out "How's Annie?"

    "Ah, yes. Miss Anna-Marie Abbey is confused and upset, understandably so. She's under surveilance, and you'll get to talk to her soon. The war, well, we are experiencing a continous escalation. We managed to kill three Hunters via carpetbombing, but there are at least fifteen more operating in all parts of the world. The cyborgs have went silent about thirty seven hours ago, which cannot mean anything good. And our forces are slow to mobilise, with more than half of them outright ordered to stay on alart and ready to move, but not to any alien threat. I fully ecpect things to get much, much worse any time now." She smiles bitterly. "At least Miss Abbazia is safe for now."

    A deep voice comes from in between your legs. "Yeah boss, everythings going to hell. Here's hoping you got some better news. What happened over there? How you come back to life? Not that I got any problems with it, it's a neat trick, jus' wonderin'."
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)20:13 No.16298206
    Sorry about that, my posts seem to have a hard time getting through. I'm posting this at exactly 20.10, let's see how long it takes.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:17 No.16298244
    What the Fuck? Who left the mines open?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:20 No.16298266
    "I dont know. I just heard the one autopsy Doctor saying something about my body continuing to regenerate despite being brain dead then they were about to cut me open. Rather not try that again.
    You know maybe I should actually get some minor tests done before anything else starts to go crazy. So... not to change topics but what about your sister Cath? You going to phone or try and talk to her in person again?"
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:20 No.16298270
    Just tell them what we told Cath.

    Huh, 3 hunters?
    We could have used those.
    Do they know the location of others?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:23 No.16298302

    "I'm just too darn busy to lay down and die. Actually, Dr. Kellery could probably explain it better than me, but I think they didn't destroy enough of my brain to really wipe me out. It's like this experiment I had to do a report on in high school where these scientists trained a mouse to run a maze, and they kept cutting parts of its little brain out and making it run the maze, so they could find where the memory of the maze was in its mind. And you know what? They killed it before it forgot how to run the maze.

    "Maybe some of my memory is stored differently now too. I dunno. I don't feel like I've forgotten anything important.

    "Anyway I didn't really have to do anything to come back. I just needed to rest. Woke up and gave some scientists a fright; left them tied up and fought the rest of the way out."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:24 No.16298323

    Ask about Megan.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)20:47 No.16298552

    "Fascinating. Bodysnatcher cells store information extremely efficiently, they must have a sort of backup copy, hence why you weren't impaired by the loss of brain tissue. I would not advocate relying on this though, the results of such a restoration are unpredictable at best. As for the Hunters, we only estimate thier numbers by approximate distances and general appearance, for all we know we might be talking about anything between half as many or three times as much. And we would have acted if we knew of their positions, our best tactic still remains heavy bombing." She seems lost in thought, considering what your revival might mean.

    "So. Cath, what will you do? Do you want to talk to your sister in person, or..." Cath fidgets in her seat. "It would be best to talk to her face to face. I don't really know what to say. I mean, how do you explain this kind of thing? I'm made out of a merging of an alien lifeform and a self-replicating area of denial weapon from outer space, oh and my boyfriend is a shapeshifter now? I don't even know where to start!" You put your hand on her shoulder, and she entwines her fingers with yours. "You'll figure out something. I'll be there if you want me to." You raise an eyebrow. "Though I don't really know if that will help."

    Before she can answer, Kellery seems to just realise something. "Oh yes, Jack, we recieved a report that you fought a strange HK at the Fools base. Do they have control over them now? If so, could you describe it to me? Anything would help, really."
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)20:50 No.16298568
    Megan is Miss Abazzio, it's just that I cannot into spelling it the same way twice for some reason.

    Also, goddamit why do I post so slow, I really need to pick up the pace.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:58 No.16298654
    >I really need to pick up the pace.
    Yes. you must :)

    >Megan is Miss Abazzio, it's just that I cannot into spelling it the same way twice for some reason.
    Hmm. But is she still unconscious? I was wondering if she has said anything yet.

    Tell them that from what you've seen so far only Megan could control them. Then tell her everything we know about that HK and it's pseudo-sentience.

    Ask Kellery if she has any idea how we could locate a hunter. Also ask her if they have recovered any living bodysnatchers
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)20:59 No.16298665
    "They've hacked into them somehow, Megan had a bunch of implants and stuff that helped her control it."
    Wait, what all info did we recover from Megan when we interrogated her?
    I'd look it up but I have to run.

    4chan's posting is also crapping out intermittently.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)21:20 No.16298848
    "That sounds... disturbing. Some kind of link between it and Miss Abbey perhaps? Though from what we know, it should not have gained even a semblance of sentience. This will require some further analysis. And the Fools having the kind of cybernetics to manipulate an HK fully and in real time is not a comforting thought. As for Miss Abazzio, she is stable and lucid, though withdrawn and... what's the right word, melancholy? I might be able to get a video chat or somesuch going if you like. Ah, here we are."

    The car pulls to a stop before the Wise base. As she climbs out, Kellery notes "We haven't really had the chance or inclination to proquire live samples. You will have to do with regular meals I'm afraid." If you didn't know better, you'd swear you saw a cheecky grin.

    Doctor Scruffles leaps out of the car, looking at you expectantly. "So. What's the battle plan boss? Wait for trouble? Go around the countryside smashing faces? Go for the top dogs?"
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:20 No.16298850
    and I guess it doesn't hurt to tell her how we beat it
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:27 No.16298936
    I think we need to talk with Caths sister.

    Though I don't mind the plan to go around the countryside searching for more 'snatchers.

    And we'll need to call the numbers that Richard gave us sometime soon.... I guess.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:28 No.16298947
    Isnt this base the one where one of the Wise we wanted to talk to is located?

    1 Vote for getting the situation with Cath and her sister squared away ASAP.
    After that we could video conference with Megan if she's willing and then on to talking to Wise members.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:31 No.16298984
    Woo! Never though I would catch one of these!

    I would say we go see Cath's sister....again but this time we run along the roofs to keep the snipers busy.

    Also we may attract a few Hunters (epic fight!) while we are at it.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)21:31 No.16298985
    The one you talked to, William allegedly, wasn't here, he was using a remote terminal.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:35 No.16299027
    rolled 3 = 3

    If we are to talk with Meg, we should do it in person.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:36 No.16299060
    rolled 6 = 6

    Oh, Cats sister is most likely at Wise base. No need to play guard.

    This time we could meet her together with Cath
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:45 No.16299148
    rolled 9 = 9

    Aw man, I really can't take this anymoer

    I guess I really should have taken those 5 hour sleep.

    Anyway, thanks Brain, keep this up for much longer so that I can enjoy the archives longer ;)
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)21:52 No.16299254
    "Well, I honestly don't know. I'll figure something out later, for now, there's something else to take care of." You step closer to Cath, looking at her seriously. "I think we should talk to your sister as soon as possible. Right now, in fact." She looks away, then sighs. "Might as well."

    "She's a level above our suite. The guards should let you pass." Kellery remarks in passing. "I'll be in my lab if you need me. Daisy, would you be a dear and stay in your room for now? I'm sure Jack will spend some time with you a little later." The girl nods, excitedly telling the cat about the movie they're going to watch. Scruffles seems less than overjoyed at the prospect.

    The two of you go past the suite, waving at Daisy as she gets off. You can feel the tension around Catherine, an almost imperceptible growl from the Beast echoing behind your right ear. You shoo it away, and step out into the ring of Cannes Belli outside the elevator.

    "Go on ahead sir, ma'am. We've been told you're coming. She's in the living room." The level seems similar to the one below, and you find it quickly. Annie is sitting on a couch, her knees drawn up to her chin. She looks haggard, like she hasn't slept, eaten or showered properly for some time now. As she sees the two of you, she jumps behind the couch, almost tipping it over, and cowers in a corner. "Wh-what do you want?"

    Cath flinches back, wounded, her eyes flashing up a second later, an agressive response brewing up.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:55 No.16299296
    >Cath flinches back, wounded, her eyes flashing up a second later, an agressive response brewing up.

    Oh SHi-
    calm her down
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)21:58 No.16299335
    "Cath you can do this, stay positive."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:18 No.16299619
    "She just wants to talk to you, Annie."
    Put a hand on Cath's shoulder to help calm and restrain her.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:21 No.16299670
    "Cath, her reaction is to be expected." Place a hand on her shoulder. "It's a lot better than I expected."

    Take a seat with Cath and try to look as harmless as possible. Ask her if she'd like something to eat or drink. Then try to carefully explain the situation to her.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)22:22 No.16299684
    "Cath. Please. Stay calm. You can do this." She stops dead, and stares down at her hands, shimmering and rippling, ready to change into weapons. The Beast laughs as she looks utterly horrifyied. "I, I. I'm sorry Annie, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just here to tell you that I'm still me. I'm still you sister." The girl seems ashamed, but still wary. "What happened to you? What *are* you?" "I... was changed. Against my will. An accident, I guess you could call it. My, uh, my body has been replaced by tiny little machines. I can control them at will, make them rearrange. I don't think there's a name for what I am yet." She's been staring at her hands while saying this, but now lifts her gaze. "Look, I know it's scary. Before I... became like this, I saw Jack transform. I was terrified. And I know I can't expect you to just, welcome me back with open arms. I know that this takes time. If I knew how, I woudl've told you."

    She starts backing away. "I just. I just hope you'll talk to me sometime. I still love you, just like I always did. I, I-" She turns away and runs back to the elevator. You notice that Anna-Marie has a kitchen knife in her hand. Must have kept it in her pocket. She points it at you now, hand and voice shaking. "D-did you do this to her? Is it your fault that she's... hurt? Was it you?"
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:28 No.16299782
    >"D-did you do this to her? Is it your fault that she's... hurt? Was it you?"

    "Please, have a seat. I'll tell you everything and then you'll be able to decide how much of it is my fault. And how much is not. It might take a while, I would be glad if you would at least consider getting something to drink."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:42 No.16299946
    Well. That might've gone better,

    "The only fault of mine is that she was associated with me when we were kidnapped. I don't know why it had to be her. What I do know is that if I didn't have these...powers...she would be dead [or worse]."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)22:43 No.16299955
    "I didnt do this to her... but it is indirectly my fault. Get this straight though, she would be dead right now if it wasnt for me. Or worse.
    God I'm bad at this stuff. I dont need you to like me, hate me if you want, but she's still your sister and she cares about you. Remember that."
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)22:58 No.16300120
    You sit her down, and run her through the short version, ommitting as much dangerous or hard to explain knowledge as you find appropriate. Though it is very bare-bones, she seems to get it, and sighs. "I guess I could've reacted better, but it's so hard. I mean, I've been having nightmares about some metal monster ripping itself out of my sister, or about my whole family being one all along." She let's out a ragged, tired laugh. "The worst ones are when I realise that I'm one too. I've been too afraid to fall asleep."

    "I appreciate your honesty. I don't blame you for this. Well, maybe a little. But I'll try. I'll try to, get things between us back the way they were, if that's possible. She's had it bad enough already. Just promise me you'll look out for her." You smile. "I've been doing that without you asking me. The best you can do for her is make her feel normal. She needs grounding, people she can rely on." Standing, you nod at her. "I better get going, I need to catch up to her. Call us when you feel ready." You leave the girl there, sitting alone at a cofee table, nursing a cup of tea, looking a little lost, and very ragged.

    On your way out, you recieve a crisp salute from the Cannes Belli stationed there. Stepping into the elevator, you ponder what comes next.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:00 No.16300137
    I feel like you stole this idea from the manga Parasyte.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:02 No.16300169
    Megan. Better get the psycho-bitches out of the way before they blow something up.

    Also hating the captcha giving me this Kanji crap
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:02 No.16300172
    >On your way out, you recieve a crisp salute from the Cannes Belli stationed there. Stepping into the elevator, you ponder what comes next.

    I think we owe it to Daisy to have our ears chewed off by her.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)23:03 No.16300189
    If I stole from anything it was Crysis+Protoype. Actually, I most definetely stole from it, so yeah...
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:35 No.16300558
    Just give Annie Electric Powers and we can put Infamous on the list :D

    >official ewitbich
    yes captcha you are an official bitch
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)23:43 No.16300627
    The doors open with a jingle as you arrive at the suite, and after looking around, you find Cath in the kitchen, leaning over a cup of coffee in a position eerily reminiscent of her sisters. "Hey, you okay?" "I'm fine. You know what's horrible? Beyond that I was close to killing my own baby sister for being scared of me? I really want to cry, but I'd have to make a precise mental instruction to create the tears, and form the tearducts. It's not natural anymore, and it feels like I'd be lying to myself if I still did it." Crouching down beside her, you take her hand. "Look, I know it's not easy. There are changes to adjust to, and things require more control, more attention just so you don't do something strange. But you're trying, and hard at that. Your sister just needs a little time. She knows you, and she'll be there for you. And I'm here too." She smiles faintly. "Thank you." "I'll be listening to Daisy if you need me." "I see you're not referring to it as 'talking to". Good luck." At least you managed to make her grin.

    (field too long cont.)
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/14/11(Wed)23:44 No.16300632
    Before getting to Daisy, you make a quick call down to Kellery to set up the talk with Megan, then flop down beside the girl on the couch. She's watching some kind of animated movie again. It's baffling, really, animals walking upright, talking, acting like humans. Hardly animals anymore, right? After fifteen minutes, you figure getting stabbed by a Warrior is more fun. At least then you can make it stop by stabbing back harder, which is a non-option here. You have to watch " the really funny part" where a racoon almost gets ran over by a lawnmower. Apparently, it's struggle to stay alive is full of "silly and wacky " parts. When the call from Kellery arrives, you leave throroughly confused.

    A technician you haven't met before guides you to a terminal, and presses a few buttons for you. The screen comes alive, and he steps out of sight of the camera. Megan looks awfull, her eyes baggy and sunken, her expression tired. "Hello Jack. What do I owe this call to?"
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:52 No.16300683
    "Just checking in on you. Do I need a reason to check up on the person closest to a sister I've ever had?"..."Honestly, I'm a little bit afraid I might have screwed you up a 'tad too much. Hope you're doing better than you're looking. Are they treating you allright?"
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:53 No.16300700

    Time to fuck with her head.

    "I was in the neighborhood, thought I'd check in on you. They're not mistreating you are they?

    "Thought I'd tell you that I lost more of myself than I thought, back there. I don't really remember much of when we were together. Before. Just snatches of memory. Something about getting arrested, hurting someone.It's mostly gone, but it felt important. Can you help me fill in the blanks?"
    >> Anonymous 09/14/11(Wed)23:59 No.16300745
    One part guilty conscience, one part hoping to get some info, and one part wondering how you're doing?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)00:02 No.16300786
    "Well I guess I owe you an apology for earlier...being in the right frame of mind really makes a difference."
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/15/11(Thu)00:25 No.16300969
    "Figured I'd check in on you. I was pretty rough on you. Feeling okay? They treating you right?" She snorts. "Like I'm made out of glass. Or high explosives, rather. And I'm fine. You hit me with some pretty heavy stuff. I was out for more than a day. Got plenty of time to think here by myself though. Sooo. I guess I owe you for not just simply killing me. Thanks for not murdering me when you had the chance." Her usual grin flashes for a moment. "Some friendly advice in return. Get clear of all this. Big things are going to go down soon, and they're going down hard. The Fools take you as a threat now, alongside your girlfriend. This time though, they'll make sure you're dead. Scatter your ashes to the winds and such."

    You can't help but smile. "Thanks for your concern, but I can handle myself just fine. I'm tougher than ever, and only going to get harder to kill." "It's not a fucking joke, Jackie. The kid gloves are off. I figure they take your little Jesus act as a sign to act. Find someplace safe, and weather it out." Gunshots ring on her side. "I believe that's my cue."

    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/15/11(Thu)00:34 No.16301037
    "Well, I better get going." A door opens, and her cheerful smile quickly flashes through a frown, wide eyed surprise, and a feral snarl. She charges, outside the camera's angle, and you almost punch the terminal in frustration as a weapon roars. After a few seconds of the sounds of a scuffle, she appears again, pale, a gunshot wound on her left shoulder and a strange pistol in her right hand. "I'm going to hazard that these aren't my people. Or maybe they just want me dead this badly. Oh well. Time to bail." "Meg, stay there. There should be some guards on the way, something. You're shot for Christ's sake."

    She waves the gun dismissively at the door. "The guards dead outside? Nah, I'm going to get out of here. Been nice talking to you. Maybe next time we'll skip the whole murdering eachother bit. Buh-bye." She storms out, and you can hear shouts, shots and screams.

    The techician beside you just stares. You shake him a little. "Get your superior. You're facility is under attack. Come on. GO!" He scrambles, and you stare at the empty room on the screen.
    >> Taffer 09/15/11(Thu)00:40 No.16301090
    Get Cath. We're going hunting for a traitorous, conniving, bitchtastic judas named Megan. This time, try to capture her alive, but I don't mind if she gets maimed, or disarmed in the literal sense or dead.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)00:43 No.16301120
    Go and complain to Kellery how shitty their world-wide conspiracy is.
    Maximum security my ass.
    Seems like we'll have to set up a date with Esther soon.

    It's not like she distrusts us, but the Wise do seem to have a rather bad track record at the moment. I wouldn't want to rely on their protection either.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)00:46 No.16301136
         File1316061965.jpg-(28 KB, 600x480, Cmd Kojima Facepalm.jpg)
    28 KB
    God dammit. I KNEW something like this was going to happen.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/15/11(Thu)00:46 No.16301138
    I'm going to stop here for now folks, but don't despair, next quest will be on friday, due to Breaker Quest moving to saturday.

    Archiving shortly.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)00:46 No.16301139

    what happened?

    Anyway, put on all your armor except the Juggernaut. Lets see who or what is attacking us.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)00:48 No.16301155

    You know, after all the mind-altering jumbo we did on her she probably wont go back to Fools anymore
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/15/11(Thu)00:50 No.16301181
    For posterity's sake, I'd like to point out that a) all of the violent stuff happened on her side and b) she is in Britain while you are in the States.
    >> Brain In A Jar !2he8cbHXgM 09/15/11(Thu)01:00 No.16301249

    and I'll see you folks friday. Hope you enjoyed it despite my glacial posting, which I shall attempt to fix by getting enough sleep.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)01:01 No.16301257
    Ah, kinda slipped my mind that she is in Britain.

    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)08:42 No.16304106
    A bit late, but I'll still ask anyway. Will Protean Nature accelerate the process of abandoning old host and infecting new one? I'm asking because seeing as everything is going to hell we may be forced to abandon ship. Preferably by infecting one of the White Crowns. Cath will take it hard, but honestly, we're not that different from her.

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