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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 03/13/10(Sat)19:51 No.8570660 File1268527871.jpg-(365 KB, 1024x758, 1265788942813.jpg)
You take aim at the exiting tanks and fire. The blast takes out three in the close confines. The Morlock is moving again, although it is now on fire. You concentrate fire on the Morlock as it attempts to flee, its 4 drills spinning. A 150mm shell rocks your Dom spoiling your aim, a squad of tanks, launched from the other side of the Morlock.
"Don't worry about them, I'll take care of them!" Elaine says as she engages them.
You turn your attention back to the Morlock only to see it bearing down upon you, it's one good rocket firing. You fire your bazooka at it, but the drill seems to take it without even flinching, you jink to the side to avoid it, but you aren't quick enough and the right hand drills brush against you. Your leg and bazooka are shredded in the encounter and your suit falls over, sparks fly from your computer console, the computer screams warnning signals shrilly at you and your monitors flicker erratically. You shield your face from the sparks.
You see the Morlock turning around for another pass, you struggle to lift yourself up, draw your 90mm but the controls are none-responsive. And then, Zolomon Ringo, in a MS07B-3 Gouf Custom painted like a skeleton leaps into the air behind it.
His heat rod lashes out, connects with the rocket booster and discharges itself. The rocket explodes with tremendous concussive force, the entire battleship is rocked to the side. On fire, smoke billowing from it, Zolomon lands on top of it, pulls out his Shotgun and discharges everything he has: Chaingun Shield, 35mm Wrist Vulcan, Shotgun, into it's hide.
Eventually the drills stop spinning, as theres nothing but shredded metal behind them.
Well, there's ANOTHER battleship kill for Zolomon.
"Hey boss? Still alive?" he asks you.
You manage to get your suit to give him the thumbs up. |