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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/01/12(Thu)22:14 No.18168213 File: 1330658063.jpg-(81 KB, 1440x810, 1328429733306.jpg)
"You seem to be taking a lot on faith," Sakamoto says dubiously. "I mean, how do you know what the Martian's can and can't do? Especially since these signals, as you said before, seem to be influenced by... psionics?"
"Fffffffuck Psionics," you slur through another mouthful of whiskey. "God damn, you're a fucking Witch and you still think this psionisis shit is so mysterious? You put magic into a literal magic engine, you juice up a shield-generator with magic; even Night Witches put out signals that we can pick up on ordinary radar or radio, even though they're powered by magic. The Martians can bend physics but they can't screw 'em gently and sneak out without paying, woman!" You slap your shot glass on the table for emphasis. "My point is, the signals cross north of London, the aliums be pushing the South, and that spells flanking maneuver. Chris is largely coincidental, I think. Revelatory of what's going on, yeah, but not the goal, I'd think. The world doesn't revolve around me or you or Trude just because we're pilots, you know."
Sakamoto gasps and rocks back in her chair.
"I know I *know,*" you say, shooting a look at Perrine. "Jesus, don't let Ego hear, she'll go fucking medieval on our asses." You try to fill your glass again and only manage to soak the table instead, missing with several pours. |