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!Q7t.srvWZ6 02/24/12(Fri)22:42 No.18088061 File: 1330141366.png-(1003 KB, 1200x1200, MHRSheetv12-3.png)
 >>18087936 >>18087912
(4 WP spent) (3x7 on Rifle Roll, she takes three shock and three killing to the torso. She is wearing some kind of armor weave suit, but the Shard Rifle is Pen 4)
You center the scope as best you can on her center of mass, which from behind is the small of the back. You're operating on pure instinct now, following the instructions programmed into you by the modules. You exhale, and take the shot.
A tiny dart, a luminous indigo color, sails through the dark hallway with hardly a sound. Your lack of practical training with guns means you pulled the trigger a little two hard, and the dart of crystal material punctures her right shoulder, sailing through and through with a tiny spray of blood, and probably embedding in the wall in the next room over. She swears and stumbles, then tucks herself behind an objet d'art sitting in a display case in the middle of the gallery, pokes the MG around the corner, and lets loose a burst of suppressing fire, emptying the rest of her beta mag in your direction. A shitload of glass breaks.
(She gets a 2x1 and 2x8 on Supressing Fire, and you actually roll a 1 on the Scatter die, so Dan would take that match, except the Barrier matches that location, so no match)
You instinctively drop down, cradling the shard rifle to your chest as you do. Bullets spray randomly, but she aimed high, so most of them go astray, either hitting around the door, or passing harmlessly through the top half of it. One stray round smacks your leg, but is repulsed in a flash by your Barrier, which dissipates afterward. |