The end came much as we expected, too many humans, not enough resources. The details are pointless and trivial, the results all to common as far as history is concerned. Red China and America went to war over the world's last oil reserves, Europe dissolved into a group of petty, bickering city states, fighting over the last resources of a drained world. The Middle east erupted into a brief conflagoration of religious fervor and holier-than-thou genocide. People called it the end of the world, but they were wrong. This is just another chapter in human history.In the year 2225 Nuclear fire engulfed the world, it's been 50 years, you are located on the north american continent near the gulf of mexico. It's time to pick up the pieces and rebuild the world.
The world may end but war never changes! You are a group of humans ekeing out an existence after the apocolypse, what are you?>Tribals: Excellent scouts, not much in the way of starting equipment, no starting location you have to find one.>"Civilised" Folk: Numerous, mild tech benefits, able to choose either Argicultural, Militant, or mercantile, gain appropiate bonuses that match your starting type.>Precursors: Your people hid out in enormous bunkers during the final hours of the old world. Maybe your military remnants, perhaps you're the descendants of politician's families, or maybe you're the descendants of a well prepared megacorp. Regardless you'll get major tech bonuses and either A: military training B: appropiate charisma and economic bonuses for well connected political survivors, or C: megacorp remnant tech as well as mercantile bonuses>continues on next post.
>Freaks: cyborgs or gene-freaks, mechanicaly modified men, or genitically engineered survivors. Regardless of what you are you're good at combat and scouting thanks to your improvements. I'll decide what starting bonues and gameplay penalties you get based on your starting position, feel free to discuss the choices and ask questions. I will answer any question you ask, or state that I will not supply you with an answer. Regardless, It's time to pick and choose chaps! You can mix origins but expect to be levied with appropiate penalties for the benefits you gain from mixing and matching origins.
How about we be civilized folk, based around agriculture?
>>20415969dood, what? No.We need to be freaks, freaks with precursor tech. We'lll be a group of tribals who've hooked up with an old prosthetic technology firm! We'll be chromeboys! I figure some sort of plague devestated the population of the megacorp who owned the bunker and they've spent two or three generations interbreeding with outsiders. Now we have a culture of heavy human augmentation goingm probably with breeding issues since the plague rendered a lot of our members incapable of breeding.
>>20416027Wrong. Precursor technology was the downfall of civilization and now you wish to repeat that mistake?We are tribals, precursors and precursor tech was the problem, we are the solution.
>>20416027Pre-war combat cyborgs kept alive only by the massive amounts of hardware that comprise their bodies; in most cases it's unlikely that anything human remains beyond some parts of the brain. Reproduction is hampered by limited manufacturing ability and a lack of willing subjects.
>>20415792I'm gonna say Precursors with megacorp remnant tech.
>>20415969Kind of bland but easy to figure out. I'm rolling for starting terrain by the way.>>20416027I'm kind of partial to creative content like this, and I have a fondness for early cyberpunk, I.E. with mechanical limbs and less Nano-aug magic stuff.Anyways as starting bonuses you'd get a SkyScraper Fortress, in some area that I'd roll for, Low starting Numbers, Low Birthrate (needing you need to recruit outside the tribe if you want to increase numbers) High Combat ability, High Scouting ability, Average Research and Engineering ability, Average agriculture, aside from the Real low starting number ('boutr a hundred people or so) It's a pretty sweet Civ build.
>>20416110We could be Nobuseri.
>>20416027>>20416110two for cyborgs so far, though one guy wants to mix cyborgs with precursor tech and make a sort of combo civ. The other guy wants pure cyborg civ, which would mean less people but more lethal cyborgs.>>20416119One guy for megacorp remnant.>>20415969one guy for a farming town.>>20416102one FILTHY LUDDITE! Er. One guy who wants to do a tribal civ.So far that's four different votes. Hum.
>>20416193Farming town here, I'll vote for the cyborg mix. It sounds interesting at least, even if a little difficult.Gung ho?
>>20416193Shit, changing my vote in >>20416119 to cyborgs with precursor tech.
>>20416225Farming town is fine I guess but we'd need more votes for that. I just have a passion for cyberpunk.Anyways that's two votes for Cyborg Mix I guess.Unless anyone Objects, or has a cooler name, I'll call them chrome boys, they'll basically have superhuman stamina, senses, strength, and maybe an integrated weapon or two, aside from that, and the occasional full body prosthetic they'll mostly look human.I'll wait a few muinutes and if another civilization doesn't get more votes or if a better idea isn't presented we'll go with this.
rolled 2, 2 = 4Well 3 votes is enough for me. I'll roll some dice then.1: Wasteland2: Urban ruins3: Swamp4: Jungle
During the Latter days of the war Gascard was a town that was on the rise, the 20 or so oil rigs in the gulf of mexico and complete repeal of all ecological restrictions on industry meant a lot of money for the city, now it's a blasted out ruin, fought over by Street gangs and Raiders, Tribals and Civilised folk pass through occasionally.Everyone avoids the Sin Building though, back in the day it was head quarters for Synthetic Solutions, an up and coming cybernetics firm. Now it's the hideout for the Chrome Boys. A tribe of Cyborgs who are descended from the Staff of Synethetic Solutions and a handful of refugees brought in from the outside. The refugees brought disease with them, a horrible disease that left anyone who caught it touched forever, many became sterile, others just had to replace malfunctioning organs and twisted, disease withered limbs.
The Crhome Boys, in truth are the military faction of the tribe, the warrior men and women who guard the tribe from harm. The rest are scholars and teachers, scientists and researchers who take pride in their heritage as innovators and healers.You and your people have spent many years simply surviving, waiting for the bad times to pass, and they have, the fallout levels have fallen, the plagues have ceased, the grey goo has finally dried up.Now is your time, The Chrome boys have an entire city, hell an entire region left to themselves, there's no law, no order, and no one to tell you what to do. You get to decide what is right, and what is wrong.>Tribal numbers, 100 men, women, and a handful of children.>Holdings, The SIn Building 600 stories of bunker quality concrete and glass.>Agriculture, a hydroponics bay in upp>industry, Manufacturing facility in upper levels>Tech, Basic Firearms, advanced Prosthetics (I.E.cybernetics), hydroponics, advanced computers, basic agriculture, advanced manufacturing
You have 3 actions for each month, it is your first month. What would you like to do?I know what I'd like to do, I'd like to stop missspelling "chrome"...
>>20416465Venture outside for the first time in a long time, to view our surroundings.Spend some time scouting the ruins closest to the Sin building with a small party of maybe 10-15 Chrome boys.
>>20416465crank up production and research in addition to scouting. Best we prepare for anything we may encounter outside.Technologically superior.
>>20416441Let's arm up some boys and send them to scout the surroundings. Nothing too dangerous, just a quick look before coming back
>>20416518Forwarding this.We send out our best scouts to see what the surrounding area's are like. If they find another group of people, they're authorised to make contact if they appear neutral or friendly.
>>20416465Okay start with thorough scouting of the immediate region around us. Get an idea of what is around us.We're okay on food for now, we don't have that many mouths to feed yet.Make sure our scouts are equipped with the best things we can give them, good armor, weapons, surveying equipment, that sort of thing.
I only have, one. Begin a schematic of the area, try to find old maps (pre-subway maps, tourist info, etc.)
By the way, if we are going to expand and "repair" the world then we'll need some scientist working in the sterility issue
>>20416518Well you can do some research, but for manufacturing you're gonna have to start finding junk and other stuff to convert into useable parts. Luckily you've hit the jackpot on usable junk since you're smack dab in the middle of city ruins.>>20416495You've spent the last 25 years doing damage control on the plague that nearly wiped out your people. As a result you con't really say you're up to speed on current events. You send out 10 chrome boys to scout the city.The stories they come back with are disturbing. The gangs were always pretty nasty, but a man who calls himself "Royal T" has begun taking over the city, he has around 500 or so well disciplined men, they wear purple clothing and raid surrounding settlements for food and slaves and are turning this city into a hub for commerce of the worst kind. apparently someone got ahold of a lab at some point because amphetamine use is rampant, junkies are everywhere, doing Royal Ts bidding in the hopes of getting pills as payment for their loyalty.
>>20416600Let's start reclaiming junk then.What's powering all our stuff?
>>20416582[only people who had the plague were rendered sterile, there are plenty of normal humans who can still breed, it's just that most of your tribe are descended from, or are survivors of a plague with a 75% rate of fatality, that also rendered its subjects sterile.]In short the city is being taken over by a gang, and is over run with slaving, pillpopping gangers that make civilised behavior near impossible. The good news is that you do have a pretty good idea of what the surrounding area looks like. You have 2 more actions left for this month, what would you like to do.
>>20416643Are the surrounding buildings empty?
>>20416600.>>20416643I wonder if we could weaponize the plague..Either way, Royal T must be crushed, and his followers assimilated. Drug-addled madmen may make for good troops.As for actions, Perhaps we should try to get a sample of the drugs. If we could take the edge off it, and keep the "Feels no pain" aspect in, we could have quite the fighting force.
>>20416643This is not good. We won't have the manpower to take them out right now without unacceptable losses to ourself.Make sure our building is properly fortified.We could approach this diplomatically, assimilate Royal T and his men, once we have control we shunt Royal T out of the equation and kill him. Then we use the men for our own purposes, cybernetically enhancing loyal lieutenants.
Why aren't we Wal-Mart Precursors?
>>20416683I think all these years of death and suffering were enough to remind us to stay away from that idea
>>20416698We are 100 and they 500. Even with our superior tech their numbers are far too superior.
I'm okay with increasing the defenses of our main building and maybe taking over some of the surrounding buildings.
>>20416733They don't know our numbers, all they know is that there's this scary fucking tower full of cyborgs.So we start up negotiations, keep our true numbers secret. Get an alliance with Royal T, start shifting loyalty to us by giving the ones who are loyal to us better weapons, enhancements, maybe even drugs. Over time we get Royal T less and less involved with the organization and then disappear him. Any cybernetics we install have overrides we can trigger of course to prevent them from rising up against us.
>>20416761But i want to be the good guys. Cyborgs are always the crazy mean ones in cyberpunk settings.
>>20416781Hey man, we gotta do what we can to survive.
>>20416671It was the "Synthetic Solutions" Building. now its the "Syn" building. People stay away from the area because they think metal demons live in the chrome tower. You have two city blocks of space to yourself at any given time. >>20416683>>20416698>>20416721One of the of the main reasons the Chrome Boys are such an effective fighting force is that they have implanted communications devices so they don't have to speak, and a Pre-war level of education. As for your capabilities when it comes to phyicial combat? Pic related, your soldiers can rotate their wrists 360 Degrees, most have wolverine claws or armblades, and just about everyone ha a pistol or rifle.There's no telling what effect this drug would have on your men, but getting a sample of it would probably tell you more once you send it to the labs.You might want to try talking to Royal T before you make any plans for doing anything with him and his men.Anyway you have 2 actions, what would you like to do this month?
>>20416821I'm just pointing the fact that before even having any kind of trouble we are already thinking about kicking the ass of this guy and taking or killing his men. We even thought about using the plague as a weapon.Let's just relax a little.
>>20416821Seconding this.This is a rival gang that poses as a threat. This is how we know how to win, and I for one support survival.Offer services to those we find. Drugs, augmentations, what have you- with overrides installed to either cause massive hemorrhaging and the like, or to chemically alter their moods in our favor.This is what we know; lets use it to help us.Hopefully, though, we DO know of these procedures that is...As for secondary objectives, how about we do a little base modding? Move into the apartments closest to our Syn building and maybe start clearing rubble away to provide more room for security and border defense.
>>20416847We set up duty-rotated garrisons along our 'border' to secure our territory. We also send out engineers to reclaim useful materials from our zone.
>>20416847Reinforce the defenses of the area just in case and let's expand a little. I assume all our people is living in the syn building, so if that's the case let's move some guys to the surrounding blocks (always under our protection, of course).Also, this is just an idea, if everyone is so afraid of us maybe we should make some scary modifications to the chrome guys. Just cosmetic stuff, some spikes here and there and maybe a devilish metal mask
>>20416847I think we should have a few of our people go out and meet Royal T. Get to know his position in the area, how he himself thinks and acts, and get a sample of the drug.
>>20416847We need to send a small diplomatic force to meet with Royal T>When we meet him we need to enforce the idea that we are powerful and to be feared We also need to let him know we have the means to possibly produce more of these drugs and possibly enhance them.>This way we can start up a early and strong trade-route
>>20416914No. They already are kind of scared of our place, let's keep the mystery.
>>20416761Dude, no, fuck this, and fuck Royal T >>20416027 this was my post, and I'm flattered OP latched onto my concept and expanded on it.But we're not chrome boys anymaore. We're the Chrome Guardsmen and we're gonna uphold the old ideals of the Pre-War world.We're gonna find some slaves, put them to work and get our new members from ROyal T's slave pits, we'll make fighters out of the ex-slaves after we train them up. As Far as I'm concerned this place is Chrome City and Chrome City has new laws.No TheftNo RapeNo BrutalityNo MurderWe are the Crhome Guardsmen and if you break our laws we will find you and we will end you.I hereby declare war on Royal T and state my intent to turn us into the Law of this brave new world.The time is now! Prepare the guns! Ready the Chrome Guards, we ride to free the slaves at dawn.TL;DRWe're the law now. Oh, and raid the City for parts so we can make more stuff. We have 2 free blocks, lets pick that clean first.
>>20416847Scavenge for materials.Begin setting up outpost in the surrounding buildings and establishing a perimeter.
>>20416951Dude, if we attack them they'll complete destroy us we are only 100 including >Men >Women>ChildrenThey have around 500 ''Well disciplined'' men who are ready and already use to fighting.We need to take it slow and meet them first and then decide further action.
>>20416951Slaves? don't go barbaric with this. We don't need slave, we have good tech to offer and people will want it.I'm okay with your ideas but the slave thing goes against your nice concepts of law.Maybe if we use slavery as a punishment for criminals...
>>20417002Yet they're more likely to attack us if we tell them who we are and what we've got. It's unlikely that we'll be assaulted by *all* 500 of their troops at once.
>>20417005I was talking about recruoiting from Royal Ts Slaves. OP said the city has turned into a den of Vice. I'm thinking Sin City, only post apocolyptic. Clearly we need to start preying on the smaller gangs and stuff like that. anyway OP said that Royal T is the main group in the city, he never said how many gangs are in the city. Speaking of which...How many gangs are there in the city anyways? and can we recruit useful members from groups like slaves, or tribals or tr\avellers?
>>20417024We need to let them know of our potential usefulness when it comes to possibly manufacturing drugs.But we should still keep a level of fear about us to ward off any attacks >ie; Scary armour, exaggerate our numbers. the kind of shit a dope head in the wastelands would be scared of.
>>20417056Our best chance now is offering medical attention and probably augmentations to people to make them join us.We have the resources and i'm sure people will want this in such a situation
>>20416951No. Just no. We are not becoming the Star Guard again, as much as I loved them we should take this game in as interesting a direction as possible. First idea, hiring out our services to the highest bidder while building a more exceptable base to launch from and collecting recruits. We could easily become an Assassin's Guild or something of the like. The city will fear the night.
>>20417056Okay Royal T's group is the largest group of Gangs, he's allied with about 20 or so gangs, ranging from 100 or so men in size, to 250 men. Those gangs have their own cultures and looks. The city itself is home to around 8000 people, the majority of which are in the gangs (something like 500 are gangers.) the rest are slaves or just the descendents of city dwllers hiding in the shadows. So yeah, the city is basically Sinb City, except post apocolyptic.You send out your men, 25 or so Chrome Boys march out into the city, specifically the dead zone that most people from the city avoid. Using an old pick up truck that someone left inside the Syn building's parking lot they gather up metal, plastic, rubber and electronic junk and haul it back to the Syn building. They spend a week or so doing this and pick the area around your base clean of Junl. You have enough resources for 4 projects.You have one more action for this month, what is it?
>>20417182Reinforce the defenses of the building, but also make it look scary.
>>20417202This, also make all the Chrome boys look scarier.And stick random warning signs about, warning signs are scary.
>>20417230>>20417202Forwarding this, if it impairs efficiency thought, don't do it.
>>20417134agreed i too loved the Star Guard but its time for something different.
[so what...? We're assassins creed: cyborg addition now? You have a basic machine shop that has several machines dedicated to producing the various spare parts needed know keep you alove along with a lab that makes prosthetic organs. If you want to do better you'll have to upgrade your machine shop from Basic, to advanced which will take two project levels worth of materials, but then you'll be able to make things like machine gun turrets, which are the only things that could really improve your defenses. In the meantime...]You spend the rest of the month increasing the spook factor of the Syn building. It can be seen from all around the city, it's the tallest building still standing after all. You take the old lights from their sockets and replace them with red lights so that the building is lit up with blood red light after the sun goes down. You spend several days crafting four enormous masks and have each one mounted on a direction that corresponds to one of the points of the compass.
>>20417230>>20417202I would disagree, doing stuff like that means that young kids with tragic pasts would come up looking to fight the Chrome Boys to make a name for themselves, We start slowly expanding the dead zone is my vote, eventually theres a part of the city that quite simple no one walks out of again, unless they bring the proper gifts, Im still pushing for the shadows angle.
Each of the giant masks is utterly grotesque and meant to induce terror. They're mirror bright and lit up by the largest, brightest lights you have in your possession and are probably the first thing anyone notices when they look up at night.You soldiers meanwhile have taken to fashioning masks from steel, each one meant to suit their personality, some look like animals, others like demons, some defy description. They also take to wearing cloaks made from fur or cloth and decorate thses things with tokens that are important to them some favor bullet casings, others prefer animal's teeth. Over all though it's agreed that a Chrome boy should try to find an even balance between spook factor and stealth when it comes to decorating himself.
Hey, you reposted. I saw Chrome Boy Quest and only didn't post in it because 4chan was giving me errors and the thread wasn't there when it started working.Are you gonna start that again? That looked pretty interesting.
>Current Numbers, 100 men, women, and a few children.>Facilities, Hydroponics bay, basic machine shop, basic conversion bay, basic organ farm (you grow the organs, you don't collect them.) Old Parking Lot (ten vehicles, all civlian)>Weapons: Prosthetic weapons (I.E. Claws, arm blades), Basic Pistols (semiautomatic, low caliber) , Basic Rifles (semi-automatic, mid caliber)Prosthetics, Superhuman speed and agility, basic regenerating capabilities, prosthetic melee weapons, prosthetic communications (i.e. radios, and WIFI connections)Superhuman senses (sight, scent, taste, hearing...)Tried to give a btter sense of what you have at your disposal this time, any questions?Oh and its month 2, what would you like to do?For the record the only thing anyone knows in the city is that for a long time no one walked away from the Syn building, now the Syn building (600 stores of chrome) is lit up red at night, and has 4 scary masks on it.
>>20417645We've attracted enough attention for Royal T to at least send some sort of scouting party.>We need to start projects on building machine gun turrets and build our defenses.
>>20417645Okay we've established ourselves as scary. We should send out a diplomatic party.Meet with the major gang leaders, offer the possibility of an alliance. In exchange for manpower and loyalty they can be provided with technology that far outstrips their competitors as well as our support.
>>20417645Let's improve the prostetic weapons and bioaugmentations.Also let's have some stealthy Chrome Boys going around the city daily, just to keep us informed.Let's send other guys (looking less scary perhaps) to start telling people something like "the change is coming" and they should join us.Oh and "normal" people from our place isn't allowed to go too far. It's dangerous, but mostly because we want to keep mystery.
>>20417427agreed extend dead zone make so that any who enter without an offering don't walk out alive. In exchange however said individuals who do bring a offering we offer some goods in exchange for payment of course
>>20417704Not a good idea. I prefer to keep those guys far from us. once they star appearing around our territory we'll try the approach
>>20417576honestly I quit that because I needed sleep and 4chan was fucking up, maybe some other time.
>>20417742bad idea if we rile up the populous the gangs are gonna get suspicious and investigate thus they would eventually attack.
>>20417742Also let's research a little to improve defenses. It would be nice to put the turrents in the eyes of the masks.
>>20417828But we need to start getting people in our side
>>20417820You mind giving a specific time? It looked really interesting and I'd hate to not see it done because of fuckups or miss it.
Are there any /k/ommandoes in here? If so could you come up with a good indication of what kind of guns our Chrome boys are using? I figure they're using stuff left over by security guards since they used to be a corporation. anyways.We need to extend the dead zone, wipe out any hostile groups and ignore harmless types, like family groups or women and children, Also-Our vchrome boys are using fur and cloth to make cloaks and other scary disguises, so where are they getting fur? Feral dogs. Clearly we need to start capturing and training or replacing the brains of feral dogs with computers so we can make cyber hounds to reinforce our numbers. Vhrome Boys should have Chrome Hounds.Also lets improve our manufacturing capabilities so we can make machine guns and stuff, OP are machine shops and reloding tables seperate facilities?
>>20417862they will come to us problem is the city is a hellhole gangs and drugs everywhere a reliable source of quality meat is gonna be a bitch to acquire at the moment. Which is why we stay mysterious and slowly expand the dead zone those who come with offerings we wont kill right away. Those who also make offerings will be able to trade with us. This would also allow some individuals to seek us out then we can test them on our terms with know one being the wiser.
>>20417897uhh, no idea d00d. some time this week, noonish 4chan time. depends on what life allows me to do.>>20417920Yes there are feral dogs, yes you can capture and train/lobotomize them and turn them into cyberhounds. and yes, you would have to upgrade the machine shops and your reloading facilities to produce machine gun turrets (the masks are 600 stories in the air, what are you going to shoot with eye turrets? maybe we should make gargoyle turrets...) and sniper rifles and stuff like that, not to mention ammo for them.
>>20417975We grow fucking organs, i think we can have a little farm too without too many problemsand let's avoid the random killing
>>20418030there is a reason why its a dead zone and people avoid it.
>>20418025Ok then let's improve that to improve defenses then.>>20417742Also that, maybe without recruiting people.
upgrade factories, lobotomize the hounds, upgrade defenses.
Progress in this thread is going way too slow.
>>20418112It's because we have absolutely no ability to make decisions, we're just shouting ideas at one another.OP, could you give us a basic voting system on things we could do? Allows for cleaner decision making.A) Send out scouts (specify direction)B) Send some scavengers out to scour the ruinsC) Gather resourcesD) Have your scientists research something (specify)E) Craft specific objectsF) OtherSomething like this, stole from another civ game.
Fuck, i think we agree with something.Sending stealthy scouts around the city to keep us informed and to research tech to improve our defenses with machineguns or something like that
I am voting for UPGRADE FACTORIES.
You use up your remaining junk improving your manufacturing bay, you can now produce just about any type of weapon you could want (provided you have the materials in terms of metal, optics, and electronics if you want to make things particularly complex.) You can also produce just about any type of ammunition or explosive that you could want thanks to your upgrade of your chemistry facilities, gun powder's a breeze, no need to worry about bullets now.[Note that your hydroponics bay produces enough food for 500 people, the "Kindness Plague" reduced your numbers down from that to 100 people. You also can produce painkillers as long as those pain killers are derived from opiates, cloth as long as that cloth is derived from hemp, and of course rubber, thnaks to your small, but functional grove of rubber trees]You have some chrome boys sent out, they start rounding up feral dogs and withing a few weeks you have a breeding population of half feral, mangy mutts. They're tough and surprisingly intelligent though.
Action 1 upgrade factories for machine gunsAction 2 maintain continuous scout and salvage operationsAction 3 begin cyber mastiff enhancement pogrom
>>20418176This is a sensible course of action, I would ask why I didn't think of it, but it's sensible. That's WHY I didn't think of it. I'll try to help things along by giving more details when arguements seem to be a problem.So... Yoink!A) Send out scouts (specify direction)B) Send some scavengers out to scour the ruinsC) Gather resourcesD) Have your scientists research something (specify)E) Craft specific objectsF) Otheranyway, you have a manufacturing bay that can make just about any kind of weapon you'd want. Production consists of making aprototype (one project) and then making a mass production model, so that's two project levels of resources. Also note that your facilities produce just enough prosthetic parts and cybernetic upgrades for your tribe, you don't have enough in the way of resources to turn them into trad e items (and you'd need a sterile place to operate anyway, so you'd need to take would be cyborgs into your base to operate on them.)
In light of my post landing after the op,This month 1 salvage2 begin production of turrets for surrounding area3 begin production of cyber enhance dogs
Note that researching is also a project and requires just as much in the way of resources that making a line of high caliber rifles would. 1st you make a prototype, then you make a mass production line.Anyways if you want to improve your organ profduction facilities, or make stuff like super adrenal glands or a bitchin' new drug you need to upgrade your biotechnological facilities, so you'd either need to raid a hospital or build them yourselves (3 levels worth of project materials.)any questions?
>>20418363Out of interest, what's powering all our stuff? and how much more room do we have to expand in the tower?Voting for scavenging more items this month.
>>20418327spend the entire month salvaging. Once we have materials, we can start working on projects.
>>20418327Idea, if a particularly hardy or impressive person wanders into the killzone we offer recruitment and indoctrination. Also B,C, and D (D being our scientists cyber enhancing the hounds)
I know this is overused.... but can we put lazors in the eyes of the giant faces?
In light of clarified production rules,I agree with triple salvage for action
>>20418363Can we improve the process of production? Not getting new tech but making our facilities less resources hungry
I give this 10 more minutes before it somehow turns into a HFY thread.
>>204183271. (A/B) Spend this turn scouting and scouring out local ruins in the area for supplies and to mark down more Dead mans territory.2. F) Secure a more open amount of land for security reasons, plant cars down unused roads to blockade them. Create some security for this fortress.3. Spend the last turn of this by attempting to create mounted turrets of some kind with what we found scouring out the lands. Can we produce prototype automatic turrets? Or at least simplistic ones at least to put down choke points available as entrances. Formulate a proper gating system along the walls.
>>20418401Nuclear Generator at the top 100 or so stories, supplemented with solar panels in the skin of the building. You send out chrome boys and they strip the remaing block or so of dead zone around the Syn building, along with whatever they missed in the first sweep through. By the time they're done there's nothing left that can be used for resources. Short of breaking the buildings themselves down for parts there's nothing left in the deadzone. (Your men went so far as to pick up every shard of glass and to remove each, and every pane of glass on each and every pane of window. The furniture is gone, the appliances are gone, the dumpsters are gone, the garbage is gone. If it can be broken down for parts. It's gone.)
>Current Numbers, 100 men, women, and a few children.>Facilities, Hydroponics bay, Manufacturing Bay, basic conversion bay, Basic Biotechnology Laboratory, Old Parking Lot (ten vehicles, all civlian) >Weapons: Prosthetic weapons (I.E. Claws, arm blades), Basic Pistols (semiautomatic, low caliber) , Basic Rifles (semi-automatic, mid caliber)>Prosthetics, Superhuman speed and agility, basic regenerating capabilities, prosthetic melee weapons, prosthetic communications (i.e. radios, and WIFI connections)Superhuman senses (sight, scent, taste, hearing...)>Resources, 3 projects worth.A) Send out scouts (specify direction)B) Send some scavengers out to scour the ruinsC) Gather resourcesD) Have your scientists research something (specify)E) Craft specific objectsF) Otherand no, I'm afraid projects will always be this resource hungry. Gameplay balance.
What does our motor pool consist of?We have enough excess food stuff to support about 400 more people a month?Exactly how many projects worth of resources do we have at hand?What have we seen developing in the surround area, as we have good sight lines from our mega tower?
>>20418599That... is an acceptably creepy level for the town around us.A) Send scouts into the city, towards the docks if there is one.D) Have Scientists upgrade houndsF) Improve Biological Lab
>>20418701Okay we have sufficient creep value going on.A. Have some scouts head into the city, let our presence be known, they should be given a wide berth.D. I'm cool with upgrading the Hounds more so that we can have something to supplement our troops and nothing is cooler looking than cyborgs shrouded in pelts and tattered cloaks with cyberhounds at their sides.Not sure what else to do.
>>20418701upgrade the biotech labs--these are our main strength. Scout some more, into Royal territoryResearch dermal armor.
Upgrade hounds,Scout toward docksPrototype turrets
>>20418711[please excuse contradictions to previous statements, ask if confused, am establishing appropiate resources for your group by asking questions on /k/ and stuff like that.]One of your men goes and checks on the armory, its been awhile since you needed anything know actually kill anyone aside from a high caliber of rifle with a scope. You open up the armory. You have 150 suits of riot armor (combat polymers with clear face shields and anti balistic cloth) Numerous Pistols, SMGs Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Heavy and Light Machineguns, and a selection of scoped rifles (for sniping.)Your motor pool consists of 10 vehicles. 2 military surplus cargo trucks (previously used to loot the dead zone) and 8 armored Infantry Transports. (Large six wheeled armor vechicles with capacity for twelve people in the back and two in the front.)
Gascard city is on the edge of the gulf, you get hit by hurricanes once every year or so due to this. You have a patrol of chrome boys sent towards the docks on recon in the dead of night. You find that after about 12 city blocks or so your territory is given over to a group called the "Skullz" they tend to wear leather, furs, and have a fetish for all things bone and skull. They also tend to pain skulls on their faces and wear bones as decorations and good luck charms. Their weapons consist of crappy pistols, shotguns, and bolt action rifles. Their settlements consist of 30 or so men, in 6 groups, these groups garrison buildings and keep women and children locked inside the buildings. They converted the roof of an apartment complex into a sort of garden by putting soil into crude boxes and have actually begun producing a crop of some sort from the looks of things. This seems the standard SOP for most gangs in the areas, rooftop gardens, garrisoned buildings, women and children inside.
By the way, if we ever have a battle and we lose some men, let's take the corpses with us to keep our tech safe and to promote mystery
Upgrade houndsResearch uavsExpand dead zone by 2 blocks toward the docks
Also let's exploit our biotechnology. I suggest we get some regeneration augmentation first. We have too few men and we need to take good care of them
>>20419167>>20419114Supporting this.Get our engineers to do the preliminary work on a UAV which we can use to recon the city and perhaps beyons.
>>20419167Seconding the note for expansion towards the docks. I say we load up some of the trucks and crush some Skullz.
Further on from the skullz are "Swashbucklers" who have a pirate them going on, they control the dock area and have around 200 men, spread out in five buildings and seem to oversee the Market, in the morning the Docks bustle and goods of every kind, including slaves are avilable for purchase. Boats and ships of every kind and description come in hualing everything from, crops, to machinery to human cargo. So in short you have to pass through skulls territory to reach the docks. You have yet to contact anyone in skullz territory.Upon returning from their journey the scouts spot men who are wearing yellow and black body suits chasing a group of people, mostly women and children aged from 14 to 20 years in age. This is of course happening in the dead zone.As per Standard Operating procedure they kill the body suited gangers. They'd like to know what to do with the women and children though.A:Let them go? B:Invite them into the Syn building? C: Kill them?
>>20419195Bor A with the warning of "nobody fucks with our territory"
>>20419195B:Invite them into the Syn building? Put them in an isolated floor. They are not going to leave or go anywhere until we are sure that they can be trusted and brought into the fold. They will be well taken care of of course and we need population.
>>20419226>>20419230This. Eliminate the intruders, and take in the outsiders as our own. White knight on this one to help increase members of our society.We're kind rulers, but we rule with an iron gauntlet I think. Need to be a bit hard till we get rid of some of these gangs...
>>20419145Agree, this is crucial.What do you fellows think of upgrading a pair of "missionaries," the most well spoken members of our group with top line sub dermal armor, and having the devolp a simplistic religion where the machine is venerated as a higher life form? Religion is an excellent source of control.
>>20419195Nobody leaves the dead zone.B, if only to bolster our numbers.
>>20419279I don't want to go 40K on this
>>20419180note that the skullz have around 180 men, not counting their women, that's 30 men in six buildings each, not 30 men spread around 6 buildings.
>>20419195>>20419290Also, we should bring the corpses back, and see what we can learn from an autopsy.
Take the bodies of the gangers, and the fleeing civilians.If any of the gangers can be revived, do so, for intel purposes.Assuming that takes an action, upgrade dogs, and research uavs. If that does not, expand dead zone and have dogs programmed to patrol up to the edge of skulls territory so we can strip the area next month.
The leader of your cscout group, under cover of his men, approaches the women and children. "You have two choices." He states flatly. "Leave the dead zone and never come back, upon pain of death." He points back towards the city. "Or enter our home as guests, live under our protection and obey our laws." He points at the Syn Building. It doesn't take long for them to make a choice. The women and children agree to enter the Syn building. You have them brought in and isolated on one of the Middle floors and put under guard. Then you begin training them in an attempt to be useful, most of the women are good at tending plants, and some of them seem to have been whores at some point. A few are experiencing the nasty withdrawal, apparently the gangers like to keep their favorite women under control via drugs.It takes a week or two but eventually you find a handful of suitable candidates and begin training them to join the Chrome Boys, once their training is done they'll make excellent soldiers.
>>20419313Nothing so droll as the cult mechanicus, and not converting our own people. Specificly something to leverage over these mouth breathing agrarians.What do you gus think of destroying the skulls food resources, and then using our excess food to bring them into our control. Im sure that our science team could lace the food stuffs with drugs to render them more docile while indoctinate/brainwash them
>>20419502Joy, we have to put them through detox. Make sure the ones going through it are taken care of, given light medication to help with the side effects, all of that.
You have the corpses of the Gangers taken back, most of them are asian in descent, but a few are black, middle eastern, or caucasian in descent, all of them have a tatoo of a traditional chinese dragon on their chest. Most had wealth of one form or another, jewelry, coinage, fine weaponry (katanas seem to have been popular with this lot) the wealthier gangers had more complex tatoos while the poorer ones had simpler ones.Most of them probably wouldn't have lived to see 30, they had samples of a drug called "Accel" by the survivng women and children, it speeds up reaction times and gives the user a euphoric speed high whilst increasing their muscular strength. It also kills braincells with each use whilst modifing the user's adrenal glands. By the time they would have reached thirty they would be able to produce the drug on their own, but they'd have a mental capacity more appropiate to that of a dog or chimpanzee. Your head scientist proclaims it to be a modified military drug of some sort.
Aside from the effects of Accel on the human body you don't learn much from the gangar corpses. They get tipped into the incenerator without much in the way of ceremony. The women who were rescued from what they call "The Silver Spire Triad" go through Detox and eventually are ready to join the Tribe in earnest.You use up your remaining resources upgrading the Biotechnology Lab, you can produce just about any biological compound you could ask for, though short of 6 levels of research you wouldn't be capable of genetic augmentation. In the meantime though you could probably make the best drugs this city has ever seen, not to mention some impressive biological augmentations.You have one action left for this month, you are out of project resources.What would you like to do?
Scour the area between us and the skulls for salvage.
>>20419666Our producing capabilities for drugs put us far above any of the gangs, but we don't have the distribution networks in place. If we take over as drug kingpin we can distribute healthier better drugs.Make a small sample of some super drug with minimal side effects, have it delivered to the boss of the largest gang with a note attached saying "Syn Tower. Come Alone."
>>20419730[You're gonna have to figure out whether you want to just send it to your nearest neighbor or try exploring more of the city first, for that matter other people might not agree with this course of action.]You have your men scour the area between your territory and the skulls for resources. It takes much longer because you can't risk being seen, and there's the simple fact that the area's been picked over a few times already, regardless you manage to return with 2 projects worth of resources.
>>20419785Well the people we took in should be able to give us a more complete idea of the layout and the factions of the city. See what they can tell us about it.
>>20419730We need resources for production of said drug yo,And we need 2 drugs, the super serum, and a mind control agent to load our new underling with.
>Current Numbers, 120 men, women, and a few children.>Facilities, Hydroponics bay, Manufacturing Bay, basic conversion bay, Biotechnology Laboratory, Motor Pool (two cargo trucks, military issue, eight Armored Personel Carriers) >Weapons: Prosthetic weapons (I.E. Claws, arm blades), Basic Pistols (semiautomatic, low caliber) , Basic Rifles (semi-automatic, mid caliber)>Prosthetics, Superhuman speed and agility, basic regenerating capabilities, prosthetic melee weapons, prosthetic communications (i.e. radios, and WIFI connections)Superhuman senses (sight, scent, taste, hearing...)>Resources, 2 projects worthBefore you can do anything this month, a hurricane hits. it ravages the city with winds and bombards the city with fragments of trees, buildings, garbage, corpses, and anything else you can image. When you finally are able to emerge from Syn Tower you find that primitive, tribal humans have taken over a building in the dead zone.
How is our stealth and reconnaissance ability? Can we start sending our more human looking borgs to the minor towns and tribes? We need to starting making allies and outfit a loyal army with our guns, armor, and "upgrades".Create discreet safehouses outside the deadzone to support out long term and long range recon. Also to operate as neutral meeting grounds with trustworthy people and allies and to trade excess food and med supplies (hold on the guns until we get a sense of the surrounding people)The Royal T have to have enemies and rivals. Find these potential allies and evaluate them.We need more intel on the Royal T's, gather intel either through proxies, or if our stealth and recon tech is good enough, gather it ourselves. We need to know exactly who they are. Strengths, weaknesses. Can we spark a slave uprising, and support it to take over the town?Use our safes houses to conduct long range recon missions to scout for resources and potential allies and threats
>>20419845I'm not sure they understand. This is our territory. But we are not cruel. We shall leave them a message. Have some Chrome Boys approach them, headed by one of the less scary ones and offer them two choices, either leave the dead zone or join us as our guests.
>>20419845Nobody leaves the Dead Zone. They can assimilate, or die. Start recon, and make an attack plan.We should start researching a "loyalty chip" of sorts. Basically acts as a remote self-destruct in case of capture, and pre-programs Chrome Boys loyalty. It'll be part of the standard package.
Month 3? Actions. Develop prototype uav(armed if possible) 1 resourceProduce uavs 1 resourceGather more resources
There are 30 or so humans, they have some crappy old bolt action rifles, some revolvers, and the occasional spear. They're under attack by freakishly deformed humans. They have bizzare tumors all over their bodies and their muscles are hideously large, several limbs are covered in wounds that weep blood and pus where their skin just burst open, unable to contain the muscle growth. They're freakishly fast and strong. So far they're content to attack the group of tribals until they can grab a person, then they drag this person away and devour him. There's a very large pile of bones outside the building that one of the mutants will occasionally gnaw on.>A: Rescue the tribals>B: Kill everyone>C: otherRegardless of what you decide to do you're going to have to kill the mutants, there's no way in hell they'll let you go about you business in peace.
>>20419926A. Might as well get us a pr boost
A) Send out scouts (specify direction)B) Send some scavengers out to scour the ruinsC) Gather resourcesD) Have your scientists research something (specify)E) Craft specific objectsF) OtherDue to the hurricane you only have 2 actions this month. (dealing with the tribal/monster issue is a free action, regardless of your decision.)
>>20419926A. Save the tribals.
aYa, change my vote. I was thinking ignore the tribe for now, as the longer they remained, the more resources the could gather for us. Ammend my votes to Uav researchControl chip implantWipe out/assimilate the tribe.
>>20419926>>20419958If possible, we should try to capture one of the mutants, to design a strategy against them.Optimally, we should try to get as much tactical advantage as possible--recon the tribal base, learn the best route to attack, strike hard and fast. Once the mutants are cleared out, we give the tribals their ultimatum.Assimilate, or die.
>>20419926Sorry, this was in response to a previous post. ignore it for now.>>20419869A, save the tribals, but not at risk to our soldiers. Each borg is extremely valuable.Establish a strong machine gun and heavy weapon line in sniper range of the mutants. Mine all approaches with C4 or mines, depending on what we have. Include our heavy vehicles. The point is overkill until we can accurately access the mutants combat ability. Use recon units and snipers to draw the mutants to the machine gun traps and blow mines and C4 to eliminate the majority of the mutants. Take reasonable efforts to capture live specimens, but not at risk to our own. Have recon units mine outgoing approaches and snipe any remaining fleeing survivors.
You get your best stealth specialists and a handful of heavy Cyborgs and send them out to do the dirty work. The mutants are dumb as hell, they live in a constant rage and if they weren't so fast and strong they wouldn't pose a threat to anyone who knows how to handle a gun. In between the superhuman snipers and HMG equipped cyborgs its a short fight. The mutants die under a hail of gunfire and you prepare a cordon around the tribal's building. The snipers set up excellent firing positions and the heavies prepare to deal with any resistance. Tomcat, the leader of your scouts goes out and lays out the same ultimatum he did last time. Enter the Syn building or leave and never return under pain of death. The tribals it turns out have many wounded and sick, upon further examination it's fairly obvious that they're sick from rotten food and not any sort of super plague. You have them brought inside and begin treating their wounds and food poisoning.
>>20419958Okay, we need more data on the city.One action get started on making drones or something similar for aerial surveillance, this will also find good places to loot. Second continue our men's scouting action of the city, get as much data on the layout, factions as we can. We can supplement this with anything that the people we took in can tell us.
>>20420116> Enter the Syn building or leave and never return under pain of death. Really? We're going to give them the option to leave? Isn't our whole shtick "nobody leaves the dead zone?"Also, we should get to work on the loyalty chips.
The Mutant's corpses are taken in and tested, it turns out that they're the final result of Accel addiction, whoever developed this stuff intended it as a performance enchancer of incredible power, they wanted to make supersoldiers. Then someone turned it into an incredibly addictive stimulant. You know they're former accel junkies because your ex-Silver-Spire-Triad members tell you as much, it turns out they're all over the city and are a particular problem in areas that don't have much in the way of guns or warriors. Royal T sells the drug, but the new members don't think that he produces it.You have the bones of the dead tribals gathered up and incenirated with a small ceremony led by their leader. Then yoyu begin selecting roles for your latest tribe members. Some become warriors, other become workers. Everyone pitches in.
My vote for our actions is UAVs, armed if possible 1 research unitAnd control chips, nanobot and ingestable via digestion if possible, second resource unit, That leaves us doing research for both actions this month. If only one research is possible, secure more research material. Also, the excess foodstuff we have monthly seem that they would be a valuable commodity. We have enough for about 350 people extra right?
>>20420204>>20420197>>20420123Yes. Data, we need data data data. Can we survey any street wise tribals, either good scouts/survivors/diplomats to talk to the minor tribes and town?Have our recon units to survey and map out the immediate region (in the dead of night) for resources/allies/threats. Direct the diplomats to the friendly towns and tribes.Build safe houses to support the recon with resupply and serve as neutral ground and possible trade depots.How are the dogs doing? Can we train them without spending the resources to upgrade them? Have some street wise tribes investigate the Royal T's, we need everything there is to know about them.What are the Skullz's potential for assimilation? Or maybe just allies? We could use a proxy. Trade food and med supplies for intel and basically representing our interests and operate outside the deadzone. Maybe even some simple firearms, if they are good enough. (Only give them hollowpoint bullets, they are no good against our armor, only fleshy targets)
>>20420308I vote against UAV. Too expensive when we can use tribals supported by shadowing recon units for the intel.Also, I like the idea of using the Skullz as proxies.
>>20420197If by loyalty chip you mean "implanted brain explosive" then yes you can make a "loyalty chip" otherwise, stop attempting to make mind control drugs or mind control devices because "instant mind control, just add water" doesn't happen in this setting. Oh, and drugs are a good trade item but a crappy way to control people and a great way to increase the general sleaze factor of any area. I'm just warning you if you start flooding the streets with really awesome drugs you're gonna build a sin based tourism industry. if you don't want to become sin city don't make super drugs as a trade item, if you do want to rule sin city, then make super drugs as a trade item.TL;DRMind control doesn't work, don't bother.Super Drugs will make Gascard City into Sin City and draw in people who want to capitalize on sleaze. This isn't a bad thing, it's just that Sleaze Lord Path will be basically irreversable once you start on it, I'm not certain of what our direction is at the moment.
>>20420367Well, then I guess we have to settle for constantly watching the new guys and keeping our fingers on the explosive button.I'm also going to guess that means neurological implants are also out.
>>20420367Yeah, let's not go into drugs until we are really sure.Any response to the recon intel/diplomacy? Avoid the major players until we have a proxy set up to act for us.
>>20420308>>20420322>>20420351You could at best, I suppose install a device that stimulates the pain and pleasure centers of thebrain, as far as mind control does, but it would be pretty short ranged, and by short ranged I mean line of sight.anyways, yes you could begin negotiations with the Skullz and use them as proxies if you want to remain all ghostly and aloof. Them or any other nearby gangs. You can search for other tribes if you don't want to use the skullz as proxoes, but when it comes down to it one stooge is as good as another.Keep in mind your actions have a wider effect on the city. if you start introducing bits and pieces of precursor tech that tech, and its nature will have an effect on what the city will become. Blah, blah, blah dire warnings...Okay yeah, you could train the dogs if you wanted without using any resources on them to turn them into cyberdogs, K9 units are as old as guards with a sword and a loyal dog after all.And yes you can use the tribals for scouting the city.
>>20420403I'm guessing we can have the reasonable ones, just nothing impossible like pure mine control.Can we create a loyalty program? Just instill a sense of loyalty and unity among the tribals to make them extremely unlikely to turn against us?Also, make sure each borg is equiped with a remote self-destruct protocol to prevent dangerous tech falling into the wrong hands. And for the love of god, make sure only we have the button, no teenage hackers blowing up our Borgs.Salvage more resources if we have any idle workers.
>>20420403Define nuerological implant.Just assume if someone joined you then they joined for good. This game is complex enough without intrigue and stuff like that.
Ok, we can let the uavs ride for a bit, but gaining air scouts that can deploy chemical and or biological agents with imputany seems to be a solid step toward long term conquest, and further devolpment into vtol troop transports would be fortuitous. There are oil derricks in the gulf probably loaded with salvage. Devolping control hardware that can self implant for faster assimilation seems like a must do now though. So, control technology, and send out the trustworthy new arrivals as scouts, shadowed by sniper teams?
>>20420451wre can safely assume that upon death, and only upon brain, or heart death that a cyborg's important bits will explode, melt or otherwise become useless. and no, teenage hackers can't trigger it.and yes, loyalty programs are already in effect, among the most effective would probably be "dentistry" and "reliable medical care"
I am not talking full out control, simply overriding certai brain functions, like self preservation, and memory. If we can use eletrical impulses to cause amnesia, it would stripp out any previous loyalties and allow us to turn people into pavlovs dogs.
>>20420436what other possible stooges can we use? Can we also map out tribal and minor towns to assimilate? Use tribals and recon units to approach the city. Have the tribals pretend to be non-affiliated merchants scouting commercial opportunities, obstinately to get into the drug trade or any other potential money-making deals. Their job is to get to know whose who, the local politics. Also, the viability of a slave uprising. The recon units shadow the tribals and protect them from afar if necessary, or kill them to protect the knowledge of the Borgs (don't tell the tribals that part). Also discreetly infiltrate the city at night for any hard to get by intel.
Lets fashion smaller versions of the masks. Self lit, with red back lights, and hang one over looking each of the skulls complexs. Also include enough food for 50 people for the month, deposited near the entrance to their buildings.
>>20420579>not unreasonable>destroy the human self prservation instinct>destroy memories that exist prior to implantation.>turn everyone who joins into amnesiac zombies Pic related anon.>>20420583This is reasonable, you might want to give your tribals a trade good of some sort first. There are plenty of stooges, you've already scouted the southern quadrant, you can scout north, to the city core, east towards the jungle/swamp, west towards the wastelands or you can just use the skullz as proxies, the effect would pretty much be the same, a gang near the Syn building suddenly has all kinds of advantages everyone else hasI will abide by votes, except for turning people into pavlov's dogs. what the hell mang.
>>20420739and then you do this, which honestly seems like a pretty cool idea. Stop confusing me NN. are you a good poster or a bad one?
Well, since turning the skulls into slaves is out, i think some overtures to assimilate them in, offer foodstuffs, and mark around there territory carries merit. Also, manufacture of pharmocologics, antibiotics, non narcotics, to send to the harbor?
>>20420815Have the tribals develop the cover story and choose the trade good. They will know better than us.I say use the Skullz. That way we have access to the docks and can use them to indirectly access the trade routes and pipe in the intel flowing through there. We need to learn about the outside world.Start brainstorming ideas to contact the Skulls. I say place snipers in position, send a tribal with our signature mask to speak for us. The snipers are for the spokesperson protection, and to take out troublemakers if talks breakdown.The mask will have a two way radio, allowing our leader to negotiate directly without exposing ourselves. Offer a protection pact, food, supplies, medical care, and basic firearms for them to act as the Borg's proxies and access the trade routes for them and gather intel.
>>20420934Don't. We'll be exposing our technology to the world. We want to keep on the down low. Only trade that stuff if it is for our extreme benefit. Same reason to avoid UAV at least for now, it will give away out technology.(Develop the UAV now, outfitted with camera and missles. Save for possible future war. Also develop possible bio/chem weapons for it, only use if things get desperate)
Alright, you manufactore some basic medicines (1 project resourc used, thanks to just making prewar meds, aspirin, antibiotics,useful stuff like that) the tribals take these medicines and basic food items (like coffee, or other hard to find plants) and prepare for a meeting with the skulls. They have a mask that resembles one of the signature masks on Syn tower, have a cart strapped to some of the better trained dogs and head into skullz territory. Back by your snipers they prepare to meet with a member of the skullz somewhere around noon.It doesn't take long to find someone willing to negotiate, in fact the Skull member in question is surprisingly reasonable, he just was a toll (something like 10 or so doses of accel) and then he'll allow you, the trader with the creppy mask through. He compliments you on using the creep factor of Syn Tower and the dead zone but he isn't fooled, the place may be home to ghosts but no one living lives there.You state that you want to speak with his leaders.
Ya, lets initiate contact with the skulls to serve as our proxies. We should plant explosive the night before to bring down the building if they refuse. The guy may not let us make them slaves but im still bending pretty totalitarean fascist on this one
It takes some convincing, but eventually the Skull agrees to get a higher ranked member of the clan out. You lay out your deal, you want the Skullz to sell supplies for you, they get to keep a cut, they won't cheat you because you'll be selling a small amount of supplies down at the docks to figure out the going rate, if they try to cheat you it means war, and the Skullz don't stand a chance against the men of Syn Tower. He questions your ability to make good on your threats, one of your sniper's creases his hair with a bullet. He asks why you would go through a middleman and-and now you have an opprotuinity. What's the big reason (that you'll tell the skullz) that you need a middle man? You could play up your demonic angle, after all, no one leaves the dead zone, not even junk left there by the hurricane. (you had it all brought in for use in varuious projects.) Or you could tell them the truth, what;s your explanation?
Simple. We do as we will, and it is not for you to question our ways. Those who oppose us die. Those who assimilate rejoice and know bliss. We shall remake the world, and you know, there can only be one side. The side of SYN.
>>20421132We are not the best acquainted with those who live in the city, we have not interacted much with the outside world. We do not have supply lines and connections with the other leaders set up. Also should any conflict arise from our new interest in the city we would prefer to have a buffer between us and it, that buffer being you and the cursed Dead Zone.
>>20421132NO ONE LEAVES THE DEAD ZONE.NO ONE.Also, is anyone else thinking that we should just cut contact and start engaging T Royal in guerrilla warfare? All he'll know is that all of the sudden Syn Tower looks creepy as fuck, people going near it disappear, and now gang patrols are being mercilessly butchered all over the city.If need be, we can just pack all our gear and people into a basement, fix the door to look like it's buried under rubble, and wait for him to shit bricks when his soldiers report that the tower is empty.And then, the next night, the killings start again.
>>20421132Play it up. We are the skull gods, and their worship has pleased us. We come with many great gifts and tidings, but we cannot directly interacting with the outside world. None of them are pious enough to peacefully interact with us, and anyone that enters the dead zone may come back out alive. You will speak for us, as our emissaries and prophets, and you will receive our blessing and will grow strong. Deny us, and well will expand the dead zone. And remember, no one leaves the dead zone alive...
>>20421185I think we should use that last idea if we ever come under attack, but for now play up the creep factor.Also I am not against being the enforcers of Sin City, we dont assume direct control but we caretake the city, build it into a wretched hive of scum and villainy and then recruit from it.
>>20421185Agreed here. Just NO ONE LEAVES THE DEAD ZONE.NO ONE. Why bloviate and kill our mystique.
"No One leaves the Dead Zone" The Skull leader attempts to argue the point but you interrupt him. "We are Syn, and it is not for you to question us. You can profit from Syn or be crushed by it. If you do not wish to do as we ask, then simply refuse. We will turn around and leave, and find someone else. You won't be the first to do this for us, and neither will you be the last." He seems extremely uncofortable and states that the Skullz are ruled by 6 clan leaders and that he is only one of them he cannot make decisions for all of them. You respond by giving him an ultimatum. "You can sell these goods or refuse, if you refuse we will leave, and find someone else to sell these goods. This is prewar medicine, and food items you can find nowhere else. This is a take it or leave it offer. Which will it be, take it, or leave it?" The man spends afew tense moments trying to hide his nervousness but eventually he agrees to sell the supplies. You tell him "don't call us, we'll call you."
>>20421185Why engage in a risky guerrilla warfare when we can use the Skullz to raze a proper army and conquer the city. Use the proxies to gather/trade the resources for us and provide volunteers to *reach enlightenment*, upgrade our production to feed and arm a proper army and take over the local region. We can take over the leadership of the Skullz at a convenient time later.Now we need to hang on the down low, use to Skullz as proxies (everyone will think that are just well supplied crazies) until we can build up our numbers and build a proper cyborg nation.
Your trader returns and tells you that the KSullz will have a profit ready for you by next month. Those supplies aren't wholly unknown outside the city, just very rare. The skullz should have a decent profit, and if they don't you can always punish them.In the meant time you have enough resources for on project, and enough time in this month for a single action.What would you like to do?
Month 4? I propose that we lay super, super low, and strip more of the area around syn tower heading toward the skulls turf.2 actions harvesting, 1 producing meds. We still have excess food due to population size.
>>20421319Research basic body armor.Because you aren't really fighting a Cyborg army unless your bullets are bouncing off with no effect (Obviously we won't have armor THAT high-grade immediately, but enough to make a difference).
>>20421319Excellent. How are the new tribals we got doing?Sneakily get some scouts, who look normal, and have them head towards the city core, see how much conflict is currently happening between which gangs, talk to people, learn things. We have some sneaky cyborgs keep an eye on our scouts to ensure that no one messes with them.
>>20421357Still doing this months last action.
>>20421319Have the Skullz diverge all intel of the surrounding area they have. Also, tell us the intel coming from the docks. Who do they trade with? What other major players are there?Also, of special importance is the intel of Royal T's. Establish a trading route with them to make intel gathering easier on the Royal T's.Outfit the Skulls with basic but reliable guns with hollow point bullets so they can start uniting the local region, with the purpose of gathering an army and searching for volunteers to become syn (just don't quite specify what that means)
>>20421357Don't use Borgs for harvesting, that's why we have the Skullz and trade routes. Give the Skullz the hollow point bullet guns to expand if they need additional labor.Focus on upgrading production facilities to handle increased resource flow and be able to arm and supply a army of normal's.Also, get the UAV project up and running.
>>20421376>>20421376This to round out the month
>>20421392[give it a minute anon. The skullz are still trying to figure out where all the rare goods came from and how they're supposed to sell them. You need to give them time to accept the bounty that is Syn.]>>20421376[The New tribals are fine, and slowly integrating. You're finished converting the slave warrior recruits and now you're moving on to the better tribal warriors. Note that if you want to install really high teir stuff you'll have to upgrade your conversion center, by the time you're done though you'll have a good enough surgery theater to transplant human brains. (like last time, 3 resource levels.) we never did get around to making machine gun turrets and stuff like that did we...?]You send some more traders towards the city core with some basic opiates as trade goods. You quickly find that people are fed up with Royal T and his accel drug, it does after all, turn people into monsters. But Royal T has some solid alliances, currently no one is ready to rise against him.
Turrets got prototyped, but not produced. If gathering the intel does not consume our action, then i am of a mind to further expand the dead zone, toward skulls territory, and strip it for resources. We need to upgrade our arms production facility stat.
>Current Numbers, 150 men, women, and a few children.>Facilities, Hydroponics bay, Manufacturing Bay, basic conversion bay, Basic Biotechnology Laboratory, Motor Pool (two cargo trucks, 8 Armored Personel Vehicles) >Weapons: Prosthetic weapons (I.E. Claws, arm blades), Basic Pistols, Shotguns, SMGs, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Machine Guns, Heavy, and Light.>Prosthetics, Superhuman speed and agility, basic regenerating capabilities, prosthetic melee weapons, prosthetic communications (i.e. radios, and WIFI connections)Superhuman senses (sight, scent, taste, hearing...)>Resources, 1 project worthA) Send out scouts (specify direction)B) Send some scavengers out to scour the ruinsC) Gather resourcesD) Have your scientists research something (specify)E) Craft specific objectsF) Other
>>20421493Sorry, I just got excited and I really want to start the cyber-nation building.Use the Skullz as a greatly accelerated supply line (by trade and expansion) to develop turrets, UAV, and production and conversation facilities.
>>20421544How many is our Skullz allies?
make turrents,upgrade labs bioresearch, upgrade augmentations.begin tearing down the gutted buildings close to the tower making a open killing field. For turrents establish them on every street corners disguised as a spire. spires should have turrents, sensors, cameras installed, mics ect. emplace them through out our tower all disguised.
>>20421573fuck im tired messed up ment to place them on every street corner in the dead zone thus marking our turf plus aditional turrents emplaced into the base itself.
Fellas, we dont havve the resources we need yet. I propose that we utilize the skulls availible man power along with our non scientist labor pool, to strip the area between us and them completly bare and expand the dead zone the full 12 blocks in that direction. 2 or 3 actions?If thats 2, produce opiates and other non high end meds to feed into the local economy through our proxies, not consuming project resources.
>>20421566>>20421669You skull allies are an ally, one very confused and superstitious clan chief.You can however strip the buildings around the syn building till there's a single city block or so worth of killing field for your snipers (you have gun prts built into every layer of the tower that let you dakka the outside.)if you want to enlis aid from your skull allies you need to make more of them by proving the power of syn in some way or another. They think your demons, ghosts bogeymen.
>>20421669Why does we need to expand the dead zone?Instruct the Skullz to redirect profits to buy slaves and expand the labor pool. Treat them fairly, and have them conduct the salvage operations.Expand our production facilities to handle increased resource flow.
Stipping more and more of the city bare for creepy factor.I concur with the slaves. We could do with an expendable labor pool, and any quality specimens can be brought in for borg enhancement. We need to gather resources for continued r and d.
Look you're going to meet with the Skullz Clan leader at the end of the month guys, I said it before, if you want the skullz to believe you're bogeymen ACT LIKE IT. You've got one guy believing in you, and one guy, the guy who called his leader in, who might believe in you. All the rest see is the creepy stripped city blocks and the red lit up tower with the creepy masks, if you want to subborn the skulls into some sort of Cult of Syn you need to play up your spook factor, that'll go the same for any other gangs you try to subborn.In short if you want to proxy someone, be absolutely amazingly creepy and make them believe that No One leaves the Dead Zone.
Hmmm. Manufacture 6 masks, back lit with basic monitoring equipment. Place them adjecent to each of the skulls out posts. Deploy the scout borg into our dead zone and keep it locked 100% down. No one leaves. Any intruders are flayed and piked at the border of skulls territory. The day the masks are placed, deliver on quality rifle, with ammunition, and fresh produce to each of the hold fasts via the youngest children we brought in recently.Thats probably 2 actions. Use the third to salavage.
If this were a video game we'd have a spook meter and things like skinned grapes and stuff uhm...Lets spend an action stripping the city in the direction of skulls territory for resources, then lets use those resources to make masks with their own back lighting like Nate Suggested, then lets leave those masks next to "the good stuff" good Opiate based drugs, hallucigenics, LSD, Shrooms, Mary Jane (we have hemp!) stuff like that.Once that happens we'll post snipers, wait for one skull to bad mouth us and take his head off, then leave, just spend the rest of the month doing stuff to reinforce the "will of Syn" and leave mixed messages, rejoice! be afraid!
>>20421901>>20421890So basically food, a gun, some drugs, and six creepy masks outside the holds. and keep an eye on our territory, instead of letting the occasional intruder slip by kill everyone and leave the flayed corpses as a sign. We can do that.and yeah, now that I think about it being spooky is pretty hard. hum.
Well, without exposing ourselves. I could just order tomcat and his scouts to slaughter one of the holdfasts for non compliance. Whichever is closest to the dead zone. But that leaves us down underlings. The goal here is to gain 180 rifles to hold the border and interact with the pirates, and be able to enforce gene testing to recruit premium specimens into the SYNtinels.
Spend one unit of resources cosmetically modify a Heavy Borg to be spectacularly terrifying. Complete with a Mask and Skull motif. Tie their worship of Skulls to our masks
Yopu spend much of the month assembling a sort of plan to prove the reality that is Syn to the Skullz. First you assemble a collection of items, drugs, fresh produce, ammunition, and a brand new assault rifle. (customized with four smaller versions of the tower masks carved into the stock) Then you have these, along with backlit masks delivered to the Skullz clan holdings at night. As if this minor act of psychological warfare weren't enough you cpmpletely lock down your borders and begin killing or forcibly recruiting anyone who enters your borders. By the end of the month you've got fifteen flayed corpses displayed on your border with the skullz. owards the end of the month a sixteenth corpse is added by the skullz, from the looks of things he used to be a clan leader.The time to meet your representative among the skullz finally comes and you send the same trader as before, in the same cloth cloak and mask as before. He bows deeply and praises Syn, and thanks you for your efforts on his behalf.
His is now the highest clan, he presented proof of Syn to the other clans, but few believed him and thought he was running a scam. Then anyone from the skullz, and for that matter anyone else, who entered the deadzone didn't come back.Alive that is. The corpses were enough to put the fear of Syn into his kinsmen and the old chieftan was sacrificed for his blasphemy. He wants to know what the ways of syn require from him and his kin now. He presents you with 75% of the profits from your trade goods, as agreed, you gain 2 projects worth of resources.What would you like to order Julius of the Skullz to do?
>>20422012Spread the word of Syn to the other gangs. Bring them into the fold if possible. All those who would serve Syn are brothers, those who follow Syn will be made strong, given gifts that show Syn's greatness. If someone distinguishes themselves Syn shall invite them to the tower and they shall serve in a position of honor. Whether they show their worth through strength, stealth, cleverness or intelligence they shall be accepted. Injury is no bar to entrance, if they are worthy they can serve.Also have them expand our trade, show off the gifts of Syn.We are creepy and strange, but we do right by our own. If faith and loyalty is shown to us it shall be rewarded.
Month 5?We have 3 projects resources?150 bodies, how many combat and how many scout borg in that number?This months direction is for the skulls assist in expanding the dead zone to encompass there own territory.Action 1 3 resources into manufactorium for arms/armorAction 2 scout southAction 3 provide non resource expending trade goods to skulls for them to sell.
>>20422047That would be tied into action 3/ orders on my post.Captcha agricultural herscume
okay I need sleep, the thread has been archived, good night anons.