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  • File : 1254023115.jpg-(182 KB, 1152x864, ant queen 5.jpg)
    182 KB Ant quest -- The world is changing Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/26/09(Sat)23:45 No.6025775  
    >Last update was rather extensive, and I don't intend on reposting all 9 of the discovered organisms. Find them at http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/5927362/
    Older threads also locatable on suptg archive.

    >Yes, I realize that I'm a bit later than usual starting the thread up.
    >Previous rules on post organization apply.

    Previous Timestamp: 13.5 hours

    70 Betty infernic MMed (35 WarriorII, 35 worker)
    70 Betty Larvae 1.5 hours to MM (35 warriorII, 35 worker)

    75 Tyranid eggs
    15 Tyranid stalker eggs
    70 Tyranid infernic MMed (40 WarriorII, 15 Digger, 15 workers)
    70 Tyranid larvae 1.5 hours to MM.
    75 Tyranid larvae .5 hours to MM. (IIwarriors)
    The Tyranid Queen has consumed 25 ants worth of food and produced 150 eggsworth.

    >Decisions will wait 10 minutes if only one person is choosing. 3-5 people will default to first to 2 votes. 6+ will default to first to three votes. With two players choices will be debated until consensus.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/26/09(Sat)23:46 No.6025791
    Ant assignments:
    820 workers --
    30 harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    10 collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    15 digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 confronting aphids (5 sloth)
    15 Newborn (SPLENDOR)

    50 tending larvae.
    100 1.5 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    20 Returned! --LARGE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS LOCATED! Wasps, Scorpions, Spiders. (3 each)
    40 digging new Royal Chamber -- DEEP
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    5 collecting oozing roots. Return in .5 hour
    10 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    25 confronting aphids. (20 sloth)
    15 tending wounded ants (10 sloth)
    5 canabalism test subjects

    Warriors 240
    70 infernic (30 sloth), attacking an earthworm.

    10 subduing the aphids.
    15 wounded (aphid venom) (10 sloth)
    45 attacking an earthworm (20 sloth)
    100 traveling to secondary hive (75 sloth)

    IIwarriors 265
    25 guarding the entrance
    25 guarding the queen
    25 out patrolling in groups of 5.
    75 Waiting for Splendorious ants to act as diplomats then traveling EAST
    40 Newborn (SPLENDOR)
    15 guarding/controlling aphids (SPLENDOR)
    5 patrolling. (SPLENDOR)
    5 guarding the entrance (SPLENDOR)
    5 guarding the Queen (SPLENDOR)
    20 aiding the warriors against the Earthworm (SPLENDOR)
    25 Patrolling the second hive in groups of 5. (SPLENDOR)

    Diggers -- 205
    45 aiding the 80 workers (30 sloth)
    15 Newborn (SPLENDOR)

    80 working on new queen chamber, food chamber, and nursery in far hive tunnels, 1 hour from the main depth shaft. (80 sloth)
    85 digging new food storage chamber. (60 sloth)
    10 expanding treatment center
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/26/09(Sat)23:46 No.6025797
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 20 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel. They haven't been finding much recently.
    Diggers have found a massive deposit, in the center of the close clusters.
    The massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry. 20 larvae are being cared for next to this massive deposit.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Twenty clusters have been located.
    Scouting tunnels have enountered a new root! These are an hour's travel from the hive to the west, and an hour's travel back. These roots are thick, and solitary. They seem to extend very deep into the soil. The roots also appear to be covered in a black-grey slimy substance.
    Aphid pens: 13
    Aphid pen construction halted due to aphid rebellion.
    7 aphid pens occupied.
    !! Aphids are attacking the ants which are tending to them! -- the wounded have been moved from the area, and cannot work. The aphids appear to be cooperating with eachother, protecting themselves. The aphids are being contained within the pen area.
    The wounded ants appear to be suffering from the Aphid venom. It is unknown if they will survive.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/26/09(Sat)23:48 No.6025814
    The ants which are tending the wounded are not quite sure how to help, though they are keeping them well fed, using a variety of food types.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Treatment center: treatment capability: 300 ants
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Fourth food chamber: 1200 ants worth of food.
    Treatment center: 300 ants can be treated here.
    310 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant - Grain.
    1400 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant - root.
    485 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food. Plant - Biotic.
    450 ants worth of earthworm flesh chunks. x7 feeding ability. Strange energy food. Meat.
    1490 ants worth of earthworm guts. x1 feeding ability. Low energy food. Meat.
    1 aphid - 5 ants worth of food. x3 feeding ability. ? Energy food. Meat - Insect. !Kills wounded ants!
    0 dead tyranid ants. - 0 ants worth of food. x1/2 feeding ability. Entropic Energy food. Meat - Insect - Canabalism.

    Second hive chambers:
    Food storage size: 1800 ants worth. Max size.
    Nursery chamber: 600 larvae
    Queen's chamber: Can hold a single queen.
    Food Storage size: 1000 ants worth.

    Third Royal chamber: DEEP HIVE
    Time to reach desired depth: 1 hours.
    Time to finish Royal Chamber construction: additional 2 hours.

    Additional materials:
    Leaves:60 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.

    >Recently acuired upgrades: Improved intelligence, Improved random adaptation roll yeilded --> Basic linguistic analysis
    >> Uncle Ant 09/26/09(Sat)23:49 No.6025828
    Woo I was worried I missed it this week.
    I am going to pull my dinner out of the oven and I will be right on this
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)00:02 No.6025960
    This seems awesome, but I don't have time to read through previous threads. What does Sloth/Splendour mean?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)00:07 No.6026014
    Sloth is a detrimental substrain -- it currently affects 65% of ants. WarriorII strain appears to have developed an immunity to the strain effects. Sloth ants are slower acting than regular ants, but if they consume the sweet ooze they act at about the same speed as regular ants.

    Splendor is a trait recently begun to manifest in the main brood's ants. Splendorous ants are more intelligent, faster and have a natural aura of command over others. Affects 100% of the Tyranid brood (primary).
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)00:32 No.6026295
    From my memory this is what we can do

    Uncle Ant's Ant Guide

    Worker: basic ant, small
    Digger: a worker ant with bonuses when underground and penalties when overland
    Warrior: Upgraded twice, larger, more agresive, better fighter
    Stalker: stealthy slightly better fighter than workers, uses more "eggs" to produce than other strains
    Water Walker: can walk over water

    Subtypes (each ant my only have one subtype)
    Sloth: penalties in work/combat prowess, currently countered by high energy food, involentary (aka happens without our concent)
    Diver: highly resistant to fall damage, as its the only subtype we have other than sloth, all non-sloth ants have this.

    Current upgrades
    Inteligence (and improved intelgigence)
    Warped tunneling: The ground itself moves out of the way of our ants, as well as any form of inorganic material (solid rocks etc) this is a one way process, to colapse a tunnel we must use old fashioned antwor.
    Infernic: half our produced ants our infernic, they require no food as eggs/larvea, and are slight better in all stats than regular ants.
    Linguistics: We can understand other species pherimons on a basic level.

    We have 2 broods, our primary brood headed by the Tyranid Queen, and a secondary brood headed by Queen Betty. Broods other than the primary are not under our direct control.

    Brood Bonus
    Splendiforous: Ants produced by the Tyranid Queen are more brightly colored and more "charasmatic" than regular ants.

    We have found some wierd minerals that cannot be warp tunneld through. Eating it kills ants, putting eggs/larve next to it provides an unknown change, currently just dellayed gestation (our test hasnt hatched yet)

    Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Probly missed alot
    >> Robo Ant 09/27/09(Sun)00:34 No.6026335
    What the hell? Why is this one page three?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)00:36 No.6026367
    >Official upgrade list:
    Diver substrain
    Infernic superstrain
    Improved Pheromone projection
    Improved Hive Bond
    Warrior Strain
    Sloth Strain 75% affliction.
    Intelligence upgrade
    Digger Strain
    Warped Burrowing
    Improve warrior strain
    Improve warrior strain II
    Second Queen
    Improved Pheromone Complexity
    Water-Walker strain
    Stalker Strain
    Sloth strain affliction -10%
    Improved intelligence
    basic linguistic (verbal and nonverbal) analysis.

    I can recap in specifics any exact item of interest.
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)00:49 No.6026529
    Well I guess we need to figure out what to do with the wasps/spiders fight going on.

    The Wasps are obviously the agressors, as the spider/scorpians just want to retreit/hide/be safe.

    If we help the Wasps and try to ally with them we will have access to airforce. Wasps can dig, though we do so better, this could allow for trade of services. However they are much more likely to turn on us as they are likely militaristic, what with them attacking the spiders.

    The spiders have less to offer us, simply thier ability to make webs (though im sure we could put that to great use). They seem less likely to turn on us however and our tunnels are much smaller than they are so we would be safer from possible betrayal.

    Or we could simply watch what happens and let it play out.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)01:04 No.6026785
    >But nothing will happen if no one makes and decisions.
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)01:12 No.6026900
    Didnt we have some upgrades left to do, we had three and we only agreed on the iproved inteligence, so can we get a list of avalable upgrades again?

    Other than that we I think we should send ants (25 wariors 25 workers?) to help get the scorpian out of the way of the spider/wasp fight. Which I guess if no one else is going to chime in will be standing orders.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)01:16 No.6026945
    >Negative, as per previous upgrades two were spent on the improved random roll, which resulted in the basic linguistic analysis upgrade. One upgrade was used for improving intelligence again.
    >Where shall these 25 workers and 25 warriors come from?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)01:32 No.6027172
    Ok, this may be departmental to the queen, but fuck it we're fighting fate now.

    Feed Queen Sweet Ooze, watch for results.

    Two healthy, normal worker ant, two canabalism test subjects, and one slothful, healthy worker ant are fed the remaining Aphid.

    Attempt to communicate with the worms - hopefully they, unlike our Brood and glorious Queen, are below our intelligence. If intelligent, then bullshit something about not knowing and being apologetic.

    Have five workers go up top to study where the diggers found this new root.

    Have our smartest ants study the massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry, digging around it if needs be.

    Have out scouts watch the scorpions. Second helping if it's needed, looks like it would help the scorpions, or would not put us in any danger.

    Discover any very tall biomasses, or inorganic, that we can use as a vantage point, vertical nest, and training ground for divers.

    Force outselves to communicate with the aphids. Tell them we are sorry about killing one of them, but we were tryign to care for them and help them.

    Begin searching area for a third hive, where would appear to be the best to set up.

    And can some one else save this tread on sup/tg/ that's not me this time? I don't think I'll be able to.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:05 No.6027640
    >Update in the working -- any further suggestions for the Hive or Queen?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:17 No.6027810
    Timestamp: 14 hours
    -Tyranid queen set to consume Sweet Ooze at timestamp 14.5
    Eggs Eggs have hatched!
    15 Tyranid Stalker larvae - 2 hours to MM.
    75 tyranid larvae - 2 hours to MM
    70 Tyranid larvae 1 hours to MM. (IIwarriors)
    75 Tyranid IIwarriors have MMed.

    70 Betty larvae 1.0 hours to MM (35 warriorII, 35 worker)

    10 Tyranid eggs next to large mineral cluster. ? hours to hatch
    10 Betty eggs next to large mineral cluster. ? hours to hatch.

    !!Betty's first infernic have set off to begin her colony. They seem significantly less agressive than the Tyranid brood's own infernic. -- Intelligence bonus: Some kinds of strains do not pass from queen to queen well.
    !!Betty's first infernic seem very different from the Tyranid Queen's own offspring. -- Intelligence bonus: Strange mutations are born when a new queen is produced!
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:18 No.6027824
    Ant assignments:
    workers --
    30 harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    10 collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    15 digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 confronting aphids (5 sloth)
    10 offering samples of all avalable food types to aphids. (SPLENDOR)
    5 Offering grass leaves to aphids. (SPLENDOR)

    40 tending larvae.
    100 1.0 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    20 Observing wasps, spiders, scorpions. Will aid scorpions if able to without loss of live.
    40 digging new Royal Chamber -- DEEP
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    5 collecting oozing roots. Return in 0.0 hour
    8 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    24 confronting aphids. (19 sloth)
    15 tending wounded ants (10 sloth)
    3 canabalism test subjects
    2 Canabalism test subjects set to test-feed on aphid
    3 healthy set to test-feed on aphid (sloth)
    5 searching for tall areas to suppliment diver training
    5 studying the huge mineral cluster.

    70 infernic (30 sloth), hauling earthworm.

    10 blocking aphid chamber exits
    15 wounded (aphid venom) (10 sloth)
    45 hauling earthworm (20 sloth)
    100 in secondary hive (75)
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:18 No.6027831
    25 guarding the entrance
    50 out patrolling in groups of 5.
    75 Waiting for Splendorious ants to act as diplomats then traveling EAST to Hive of unknown Ants.
    25 guarding the queen (SPLENDOR)
    15 assisting in recovering the earthworm carcass (SPLENDOR)
    15 guarding/controlling aphids (SPLENDOR)
    5 patrolling. (SPLENDOR)
    5 guarding the entrance (SPLENDOR)
    5 guarding the Queen (SPLENDOR)
    20 aiding the warriors hauling Earthworm (SPLENDOR)
    25 Patrolling the second hive in groups of 5. (SPLENDOR)

    45 aiding the 80 workers (30 sloth)
    10 digging food storage area (SPLENDOR)
    5 expanding second queen chamber (SPLENDOR)

    80 working on new queen chamber, food chamber, and nursery in far hive tunnels, 1 hour from the main depth shaft. (80 sloth)
    85 digging new food storage chamber. (60 sloth)
    10 expanding treatment center.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:19 No.6027840
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 20 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel. They haven't been finding much recently.
    The massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry. 20 larvae are being cared for next to this massive deposit.
    No ore strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Twenty clusters have been located.
    Scouting tunnels have enountered a new root! These are an hour's travel from the hive to the west, and an hour's travel back. These roots are thick, and solitary. They seem to extend very deep into the soil. The roots also appear to be covered in a black-grey slimy substance.
    Aphid pens: 13
    Aphid pen construction halted due to aphid rebellion.
    7 aphid pens occupied.
    !! Aphids are cowering, and refusing to eat anything brought before them! -- the wounded ants have been moved from the area, and cannot work. The aphids appear to be fearful of the SPLENDORIOUS ants.
    The wounded ants appear to be suffering from the Aphid venom. It is unknown if they will survive.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:20 No.6027855
    The ants which are tending the wounded are not quite sure how to help, though they are keeping them well fed, using a variety of food types.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Treatment center: treatment capability: 300 ants
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Fourth food chamber: 1200 ants worth of food.
    Treatment center: 300 ants can be treated here.
    610 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant - Grain.
    1400 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant - root.
    485 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food. Plant - Biotic.
    450 ants worth of earthworm flesh chunks. x7 feeding ability. Strange energy food. Meat.
    1490 ants worth of earthworm guts. x1 feeding ability. Low energy food. Meat.
    0 aphid - 0 ants worth of food. x3 feeding ability. !!Indescribable!! Energy food. Meat - Insect. !Kills wounded ants!
    0 dead tyranid ants. - 0 ants worth of food. x1/2 feeding ability. Entropic Energy food. Meat - Insect - Canabalism.
    5 units of ooze roots. x? feeding ability. ? Energy food. Plant - Root - Odd

    !! Upgrade earned, Aphid energy knowledge gained! ~ The ants which sampled the aphid began twitching sparadically. They are not communicating in any form. It is unkown if they are alive or dead. Exact implications of aphid consumption unknown.

    Second hive chambers:
    Food storage size: 1800 ants worth. Max size.
    Nursery chamber: 600 larvae
    Queen's chamber: Can hold a single queen.
    Food Storage size: 1800 ants worth. Max size.
    Food storage size: 1800 ants worth. Max size.

    Third Royal chamber: DEEP HIVE
    Time to reach desired depth: .5 hours.
    Time to finish Royal Chamber construction: additional 1.5 hours.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:22 No.6027891
    Upgrade options:
    -Mandible strength
    -swarm speed
    -antenna sensitivity
    -chitin thickness
    !!Brood bonus option: -Chitin design
    -lifting strength
    -improved hive bond
    -improved egg clutch size
    -Produce new strain - Scouts
    -Improve strain - Water-Walkers
    -Improve strain - Diggers
    -Decrease sloth affliction by 15%
    -Mutate 1d4-1 random strains (d30).
    -Random adaption (d30)
    -Mutate 1d4 random strains.
    -Produce new queen.
    -Save upgrade for later
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:33 No.6028036
    Scout report: It seems that the wasps and spiders are at war. Most of them are larger than the hive's ants, with exception of the silverspider. The Silverspider has approached one of the scouts and tried to warn him off -- indicating danger within these lands.
    The wasps appear to be focusing on the strange flat bodied spider.
    The white wasp has tried to attack all of the scouts -- they are wary of the wasps, and distrust them, only their ability to warp-burrow has saved them, as the wasps appear to be reluctant to go underground.
    One of the scouts has noticed that a scorpion has many babies with it, which appear to have no significant chitin.
    The scouts have been unable to approach any of the scorpions, as they appear to be under guard by the spiders.

    Worm negotiator report:
    The worms appear to show no sign of intelligence beyond pack-like behavior. It seems they look after eachother only out of instinct. After the worm was slain, the other earthworms stopped attacking our troops.

    Aphid negotiator report: The aphids appear to fear our glorious new ants, even more than they did before. It seems the splendorous ants have them fearing to the point where they have lost most of their will to fight -- they do not seem cooperative yet though. Progress in replicating their pheromone patterns for proper communication is slow, but progressing. The splendorous ants have managed to produce a pheromone similar to the aphid's which they believe will convey the idea of regret.
    >> ThatGuy !!VGs43RyCnbv 09/27/09(Sun)02:36 No.6028069
    >-Mutate 1d4-1 random strains (d30).
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:37 No.6028087
    >2 people. Current division will be debated until conclusion or addional posters chime in.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)02:40 No.6028110
    Mutate 1d4-1 random strains (d30)

    I second this
    >> El Random 09/27/09(Sun)02:43 No.6028158
    i change my vote, go with random d30 thing.

    deleted first post so you know its me.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)02:43 No.6028159
    What is Chitin design?
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)02:44 No.6028173
    We currently have a sloth work-around (high energy food removes sloth penalty, though adds penalties to non-sloth ants) so all sloth does is prevent use of another subtype (aka Diver)

    I vote for speed upgrade, we are starting to do things some distance from the hive and speed is always usefull.

    Aditionaly whats the big difference between (1d4-1 d30) and (1d4) Random strains.

    For orders I think we should send the 15 newborn splendor infernic workers along with 20 of the newborn splender Warior II to try to negotiate with the spiders/wasps. They should reach the destination after the scouts try to help the scorpians escape. Goals should be to get the scorpians working for us and at least try to figure out what the deal with the spiders/wasps is.

    Send all newborn diggers to assist Betty's ants in making her new hive (keep good relations as best we can), return when they have finish a max size storage room and royal chamber, leave 3 with her as runners in case something happens before she has adiquite ants for defence so we can come and assist. Also on off chance of rebelion we will get advanced warning.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:46 No.6028204
    >Chitin design: Improves the chitin's jointing, and structural design for flexibility and connectivity. Will make it harder for ants to be torn apart at joints, will reduce damage inflicted by certain types of trauma such as impact to thorax and head in opposite directions -- or falling.
    >Thickness/density on the other hand, makes the chitin harder, and sturdier against piercing and slashing blows away from critical locations such as the body joints. Also helps with preventing crushing of an ant.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)02:49 No.6028249
    >Oh, typo. Sorry. There should only be 1d4-1 strains. The d30 tells you what kind of rolls these strains will be for quality (hence random strain). The 1d4 random strains is not actually an option. As it currently stands, 1d4-1 strains will result in between 0 and 3 strains being produced, each (if any) of quality determined by 1d30 roll, 30 being best.
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)02:51 No.6028269
    Oops typed that before I saw the Scout Report

    Could we create a largish (big enouph for the scorpians to fit) Warp Burrow hole under the scorpians (or near the scorpians dont want them to think its a trap) so they can have a safe underground exit from the battle ground (will also give us a way to circumvent the spiders trying to keep us away).

    An the aphid front, we took them from their plants to our pens, do you (the other advisors) think perhaps we should make some above ground pins so they can have sunlight instead of sudenly being stuck in the dark. We can convert the current pens to something else, mineral storage or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)02:53 No.6028287
    What is Chitin design? Please, explain what this does.

    Assist spiders against the wasps - protect breeding scorpion especially.

    Has the sweet ooze had any effect on either queen?

    Study twitching ants, moving them out of the way.

    Begin digging research chamber, for testing, isolation and other uses of our new intellect.

    Search for source of roots above ground an hour's travel from the hive to the west.

    Feed ooze roots to one of each type of ant - save for the queen - until no more food. Study reactions of each ant types.
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)02:58 No.6028336

    Chitian desighn does seam usefull and would fit some with our apparent goal of being the most mobile ants ever (we warp tunnel, we have water walkers, we can survive long falls, we pretty much go wherever we want)

    But I still suport speed as the currant upgrade choice, less time waiting for scout reports, less time spent transporting food from location of gathering to the nest. Lost of effecency increased by decreasing travel time. Also on the off chance we have to escape abandon nest it helps to be fast.

    Unrelated question: Are our ants fast enouph to know if our nest would flood, and if it would which chambers would flood. Just wondering if it would be prudent to create runoff chambers to prevent ants drowning in the rain.
    >> dice+1d4 09/27/09(Sun)02:58 No.6028340
    Either Improve strain - Diggers or Mutate 1d4-1 random strains. Seeing how we're spit, Mutate Random Strains. Let remember to get better diggers - more capable of using their Warp Digging in every way, possibly even offensively.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:00 No.6028367
    >Queen did not feed at previous timestamp. Already answered question about chitin design. The 'new' roots have previously been identified as the roots of the Sweet Ooze Plant.
    >0 units of Ooze roots. N/A feeding ability. N/A Energy food. Plant - Root - Odd
    !! Information about Ooze roots discovered! Ooze roots appear to be completely inedible, as any ant attempting to bite into removed pieces of the roots find that the pieces slip out of their mouth anytime they are placed within. They can still be carried with mandibles, but any attempt to consume them thus far has been ineffective.
    >You'll have to explain what you mean by test chamber better.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:03 No.6028409
    >Mutate 1d4-1 random strains seems to have the winning vote. AGAIN. Roll 1d4-1, then roll resulting number of d30s. Only rolls after this post will be valid for this.
    >The ants cannot predict how the nest will fare in the event of a flood.
    >!! The sky has turned a slight orange-color!!
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:05 No.6028441
    rolled 3 + 1 = 4

    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:06 No.6028459
    >What is this, it doesn't even make sense. D:
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)03:07 No.6028466
    rolled 4 = 4

    yeah /tg/ realy likes rolling them dice, though I still think speed would have been better at this time
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:07 No.6028467
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:08 No.6028478
    Forgive me, Anit-fate. I had no idea that those roots were the sweet ooze roots, and I posted perhaps a few minutes too slowly, so forgive me. When the Queens do feed, I would like to test this high energy food on them, in small amounts.

    The research chamber should just be a minor room that the ants can use to study the various items and intresting things we find and what effects they have on the Broods.
    >> dice1d30 09/27/09(Sun)03:10 No.6028503
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:10 No.6028506
    Make aboveground aphid nests on plants.
    All the aphids nurtured by ants I've ever seen were on plants.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:12 No.6028526
    rolled 7 = 7

    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)03:13 No.6028536
    rolled 23, 9 = 32

    Well If our ants cant figure it (possible) out yet we need more intelegence upgrades obviously, so duely noted for later upgrades (though I still want speed first).

    I am rolling 2d30 with this one, I am fairly sure >>6028441 was trying 1d4-1 and the -1 worked in the roller as +1d1 which would result in 3-1 or 2 strains, my subsiquent roll was 1d4=4 so if you decide that one is the roll to use (as there was no wierd dice mistake) then someone else may roll the last stain.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:13 No.6028539
    After reading through this in the archives i think you guys have had the opportunity for a fungus farm for a while.

    First install glowing rocks in damp passageways around the "organic strands".

    Secondly install a small amount of the edible fungus from the rock outside.

    Pull ants from the exploratory tunnels to do this.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:14 No.6028552
    ...damn, we such with the rolls tonight.
    >> How do I shot trip? !H508X.HbJ6 09/27/09(Sun)03:16 No.6028573

    So... /tg/ does an antquest and so does /tg-chan/.

    And they're polar opposites.

    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:16 No.6028578
    >d30 result 1: 7. YOU HAVE ROLLED POORLY.
    Odd strain options: Harbingers, Warped-ones, Flesh crawlers.
    Descrips imminent.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:20 No.6028611
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:20 No.6028616
    >23: great strain
    -Honeypots, Acidics, Fanatics
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:28 No.6028701
    >Harbinger: A strange ant indeed. Within their body lies a dormant creature which will consume the ant after a specific trigger event. In the event that the Harbinger dies, another Harbinger will be born from the next clutch of eggs, including upon metamorphosis. Each trigger event is different for each Harbinger ant. Harbinger is undetectable.

    >Warped-Ones: Hardly fit to be called ants. These creatures are ferocious and will kill their relatives. They draw into the hive, corrupting it. A small number of each clutch of eggs will suffer from these infiltrators. They metamorphose as quickly as infernic ants, and are something to behold.

    >Flesh crawlers, the flesh of these ants is carried upon their carapace, rather than within. These are flimsy and incredibly disgusting creatures within the hive. While not always malicious, some might be, and there is the chance that prejustice will cause them and regular ants to conflict. Quite a few of each clutch will suffer from this.
    >> El Random 09/27/09(Sun)03:28 No.6028706
    >....Warped-ones....Fanatics...the sky turning odd colors....glowing rock...

    welcome to the darkest of all nests
    welcome to ant quest 40k.
    welcome to the warp
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:28 No.6028708
    Please don't die thread.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:32 No.6028748
    >Tyranid Queen didn't tip anyone off? I mean really? YEAH I'M PULLING SOME TERMS FROM 40K RIGHT NOW.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:33 No.6028749
    warped ones? sic them on whatever were pissed with, the wasps for instance, and run/hope they all die?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:34 No.6028756
    >Honeypots and acidic ants described previous thread.
    >Fanatic is a Superstrain, and will conflict with Infernic ant superstrain numbers. However, Fanatic ants are 100% loyal to the Tyranid Queen, and are produced throughout all broods -- leading to an inflow of Fanatics who will obey only the Tyranid Queen. Fanatics will kill any ant which tries to stop them from serving the Tyranid Queen. Fanatics will consume food preferentially over other ants. Fanatics are far more combat capable than even Infernic ants. Fanatics are faster than regular ants. Fanatics will slay any ant they suspect of being disloyal to the Tyranid Queen that they encounter. Fanatics will attempt to destroy any species they deem inferior or a threat to the Tyranid Queen, without regard to the Tyranid Queen's orders otherwise.

    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:36 No.6028783
    >Also if it wasn't clear, Warped ones will kill hive members that they encounter, as will any Harbinger which grows. Flesh crawlers might end up fighting within the hive, but there are many more. Harbingers are 1 at a time. Warped ones are a few per clutch, and Flesh Crawlers are a fair number per clutch.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)03:38 No.6028811
    Damn it, thread. I just found you as I was going to sleep. I did a bunch of reading up on ants just last week.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:41 No.6028836
    Threads are crossed. Fate plays with it's creations, turning them in upon themselves. A surge of power washes over the Tyranid Queen as she feels Fate interfering within her domain -- within her brood. She lashes back, stealing some from Fate as he steals from her. Both have lost something, and both have gained something now.
    Fate continues to watch as it's creations burn from this one mishap. In the shards of mirror upon the floor, it's reflection shows a grim Fate, for just a moment before Fate shatters the shards into dust, using the reflective pieces to forge a new thread for all to witness. Fate has begun to strive against you, O-Queen. Your duel with Fate shall not end simply it seems.
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)03:41 No.6028843
    Alright can we get a discriptoin of the great strain options also
    Harbingers seem like there will be only a few out at any given time, and given enouph luck will take a while to gestate. Of course with poor luck we could have one after the other. I for one have litle desire to have one pop out next to our queen.

    The flesh crawlers just seam disgusting and Fragile, so in case of issues they will be easier to put down. But more of them will be affected.

    The Warped ones, well they are outright malicous from birth, Though I guess we could just have large amounts of wariors in the birthing chambers.

    I think Harbinger might be fun, a bit of random threat to keep us on our toes.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)03:44 No.6028868
    >Honeypot ants: These ants are able to condense and store food and nutrients for extended periods of time. Nutrients can be excreted from the Gaster of these ants. They move at the speed of regular workers when unburdened by a large store of food, but slower than them with a large quantity of nutrients. The nutrients produced by these ants is a form of liquid sugar and cannot be stored in dirt or in the heat for extended periods, though the ants themselves can survive these conditions. They harvest food materials at a rate of a regular worker, but can instead convert it as they harvest into the nutrients for storage or bring it back like a regular worker. These specialized ants must be requested in specific numbers before the queen lays eggs.

    >Acidic ants: These ants have acid glands scattered throughout their body, and if crushed will release acid into the surrounding locations. These ants are resistant to acid of like ants, though such protection does not extend to other ants. Their mandibles can secrete an acidic coating as well.
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)03:48 No.6028902
    Alright I like acidic, give us some bioweapons and resitance. We seam to be doing a great deal of diplomacy/atempted domestication so we dont need fanatics killing the lesser-bugs on us, dispite how nice it would be to have increased combat prowess and prune out the disloyal, and the auto-tithe of them coming from other broods.

    And harbringers, that just seams bad ass dispite the obvious risks.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/27/09(Sun)04:01 No.6028991
    >Not exactly comfortable leaving such a mutation result up to one person. <_<
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)04:12 No.6029052
    Come on I know there were people other than me here, even if it is late at night.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)04:32 No.6029176
    its 5:31am
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)04:51 No.6029307
    Im thinking you probably should have started ... 2-3 hours earlier.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)04:52 No.6029315
    Someone ought to archive this so its easier to pick up next time. i dont know how so it'll need to be someone else.
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)05:09 No.6029431

    I already did, though I think more people need to do it to make it stick, just follow instruction at very top.

    This is the archive http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/6025775/
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)05:26 No.6029581
    I like acidic...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)05:51 No.6029792
    I vote Acidic and Harbinger.
    Flesh-crawlers seem least threatening but they would cost us a significant number of normal ants in every clutch which is more reliably bad than the Harbingers.
    >> Uncle Ant 09/27/09(Sun)06:12 No.6029933
    I think Anti-Fate may have gone sleep but who knows maybe the thread will be picked up tommorow, if not probly next week. We will have our upgrades (though this one is probly not a net gain)

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