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  • File: 1329854971.jpg-(103 KB, 905x722, NEWInfluenceOP.jpg)
    103 KB REBOOT: INFLUENCE THREAD 7 EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)15:09 No.18042860  
    (( http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Influence ))

    You are Patience, a physical embodiment of the virtue. A Fae. You have power over this aspect - Patience and cunning empower your actions, while rashness and impulsivity will demerit them. You have acquired the powers of Assassination and Fury during your time as a musket, one making you physically stronger in the darkness and the other stronger in general, as well as allowing you to manipulate the Fury of others, positively or negatively. Finally, since you spent time in a Musket, you may transfer power to said 'body' instantly - no matter where it lays. You may also empower it with any of the aspects you've devoured, as well. Transferring too much power to it will send your consciousness there, which will either put your body to sleep, send it into a coma, or kill it outright.

    You cannot properly die - if you would, you would merely reform in the Etheral. The sole exception to this is when another Fae kills you - in which case you are consumed.

    You have discovered the inklings of a plot amidst the war between Human and Fae - namely, the human cities act as large-scale seals for powerful entities known as Archmagi, who, driven insane with power, were imprisoned beneath them. The Seals rely on the structure of the city itself. Too much damage and the seal weakens. War, the Fae, is known by you to be partially behind this. (More details can be found in the threads themselves.)

    Currently, you are being held at crossbow point by a young man in a black cloak, which is fastened with a ruby rose pin. He wants you to go with him and his similarly fashionable friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:10 No.18042878
    Shoot him.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:13 No.18042893
    rolled 63 = 63

    "For what purpose?"
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:13 No.18042896
    Don't make any threatening motions.

    "And where would we be going?"

    We're Patience, we can be patient here and not rash.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:13 No.18042900
    Not much we can do at the moment. Let's be patient and see where this leads.
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)15:17 No.18042928
    'Now now, are weapons really needed? Tell me what you want, perhaps I can help you.'

    Swap bodies enough to check Ceran and tell her we've been had.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:19 No.18042945
    No need to sound or act more suspicious than needed. Ask what's going on.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:22 No.18042966
    I'd rather not immediately collapse where we stand, let's hold off on that.
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)15:26 No.18043012
    We wouldn't collapse so much as become very sluggish in our body. Which helps, as they might flip out at sudden moves.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:28 No.18043035
    Sluggishness happened when we put power in our gun but stayed in control of out body. We're talking about transferring consciousness entirely and that can only be in one place at a time. Right now that's a bad idea. Besides what would we tell her? We have no information yet other than being surrounded.
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)15:35 No.18043087
    Wasn't concerned with talking to her so much as checking her situation. It would be good to know if they have her too. I see your point though, we should wait for a opportune moment to try that.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)15:36 No.18043097
    "Now now, are weapons really needed? Tell me what you want, perhaps I can help you."

    The young man doesn't lower the crossbow.

    "I apologize for the roughness, but I have my orders. My lord has asked me to cease your actions. To that end, I need you to come with me."

    "So you can kill me?"

    "I can't tell you that." he says, pokerfaced. "Besides, you're in no position to ask questions." he says simply. "Now, shall you come with us willingly, or will we have to do something about you here and now?"

    You raise a hairless eyebrow on reflex.

    "Please, don't make me have to dispose of a body at this hour." he mutters dangerously. "Make up your mind."
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)15:42 No.18043165

    Not like they can kill us.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:43 No.18043173
    "Very well."

    Let's take back fury and try to reduce the aggressiveness around us a little. See how effective it is. Perhaps we can use rage between others as a distraction soon, look for an opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)16:04 No.18043404
    "Very well."
    Let them lead us away.

    Can we concentrate on committing their faces to memory? And are both of Damien's sons here, or just one?
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)16:09 No.18043454
    Remembering them hardly seems important. We are not Vengance or Revenge, and they are simply following orders. The rose pin seems interesting though.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)16:11 No.18043465
    Memorizing their faces may be useful if we ever have to identify them again.

    It's not for getting vengeance on them, it's to know when to run and who to avoid.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)16:12 No.18043485
    "Very well."

    The man lowers the weapon with relief.
    "Good. Come with me. Boys, as you were?"

    The others nod and wander off as he leads you through the streets. "My apologies for the rough introduction. Such things are necessary when you've proven this smart already." he says, pulling open a door into a large manor. You are lead into a large room with a single chair in the center.


    You do so.

    <<<Well.>>> comes a voice from the room at large. <<<A little birdy told me you were looking up some... interesting books in the local archives. Find anything interesting?>>>
    He leaves.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)16:16 No.18043519
    "Interesting things, depending on one's interests. You'll have to be a little more specific."
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)16:26 No.18043616
    'Nothing particular, I just enjoy building design. These cities have a very creative layout, I must say.'

    OH SHIT. Only the archmages used the <<>>, which I would interpret as accent/tone.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)16:29 No.18043646
    People need to stop thinking like this. We respawn at our birthplace, which is who knows where in another dimension entirely. By the time we get back it could all be over. The 'best' case scenario is that we end up trapped in the musket again, permanently this time. Our body is precious, even if we are technically immortal.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)16:33 No.18043683
    We weren't reading about building design, we were reading about seals. That gives away exactly what we know...
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)16:42 No.18043772
    We looked at how the cities were layed out to see if the city itself formed a seal. It did.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)16:45 No.18043800
    And you're pretty much admitting that we know that the cities form seals due to their architecture.
    An admission that is premature.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)16:49 No.18043847
    You raise your brow again.

    "City design interests me."

    <<<Mmmmn, is that so? Then why look up leylines and world mechanisms?>>> the voice asks.

    At that, you remain silent.

    <<<I have many eyes and ears throughout the world. I also have many hands. This war profits my family greatly. Don't you DARE try to stop it over some fairytale told by children and conspiracy theories peddled by beggars.>>>
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)16:55 No.18043899
    "You do not believe that the seals around the Archmages are real. Or you do, but do not care so long as you profit in the short-term.
    "So, your family was the one that assassinated the Rust Princess, then?"
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:00 No.18043963
    I have to agree with >>18043616 and say he's an archmage. If 'his family' are the archmages then they really are profiting greatly. Not really sure what we're meant to say though. "Oh sure, just take over the world, I don't care"? "Fuck yo- oh god why am I dead?" Neither really works for me.
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)17:01 No.18043975
    'Then you must be a smart person to have such connections. So I'm quite sure you are aware nothing lasts forever. Wars end, replaced by peace, to be replaced by war again.'

    There wasn't really any answer we could give, we admitted to owning one puzzle piece, rather than the picture we have already assembled.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)17:25 No.18044206
    "Then you must be a smart person to have such connections. So I'm quite sure you are aware nothing lasts forever. Wars end, replaced by peace, to be replaced by war again."

    <<<Perceptive thinking. Truthfully, though - My family mainly deals in arms and armor. The war will see its course, humanity will be victorious, and we turn a tidy sum. We merely don't want any flies spoiling the ointment. National morale is important, yes? We're merely doing our part.>>>

    The doors at the back of the room opened.

    <<Go ahead and leave - but understand... My eyes are on you, from now on.>>>
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)17:32 No.18044270
    Step on out, find out where Ceran is.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:32 No.18044271
    >My family mainly deals in arms and armor. The war will see its course, humanity will be victorious, and we turn a tidy sum.
    Is this faggot seriously trying to pull this shit?
    >My eyes are on you, from now on
    They've clearly been watching us since at least when we became Westing.
    What was the point of that meeting, was he trying to scare us? Whatever; leave, check Ceran's ok.
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)17:47 No.18044421
    No, they don't know who we are. When we stumbled on their meeting, they said Patience had been dealt with. If they knew what we were and what we know, we'd be dead. The meaning of the meeting was to dissuade more inquest by a bumbling fool by posing as a powerful conspiracy.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:50 No.18044465
    Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, they don't know we have our body back and we're disguised. How did I even miss that?
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)18:04 No.18044611
    You smile, then turn and leave. As soon as you leave, a burden you didn't notice leaves you. Something about that encounter bothered you, but you can't pin it well. Shaking your head to clear it from your mind, you seek out Ceran.

    And find her, at the archery range, chatting up Damien. She's energetic, perching herself on high places with excellent balance. You can barely hear them talking to one another, and they've yet to notice you.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:13 No.18044695
    One of the guys who apprehended us was one of Damien's sons, right? We probably shouldn't reveal ourselves to any of them. Damien seems trustworthy, but he trusts his sons. And if we reveal that his son's working for the enemy he'll probably either not believe us or confront the son, giving us away. Just contact Ceran through the rifle and get her to come to us, then tell her what happened when we're somewhere safe.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:23 No.18044847
    Let's wait for an opportunity to interrupt. Wouldn't want to surprise Ceran and cause her to fall.

    Don't mention the meeting or Damien's son until we're in a safe private place.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:46 No.18045079
    Let's just wait for her to be less precariously placed, then shift back into the gun and arrange to meet up with her and Damien somewhere more private.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)18:54 No.18045171
    You wait.

    "You're sure?" Damien asks, watching Ceran rock back and forth atop a chair.

    "Yeah. He's perfectly fine again."

    "... Well, in any case, I wish you luck."

    "But you never give me anything solid." she says with a pout.

    "Just take your time and be..." he grumbles. "Be patient. He'll notice and come around soon enough. This isn't something you want to rush."

    She nods, clambering down.
    "I guess I should get go-Oh, hey!" she smiles upon seeing you. "How'd it go~"

    "We need to speak in private." her face lights up, "With Damien." and falls again. She nods, fetching him, and you explain what happened while in a back room.

    Damien swears and slams his fist on the table.
    "Fool boy! I told him his mother's people were no damn good!"
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)18:54 No.18045180
    Wait. We need to keep our body a complete secret.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:57 No.18045207
    Yeah we're going to need more detail on these "people". Especially if he can identify the person we spoke with.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:08 No.18045348
    Calm him, tell him the people who apprehended you did no ill, and even the one who tried to intimidate you only to secure is own wealth. That greed might be something we can manipulate to better ends..

    Ask about damage and changes that have been done to the city from the war and anything else. And ask his sons names. They've become too important not to know at least that much.
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)19:11 No.18045381
    Arg late post again.

    'Well Damian, you have me at a disadvantage. Mind filling me in?'
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:32 No.18045649
    "You understand that if this war continues, the archmagi will be released due to damage to the cities done by the fae, of course. This is a war that neither fae nor man can actually win. I'm afraid the stakes are significantly higher than that."
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)19:50 No.18045894
    We know or can assume most of this isn't true. While I'd rather not fill him in, I don't think lying is the right thing either
    We don't want to out the archmage news out loud or to anyone that we don't completely trust. Damien isn't quite one of those. Let him know we found a conspiracy, and the war with the fae is a shell game, but we cannot endanger him or us with that bit yet.

    Think the first person we tell will be Fear, it seems he used to be our friend and fae are very independent.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:52 No.18045924
    You switch who you were talking to.
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)19:54 No.18045947
    Whoops you're right.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)20:02 No.18046059
    "Well Damian, you have me at a disadvantage. Mind filling me in?"

    He grunts.
    "I married a noblewoman. Stupidest decision I ever made - she was a bitch to the last minute. Sucked me dry of coin, left me for some prissy pretty boy." he spits in the dirt. "Took the money, the house, left me with James and Dio." he says. "James's always been a good boy, but Dio doted on his mum too much. Delarosa house manages a lot of the mines, forges, and the like around here. Verrah militant. If anyone WANTS a war, it's them. Big rustin' bank, and the front lines are miles and miles away."

    You Calm him carefully.
    "Dio did no harm. They merely brought me to someone else, who attempted to intimidate me for what I found out."

    "What did you find out?" Ceran asks.

    "It's... comnplicated. Has the damage to the city been very large-scale, of late?"

    "Naw. The outer walls haven't been touched, really. Our defenses are pretty damn solid."

    "Mayhaps we can manipulate that greed to better ends?"

    "Maybe." Ceran admits. "But having Delarosa house breathing down our necks..." she shudders a little.
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)20:09 No.18046182
    'Would she have ANY reason to watch people reading books on ley lines and city building? Seems a bit... odd... an arms dealing noble house keeps an eye on what research someone does.'

    Looks like I jumped the gun a bit. Still quite suspicious.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:24 No.18046387
    Explain about the relation of the seals and the city. Some sort of changes must have been taking place for the seal to have been weakening.

    Any idea who that was who interrogated us? We might want to get ahold of that person later.. And ask... well just because his son is with them doesn't mean he'd betray us to them. Ask if he thinks we can talk to him about this. Not to betray his people just to help us all from getting killed.
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)20:32 No.18046478
    It was Ms. Delarosa I presume. I thought it was the Archmage of secrets, but either way I got a feminine vibe from the speech. Props on that btw ego, you are working wonders with tone in the quest. Another person for the hit list either way.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)21:19 No.18047208
    "Would she have ANY reason to watch people reading books on ley lines and city building? Seems a bit... odd... an arms dealing noble house keeps an eye on what research someone does."

    "...Ah, that." Damien says with a grunt. "There was a hubbub about a yeah ago about dat. Some crazy folk screamin' 'bout Archmagi an'..." he pauses, looking between you and Ceran. "Yer fuckin' shitten' me. Lorda Rust above an' below, you think it's true?!"

    "...Multiple... things point towards it." you hesitantly admit.

    "Aw, hell." he mutters. "I'll have a talk wi' Dio. I'll be careful. Me an' my boys... you can count on us."
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:21 No.18047237
    "I certainly hope so. You can understand, I hope, if I ask you not to tell Dio anything that might be damaging for his mother's family to know. There's no offense intended to him but, rather, to the company which he seems to keep."
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)21:27 No.18047328
    'So, what exactly was this flare up about, and what became of it? In our current situation, knowledge is our best ally. And it can keep me out of trouble, like earlier.'

    Think SWQ and Boone quest are sucking up everyone, plus that thread 7 marker seems to be scaring people.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:37 No.18047492
    Don't ask Dio to act against his crew, just inform and get information from him. Remember they aren't our enemies, they're looking to keep the war from ending never thinking humanity might lose.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)21:37 No.18047497
    ((Actually, if you want to be technical, there's 14 threads now. I'm a little sad at the sharp downturn in suggestions, but hey. CARRYAN ON.))

    "I certainly hope so. You can understand, I hope, if I ask you not to tell Dio anything that might be damaging for his mother's family to know. There's no offense intended to him but, rather, to the company which he seems to keep."

    "I know when to keep my gob shut. The question is, what the hell you gonna do?" he looks between us.

    "It'd be helpful to know more about this previous flareup."

    "Ah... Well, some crazy feller, he starts yappan' about how all these cities are the same, and leylines and shit. Talks about how 'wrong' it felt. Dunno where he went, though..."
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:42 No.18047583
    "Ah. That man sounds like a fae - or at least has similar sensory capacities. I should like to find him, but I expect he's rotting in a dungeon or weapon somewhere."

    Then, after a moment.

    "Ah, I... I'm sorry if I sounded bitter there for a moment. At any rate, I absolutely must inform the fae of this fact, but I don't know how many of them I can trust. The fact that Fear is apparently an aspect which Sanguinus, a being a ambiguous magical nature, shared puts him in rather suspect territory in my mind until such a time that my memory has cleared."
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:42 No.18047588
    "Do you know what actions he was proposing? Because I am certain that the Delarosa who spoke to me thought I was aiming for the same thing. Knowing exactly what that is supposed to be is important."

    He might not have these details, maybe one of Cerans scribe friends know more of the story, if not she herself?
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)21:48 No.18047674
    I see what you did there...
    (damn not being able to upload pics on a phone)
    People get scared off after so many threads, being too lazy to read the archives. They see the seven and have no clue what is going on, and then pass by the thread. Unfortunate, as this has been a rollercoaster of intriuge from the start.

    'We might want to track him down then, it seems that man knows at least as much as we do. As well as who made him dissapear.'
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:48 No.18047680
    Sanguinus and Fear aren't related as far as I know. The fey didn't appear in this dimension until long after the archmages were sealed. I think we can trust Fear as much as we can trust anyone at the moment. He's our bro even if we don't remember it.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:50 No.18047695
    Unless the archmagi were humans infused with a load of fae essences.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:53 No.18047732
    "I must inform the Fae to stop this foolish war. However, War himself may be helping to continue the conflict. It IS his nature, after all."
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:03 No.18047891
    I thought of that too, but the problem is Sanguinus also has the aspect of fear. Unless it's a closely related aspect such as Terror then that means the aspect is artificial.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:07 No.18047956
    I'm suggesting that Fear might have been, during the time of the archmagi, contained within the archmagus Sanguinus.
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)22:07 No.18047961
    They were full of magic. To the point of mutating. That said, it has been hinted that they are similar to fae in some ways. However, Sanguinus has already woken up and been re-sealed. Fear is not Sanguinus, we have memories of Fear. Sanguinus might have power and a personality similar to Fears, that's it. Sanguinus would have simply killed us when he found out we aren't dead as we are a threat, Fear sought to save us from the humans.

    Tl;dr too much points to Fear being bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:14 No.18048094
    Although, if Fear is Sanguinus, I'd bet he's The Breaker as well. It'd make sense that Sanguinus would just go and break X-88 asap.

    He's probably just trying to manipulate us to his side, especially if we are truly unbreakable (for even The Breaker).
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)22:31 No.18048451
    "I must inform the Fae to stop this foolish war. However, War himself may be helping to continue the conflict. It IS his nature, after all."

    Ceran nods.
    "If it's all a plot by the Archmagi..."

    "We might want to find that madman. If he still exists..."

    "Exiled as Faetouched." Damien says, with a sigh.


    "People who attempt to support the cause of the Fae in human lands are called that." Ceran clarifies. "It's a serious crime."

    "So Fear is not arriving for some time, and this madman lives in the wilds."

    "If we seek him out, we may miss Fear and he might become angry..." Ceran says. "But if we wait here..."
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:33 No.18048493
    We could split up?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:34 No.18048498
    Any way to contact Fear before the time runs out? There are so many unknowns when it comes to fae, maybe the have a way of communication of long distances?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:35 No.18048529
    "As far as the conspirators know, all they did was threaten a scholar who was a little too curious, and Patience is safely imprisoned as Westing 45.
    "It is more important that we prevent further damage by Fear and the other Fae, than what we can learn from a scholar who may have already been quietly assassinated in the wilds.
    "I suggest we wait for Fear. I will do my best to convince him of the importance of our work here."
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:35 No.18048533
    "We wait for Fear. Be patient. Our ultimate goal is to end the conflict between Fae and Man before the city-seals are weakened. Being anywhere but here when Fear returns would be wholly counter to that goal. Damien, though - would it be at all possible for you to seek this man out? I need to remain here in the city until Fear comes and I would much prefer to keep Ceran by my side."
    >> That McGuyver 02/21/12(Tue)23:28 No.18049389
    We could make a bonded field in the middle of the market or something. Only fae can do that, and it might draw his attention.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/21/12(Tue)23:57 No.18049842
    "I suggest we wait for Fear. I will do my best to convince him of the importance of our work here."


    "Is it possible to seek out the 'madman'?" you ask. "One of you could find him?"

    Ceran thinks. "It... It would take ages. A trail that cold... I mean, I could find him, but I'd be gone for ages. It could take months to find him."

    You frown. That sort of speed was worthless.

    Despite your nature, you almost feel antsy to do something.

    But instead you nod.
    "Very well. We wait."

    Ceran approaches you.
    "Maybe you, uh, should relax. With... A meal? Or something? We could, we could go together. It's safer."
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:59 No.18049870
    Smile at her in a way that makes her realized exactly how much we're reading between the lines by sliding down our glasses, locking our kaleidoscope eyes on her, and cocking an eyebrow. Then say, "Of course. Let's go somewhere private, though. I don't want to risk anyone seeing through this disguise any more than necessary."
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:00 No.18049882
    We should probably avoid our time in public as much as possible. But we could buy something nice to eat somewhere and eat it back at Ceran's room.
    >> That McGuyver 02/22/12(Wed)00:03 No.18049924
    Give her our winning smile and find somewhere to have lunch/dinner. If Damien wants to go, pull him aside and tell him we are well aware of what Ceran wants and he would be doing both of us a favor by letting us be alone.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:05 No.18049944
    "Of course, Ceran. Perhaps somewhere private, where we would not be disturbed? To be honest, rather than a public eatery, perhaps buying a meal and eating it in your room would be better?"
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/22/12(Wed)00:40 No.18050416
    "Perhaps somewhere private?" you ask, and her face becomes almost childish in its joy.

    "I'll go buy some things and food!" she says, rushing off.

    You chuckle at her haste, and turn to find Damien fixing you with a Look.
    "You know, that girl don't got parents." he says quietly. "And she got real attatched to me when we met, suchlike. And so did I, to her. Iff'n you hurt her, in any way, well. I know fer a fact yer won't leave a body."


    "We clear?"

    "Y-yes, sir."

    "Good." he says, walking out of the room. "Have fun."

    Moments later, Ceran returns with a meal bundled in her arms. She begins unwrapping it, taking off her camo-cloak, briefly frowning at her armor before going back to the food package.

    "I know I'm not, uh, not dressed the, uh, B-but I was just, I, uh." she continues to stammer and continue attempting to talk, despite having nothing in mind to say.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:43 No.18050467
    Place our hands on Ceran's.
    "It's alright, Ceran."
    Help her unwrap the package.

    Wait, we're in Ceran's room now, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:43 No.18050469
    "I'm wearing a disguise to look Man instead of Fae."

    Take off the glasses, put down the hood.

    "I don't think either of us are dressed as we would like. Here, let me help you with that package. What did you get? I don't think I remember having eaten anything before, so this might count as my first meal. I think that's pretty exciting, don't you?"
    >> That McGuyver 02/22/12(Wed)00:55 No.18050639
    'It's quite alright, all I have to wear is this robe. And I didn't even have time to shave! Next time let's try for something more formal.'
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/22/12(Wed)01:35 No.18051131
    "I don't think either of us are dressed as we would like. Here, let me help you with that package. What did you get? I don't think I remember having eaten anything before, so this might count as my first meal. I think that's pretty exciting, don't you?"

    She nods excitedly as the packaging pops open to reveal an assortment of foods. Two huge bird legs, roasted well, an assortment of vegetables and fruits, pastries, and other foods.

    She picks up one of the legs and tears into it with ease.
    "I think oranges are more your thing. You peel the outside and eat the inside. Here." she demonstrates with one, holding out a slice for you. Then she gently slides it into your mouth, almost uncertain.

    An explosion.

    Not one that rocks the building, but one that rocks your LIFE. The taste runs across your tongue in incredible, indescribable ways. The feeling of chewing, the feeling of it sliding down your throat is incredible.

    So the afternoon and the evening passes, with her feeding you various foods and laughing at your reactions to each new sensation. Sweet, sour, hot, cold, savory and rich foods... A cross-section of tastes and the like.

    As you finish, she smiles up at you.
    "You didn't eat, before. Said you didn't have time. I thought... You'd like to sample a lot of things." she says quietly.

    ((captcha: mealtive new ))
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)01:39 No.18051180
    rolled 37 = 37

    "I suppose I'm not quite the same Fae I was before. Maybe Fury or Assassination have added something - some passion, some risk, some danger. Maybe it was learning what it is to be deprived in the Westing. Maybe it's something else..."

    Stare off into space for almost a full minute contemplating it. Then, without any forewarning, kiss her.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)01:43 No.18051245
    "I believe my experience as Westing 45, brief as it was, has made me appreciate my former body more. I think the human term is, "I am a new man", as it were.
    "Thank you Ceran, for helping me to experience these things anew, and appreciate them more."
    >> That McGuyver 02/22/12(Wed)01:47 No.18051287
    Dammit, why can I only think of the Popeye's Chicken Demon scene from Little Nicky reading this?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)01:49 No.18051312
    A bit of those two, but getting away from ourself, foregeting everything we were for a while, has probably done more to expand our perceptions than anything else. And what with having both our body back and westing, things really have turned out for the best. So thank her for all the new experiences that have come about over her.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)02:19 No.18051608
    Welp might as well give her her opening. "Yes, even given my nature I know it is best to live well when given the opportunity. Thank you for all this."
    >> Patience Spent and reset. EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/22/12(Wed)02:29 No.18051710
    "I suppose I'm not quite the same Fae I was before. Maybe Fury or Assassination have added something - some passion, some risk, some danger. Maybe it was learning what it is to be deprived in the Westing. Maybe it's something else..."

    She watches you for a moment, staring quietly as you consider things for a moment. She has been... Well, your relationship has been strange, to say the least. Between the lies and honesty, you have trouble figuring out exactly how you feel. Parts of you hate her, parts of you love her, and some don't even care in the long run what happens to her.

    Then again...
    She's given you a lot. Despite the lies and the danger, she kept you with her. She must have known the Fae would target you, yet she willingly carried you. She knows the risks in consorting with Fae, yet she holds your opinion highly. She had so few friends, trusts so few people... and yet here you are, sharing food with her and talking and smiling.

    You decide.

    You pull her into a gentle embrace, kissing her lips. Her eyes initially go wide with shock, her limbs are rigid with fear, but she relaxes into your arms and kisses you back in a few moments.
    She is soft. Warm. Sweet - she ate the strawberries last.

    Midnight strikes.

    Slowly, you pull apart. Her breathing is heavy.
    "You... I..." she stammers, looking up. Again, she can't find words.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)02:32 No.18051740
    "I know. Fear should be here soon - he'll arrive early, even if he doesn't force me to make a decision until the full time has passed. He likes to surprise people - what else would you expect of Fear?"
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)02:37 No.18051799
    "Patience means acting when the time is right. Whatever else happens, that, then, was very right. Now we must act to secure days to come." Then stand, offer your hand and go meet with Fear.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:01 No.18052563
    "Patience means acting when the time is right. Whatever else happens, that, then, was very right. Now we must act to secure days to come."

    You stand, helping her up. Fear stands before you, smirking.

    [[What an unexpected development. Love with a human.]]


    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/22/12(Wed)04:04 No.18052590

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