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!!s+3jnIPglLK 02/24/12(Fri)15:54 No.18083913 File: 1330116891.jpg-(55 KB, 400x313, Success.jpg)
 Athena is flabbergasted , you’d probably be in the same boat if you weren’t feeling so disoriented, however you manage to steady your feet and let out a deep breath, your tense shoulders relax somewhat and you, finally, manage to stand a bit without too much support from the Mantis, your arm is still around her shoulder however.
You concentrate on the song, strong, seemingly filled with love, its beauty is strange, unique and you can’t help but feel somewhat excited. Instrument and voices joined together in a concert that no king could ever match, distances are travelled, time distort, it’s truly impossible to measure how long you were in this small cocoon of corruption and magic.
However, your feet are now standing on another kind of material, previously it was a floor without imperfection, here, you feel some bump with sound of crunching as you and your companions move, yet the fog wall is still there.
‘’Congratulations, Athena, Sylphis, for your mission has succeeded’’
Tsu say, she bow lightly, then turn her back, her eight tails always moving’s.
‘’My full name is Tsukiyomi, I hope we get to see each other again’’
Thus she says, the wall of fog move like a hurricane and, in the blink of an eye, the lady is covered in it, masking her entire person in this sphere of black.
The song is nowhere to be heard, nor is the Youko who... evaporate into thin air.
The area around you, you see a small little river with nude tree, leaves of bright orange making every step loud.
‘’I didn’t expect…’’
Athena look down, one hand on her sword.
‘’Home so soon…’’
You’re starting to feel slightly better, still that was quite the ordeal. |