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!zJYORZSm4M 03/07/10(Sun)04:27 No.8447524 File1267954024.png-(8 KB, 500x235, gbquest041.png)
 And so, the party was formed, with the intention of saving the land... from... whatever.
They set out East of the forest of Jio, to seek out crystals or artifacts or some shit.
NATHAN, the brave adventurer, leader, and capable of managing ridiculous tradequests.
JULES, the rogue illithid, psychic companion who reads and eats minds.
STEVE, the timid technocrafter, able to manufacture a wide variety of contraptions and traps to assist the team.
and BOOBS, the outgoing geomancer, able to shape nature to her whims, and desperate to make her womanly nature more blatant in contrast to her naturally feminine elf nature.
that description should make you all happy right?
So the adventure was put on hold, as the thread was auto-saging, and you already wrote down the password.
you can slow down now |