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!94Ud9yTfxQ 03/01/09(Sun)04:26 No.3848478 File :1235899595.png-(24 KB, 600x400, A40.png)
 >>3848401 Aldwin does his best to calm her down.
>>3848429 >Ask what he did to Lily "I tried to use her to lure out Goldmoon. Lily tried to kill me. Be glad I only turned you in, instead of killing you two on the spot."
>>3848430 >Ask about Cultist "She's back at the windmill, I think. She left after her meeting with the priest."
>>3848418 >Listen to apology Aldwin is at the end of his patience with Finlay. "Make it good."
Finlay sighs. "I'm sorry. After hearing Lily's story, I was certain you'd try to stop me, so you had to be removed from the equation. At least the end result turned out pretty good for you - you'll get rogue training from the best, and without my dagger arm I won't be doing any assassinating any time soon." He sighs again.
"It looks like we'll be working together eventually, so I wanted to make sure we could be on at least passable terms. You have every reason to hate me right now, and I doubt I will change that. But, if we're in the same job... well, it would be bad for both of us to be enemies." |