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  • File: 1332636941.jpg-(165 KB, 560x800, 1276314228317.jpg)
    165 KB REGINALD QUEST 001 Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)20:55 No.18445020  
    "I wonder," you say to Samantha, "how you and the young master are doing."

    "Us? We're. . . all right, I suppose. Why do you ask?"

    "He asked me for your hand in marriage. Such a polite, upstanding young man. I'm afraid I was a bit rash. Challenged him to duel me hand to hand before I'd allow you to marry him. No way I could actually do that, of course, but he actually accepted. Rum sort of feller, that he is."

    Samantha smiles back at you. "He is," she says. "But also a good man. You wouldn't mind me marrying him?"

    "Love," Reginald laughs. "The bloody Prince of Wales isn't good enough for my daughter. But if I must give you up to someone, then I may as well give you up to the young master."

    Samantha laughs, and the laugh takes you back to the days of yore. . .

    . . . back in the days when men were men, and wars were fought in far-off lands for the sake of the free world.

    Back in a place called North Africa. . . and a War called World War II.
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)20:56 No.18445027
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    You are Corporal REGINALD, a young soldier in the British Army. You are also a BUTLER. The place is El Alamein, 1942.

    Captain Price leads you to a darkened tent in the middle of the camp. "Wouldn't call you in if this weren't an emergency, ol' chap," he says. "I know Paddy Mayne would rather have you out there raiding supply lines and blowing up airstrips, but this is a situation that only a man like you can handle. A man who's both a soldier. . . and a butler."

    "Who Dares, Wins," you reply. "Give me the mission."

    Price nods to you and pushes the tent flap aside. Inside, there is an American soldier standing over a map. There is no insignia on his uniform aside from a simple name badge: "UNCLE."

    He looks up at you appraisingly and nods. "This is him?" he asks Captain Price."

    "This is him all right. Corporal Reginald. Our best."

    "Well, Tommy?" UNCLE says, grinning at you, his Thompson submachinegun slung over one shoulder. "How about it? You want to fight krauts, right? Want to help us fight the meanest krauts of all?"

    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)20:58 No.18445053
    "Yes, sir.
    I'll even boil them and serve them to the men with sauce, free of charge."
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)21:08 No.18445183
    "Exellent," I knew we could count on you Brits to step up to the plate at the bottom of the ninth," the odd American chap says.

    He shows you a photograph of a portly old man in a white suit. "His name" UNCLE goes on, "Is Doctor JOSEF MANGLER. He's a German scientist working to build a super-soldier from dead corpses and smallpox virus. And his lab is right here, in North Africa."

    "As we say in merry old England: "Bollocks to that," Price says.

    "Mangler has only two vices. Cruel unnatural Nazi superscience experiments. . . and upper-class living. We need a Butler to infiltrate his home and lay down the groundwork for an inevitable assault on his location. Only a man with nerves of steel and the poise of a British Valet can complete this mission."

    "We leave at dawn. Get ready. This one's for all the cards, friend."

    You return to your tent and consider your options.

    The mission will require all your skill and expertise, both as a butler and as a warrior. As you consider your array of equipment located all around the tent, you wish you could take it all with you. Unfortunately, you cannot.

    You have:
    - A Webley Break-Top Self-Extracting Revolver.
    - Your combat butler uniform.
    - Your fists
    - Your charm
    You can choose to bring one of the following as extra equipment
    - A Bren Gun: improves your RANGED COMBAT
    - Your family's heirloom broadsword: improves your MELEE COMBAT
    - A collapsible sterling silver tea set: improves your BUTTLE SKILL
    - Your secret supply of Sex Panther cologne: improves your SEDUCTION SKILL
    Taking a vote. First ten posts decides it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:09 No.18445197
         File: 1332637767.jpg-(19 KB, 320x320, 1332204777217.jpg)
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    >can...can it be??
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:12 No.18445249
    We should take the tea set and sneak a serviceable combat piece in it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:13 No.18445254

    >Silver Tea Set

    >Implying a butler would be without a proper tea set.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:13 No.18445261
    No fucking way....
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:14 No.18445275

    "Sounds like a jolly fine job. Very well, then."
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:16 No.18445290
    >British WW2 infantryman
    >not having tea-set as Standard fucking Issue

    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:16 No.18445296

    Also, now that I am done Joygasming.

    The Collapsible teaset. If we're going to do a job, we're gonna do it well. Even if we do plan to kill the blighter, we can serve him some of the best tea he has ever had, beforehand
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:16 No.18445297
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:17 No.18445313
    If this is real, we will see the three signs

    Record keeping
    Accurate info and cultural reference
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:18 No.18445319
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:18 No.18445324

    If he is I am so fucking mad. No amount of Pac-Man demons will Satiate me.

    Also another vote for the Teaset.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:20 No.18445343
         File: 1332638437.jpg-(72 KB, 294x333, 1326912089532.jpg)
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    I know you said not to reply to it but I think it would do you good to copy and paste that message you wrote in Mahou Shonen Quest.

    Now thats done...

    >> Sanguinius !oDZ3/a4B/. 03/24/12(Sat)21:23 No.18445367

    I second this. Also, good to see you back in the saddle, Goushoujin-Sama.
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)21:23 No.18445372
         File: 1332638617.jpg-(314 KB, 900x698, KISREPC2_ts4m-1_mono_tra_x.jpg)
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    > That's five votes for the teaset and no one seems to want anything else

    You decide to take your sterling silver tea set with you. No Brit would ever let himself get caught without a kettle and a cup to brew himself a nice hot cuppa, but this tea set is special. It's been passed down in your family for generations: each time it's been damaged or destroyed, the silver has been melted down and used to remake it.

    Rumor has it that the original silver once served tea to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. . . and yes, this is before tea was brought to England. That's how powerful this tea set is. It bends time and space.

    You carefully pack your tea set up in its hard-sided black case and carry it out with you
    Ranged Combat = 3 (Revolver)
    Melee Combat = 3 (Fisticuffs)
    Tea Set = 5 (Butler Uniform + Tea Set)
    Seduction = 3 (Charm)

    > Loading, please wait. . .
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:27 No.18445400
         File: 1332638848.jpg-(61 KB, 294x294, 1329355597826.jpg)
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    >Tea set that bends time and space
    >> Maidlover !KiXFR7D/7. 03/24/12(Sat)21:29 No.18445422


    Reginald got his own spin-off quest! That is too awesome!

    >Waiting for the loading to be done...
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)21:31 No.18445452
         File: 1332639105.jpg-(192 KB, 480x600, 1276838208741.jpg)
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    > Before I continue, let me just say a few things. First of all, Reginald Quest will not be nearly as long or as complex as Maid Quest, and it probably will not run nearly as often or for as long. Real Life has intruded on me quite a bit as of late.

    > However, while browsing suptg looking for that thread about how life is better under the Overlord, I found that someone had archived the thread in which I ended Maid Quest. I read it. And I was surprised that despite my bitterness and anger, the message I got from that thread was gratitude and real thankfulness.

    > I took your advice and I went back and read some of the new quest threads. And I have to admit, I was wrong. You guys have done good. Some of you have done better than I have, even.

    > So this is my apology. I was wrong to be a dick. You fa/tg/uys have done me proud.

    > So consider this my official apology. I can't fix the way Maid Quest ended, and I honestly don't want to go back to running it as intensely as I did. Like I said, real life intrudes more often these days, and let's be honest: I can't get away with writing the kinds of fapfic I used to back in the day. Which is all right by me.

    > In any case, I hope you guys enjoy Reginald Quest.

    > Oh, and one more thing: a personal apology to Maidlover. What I said to you was wrong. Keep up the good work, and keep fighting the good fight. The keys to the mansion are in your hands now, friend.

    > We now return you to your originally scheduled Quest Thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:32 No.18445455
    Protip; what he's loading is rum.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:36 No.18445495
    >First of all, Reginald Quest will not be nearly as long or as complex as Maid Quest, and it probably will not run nearly as often or for as long. Real Life has intruded on me quite a bit as of late.

    Sexcellent on my account. We really went where no quest had gone before last time.

    Remember folks, brits are the kings of understatement.
    >> Someone else. !!Qb2aRW+wCPO 03/24/12(Sat)21:42 No.18445545
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    Just don't bother bringing a whistle with you. They don't work.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:42 No.18445550
    REGINALD QUEST.EXE has encountered an unexpected error~
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)21:42 No.18445555
         File: 1332639760.jpg-(50 KB, 800x608, 1276754983106.jpg)
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    > I've cut back a bit on the drinking. However, I'd be lying if I didn't say I have a nice little hot rum toddy sitting by my side. . . for medicinal purposes.

    As you leave the tent, you find yourself standing in front of a group of men wearing olive drab uniforms. "Let me introduce you around," UNCLE says.

    - THOMAS MCGOON: Explosives Expert. He can turn a bottle of hootch and a tin can into an incendiary bomb with a little rigger's tape and some wire.
    - NATASCHA SHAGALOTOVA: On loan from the Russians. A dead-eye sniper chick with over fifty notches in the butt of her Mosin-Nagant
    - MICK STEELE: The Hammer of Harlem. A conscientious objector and a pacifist. . . for about fifteen minutes. Joined up with UNCLE because he wanted to shoot Nazis as well as patch up Allies
    - SERGEANT ROCK SAMSON. UNCLE's second in command and drinking buddy.
    - GREG TACKLEBURY: Rifleman. This man's chin is the eighth wonder of the world
    - MARTIN RAYBURN: BAR man. He carries the big gun.
    - UNCLE himself.

    "Keep in mind, we're here to support you, not do your job for you," UNCLE says. "We called you in as an expert because we needed your expertise. So let us know how you want to do this."

    You go over the information in your head. In one week, Doctor Mangler will be having a formal ball in his doom castle and secret laboratory, where he will be unveiling his new super soldier. It would be best if you can end his evil plans before that happens. Thinking about it, your best options are probably either to parachute in, or drive across the desert. Parachuting in is fastest, and will get you closer to the castle sooner, but will run the risk of attack from German fighters and anti-aircraft fire. Driving in will take longer, but will attract less attention.
    Please roll 1d100. The highest roll out of the first five decides.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:42 No.18445556
    Master, we meant every word of it. It's so good to see you again. Take it easy, and have fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:45 No.18445578
    rolled 31 = 31

    Gods. My f5 key is moving on its own
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:45 No.18445579
    rolled 63 = 63


    >Implying fighters will cause problems.


    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:48 No.18445606
    rolled 87 = 87

    We're a butler. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane to serve tea is but the least we can do.
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)21:49 No.18445619
         File: 1332640148.jpg-(37 KB, 454x397, 1277355547612.jpg)
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    > IN WWII
    This will be a static line jump, friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:50 No.18445629
    rolled 40 = 40

    A bit meta, but we know Reg can handle aircraft well enough.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:52 No.18445655
         File: 1332640377.jpg-(113 KB, 600x786, Big Boss.jpg)
    113 KB
    >HALO jumping

    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:53 No.18445657
         File: 1332640384.jpg-(43 KB, 353x606, OONSTOONSTOONST.jpg)
    43 KB

    >finish Maidlover's quest thread for the night
    >see this thread
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)21:56 No.18445692
    rolled 64 = 64

    > Bonus XP gained: New total is 1

    In the interests of keeping things moving, I'll do the fifth roll
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:56 No.18445696
    The Worlds first HALO jump.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:58 No.18445709
         File: 1332640681.png-(258 KB, 358x473, 1330791853957.png)
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    Is the awarding of XP for trolling still valid?
    >> Maidlover !KiXFR7D/7. 03/24/12(Sat)21:58 No.18445714
    rolled 4 = 4

    > Oh, and one more thing: a personal apology to Maidlover. What I said to you was wrong. Keep up the good work, and keep fighting the good fight. The keys to the mansion are in your hands now, friend.
    That is ok. And thank for your words Goushoujin-Sama, I feel very honored.

    Let do parachuting because Reginald is a man of action and a gentleman butler from England.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)21:59 No.18445726
    >rum, trivia and Akira macro
    I always knew you were the hero /tg/ deserved. Any fav quests in the pile?
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)22:00 No.18445732
    rolled 21 = 21

    "Walking is a chump's game, friend," you say. "If we have an aircraft, we should use it."

    "All right," UNCLE says. "Let's load up."

    The eight of you prep your gear for a parachute jump: three day supply of K-rations, chocolate bars, charms candy, powdered coffee, sugar, matches, compass, bayonet, entrenching tool, ammunition, gas mask, musette bag with ammo, weapon, canteen, two cartons of smokes, Hawkins mine, two grenades, smoke grenade, Gammon grenade, T-N-T, this bullshit (some rope), and a pair of nasty skivvies. Also your chute and reserve chute. No Mae West this time.

    The plane takes off into the night with the loud buzz of its propellers chopping the air. It's going to be about an hour or two before you reach the target drop zone. Until then, you're stuck in a plane with a bunch of Americans (and one Russian) you don't know.

    WAT DO?

    [] Chat with one of the soldiers
    [] Chat with the pilots
    [] Serve tea and crumpets
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:00 No.18445741


    How can we choose anything else??!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:01 No.18445750
    >serve tea and crumpets
    But not to the negro.
    You don't associate with HIS kind.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:02 No.18445768
    >[] Chat with one of the soldiers
    Either Mick or UNCLE. Getting to know the most reserved or interesting ones always pays up.
    >> Maidlover !KiXFR7D/7. 03/24/12(Sat)22:05 No.18445801
    [X] Chat with one of the soldiers
    [] Chat with the pilots
    [] Serve tea and crumpets

    It is very tempting to serve tea and crumpets. But it is best we chat with one of soldiers first like UNCLE.

    By the way, I need to sleep now. Have fun guys!
    >> Landing Gear !DowN/N3yMY 03/24/12(Sat)22:06 No.18445819
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    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)22:07 No.18445840
    rolled 31 = 31

    > MSQ is hilarious. The new Maid Quest started off kinda lame, but when the luchador masks came out and Maidlover ran with it, I brofisted my screen. Seriously, I feel for you, man, /tg/ did that shit to me ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

    A butler is always prepared to serve. You take your silver tea-set out of its case, put a kettle on to boil using your collapsible stove, and take out your combat crumpets from its bulletproof case, as well as some jam and butter.

    You feel a moment of atavistic racism towards the negro, but suppress it with good taste and savoir-faire. Your uncle was at Fort Gullistan when the 21 Sikhs held off the Afghani rebels at Saragarhi, and he's taught you never to look down on a man due to his skin color: the darkest of skins can hide the most noble of hearts.

    "What the hell is this shit?" Mick asks, as he stares at the crumpet and cup of tea you put in his hand.

    "It's a parachute drop, British style!" UNCLE laughs. "Don't you know? All Brits go into battle with a nice cup of tea and a crumpet."

    [] Be snooty and arrogant like an upper-class twit.
    [] Be cocky like a cockney chimney sweep
    [] Be friendly like a country farmer
    Roll 1d100. Highest roll of the first five decides.

    > Nighters, Maidlover.
    >> Landing Gear !DowN/N3yMY 03/24/12(Sat)22:09 No.18445862
    >[x] be friendly and courteous with a hint of snootyness and cockyness
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:10 No.18445865
    rolled 38 = 38

    >[] Be cocky like a cockney chimney sweep

    This must be european swag, I guess.
    >> Landing Gear !DowN/N3yMY 03/24/12(Sat)22:10 No.18445867
    rolled 9 = 9


    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:12 No.18445891
    rolled 22 = 22

    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:12 No.18445896
    rolled 71 = 71


    [x] Friendly like a BUTLER
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:13 No.18445911
    rolled 41 = 41

    >[X] Be snooty and arrogant like an upper-class twit.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:18 No.18445954
         File: 1332641885.jpg-(58 KB, 1024x768, alphonse_mucha031024.jpg)
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    And now does the dice roller gives us the nice stuff. Must be something about d100s.

    Played Embric of Wulfhammer by any chance, G-sama?
    >I'm posting art nouveau and I don't know why
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)22:18 No.18445964
         File: 1332641934.gif-(98 KB, 293x400, warrenghcrecy.gif)
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    rolled 86 = 86

    "A little snack to keep up your strength, sir," you say, smiling. "After all, we will be killing Jerries soon enough."

    Mick frowns at the biscuit and holds it up. "How do you eat this? Just plain? Or with jam?"

    "It can be eaten as such, but most true Englishmen will eat it with some melted butter."

    Mick eschews the jam, spreads some of the butter on it, and takes a bite. He chews. "Hell, this is pretty good," he says. "Kinda like a chewy biscuit."

    You remind yourself that the Americans use the odd term "cookie" to refer to what you could call a "biscuit."

    "Not sure about the tea, though. I'd prefer a cup of hot coffee," Mick goes on.

    "Coffee is for working. Tea is for fighting, It's how we've done it since the days of the Empire."

    "Well, when we're done with this mission, I'll brew you up a cup of my personal red-eye," Mick says, raising his cup. "That's coffee to murder Krauts to."

    You have gained a point of FACTION with MICK STEELE.

    Wat do now? Same procedure as before, highest roll out of the first five decides it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:23 No.18446020
    rolled 39 = 39

    Check our gear, get UNCLE to small talk, see how he gathered this band of warriors
    >> Landing Gear !DowN/N3yMY 03/24/12(Sat)22:25 No.18446053
    rolled 100 = 100

    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:26 No.18446060
         File: 1332642404.jpg-(38 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA_OH_WOW.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)22:28 No.18446074
         File: 1332642499.jpg-(41 KB, 364x512, 1330759041920.jpg)
    41 KB
    > dat roll

    You talk to Natasha Shoggoth. The entire world is made of meat and everyone's voice sounds like a monster is. . .

    . . .

    . . . hang on a minute, something's gone wrong here. BRB
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:28 No.18446077
    Wow LGD is amazing he gets crits and doesnt afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:32 No.18446126
    >something's gone right here
    there is nothing wrong with shoggoth loving
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)22:32 No.18446127
         File: 1332642770.jpg-(174 KB, 400x582, Lyudmila-Pavlichenko-02(1).jpg)
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    > Back. Sorry, had to kill an eldritch abomination posing as a loli

    You are a butler, but you are also a man, and the Russian girl is the only female in the entire plane, so you may as well see if you can talk to her.

    "Hello, ma'am," you say, as you walk up to her and proffer your tray. "Would you care for tea and a crumpet?"

    Natascha scoffs at you. "Why you are acting like servile slave of capitalist pigs?"

    Apparently not the most pleasant of individuals.

    [] Be polite.
    [] Get into a debate about Communism.
    [] Punch her in the jaw.
    [] Stick it in her.
    Same as before.
    >> Landing Gear !DowN/N3yMY 03/24/12(Sat)22:34 No.18446152
    rolled 66 = 66

    >[] Be polite.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:34 No.18446155
    rolled 17 = 17


    [x] BE POLITE

    Which means politely insult her
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:35 No.18446162
    rolled 31 = 31

    >[] Get into a debate about Communism.

    "A proper gentleman must serve for his countrymen, foreign or not"
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:36 No.18446173
    >slaaneshi dubs
    >getting all the bitches
    We shall have her before the night is over
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:38 No.18446189
    rolled 80 = 80

    Be polite.

    No wait. Stick in her politely
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:40 No.18446216
    rolled 33 = 33

    Be polite, we are not a slave of anyone, we choose to make our career aiding, advising and running the household of one we choose and consider worthy.
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)22:46 No.18446288
         File: 1332643590.jpg-(64 KB, 400x265, pavlichenko.jpg)
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    "I see that we have gotten off on the wrong foot. Perhaps when we get back you will allow me to sweep you off your feet and into my bed?"

    A cheesy line like that should get you slapped. Instead, Natascha gives you a challenging look. "I will only bed the man who will give me strong children for the Motherland! And only a man who can defeat me in single unarmed combat can do that!"
    Many years later, you'll think back to this moment when a young upstart of a Master has the temerity to ask you for your daughter's hand in marriage.

    You look around the cabin and consider your options. You could continue chatting with your squadmates, (who have all been served by now and are enjoying their light meal), or you could bring some tea and crumpets up to the pilots on the flight deck as a gesture of solidarity.

    WAT DO?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:48 No.18446307
    rolled 98 = 98


    [x]Bring to pilots

    They're busy piloting so prep the crumpets, butter it for them so they don't need to be overly disturbed.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:51 No.18446333
    rolled 34 = 34

    UNCLE talk. I'm sure we can leave the meals for the pilots, since they can't properly tea time while keeping horizon and route through enemy territory.
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)22:54 No.18446354
    > Yeah, that's high enough I'm going to go with this.
    A good customer always tips his driver. Fortunately you came prepared. You pour some of the tea into two thermos flasks* and pre-butter some crumpets, wrapping them in napkins so that the pilots don't get butter all over their hands, and carry it up to the flight deck.

    "Oh hey, there!" the pilot shouts, over the sound of the engines, as you walk in. "What's up?"

    "I brought you gentlemen some refreshments!" you shout back.

    "Why, that's mighty neighborly of you!" the pilot says, in a long, Texan drawl. "Mighty nice of you."

    He's reaching back to for the thermos of tea, and that's when a burst of machine gun fire stitches through the left side of the cockpit and blows his copilot's head off, splattering the inside of the cockpit with gore.

    "HOLY TOLEDO!" the pilot shouts. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

    A moment later, you hear the menacing buzz of a Messerschmidt as it flies by your plane. You're under attack!
    > * Before someone throws a fit: yes, there were thermos flasks in World War II.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:54 No.18446359
    Give some to the pilots.

    "Good day, chaps. Just wanted to say thanks for the ride you're going to give us. It's going to be dangerous, and this is the least I can do to thank you."

    Hey, treating the people who are going to fly into hell to drop us off well is never a bad idea. Leaves a good impression of ourselves and the unit.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:55 No.18446370
    Throw the now corpsey co-pilot out of the chair and take the wheel.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:55 No.18446378
    rolled 77 = 77

    Man the guns
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:56 No.18446387
    rolled 22 = 22

    GET ROLLING DOWN THE RUNWAY! We're a sitting duck on the ground! Let the flak at the airfield take care of that 109!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:57 No.18446397
    rolled 68 = 68

    "I believe we'll be more properly unsafe outside the plane... after I land it"
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)22:58 No.18446428

    ...Aren't we in the air ages ago?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:02 No.18446464
    rolled 77 = 77

    ...oh. I thought the pilots were still doing pre-flight check offs.

    In that case, push the copilot out and take his place. A Goonie Bird isn't exactly the most easy to handle plane in the middle of combat. Take some of the strain off our generous pilot.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:03 No.18446473
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)23:05 No.18446512
    You suddenly realize that this is an unarmed cargo plane without guns. Damn.

    "We can't drop our boys with this damned Jerry strafing us: he'll just strafe them out of the sky. We need to land this plane now!"

    You grab the corpse of the co-pilot and throw him out of the chair, strapping yourself into the blood-stained seat. You worry about what this is doing to your uniform, but a Butler doesn't let such things come between him and serving his master.

    The pilot nods back. "All right, boys, we're in for some chop!" He reaches under his chair and pulls out a cowboy hat from nowhere and puts it on.

    "ALL RIGHT, FRITZ, LET'S SEE HOW WELL YOU FLY NOW!" the pilot shouts.
    At this point, I'd like to ask /tg/ to make a BADASS skill roll. Here's how this works: Roll 1d3. The first four rolls will be treated as if they were the four dice in a FUDGE roll. 1 = Minus. 2 = Blank. 3 = Plus.

    Here is your current skill set:
    Ranged Combat = 3 (Revolver)
    Melee Combat = 3 (Fisticuffs)
    Service = 4 (Butler Uniform + Tea Set)
    Seduction = 3 (Charm)
    Badass = 3 (Reginald)
    Your "BADASS" skill is what 3:16 would call your "Noncombat" skill. It covers everything you do that isn't shooting, fighting, butling, or macking on chicks.

    Your current BADASS is 3. You get a +1 bonus because TEX the PILOT is still alive, for a total of 4. You will need a 5 (FUDGE roll adding up to a total of 1 Plus) in order to safely evade the ME-109.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:07 No.18446522
    rolled 5 = 5


    Butler Pilot GO
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:08 No.18446528
    rolled 2 = 2


    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:08 No.18446530
    rolled 2 = 2

    Here goes something.
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)23:08 No.18446538
         File: 1332644911.jpg-(36 KB, 300x300, agireda.jpg)
    36 KB
    > roll a 5 on 1d3
    Are you a Wizard?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:08 No.18446543
    rolled 3 = 3


    Well played. You rolled that d3 like a pro.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:12 No.18446590
    >Barely made it
    Even the dice roller is badass
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:12 No.18446591
    rolled 54 = 54


    >>18446538 here

    My apologies. Was editing the 1d100 to 1d3 and accidentally left the "1" in, turning it into 1d13.

    Shamfur dispray.
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)23:13 No.18446608
    rolled 3 = 3

    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:14 No.18446613
    rolled 3 = 3

    >Needs 4 rolls

    One incoming
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)23:21 No.18446700
         File: 1332645703.jpg-(113 KB, 620x757, 00001-620x757.jpg)
    113 KB
    > The dice have spoken.

    The next few minutes are some of the most terrifying of your life. Watching the skies, waiting for moment to moment to see if and when that damn Jerry will appear again, slipping rudder when you think you see his blacked-out plane making another run on you, desperately trying to hide from his guns.

    You regret now, more than ever, that it's a clear night. No moon out, but the stars are bright enough to show your outline.

    Finally, however, you manage to shake him off in a cloud bank, and Tex breathes a sigh of relief. "That was close," he mutters. "But we've got a bigger problem now."

    He points to a fuel gauge. "That bastard blew a hole in one of our fuel tanks. We don't have the fuel to make it back to base. Hell, I don't have enough to make it to the drop zone."

    "We'll follow our original plan, then. We ditch the plane in the desert and make our way to the target site on foot."

    "You're the boss," Tex says.

    A little while later, the plane comes to a halt in the sand.

    "Well," UNCLE says, as you open up the cargo door and climb out. "That's the shortest parachute jump I've ever done."
    At this point, you have a few choices. You can proceed to the site with the rest of the squad, or you can choose to go ahead on your own while they go a different way and prepare to assault. Taking the squad with you means you've got more backup if shit goes down, but it will also be harder to evade enemy patrols. Going it alone means that you're on your own, but you have a better chance of evading.

    Or you could take a few people with you. Or you could come up with a new idea.

    This one has a ten minute time limit. I'll go off of what seems to be the consensus after that time.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:23 No.18446727
    rolled 28 = 28


    [x]Proceed alone.

    We are infiltrating, after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:24 No.18446737
    Pair off and head to a rendezvous near the target. We'll take Tex because he isn't trained for this type of shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:24 No.18446747

    A proper butler knows when he must do things only a butler can do. We go alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:27 No.18446764
    Take McGoon and the plane fuel left for nice tricks. Leave the rest with Uncle to take positions.

    We find a high place and parachute-glide towards our destiny, leave them somewhere away to confuse pursuers.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:34 No.18446854
    rolled 39 = 39

    Bring Natascha! She can be a maid!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:34 No.18446860
    Proceed alone. We are infiltrating the castle, and the team is supposed to be our backup.

    Oh, and apologize to Tex for the loss of his plane and copilot. If he makes it through the mission, drinks are on us at the O-Club.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:35 No.18446873
    Or a performer. All russian girls ballet, right?
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)23:35 No.18446877
    Seems like it's 50-50 between go it alone and take one person with us. I'm going back to d100 rolls. High roll of the first five decides it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:36 No.18446891
    rolled 34 = 34


    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:37 No.18446897
    rolled 67 = 67

    Take the pilot
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:38 No.18446905
    rolled 9 = 9


    (HAN) SOLO
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:38 No.18446912
    rolled 67 = 67


    1.McGoon to have a sapper drunkard to make distractions with.

    2.Natascha because everyone appreciates a russian belle.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:38 No.18446914
    rolled 21 = 21

    Alone. The last thing we need is a Russian sniper PO'd at us for sticking her in a maid outfit.

    Just think, every time we go to pour ourselves some tea, a shot rings out of nowhere and shatters the cup. Our lives would not be worth living anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:38 No.18446915
    rolled 1 = 1


    Bring Natascha!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:38 No.18446920
    rolled 79 = 79


    Go it alone
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)23:40 No.18446945
    Two winning posts, three choices.

    Goddamn it, I'm going to decide it this way. First one to post replying to this thread with an answer to this question gets to choose between taking Natascha, taking Tex, or taking MCGoon.

    The question is /tg/ oriented: what is the name of the Warlock Kallus, Wrath of Everblight's feat from the Privateer Press wargame "HORDES"?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:42 No.18446958
    I'm taking HERESY for 40K
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:42 No.18446967
    And McGoon
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:45 No.18447000
    Dat Host of Angels

    And the pilot.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:48 No.18447056
    rolled 96 = 96

    Host of Angels, Natascha
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)23:54 No.18447147
         File: 1332647684.jpg-(509 KB, 1078x1107, 6dbe0c0a1156212bd305d2d1c445e4(...).jpg)
    509 KB
    "All right," you say to UNCLE. "I'm going to go on ahead and start my mission. And I'll take the pilot with me."

    "The pilot?"

    "He's not going to do you much good out in the middle of the desert without his plane. I'll look after the chap."

    "Don't yew worry about me," Tex drawls. "I may be a flyboy, but I grew up around firearms. Ah can handle a six-shooter jes fine."

    "Very good."

    "All right, then," UNCLE says. He hands you a pair of onyx cufflinks. "I was told to give you these. These are your radio transmitters for when you're ready for us to start the attack. Twist the outer ring one turn and press down on the cufflink, and it will send out a signal letting us know the game is on."

    "Very well, sir," you say.

    And with that, you and your new companion TEX head out across the desert together. . . and to your next adventure.
    And on that note, I'm going to end the thread for tonight. Here is Reginald's status at the end of REGINALD QUEST 01:

    Ranged Combat = 3 (Revolver)
    Melee Combat = 3 (Fisticuffs)
    Service = 3+1=4 (Butler Uniform + Tea Set)
    Seduction = 3 (Charm)
    Badass = 3 (Reginald)
    3 XP

    COMPANION: TEX MCAFFREY: Pilot. Can also handle a six shooter and look good in a cowboy hat.

    * - MICK STEELE:
    - UNCLE himself.
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/24/12(Sat)23:55 No.18447155
         File: 1332647736.jpg-(13 KB, 480x360, 2.jpg)
    13 KB
    You have 3 XP, which will allow you to up any of your stats. High roll out of the first five 1d100s wins it.

    I'm not sure when the next Reginald Quest will be: it could be tomorrow, or it could be some time next week. In any case, I'll use the old "MAIDQUESTTG" twitter to announce the quest about an hour or so before it happens. As I said before, this quest will probably be slower and shorter than Maid Quest, but I hope you'll get some fun out of it.

    Next time: Reginald and Tex infiltrate the fortress of DOCTOR MANGLER. Pic semi-related.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:57 No.18447182
    rolled 82 = 82

    >Taking the Texan into the high class German fortress

    This is going to get very Inglorious Basterds very quickly.

    Let's take a level in Badass
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:58 No.18447192
    I think we will, my good man. I know for a fact planefag is going to be *pissed* that he missed this.

    Good to have you back in the saddle, GS.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)23:59 No.18447199
    rolled 25 = 25

    I'm with you

    Hell, I would be for giving Tex a level in Badass if possible.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)00:05 No.18447272
    What the hell.

    Rollan for taking a level in badass ourselves, and for having some of it rub off on Tex. Any man who wants to infiltrate the fortress of a crazy Nazi scientist on foot with nothing but his six-shooter is badass enough in my book.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)00:06 No.18447280
    rolled 93 = 93

    It'd help if I actually rolled.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)00:07 No.18447287
    rolled 9 = 9

    Badass seems to be the way to go for now.
    >> Goushoujin-Sama !!TxVJZsCK+SJ 03/25/12(Sun)00:08 No.18447298
    Since consensus is BADASS, I'm raising that stat for now.

    Good night everyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)00:09 No.18447312
    rolled 49 = 49


    Night, goushoujin-sama!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)00:12 No.18447347
    Our Goushoujin is an awesome Goushoujin.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)00:13 No.18447351
    Has this been archived yet?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)00:16 No.18447384
    Nope. I nominate you to do it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)00:23 No.18447449
    Blast. I need to stop sticking my head out concerning such things.

    Here it is, then:
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)00:27 No.18447484
    Vote, faggots, mine vote is the only one there.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)01:01 No.18447920
    It upset me that Goshujin-sama felt so upset about the Maid Quest ending, but seeing his apology was greatly heartwarming. Hopefully this one will be just as fun and ridiculous, but I will miss our previous harem of maids.

    Especially Jehanne and Katherine... And Alicia. Hell, all of them.

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