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  • File : 1315285485.png-(409 KB, 600x800, IRONHEARTSCOVERGRAVEWEB.png)
    409 KB IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/06/11(Tue)01:04 No.16200441  
    October 31st 656th year of Terra.

    Planes roared overhead as battlefield after battlefield was covered in a misty deluge of blessed water. The barrels gave a hollow thump followed by a hiss of rain that created rainbows on everything we fought, bled and died on. I was one of the people selected to fly with these crew who knew every cursed inch that the voss had stamped on. Myself, and literally only a few surviving officers managed such a task with the familiarity and thoroughness one would have if they wanted to clean up every mess they'd made.

    We felt responsible.

    Norwood. fireworks and a trail of farming planes trailed with us to help with the consecration efforts.

    Solstice. The biggest cheer went up as we went past.

    Every charred mile, every bloody road that people had died on was quicly being washed over by movement, by people, by celebration. At one point it almost felt like they were stepping on graves.

    Black Blood.


    The reason this cursed war had started and poisoned our brothers.


    Where did they come from ? How bad did this get ?

    Albane. Kess had told me that he was just a first of many that came down to fight. What was once a lonely airport was teeming with flocks and formations of aircraft, supply trucks, armor formations and -

    Kolstec. The sun had set and when we left the morning before The ugliness that was the battlefield from yesterday washed away like a bad dream. Parade shouts, shimmering armor lines, and new ranks who likely had no idea what they were going to get into filled the once bloodstained streets.

    I hate rainbows.
    >> Ironhearts War Room: Voss CounterOffensive Debrief IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/06/11(Tue)01:14 No.16200542
    Missed a title so I'm putting it here
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/06/11(Tue)01:16 No.16200557
    Report to Command:

    After an extensive battle, the Hellghasts managed to come out of the defense of Kolstec victorious in the end. However, they have suffered many casualties, particularly during the first half of the defense at Five Fingers.

    During this battle, it was observed from the communications channel that many of Hellghast's troops on the Northern side of the ravine suffered some form of psychological trauma by being within the immediate vicinity of the Voss General Asmodeus of the 13th Legion, who identified himself as one of the Three Heads of Terror of the Voss. If this is true, then with Gustav and Asmodeus dead, the Hellghasts have managed to deliver a massive blow to the Voss war machine.

    I would also like to mention Father Zwei's influence in this battle. It appears that I was correct in my judgement, that his faith accords him some form of power against that of the Voss, which is demonstrated in how his blessings allowed a round from The Cyclops to penetrate the enemy General's barrier. I believe this warrants further investigation.

    In the end, I recommend that all the soldiers of the Hellghast unit undergo psychological evaluations and treatment for any mental trauma sustained from recent missions.

    Tactical Officer Allison Kni

    Knighly looked up from her desk and her report to command to see a red haired soldier standing before her with a bulging envelope.


    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/06/11(Tue)01:18 No.16200586
    War Room Thread.

    > Counter Attack
    > Voss Plots
    > Hellghast's next op

    > Alts and Allies

    Gonna step off for a bit will come back with plottttttttttttttttt bricks.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/06/11(Tue)01:28 No.16200703

    "Junior Adjutant Ricasso Tortuba, Ma'am. I was ordered to deliver this to you in the event that Soapworth didn't return. Normally I would've given this to the Major or the Captain, but considering the Major's state, and that the Captain has his hands full..."

    The young man handed the bulging folder tied with red lace to Knightly, before saluting and leaving the tent. Knightly stared at the folder, and, turning it over, opened the folder and dumped it's grease-stained and coffee-smudged contents onto her desk.

    Shifting through the scraps of paper and photos, Knighly came upon what looked like several sets of blueprints, and what looked like a letter written by an unsteady hand.

    "Hmm... looks like this was written by Soapworth..."

    Knightly read through the letter. Then, in disbelief, read it again. And again. This time cross-referencing the various documents that had come tumbling out of the folder. After several frantic minutes of pouring over the pile of letters, notes, pictures and plans, Knightly realized what Soapworth had stumbled upon, and the discoveries he made.

    She quickly pulled the letter she had been writing from her type writer and crumpled it up. It looked like there would be no time for rest for the Hellghasts.

    >Plot advancement, wooooo
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/06/11(Tue)01:30 No.16200723
    Vahn stands by the riverside, staring out over the killing field as the consecration flights pass overhead. He remembers the small stream where he used to sit and think as a child, waiting for his work at his mother's grocery store to begin, the tree he would climb in the center of town to spot the place his latest delivery was headed. His hunting trips with his father, to replenish the stocks of meat at the shop. He had returned from one such trip to find a Voss raiding party not three months before. He remembered his father shouting at the other members of the militia, telling Vahn he was a man now, and it was his job to help defend everyone. It was easy. The Voss were slower than deer, less alert, less valuable to him. They weren't even people, just another target to be shot. The day had ended with Vahn sitting in his favorite tree, an army of corpses littering the square two blocks over.

    Yes. This was just like that. He kneels to wash his face in the river, as he had done so many times in his youth. When he looked up at the sky again, he saw the pilots of the planes, read the patches on their jackets. He leveled his rifle with the pilot's head.

    >Purchasing Hawk aspect, and +1 action. 5exp remain.
    >> [ARCH][Hn]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/06/11(Tue)02:18 No.16201274
    Some business first.
    Buying another health upgrade, along with both a Heavy Automatic range upgrade and rating upgrade.
    I believe this leaves me with 25 points, which I might use later once I think up what to use them on.
    >> [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage !!b5IxBuu9REZ 09/06/11(Tue)02:22 No.16201313
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    Rest in peace, Soaps. I'm sure you're scamming angels in heaven now...

    >23xp, buying +1HP and +1Move, donating 3 to the pool
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/06/11(Tue)02:25 No.16201341
    Garrison Capital had just sent out the order, Hellghast. In a few weeks we will be commencing operations to ...

    Invade Voss.

    Overseas Ragnyllians should be making their way within a few week, 402 townships, 27 cities, and all 19 Academies have, as of now activated their reserves and are committing them to make this offensive effort happen. Clovis has also declared war on Voss, and we will soon see how Aeon and Iffram will react.


    Kolstec has reported a peak flow of Ibonyte, and the Alchemistries in Solstice reported an unprecedented enrichment rate. This is...

    /Good. News./

    The Voss are down to 1 General of Terror, it is said that in the past few months now, their Emperor has been indisposed. The Voss are beginning to lose face, and the empire they once held is going to get more bloody and violent before it crumbles and gets better again.

    In short, now that we threaten them; their size will be all the more terrifying to handle even with a two, three, or even 4 front war. And now it is our turn to make a push , and throw them off balance,

    and Hard.

    The enemy we fight is mixed up with something. Something not human, not alive, and definitely not natural. I don't know the full extent of what that Demon had said to you, but know this to be truest;

    " We are fighting this war for their own good "
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/06/11(Tue)02:49 No.16201560
    Kess couldnt sleep. And so he ran himself ragged through the stretch of death that they fought only a day-and-a-century ago. Bullets grazed his body that night like everyone else in his squad. Some lived, others died their faces would never leave his mind and every hard rock bounce he made with each footfall made his wounds burn until they started to feel cool again.

    Only once did he stop, and it was in the lukewarm aftermath at Five finger, where armored husks and bizarre shapes mangled the rock with stochastic beauty that made Kess question what he was looking for here from the very beginning. To his left was a glimmering statue of an elementalist encased in time, forever holding a fist.

    Rainbows formed above him as he sat down on the cliff. Next to him was a stone mural. or rather what was a piece of one.

    "Iceval" was written on the slab in etched vertical script.

    Drops of consecration water dotted his face, but there was not a plane in sight.

    >+1 Bst Range +1Hp
    >Hound Aspect purchased.
    >> [IRNSNL][P]Cpt. Gunther !3QUDPTn2Js 09/06/11(Tue)03:15 No.16201738
    Gunther hummed a little tune as he worked on upgrading Isara mk5 in preparation for the next mission. Plus, it wasn't as if materials were in short supply. In the wake of the Voss retreat, they left a lot of equipment behind, and didn't have time to salvage the wrecked and ruined vehicles that littered the approach to Kolstec and 5 Finger Valley. Ragnyllian work crews had been busy salvaging the hulks and smelting them down. Some of the new parts and armor plating he was attaching to Isara had probably once been her previous mk4 incarnation.

    Either way, with more material to work with, he set about adding additional armor plate to the vehicle, as well as some sophisticated damage control systems he had cooked up. Newly shipped Clovis sabot rounds would give Isara's guns more punch, and the engineers had cooked up a new repair kit. Instead of having to weld on patches of temporary armor plate over hull breaches, repair crews could now apply a specialized Ibonyte gel that would instantly bond with whatever material it was applied to.

    >Using 20 of my 33 xp to purchase +1 armor for Isara, and the ability for pilots to repair up to 2 armor per action instead of 1.
    >> Baker Malone !9phgYvH10U 09/06/11(Tue)03:19 No.16201766

    And that was a Brand new Day, from the Gracemeria Children's Choir played to the folks in Ragnyll. Happy Liberation Day, courtesy of your neighbors from Clovis.

    We start this morning with a refreshing morning announcement. As of 0500 Midland, the Voss warmachine was stopped in its tracks just 10 steps away from Kolstec, Norwood, and the Shadow Steppes And who would man one of those lines but the Ragnyll 9th Company Hellghast Unit themselves.

    One of the 6 Liberators under the Armies of Ragnyll, Hellghast was founded after the fall of their Academy at Cross. Though those students have carried on to become heroes in this plane or the next, the Spirit of the unit continues on as the tip of the spear for one of the bloodiest wars in the Valknyre regions.

    The infamous unit liberated over 4 corrupted territories in all corners of Ragnyll, their missions have employed Midians, Students, Veterans, and even Superhumans alike which in no small part lent to their fearsome track record against the ruthless Voss.

    It was also reported that a Daemon was sighted at the Defense of Kolstec, one of the three general of Terror, Asmodeus. Going down this route - it would be safe to assume that Voss now only has one left with replacements that are far off with shortcomings. It will be no surprise if at this point, people will be taking up arms to tackle one of the fastest growing empires since Aeon.

    On that note, tune in later tonight for a Clovis general address. We will now continue with our Liberation Day special,

    >> [IRNSNL][P]Cpt. Gunther !3QUDPTn2Js 09/06/11(Tue)03:21 No.16201788
    What Gunther also cooked up to improve Isara's durability was a new system that would account for walkers' rather unique weaknesses. Mulitpeds required lots of joints and moving parts that weren't easy to armor, or else such vehicles would be unable to move. However, Gunther had managed to devise a system where a walker could enter a sort of "Lockdown Mode". Every joint and potential weak spot would be covered over with interlocking armor plates that would slide in place at the push of a button. While this meant the walker would be unable to move efficiently, it drastically lowered the chances of incoming enemy fire striking a vulnerable spot in the vehicle's armor.

    >Spending last 10 xp on aspect upgrade Lockdown Mode. All incoming damage is reduced by 1 as long as the vehicle did not move that phase.
    >> Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/06/11(Tue)03:33 No.16201864
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    "--so soon as we deployed, that 'astard sees fit to follow m'fancy words and actually tears'part tha whole damn'd bridge! Hahahaha!"

    "Y'shoulda heard the Capt on comms, his girls must'v been chewin on med'stones fer hours"


    "We did it though, Al'eey, no more Vossko's are gonna be killing down no more turnips.. Not one more of them.. I know.. I let them get you... but..."



    "---.... --......"

    "--They're gonna pay.. we- I'll show em, and I 'on't let no more of my sprouts end up the way you did."

    "I'll come back, I promise.."
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/06/11(Tue)04:33 No.16202186
    >All told, 47 exp. Buying Rabbit Aspect, AP gatling ammo, and +1 armor, 7 EXP remain. Awaiting authorization.
    >In the mean time, story mode.

    With a few weeks until the invasion, there was time to take care of some personal business. Springer told Sellers and Sanders to take it easy until she got back, and put in for a few days of leave time. Finding Isane at one of her usual hang outs, the little garden she always had set up no matter where the unit went, Springer stepped up and asked if she could get two bouquets of flowers ready, one in blue, and the other in red.

    "They're... for Winters and Summers. Their families, I mean. I was their wingmate, I just feel like I should be the one to break it to their next of kin. Just sending a letter... it doesn't feel right."
    >> [ARCH][Hn]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/06/11(Tue)04:44 No.16202261
    Isane's usual sadistic side isn't at all noticeable as she tends to her garden. Glancing at Springer's metallic leg as she looks up at the pilot, she nods her head knowingly.

    "No need to say more, I understand completely."

    Turning back to her work, she sets about gathering and preparing the requested flowers, and soon after hands the two bouquets over.
    >> [P2-Ss1SsSs]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/06/11(Tue)04:56 No.16202326

    Springer takes the bouquets gratefully. "Thanks, I really appreciate it."

    Carefully packaging and storing the two bouquets, Springer requisitions a Rig Cycle from the motor pool and heads down the road towards Solstice, which most pilots, herself, Winters and Summers included, called home.

    She still didn't know how she'd handle talking to the families of two young men who'd died before their time, but few things could prepare one for such an encounter.

    >To be continued in the afternoon, after a bit of sleep.
    >> [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage !!b5IxBuu9REZ 09/06/11(Tue)05:08 No.16202395

    >fluff tiem
    Through the whole battle of Kolstec, Armitage had been stuck on the wrong side of the bridge. As she was about to cross, it had collapsed into the river as if by magic. She had spent seemingly endless minutes racing around the walls to find another way over, or at the very least find a high place to get to and fire from. All the time gunfire, explosions and the sickening splat crunch and scream of their victims echoed through the night with ferocity like no battle before. The next she saw the far battlefield, two monolith tanks stood dismembered and bloody, corpses and gouts of flame littered the field. The Voss were actually retreating. Then it happened. The river ran red, she saw her dead friends in it. The sight rendered her helplessly immobile; she stood transfixed to the spot as the demon had risen from the ground, done nothing as all of Hellghast laid into it with their weapons. The sight haunted her for days, festering behind the laughter and tears of the aftermath and the celebrations. But what haunted her even more was the simple fear she felt in her heart, like nothing else. Being safe, but completely helpless. It was worse than any wound or threat of death. So she ran. Laps upon laps, endlessly running circles around the base. Running, climbing, leaping, moving in any way she conceivably could. As days went by that fear turned into resolve. She was too slow to reach her friends on the other side. Never again.
    >+1 Move!

    >> [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage !!b5IxBuu9REZ 09/06/11(Tue)05:11 No.16202407
    As she calmed down she found herself watching Isane and her gardening more. All she had ever known before the war was shallow acquaintanceship with people in her class, and later at her work. She got along just fine with everybody she met, but never really connected. Something about this humble gardener made her wonder though, made her want to get closer. This must be what it feels like to have a real friend. It stirs something in her heart, the mere fact makes her happy in a formless way she can't describe. She found that caring about someone, and to have them care back gave her untold confidence, a will to live like nothing else. It also convinced her that her life was worth enough trouble to put on a helmet.
    >+1 HP!
    >> Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/06/11(Tue)05:15 No.16202441
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    "Miss Peppers"
    The sargeant steps into the Chief Engineer's Newly fasioned Kolstec Workshop.
    "We've got work to do. We're going into Vosskon, and we're going to need every damn'd ounce of clusterfuck we'cn shove down them Ghoulbangers' throats."

    I aim to devise the next evolution of 'em sluggers you gone ahead and made me a fan of. S'gonna be a custom Hellghast job, but I know you aim t'impress. Reforging the receiver'n'barrels outta'the same Ferro-Ibon compo as my custom plates, tooled for 'em larger 8hexagauge demo-slugs collecting dust in the armories. While'r at it, me'n some've my shitlisters'r gonna be carving new stocks.

    When we're done, they'ain gonna be 'just sluggers', ese little spuds'll be the warcry of Valknyr 'erself.


    >purchasing +1 Damage as my 6/6 upgrade. 8xp leftover.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)08:51 No.16203622
    what happened to Magus? I missed the end of the last thread
    >> [Hr1]Pvt. Hewitt !!kb8C2eH4QEa 09/06/11(Tue)09:34 No.16203899
    Hewitt stood silently on a field nearby to the Kolstec base, with his launcher and a case of practice rockets. He had set up few sandbags as training targets on the other side of the field.
    "Dishonorable retreat", were the first words Hewitt could think of while loading up a rocket into the launcher's barrel. He held the launcher firmly on his shoulder, like he had been trained. Quick turn of safety to off-selection, and lining of the target into the sights. Slow pull of the trigger. Rocket launched.
    "No kills." He loaded a new rocket, lined another target into the sights, and fired again.
    "Pvt. Herbert Jarvis, designated loader - killed in action." The cycle had to be done faster, but it would be too hard for Hewitt to do it any faster without a loader.

    Silhouette of a man approached from the edge of the field. "Pvt. Hewitt?", he called out. "I was told that I could find you here. I'm your new loader. My name is-" "I don't want to know your name", Hewitt interrupted. "-wait, what?" "I said that I do not want to know your name." The man was visibly confounded by Hewitt's uncouth behaviour.

    "Alright, but-" "Just help me practice with this damned launcher and get over with it. It's war out here, not some boyscout camp." The men tensely glared at each other for a few seconds, before getting back to training.

    >Purchasing +1 to actions, 7xp left over.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/06/11(Tue)10:33 No.16204233

    I believe Magus was killed after attempting to cast a spell on the enemy General.

    My apologies if you were an acquaintance of his, citizen.
    >> Random Citizen 09/06/11(Tue)10:38 No.16204263
    .... he owed me some money. well at least he died in battle, not in front of a firing squad...
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/06/11(Tue)11:38 No.16204588
    >mornin bump
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/06/11(Tue)12:21 No.16204822
    Major Mana:

    It has recently come to my attention that one of your men, the late Investigator Soapworth, had come upon plans for a Voss super-weapon. While normally chain-of-command would require that this information would normally make it's way to you directly, the death of Soapworth in the recent battle along with your recent injuries meant the information found it's way to my desk instead.

    From what Soapworth discovered, these weapons, which would essentially allow the Voss to hit any location around the world, had been shipped a day ahead of your unit during the liberation of Albane. Soapworth's records indicated that we were unable to locate these weapons following the liberation of the airfield, meaning it is highly probably that they were delivered to Vosskon hands.

    Major, I suggest that the Hellghast unit be sent to recover or eliminate these weapons during the upcoming offensive. I have already sent a report to Iron Command detailing Soapworth's findings, along with all relevant reference materials. Due to the nature of his findings, it is best that this information reach as few ears as possible - thus I believe it prudent to have the Hellghasts, as opposed to any other Ragnyll company, secure this weapon.

    A similar proposal has already been included in my report to Iron Command. However, as the Commanding Officer of this unit, you have the authority override my suggestions to Iron Command. In any event, a copy of Soapworth's letter has been attached, and is to be handled by Soapworth's own trusted courier.

    It's your call Major.

    Tactical Adviser Allison Knightly
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/06/11(Tue)12:30 No.16204877
    "I knew of that information beforehand, it was shared with Clovis and it's the main reason they declared war on Voss. They are currently mounting an operation to make sure the threat is neutralised. With this out of the way, we have to make preparation four our major push against Voss."
    >> Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/06/11(Tue)13:00 No.16205063
    S'good t'see that we're finally gear'n up to invade Vossko.

    All's I can input in the matter is we gotta be dumb'r than nails to continue on the whole open field slugfests we been committing to.

    Hellghast shines in precision work. Hellghast ain' no sword or axe t'smash 'gainst the Vossko's bigass shield. Hellghast's the dagger that digs deep into the enemies' kinks.

    With Clovis and mass drafts goin'up, we ought to commit to what'll really hurt the Vossko's AND them Glowy-type horn'heads. Leave the front to the regulars'n lets go striking high-profile targets. Let's cut them in'the gut, let's sever their tendons, let's tear out their eyes'n ears.

    >Seriously, why would an elite company known for A-Team level hijinks waste their talents on front-line mudshuffling? ZZZZZzzZZzzzz...
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/06/11(Tue)13:10 No.16205137
    "And during the battle, did you happen to have any sort of...visions?"

    "Visions, sir?"

    "Mental disturbances, Private Paisley. Something trying to force itself into your head?"

    Paisley shuffled in his chair, his left hand thumbing through the rosary beads as he tried to find a more comfortable position. Kolstec may have been won, but the fact remained that several of the soldier had seen...things...while that winged general--Asmodeus, was that his name?--fought the Major. Advisor Knightley had scheduled psych evaluations for most of the men on-base, and with Paisley being a first-time deployed soldier, he had some special priority when it came to mental health.

    "Hmmm," Paisley mumbled, "you could say that."

    "Okay," the psychological counselor sighed, scribbling down a few notes. "Could you describe anything you saw?"

    "Nothing much, sir. As I've told you--and given in my post-battle reports--Private Kess was much closer to the general than I was, so the effects on me were weaker, but still substantial enough to shock me into a temporary state of combat ineffectiveness." Paisley looked away, unsure of how to phrase what he was to say next, before continuing. "What I saw while I stared at the general...they were memories."


    "Of my fiancee, sir. She was killed when the Voss made their initial attacks across Ragnyll lines. Artillery strike on the field hospital where she worked."
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/06/11(Tue)13:11 No.16205143

    "I see." The counselor scribbled down a few more notes on his sketchpad before noticing the glint of the silver symbol on Paisley's rosary. "That symbol there--could you mind telling me what it means?"

    Paisley perked up before looking at the rosary beads in his hand. It was a unicursal hexagram, an inverted, stylized rose set into the center. The entire symbol was surrounded by a circle. "It's the symbol of the Goddess, sir."

    "Mo'alla the Undying?"

    "The same, sir."

    "Does your faith have a significant meaning to you, private?"

    Paisley smirked, looking the psychological counselor in the eyes. "Faith moves mountains, sir."
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/06/11(Tue)13:19 No.16205204
    Ummm hi?
    >> [E1] Pvt. Clyde !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/06/11(Tue)13:30 No.16205280
    Blink: "Hey, can I get someone to keep an eye on Clyde? I think he's trying to test out those crazy rocket packs he's been developing in his free time. I'm just a bit concerned, considering he's only done non-combat design once, and the rest is explosives work."

    >If XP in the pool is up for grabs, I'd like to grab 2 points from Armitage's generosity so I can purchase an aspect
    >Also requesting more detailed information on the Bee aspect - any special rules to flight?
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/06/11(Tue)13:35 No.16205324
    Seeing as I have nothing else to do.

    Requesting 4 upgrade (leaving me at 6kp)

    Aspect upgrade:
    Fake Death: A mongoose that take damage can fake being killed, sending them prone and overwatching the enemy. Extra limb are "killed" during this action
    Vrank upgrade:
    Monotank interface kit: Working on the same principle as the radio replacing Mana vocal cords this kit allow her to use hijacked "Brain vehicle"
    Strength upgrade: With the high quality ibonyte comes high quality material, those can take the added stress of adding power to the actuator placed in Mana's body when she was outfited with a metal skin.
    Vanguard upgrade:
    Dual-wield: Finaly having mastered her extra pair of arms, Mana can dual-wield Vanguard Weapons. Those weapon must be of the same type though.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/06/11(Tue)13:44 No.16205418

    The "psychological review", as the counselor had put it, ended soon after that, Paisley filing out of the small tent as another soldier stepped through the small flap.

    He liked to think it was painless for her. He liked to think that they hadn't yet sent in the ghouls, that she was keeping busy, the brunette hair always kept in a tight bun slipping out slowly as she clamped down an artery here, sutured a wound there, lips kept tight in a thin line as eyes and hands hurriedly scanned over each new patient, each new wound. He liked to think that she didn't even hear the shell coming in, that she stayed there, patching up some poor bastard whose name she never even got to know, when it ripped through the tent.

    His left hand goes to the rosary again, thumbing through the beads as his thoughts start going over a prayer to calm his mind. Paisley sighs, walking out toward the barracks to go fetch the new armor designs he sketched out. After seeing his squadmate--Goddess alive, he hadn't even gotten her *name*--ripped apart in a hail of bullets, he decided that the standard-issue light armor just wasn't gonna be up to snuff if things really went south next deployment. This new armor was just as light as the standard issue stuff, while giving some more protection to the user. "Every little bit counts," he mumbles, popping a cigarette out of the pack in his right pocket and slipping it into his mouth.

    >purchasing +1HP, 7exp left
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/06/11(Tue)13:48 No.16205456
         File1315331298.jpg-(206 KB, 1444x1866, Aspects.jpg)
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    Hello Vrak. I see you managed to survive your first(?) engagement.

    You may wish to apply upgrades to your current class, or purchase an aspect (for 20 EXP), which can be seen to the left.

    EXP is gained by kills. If you would like, you may count your kills/assists from the previous thread, which may be viewed at the suptg archives under Iron Hearts.

    If you have more questions, please visit our IRC, hosted on the mibbit server Rizon, channel #Ironhearts.

    >Or use this url

    In regards to aspects, please refer to the following sheet, though I will apologize; I do not know the rules for the BEE aspect. I advise you to wait for IC to return to further expound upon the aspect you've chosen.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)14:37 No.16205824
    Ummm is everybody right? how did the last battle go?
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/06/11(Tue)14:39 No.16205840
    Forget name.
    Since i didn't play the last game i see i'm alive but i didn't do anything at all right?
    >> [E1] Pvt. Clyde !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/06/11(Tue)14:42 No.16205864

    "Ooh, you shoulda seen it! There were big tanks bleeding blood. And the river turned red and had bones and stuff in it - then the major got into a duel with the devil and killed it! And everyone keeps saying they saw stuff in their heads but I honestly wasn't paying attention that much."
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/06/11(Tue)14:45 No.16205885

    Clyde, did you go see the psych counselor? Advisor Knightley made it mandatory for the new recruits to be "evaluated."
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/06/11(Tue)14:46 No.16205898
    Vrak:We are new we need to go?
    Reigh: Burn, all must burn. WHY DID I HAVE TO GO?! WHY DID I LOST IT?! WHYYYYYY!!!
    Ferdyn: Excuse him, he is crazzy. so we use him as meat shield.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/06/11(Tue)14:50 No.16205922

    I don't know about you, but there was some crazy shit going on last battle. I'm guessin' that they're trying to see if any of us have gotten a bit loonier after seein' that big daemon thing.
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/06/11(Tue)14:54 No.16205948
    Vrak: I'm right Sir Paisley... i like the name Paisley do you want to take a drink? Also Reigh is in his natural state, crazy as fuck.
    Reigh: I'm not crazy i'm mental difering.
    Vrak: Shut up, i'm talking to Mr Paisley.
    Reigh: *mumbling*
    Ferdyn: Ummm where we can take something to eat?
    >> [E1] Pvt. Clyde !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/06/11(Tue)14:58 No.16205967

    Clyde: "Oh, that's ok. I already see him every week anyways! Orders from my last command. It seems silly to me, to be completely honest."
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)15:01 No.16205992
    Vrak: Where is he? i just want see if he can make Reigh... ummmm "normal".
    Reigh: I'm normal you you you emmmm retarded coward!
    >> [E1] Pvt. Clyde !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/06/11(Tue)15:07 No.16206036

    Clyde pulls out a compass, interprets the shadows cast by the sun, and considers things for a moment. Then, he points to a nondescript tent directly to her left.

    "He's right in there, man!"

    >Also WTF captcha, upside down words?
    >> Vosskon Blossom !!GLDOetT97DE 09/06/11(Tue)15:11 No.16206065
    >all around the base, the radios begin to play a bubbly tune, and the mysterious woman's voice comes back over the air

    Hello again, you Ragnyll hellhounds. How's tricks? This your favorite lovely lady, the one and only Vosskon Blossom reporting live from Voss Radio, here to bring you another hour of music and demoralizing news.

    So the higher ups have heard what happened to our glorious general Asmodeus. Tell me this, boys--why do you resist? You're only delaying hte inevitable. Why live like a slave under the oppression of Ragnyll when you can live like a king serving under the Voss Empire! We care about you fighting boys--we have hot food, beautiful women, and soft beds. Don't listen to the lies of your superiors--come! Come to our side, boys. Come to the winning side.

    Now that the spiel's out of the way, time for a few songs aimed at crushing that relentless spirit of yours. This first one goes straight out to the CO of the Hellghast Armoured Unit for her brave duel with Asmodeus--it's Billy "Panther" Coxcomb with his hit "The Arm's Comin' Down (and I Can't Stop it Now)."

    >a morose piano tune begins, the keys crashing down harshly against each other. The music plays through some of the radios in the base...
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/06/11(Tue)15:12 No.16206068
    Vrak: Ferdyn, take him there.
    Ferdyn: He is trying to bite me again.
    Vrak: You can hit him.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/11(Tue)15:23 No.16206126
    The Radio at the entrance to the base stops playing the piano tune, as a worn, beaten rocket launcher is slammed down on it, crushing the radio.

    "Never was a fan of pianos," the man walking into base quipped to the guard on duty.

    "Name, sir?"

    "Marks. Sergeant Marks returning from extended inspection."

    "Sir! It's been a while, sir."

    "Well, those eggheads back at home wanted to find out why the Voss can't seem to kill me. Turns out it's sheer stubbornness. So, where's Hellghast? Willhelm still owes me money, and Rip-"

    "Um, sir...about that..."

    >come hell or high water I will be in our next fight, damn it. I've missed too much.
    >> [TRTL][Hr1]SgtMarks !!etjUP7/V3a6 09/06/11(Tue)15:34 No.16206204
    Captcha ate my trip, damn thing.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/06/11(Tue)16:01 No.16206447
    You got promoted to lieutenant position when Rip, died in combat Marks.
    >> Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/06/11(Tue)17:30 No.16207260
    Good t'see you back in the world of the living Marks. We missed your rocket antics.
    >> [IRNSNL][P]Cpt. Gunther !3QUDPTn2Js 09/06/11(Tue)18:09 No.16207575
    Where the hell have you been all this time? We were about to write you off as MIA!
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/06/11(Tue)19:17 No.16208086
    Reigh: ooooo there is stuff from the people MIA?! i want free stuff! i like free stuf! free stuff is good cuz' it's free. and free means no paying. i don't like paying.
    Vrak: Someone have a meat shield who don't FUCKING talk? i need one. or an aspirin.
    >> [E1] Pvt. Clyde !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/06/11(Tue)19:31 No.16208168

    Clyde: "Well, you can't have Atramente or Blink, but 'Plot Armor' is always available for transfer! We might not need him next mission either."
    Roz: "I have a name, you know... And I'm a woman."
    Clyde: "Shoot. You had to go and ruin it. You still don't get to come along next time."
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/06/11(Tue)19:51 No.16208304
    >So, are we getting army upgrades this time around, Command? I really wanna see what Infantry 3 nets us if the Major decides to take it.
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/06/11(Tue)19:53 No.16208327
    Vrak: O miss Roz, you can always come with me, I'm pretty sure that you will like us. so what do you think lady, are up to come with us?
    Vrak: Fredyn...
    Fredyn: Yes sir?
    Vrak: Break his neck. and do it VERY painfully. make him cry. a lot. please.
    Fredyn: I can just make him sleep you know?
    (and yeah, Reigh is "lolsoramDUMB" that is the "joke" of the character. you can hit him)
    >> [P] Jenkins !C5w9flSi1w 09/06/11(Tue)22:06 No.16209678
    For bookkeeping, how many points is an assist on one of the giant brain tanks worth?
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/06/11(Tue)22:29 No.16209863


    let me wade through some of this useless shit.
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/06/11(Tue)23:44 No.16210609
    Springer had arrived at Solstice quickly, having only made the most necessary pit stops along the way. She visited Summers' home and family first, and it'd seemed to her as if he'd had a tenuous relationship with his family at best. They didn't seem at all grief stricken about his death, claiming that dying for one's country is never a bad way to go. Though she didn't ask about the details, Springer was sharp enough to realize that Summers was one of those soldiers who'd enlisted as a means to get away from his home life, and try to get a fresh start with a military career.

    She left in a hurry. Maybe they were right in saying that dying for Ragnyll wasn't such a bad way to go, but their attitude about it didn't sicken her any less.
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/06/11(Tue)23:45 No.16210613
    Springer dismounts the Rig Cycle, removing her helmet and looking over the auto shop. It was a small, family owned buisiness, one of those places where the home was built right into the shop, so there was no commute. The mechanics were all part of the family here, and the sign is unmistakable:
    "Winters and Sons Auto Repairs."
    She unpacks the bouquet and starts making her way towards one of the open garage doors, where she can make out the forms of two mechanics working on a car. When she steps in, one of them speaks up, not looking away from the break pads he's installing.
    "Sorry, we're closing pretty soon. You'll have to come back-"
    He glances at Springer before stopping, recognizing her uniform as a Ragnyllian pilot suit. It's only then that Springer gets a good look at the man's face; he really just looks like an older, taller version of the Winters she knew. She pauses momentarily, almost taken aback, before speaking.
    "Is... are your parents here?"
    The man is silent for a moment before nodding.
    "Dad! Someone here to see you."
    "Tell 'em to wait, I got a job to-"
    "I think it's important, dad."
    Springer hears the sound of a ratchet stopping momentarily, then being removed and placed on the floor. A few seconds later, an older man, in his late fourties, weathered by years of hard work, approaches wordlessly. He looks at Springer as she tries to form words, but she can't seem to say exactly what needed to be said. She stops, seeing the grave look of understanding in the father's eyes. Her gaze drops, and she says the only words that could possibly feel appropriate in this situation.
    "... I'm sorry."
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/06/11(Tue)23:46 No.16210621
    The draft had applied most to those whose absence from Ragnyllian society would have the least impact upon it's economy. Unemployed and uneducated people were first on the list. Joel C. Winters hadn't gone to highschool, instead opting to work the family business from the age of 14. Informal mechanic training under his father didn't officially count as an education, and despite working anywhere between 60 and 80 hours a week, he wasn't officially employed. He was, as such, among the first on the chopping block for the draft.

    Springer sat at the Winters family's table, having handed the flowers over to the mother. Nothing had been said, but everything understood. Springer tried to think of comforting words as the mother wept, the father trying to stay strong for her. Springer could see in his eyes that it wasn't working, and knew that nothing she said could alleviate the pain of loss they were going through. Springer's eyes wandered to a picture frame on the wall, featuring the entire Winters family standing in front of the auto shop. The Mother, the Father, and four siblings, all brothers with similar features. Joel Winters looks a bit younger in this picture than he had been when he died.
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/06/11(Tue)23:47 No.16210630
    Finally, after what seemed like hours, the father speaks up. "They say... a father should never have to bury his own child. But it would have been nice to have a body to bury. Maybe it's for the best... I know what those Voss bastards do with our dead, and I'd rather Joel not share that fate."
    Springer remains silent, feeling awkward as she sits there. Eventually one of the brothers, the oldest one, steps up and whispers in her ear. "Maybe it'd be best to go now. We don't want to keep you from any other business you have."
    Springer nods, rising from her seat a little too fast. "Yeah, I... I just..."
    "I know. Thanks for telling us yourself."
    Springer nods, turning towards the door. Before she leaves, she stops, deciding she should at least say one thing before going.
    "I was there when... when your son was shot down. We were making a withdrawal, and he turned back... to stall the enemy attack. So everyone else could make it. He died a hero."
    The mother remained silent, but the father nodded. "Thank you. At least we know his death wasn't in vain."
    Springer looks away, then quickly closes the door behind her as she leaves. The mother finally speaks, once she's out of earshot.
    "I don't want a hero..."
    She embraces her husband tighter, her voice filled with bitter grief.
    "I want my son..."
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/06/11(Tue)23:49 No.16210642
    Springer felt terrible, and she wanted to get back to the work of preparing for the invasion in order to get her mind off things, but there was one last place she needed to visit before leaving Solstice. She knocks on the door to the small urban apartment, waiting for a reply.
    "Yes, who- Sylvie!"
    Springer smilies at the familiar face. "Hey, sis."

    Springer sits against the cold granite, remembering what her sister had said. "I was gonna get these to them myself... but I'm sure mom and dad would rather see you before you go off to do... whatever it is you do nowadays."
    She ruffles her fingers through the grass, leaning her head back. "Hey mom, hey dad. It's been a while. I'm doing pretty well. Got a job. Paycheck's decent, but the work's tough. Just stopping by, I don't think I'll be able to come back to see you again for a while."
    She stares at the horizon, her thoughts flowing out of her. "I haven't told anyone else this, but... We're gonna be pretty much heading up the invasion of Voss. I would say 'see you soon' but... well, no offense, but I don't wanna see you both just quite yet. But just in case..."
    Springer stands, leaving the bouquet laying against the headstone.
    "... Hold the door for me."
    She stands there for a few moments, looking over the grave, before heading back down to the Rig Cycle to start on the journey back to base.
    Hopefully Sanders hadn't gotten into too much trouble.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/06/11(Tue)23:57 No.16210729
    > Inb4 vacation mission.
    Springer you killed us all.
    >> Alphonse 09/07/11(Wed)00:02 No.16210757
    The way this thread seems to be heading now, death will be a mercy.
    >> Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/07/11(Wed)00:06 No.16210796
         File1315368403.jpg-(312 KB, 874x841, 1312742698871.jpg)
    312 KB
    We're doomed.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)00:08 No.16210812
    Command, what is the status of those Aeon Knights who were stranded behind enemy lines during the defense of Kolstec?

    If they are still alive, I would like to suggest to the Major a rescue and recovery operation.

    In the event that the Aeon Knights are no longer an issue, I would like to recommend a joint operation, or perhaps a training exercise, with some of the Clovis forces? No doubt it would prove useful in cementing relations between our combat forces. Perhaps a mock battle will instill a good old fashioned unit rivalry between the Ragnyll and Clovis forces that would be beneficial to unit morale in light of the recent horrors the Hellghasts have seen?
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/07/11(Wed)00:22 No.16210903
    Springer finally arrived back at base to find that Sanders had been reprimanded for crafting drug paraphernalia from spare vehicle parts. She rubs her head, sighing in frustration.
    "If only that girl put as much effort into being productive as she did getting high all the time, she'd have won the war for us."
    When she arrived back at the garage, she found that Sellers and Sanders had actually kept themselves busy over the short time she'd been gone. Sanders looks over and waves.
    "Hey boss lady, we put some extra armor on the Striders. Thought we might need it with the upcoming invasion. And we spent some time practicing our aim, you're a lot better than us so we figured we'd need to get on the level. Oh, and I made this!"
    Sanders produces a pipe made from an old piston. Springer looks at it with frustration.
    "Didn't you get reprimanded for doing stuff like that?"
    "Well... what command doesn't know doesn't hurt them."
    "Right... Just... keep it out of sight this time."
    "Can do, dude. I can't shoot straight without a little somethin' somethin', know what I'm saying?"
    "No, I really don't."

    >Rabbit aspect, +1 armor, +1 pilot hit rating.
    >Current modified statline:
    >3.5 armor.
    >Armored cockpits.
    >8 rating gatling guns.
    >3 Striders.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/07/11(Wed)00:45 No.16210921

    Enlighten me--what happened the last time there was a vacation mission?
    >> Alphonse's ghost 09/07/11(Wed)00:45 No.16210925
    Oh sure, voss till on our doorstep and they have an ICBM, but noooo, Let's play capture the flag or some game with a bunch of mercs that are only friendly so they can get our resources.

    That suggestion was so terrible that were I still living, I believe it would give me cancer.

    As for the Aeon knights, let them fend for themselves. Aeon's gratitude extends only as far as our willingness to serve them. Fuck 'em.

    >Oh, how terrible things must be that the dead man must be the voice of reason. : \
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/07/11(Wed)00:51 No.16210963
    >I hope we get to play as Clovis for the ICBM mission. Raiding a launch facility just sounds too awesome to pass up.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/07/11(Wed)00:56 No.16210990

    The idea of a rescue op would be advantageous for us. We could use Aeon's help in fighting those ghoulie bastards, not to mention the potential for Aeon wargear and units we would be able to field should we forge an alliance with them.

    I say we go for it. However, I don't think that a training mission with Clovis forces would be the right way to form a bond between ours and their forces. A joint-op would probably be better, with Clovis and Ragnyll elements working together.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)00:59 No.16211017

    Father Zwei has looked into the Aeon detachment, it seems he has held details in confidence with the promise that something wil turn up soon. " A miracle," he says.

    In regards to the Clovis we have been contacted about the same thing. They have an influx of troops coming in to war fresh, and they are requesting to have us employ Ragnyll's educational spirit to teach them a thing or two about the Voss.

    Peregrin has also contacted us about their joint operation with unit Zero to track down the Voss ICBMs and, if possible conceptualize a way to intercept them mid-flight.

    We have also recieved word from Iffram dignitaries, about our timely save on Solstice, among other things.

    And finally, and this one is a bomb drop, the Black Deserters had just made contact with us again, with details of the Voss occult. It seems the last General of Terror has called on a heavy movement of occult assets, with an inkling of a rumor swirling around the possibility that the current Emperor of Voss has /died/. Know that if Aeon catches wind of the Black Deserter's existence, we could very well and truly be at war with them too.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/07/11(Wed)01:38 No.16211260

    The last skirmish quest Monday did with an RP-friendly beach vacation turned into the single most bloodiest hard mode survival game that spanned for a week with all the characters of the unit unarmed, unarmored, and caught off guard by an elite kill-team of similar if not stronger unit composition with nothing to fend for themselves except their base stats ,the enemy's weapons, and the 300 other something people in that beach resort that got gunned down indiscriminately.

    For the record,

    I did not vote for that mission.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/07/11(Wed)01:39 No.16211263

    Or maybe I did knowing that it WAS gonna be the single most bloodiest battle.... I forgot.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/07/11(Wed)01:45 No.16211310
    Btw, Command is there a description of the other Ragnyllian hero units that fight under this lovely
    Battalion ?
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)02:42 No.16211746
    Since you are one of the few candidates to be promoted as the division leader, I should probably tell you.

    > Unit Zero:
    Scouting troops that specialize in stealth and espionage, but their mainstay as an investigative and deep surveilance units makes them more valuable as information collectors first, and emergency contacts, second.
    >Rolling Thunders
    Major Vanders' unit. This armored company has maintained and held itself together through withering enemy lines and ran lightning strike operations that outmaneuvered every voss armor column to date. They have been known to take down the Shoggoth, the first Mono Tank model, and joined with the clovis on the first take back operation on Kolstec. They are slated to act as one of the opening attackers for the upcoming assault on Voss.

    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)02:42 No.16211753
    > The Class of 56
    The graduating Elementalists of Solstice have banded together to create a quick response Logistic force dedicated to battlefield control, anti occult- warfare, and research expeditions. Their Domestic contributions to Ragnyll's repair and growth is enough to win them a Peace Medal.

    > Bad Company
    This 13 man team has been known to fight Voss in wars of attrition and win. To date, they have participated in the retaking of Belmar, Keseen, and Dandroydous which were originally voss occupied cities on the border. So entrenched were these positions that Bad Company resorted to every trick in the book combined with survival instinct to take down every enemy officer behind enemy lines.

    > The 3rd Ragnyll Air Wing
    "Flying Scissors"

    Has made themselves known as natural aviators in this new age of flight, though they do not qualify for the list for candidacy, they have excelled in the use aerial leylines to patrol, intercept, and raid supply lines where they are stretched thin.

    >The Ragnyllian Legion

    Is a company famous for its heavy use of infantry. Numbering in the thousands, and capable of fighting against the 10s of thousands using nothing but superior millitary discipline, and an unbeatable fighting credo of facing the enemy head on.

    The only reason it has not been absorbed to Ragnyllian regular armies is due in no small part to the fact that it is being led by Thaneus Kade, the former Iron Command who resigned due to taking a non-aggression stance during the Valknyre split. It is noted, however, that his regimental style of fighting accounted for one of the highest mortality than all Companies in this battalion combined.

    In the operations to come, The Guardians of Ragnyll will decide who will head the Voss invasion, keep posted Hellghast.
    >> [S]Finch !53bY5ndrTA 09/07/11(Wed)03:23 No.16212061
         File1315380222.jpg-(88 KB, 846x984, fgsdfsd.jpg)
    88 KB
    (would like to purchase fox aspect please)

    >17 XP Kolstec Defense Mission
    >3 XP from pool

    (not entirely sure how much the mono tanks are worth so taking some XP from the pool for the moment until it's confirmed)
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)03:31 No.16212116

    You are confirmed for that Monotank Killshot.

    Gain 7 exp.

    Writing Fox lore....
    >> Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/07/11(Wed)03:31 No.16212117
    Finchy buddy.
    you count +1kp per small unit killed.
    +2 per vehicle.
    +3 for helping with the big boss.
    +3 for assisting with the Blimp.
    I assume mono's are worth +3 as well.

    And add to that your 17 for mission completion. (I think it was 17, right?)
    >> Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/07/11(Wed)03:32 No.16212123
    oh hell they're 7? NOICE.
    Disregard my assumption Finch!
    >> [E1] Pvt. Clyde !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/07/11(Wed)03:37 No.16212150
    Well, in that case, I'd like to purchase the Bee aspect.

    >17 XP Kolstec Defense
    >1 XP Structures built
    >2 XP from Pool

    Leaves me at 0.
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/07/11(Wed)03:37 No.16212154
    Finch, I label you my eternal rival. May the best man win.

    Also, You me and Vip need some kind of Triangle attack for having all three Aspects on the field.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)03:47 No.16212215
    +1 Move
    >Doubled Electronics Proficiency
    >Smell Detection
    >Uniform Steal

    Foxes are government sanctioned troublemakers, where sanctioned means that they are placed as far away into enemy lines as possible.
    It is typical for a fox to feel safe in the presence of the enemy territory where trust is an expendable ally to them, and collateral damage affects them in little if not positive ways.
    Their only confidante is a voice on the other side of the line, which makes them rather sensitive to the world of telecommunications.
    When their ear catches enemy channels, getting familiarized with their radio etiquette and scrambling protocols become second nature, allowing them to recover after breaking radio silence.

    > [Roll against normal rating to sabotage comm lines without breaking Comm traffic]

    > [use an action on a downed enemy to steal their uniform]

    > [ Wind and proximity allows you to detect enemy presences beyond fog of war ]

    > [Spotting an enemy allows you to control them with a false command ]

    > [Spotting an enemy also allows you to imitate their "Voice" ]
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)03:54 No.16212265
    In the homefront, Foxes are surveiled with a security detail, and is kept in touch with a councilor- which adds to their ever growing paranoia that the enemy is next door. Which often leads them to live in relative solitude; where ,despite their alienation, allows them to keep up with local knowledge of the surrounding area through keen hearing and constant vigilance.
    >> [ARCH][Hn]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/07/11(Wed)03:57 No.16212282
    If you have free time Command, I'd love to have a detailed report like this about the Archerfish aspect.
    >> [IRNSNL][P]Cpt. Gunther !3QUDPTn2Js 09/07/11(Wed)04:11 No.16212387
    I've yet to see anything for Iron Snails...
    >> [TRTL][Hr1]Lt.Marks !!etjUP7/V3a6 09/07/11(Wed)04:16 No.16212403
    HQ decides "Hey, that Marks fella seems to have a knack for not dying, mayhap we can use that, and bundles me off to find what makes me so damn impossible to kill."
    "Turns out that Death just thinks I'm the ugliest son of a bitch on the continent, and refuses to truck with me!"

    >Mix of exhaustion from starting my new job, RL commitments, and assorted sundries.

    That's...honestly a damn shame, Major. I'll wear the bar, but I'll miss that crazy bastard.

    Now, Command, you never gave me an answer about my Aspect upgrade suggestions, but they came just before the "betrayal" of Oderkonn and Helena, so you may have missed them.

    Are either of these acceptable?
    >Snapping Turtle: For every wound you sustain, you gain +1 accuracy
    >Kurma: While prone, your health levels are armor, but you are incapable of crawling.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)05:01 No.16212631

    looks nice and balanced to me

    probably need to spend most of your upgrades on health though to maximize their use, specially the snapping turtle
    >> [TRTL][Hr1]Lt.Marks !!etjUP7/V3a6 09/07/11(Wed)05:08 No.16212666

    Hr team starts at 2.5
    I have +1 from upgrades.
    I'f I'm under Mana's command, I get another +1.

    And as a Turtle, when Prone I double my health.

    At the Airfields I realized that while prone I had 9 health.

    Marks may not be the best leader this army has, but if you let him dig in, he's the most durable unit in the Ragnyllian military.

    Assuming Command agrees with your assessment.

    Personally, I'm tempted to spend my kp on an ammo upgrade. All that health, and I run out of rocket ammo in 3 shots, rendering me useless without a flag or engineer team.

    Or I use that Heavy Rain Himiko built...
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)05:21 No.16212725

    oh, forgot about the turtle ability

    well guess you're pretty much set assuming IC approves it

    also I believe Mana gives a +2 health bonus to everybody now

    i would go for the ammo upgrade, with the heavy rain you could pretty much stay out of reach for an entire mission rendering health based benefits moot barring extreme circumstances
    >> [ARCH][Hn]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/07/11(Wed)05:23 No.16212733
         File1315387415.png-(1.8 MB, 800x2400, 1312750343107.png)
    1.8 MB
    Heh, I got the Heavy Rain covered, though you are welcome to try it out as well. I'm probably gonna switch back and forth between it and the machinegun, since my latest Heavy Automatic upgrades affect both of them. I forget the name of weapons that apply to both the rocket launcher and heavy rain, so you'll have to ask command to clarify if you wanna improve those two with just one upgrade.

    We also had an upgrade cap instated. Normal people can have six regular upgrades, and three aspect upgrades. I don't believe there is a limit on command upgrades, but I think you can only have one on at a time.

    Also, I believe Heavy teams have a base of two health.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/07/11(Wed)06:54 No.16213200
    The only vacation we'll get is a field trip to The Souf. As for the next mission, I'm not really in a hurry to go anywhere. Those blade did a number on my limbs.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)07:46 No.16213336
    Not in a hurry? Thats okay. Lets just put the war on hold for major mana everyone!
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)09:58 No.16213936

    Potential Vosskon saboteur detected on the airwaves.

    Your location has been triangulated.

    Ragynll Police have been dispatched to your location to take you into custody.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/07/11(Wed)10:37 No.16214160
    So for our next move--it's gonna be an offensive in to Voss territory, yes? Do we know of any vital structures that the Voss keep close to their borders--communications outpost, fuel depot, anything? If it's an industrial town or a comms hub, it would probably be a good idea to strike there first.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)11:15 No.16214348
    Kurma approved,
    Snapping turtle will be approved if you can declare your hit rates.
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/07/11(Wed)11:51 No.16214594
    >Putting my official vote in for a Clovis sidequest to capture the ICBM launch facility while Hellghast rearms for the push into Voss. Honestly, who doesn't want to be Clovis for a game? They have morphing tanks, paratroopers, and sexy airplane skills.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)12:06 No.16214706
    Bee Aspect [BEES]
    +1 Spd
    +Flight/Hover Gained
    +Surface Plane

    Bees or BEAS [Battlefield. Engineering, Aerial Service] was the product of a retired Vosskon scientist who saw that the use of the 3rd dimension would make great use of domestic space and thus saw the world of jetpacks or brass flutterwings to be a very close reality to him.

    Bees, saw Dr. Kombs approach to looking at battlefield control in terms of a 3rd dimension and followed suit. Capable of constant Flight, bees ignore most grounded based terrain and cover in favor of ease of travel, but become a more readily available target to enemy overwatch. Their flight requires them to end their turn on the ground or the surface of a wall where they can build things regardless of orientation and without fear of falling.

    Shooting from flight is a -2 penalty.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/07/11(Wed)12:11 No.16214729
    >Go to the Souf
    > Hotsprings beach mission
    > Raptors invade
    > Gets the suntan
    >> Fain !Bu2YDUJU/o 09/07/11(Wed)12:16 No.16214756
    Lurk mode engaged.
    >> [FOX]Finch !53bY5ndrTA 09/07/11(Wed)16:47 No.16216869
    (oh ok)
    >dumping 3 XP back into pool
    >4 XP remain

    (so foxes are mildly crazy. . .)

    (also, what are the conditions for a disguise to be compromised?)
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/07/11(Wed)19:06 No.16218084
    >> [BEE] Pvt. Clyde !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/07/11(Wed)19:09 No.16218114

    >Flight and landing on any surface, and speed increases
    >Hammerfaust Vanguard

    This sounds exciting!
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)19:10 No.16218127
    >don't forget you lose 1 act when using the hammerfaust.
    >> [PO]Pvt. Regal !!L2zyfu679cs 09/07/11(Wed)19:17 No.16218210
    What ever happened to that man portable armor we were supposed to get, anyways?
    >> [BEE] Pvt. Clyde !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/07/11(Wed)19:18 No.16218216

    >Saw that, but it's more an entertaining thought than anything.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/07/11(Wed)19:26 No.16218299

    Wait, we're getting power armor? I'm guessing it'll be officer-exclusive, considerin' this *is* a WW2 fantasy-game-style-thing.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/07/11(Wed)19:29 No.16218321
    That was canned for the stork.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/07/11(Wed)19:57 No.16218589

    >Heh, and here I was thinkin' we'd be quotin' Heinlein next mission.
    >"See you on the bounce, trooper."
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/07/11(Wed)20:42 No.16219223

    From what I know, they were to be a vehicle, something to give us Pilots a melee capable mech able to punch tanks to death. They were called Ironclads I think. We decided air power would be more useful for the defense missions, so we never got them.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)21:16 No.16219589

    Current mission selections:
    >Aeon "miracle" (?)
    >Clovis training mission.
    >Joint operation with Unit Zero to track the Voss ICBM's.
    >Dealing with the Iffram dignitaries.
    >Dealing with the information from the Black Deserters OR dealing with the Black Deserters themselves.
    >Beach mission to the Souf.

    So far, we have one vote for the Clovis mission by Vahn. Seeing as the ICBM situation is already being handled by our Clovis allies according to Major Mana, I would also like to put my vote for the Clovis training operation.

    >Though I certainly won't go against the ICBM mission, though I do want to see those Clovis units.

    By the way, mission selection is open to vote.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/07/11(Wed)21:21 No.16219646
    >implying we aren't going to kick more voss ass
    >I mean either their occult acadamy or secure supply line
    Damnit knightly we have a war to win
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)21:23 No.16219661

    Understood Major.

    Then what's your call?

    Occult academy, or secure that supply line?
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/07/11(Wed)21:26 No.16219695
    >IC told us to decide on the next mission, so we're voting. If you have a problem with following orders, door's over there.

    My vote is for anything where we play as a faction other than Ragnyll.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/07/11(Wed)21:26 No.16219697
    My preference goes for the Occult Academy, but I think we need to establish supply line before that and if it isn't in the strike range of the unit we need to establish a HQ in voss territory. (like we did for all the other mission)
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)21:27 No.16219706

    >dealing with iffram dignitaries

    huh? how's that gonna go?
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)21:50 No.16219919
    The direction for Hellghast's long term mission is thus:

    Hellghast is to aide in the initial invasion run spear headed by the Iron Battalion and strike deep into Voss Enemy lines with the overall intention to find the Netherworld elements to Voss's design, and sever or destroy it from the voss system . It is now highly believed that the Voss warmachine is run in no small part by this dark core. While this does not disavow Voss for the war crimes they've committed, it will neutralize the spiritual threat that plagues the common people there. We will wipe out the shadow that darkens the Valknyre and Hellghast will see to it that justice be rightly and swiftly enacted on those who brought this hell on our soil !

    We have weeks to prepare, and we will use it to recover and rise as strong as we will ever be in the days to come. However, we cannot do it alone, allies will be needed, and the Voss threat is all but pervasive. The blow we struck in their gut will no doubt be paid back in full. Who should we look to ?

    Who shall we help that needs it the most ?

    [A] Clovis. Currently en route to stop the Voss rain of Terror
    [B] Iffram. Who we have not heard from for a long time now.
    [C] Aeon. Who may need help more than they care to admit.
    [D] Voss - For fellow Ragnyllians, if not sane men are also caught up in their ranks.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)21:52 No.16219938

    Knightly; readjust our options thusly.
    >> [FOX]Finch !53bY5ndrTA 09/07/11(Wed)21:54 No.16219962

    (voting for Iffram, just to see how they work, maybe they'll be better than the other two)
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/07/11(Wed)21:54 No.16219968
    [A]! For the love of god [A]! This can't be a coincidence!

    Missile facility raid!
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)21:56 No.16219992

    Understood command.

    Vote tally:

    I don't know which Major Mana's preference falls under, but presumably you do, IC.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/07/11(Wed)21:56 No.16219993



    SOUF !

    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/07/11(Wed)21:57 No.16220005
    I don't have a preference seeing as if it's a coop mission I'll probably be in charge of ragnyll side.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)21:58 No.16220011
    As an indicator

    These are not votes, merely options. Final results will be evaluated based on player interest and overall argument : >

    A consensus at this point will override just about anything.

    >> Sgt.Hodr !zBAepKDyw. 09/07/11(Wed)21:58 No.16220016
    Iffram. Or Aeon.
    Clovis are all but allied, we're on a shaky peace with Aeon.
    If Iffram can help us, so be it. Stormy Night had plans to gas all of Iffram, they may need help, and we can certainly use theirs.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)22:01 No.16220040

    One for Iffram.


    Another for Clovis.

    One for... Souf? I don't know.

    [Souf]: 1?
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/07/11(Wed)22:01 No.16220045
    Voting on [A] Clovis.
    >> [ARCH][Hn]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/07/11(Wed)22:01 No.16220046
    Hodr brings up a good point. As much fun as an Clovis mission might be, we are definitely allied with them. Iffram might be a better choice, as Aeon so far has been nothing but jerks to us.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)22:08 No.16220124

    I just realized that Iffram is a state of demihumans.

    Meaning we might be able to meet elves.

    However, do note that, IIRC, Iffram and Aeon do not get along.

    And by do not get along, I mean, "were in a state of open war with each other not too long ago, and still are very likely to be maintaining said war."


    >WWII elf bitches.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/07/11(Wed)22:08 No.16220127
    Aight, you want reasons ?

    Voss was part of the Valknyre region, and they got fucked by demons. Whatever we're gonna play now will put them in a two front war with themselves and their very angry neighbors. The Clovyll alliance will do what they'll do and Aeon is on autopilot to cleanse this plot of land but the ones who will need saving are the remnants of Voss who are likely forced to live under spirititual oppression.

    Either that or they like it.

    Let Valknyll rejoice again.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/07/11(Wed)22:14 No.16220189
    Iffram are backward on a technological level. Their strenght lie in magic.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)22:21 No.16220266
    Oh. Okay.

    Also, counting Kess as one for Voss, and removing Isane's old vote...


    Basically, it looks like it's going to be either Clovis or Iffram, although if Mana's vote counts for Voss, then it's a tie.

    No love for Aeon though.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/07/11(Wed)22:22 No.16220275
    I didn't vote for anything and I won't since my vote would be irrevelant.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)22:23 No.16220291

    My apologies, it looks like I counted Kess twice for Voss.

    So the numbers are correct, however we do not appear to have a three way tie. Mainly a tie between Clovis and Iffram.

    I myself am for Clovis because I'd rather not risk more inquisition from Aeon due to our involvement with Iffram dignitaries.
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/07/11(Wed)22:27 No.16220335
    You vote is as relevant as mine.
    >> [ARCH][Hn]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/07/11(Wed)22:31 No.16220371
    Okay, I'm gonna vote for Voss.
    >> [TA] Erwin !/B9Qu8b8yA 09/07/11(Wed)22:33 No.16220397
    I vote for voss.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)22:35 No.16220412

    But you're the Major and - fine, I'll remove your vote.


    I thought your vote was for Iffram, so...

    Okay, new tally:


    Clovis wins until the ghost of Alphonse comes back to muck things up.
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/07/11(Wed)22:35 No.16220415
    Fine, if we're actually playing as Voss, I vote Voss, I just want an alternate army at this point
    >> [IRNSNL][P-GrBtBt]Cpt. Gunther !3QUDPTn2Js 09/07/11(Wed)22:35 No.16220416
    I would go Clovis, since I freaking love their armor. What? Don't act so surprised!
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/07/11(Wed)22:41 No.16220490

    I will : >

    Oh gosh !

    How did I -



    " How's my Waldread and Stetnought impression ? "
    >> [TA] Erwin !/B9Qu8b8yA 09/07/11(Wed)22:42 No.16220496
    Look quick
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)22:53 No.16220595


    You can go die in a fire, Erwin.

    >I'm not counting votes anymore. Either way, it looks like it's either Voss, or Clovis. Maybe Iffram if the desire to get an Elven NPC is strong enough.
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/07/11(Wed)23:07 No.16220736
    >Oi, the rest of you people who haven't voted, VOTE FER CRIPES' SAKE.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/11(Wed)23:14 No.16220802
    assume they all voted for Iffram
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/07/11(Wed)23:15 No.16220808
    nope enjoying this too much to break it, also IC told us that it was only opinions, you can always try to sway him with ARGUMENT
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/07/11(Wed)23:17 No.16220828

    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/07/11(Wed)23:19 No.16220841

    Mana, you're the CO.

    Which means it's not really IC's opinion that matters, but rather YOUR opinion.

    It can very easily be your call, Mana.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/07/11(Wed)23:23 No.16220884
    Nope not on that one IC wants the players opinion I don't care who get helped/played.
    >> [Rtrvr][I-1]Soapworth !!lIURwBKIw5c 09/07/11(Wed)23:29 No.16220937
    My dying wish is to vote for the Iffram and finally know something about them
    >> [Cf] Gene !cCsMsaA4k2 09/07/11(Wed)23:33 No.16220964
    I vote Souf because DINOSAURS.

    You can ignore me now.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/07/11(Wed)23:50 No.16221137
    FUck thats like.... two votes.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/08/11(Thu)00:35 No.16221494
    Will arrive with a deciscion in 10-20 minutes.
    >> [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage !!b5IxBuu9REZ 09/08/11(Thu)00:41 No.16221543

    I vote Iffram. Just seems like we should check it out, knowing so little about what's going on there worries me, with how things are going
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/08/11(Thu)01:50 No.16222069
    Oh Goddess, what did I miss? Were we voting on our next deployment?
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/08/11(Thu)05:27 No.16223457
    Deciscion Made.

    Continue upgrading like normal.
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/08/11(Thu)05:47 No.16223602
    [Iffram, of course]
    >> [Cf] Gene !cCsMsaA4k2 09/08/11(Thu)08:46 No.16224413

    >We could have had DINOSAURS but nooooo you guys wanted to be elves.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)08:58 No.16224489

    we're playing them?

    i thought we would just have a mission to open up their plot point
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/08/11(Thu)09:25 No.16224684
    I think it was pretty clear from the start, what I don't know is if it's going to be a co-op mission or a Iffram only one.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/08/11(Thu)10:38 No.16225124

    >How do you think I feel? I didn't even get to vote, I was out in class for so long! Why do you people hold no love for Aeon?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)13:14 No.16226340
    So how exactly would an Iffram army play? Magic seems to be a very volatile, very temperamental sort of thing.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/08/11(Thu)14:21 No.16226949

    I'm assuming, since Iffram is magic-based, that it will revolve around a strategy of "protect the battle-mages and they'll wreck everyone's shit."
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/08/11(Thu)14:26 No.16227018
    Thinking about it now , I will probably have to rescind the

    Play As Iffram deciscion for now as ABSOLUTE. Mainly due to the idea that it would be coming out of left field and quite literally opening up a new can of worms.

    Tie breakers and popular vote should not have accounted for the deciscion as much as it did mainly because;

    There ARE plot points that need defining.

    Arguments were not as fleshed out as I had expected. I would have to be pretty set on what Ragnyll's role with Iffram is gonna be considering that the only link you have is Saving Solstice, and a few comatose instructors. I pretty much said what Iffram is like on IRC so can work off that and see if I can be convinced.

    > Breaks the first bottle.

    Have fun <3
    >> IronCommand !SjkHabNIL2 09/08/11(Thu)14:30 No.16227056
    For the record, votes still account for the deciscion, however I am no longer taking votes.

    We've now entered the What Do phase.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/08/11(Thu)14:39 No.16227144
    Ok so from the way I see it:

    >Contacting Voss resistance would mean tapping the Black Deserters
    > Ignoring Aeon would mean that Templar Wight might get killed or die roll randumb.
    >Iffram means talking to those Dignitaries and being proposed whatever deal they have or getting told off for kill a head mage in solstice, and massacering werewolves in Wassau.
    >Clovis might entail that we do not get bombed by ICBMS.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/08/11(Thu)14:40 No.16227156

    .... Are you sure we can't just take a vacation mission to the Souf ?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)14:44 No.16227200
    Currently in class so no trip for me, But I don't really mind the souf. But no beach mission this is going to be a survival training.
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/08/11(Thu)14:46 No.16227223

    Actually we might end up playing as the souf.
    only way that could get fluffed is if we use our top grade ibonyte to invite other gits to th' party
    >> [HWND]Pvt Kess !Kdt2kegU6U 09/08/11(Thu)14:50 No.16227270

    Dont forget that the primary directive for this prompt is to ultimately GET help; more so than help others. If Iffram's problem or Aeon's gets too big for our bootstraps then fugget their drama.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/08/11(Thu)14:50 No.16227276

    Kess, after your explanation of what happened last time there was a vacation mission, I would rather wait until the war is over until I relax--the last thing I'd want is dying in my swim trunks cos a Vosskon bastard stabbed me in the back.

    I know we're not taking votes anymore, but I think that we should go save those Aeon knights. Faith can move mountains, even in these dark times, and we could probably use some sanctified armor or weaponry should this alliance prove to be fruitful. I'm pretty sure that Father Zwei would be extremely grateful for our effort--hell, we might just get a vew Aeon units out of the deal.

    Also, I just think that all that zeal and fury that they could bring to the table would be well-worth the risk of a rescue operation. We'll need to keep a few of our dirty secrets swept under the rug, of course--but then again, what army doesn't?
    >> Concerned citizen 09/08/11(Thu)15:04 No.16227402
    Reasons to do the Aeon mission:

    Ignoring the part were most people seem to hate Aeon, I will argue that the Aeon mission could be incredibly help in Hellghast's war effort with Voss. Exactly what we could gain and how it will help is unknown as Father Zwei has not disclosed the full mission details to us. I for one assume it will be a mission to acquire a holy relic similar to Sol (the curse removing sword for those who don't remember.) Regardless of weather or not that's true or even if there is any tangible benefit to the mission at all, this mission comes to us from Father Zwei. Father Zwei a priest of Aeon that has been nothing but kind to us. A man who's holy artillery fire assisted us greatly in dealing with Asmodeus. A priest that has allowed the nuns under his care to leave their life of religious service to serve Ragnyll under Hodr. For all of this what has he asked of us? Nothing. Even this mission is just the humble request of a humble priest.

    It should also be pointed out that the Aeon mission will take place two days ago and that there is no reason we can't do the Aeon mission then the Iffram mission. Trying to do it the other way however would make the timeline to convoluted.
    >> [TRTL][Hr1]Lt.Marks !!etjUP7/V3a6 09/08/11(Thu)15:05 No.16227416
    Hmmm. So they do, now. Seems I've been playing with a half-heart extra for a couple missions.
    Need to keep a closer eye on the unit list, it seems.

    So as long as I keep track of my bonus, we're good? Awesome.

    Spending 20 of my 21 points to snag both of those, and throwing the remaining one into the pool.

    As to our need for a decision: I say we incite the Vossian resistance. Sun Tzu pointed out that one wagon of supplies, stolen from the enemy, is worth seven of your own. One Voss we sway to undermine their army is worth seven Ragnyllians, or roughly 2 Hellghast.
    We've had to deal with the Voss in our midst, let's make them do the same.

    Failing that, Iffram is my second choice. Sure, they lack our armor capabilities. But with the Voss's black magic, I'd like a few accomplished mages to banish their power.
    >> [SRPNT-S]Agent/Cpl. Vipera de Firmus !1/Y/FThShM 09/08/11(Thu)15:11 No.16227470
    With this reasoning, i throw my vote in for Aeon mission
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/08/11(Thu)15:15 No.16227502

    This is true. Zwei's only given and given and given to our cause. It would only be right that we pay him back for his significant contributions to this war effort. For Altea, I'll fight to secure Aeon's allegiance.


    As appealing as the idea of a Voss partisan force working to sabotage the Vosskon war effort sounds, the logistics of the idea would be difficult to work out. We would need some way of arming this force, and I'm not sure that simple propaganda would work to turn the people, unless the Voss regime has been particularly cruel and harsh on its citizens.
    >> [P-Ss]Pvt. Springer !u/EYfo0o8s 09/08/11(Thu)15:33 No.16227669

    The man makes a compelling argument. As much as I dislike the Aeon Inquisition for what they made us do at Wassau, I'll throw my lot in with the Aeon for now, if only for Father Zwei's sake. The Aeon are also likely to be a powerful asset against the enemy we now face.
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/08/11(Thu)18:49 No.16229296
    I have been swayed. I do this not for Inquisitor "The Bitch" Valerie, or even Templar Wight, I do this for Father Santa Claus.

    I officially change my vote to Aeon.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)18:51 No.16229320
    Changing vote change nothing
    >> Cf_Gene !cCsMsaA4k2 09/08/11(Thu)19:01 No.16229405
    You are correct, voting is pointless. Right now people are supposed to be arguing over what to do not voting.

    Hence the bottle IC broke
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/08/11(Thu)19:05 No.16229438
    I'm going to say we go to the souf, you worthless soldier couldn't find your way back home if it was in front of you. The plan would be to paradrop the whole unit sans armors in the middle of the place and make our way to an extraction points while recruiting among the locals to replace our dead. Did I mention the only weapon allowed beside your fists are a combat knife?
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/08/11(Thu)19:35 No.16229715

    Sneakin' about with only close-combat weapons? Doesn't exactly sound smart, Major. Wouldn't a better course of action to recruit locals be a bit of gunboat diplomacy?
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/08/11(Thu)19:43 No.16229798
    you forgot to add in a territory infested by dinosaurs and other monster, I think it's a great idea, if you can survive this you will be able to survive behind the enemy line if you ever get left behind.
    >> [TA] Knightly !IMYfe1j54Y 09/08/11(Thu)20:17 No.16230112
    Well, I'll toss in my two cents again.

    Personally, I'd rather do the Clovis mission, mainly in it promises future help in the form of more Clovis support/units.

    In terms of plot, I'd rather do the Unit Zero mission concerning the Voss ICBM's. Those are rather bad, and making sure we take care of them should rank rather high on our to do list. Also, the Hellghasts are not really equipped for rank-and-file missions. We're more of a fast-moving spec ops division that's not quite spec ops yet.

    I'll support an Aeon mission for Zwei's and Wight's sake, although what we get out of it is a bit ambiguous. It might mean we'll get some Aeon heavy infantry support in the form of Templars; we might not.

    The Iffram mission... I'd rather not do. Mainly since, as I've said before, Iffram and Aeon are not on good terms, and attracting the bad kind of attention from the Inquisition would be bad news.

    And I'm against the mission to the Souf. Because I see no potential gain from sending our troops to a meat grinder for no reason.
    >> [TA] Erwin !/B9Qu8b8yA 09/08/11(Thu)20:37 No.16230300
    What we 'get' out of an Aeon mission is that it is far less likely for them to go into ragnyll purge-mode because we didn't take care of the Black Deserters.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/08/11(Thu)20:38 No.16230320
    I wouldn't mind killing those too you know.
    >> [TA] Erwin !/B9Qu8b8yA 09/08/11(Thu)20:41 No.16230349
    You /are/ the major. Propose it to Iron Command.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/08/11(Thu)20:43 No.16230369
    Only if necessary, the fact is that it isn't at the moment so yeah.
    >> [ARCH][Hn]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/08/11(Thu)20:52 No.16230479
    So you have honor when it comes to fighting enemies, but in the case of our own you just don't care?

    Anyway, some of these proposed missions are just too important to pass up, is there any chance of doing more than one? Aeon is definitely something we need to take care of, despite how they have treated us in the past. Turning some of the Voss would be very helpful as well, as they are actually fighting us right now, and the less of them the better. Iffram and Souf are currently unknown factors, so they might have to wait, and as I said earlier we already have Clovis on our side, so we might not have to deal with them at all despite how fun it would be to play as them.
    >> [TA] Erwin !/B9Qu8b8yA 09/08/11(Thu)20:53 No.16230493
    Fair enough. IC doesn't seem to be pushing it, for all we know we have all the time in the world for it.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/08/11(Thu)20:56 No.16230521
    I'll announce my intention and why they are getting killed beforehand as I always did. Honor was never about not killing your own. The only time I broke my code of honor was Alphonse.

    Even if we don't do every mission there will be plot (for the better or for the worse) so yay.
    >> [ARCH][Hn]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/08/11(Thu)21:05 No.16230614
    I was more referring to your desire to engage Asmondeowhatshisname by yourself in melee combat, while you had a bunch of perfectly good soldiers with guns around you.
    >> Alphonse's Ghost 09/08/11(Thu)21:05 No.16230624
    I suppose this "code of honor" is partly based around announcing the fact you are going after someone before fighting them.

    Just as well, you can't give a caster time. The worst thing you can do is fight a mage that has had time to prepare.
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/08/11(Thu)21:12 No.16230695
    Oh that, he asked me to shoot him, I had no gun and a holy sword. So yeah duel time. Then you all shoot at him, none of them hit, those that shooted him and where close enough died. On the other hand, Asmodeus was mostly a gentleman during our convesation. The worse that would have happened is that I would have died and you'd all be happy about it.
    >> [ARCH][Hn]Pvt. Isane !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/08/11(Thu)21:15 No.16230744
    We would probably be less happy about your eventual death if you would just... be more human.
    >> Alphonse's Ghost 09/08/11(Thu)21:28 No.16230886
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    "I didn't ask for this..."
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/08/11(Thu)21:31 No.16230932

    This response was inevitable, wasn't it?
    >> [BEE] Pvt. Clyde !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/08/11(Thu)21:34 No.16230949

    ...Doesn't the major have metal skin and four arms? "More human" sounds unlikely.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/08/11(Thu)22:12 No.16231412
    Major, all I'll say on your...current condition...is this: don't lose sight of your humanity. They keep pulling bits of you out and putting more machine parts in--it's a miracle that anyone was able to survive the cyborgization process with almost no side effects. You've proven yourself an able fighter and an admirable leader, and I am happy to have served under you. But Major, I cannot stress it enough: don't lose sight of your humanity. The moment you do is the moment when we have lost you. It's like Isane said--you're more machine than flesh now, and it's kind of unnerving that you can shrug off being ripped apart in battle, only to be put back together again. Do not let your current condition control you: I shudder to think of what might happen if it will, and what the consequences may be if it happens.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)22:25 No.16231557
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    Good, good...
    >> Mjr.Mana !!jtTqSsN+V0O 09/08/11(Thu)22:30 No.16231620
    technically possible now... not sure IC would allow me 4 attack per act though.

    I'm dead nothing will change that fact. I'm living on borrowed time and if that mean I can deal with more loose ends and ensure that the fight will be easier at the cost of you liking me as a CO or person I'll do it.
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/08/11(Thu)22:34 No.16231661
    Vrak: Remember major, if you act as a human, you are a human, the acts of the people define who they are. If you act like a machine, thus you are a machine, if you act like a demon, you are a demon, if you act as a madman, you are a madman, If you act like a leader, you are a leader. and you are my leader and very human for me. I respect you with all of my soul.
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/08/11(Thu)22:37 No.16231694
    A honor code will always be based in this:
    You will fight for you and what is important for you
    You take seriously your word. if you can't say the truth, you are not honorable, lies are the armor of the weak and the evil.
    You shall defend the people who needs to be defended.
    >> Alphonse's Ghost !zNSO2WFfGE 09/08/11(Thu)22:39 No.16231716
    I guess if you act like someone that gives good advice, it doesn't make you someone that gives good advice though.
    >> [TRTL][Hr1]Lt.Marks !!etjUP7/V3a6 09/08/11(Thu)22:46 No.16231790

    I keep telling people we need an exorcist, but no one listens to Marks.

    Anywho, After that rousing concerned citizen's speech, I would certainly be up for giving Aeon a hand. And maybe the Gods will be good, and the Inquisitor will be there, and we'll be seconds too late to help her.

    A fool's dream, but one that keeps me warm at night.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/08/11(Thu)22:57 No.16231911

    Do not get me wrong, Major. I'm happy to be fighting under your orders, to be able to call you a comrade. It's been an honor, ma'am, if I may say so. I would be happy to see this war through to the end under your command.
    >> [V2]Pvt. Vrak !FZgnQVcDsw 09/08/11(Thu)23:14 No.16232055
    Vrak: We need the entire church. that guy i just hate him you know? i think i should let Reigh talk with him.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/08/11(Thu)23:39 No.16232249
    So what's our objective now? Are we helping Aeon? Helping the Clovis? Meeting with the diplomats of Iffram?
    >> [TA] Erwin !/B9Qu8b8yA 09/08/11(Thu)23:53 No.16232376
    We don't know yet. IC wants to discuss which mission we want to do, and why. Arguments and justifications and all.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)00:06 No.16232469

    It seems that there's a shift in the votes, with more people that we should go help Aeon.
    >> HouseFatherZwei !ayMLpr/KpQ 09/09/11(Fri)00:21 No.16232609
    On the night of Hallow's Eve, behind Voss lines, a detachment of our Aeon knights have rounded about to meet the enemy reinforcements !

    It was there that Templar Wight has taken what was left of those forces and resisted the enemy's rear lines. Their fight has taken them to the mountains- and there we shall find what awaits of their fate.

    Did they resisit ? Did the flee ?
    Command, they may still be out there
    fighting them !

    "Then it is settled" IronCommand exclaims,
    " We will urgently seek out these men unsung and see Aeon's true face ! "

    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/09/11(Fri)01:29 No.16233266

    Father Zwei, it is good to hear from you again. Let us hope that The Goddess still smiles upon your knights' fortunes.
    >> [TA] Erwin !/B9Qu8b8yA 09/09/11(Fri)01:42 No.16233379
    Are you sure you should be going around spouting things about goddesses when you don't know all there is about Aeon's beliefs? To the aeon House Father, that is.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/09/11(Fri)01:45 No.16233402

    Sorry, Advisor--it's my upbringing coming through. Worship of Mo'alla was pretty widespread in the Sorramec Valley when I was growing up. Aeon missionary groups came through occasionally, and we greeted them with open arms--part of the doctrine of Mo'alla is to as much respect to those of other faiths that you show to the fellow Goddess-worshipper.
    >> Pvt. Steiner !!QxtsrZs7+PX 09/09/11(Fri)01:49 No.16233427
    A young woman hopped off the newest truck to recently reach the battalion. A new recruit, wearing a loose uniform tucked and folded so it wouldn't hang off her. She slung a rifle over her shoulder and jostled the equipment on her back, which very likely weighed more then her.

    Once she oriented herself she went off to look for her CO. Mjr. Mana. Once she's found him, "Pvt Steiner reporting for duty sir."
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/09/11(Fri)02:27 No.16233715
    >> [TA] Erwin !/B9Qu8b8yA 09/09/11(Fri)03:48 No.16234139
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/09/11(Fri)03:50 No.16234148
         File1315554649.png-(1.46 MB, 1452x900, aeon in progress.png)
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    Work in progress.
    >> [Mnky][M1] Pvt. Armitage !!b5IxBuu9REZ 09/09/11(Fri)04:29 No.16234341
         File1315556940.jpg-(290 KB, 967x1471, Winters.jpg)
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    More doodles.

    May you rest in peace, Winters, fill the sky with shooting dakka-stars
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/09/11(Fri)04:51 No.16234487
    >bamp before bed
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)10:52 No.16236817

    Thanks for ruining the surprise.

    >Bump for art.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/09/11(Fri)12:43 No.16237551

    Well, that certainly looks promising.
    >> [HAWK]Pvt Vahn !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/09/11(Fri)14:12 No.16238236
    >Liiiiiive! Live thread!
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/09/11(Fri)16:30 No.16239500
    Aeon Card design and progress is looking up : d
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/09/11(Fri)18:06 No.16240415
    Can we expect an Aeon game to run this weekend?
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/09/11(Fri)19:03 No.16240936
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    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/09/11(Fri)19:04 No.16240949

    Expect saturday night ! pre thread might happen in the afternoon. COnfirmation at 10pm est
    >> [T]Brother Daein !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/09/11(Fri)19:23 No.16241152
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    "I stand ready, Brother Wight. Direct me."
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/09/11(Fri)19:57 No.16241588
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    >The Book of Gun

    There wouldn't happen to be a chapter in the book written by Brother John Moses Browning, is there?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)20:55 No.16242182

    Genesis. Heh...how appropriate.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/09/11(Fri)22:39 No.16243150

    Hold on there, Jethro. Let's wait till we see the rest of the units before we formulate an attack force.
    >> Alphonse's Ghost 09/09/11(Fri)22:56 No.16243343
    Spoiler alert, he's the one who posted the screencap here >>16234148

    He at least has an idea of what the other aeon non-inquisition units are.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/10/11(Sat)00:41 No.16244251
    Live, damn you! LIVE!!
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)01:31 No.16244729
    Where is everyone?
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/10/11(Sat)02:44 No.16245262
    dmed a game back on the grind now.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/10/11(Sat)04:07 No.16245776

    Genesis Command, how many units will we have to choose from for the next mission?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)05:00 No.16246070
    bump. wouldnt want to have to start a new thread for aeon design stuff... OR DO WE ?
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/10/11(Sat)05:02 No.16246082

    proper rest must be achieved ! tomorrow is a long night
    >> weird-Asuryan-Donner-IforgotmytripnoIactuallyIdidntjusthatetypingitin 09/10/11(Sat)05:54 No.16246334
    There's a mention of an XP pool?
    If so, I put my 21 unused ones for [A]ssaulters and [P]ilots of Rig Cycles and Terran Transports to use. If possible I'd also cash in the 10 I bought my 2nd action from, since it seems a waste cause I can't find the time to game.

    Soldier on, Hellghast.
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/10/11(Sat)09:26 No.16247408
    MIA for an afternoon due to SPX shennanigans
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)10:51 No.16247760
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/10/11(Sat)16:02 No.16249929

    Awesome, more new people! It's always good to see new faces around here.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)18:34 No.16251375
    bumpity bump bump

    >captcha: It's Mulnkin

    Who is Mulnkin?
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/10/11(Sat)19:10 No.16251705
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    Aeon Order Units are released.

    The Knights of the Crown are next.

    > Templar
    Stalwart soldiers of the Order who will advance without fear towards the enemy. Their form of the phalanx has evolved to the times , leaving them undefeated even in the face of heavy firepower.

    Templars are normally lead by a veteran who has survived the phalanx themselves.

    > Shepherds are licensed warriors of the holy order sent to give the power of protection to their flock, even extending their mercy to the lost enemy who were flock led astray. With their ability to amass manpower comes the ability to build walled fortificationsequal in length to the number of their order.
    >Consecrate graves equal to the number of devouts at hand willing to lend a hand,

    >and build holy fortresses as big as your rank and file to attract many holy warriors*

    *erecting the sword of Alexander is fine too
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/10/11(Sat)19:11 No.16251713

    > Clerics
    Aeon is a land blessed with the purity and zeal unmatched in all of Midland and at times it is often said that a miracle will grant holy gifts to children like the Cleric who possess the voice of angels, the will of gods, and the heart of a child. Mothers fear not, for they are given two, sisters weep no more for they are given the gift noble marriage, and fathers need not shed a tear for lost sons or daughters for they were sired by Alexander's light himself ! These Clerics are innocence personified and with the aide and protection of divinely trained Holy Hammer Maids (tm) the enemy will see the true might of our forces combined before they even set foot within lecherous distance of these gifted children !

    > Armslaves
    Before the Age of Alexander there was the age of the sword, and who else could be more devout to the ways of the fighting spirit than the armslaves who have trained their bodies and souls fully and completely to the art their ancient fathers passed down. It is said that for every armslave born, 1000 warriors from centuries ago beget the sons and daughters that would soon give birth to these living legends today. Rigorous tests, and brutal training is given to noble sons and derelict whoresons alike to determine this generation's cadre of razor sharp talents.
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/10/11(Sat)19:18 No.16251778
    It should be noted that Cleric deaths lead to the highest decrease in faith points.
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/10/11(Sat)19:23 No.16251813

    AND HAMMER MAID DEATHS ARE PERMANENT and only recoverable by upgrade points
    >> [C] Theodore !cCsMsaA4k2 09/10/11(Sat)19:35 No.16251890

    "I didn't plan on dieing anyway," Tori says with a smile, "I'd hate to leave dear Theo with only Marigold to protect him. He'd never have any fun that way."

    "And if I left him alone with you he'd be covered in dirt from dawn till dusk and never fulfill his duties," Marigold replies sternly.

    Theodore, for his part, was watching an ant march in and out of their little hill. Wondering where they all came from.
    >> [M2] Pvt. Paisley !!RXDkJssl8v6 09/10/11(Sat)19:35 No.16251891
    What kind of war do we fight when even mere children are tossed into the forge of battle? Truly, these are dark times!

    But I must say, these units are very promising, Genesis Command. You have my sword.
    >> [T] Brother Iksender !!PcdQoaysHQ5 09/10/11(Sat)19:40 No.16251921

    The Call to War sounds, and I answer!
    >> Knight Célia !!3fvGrsySsT+ 09/10/11(Sat)19:41 No.16251934
    If the cleric die, all the unit will be considered dead at the end of the battle. The holy battle maids do not accept failure.

    Also seeing as both the cleric and the maid are different on the basic level (one is a non-combat caster and the others are bodyguard) they have different upgrades path (6 for the cleric and 6 for the maids)

    >or so was agreed with command while talking earlier.
    >> [C] Theodore !cCsMsaA4k2 09/10/11(Sat)19:49 No.16251980

    >I love that idea, I love that idea so much you can't even imagine. And given that death is permanent for them it makes sense
    >> [T] Brother Iksender !!PcdQoaysHQ5 09/10/11(Sat)19:49 No.16251983

    That fact alone makes enemy snipers all the more a priority target. I don't wanna have a SQUAD BROKEN moment because someone head-shotted a cleric from across the battlefield.
    >> Knight Célia !!3fvGrsySsT+ 09/10/11(Sat)19:53 No.16252016
    As long as the snipers are spotted the maid can take the bullet instead of the cleric, what you must worry about are the one you can't see.
    >> [T] Brother Iksender !!PcdQoaysHQ5 09/10/11(Sat)20:02 No.16252069

    Which brings up another interesting point: Could Clerics, by chance, sing something like a "Song of Clarity" or a "Song of Sight" that would allow us to view a X-hex wide area of land on the battlefield enshrouded by the fog of war, to check for threats and the like?
    >> Knight Célia !!3fvGrsySsT+ 09/10/11(Sat)20:11 No.16252166
    Clerics sing from the heart, they are all blessed with the same songs at the begining of their lives but the more experienced they get the more chance they have of being gifted more by Alexander.

    >All cleric start only with the song on the card and may unlock by buying them (allowing specialization)
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/10/11(Sat)20:13 No.16252179

    to sing a full book of battle hymns would be the dream of most aspiring Clerics but alas, master the ways of the first 4 in your book and maybe good works may reward you with more.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/11(Sat)20:16 No.16252222
    what does each song doo, chrunchwise?
    >> [q] Adjutant. Makkor !Kdt2kegU6U 09/10/11(Sat)20:20 No.16252276
    " Brother Wight, " It is fortunate that you lead us, " but under book of scrutinies, Aeon Verses are not considered one without the rightful watch of an Inquisitorial agent. But since Inquisitor Derf has fallen victim to ghouls I'm afraid that leaves me to take up his duties with strict adherence to the laws of Aeon.. . I - I look forward to seeing you pursue the true light in these dark times, brother Wight...
    >> [A] The Forbearance of Sadon !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/10/11(Sat)20:37 No.16252487
    "We are the blade of the faith, and pledge our might in the name of Alexander. We fashion ourselves after the trials of the pious and the fallen alike, so that we may prove our enemies undeserving of life. The Temptation of Markus, the Fall of Suleiman, the Martyrdom of Pieta - our swords and shields bring these tribulations to bear on the enemy, so that the unworthy may be culled. This is our pledge - the doctrine of the Armslave."
    >> [q] Adjutant. Makkor !Kdt2kegU6U 09/10/11(Sat)20:43 No.16252569

    The 4 Hymns of battle is such that it is mastered and famously known to all soldiers of Aeon,

    The Song of Healing has been known to to sound like angelic choruses and the warmth of hearth and home and those faithful will see their wounds mended as if their mothers would tend to them in their dark hour !

    Songs of Protection, there are many, but all catch the ear of our fierce beati who will lend a protecting hand and block , cuts, smashes, burns, crushing explosions of guns and tanks just be sure to tell your audience what they're being protected against ! [Damage types are specific]

    The Song of Spirits is one to be sang for those passed, those who give their life to the service of Aeon will be given final rites into the realm of Aleksander's Promise. The dead will be consecrated and those who kneel and pray for those fallen may add FAITH to our cause. This has also been know to cure blocked bowel movements.

    Song of battle should not be sang lightly, but BOLDLY ! Those in attendance, those who cry out and echo the loud fighting words shall recieve bounties of strength to strike down even the most FEARSOME of foes !

    Personally I am gifted with the Song of Sleep, it bores knights where they stand and requires no instruments on my part.
    >> [S]Shepherd Book !!VMJuvVuY6J8 09/10/11(Sat)21:05 No.16252831
    I shall lead a flock into the battle.
    >> Templar Wight !bi3bE9LH/Q 09/10/11(Sat)21:19 No.16253007
    The Templar had been spending a moment of time to pray when the Iquisitor Adjutant Makkor approached him. The stern faced Templar remained silent as he finished and waited for the Adjutant to in turn before replying.
    "Brother Makkor, it is my great shame for not slaying the monster before it claimed our Inquisitor. However it is now my duty, in Alexander's name, to protect as many of the remaining soldiers here."
    An almost wry smirk would come across the man's face as he extended his hand to firmly grasp the wrist of Adjutant Makkor in a warrior handshake before continuing.
    "And I look forward to bringing light to these dark places we shall walk along with your aid Brother."
    >> [T] Alexandrus !eP2TGYwPKU 09/10/11(Sat)21:19 No.16253010
    I am here.
    >> [C]Silver !!L2zyfu679cs 09/10/11(Sat)21:50 No.16253326
    I am here, brothers and sisters.
    >> [T]Brother Daein !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/10/11(Sat)22:49 No.16253805
    I have arrived as well, Brothers.
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/10/11(Sat)23:30 No.16254164
         File1315711810.png-(320 KB, 900x450, AEONARMORWEB.png)
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    The Armored Knights serve the aeon crown, whose majesty has granted us miraculous technologies of man machine shapes.

    Their cost in Glory is high, and they will only grace the fiercest and most urgent of battles.

    Rejoice, for we still have a few in service !

    The Rook is sturdy in size and strength, watch for their turns for they bring ruination as hefty as their volume allows.

    The Knight is the standard in Aeon technologies, while footmen and wars advance, the Knight carries with them the glory of our age and the might of our evolutions. Coupled with armor piercing jacks, these warriors make sport of blasphemous murder machines who squat low like dogs !
    >> [RK] Knight Célia !!3fvGrsySsT+ 09/10/11(Sat)23:34 No.16254198
    Reporting in for the glory of my lord.
    >> [RK] Aurelius !eP2TGYwPKU 09/10/11(Sat)23:37 No.16254222
    >> [Kn]Squire Kezare !u/EYfo0o8s 09/10/11(Sat)23:46 No.16254306
    I will show them the might of Aeon!
    >> GenesisCommand !9phgYvH10U 09/10/11(Sat)23:49 No.16254341
         File1315712993.png-(911 KB, 1800x2700, FISTOFAEON.png)
    911 KB
    > > > Night of Hallow's Eve

    Wight's forces have evaded the voss rear lines until their retreat towards Kolstec has led them to a dead end.

    Aeon's de facto detachment now faces retreat into the edge of the void, or the hellish downhill fight upon encroaching Voss forces.

    >> [RK] Aurelius !eP2TGYwPKU 09/10/11(Sat)23:50 No.16254345
    >> [T]Brother Daein !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/10/11(Sat)23:50 No.16254348
         File1315713059.png-(3 KB, 80x72, BlackknightwithLance.png)
    3 KB
    "They shall taste my steel."
    >> [T] Brother Iksender !!PcdQoaysHQ5 09/10/11(Sat)23:51 No.16254354
    Let us show them the power of our faith!
    >> [Rk]Tancred !3QUDPTn2Js 09/10/11(Sat)23:52 No.16254361
    >> [RK]Knight Célia !!3fvGrsySsT+ 09/10/11(Sat)23:52 No.16254365
    Ready to accomplish my mission command.
    >> [Kn]Squire Kezare !u/EYfo0o8s 09/10/11(Sat)23:52 No.16254371
    Show the enemy no mercy!

    >Captcha: acquired rejoice
    >> [T] Wight !bi3bE9LH/Q 09/10/11(Sat)23:54 No.16254384
    Looked down the cliff face to the darkness below, "May Alexander guide us." The solem faced man turns to his Aeon Brother's before shouting, "We run no farther, let us slay these monstrous dogs here and now. TONIGHT WE MAKE OUR STAND! MOURN THE FALLEN BY FIGHTING FOR THE LIVING!!!" Wight lifts his spear at the speak of his warcry hoping to entice a righteous fury from his Brother's and Sisters; they would need all they could if Alexander were to see them to the morning.
    >> [Qs] Adjutant. Makkor !Kdt2kegU6U 09/10/11(Sat)23:54 No.16254388
    Hmmmm for this engagement I shall have a command of one of your flocks, Shepard. This hill is a slow fight for invaders, and a hard one if we can control their approach.

    I will no doubt see enemy air harassing us, so I shall group with an armed cadre and build up defenses.
    >> [T] Brother Iksender !!PcdQoaysHQ5 09/10/11(Sat)23:56 No.16254403

    >Lotsa terraces and a general way down--We need a plan. I propose an armored spearhead led by the Templars, backed by our mechs and with the Casters behind. We'll cut our way through the enemy forces to Kolstec, and link up with the forces of Ragnyll.

    Or, we could hold the top-most part of the plateau, and wait for help to arrive. Either way's fine with me. Brother-Adjutant, what are your orders?
    >> [C]Silver !!L2zyfu679cs 09/10/11(Sat)23:57 No.16254410
    I am here.
    >> [A] The Forbearance of Sadon !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/10/11(Sat)23:58 No.16254420
    "The enemy shall choke on steel and blood tonight."
    >> [Kn] Aurelius !eP2TGYwPKU 09/11/11(Sun)00:06 No.16254460
    Changing armor.
    >> [T] Wight !bi3bE9LH/Q 09/11/11(Sun)00:07 No.16254470
    >We can't have that many mechs. 2 Kn and 1 Rk tops. Sorry guys.

    So far roster is as such.

    [Rk] Tankred (He better endure)

    [Kn] Kezare

    [Qs] Makkor

    [C] Silver

    [A] Sadon

    [T] Wight
    [T] Daien
    [T] Iksender
    >> [C]Akodam !!v8c5lmz81fK 09/11/11(Sun)00:11 No.16254493
    Cleric Akodam is here! Let's go, Imam, Akayas, Protect the living, Fight for the dead!
    >> [Ar]Sleyth !!lIURwBKIw5c 09/11/11(Sun)00:11 No.16254496
    >> [T] Wight !bi3bE9LH/Q 09/11/11(Sun)00:18 No.16254553
    >I've been informed that Celia can field a second Rk. So roster currently is as follows.

    [Rk] Tankred
    [Rk] Celia

    [Kn] Kezare
    [Kn] Aurelius

    [Qs] Makkor

    [C] Silver
    [C] Akodam

    [A] Sadon
    [A] Sleyth

    [T] Wight
    [T] Daien
    [T] Iksender
    >> [Qs] Adjutant. Makkor !Kdt2kegU6U 09/11/11(Sun)00:19 No.16254563
    [Rk1] Tankred
    [Rk2] Celia
    [T1] Wight
    [T2] Daien
    [C1] Silver

    [Kn1] Kezare
    [Kn2] Aurelius
    [T3] Iksender
    [Qs1] Makkor

    [C2] Akodam
    [A1] Sadon
    [A2] Sleyth


    >> [T2]Brother Daein !!H5iqjs/+5EJ 09/11/11(Sun)00:21 No.16254571
    Adjusted for the glory of Aeon.
    >> [T3] Brother Iksender !!PcdQoaysHQ5 09/11/11(Sun)00:22 No.16254575
    Brother-Templar Elias Iksender, ready to fight
    >> [A1] The Forbearance of Sadon !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/11/11(Sun)00:22 No.16254578

    "It is done!"
    >> [Rk2]Knight Célia !!3fvGrsySsT+ 09/11/11(Sun)00:22 No.16254581
    As was the will of my lord, I will follow your orders adjudant.
    >> [T] Wight !bi3bE9LH/Q 09/11/11(Sun)00:24 No.16254595
    Turns his head to nod at Adjutant Makkor, "Tis a fine plan Brother, besides, I cannot lead from the rear I must take to the front and hold the line. I will trust you in the tactics, Inquisitor." His emphasis on Inquisitor showed an almost mocking trust for the young man Makkor.
    >> [Kn2] Brother Knight Aurelius !eP2TGYwPKU 09/11/11(Sun)00:24 No.16254597
    It has been adjusted.
    >> [S] Croix !!J4t5diFXuSg 09/11/11(Sun)00:26 No.16254609
    If'n there's room for me and my, I'd be much obliged to lead my flock inta battle with ye
    >> [Rk1]Brother Tancred !3QUDPTn2Js 09/11/11(Sun)00:26 No.16254614
    >> [Qs] Adjutant. Makkor !Kdt2kegU6U 09/11/11(Sun)00:27 No.16254624

    you are page s1 and with this I will call on a game start , the night is young, but morning waits for no one.
    >> [Kn1] Brother Squire Kezare !u/EYfo0o8s 09/11/11(Sun)00:33 No.16254693
    For vengeance!
    >> [A1] The Forbearance of Sadon !!66F0+1Pe8+6 09/11/11(Sun)00:50 No.16254853
    >Quick question, how does parry work exactly? Is it passive with any actions I don't spend, or do I use it on my turn? Do I have to declare a facing?
    >> [Qs] Adjutant. Makkor !Kdt2kegU6U 09/11/11(Sun)01:02 No.16254960

    >> [Ar]Sleyth !!lIURwBKIw5c 09/11/11(Sun)01:10 No.16255042
    >Move in front of the S unit
    >Move shields to block South
    >Ready for Parry
    >If Use one Action to prepare my Unit with the Litany of Silent Steel<Pray>
    >> [Qs] Adjutant. Makkor !Kdt2kegU6U 09/11/11(Sun)01:11 No.16255043
    rolled 5, 6, 8, 5, 8, 1, 4, 1, 4 = 42


    >Shot who is left

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