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!!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)02:21 No.15182335 File1307427697.jpg-(179 KB, 540x400, 004.jpg)
 >>15182141 Calliban is your currently designated team member, but you can take one other. Your current choices are either, C-16 an Attilan Rough Rider who is a monster of hit points and damage, but who is both braindamaged and knows very little Gothic, or Leokadia a techpriest who is intelligent and knows the facility a little (a little) but who is unarmed save for the powers she gets from her potentia coil, she is also quite fragile, comparatively. It's a bit about what sort of game you want to play.
Ah. Refreshing in new tab, I see you're going with C-16. Not a bad idea. |