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  • File : 1307426294.jpg-(49 KB, 540x400, 001.jpg)
    49 KB BOONEQUEST Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)01:58 No.15182129  
    So, here we are again. Sorry about the wait. Lotta sprites this time. Lotta choices. There may be more cutscenes than you'd like, but I'll try to keep them short. This episode features more choices than last time, not just for the right now, but for what will happen later in the game.

    First of which is who is your third team member going to be?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)01:59 No.15182137
    >admitting in op that this is a choose your own adventure comic, not a traditional game

    The third team member will be Spider Man.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 06/07/11(Tue)01:59 No.15182141
    what are our options, CF?
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)02:04 No.15182188
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    Does anyone actually read these bits? But yeah, previous threads can be found here:


    if you need to brought up to speed..erm slower.

    Anyways, game start.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)02:05 No.15182205
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    After stepping from the chamber, initially distressed C-16 is quickly hiven her clothes and her hunting lance, she gives it a few practice swings and nods approvingly.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 06/07/11(Tue)02:12 No.15182253
    Um... motion for her to follow you. Or ask Calliban to translate it to her. Let's ask her about how she got there (via Calliban).
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)02:12 No.15182256
    fuck yes boone quest. been waiting for this.

    gotta go to bed tho -_-
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:13 No.15182266
    I miss Cultist-chan, her antics made me smile.

    Please, do more Cultist-chan stuff.
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)02:14 No.15182272
    remember we need to get calliban to blast the bridge down below where we got the caustic stuff. thats the next step in our adventure imo
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)02:15 No.15182278
    motion her to follow, go downstairs, get calliban to blast bridge down
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:18 No.15182310
    what her inventory like?

    also the status, of miss depressed tech adept ?
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)02:21 No.15182335
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    Calliban is your currently designated team member, but you can take one other. Your current choices are either, C-16 an Attilan Rough Rider who is a monster of hit points and damage, but who is both braindamaged and knows very little Gothic, or Leokadia a techpriest who is intelligent and knows the facility a little (a little) but who is unarmed save for the powers she gets from her potentia coil, she is also quite fragile, comparatively. It's a bit about what sort of game you want to play.

    Ah. Refreshing in new tab, I see you're going with C-16. Not a bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:23 No.15182346
    its about time for some action, take the warrior women
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)02:24 No.15182348
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    c-16 and calliban. i choose you!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:24 No.15182359
    Wait, we can take miss Dat Ass with us? Okay, this decision just got a lot harder.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:28 No.15182389
    play this like every other rpg... take the girls and leave the boys
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:28 No.15182394
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)02:29 No.15182403
    waitasec, what is that a picture of in c-16's inventory?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:29 No.15182405
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:29 No.15182408
    we need Caliban to shoot the bridge right now .
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:30 No.15182410
    >leave Dan

    But-but, Britishness... Also, hes the only one who can talk with C-16
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:30 No.15182412
    a horse , she is after all an Attilan
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:30 No.15182415
    No, you see, If we take her with us, Calliban will end up charming her the whole time, and we'll have to keep giving them time alone, and never get anywhere.

    Unless we took her and C-16. But then we'd never understand C-16. This has the best party dynamics.

    Plus, we can always come back later and talk to her for info, or have her pray to machine spirits for us. Unless we get to a new section that locks off. But we'll deal with that if we come to it.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:31 No.15182420
    A horse. Former cavalry.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:31 No.15182423
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:32 No.15182428

    but can we see the tech priests inventory ?
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)02:32 No.15182431
    yeah calliban shoots the bridge, we progress, and c-16 will go berzerk on any xeno we encounter.

    glaive it up in this biatch
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)02:33 No.15182437
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    Nel's safely in the Chirio tube. getting the help she needs.
    Thumbs up! Let's do this. Calliban used precise shot!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:33 No.15182439
    why c-16's PP a % unlike calliban ?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:36 No.15182459
    Cause fuck you, that's why.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)02:38 No.15182476
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    It's super eff-WHAAAAAM!!!!

    Jeez. That was loud.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:38 No.15182477
    ok ... i was think it was because their specials worked in a different way but that works too.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:38 No.15182479
    Well, I would imagine whilest he uses it to perform certain actions, C-16 has an amount of rage to work through.

    I'm not entirely sure I want to learn how to recharge that, though. . .
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:42 No.15182517
    Cross that mothafuckin bridge, mothafuckas!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:43 No.15182526

    Was that someone else's voice we heard, other than our groups? This might bare investigating.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:46 No.15182543
    Charge forward! Either someone needs help or we really screwed up. Either way, we can solve it with the liberal application of brute force!
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)02:47 No.15182554
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    You proceed.

    C-16 Only has one attack and it's a doozy. She regains it, well..same as you would recharge Musou normally. if you've played that game.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:48 No.15182557
    That seems to be the same color as Locke's voice, the techpriestess' brother.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:50 No.15182578
    Yell up a bashful apology, then scuttle away before he can get down here and yell at us for disrespecting the Machine Spirit.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:54 No.15182602
    Fuck that guy he had a chance at talking with us but he turned his ears off

    Continue on and forget we ever heard his whiny ass voice
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)02:54 No.15182604
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    Way hey! Main power core! All it's missing is one of its Thenezz-Auger parts.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:55 No.15182617
    whip out the tec priestess and see if she can help fix it
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:56 No.15182620
    fix the power core?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:57 No.15182631
    Why, I seem to see a pattern emerging here! Ask Calliban to ask C-16 what she is sniffing about. She might be smelling something important, like one of the genestealers.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:57 No.15182633

    Either she's got a cold or she smells soemthing. What do smell, C-16, what is it girl?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)02:59 No.15182645
    whats that? genestealers at the old well? let go girl!
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)02:59 No.15182649
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:00 No.15182651
    I'll keep it in mind not to confront C-16... about anything really.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)03:01 No.15182664
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    Calliban whips out the Thenezz-Auger spare part, and it clicks in like a champion. Powers back, guys, well done!

    Apparently,she smells blood.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:04 No.15182683
    I think we should run back to the techpriestess to see what that did to help us. I know the turret is back online, but there might be other useful things.

    Then double back and follow the scent of blood, I suppose.
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)03:05 No.15182697
    sentry should now be up. lets go check with the datas techpriest
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:08 No.15182726
    Lets go check on the techpriest with dat ass, and see if the formerly suicidaly depressed women is finished in the machine of extraction.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:08 No.15182728
    explore the basement for a little bit .
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)03:10 No.15182748
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    Seems that light and noise attracted something.
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)03:10 No.15182749
    im pretty sure shes going to be there a while. we shot ourselves in the foot when we had boone toss the little ripper jar down the furnace. that would have sped up the curing process
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)03:11 No.15182754

    lol c-16 now speaks gothic, sheesh
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)03:12 No.15182760
    c-16 musou rage

    callidan precise shot

    boone, umm... erm... i forgot what boones powers are
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:12 No.15182765
    Have C-16 look for the source of blood and follow her. Then at some point appologize to the techpriest for blasting that chain.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:13 No.15182769
    Boone has psyker powers. Also her character sheet would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:13 No.15182774
    FUCK !!!

    KILL IT Calliban shoot for the eyes
    get C-16 to grenade the ever living fuck out of it

    dose Boone have any psychic combat powers ? if not SHOOT IT
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:14 No.15182779
    ==>do the shooty thing
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:15 No.15182791
    RUN AND SHOOT! RUN AND SHOOT! Also have C-16 attack it with MUSOU RAGE, and order to retreat if things get too nasty. also, use some sort of psyker power on it.
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)03:15 No.15182793
    i know that but forgot which ones. finding character sheet from suptg...
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:15 No.15182796

    (also, is that a daemonic tyranid? We are fucked.)
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:16 No.15182804

    > Psyker

    > Against Tyranids

    If the Hivemind is nearby, Boone will go batshit insane with the scratching and clawing in her head due to Shadow in the Warp. Boone shouldn't use her powers. Ever.
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)03:16 No.15182805
    old sheet

    ok she got nothing combat worthy
    >> i browse 4chan at work 06/07/11(Tue)03:17 No.15182813
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    fck forgot pic

    and damn, gotta go to bed. wifes calling. c yall tomorrow, GOOD LUCK
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:18 No.15182816
    Take a look. That aint no normal tyranid.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:18 No.15182818
    Have Calliban shoot that bastard in the eye, and then have Musou use RAGE. Let's not use a grenade near a very delicate and important generator, please.

    Our powers are useless in a fight, so I suppose cower in a corner and take potshots with our pistol as we can.
    >> FoE 06/07/11(Tue)03:18 No.15182819
    Retreat across the bridge using las gun to keep it at bay. If it cannot be avoided.. musou rage. If we can make it to the bridge, nade it once across.
    >> Jarheadcharon 06/07/11(Tue)03:19 No.15182822

    C-16 - Musou Rage
    Calliban - Precise Shot
    Boone - ... no psy-points = FFFFUUU... Just shoot and pray for that golden BB...
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:19 No.15182828

    SHOOT HER!!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:19 No.15182829
    Throw magazine, distract it with delicious tech booty.

    Also, sleep tight!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:25 No.15182853
    We might be able to lure it into the acid. If our attacks fail miserably, retreat across the bridge and blow it with a grenade.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:25 No.15182855
    MGS much ?
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)03:26 No.15182864
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    You retreat to the bridge, not wanting to damage the generator you just fixed. Calliban lays down some cover fire, but it doesn't seem to be doing much.

    C-16, seeing a quarry worthy of her skill, opts to unleash the fucking fury.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:28 No.15182873
    >> FoE 06/07/11(Tue)03:29 No.15182882
    Her rage is a last resort. Have her nade the bridge instead as everyone continues to fall back.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:31 No.15182890
    Give a 'for the Emperor', stand back, and let C-16 go to work. It's best to let professionals to deal with pests like this, after all.

    Also, Calliban should use precise shot on one of the beasts eyes if C-16 has trouble with it.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:32 No.15182895
    This. Only grenade it as a last resort.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 06/07/11(Tue)03:35 No.15182911
    Stall it at the bridge, and have C-16 rip the bridge off. Say hello to caustic acid, Mr. horror of the deep!
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)03:36 No.15182916
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    Depite the lingering suspicion that something awesome is happening behind you, you and Calliban know better than to be around once C-16 gets into one of her moods. Heck, you almost feel bad for...whatever that was? Sort of a Tyrannid with horns? Anyways. I guess you can observe it when she's done with it.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:38 No.15182921
    First of all, if it's caustic, it can't be acid by definition. Secondly that shit didn't do anything to an allumium can. I doubt it'll work on the tyrannid.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:43 No.15182951
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    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)03:44 No.15182965
    Sorry. It is me. Forgot my trip. I don't use it when I post on other boards.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:48 No.15182979
    Thank you for not being a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:50 No.15182983

    Well, look to our surroundings, I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:51 No.15182984
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)03:52 No.15182989
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:54 No.15183000
    Watch patiently?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:55 No.15183005
    Nice work, thunder thighs.
    If we live through this, it's straight to the gym
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)03:58 No.15183023
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:59 No.15183025

    I just had the most horrid nightmare...
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:59 No.15183027
    You know I bet we could have used diplomacy on that carnifex. Poor thing looked scared.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)03:59 No.15183029

    Probably a bit late, but OSHA is be PISSED at the condition of this place.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:01 No.15183037

    Is going to be pissed. Bah. Serves me right for typing at 1 in the morning.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)04:02 No.15183040
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:02 No.15183043
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:03 No.15183046
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:03 No.15183048

    now, drown in vaginal juices and pass out
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:03 No.15183053
    give her a huuuug!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:04 No.15183057
    Wake up and ask what the hell she's doing here. Then hug.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:04 No.15183058
    You are in no way presentable she is gonna scold you.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:05 No.15183060
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:05 No.15183061
    Hug jer vagina
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:06 No.15183063
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:06 No.15183064
    sounds reasonable
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:06 No.15183065
    Send Technomancer more requests for Raege and Boone porn. Seriously though, Give her a big hug and recount to her what you've seen so far. Ask for advice.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:08 No.15183067
    I'm not sure *someone here* would appreciate if he became aware of what has been done..
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)04:09 No.15183069
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    Wow. I honestly didn't expect so many people to get their hopes up. Now I almost feel kinda bad.

    Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:10 No.15183075
    Dammit. Guess we'll just have to hug our own vagina, now. :(
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:11 No.15183076
    cry a bit and then explore your surroundings. You're a freaking psyker (sort of) this can't be a normal hallucination
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:11 No.15183079
    Ah. Hallucination I presume?
    Well wander around and figure out where we are, and what's around.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:12 No.15183084
    Pout adorably
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:15 No.15183091
    Look up and see if we can get in contact with Calliban.

    Also, weep for the lack of sweet Commisarial love.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:15 No.15183093
    okay, do all of this simultaneously
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:18 No.15183101
    Also, we just got called 'Kiddo'.

    In 50's speak, that is the greatest sign of affection. We are loved.
    >> Liu Nineball 06/07/11(Tue)04:20 No.15183104
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    For some reason I keep hoping C-16 gets a giant Mace or Scimitar, couldn't imagine why though.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)04:22 No.15183108
    You call up, but you've fallen quite far. You get no response.

    Lacking alternate direction, you proceed left, not too thrilled by what you see. Then, your combead rings. Good thing those things are standard issue.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)04:23 No.15183113
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:24 No.15183117
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:24 No.15183118
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:24 No.15183119
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:25 No.15183121
    freak the fuck out, hide in a corner and then call.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:25 No.15183122
    Push select. Better not be a damn collect call.

    Also, looks like another one of the sample jars. Which our beast probably came from. Which means that we probably made the right choice in purging the one that we found. HA.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:25 No.15183123
    Oh shit. This is the incinerator, isn't it.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:25 No.15183125
    That bitch? Anyone know of any Enemies Boone might have? Also. Push Select and put our back to the wall and keep our eyes open.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:26 No.15183128
    ask if we can eat any of our surroundings
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:27 No.15183131
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    so we better get back up before getting burninated.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)04:27 No.15183133
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:29 No.15183138
    okay, now ask fr something to get back up.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:29 No.15183140
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:33 No.15183150
    Ask if there's a rope handy. If not, ask him to go get the techpriestess. She should at least be able to give us an idea where we are and a way to get back with the others.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:34 No.15183155
    OLI OLI OLI OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:35 No.15183159

    ..Isn't that the tyranid-containing tube we threw into the Incinerator?

    Not good. Very not good.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:37 No.15183170

    Crab battle?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:39 No.15183174
    why couldn't we just raise the nid as a pet? Now it's become huge and horny.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:39 No.15183176
    yes yes thats all fine but CAN I EAT IT?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:40 No.15183181
    Has no-one noticed the drawing on the wall yet?
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)04:40 No.15183184
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    >> Indonesian Gentleman 06/07/11(Tue)04:41 No.15183189
    that jean-stealing bastid is still alive, eh?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:43 No.15183193
    Okay, get the fuck up, and try not to get our pants grabbed by Jeanstealer as we climb up.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:43 No.15183194
    Your right those proportions are all wrong. Boone is not that skinny.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:44 No.15183198
    Yeah, ready the laspistol.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:44 No.15183199
    Begin slow, cautious movement ahead. Can we feel for other presences with our mind? 'Cus that bastard we got in the balls is out and about.

    Prepare our foot for battle, brothers. Let his balls know the Emperor's fury.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:44 No.15183201
    okay, who's the person sodomizing Boone?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:44 No.15183205

    ...Okay, this facility is going to want to get a refund on their incinerator.

    It fails at, y'know, burning things.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:45 No.15183206
    Inspect drawing, broken container, and look around for said cable.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:45 No.15183209
    or rather, can she feel he psychic perturbations generated by a nid mind?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:45 No.15183210
    Guys...how long were we out
    >captcha any otacon
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)04:51 No.15183241
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    You draw your trusty compact LASPISTOL and proceed with slow, precise steps. There is a...man?...here. He seems to be eating something.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:52 No.15183245
    say hi to the fellow mutie.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:53 No.15183252
    Jean stealer. I call it.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:53 No.15183253
    hold fire but back the fuck up. he looks dangerous
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:53 No.15183256
    a snake ? EAT IT!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:54 No.15183257
    Ask him what's going on and if he needs any help. Let's try and save who we can, eh?
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)04:55 No.15183266
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    He startles slightly.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:56 No.15183271
    he doesn't seem like a bad guy, otherwise, he'd have crushed you, maybe he just got his face burned.

    ask name
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:57 No.15183273
    That certainly is a genestealer shoot to kill.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:58 No.15183279
    that's not what a genestealer looks like you stupid man. Obviously he's not hostile.

    Offer him your help.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:59 No.15183286
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:59 No.15183287
    This, but still keep you distance and have laspistol ready.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)04:59 No.15183291
    ==> read his mind!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:00 No.15183296
    Looks part Genestealer or something. If he lunges for us, shoot him in the head. Ask him if he needs help or needs to escape.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)05:00 No.15183297
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    Well his voice has changed, and he looks kinda messed up but it turns out you've met.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:01 No.15183298
    He is just not a pure strain, why else would he have chiton. He's also displaying a red coloration similar to that of the carnifex.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:01 No.15183301
    seems like a pretty nice guy. Barely as polite as the crazy mongol chick, but still, we should help him out, while keeping safe distances.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:01 No.15183307
    then ask him to continue
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:02 No.15183308
    TELEPATHY him to understand whats he talking about.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:02 No.15183309
    Seb is not a nice guy...look at the past threads
    >> Jarheadcharon 06/07/11(Tue)05:02 No.15183310
    Uhm... broken shards look like the container what we chucked down the incinerator... either this chap's snacking on the ripper-chan, orrrrr...

    Fuck it... kill it with flashlights!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:03 No.15183317
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:03 No.15183319
    but first aim for balls
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:03 No.15183324
    Nonsense, hybrids just don't look like this.
    >> Jarheadcharon 06/07/11(Tue)05:04 No.15183326
    Actually, bump that. GO FOR THE MEAN BOONE MACHINE AGAIN!

    >eryinte Greek
    Yes, Captcha, she is a Greek Fury
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:04 No.15183328


    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:04 No.15183329
    well, shoot, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:05 No.15183335
    I concur. Shoot him in the balls.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)05:06 No.15183343
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:07 No.15183347
    Kick him in the balls
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:08 No.15183351
    KILL IT.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:08 No.15183355
    kick him in the balls with the flashlight.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:08 No.15183356
    i am still like the idea of telepathy
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:09 No.15183357

    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:09 No.15183358
    What is he eating?
    Also, shoot him.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:09 No.15183367
    okay, psyker time, and then shoot, maybe
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:10 No.15183368
    Actually yeah, mind read first, then if hostile, shoot, if not, climb rope, and get what's his face to shoot him.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:11 No.15183375
    >> Jarheadcharon 06/07/11(Tue)05:11 No.15183378

    Like I said, I reckon he's snacking on roast Ripper.

    We know what's on this guy's mind. Go for the balls, Boone, go for the balls!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:12 No.15183385
    Blast him with psy, kick him in the balls, read mind, kick him again, loot. Run.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)05:16 No.15183399
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    Your mind races at a million miles an hour: Read mind? Shoot talk? Kick Balls? Kick Balls? Kick balls!!

    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:16 No.15183400
    Shoot in balls, shoot in kneecaps, shoot in head, repeat 3rd step until magazine is dry.

    Yeah, he's eating whatever was in the vial. And he already had a genestealer infection, probably.

    All else failing, we can telepathically punch him in the balls with our spectral hands.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:18 No.15183408
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)05:18 No.15183413
    GOOOOOOD. Now shoot him. In the kneecap.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:19 No.15183414
    hit 'em again.
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/07/11(Tue)05:19 No.15183416
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    >> Jarheadcharon 06/07/11(Tue)05:19 No.15183419

    SO. MUCH. WIN.

    Boone, Connie will be so proud of how you have taken matters into your own hands. So to speak.

    Now that we've established a basis to communicate from, NOW we can interrogate the onanist.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:20 No.15183421
    Wait guys think about this
    Genestealers exist only to reproduce
    Ask him if he knows what happens to stealers who have lost that capability.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:20 No.15183423
    Shoot his knees out and leave him to rot. Ass. Maybe see if he's got anything on him worth taking then get out of there.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:22 No.15183432
    I support the shooting him in the kneecap motion. Also kick him in the balls again, THEN climb the rope fast, and get Calidan down here to shoot him dead.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)05:23 No.15183436
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    Nice work!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:24 No.15183443
    knee caps, then, time permitting, curb stomp. i dont like the look of all those teeth

    To make a point, why do we want to interrogate him exactly? what is he likely to know that we need?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:24 No.15183445

    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:24 No.15183446

    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)05:24 No.15183449
    dat achievement. I still think we should shoot out one of his kneecaps before attempting interrogation.
    >> Jarheadcharon 06/07/11(Tue)05:26 No.15183456

    As a law enforcement officer, I really feel that I should disagree with gratuitous violence on a downed subject....

    Who am I kidding, this fuck-chuckle deserves it...
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:26 No.15183457
    line up the shot, one round through both knees, no sense wasting ammo
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)05:26 No.15183459
    >To make a point, why do we want to interrogate him exactly? what is he likely to know that we need?

    huh, good point...maybe we should just shoot him in the head and be done with it?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:28 No.15183466

    But yes, shoot in kneecap, interrogate, apply the Emperor's Mercy to the head once finished.

    We left him alive once. Let's not repeat the mistake.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)05:29 No.15183478
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    You plant a neat shot in both of Seb's knees. Now you could ask some questions, if you wanted.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:30 No.15183479

    I must join my brothers and say...

    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:32 No.15183486



    Stomp him in the nuts.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:32 No.15183487
    demand to know where the commisar is!

    The sexy one!

    Who made Fucklaw into the angriest sonvabitch this side of the skull throne

    if he doesn't know, shoot him, its the only question he could answer that we'd care about
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)05:32 No.15183488
    1. what happened to the medical sample
    2. when was he infected
    3. how many genestealers on the planet
    4.where is their base
    5. give him a minute to pray to the emperor for mercy, then pew pew
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:32 No.15183489

    Ok... interrogate him... them.. STOMP HIM IN THE NUTS!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:33 No.15183491
    Interrogate him on WTF has happened, then proceed with a merciful headshot if he's cooperative. Nut stomp if not.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:35 No.15183507

    ... You guys are no fun...
    >> Jarheadcharon 06/07/11(Tue)05:36 No.15183511

    Seconding this, because I can't come up with anything else...
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:36 No.15183512
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    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/07/11(Tue)05:37 No.15183515

    Fucking Stomp him in the Nuts already!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:40 No.15183533
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)05:42 No.15183538
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    Seb laughs weakly at this question and calls you an idiot.

    1. After being shot by Vilmos and chucked down here, Seb was badly weakened, the sample clattered down later, largely unaffected by the fire, and smashed. He explains that, as if by instinct he consumed it and found his strength returning. He felt invigorated.

    2. I'm infected?

    3. I saw a movie about them. They're not real.

    4. What the shit are you talking about, dumpling butt?

    5. I was told he has no authority h...*PEW*

    Goodbye, Seb.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:43 No.15183546

    Just as well we didn't use that sample then, because it's full of evil mutating pathogens.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:43 No.15183547
    ...Well damn. If Big E says so, I guess we really do have to stomp him in the nuts.

    Anyway, ask him if there is anything interesting in the surrounding areas, any enemies that we might find, and all that other good stuff. Then kill him.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:43 No.15183548
    honestly guys, we're playing boone here. Shes incapacitated him, shes not gunna keep beating on him, shes a good person not a psychopath.

    Most likely shed ask nicely if he knows anything useful, then leave. I cant really imagine her executing or torturing anyone, shes too sweet for that
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/07/11(Tue)05:44 No.15183554

    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:44 No.15183555

    Should Boone gain some corruption points?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:44 No.15183556
    Make SURE he's dead.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:45 No.15183559
    okay, up the ladder little lady!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:45 No.15183562

    Frisk his coat before we head to the cable. You never know, there might be something useful there.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:45 No.15183564
    Well, to the right a bit to see if we can find a coin or something, then go looking for that cable.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:46 No.15183567
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    >No stomping in the nuts.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:46 No.15183569

    Oooh, nice touch... didn't think about that...

    Now, the obvious choice is to head up the rope... presumably it leads up to the incinerator...

    The only thing I'd suggest beyond that would be to search his pre-crispied corpse to ensure there's nothing on it of value.
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)05:46 No.15183570
    she might not TORTURE him, but if she wasn't willing to execute an abominable mutant, she wouldn't have made it to the inquisition in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:47 No.15183572

    Seconding this, look for the coin that we dropped.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)05:48 No.15183583
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    Seb resents your way of attempting to kill him, and assures you that when he eventually kills you, he'll do it with some class. Like fucking you while he pushes your face through a ban-saw.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:50 No.15183591

    Okay, now kickim inna nertz. Boone may be a more timid and goodly sort of gentle character, but now Seb is just being RUDE.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:50 No.15183595
    Aaaand empty the rest of the magazine in his head. Emperor damn it, some heretics just don't have the common manners to die when you shoot them.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:50 No.15183596

    oh god-emperor, we have a chance.

    stomp him in the nuts!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:51 No.15183597

    and being rude is not very nice and doesn't get you dessert.
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)05:52 No.15183604
    tie one of his legs to the end of the cable. climb up and pull the cable up after you. carry him to the acid and chuck him in
    >> The God-Emperor of Mankind 06/07/11(Tue)05:52 No.15183606

    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:52 No.15183610

    ... Either we're not supposed to kill him yet, or we're not using the right equipment...
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:54 No.15183614

    I agree. Bath-time in the caustic mess.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:54 No.15183615

    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:54 No.15183616
    We just aren't using enough of it. It usually takes quite a few compact laspistol shots to actually kill someone.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:54 No.15183620
    Have our guardsman friend kill him later. Now, NUTSTOMP.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:55 No.15183622
    Shit, he's possibly part-Tyranid now from whatever was in that container. Should we try to fry his ass with psychic powers or start moving before he regenerates all his wounds and sprouts tentacles?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:55 No.15183624
    Ask him if he saw any coins laying around. Or useful mechanical parts. Then shoot him.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:55 No.15183627

    Yeah, but we've wasted enough ammo already.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:56 No.15183628
    Boone doesn't have any psy-points left, does she? We could have cast Telepathy on Seb to find out the extent of the infection across the station.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 06/07/11(Tue)05:57 No.15183631
    Let's give him his second circumcision. I mean the kind that will leave him an eunuch. With your laspistol. And get someone down here to interrogate him.
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)05:57 No.15183634
    it's probably both. TO THE CAUSTIC LIQUID
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:58 No.15183635
    Let's not try and touch the hivemind. That doesn't sound good for a squishy psyker like us.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)05:58 No.15183636

    That... might not be a very good idea. Using telepathy on shambling abominations tends to do bad things to you.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)05:58 No.15183637
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    You pat down Seb's coat, which has now partially melted and fused to his skin. You notice, while searching him that the bullet holes made by Vilmos's shots are healed back to muscle, and your own las shots have barely given him second degree burns. You're not sure how much ammo you're going to need for this journey, but you're pretty sure you don't want to use up the entire clip on a loser like Seb.

    You opt to go up the rope.

    Springboarding of Sebs nuts as you go.
    >> Jarheadcharon 06/07/11(Tue)06:00 No.15183640

    Eeeeeexcellent. Let's not forget to gather the rope behind us, shall we?
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)06:00 No.15183641
    pull the rope up after us then. we may not have the heart to chuck him in acid, but there's no reason to make this easy for him
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:01 No.15183646

    C16 has a number of grenades. I say we have caliban go down and stuff one in his mouth.

    That should take care of him.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:02 No.15183652
    Ha, take that!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:03 No.15183654
    I concur.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)06:03 No.15183656
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    Sorry, slight GM bit. Just letting you know 3 very important things.

    1. Seb can be killed, but it's hard. He's not really a big plot point. Just a petty irritant, and I guess and an example of what's going on here...kind of.

    2. There is nothing interesting down here. Seriously. Chance encounter. Wouldn't have happened if you'd lowered the bridge normally. Pure chance.

    3. The CAUSTIC RIVER, didn't even melt the can you put it in. It doesn't actually dissolve things that well. Certainly not before anything culd climb out.
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)06:04 No.15183660
    perhaps, but those walls looked kinda steep. at the very least it woulda been funny.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 06/07/11(Tue)06:05 No.15183665
    >2. There is nothing interesting down here. Seriously. Chance encounter. Wouldn't have happened if you'd lowered the bridge normally. Pure chance.

    HMMM? I say, we need to 'inspect' this part to the right, probably with the full party, later on.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:05 No.15183669

    Dang. No sense wasting more effort on him, then, although I get the feeling he's going to show up later on for some more dickmangling.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:06 No.15183672
    He should still be killed like the commie mutant traitor he is, just let someone else do the dirty work.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)06:09 No.15183684
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    You shimmy up the rope and exit the mouth of the incinerator, you attempt to gather up the cable, but it's still kind of attached to the broken machine its attached to. You decide instead to switch it back on. Seb may be tough, but this will discourage him.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:10 No.15183691
    Regarding the inventory screen posted a while back, can we tell whether the Amasec Gums restore HP or Psy Points (or something else)? And did we somehow get another piece of chocolate, or was that a goof? And did we lose any HP in the fall that need to be restored?
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)06:10 No.15183692
    that works. NOW TO FIND OUR FRIENDS!

    oh we should warn the warden about our good friend Crispy.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:13 No.15183707

    I second that emotion.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:13 No.15183710
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:14 No.15183716
    Don't you mean notion?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:14 No.15183717

    I'd guess that they restore PP. Amasec is effectively Space Brandy, and alchohol unburdens the mind.

    Suck the gums.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:15 No.15183718
    Use comm-bead to call Calaban.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:16 No.15183727
    ask if seb is edible!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:18 No.15183735

    No, I was referencing a Smokey Robinson song.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:19 No.15183740

    Well, maybe eat half the packet so we still have some spare to save for a different scenario if the effect isn't as intended now.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)06:24 No.15183765
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    After a cursory look around, you don't see Vilmos, but you leave a note on the incinerator, in case he comes back.

    You rejoin your friends who are delighted to see you. Now what? Not too many actions at once, please.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:25 No.15183769

    C-16 status screen?

    How much HP did she lose?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:26 No.15183779
    Warn them that Seb is alive and some sort of thing. Also ask what became of that monster at the bridge.
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)06:27 No.15183782
    yes, this. assess any damage. Ask the techpriest how long until the depressed girl is better. see if the sentry is functioning normally
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:27 No.15183786
    These. Also ask how the progress is on Ms genestealer infection. Neb was it?
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)06:28 No.15183796
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    According to Calliban she recieved a scratch when one of the creatures claws fell on her after she cut it into a million, billion pieces. And cut those pieces into pieces.

    Then jumped on them.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:34 No.15183820
    Tell her good work.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)06:34 No.15183822
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    You explain that Seb is still alive to everyone but Leokadias confusion, who remembers him being processed at this medical station a while back.

    The autosentry is perfectly oprational, melta, plasma, melta all online.

    Nel will be done in maybe...12-15 hours?

    You chew half of the AMASEC GUMS you have, giving you one PSY point.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:37 No.15183832
    Lets EXPLORE !
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:38 No.15183835
    >The autosentry is perfectly oprational, melta, plasma, melta all online.
    >melta, plasma, melta
    Are they expect that medical point will assaulted by land raider full of terminators or what? Because that seems a bit too much anti-tank firepower for an interior sentry turret.
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)06:38 No.15183839
    Find the blue techie and tell him that you repaired the generator thingy. also, ask about finding a map of the facility.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:39 No.15183843
    There's paranoid techpriests around. I just hope the damned thing's accurate.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:41 No.15183845
    this is the imperial guard there is no such thing has over kill

    on that note wee could always lure things in to the trap.
    >> shouldbsleepin 06/07/11(Tue)06:44 No.15183853
    sir, I've detected some minor errors in your pronounciation. it could be a sign of chaos taint. now don't panic, just assume the party escort submission position and be patient. You will be purged shortly.

    and on that note I should really get to bed, it's 5 AM..
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:45 No.15183856
    Require Boone status sheet.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:48 No.15183864
    Its like the cancer killing /tg/ became a thread incarnate
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:54 No.15183879
    I think this is a good point to finish up. Need sleep.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)06:54 No.15183880
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    Bahaha. oops. I meant Melta, Plasma, Bolter. Still pretty nuts, even in pistol form but hey. Guess the guy in charge thought it was important.

    You explore and find Locke, quite delighted at how little work he has left to do.

    He shrugs. Sorry, he hasn't seen a map. He's actually from a different factory. Transferred when staff got injured.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:57 No.15183897
    Fridge leaking?
    Also, ask Leokadias about Seb's time in the medical station.

    Did he undergo a thorough check?
    If so, it might give a time stamp on when he get infected.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)06:58 No.15183903
    May as well chew the other half of the amasec gums and gain the other PP.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:00 No.15183908
    Staff THERE, or staff here? This is a crucial distinction.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:01 No.15183914

    Careful, Boone, those things are full of sugar and your thighs are a bit... chunky already.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:02 No.15183915
    We should probably explore to the right of the bridge to get back to where we were before the DISTRACTION CARNIFEX happened.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:03 No.15183917

    +1 Psy Point

    -5 Self-image?
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)07:04 No.15183920
    5am? Well sleep IS important.
    This will give you some time to think about what to do next, I guess.

    Do you know that C-16 sprites aside, I had all of this drawn last time? Whole new areas you aint seen yet. Madness. Well done!

    I'll resume with part 4 in a day or two I guess. Orr later today? We'll see.

    Thanks for playing. Sorry it was a slow one.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:05 No.15183924
    Where the hellballs do you live anyways? It's 6am here.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:06 No.15183932

    He's from dahnundaland
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)07:07 No.15183938
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    Forgot my ding dang post again, sorry.

    Silent Hill, Catachan
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:07 No.15183940
    It was a laugh, thanks again CF! Now to knock up some Seb on Boone stuff...
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:09 No.15183951
    That explains a lot.
    Thanks for the quest, hopefully ill notice when episode 4 starts.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:09 No.15183952

    Razzamatazzah, za-za-za-zah, razzamatazz-zah-ZAH! Bding!

    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:11 No.15183957

    Wow, beatboxing victory music.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:18 No.15183997
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    Pudding tits are here!
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)07:20 No.15184009
    Archived for graet justice.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)08:48 No.15184351
    I missed it and now I am sad. Can't wait for the next time.
    >> Colossal Fagot !!jcg/Jrhuv6C 06/07/11(Tue)09:36 No.15184643
    ah well. I was gonna do episode 4 at about 8pm your time it might be dicey, trying to do it before work. But it should give us maybe 8-9 hours to do the quest. Worth a shot.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/11(Tue)10:05 No.15184858
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    Hey CF! We want more sexytime with you!

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