/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2014
30883410Howl at the Moon: Werewolf Quest 1chargen of werewolf quest.Collective Game, Werewolf Quest, Luna2014-03-17 6 
30923429Howl at the Moon: Werewolf Quest 2We talk to another werewolf and save our friends from a vampire.Luna, Werewolf Quest, Collective Game2014-03-19 10 
31048162Howl at the Moon: Werewolf quest 3We talk with Janice and Steve, botch our next transformation, and attack some vampires. The next day, we meet a mysterious lawyer.Collective Game, Luna, Werewolf Quest2014-03-25 5 
31150809Howl at the Moon: Werewolf Quest 4OP still sucks at first posts. Thread starts off with some backstory. Then we encounter a couple of vampires at the gas station.Collective Game, Luna, Werewolf Quest2014-03-30 5 
April 2014
31190817Howl at the Moon: Werewolf Quest 5We get lost on the road.Luna, Werewolf Quest, Collective Game2014-04-01 4 
31195607Exalted Quest 23Surprise Lunar Edition. We take control of Makafucking Tia!Exalted, Solar, Quest, Solar Quest, Collective Game, Zenith, Tianna, Full Moon, Lunar2014-04-01 31 
31236553Exalted Quest 24We finish the battle and divide up the spoils.Exalted, Solar, Quest, Solar Quest, Collective Game, Zenith, Tianna, Full Moon, Lunar2014-04-03 14 
May 2014
31886857Princes of the Earth Quest Episode 1: PilotOur protagonist survives against implausible odds, cheats against unfair opponents, and succeeds beyond his wildest imagination.Princes of the Earth, Exalted, Quest, Collective Game, Western, Ronin, Lunar2014-05-04 14 
32037493Princes of the Earth Quest Episode 1: Prince of the MoonOur protagonist learns what he's become, becomes what he's become, cashes in, and cashes out.Princes of the Earth, Exalted, Quest, Collective Game, Western, Ronin, Lunar2014-05-11 7 
32308550Paladin Quest: The ChivalringYou are a paladin of the Moon, sister of the Sun and daughter of the Sky. There is evil afoot, and it is your duty and privilege to smite it.Paladin Quest, Collective Game, Knights, Chivalry, Not!Asia, Lunar Paladin, Vampires, Jojo, Smiting Evil2014-05-24 29 
32354710Paladin Quest II: Live Free or Die ChivalrousYou are Fei Yu Xiang, Knight of the Moon, and you've just been turned into a Hungering Prince. But who cares about that, there's chivalry to do.Paladin Quest, Collective Game, Knights, Chivalry, Not!Asia, Lunar Paladin, Vampires, Smiting Evil2014-05-25 22 
June 2014
33070340The Verdant MoonOP proposes a setting in which one day in the year 2014, when absolutely nobody was looking, the moon suddenly turns verdant and habitable, accompanied by the mass empowering of prior astronauts. Things get awesome. Deified Neil Armstrong and paladins of SPACE EXPLORATION! are involved.Terraform, Moon, Lunar, Space, NASA, Exploration, Worldbuilding, Astronauts, Verdant, Neil Armstrong,2014-06-29 3 
August 2014
34363650Terrifying Argent Exalted GeneralA standard Exalted General, rollplay bitching included. Then an anon posts a first-impressions review of a huge Lunar hack.Exalted, Lunars, Homebrew, Discussion2014-08-25 0 
34426446Paladin Quest III: Judgement DayQM lost her Anonkun password, so one last thread on /tg/.Paladin Quest, Collective Game, Knights, Chivalry, Not!Asia, Lunar Paladin, Vampires, Smiting Evil2014-08-27 1 
October 2014
35239402Exalted - Guardian Beast QuestIn which we rampage as an abomination of nature, and then realise that we were (kinda) human all alongCollective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2014-10-01 10 
35279869Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #02We learn more about the woman we rescued, and about ourselves. Newbie QM fucks up and then tries to unfuck everything.Collective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2014-10-03 8 
35319655Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #03Our glorious nudity is masked, we explore shapeshifting a little, and then we get worshipped by a villageExalted, Collective Game, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2014-10-05 5 
35403567Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #04We face off against the Coldstream Serpent and add a faerie to our party. What could possibly go wrong?Exalted, Collective Game, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2014-10-09 5 
35516654Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #05Short thread. We build a ship, and our Abyssal mate noms on our neck.Collective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2014-10-14 1 
November 2014
36115596Exalted Quest 53Lunar Edition 2: Luna Harder. We take on the Lintha Admiral and have a misunderstanding with KarasExalted, Solar, Quest, Solar Quest, Collective Game, Zenith, Tianna, Full Moon, Lunar2014-11-12 13 
November 2015
43549681Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #06GBQ makes its return to /tg/! The ladies bicker, then shake hands; we trip a trap, and then get an epic roll of the dice.Collective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2015-11-09 4 
43652791Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #07The moon is changing and we arrive at Rubylak, where the dead are not so dead.Collective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2015-11-16 2 
43785153Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #08Something is rotten in the state of Linowa, and we get to the heart of it. Collective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2015-11-23 4 
December 2017
2137308Luna Quest Thread 1Luna has the absolute worst birthday.Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2017-12-18 10 
January 2018
2182236Luna Quest Thread 2The end of the beginning.Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2018-01-07 4 
2231661Luna Quest Thread 3Luna attends to some guestsStar Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2018-01-22 3 
December 2022
5461059Moonbase Quest #1James Chapham works for his father in the Triton Trading Company as a subversive advisor under Ksumi Kariya, princess of Arien IV.Collective Game, Quest, LunaticQM, Moonbase Quest, Sci-fi, goddamnitIdidn'tfinishmyreviewbeforethethreadexpired2022-12-26 1 
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