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  • File: 1331597342.jpg-(38 KB, 640x397, shipleavingwarp.jpg)
    38 KB Privateer Quest VI MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)20:09 No.18303642  
    You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of a Sword class frigate, 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. An hour ago, you negotiated with your patron, Magos Banks, turning your first mission's earnings into full ownership of your captured frigate and selling the Magos controlling share of the captured transport, Zephyr Spirit. Business concluded, Armswoman Julin escorted you back to the frigate while Voidsman Quein remained to oversee the delivery of your goods. Adept Advi greets you upon the ship's bridge, her pristine robes only accentuating the faint discolouration of the deck where Athe once lay dying. "Captain, I have completed my assessment of the ship's systems and repairs needed, but I'm afraid I cannot locate the senior engisneer to deliver my observations. I calculate a sixty three percent chance that he has deserted your command, against the Omnissiah's will. Permission to gather a squad and render your judgement upon him?"

    The next half hour is spent explaining that most of your crew was on loan to train your own, Armswoman Julin highly amused by Adept Advi's confusion and many pointless questions. Finally, the techpriestess goes silent, her cogitators processing the situation while her mechadendrites smooth several ruffled sections of her robe. "Am I now the senior engisneer aboard, Captain?"

    Julin's eyes rest upon you, perhaps asking the same question of herself.

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)20:12 No.18303674
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    >list of bridge positions and crappy descriptions. (Advi and Julin assigned before the thread last night ended due to family emergency)

    Lord Captain: Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest
    First Officer: Athe
    -the captain's second
    Senior Enginseer: Techpriestess Advi
    - in charge of the ship's workings
    Senior Seneschal:
    - in charge of trade
    Master-At-Arms: Armswoman Julin
    - in charge of the ship's defensive and offensive combat teams
    Chief of Medicae:
    - take two and call them in the morning
    Chief Navigator:
    - gaze into the abyss

    >character info in image
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)20:13 No.18303680
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    "I shall not fail you, Magos Phryx." Enginseer Advi bows before exiting the bridge, mechadendrites excitedly dancing about. You turn your attention to Julin, clearly nervous as your cogitators judge her. "Master-At-Arms, I'll require more armsmen for our next mission. While I'm sure Athe has searched for experienced groups, perhaps you can locate a few she hadn't." Julin grins as you promote her, though it quickly fades as you continue with your orders.

    "Captain, I fear that any experienced groups will be wary of serving under a, uhm, an inexperienced captain. I believe that green armsmen will be your best option, though you'll lose perhaps thirty percent in a real boarding action. Even with your impressive earnings from Magos Banks." There is a blatant conflict upon your Master-At-Arms' mind, perhaps she believes her opinion bad news. "If you'll excuse me, Captain, I'll be on my way."

    "Not so fast, promoted scum!" Athe is upon your Master-At-Arms in an instant, securing her stunned prey with an arm about the neck. "I took the liberty of arranging a little something, Captain. We're booked at Gerin's place for later, even this juuve here" Julin receives a slight shake before Athe releases your new officer. Your officers' eyes meet, Master-At-Arms glaring daggers toward your smugly amused XO. "Save your ire for later, Julin. You can take your revenge at Gerin's, should you be brave enough to match Athe's bet. I suggest you prepare until then." Flustered, Julin finally takes her leave.

    Athe retrieves her dataslate once you are alone, taking a seat upon your command throne's arm. "Our fellows have encountered some poor luck, though some interesting rumors have returned with a few crews. Shall I begin with the market prices for our repairs or the rumors, Elesh?"

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)20:16 No.18303702
    >archived threads

    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)20:16 No.18303707
    >Permission to gather a squad and render your judgement upon him?

    Gather a squad and find him, but let me know before you attack.
    My paranoia tells me that there is more to this then just a runaway techpriest, and I suspect Advi. It's mighty convinient for Magos Grumman that the adept he sent with us is now our senior techpriest.
    Assign someone to investigate this.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)20:17 No.18303715
    Business first, repair cost, possible money to make through trade, possible 1 vet guard per squad of green grunts, start them on training the grunts immediately while we do other work
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)20:18 No.18303719
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    >didn't read the whole OP
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)20:22 No.18303741
    yeah, i started typing as soon as the first post came out


    and, try to look into the engineseer that went missing
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)20:24 No.18303760

    >The next half hour is spent explaining that most of your crew was on loan to train your own, Armswoman Julin highly amused by Adept Advi's confusion and many pointless questions.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)20:27 No.18303786
    ...this is what happens when I sleep for 6 hours in the last 3 days.
    >> Cegorach 03/12/12(Mon)20:39 No.18303891
    Let's start with prices and move on to rumours.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)20:43 No.18303937
    Starting Wealth: 111
    Material cost of Hull Repairs: 14 wealth
    Material cost of Voidsmen Quarters Repairs: 2 wealth
    Component cost for Sunsear Laser Battery Repair: 20 wealth (for poor), 35 wealth (for generic)

    Cargo Value:
    exotic goods: .5 wealth per
    exotic booze: 2 wealth
    Mars Macrocannon Battery: 8 wealth

    Armsmen costs:
    Green: 5 wealth per 1,000 members
    Battle-hardened: 20 wealth per 1,000 members
    Veteran: 30 wealth per 1,000 members
    -no others available-

    Ship components located:
    Sunsear Laser Battery: 67 wealth (requires purchases from several sources)
    Mars Pattern Laser Battery: 8 wealth
    W-240 Passive detection Arrays: 30 wealth
    Empyrean Mantle: 40 wealth
    Medicaue Deck: out-of-stock
    Clemency-pattern life sustainer: 33 wealth (poor quality)
    Barracks: 10 wealth
    -feel free to request specific info for other components-

    Crew Upgrades/Replacements:
    Green: free
    Battle-hardened: 5 wealth per 5%
    Veteran: 14 wealth per 5%
    -current crew: 37/100%

    >buying prices are currently high due to poor luck among raiding forces, though merchants are slow to raise the price that -they- will buy at
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)20:45 No.18303960
    Install the macrocannon.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)20:52 No.18304023
    Can we buy 500 vets, and 2000 green, mixing the squads to combine the effectiveness and use vets as a bonus to train the others? I like the thought of well trained boarding parties to scrap hulls for more profit than punching them full of holes. Aside from that I'm not smart enough about the weapons (yet I'm reading the books) so I'm gona hold of on saying anything for that

    Captcha:raideo bridge
    Think we should call our bridge and form a raiding party!
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)20:55 No.18304051
    my google fu has failed me, what is an empyrean mantle

    Also, can we upgrade our void shields? how much would that cost if avalible?

    installing the macrocannon is a must
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)20:56 No.18304058
    "Rumor has it that the Navy forces in the sector just had two new escort squadrons added to their number, and perhaps a lunar class cruiser. Another says that the Serentus system spotted an Eldar squadron on the system's edge, and one particularly frightened armsman claimed he survived an expedition onto a space hulk in Saregin's Path. I doubt he'll return to his ship." Athe glances at her notes, frowning as she continues. "I also looked into getting our ship a navigator team and an astropath team, but the damned mutants have a monopoly over their services out here, Captain. Unless we want to risk doing short jumps without a navigator, they have us bent over the prow."

    Navigator teams:
    Green: 3 wealth per month
    Experienced: 6 wealth per month
    Skilled: 12 wealth per month

    Astropath teams:
    Green: 1 wealth per month
    Experienced: 3 wealth per month
    Skilled: 14 wealth per month
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)21:02 No.18304112
    unfortunately, experienced armsmen tend to group into merc groups. under-strength ones generally merge together, should they not simply retire or remain in a ship's service.

    frigates lack the power generation and space to mount more than a single void shield. (only cruisers and higher can mount multiple void shields, except for a few rare light-cruiser hulls)

    Empyrean Mantle - helps hide ship by diffusing energy signatures during silent running
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)21:04 No.18304136
    >additional note

    your current cargo hold upgrade is simply the cleared area that was once the ship's munititorum, before it exploded. (hull repairs will destroy the cargo hold, freeing up 4 space from your current count of 37/40)
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:13 No.18304231
    How much would a proper cargo hold cost?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)21:15 No.18304254
    5 wealth
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)21:17 No.18304270
    sell 8 exotic goods(+4wealth)
    sell booze(+2wealth)
    full repairs(-51 wealth)
    Experienced navigator team: 6 wealth per month
    Green navigator team: 1 wealth per month
    what we buy next depends on the next mission we want to undertake. If we want to go and rob someone, we get
    1000 battle hardened armsmen(-20 wealth)
    4000 green armsmen(-20 wealth)
    2xmars-pattern laser battery(16 wealth)
    5 wealth left

    If we want to trade and sell stuff, we ask around about the prices and buy 60 wealth of trade goods
    8 wealth left

    So, ask around about what there is to export around here and try to gatherinformation about trade caravans before we spend the rest
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)21:19 No.18304285
    >Green navigator team: 1 wealth per month

    that's green astropath team

    oh, and, how much do we need to pay for boarding craft?
    and, what abour servitors?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)21:21 No.18304302

    >8 wealth left
    I meant 1 wealth left
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)21:22 No.18304322

    Navigator and Astropath teams cost you wealth per month, not provide it.

    >Mars pattern laser battery
    should actually read "Mars pattern macrocannon battery". typo on my part.

    as for your next mission...

    that is entirely up to you. The ship and everything on her is yours.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:24 No.18304334
    So, what's Quein good at?

    Wealth 111

    Hull -14
    Quarters -2
    Laster -35

    Wealth 60

    - Exp Navigator -6 per month
    - Green Astrop -1 per month
    - Green crew 0
    - Green armsmenx4 -20

    Wealth 33

    Let's see what kind of jobs are available before making any further purchases. Some kind of planetary landing vehicle might be something we look into.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:27 No.18304362
    Do we have enough power for those weapons? Or are we replacing the sun sears with the mars patterns
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)21:28 No.18304369
    servitors: 10 wealth per 5% crew (no battle variants are current available)

    boarding craft are currently not needed, as your ship lacks the facilities to launch and retrieve assault craft.

    your current boarding actions involve ramming ships together and boarding by space walk and cutting through their hull
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)21:28 No.18304375
    yeah, my ability to perform basic math seems to be rather low right now.

    I would prefer a trading mission right now, since the price of equipment is high atm. Can we ask around for what's worth exporting from Tortuga and to where?

    Oh, I just got an idea. There are ruins on Nocturnin. Can we buy landing craft and hire armsmen to land an expedition down there? Or have the ruins been picked clean?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:31 No.18304398
    I'd guess they have been clean. It's pretty much the only system to access Tortuga by.
    >> Cegorach 03/12/12(Mon)21:35 No.18304442
    You forgot we need a barracks for armsmen, which is another 10 wealth. Also, I don't think there's any point buying two more batteries, since we already have one installed battery and another in storage, and we cannot have more than two installed.
    Also, we are going to need a cargo hold, since repairs will get rid of our current one, so...
    Yeah, the only one we can fit at the moment is a Cargo Hold and Lighter Bay (if we get the barracks), though if we skip the barracks we can get a Compartmentalized Cargo Hold, which gets rid of the (Unbalanced: –3 to Manoeuvrability) the CH+LB gives.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)21:37 No.18304468
    Nocturnin's ruins have been well explored and picked clean by Tortuga's residents for hundreds of years.

    Landing shuttle: 3 wealth for 2 (holds 20 souls or 1 small cargo)

    There are other ruins scattered across the Sector.

    As for being a trader, Tortuga's status as a privateer base means that prices are inflated compared to other systems.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:39 No.18304489
    In that case, may I suggest we get our ship repaired and then head for another system for purchasing ship improvements and such?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:40 No.18304511
    I think that might be problematic unless it's another pirate friendly system or if we manage to aquire a rogue trader charter... somewhere.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)21:43 No.18304542
    Ok, this seems like a bad starting point for trade

    In that case, we need to gather information on local trading routes and convoys we can raid, other pirate groups that we may join and then share loot with and potentially profitable ruins in the area.

    The ruins have 3 things going for them - money, information and they might have old technology which is relevant since we are a techpriest.

    Also, the archeolist techpriest angle rather appeals to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:45 No.18304568
    We could also ask our former boss for a job.

    They also tend to shelter HORRORS FROM BEYOND SPACE AND TIME, but yeah, otherwise they're probably really nifty.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:46 No.18304585
    Repairs, fix cargo hold, add barrack holds, veteran crew, let's investigate that space hulk and hit something probably very hard, but more interesting than making our ship a trading vessel and moving crates of crap for thrones.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)21:46 No.18304586

    I'm pretty sure that a trading license is a lot cheaper then a rogue trader charter, but far more restricting in what you can legally do. Not that we care about the law all that much as long as we don't get caught.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:47 No.18304593
    Well, it's not like we've got a giant sign on our hull that says "WE ARE PIRATES". Granted, going to an Imp Navy base might not work out so great if the ships that escaped notice who we are/notice that we're using one of their ships, but going to the SoB system again might work, or the AdMech base. OP, can we get the system map again?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)21:47 No.18304597
    install Mars Macrocannon
    Repair Hull -14
    Repair Voidsmen Quarters -2
    Repair Laser Battery (generic quality) -35
    replace crew: Green
    Buy/install Barracks -10
    Muster Armsmen: Green x4,000 -20

    Remaining Wealth: 30

    sound good for now? Perhaps missions can be found at Gerin's...
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:49 No.18304624
    I'm okay with that.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)21:52 No.18304654

    add a green astropath team, please.

    Let's try to find a mission at Gerin's, we can get a navigator team if the mission calls for one.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:59 No.18304732
    Seconding the astropath team and gerins, let's get this road on the show
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:00 No.18304742
    I think astropath and navigator haven't been factored in.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)22:01 No.18304752
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    ship updated

    >if I've miscalculated Space or Power, feel free to correct me. If I've erred against you, I'll correct it. If I've erred in your favor, no changes will be made.

    >moving on to Gerin's
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)22:08 No.18304829
    >forgot barracks. +4 Space, +2 Power consumed
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)22:23 No.18305033
    >inflated prices
    the prices are high in tortuga, shouldn't we sell the luxury goods here?
    We could sell 8 of them for 4 wealth and the booze for 2 more wealth. that leaves 2 exotic goods for ourselves and our officers,
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)22:33 No.18305152
    Repairs are begun quickly as your officers begin screening replacement crew members or secure additional supplies. As the blur of repair orders settles with the crew and Enginseer Advi, who refuses to leave the ship while there are repairs to be overseen, you gather your trio of officers and head across the dock to Garin's. The usual crowd gathers about the popular locale, famous throughout the system for its games of 'assassin' between crewmembers and the gambling that comes with such a wild event. Garin greets you personally as you arrive, clearly glad to see his best source of gambling income in the form of Athe.

    "Welcome! Captain Phryx, your drinks are on the house tonight, in celebration of your promotion and good fortune. I'll go over the rules for your fellows, if you don't object." You nod, flesh brain wishing to see your officer's reaction to the rules and Athe's usual personal gamble. Though you note that Athe has never lost an inter-crew bet, so far as you are aware.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:34 No.18305166
    Sell the exotic/luxury goods. Keep the booze, a ship without booze is a ship prone to mutiny. Or worse...sobriety.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)22:35 No.18305171
    "Now then, the four of you will be given these lovely little handles. Every hour, they'll activate and allow you to deliver a mild shock to a target of your choice. If you are shocked, take your target's handle and turn it in at the bar. Last man standing wins the bet placed by their victims, which you'll register upon entering. You are -only- playing against your crew, and we frown upon attacks when a target is holding a full drink. Now then, since your Captain is also participating, she has the advantage of such position. She is not a target until only two remain in the game. Enjoy your night!" Julin and Quein glance at the betting board as Athe's usual wager is listed: 'One Night'. Quein's eyes take on an odd gleam at the sight, while Julin looks to you in slight disbelief. "I really have to match her bet, Captain?"

    >What will you wager, Captain?
    >Seek out fellow captains or let them seek you?
    >1d100 for assassin game
    >1d100 for jobs for captains

    >Yes, Athe's wager is likely what you're thinking. She -is- a favorite customer for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:48 No.18305322
    Think we've got 30 thrones left? give Athe 15 if she thinks she can definately make us a profit on anything, but warn her not to just bet frivolously since the funds could still be needed elsewhere. Eitherway, a few bets would probably loosen up Garin since he just offered to take care of us with drinks.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)22:49 No.18305331
    rolled 22 = 22

    this is extra fine booze, we can buy ordinary rum-equivalent for the crew

    would that fine drink be an acceptable wager?
    If it's too much, wager only an appropriate number of bottles.

    rolling for assasins
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:51 No.18305346
    >What will you wager, Captain?
    One night in the captain's quarters. (Captain not included, but we don't have to say that. Unless we decide otherwise.)

    Something of roughly equal value? Yes. Matching the wager exactly? No.
    Be creative. Your fleshy brains are supposed to be good at that.

    Nice roll.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:53 No.18305360
    rolled 22 = 22

    >Seek out fellow captains or let them seek you?
    This is our first evening out with the crew as a "proper" captain. Keep to ourselves but welcome anyone who decides to approach us.

    >1d100 for jobs for captains
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)22:53 No.18305364
    current wager is between just your crew members. If you wish to bet on the games, you are may bet on -other- crews' games, but not your own.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:56 No.18305393

    hah, two seperate directions, same roll!
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)23:04 No.18305474
    seconding both
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)23:22 No.18305671
    Go with the job seeking path, aren't we a tech-priest... efficiency brings us closer to god, not this fleshy game of tag
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)23:24 No.18305697
    I think we can do both. We can only shock somebody once every hour. So only playing the game might prove boring.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)23:27 No.18305739
    "Do not match her wager exactly if you have doubt, Julin. A wager of equal value will suffice for your honor." You place your own personal wager as you enter the building, 'One Night in the Captain's Quarters' soon appearing on the betting board, followed by cheers, hoots, and one sharp whistle. Immediately you procure Athe's favored table, located in one of the more open corners of the establishment. Watching a bet board, your cogitators approve of Julin's bet 'One Night and a throne' , your flesh brain demanding you smile at her drive to accept and one-up Athe's challenge. Quein makes an unusual wager in the form of 'one payed bar tab', perhaps a foolish wager in the wrong hands. You are quickly joined at your table by a rotation of captains, each congratulating you on your fortune and promotion in turn. Several linger as your flesh brain revels in the tastes and smells of the various drinks Garin's staff send your way, though your cogitators maintain flawless control of your mind. As one captain mentions a potential raiding mission, you note Quein move through the crowd, undoubtably searching for either Julin or Athe. "Excuse me, Captains, but my crew's hour of safety has just ended."

    The crowd around your table zeros their view upon Quein as you point him out, their attention rapt as he moves toward his first target. To a grand cheer, Quein makes his attack upon Julin, but quickly finds himself eliminated as she delivers a vicious blow to his arm before eliminating him from the match with a smile. A grand cheer for your Master-At-Arms soon follows, several captains laughing at Quein's tactical sense being blinded by his crotch. As the conversation once again turns to jobs and trade, you note Athe waving your way before vanishing into the crowd.

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)23:46 No.18305983
    Time passes quickly as you gain the details of several missions from your fellow captains and one offers you a cargo exchange that seems quite fair according to Athe's assessment of current market prices. Again you halt the conversation as Julin is spotted, stealthily making her way toward a distracted Athe. Several bets are quickly placed by your fellows as the showdown unfolds before your little crowd once more. Athe goes down as Julin's arm darts out to close the final distance, bringing Athe to her knees. Your fellows cut their cheers short, however, as Julin begins looking about in panic. "Bait and switch!?" cries Captain Leros, moments before your XO siezes her victim from behind, Julin whimpering in defeat as her body convulses and Athe appears to whisper into her ear. Your flesh brain shoots Athe a dirty look as she deposits her victim into your tiny crowd, Captain Baurse helping the defeated officer by depositing a stout drink into her hands. Bets are settled and new ones made as your XO joins your group, careful to remain at a distance from your active handle.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)23:53 No.18306060
    Would it be considered bad form to use our mechadendrites to keep Athe from shocking us?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/12/12(Mon)23:54 No.18306077
    hmmm, to cheat or nor to cheat?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)23:58 No.18306114
    The captains momentarily excuse themselves as the time of your showdown with Athe nears, Julin helped along by Baurse as he continues to give her advice for her next attempt upon Athe. You raise your drink to Athe, signaling a temporary truce, and she quickly moves to sit across your legs with a drink of her own while you explain Captain Juras' trade offer. "The trade is fairly sound, captain. The four cargos of carapace would enhance our armsmen well, while netting us a slightly better price for our exotic goods" With a drunken grin, she wraps an arm behind your neck and takes another swig of her drink. "I have to wonder why he picked them up in the first place, though. Most people know that carapace doesn't sell very well unless times are extremely good here." Your flesh brain drunkenly notes Athe's body positioning, though your cogitators keep your eyes from your lecherous fleshbrain's will. They also note your XO's body shift to secure your arms.


    >all is fair in love, war, and assassin
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:00 No.18306128
    >body shift to secure your arms

    Too bad we have five of them ,eh?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:03 No.18306155
    Don't techpriests have built-in potentia coils?
    Would anybody even notice if she managed to shock us?
    >> Cegorach 03/13/12(Tue)00:06 No.18306204
    >Get drunk, grapple Techpriest.

    I wouldn't count on that Medicae Mechadendrite. So far it has been a disappointment in that regard.
    I wish we had a servoskull, though. Or a whole bunch of them...
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:09 No.18306230
    >I wouldn't count on that Medicae Mechadendrite. So far it has been a disappointment in that regard.

    We will probably have to read up on the weaknesses of the flesh to increase its efficiency.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)00:10 No.18306238
    A devilish grin upon her face, Athe takes your drink and helpfully brings it to your lips, knowing that the truce ends as soon as your drink does. "I'm sorry, Elesh, but I do enjoy winning."

    Your drink finished, your flesh brain fills with ideas of what Athe will do to Julin in your quarters, occasionally flirting with the idea of remaining for the surely entertaining event. Unfortunately for Athe, your cogitators are unaffected by alcohol and recalled the last time she pulled this trick. As your XO makes a show of retrieving her handle and slowly moving it toward your belly, an overlooked utility mechadendrite opens and applies your own handle against her undefended shoulder blade. The shocked woman suddenly falls upon you, but your mechadendrites quickly react to prevent a collision of your skulls. With a shit-eating grin, you look at Athe as your victim in assassin for the first time. "Shocked?"

    > missions incoming
    > anything else to say?
    > forgive the bet? creative punishments or subversions?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:19 No.18306334
    I say let Athe wonder at what we might do about her bet. Mostly because I myself am not sure what to do just yet. Let's just see the missions for now.
    >> Cegorach 03/13/12(Tue)00:20 No.18306351
    It knows too much about them already. Bloody thing running off and ruining our eavesdropping attempt just because some meatsack was experiencing discomfort... Ugh. WORST TENTACLE MONSTER EVER.

    Though, we're basically the offspring of an octopus, an electric eel and a terminator, so that's pretty cool.


    Also, I have no idea what to do here. How do meatbags handle unwanted mating attempts? I remember something about pepper spray, but I don't think we have any. Though, those utility mechadendrites should have a censer in them...
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:22 No.18306368
    > missions incoming

    > anything else to say?
    Before our flesh brain can blabber anything stupid, let the cogitator take control.

    > forgive the bet? creative punishments or subversions?
    We don't need to collect right now. Anything our medicae mechadendrite might do to help them recover from the shock?

    >Athe, Julia, Quein
    I guess our cogitator will be overtaxed to keep that grin off our face.
    We should definitely keep grinning
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)00:27 No.18306419

    Convoy Escort (Team)
    Defend a convoy from Tortuga to the Labado system.
    Difficulty: Easy
    Pay: Poor

    Investigate the Space Hulk (Team)
    Head to Saregin's Path and explore the Space Hulk that has appeared there, before Imperial forces can respond or the hulk returns to the warp.
    Difficulty: ???
    Pay: ??? (depends on what you can recover)

    Convoy Raid (Team)
    Take part in a skirmish between Rogue Trader dynasties. Your mission will be to cripple or destroy the target convoy.
    Difficulty: Moderate
    Pay: Varies depending on damage inflicted

    >awaiting orders. You may still bet on another crew's assassin game, if you wish.

    No one expects the Utility Mechadendrite!
    It's chief weapon is surprise; surprise and deft ability. It's 2 weapons are surprise, deft ability and fanatical devotion to the Omn-

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:30 No.18306444
    space hulk go!
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:31 No.18306454
         File: 1331613080.jpg-(26 KB, 400x306, SpaceHulk2_9.jpg)
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    Would there be any trade opportunities in the labado system?

    I've played Space Hulk 2. pic very much related

    Would we get to board stuff. And more importantly, would we get to keep the stuff we board?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:32 No.18306463
    Second these questions. If we're going to head to the Labado system, we should try to get an idea on what's near it and what things might be in demand.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:36 No.18306494
    I'd like to know what the respective convoys we would be attacking or defending carry.

    I wouldn't feel comfortable attacking a convoy carrying medicae supplies.
    Elesh's cogitator would probably add that such an act might not be the best for our reputation and might bring unwanted attention from imperial authorities upon us.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)00:36 No.18306503
    The Labado system is entirely comprised of pleasure worlds. There is little production, but great demand for goods of all sorts.

    not all space hulks contain genestealers, sir.
    some contain far worse horrors.

    the objective of the raid is to destroy or cripple ships, not capture. The feuding RT dynasties wish to see maximum damage done for as little damage to themselves as possible.
    >> Cegorach 03/13/12(Tue)00:38 No.18306518
    Sounds acceptable
    >Space Hulk
    Yes, getting involved in a feud between Rogue Trader families sounds entirely safe and not at all a bad idea.

    I think the escort mission sounds best, since it's basically paying us to get the hell out of here and over to somewhere we may be able to make a profit.
    Though I agree we need more information on what the system is like.
    >> noko Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:40 No.18306537
    Voting for being stalked by monsters on an abandoned death ship.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)00:41 No.18306546

    The convoy to Labado likely carries either luxury goods or illegal goods to fuel the system's pleasure worlds.

    The Rogue Trader employer for the raid doesn't care what the enemy dynasty's cargo is. They just want their foe's ships destroyed or crippled.
    >> Cegorach 03/13/12(Tue)00:42 No.18306557
         File: 1331613747.jpg-(156 KB, 600x502, 1307555040672.jpg)
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    >Pleasure planet
    >All of our current cargo is fine goods

    Time to start buying stuff that will sell well there.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)00:42 No.18306561
         File: 1331613759.jpg-(102 KB, 971x523, System_Labado.jpg)
    102 KB
    in handy .jpg format
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:43 No.18306566
    Indeed. I'm all for the escort mission. Best to start building up our reserves with simpler and easier missions rather than going on a mission that could cripple us with little gain.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:44 No.18306574
    The Space Hulk IS a once in a lifetime opportunity. Not only because chances are good we won't survive it.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:47 No.18306595
         File: 1331614021.jpg-(606 KB, 2000x2000, 1331256061949.jpg)
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    I've just had a look at this map.

    Shouldn't it be possible to escort the convoy first and then proceed to the space hulk?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)00:51 No.18306638

    The fastest path to the Space Hulk would be >Nocturnin>Pelium>Xapsieh>Sarengin's Path, but you could go via Labado. You might miss out on the space hulk if you take that path, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:56 No.18306705
    Hmm, I still think we should go with the Space Hulk. We aren't really that cash-strapped right now, and we wouldn't have to do it on our own, if I read the description correctly.

    But I'd be willing to compromise and take the escort mission first. If we still manage to get to the hulk in time it's great, if we don't we did at least try.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/13/12(Tue)00:57 No.18306714
    [X]space hulk time

    make sure to buy extra miscellanious equipment, auspex and some heavy weapons.
    and we can collect on the bet later. preferably when we're sober.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)01:01 No.18306757
    also, i take it that you all do NOT wish to make the luxury goods for Carapace Armor trade?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)01:03 No.18306777
    >and we can collect on the bet later. preferably when we're sober.

    We could simply troll the girls and have a pyjama party with such fun admech activities as calculating the ship's energy output or reading sacred instruction tomes.

    For some reason I think Elesh has a red pyjama with lots of little admech symbols on it. No idea why.

    Hmmm. I'd suggest trading for enough armor to equip our boarding teams and the ship's officers with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)01:03 No.18306786
    Would a navigator increase our speed?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/13/12(Tue)01:04 No.18306793
    yes, we do

    we will need that armor, especially if we go to that space hult with a bunch of green armsmen
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)01:07 No.18306828
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)01:09 No.18306845
    In that case I'd like to restate my wish to emply an experienced navigator for 6 monies per month. Might improve our chances with the first escort then space hulk plan.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)01:13 No.18306881
    would anyone else in favor of an experienced navigator like to chime in on that?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)01:15 No.18306907
    Yeah I'm for one. Speed is good.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/13/12(Tue)01:16 No.18306917
    I support this option, get a navigator, do the escort mission and then go to the space hulk. We might just use the money from the escort mission to buy some extra equipment and troops for the space hulk.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)01:43 No.18307190
    Carefully depositing your stunned XO off to your side, you call for another drink as your small crowd returns to the table. Julin gingerly helps Athe to right herself before assisting her journey to the bar, passing a very happy Garin. "About time someone put Athe in her place, Elesh! You just made me a hefty profit with that trick. It would also seem that you've gone and won yourself the pot for doing so, two lovely cargos of the finest silks in the sector."

    Your cogitators quickly process that delightful information, already deciding to join Captain Baurse's convoy to the Labado system. The captain grins as you accept his offer to join him as an escort and also accept his offer to trade your luxury goods for enough carapace armor to outfit your armsmen contingents. Ironing out the details over a final round of Garin's finest, you arrange to depart in three days time, just enough to complete your ship's refits. Eventually the time comes to part ways, and you leave feeling quite good about your plans to escort Baurse's convoy before seeking out the space hulk in Saregin's Path.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)01:45 No.18307208
    A chimera chassis delivers your new cargos and returns your party to Sword of the Omnissiah, yet another complement of Garin. You've decided to hire an experienced Navigator team for the time being, hoping to shave enough time off your travels to reach the space hulk before it vanishes once more into the warp. But that is a task for another day, once your flesh brain is no longer reeling from your alcohol consumption and what it imagines Julin and Athe are whispering about. Though with the laughter they periodically break into, your cogitators surmise that they are laughing at poor Quein's lack of tactical skill outside of a starship. With a mental huff, the flesh brain defends its "human" desires. Cogitators simply whirl at your flesh brain's weakness.

    >calling it here due, folks. I'm sure we all have crap to do in the morning.
    >next thread will be Wednesday @ 7:00 PM EST
    > usual ~20-30 minute Q&A
    >again, I apologize for last night's abrupt end, but hey, I never liked that niece to begin with
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 03/13/12(Tue)01:48 No.18307231
    it's 6:48 am here, I've been up for 20+ hours straight and I have class in an hour. good night, guys, I'm liking this quest
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)01:49 No.18307244
    >I'm sure we all have crap to do in the morning.
    It's 5:45 am over here ;_;

    Anyway, thanks for the thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)01:53 No.18307272
    > Q&A
    Could we put some of the time spent travelling to use training and practicing our improved augmentation skill?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/13/12(Tue)01:58 No.18307319
    it is possible, if your warp journey doesn't include any unforseen events.


    ouch. thank you for sticking around, though!

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