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  • File : 1283124874.png-(110 KB, 251x189, Doppleganger Damacy.png)
    110 KB Doppleganger Damacy XXII TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)19:34 No.11874640  
    The basic premise: You started out as a generic creature with no voice, no skills, feats, or special abilities whatsoever, and every stat at 10.
    Whenever you eat a creature you acquire one of its traits. Permanently. For the purpose of this quest, that means I'll give you a short list to choose from.

    It's been about a week since you woke up in the city, weak, with only the ability to devour the traits of others. You've come a long way since then.

    You're currently at the Broken Club tavern, in the middle of the night. In a change of plans, you called off your ambush for Gaul, the Right Arm of Heironeous. He'd invited you to have some drinks, and as you spoke with him you became less concerned with him being a grave threat to your existence. Instead, you became more intrigued with the potential of allying with the man--and even, the possibility of becoming something like... well, the Left Arm.

    The conversation is wrapping up, and you've been debating with yourself--rather heavily--about the best course of action from here.

    Of course, you've got at least one question for Gaul first.

    Archived threads here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Doppleganger
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)19:37 No.11874691
    >In your story, did you really haul all that holy water from the Church to the second floor of the house on your own? While being sneaky all the while to not get caught? Surely you have allies to help you, especially for a task so big as destroying a demon, no? Does no one ever assist your efforts?

    "I did need some help for that," Gaul responds. "I've got more than a few people who think they owe me a favor, or several--not everyone forgets being helped. One of those people in Tristol happened to employ numerous individuals for construction work. A bit of tunneling later, and some pulleying and rolling after that, some extra pay handed out, plus drinks on me for keeping quiet about it, and we were set. The biggest problem was actually replacing the barrels as we worked, believe it or not.

    "But long term assistance? I don't have a squire, and don't want one. It's too risky for anyone who's not able to hold their own in a dangerous situation. I'm lucky that I survived that business with the devil, especially back then, when I wasn't half as experienced. Y­­es, it would be fantastic to have an ally at my side. But this is a job that you don't do for money, fame, power, or gratitude. Tell me, where do I find someone who can survive fighting both men and beasts, someone without a family who would suffer should he die, who is an independent thinker, and who can stay motivated despite often having no reward beyond knowing the world is a little better off?"
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)19:40 No.11874732
    Hit Dice: 4d6+12 HP (28/28 HP)
    Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+6
    Masterwork Knife +7 melee (1d4+4), 19-20/x2 crit
    Claws +6 melee (1d4+2)
    Bite +6 melee (1d6+4)
    Composite Longbow +5 ranged (1d8+2), x3 crit
    Longsword +6 melee (1d8+4), 19-20/x2 crit

    AC 19 (+3 dex, +4 natural, +2 leather armor)
    Str 18, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 14
    Fort +6, Reflex +7, Will +4
    +7 Initiative
    60 foot land speed, 20 foot climb speed, 30 foot swim speed
    Membrane for gliding (40 ft (clumsy) in favourable winds)
    Scent, Low Light Vision, Darkvision 60ft, Electricity Sense, Trapfinding

    Devour, Every Last Bite
    Poison: with Bite, DC 14, 1d6 Primary & Secondary Con damage, 3 uses/day
    Stunning Shock: 2d8 nonlethal electricity to living opponents, one target w/in 5 feet, DC 14 half
    Immunity to Electricity
    Language: Common (voices: young boy, man)
    Proficiencies, dagger, club, all martial weapons

    Sorcerer Casting: Detect Magic 5/day (10% Arcane Spell Failure Chance)

    Total skill bonuses (when higher than stat):
    Jump +25 (can use Dex)
    Balance +17
    Swim +14
    Hide +13
    Listen +13
    Move Silently +13
    Spot +13
    Handle Animal +7
    Climb +6 (plus climb speed) (can use Dex)
    Use Magic Device +6
    Bluff +5
    Diplomacy +5
    Disguise +5
    Escape Artist +5
    Knowledge (Local-Thurminham general) +6
    Knowledge (Local-Thurminham underworld) +5
    Survival +4 (+7 when tracking by scent)
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)19:40 No.11874739
    - Agile, Alertness, Athletic, Stealthy (+2/+2 skill feats)
    - Skill focus: Bluff, Diplomacy
    - Weapon Finesse
    - Improved Initiative
    - Great Fortitude
    - Point Blank Shot
    - Run
    - Endurance
    - Track

    92 gp, 79 silver, 92 copper
    Masterwork Knife, Cricket Bat, Garrote, Sap, Longsword
    Composite Longbow (+2 Str), 48 arrows
    Leather Armor
    Decent Clothes
    20 ft + 50 ft rope
    7 flasks of high proof alcohol
    Potions: Strength
    Feather token (bird)
    License to carry a longsword and longbow, made out to Soveliss, non-afflicted elf.
    Unknown building key
    At inn: travelling equipment

    Claire (human wizard novice)
    [No lasting name] (Bodysnatcher. Last seen in barbarian body)
    Kareesa (cult lady)

    Uncanny Luck points: 1
    General Luck points: 0
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:44 No.11874788
    Fuck yeah.

    Lets ask Gaul if he'd like to schedule another drinking session
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:45 No.11874790
    What's Claire been doing while we've been at this?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:51 No.11874856
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)19:51 No.11874857
    >What's Claire been doing while we've been at this?

    >Fuck yeah. Lets ask Gaul if he'd like to schedule another drinking session
    "If you like. I tend to get really focused once I've started a job, but I suppose a few minutes couldn't hurt. Say, tomorrow night? Apologies if that's too soon, but making long-term plans doesn't ever seem like a good idea."
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:52 No.11874878
    "That sounds fine. And hey, if you ever need any help, be sure to give me a (Insert setting appropriate way to contact someone here)"
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:52 No.11874879
    Copying some stuff down for us I think, updating her spell book, and then sleep.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:53 No.11874887
    I suppose we could manage tomorrow.

    So has anyone thought of how we're going to justify this impromptu drinking session to the cult?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:54 No.11874900
    We're their god. They don't ask us for reasons.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:54 No.11874907
    >>Tell me, where do I find someone who can survive fighting both men and beasts, someone without a family who would suffer should he die, who is an independent thinker, and who can stay motivated despite often having no reward beyond knowing the world is a little better off?"

    Hey guys. He asked us a question, and um,

    >>someone who can survive fighting both men and beasts
    That's us.
    >>someone without a family who would suffer should he die
    That's us.
    >>who is an independent thinker
    That's us.
    >>and who can stay motivated despite often having no reward beyond knowing the world is a little better off?
    Probably us.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:54 No.11874909
    Tell them that we wanted to learn exactly what we were dealing with. Also, mention that from what we managed to gather the original plan wouldn't have worked anyway and would have been an unnecessary risk.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:55 No.11874911
    >Uncanny Luck points: 1
    Wait, what is this?

    How about saying:
    >I understand, tomorrow is fine. Well then, if you're about to leave, so shall I. If you need some aid til then, feel free to call on me, even if it is just carrying casks of water. I'd be happy to help you.

    Justify? We don't need to.
    If they ask, play it off as trying to make him an unwitting servant. It won't be hard to convince them.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:55 No.11874912
    Don't thinks that's such a good idea. we downplayed our combat skills in our story.

    Unless, maybe you add something like "I' really am handy with a crossbow." or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:56 No.11874931
    We can bring that up the next time we meet him. No reason to rush things and appear suspicious before we need to. We should concern ourselves more with what we're going to do about the cult.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:57 No.11874937
    we're a splinter of their god. They question our actions all the time, but subtly and rarely where we can see.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:57 No.11874939
    Well, TempDM answered with >>11874857 a bit quickly, else I would have responded to that with something to let him know that we're interested in becoming another of those 'short-term assistants' in case he needs one. If he ever comes back, we can build a reputation with him and get him to trust us more. After working for him once, we can ask to join him for a time and go on that Gaul route some of you clamor for so dearly.

    But asking straight off the bat to 'become his squire' would be silly, and he'd refuse, no doubt.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)19:59 No.11874968
    If you replace "having no reward beyond knowing the world is a little better off?" with "having no reward beyond eating the evil monsters and people we slay and taking their best attributes for his own." It fits perfectly.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)20:00 No.11874978
    >Well, TempDM answered with >>11874857 a bit quickly
    Additional conversation can be retconned in, the last thread was slow enough that I just had it answered.

    >Wait, what is this?
    >>Whereas those minor luck points you've gotten in the past add a +1/point to a d20 roll, your Uncanny Luck can be used to change a situation without even picking up a die. Obviously, the more Uncanny Luck you spend on a situation, the more that circumstance can work in your favor, but even a single one packs a pretty decent punch. And Uncanny Luck has a particular benefit: by spending all your current Uncanny Luck points, you can even keep death's cold grip from you one more time--though you may find that even your great fortune cannot manage this to your COMPLETE satisfaction...
    I'll explain these in more depth later if you'd like.

    Giving just a couple more minutes for response to be decided on.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:02 No.11874993
    No, I meant, where did we get that? I don't remember.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:03 No.11875011
    You underestimate Kareesa, I think. She's been confused several times by the things we've wanted. She goes along with it because we seem to be one of the devourers splinters but if we keep pushing like this it'll cause real problems.
    >> Helpful 37 08/29/10(Sun)20:08 No.11875068
    Guy made an animation. TempDM rewarded an uncanny luck point due to it.

    I'll be more lurking this quest then active participation. But doppelganging for Good / ready source of legitimate food would be quite something. Not every face changer gets the chance to have "the good guys" as their back up for their little indiscretions.

    But as I said in the last thread it WILL require a consorted effort to actually be good (Though NG is most likely). I mean we MIGHT be able to maintain True Neutral. Our methods for reaching and disposing of evil are likely to not be so good.
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)20:09 No.11875087

    Welcome back TempDM!!

    In response to Gaul's query:
    "I believe we should speak in more depth on this tomorrow, as the hour is waning and I do not wish to keep you from your quarry. If you agree however, might we meet somewhere private for this discussion? I would like to be able to express myself without fear of causing... undue offense."

    This appearance has a family. Unless we bring the Arm into the know, we will not be able to function with him in a group setting of any sort. I think the best time to do this is tomorrow, if we want to at all.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)20:11 No.11875107
    >No, I meant, where did we get that? I don't remember.
    This post, and mine a bit further down: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/11823862/#11824055

    >I understand, tomorrow is fine. Well then, if you're about to leave, so shall I. If you need some aid til then, feel free to call on me, even if it is just carrying casks of water. I'd be happy to help you.
    "I sincerely appreciate the offer. See you tomorrow, around the same time as tonight." He puts down payment and leaves.

    >Head back to the inn and sleep
    >Head back to Karreesa's and talk to cultists
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:12 No.11875122
    The reason we went out to the Arm is to find out more about him. It just so happened that chatting with him was better than attacking him at learning about his skills.

    He is very strong, physically, but he says his God doesn't give him enough help other than vague orders, which is why he is in this town. He knows he needs to kill something, but he doesn't know what. He is, in essence, as crippled as his God.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:13 No.11875131
    We can take him elsewhere after meeting him if we decide to be FULL HONEST.
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)20:13 No.11875133

    Talk to (read:shake down) cultists, then I say either sewer or hunting in the woods from the treetops.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:14 No.11875137
    Lets just sleep. I'm tired of getting bogged down.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:14 No.11875140
    Ok, somebody better come up with a story for the cult.

    Also Wherever we choose to go I think we shold be on the lookout for people tailing us. Shame we can't tell if we're being scryed.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:14 No.11875144
    From the sounds of it, that's never stopped him before.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:17 No.11875186
    We need to add something about him being unable to detect our true nature or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:18 No.11875189

    We can smooth talk the the cultists and make those two like us more, then deal with Karreesa.

    Yes, but they don't know that.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:20 No.11875219
    >feel free to call on me

    God damnit now we have to keep this face.

    Ok, how many more animals would we have to eat to change our facial features to the point that we could pass off people thinking we were Darren as a case of mistaken identity due to similar facial features?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:21 No.11875228

    When it comes, how about likening him to being blind? While his God is powerless and worshiper-less, he, himself, is as blind as a mole in the ocean. He receives orders, but he does not know what he must do to appease his God, nor how, nor when, nor why. He just knows a vague where.

    >Perhaps we'll meet him again, and it may be on more violent grounds.

    That line alone should appease her a bit.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)20:25 No.11875254
    As a heads-up, I have an appointment in 2.5 hrs; it shouldn't be more than an hour and I'll resume the thread once I'm back.

    >Talk to (read:shake down) cultists
    >Also wherever we choose to go I think we should be on the lookout for people tailing us. Shame we can't tell if we're being scryed.
    You head back to the safehouse, where Karreesa and the other two are waiting. "My lord, forgive your servant's queries," Karreesa says with little of the usual humility. "What was the meaning of abandoning the ambush?"
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:26 No.11875266
    Can I get a description of what's around us?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:26 No.11875267
    We really need to eat someone with ranks of knowledge: religion. We know nothing about this cult really. I shudder to think of some of the blunders we may have already made during our impersonation of their God.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:27 No.11875285
    Backhand her. Do it now.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:28 No.11875299
    >Karreesa says with little of the usual humility

    Called it. If someone has a good story now would be an excellent time to show it to the rest of us
    >> Helpful 37 08/29/10(Sun)20:28 No.11875304
    I'd suggest playing up the fact we don't think his target is us. (cult + US US). And that we want to know who he is after.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:30 No.11875325
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:31 No.11875338
    I was going to type a long dialogue entreating her respects, but >>11875285 is better.

    Backhand her and glare at her. Don't say a word, wait for her to react.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:32 No.11875349
    Oh, I like this. Like, we say he sort of knows what he's after, and it couldn't be us. And if there is something in the city that could draw the attention of Heironeous away from what we are attempting than it is in our best interests to leave it's opposition in place.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)20:36 No.11875373
    >1d20+13 = 22 Spot for someone tailing
    >Sorry, meant to have that in the last post. You don't see anyone.

    >Can I get a description of what's around us?
    It's a pretty small, basic housing, built cheaply rather than nicely, though still on the solid side. There are several chairs in the room, and on a small table of assorted items is the candle you've seen Karreesa light when she's communicated with other cult members.

    >Backhand her. Do it now.
    Some would say that you don't know your own strength, but that would be a lie. Karreesa is sent sprawling onto the floor, and the little girl gasps. Karreesa spits out a tooth onto the floor. "Your wretched servant has not received an answer, my lord."
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)20:36 No.11875374
    "I was able to gauge his tactical strength more effectively by talking to him and listening to him speak, worm.

    Never question me, for my hunger is great, and you have not yet provided the cult members that were promised.

    Now, where is the tribute that has been promised? It will become necessary very soon to move decisively, and I will need to be properly armed and defended when the time comes. "

    I'll third this, just because.>>11875332
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:37 No.11875389
    Works for me
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:38 No.11875406
    I knew force alone wouldn't do it. We just don't know how we are supposed to act as a splinter of the Devourer.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:40 No.11875423
    We really just want her to fear us. If her loyalty is based on anything other than that, it'll kill us.

    This is not to say that its the case with everyone in life, but it definitely is with a evil cult.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:43 No.11875455
    Add something about us not being the target.

    Or maybe we should say that we are the target and he immediately identified us when we entered the tavern. We called off the ambush because it wouldn't have worked, and we left peacefully because the arm didn't want the other tavern patrons hurt and we didn't believe we could defeat the arm with our current strength.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:43 No.11875457

    >My wretched servant has not asked me a question. An insolent pig has, but I do not answer to animals.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)20:45 No.11875473
    >"I was able to gauge his tactical strength more effectively by talking to him and listening to him speak, worm. Never question me, for my hunger is great, and you have not yet provided the cult members that were promised. Now, where is the tribute that has been promised? It will become necessary very soon to move decisively, and I will need to be properly armed and defended when the time comes. "

    Karreesa looks at you with a gleam in her eye. "They will be arriving soon, my lord, with the goods. I cannot speed their travel. I of course attempted to find you alternative persons to feast upon during the delay, though it seems not all of them are to your liking."
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:49 No.11875515
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:50 No.11875516
    That was a really bad thing to say, since it makes us seem like a stupid brute.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:51 No.11875531
    She'll underestimate us, and try to subtly control us now. Which is probably a bad thing, because I doubt that the hivemind can combat it effectively.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:56 No.11875589
    Should we offer one of the explanations now?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:57 No.11875596
    Well we sort of are.
    Grumble a bit at Karessa.
    Tell her what we know about the Right arm - he's not as strong as we think. He's probably between 4th and 8th level as a paladin, guessing by how he dealt with the Demon. He doesn't have shiny magic shit, besides a minor enchantment on his sword. He doesn't even know WHAT he's looking for here.
    All he knows is that a "palpable blackness" is here.
    So, tell the cult what we've found out.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:57 No.11875597
    personally, i think it's about time we got on with something. like, eating the cult. they seem....Beneath us
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)20:59 No.11875615
    Our explanation? We wanted to talk to him to gauge his strength without pissing him off, and we have done that. Gauging his strength was the point of the ambush, and we did that without threat to the cult. Go us! :)
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:00 No.11875628
    We know we existed BEFORE this cult's ritual took place.
    But the body-stealer existed AFTER it (just barely).
    We know that the Right Arm is looking for a palpable blackness, which ISN'T us, but may well be the snatcher or the cult.
    I'd say now is a pretty good time to start siding with the paladin, but let's not be too hasty, or reveal too much.

    Let the cult get us more phat loot first, before we suddenly PALADIN! their face in.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:01 No.11875632
    What about changing the subject?

    I ordered you to bring me specific persons. You have failed to do so. Thieves and scum these people may be, but I need to consume them for reasons quite beyond your understanding.

    Something like this?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:02 No.11875647
    Just answer, we wanted to find out how strong he is, and we did that.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:05 No.11875669
    We should eat her, NOW. Take her knowledge of the religion. We can then use whoever her replacement is.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:07 No.11875694
    Come to think of it, that's probably a good idea.
    How many people are in the room with her?
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)21:07 No.11875695
    >We wanted to talk to him to gauge his strength without pissing him off, and we have done that. Gauging his strength was the point of the ambush, and we did that without threat to the cult.
    >While his God is powerless and worshiper-less, he, himself, is as blind as a mole in the ocean. He receives orders, but he does not know what he must do to appease his God, nor how, nor when, nor why. He just knows a vague where.
    "...as you say, my lord. This one wishes to know what you plan to do next."
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)21:07 No.11875698
    Always appear weak where you are strong. Let her think what she wants, because what she thinks ultimately doesn't matter.

    "You seem to have ample resources in Thurminham. I do not believe there is nothing you can provide in the near term. A small tribute will suffice now, for I hunger and must feed this night. Be quick, you must have something in this house."

    This is kind of what I'm hoping we can arrange. Get the cult together as best we can in Thurminham, using the fact that members are already en route at our request to our advantage. I kinda think the cult is going to commence a Very Bad ritual once everything is in place in this town, and that would be bad for us. If this is indeed the case, this would be a great opportunity to cement a bond with the Paladin, if we choose to. These cultists are Evil, and if we can orchestrate events properly we can get Gaul to walk in on some Evil with us, and there's no better opportunity than the aftermath of that to get Gaul used to us feeding.

    Gaul or no it seems in the long run the cult has to go, because it's becoming us or them.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:08 No.11875710
    >This one wishes to know what you plan to do next.

    (How many people are in the room with Karessa?)
    (Do we know any thieves' dens, using our knowledge: Underworld?)
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)21:10 No.11875730
    >How many people are in the room with her?
    Two. Ella, who looks to be about six years old, and an older man whose name you have not learned.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:11 No.11875746
    "Well, let me think. You have failed to bring me the thieves I ordered you to find. You continually question my decisions. I think I'll find someone to replace you." Then kill and eat.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:11 No.11875755
    >six year old girl and old man
    Well, we have witnesses, and witnesses we can't justify killing. Blast.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:13 No.11875771
    Honestly I agree with this, but let's wait for /tg/ to give its opinion.
    Eating someone in front of a six year old girl is a bit icky, though.
    Ask Karessa if these are her family - we don't want to eat her in front of her own dad and child.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:13 No.11875776

    If we eat her, we don't know that either of these two can replace her. We don't know how her stuff works or who the next point of contact is. We don't know how this will affect our perception by the cult.

    Hell, aren't we looking at becoming good anyways? We should at least think a moment before eating someone, evil or not, rather than jumping immediately.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:14 No.11875788
    I wonder: Which part of the god are we? Most of /tg/ seems to believe that we aren't a shard at all, but put that aside for a moment.

    If we're the will, mind, whatever, then the ritual to combine the shards wont only make the new god, but the new god will be US. Without even having to raise a claw, we'd become divine.

    But if we're the big toe, then we'll be completely eradicated. So what are we, if we are?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:16 No.11875804
    The man was the sniper, right?

    If so, he has a poisoned crossbow.

    And that nearly killed us before.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:16 No.11875805
    I'd like to cast a vote against eating her. We don't really know a lot about the cult, and just eating her could be a bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:16 No.11875807
    >We don't know how her stuff works or who the next point of contact is.


    >So what are we, if we are?

    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:16 No.11875808
    I don't think they are. And remember that the kid is also a member if I recall correctly. No telling what she has gotten used to seeing.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:16 No.11875809
    We already hit her, so she might be on guard...
    I do want to eat her, but this is too sudden. We need to think of the consequences of our actions. Give me a bit so I can type out long posts of my thoughts.

    Don't be so moralistic.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:17 No.11875825
    Poison we are immune to.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:17 No.11875830

    Wait wait wait.

    Before we even consider threatening/nomming her, we should try to gauge her combat ability relative to ours. Is there some way we can do this without seeming *too* obvious? Or has her relative skill been revealed in a past thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:18 No.11875847
    >>Don't be so moralistic.

    Don't be so callous.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:18 No.11875849
    We've got no memories before recently, no magnificent mental or mystical capabilities, but we do have the capacity to improve ourselves through physical consumption.
    We're some physical part, maybe the whole body. Unless there is some sort of seriously obtuse metaphor going on we will not end up in control.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:18 No.11875855
         File1283131127.jpg-(18 KB, 380x301, plate.jpg)
    18 KB
    >We don't really know a lot about the cult
    There's a solution to that.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:18 No.11875858
    That's the problem, we don't really know. Large elements of the cult are still mostly a mystery to us.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:19 No.11875860
    If he really thinks we are a splinter than he probably won't stop us.
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)21:19 No.11875862
    This is ridiculous. Don't eat her. She's still useful.

    If she won't provide anything other than assurance that plans are progressing, then let's not waste too much time here since there's a lot we could be doing. I suggest we go hunting and stop by the Inn/catch up with Claire afterward.

    Partial list of potential hunting spots:
    Sewer (from the roof, we could use a gator's bite among other things)
    Woods (from the canopy, there's lots for us to gain here if and only if we're careful)
    Criminal underworld (ditto above, though we could likely employ the alcohol we have to get a bunch of thieves and muggers wasted before devouring them, if we want)

    We could always roll for picking up Morsel's scent, too, if we're having inklings of being nice.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:19 No.11875863
    We're obviously the stomach.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:20 No.11875872
    The problem is that it may or may not actually be a good idea to just start eating cultists. You don't know that, and we need to BEFORE we start eating.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)21:21 No.11875879
    >We need to think of the consequences of our actions.
    Given that I'm the sort of DM who'll give you enough rope to hang yourselves, I think it's only fair to give you enough time to consider these.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:21 No.11875885
    This. I vote we go hunting, see if Morsel's around, and then check up on Claire.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:21 No.11875888

    Kareesa knows these things and we can take her knowledge by eating her.

    I'd love to back you on this but Kareesa has put me into full paranoid mode.

    I think they already made contact with the bodysnatcher.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:21 No.11875889
    Fine, we won't eat the cultist.
    Let's find some underworld criminals and OM NOM NOM. We need a new appearance anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:24 No.11875918
    Alright fine. If only because it gets us out of here.

    I wonder if the little girl is the bodysnatcher.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:25 No.11875920
    Okay, if we eat Karreesa, she will be replaced. To err on the side of caution, let us say that the higher ups of the cult suspect us to not be who they think we are. The lower members (the girl, etc) don't suspect anything, likely because they're kept in the dark. After all, why publicate silly suspicions with little evidence, especially if the cult just got a morale boost with finding us.

    With this mindset, if we kill Karreesa, the other 'elders' will likely

    Of course, if we do eat her, we can explain away guilt by saying that she should be glad to join a God, and that she was becoming exceedingly pompous around us, insulting us.

    However, if we don't eat her, it will show that we are, as I've said once before, 'the child of her King, who she babysits and does her best to entertain us until the King comes to retrieve us.' By backslapping her, we've changed that to a child with a temper problem, but still a child she cares nothing about, and wouldn't bother with if we weren't the King's child.
    We need to change from being a child of a King, to being the Crown Prince, so to speak.

    I think we should (in this order)
    -Order the 6 year old girl to turn around, only to get on the good side of the man who has a soft spot for the girl.
    -Eat Karreesa
    -Take her knowledge of the cult
    -Tell the man to tell "the others" to not forget that we are a God. A shard we may be, but even the shard of a diamond is still a diamond, and for them to never forget it as Karreesa forgot it.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:26 No.11875932
    Leave her for now, eating her has too many unknown consequences. Tell her we're going hunting. Instead, go back to the inn and sleep so we don't have to start in the late morning tomorrow. Tomorrow, we maybe should be following her and seeing what she gets up to.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:27 No.11875938
    rolled 2 = 2

    All right. Some want to eat her. Some DON'T want to eat her.
    Let's vote.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:27 No.11875945
    Shit, I can't decide where to cast my vote. Fuck I just want to grab Claire and all our possessions and get the fuck out of Dodge.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)21:29 No.11875957
    >There's a solution to that.
    Well played.

    >All right. Some want to eat her. Some DON'T want to eat her.
    >Let's vote.

    You're right, I think there has been as much debate as is going to happen. Votes start after this post. First to five.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:29 No.11875958
    I vote we don't for now. See >>11875862
    and >>11875885
    for my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:29 No.11875961
    Eat her.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:29 No.11875965
    Kinda as an aside, the older man still has two poisoned crossbow bolts we could use somehow.

    >picked neutrons

    I think we need to use SCIENCE
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:32 No.11875994
    I'd like to eat her and take her knowledge of the cult. If it raises alarms within the cult, then what we'll gain will hopefully allow us to predict their reaction. If we decide to team up with the paladin and smash the cult, the info will help. If we decide to keep working with the cult the information will help. If we decide to skip town then her knowledge will help us avoid them later.

    All around good choice, and she's pretty damn evil so no moral quandry either. May want to send the kid elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:32 No.11875995
    Sounds good to me
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:32 No.11875998
    I'll go with eat her.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:32 No.11875999
    >With this mindset, if we kill Karreesa, the other 'elders' will likely
    Whoops, got sidetracked on another train of thought and forgot this one.

    With this mindset, if we kill Karreesa, the other 'elders' will likely be on guard and suspect us even more (thus we need to endear ourselves to the 'not elders' in case the 'elders' try to usurp us).

    The best way to use this, in my opinion, is to cause a minor civil war in the cult, in which the old, demented elders have gotten insolent and are trying to enslave their God, and the newer additions to the cult need to support their God's shard, because who in their right mind wants to go against a God? Even if they think we're the foot or colon of their God, we're still a part of their God, and our wishes are extensions of their God's wishes.
    That's a bit later down the line, though. We would need to act fast to ensure our chess pieces are on the table before theirs' so we can cheat and move before they're ready.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:32 No.11876002
    Don't eat her. She's a bargaining chip that we can use to get onto Gaul's good side. We know she's an important cultist, probably involved in what Gaul's hunting. We tell him about her and he'll see us in a more favorable light. If she dies now she gets replaced behind the scenes and we're out of luck.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:33 No.11876006
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:33 No.11876013
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:34 No.11876022
    Well, it looks like the elders are ALREADY suspicious, so we'd better get some knowledge into us before we get our arses kicked through ignorance.
    Eat Karessa, but do not attack the old man or the little girl.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:34 No.11876023
    I'm in favor of this. Don't eat, sell out to Gaul.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:35 No.11876032
    Eat the shit out of her
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:35 No.11876035
    >>11875961 here.

    She'll likely not take being eaten standing down so we should zap her if we can.

    Gaul: How the hell did you know about her?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:35 No.11876038
    You're betting on our long term planning ability in a quest on 4chan being run by TempDM, who is perfectly happy to throw wrenches at us until something sticks in the works.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:35 No.11876041

    Looks like the winning option is to eat her, but to try and keep the girl from seeing.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:35 No.11876043
    >but do not attack the old man or the little girl.

    Yet, they may not be what they seem.
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)21:36 No.11876045

    Well, you changed my mind. If we order the girl out of the room and shut the door first, then devour Kareesa and use the man as our herald, then we could maintain appearances with the cult at least for now.

    Though to be fair, our appearance to the cult is immaterial. They have a scheme in which we play a part, nothing more.

    I strongly suspect this anon >>11875920 is correct in that the cult is keeping us on the hook to attract a bigger fish, who will then eat us. If this is correct, then she and the cult brass are in the know, and her death won't both anyone and if we take her knowledge, we will be that much more able to wipe out the cult when the time comes.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:36 No.11876047
    We're not leaving the cult.
    Eating Karessa gets us closer to the cult leaders/elders.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:36 No.11876052
    We could tell him that we've been poking around after we talked to him. Doesn't really matter now though.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:37 No.11876058
    The old man was the sniper, so he has the crossbow.

    TempDM, are we immune to our own poison?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:37 No.11876065
    Too late now.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:37 No.11876067
    Can we spot check the little girl and man, see what they have on em, to judge their potential lethality?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:38 No.11876068
    Oh, hell none of this could possibly end well. I kept saying we should just leave the city, before and after the cult found us, but none of you would listen. We're so screwed.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:38 No.11876077
    >TempDM, are we immune to our own poison?
    Yes, we are immune to snakebite.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:38 No.11876081
    Hey, I said that first!
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:39 No.11876084

    That's because there are a couple of people fapping over the idea of having a cult that worships us, forgetting of course that in reality they don't.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:39 No.11876092
    Say this before we eat her: "Well, let me think. You have failed to bring me the thieves I ordered you to find. You continually question my decisions. I think I'll find someone to replace you."
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:39 No.11876094
    Just something I wanted to add in:

    We may have to consider the possibility that the cult is just using us as a sort of attack dog. Maybe the higher-ups in the cult already kinda knew that we're not a splinter of the devourer-god due to our existing prior to the ritual, but investigated our appearance anyway just to be sure. If we were *really* the splinter of the devourer-god, shouldn't they be feeding us nonstop in an attempt to strengthen their god's presence on this plane, or as a backup plan in case their summoning ritual is botched? Why would they send us out on missions to deal with potentially lethal enemies, instead of dealing with those lethal enemies themselves and feeding their broken (albeit living) forms to us?

    Just seems a bit weird to use a splinter of the god that you worship with all your heart as an assassin, rather than feeding him powerful individuals that you've crippled to get his power levels to obscene levels.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:41 No.11876111
    It's always easier to argue in favor of action rather than inaction.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:42 No.11876125
    I think TempDM enjoys watching us sweat over every little decision.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:42 No.11876130
    1) It is fairly obvious that the lower-ranked members do not suspect who we are, so to order assassins on your God's shard...Why would you assassinate a shard of your God? Surely you do not suggest that common assassins, even if they are cultist assassins, would be let to know the elders' big secret, are you? And even if the elders refuse to tell the assassins, why would the assassins follow orders to murder the shard of their God? The entire reason for joining the cult is to resurrect the God.

    2) Their cult is small, having been cut down by government interference. This I doubt is a lie. Further, I do not think they know we grow as we eat. We are a devourer, yes, but from Karreesa's first meeting, we only took the appearance of the guy. I am thinking that the ability she thought we had was to become the guy, a la that bodychanger we met. Her suspicions likely grew when we ate other rogues she gathered for us, and we did not turn into them.

    As for why she lets us go on dangerous missions, she likely has spies tailing us. The reason she allowed us to visit the Arm was because our plan didn't involve us chatting with the guy over some beer, but to hide out and have someone else ambush him while we acted like innocent peasants.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:43 No.11876133
    Whatever the case, we're going to need that uncanny luck point soon.

    Quickly, anyone here a decent artist and skilled in flash? we need more moving pics!
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)21:45 No.11876157
    >Order the 6 year old girl to turn around, only to get on the good side of the man who has a soft spot for the girl.
    >Eat Karreesa
    >Take her knowledge of the cult
    >Tell the man to tell "the others" to not forget that we are a god. A shard we may be, but even the shard of a diamond is still a diamond, and for them to never forget it as Karreesa forgot it.

    Karreesa is not a fool. She's seen when the hungry glint gets in your eyes before a feast. She knows that children are told to leave or look away when something terrible is about to happen.

    "And I doubted." she hisses. "You are not HIM." Her eyes flick over to the table, and her hand darts inside the folds of her clothing as her legs gather underneath her.

    You have the initiative. Action?

    >TempDM, who is perfectly happy to throw wrenches at us until something sticks in the works.
    >I think TempDM enjoys watching us sweat over every little decision.
    You guys know me too well.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:46 No.11876179
    Can we shock her then lead in with a pounce double claw bite?

    Given that I know nothing about battles in DnD and what would be most effective, I'm just trying to get the ball rolling here.

    Also, watch for the dagger/hand-crossbow in her arms. If we do claw, hit her arm to disable it.
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)21:47 No.11876191
    Full attack with dagger, claws, teeth.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:48 No.11876193
    >You have the initiative. Action?
    Longsword +6 melee (1d8+4), 19-20/x2 crit
    Claws +6 melee (1d4+2) at -5 due to auxilliary natural attack
    Bite +6 melee (1d6+4) at -5 due to auxilliary natural attack
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:48 No.11876202

    How many times can we lightning barf? Is there a daily cap or can we do it pretty much whenever?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:48 No.11876204
    Pounce her, aiming at her arm and then head. Preferably biting her arm and clawing her eyes.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:49 No.11876210
    On Karessa, not on either of the two bystanders.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:49 No.11876216
    shes possibly a magic user, what with the candle, may also have somesort of sacrificial dagger which would be detrimental to our health. i beleive we should attack with full force, stun her with the shock, then poison bite, consume ??? profit.

    on the other hand, Captcha: tebulation forfeit
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:50 No.11876223
    We can't poison, but we really need to shock her, then go all out.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:50 No.11876228
    2d8 for the lightning with reflex halving
    1d8+4, 1d4+2, 1d6+4 for the longsword + natural attacks with AC negating.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:51 No.11876246
    We don't have pounce yet.
    We really need to find a pair of leopards for pouncerake and a bear for claws or something.

    >Captcha: noweater

    Why yes. Yes we are.
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)21:53 No.11876269
    in that case, longsword claw bite
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:54 No.11876271
    Oh, you're right.

    Well, just jump her with our +25 Jump and 17 Dex then.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:55 No.11876293
    Don't let her reach the candle.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:56 No.11876309
    We shouldn't even let her move, much less to some petty candle.
    Beside, I doubt her 'magic wand' is a candle.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)21:57 No.11876327

    I wonder if we should Lightning the table or something to destroy whatever she wants to get at.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)21:59 No.11876346
    >Quickly, anyone here a decent artist and skilled in flash? we need more moving pics!
    Doesn't have to be moving. But it seems silly to give more than the basic luck point for a 30-second MS Paint sketch.

    >How many times can we lightning barf? Is there a daily cap or can we do it pretty much whenever?
    Whenever. It's like being the Energizer Bunny with a taser.

    >double claw bite seems to be the main request, followed by shocking
    >drawing a weapon would be part of a move action, fyi, and you're right next to her so you can full attack
    >1d20+6 = 20 Hit
    >1d6+4 = 8
    >1d20+1 = 2 CRITICAL MISS
    >1d20+1 = 19 Hit
    >1d4+2 = 6
    Quite the mess was made as an artery was ripped open during the process of flaying Karreesa into a mess of torn flesh with tooth and claw. She only had time for a short ragged scream of pain. The blood has gotten everywhere.

    >CHOOSE ONE (Results may be pared based on prior request)
    5 ranks of Knowledge (Local-Cult of the Devourer)
    5 ranks of Knowledge (Religion-Cult of the Devourer)
    4 ranks of Knowledge (the Planes)
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)21:59 No.11876350
    I think we'd be better off focusing on her until the threat is neutralized.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:01 No.11876372
    The candle is used to contact other cultists.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:01 No.11876380
    well shit, religion or local?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:03 No.11876400
    Well, that was kind of disappointing, but it makes me feel a sort of sadistic pleasure that we got an artery.

    >5 ranks of Knowledge (Religion-Cult of the Devourer)
    >5 ranks of Knowledge (Local-Cult of the Devourer)

    Would Local be just rumors and what she knows of the town knows of the cult, or would it include ranks, cult crew lists, etc?

    Religion would be good, as it would let us know what the hell the Cult worships, but it may not include the names, ranks, etc of the Cultists.

    The way I understand it, Local includes Cultist members, so we should choose that, but I'm not 100% certain.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)22:03 No.11876402
    Sorry, that should read:
    >Knowledge (Religion-Devourer)
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:03 No.11876408
    Local. We can get Religion from the feed coming to us.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:04 No.11876411
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:04 No.11876414
    Torn between the knowledge local and knowledge religion. The religion will give us some general answers, but the local will give us names, contact info, etc.

    Actually, it will probably lead us to someone else who also has the religion.

    I vote for knowledge local (cult of the devourer).
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)22:04 No.11876422
    I say we go with 5 ranks of Knowledge (Local-Cult of the Devourer). With it we should be able to coordinate whatever we want when more cult start arriving in town to get the knowledge of the religion. Though, I'd go with the 5 ranks of Knowledge (Religion-Cult of the Devourer) too.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:05 No.11876428
    5 ranks of Knowledge (Local-Cult of the Devourer)
    5 ranks of Knowledge (Religion-Cult of the Devourer)

    One of these obviously.

    The local would probably tell us if she had any surprises planned for us. But the religion would let us impersonate a splinter.

    I vote Local.

    And then we go hunting
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:05 No.11876434
    Local is cultist members, religion would let us know why Karreesa suspected us of not being her god.

    Would be useful, but local would give us more.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)22:07 No.11876453
    >Would Local be just rumors and what she knows of the town knows of the cult, or would it include ranks, cult crew lists, etc?
    Religion: Ceremony, cult beliefs, actual cult knowledge of the Devourer, ritual types and purposes, etc.

    Local: Thurmingham members, members of contact in other cities, safehouse locations, supply caches, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:07 No.11876457
    what was she going for in her robes?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:08 No.11876467
    Local it is.

    Darts, probably to distract us temporarily while she leaped to the table.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:08 No.11876469

    Karessa was a competent functionary in the cult hierarchy. We should omnom her local knowledge.

    We may be able to get religion knowledge from other, equally "pious" cultists who are not so involved in the inner workings of the cult.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:09 No.11876475
    Local is the way to go if you want to ally with the paladin.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:12 No.11876504
    Local is the way to go if you want to infiltrate the cult, too.

    While knowing the rituals to summon their God would be useful in hampering their efforts later on, it is not presently useful. Or, at least, not as much as knowing the innerworkings of the cult itself.

    To learn everything about the Cultists, including supply caches and cultists in other cities, is invaluable to us right now. We could bring light to the 'mysterious elders' who would be against us.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:15 No.11876559
    Next step is to find another mid level cult functionary and NOM him or her for the knowledge religion.

    Also I want to know what she was reaching for, even if it was only a holy symbol.
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)22:16 No.11876569
    OK, local knowledge for sure.

    Now, to the guard/cultist remaining in the room:
    "Remember always, this is what comes of those who question a god. Take care that you don't make the same mistake."

    Then, after dismissing the guard and his daughter, check her robes for what she was reaching for, search the room/building we're in for anything else of significant value, and head out afterward.

    I'd say, first step out of the house we sniff for Morsel, and make periodic scent track rolls afterward as we move around town, but don't actively go searching for the kitty.

    Then, hunting.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:17 No.11876576
    Local knowledge is winning, I also support this decision.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)22:19 No.11876597
    >What was she going for in her robes?
    A match fell out of her newly limp hand shortly before she was eaten.

    As you see the paths you can take for improvement in your mind, you seize upon memories fixed around a city and appearing to be built into a large, sprawling building complex. As a rush of memories fill your head, numerous buildings you've seen within Thurmingham now have a new designation in your mind. As do at least two people you recall seeing in passing. There are names, faces, of people you have never met, including Karreesa's direct supervisor. No matter how you end up using it, this is going to be useful knowledge.

    Unfortunately, you can't bring to mind how she worked that candle.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)22:21 No.11876623
         File1283134900.jpg-(8 KB, 211x193, LEGO Knight.jpg)
    8 KB
    >Karreesa's direct supervisor
    >"supervisor"? Oh dammit.
    >Karreesa's direct SUPERIOR
    Way to go me.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:21 No.11876626
    I knew it! I knew she was going for the candle!

    Does the local knowledge tell us if she has had people keeping tabs on us? Does it tell us if they know about Claire?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:22 No.11876634
    What are the other two doing?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:23 No.11876647
    >As do at least two people you recall seeing in passing.

    Who are these people and under what circumstances did we see them?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:24 No.11876658
    Thinking about it, I see no reason why we, those that wish to be trusted allies with Gaul and those who want to gut and reform the cult, cannot compromise.

    Imagine us traveling with this Gaul and him asking us to use our network and devoted cult to find out more about an enemy hiding in town. We can have an expansive network of spies, assassins, rogues, warriors, barbarians, magic users, anything at all.

    Too silly, and it fails to address the man's unspoken questions. He has likely hear Karreesa's "hiss", and would automatically be wondering if we truly aren't who we say we are. We need to uproot that seed before it takes root in his mind. Instead, we should replace it with a seed of our own, that the elders are corrupt and are going against us, a shard of their God.

    >I am not him, Karreesa? Have you been so blinded by your greed and hubris to forget who I am? A shard I may be, but the shard of a diamond is still a diamond. Old man, what is your name? [it doesn't matter if we know it from Local Knowledge, pretend we don't] [His name here], go tell what you've seen to the others. Know that Karreesa forgot her place and wished to bind your God, wished to sell the diamond of the Cult for her own profit, and know that there are those that scheme with her. Between the so-called elders of this cult, [name a few elder cultists that have schemed with Karreesa about her suspicion], do you wish to side with greedy, old fools, or with your God?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:24 No.11876666
    Speak to the bloodstain, for the benefit of the others. "Oh, Karreesa... the smallest shard of a diamond is still a diamond. You should not have forgotten that."

    Then turn to the old man and girl. I doubt they're doing particularly well, but act casual and not particularly menacing in what is doubtless a creepy personality shift. "I thank you for your loyal service. Both of you did well, even if this night did not go as I expected."
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:25 No.11876672
    Ah, before saying all of that, do use our Knowledge to tell if the old man and the girl are of the elders themselves.

    If so, disregard all of that and let me type something new.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:26 No.11876674
    I think we should use the man's name when addressing him if we can. It would be more impressive.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:30 No.11876721
    But if he is of low rank, it would show that we aren't concerned with him. We already named the elders here
    >[name a few elder cultists that have schemed with Karreesa about her suspicion]
    which should make him think that we have been busy gathering information on those that would stab us in the back.

    Using his name would make him suspect that we just gained the knowledge just then, which we did, but it is better if he thinks we are very good at finding information, especially of a secretive cult, likely information he doesn't even know himself. After all, how many higher-up cultists want every single member across their multi-city cult to know their name? What if the lower ranked get caught and tortured? Their names would get out to the guards and government...

    It is impressive enough that we know the elder cultists names, and are telling him to spread their names. The news will spread like wildfire among the underworld, for sure, which will make it easier later on down the line when recruiting more cultists.
    >> Questions are the fastest part to respond to of this whole quest TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)22:32 No.11876742
    >Does the local knowledge tell us if she has had people keeping tabs on us? Does it tell us if they know about Claire?
    She had hired a local petty criminal yesterday, with orders to report to another cult member if she did not appear at the designated meeting. She personally knew about Claire and intended to investigate further as soon as the opportunity arose.

    >Who are these people and under what circumstances did we see them?
    One you saw in a small one-man smithy shop, presumably the owner. The other was a woman you saw walk by in the marketplace who had a strikingly large forehead.

    >What are the other two doing?
    Ella is hyperventilating. The old man has his hand on his shoulder and is looking at you without comment.

    >Do use our Knowledge to tell if the old man and the girl are of the elders themselves.
    They are not.

    >His name
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:33 No.11876754
    Fermenting rebellion when we don't even know the basics of thier religion? That will go about as well as our attempt at impersonation with Kareesa did.

    Instead tell him to bring us whoever would normally replace Kareesa. Use his name. Use the replacements name. Make sure we seem all knowing. Later we'll need to hunt someone to get knowledge of the religion. we shouldn't try to split the cult before we know how.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:34 No.11876767
    > She had hired a local petty criminal yesterday, with orders to report to another cult member if she did not appear at the designated meeting.

    Alright, we need to track down this criminal ASAP.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:35 No.11876772
    We need to head to the meeting point and eat that petty criminal. How long do we have?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:35 No.11876780
    >She had hired a local petty criminal yesterday, with orders to report to another cult member if she did not appear at the designated meeting.

    Where is this meeting? When is this meeting? The criminal is just a criminal and not related to the cult right?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:37 No.11876796
    What he said. For all we know, Elders could just be a term for their pet dogs (I mean its not, but you get the idea).
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:37 No.11876797
    >Ella is hyperventilating. The old man has his hand on his shoulder and is looking at you without comment.

    We should wipe off our face i possible. then do like >>11876754 said
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:38 No.11876804
    Alright, we should turn to Venor and (making sure to use his name) ask him to tell (insert the name of person who is next in line after Kareesa) to meet with us at later date sometime soon. Then we need to go hunt do the criminal who Kareesa hired.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:39 No.11876811
    Are they low ranking? That is to say, would they have knowledge that Karreesa has a superior, for example?

    Perhaps, but we must act quickly.
    The chance that the cult's religion somehow being against their object of worship murdering a senior officer is very low. Indeed, I cannot presently think of anything in any sort of cult belief that would be against it.

    Judging by
    >Ella is hyperventilating. The old man has his hand on his shoulder and is looking at you without comment.
    The seed in the old man's head is already starting to take root. He fears for his life and the girl's, and is beginning to reevaluate his cult beliefs.
    As I said >>11875999, we need to act fast now.

    Also, that criminal needs to be attended to. Likely, Karreesa told him to meet a specific other cultist, rather than just another cultist would show up, so we need to get to the meeting place and consume him.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:41 No.11876835
    >get to the meeting place and consume him
    That is, as opposed to getting to the meeting place and attempting to bluff him into believing we're the cultist he was supposed to talk to.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:42 No.11876844
    If we eat and take his appearance, we can then go surprise whoever he was supposed to report to.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:44 No.11876866
    That is true, and I was of the same idea. The only complication I thought of was if the cultist he was to meet was guarded. That is, was if the meeting place for that cultist was in a stronghold that would require us to speak to infiltrate unnoticed, or to battle many cultists to devour the one.

    We just need to consult our new knowledge.

    But that's another matter. For now, reshaping the old man's mind takes precedent. The girl, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:46 No.11876885
    Tell the old man we do not wish to hurt him.
    Ask him to comfort the young girl.
    Simply tell them that Karessa has failed in her duties to her god.
    Tell them that we're going to go talk to some of the next higher ups, and keep the ritual going - but we won't look very kindly on people who fail us like Karessa did.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:46 No.11876891
    "Tell me Venor, is this the life you had envisioned for yourself, for that poor child? It's never too late to leave, I intend to bring about a change here, and I'd rather not have you involved in the conflict that will come. There are loose ends I must tie, and your decision should be made by then. I am taking my leave."
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)22:47 No.11876901
    >Where is this meeting? When is this meeting? The criminal is just a criminal and not related to the cult right?
    Tomorrow at early afternoon, at a open-air restaurant. Hold on. This guy's face is bringing up another memory. You know about him from the criminal you ate. This guy she hired has got some ties to the more organized brand of dishonest work, chief. Low tier but the guy's getting well known for both an uncanny ability to succeed and a distinct lack of qualms with how he makes his coin.

    >Are they low ranking? That is to say, would they have knowledge that Karreesa has a superior, for example?
    They know she's not the top of the line, though she's as high up as they'll ever likely deal with.

    >Getting to the actions, sorry. Answering questions to give you guys all the info you deserved seems like higher priority.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:49 No.11876919
    Do we know if the cultist the criminal is supposed to report to knows that Kareesa doubted our authenticity?

    Of course depending on who this cultist is it may be a good idea to eat him anyway for more knowldge
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:50 No.11876929
    No problem. The info shapes our actions after all.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:52 No.11876962
    Too gentle, and it does not address his unspoken concerns of if we are not what he thought we were.
    Though, telling him to go comfort the young girl after we're done with him would be the right thing to do.

    This would be a good choice of action if you wanted to gut the cult and throw the meat in the trash.
    You want to declare a vendetta on the entire cult? It may work to draw some cultists on our side (who wants to fight the god they worship?), but ultimately, saying such a thing would completely sever the tie with the cult and we couldn't use them at all, ever.

    >at a open-air restaurant
    Damn. Well, if he's the kind of dirt that has no qualms about turning coat, we could promise him more gold to work directly for us. How much was he paid? Can we afford to pay him directly, in person? Trying to buy him on credit wouldn't work at all, I'm certain, but if we can pay him more than what he was paid, then have him follow us to a more private place to discuss (a theft job? an infiltration/information-gathering job?), then consume him, we could get our money back and get his knowledge as well.

    >she's as high up as they'll ever likely deal with.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:57 No.11877026
    Right. We have a meeting with Gruff (right arm of heironeous), we have a meeting with an unnamed criminal.
    We have to report in to Claire and tell her we're okay.

    It looks like people want us to infiltrate the cult, and kill it from within, siding with the paladin.

    We're also gonna need 2 leopards and a bear sometime soon, for powerful attacks.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)22:58 No.11877039
    >Do we know if the cultist the criminal is supposed to report to knows that Karreesa doubted our authenticity?
    Highly doubtful; the cultist only knew of your appearance in the city. The visit from the criminal would be a surprise--the cultist was not informed and was only a backup.

    >Well, if he's the kind of dirt that has no qualms about turning coat
    Whoa there, chief. There's no qualms, sure. But you're talking no BRAINS. You turn coat on your own, better be for the right amount of coin. You turn coat and you've been working for the organized sort? There just AIN'T the right amount of coin. If you're not living, you're not spending, you know what I'm saying?
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)22:58 No.11877046
    This leaves tonight and tomorrow morning open. I vote we hunt now, while we have the chance. We're going to need to be stronger than we are no matter what happens, so I think it's high time we address that.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:59 No.11877057
    Well we already killed Karessa, we plan to kill her contract, and we'll probably end up killing her superiors. I'd say we ARE already telling the cult to go fuck itself. Venor and the little girl don't seem like the belong in this type of shady lifestyle, and so long as they remain in the cult, they will eventually have to choose a side. I would rather they escape now, rather than risking death to protect us, or being killed at our hands because they sided with the rest of the cult.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)22:59 No.11877060

    >This would be a good choice of action if you wanted to gut the cult and throw the meat in the trash.
    You want to declare a vendetta on the entire cult? It may work to draw some cultists on our side (who wants to fight the god they worship?), but ultimately, saying such a thing would completely sever the tie with the cult and we couldn't use them at all, ever.

    Will the cult even be willing to work with us once they catch wind of Karessa's disappearance? Her superiors might have been the ones who had the idea of us not being a god-splinter in the first place. This incident will probably completely sever our ties from the cult, whether we want it or not.

    TempDM, could we try accessing her knowledge (or memory, if possible) about any conversations or orders from her superior(s) concerning us in particular?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:00 No.11877076
    First things first. Venor and Ella. What do?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:01 No.11877081
    Don't suppose we know where this up and coming criminal hangs out during the night? Or lives?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:01 No.11877082
    We really have become knowledge-hungry, haven't we?
    We need:
    >New appearance
    >Meet Paladin
    >Meet Organised Thief
    >2cat, 1bear
    >Find knowledge: religion (devourer) somewhere

    Does that sound about right to you bros?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:02 No.11877094
    We have a meeting with Gaul tomorrow night. We have a meeting with this criminal tomorrow afternoon.

    And I, personally, want to infiltrate the cult, make it our own, and have the paladin as an ally only to satisfy those that want to have him as some trusted friend like Claire.

    But I want the cult.

    Yes, of course, it would require more than just a copper higher.
    How much does this criminal know of the Cult he was employed for? Surely a man with brains, if he is as you say, would make sure his job wouldn't endanger his own life. If he realizes that we are the Cult's highest ruler (judging if his knowledge is only base, and knows only that the cult worships some Goddemon, and that we are that, or a part of it). Though, since you bring that up, it might be easier to kill him now, at night, rather than wait for him.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:03 No.11877099
    sounds good to me. We'll have to tell something to the Paladin to explain our appearance.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:03 No.11877108
    hmmm sounds good. should probably get knowledge: religion (devourer) first though
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:04 No.11877111
    When the cult was attacked and almost destroyed it shook Kareesa's faith and instilled doubts in her mind. Over time these doubts grew until she was planning to betray us for her own gain.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)23:04 No.11877117
    You also need to sleep.

    That appointment I mentioned is now. I expect it will take less than 2 hours. I can continue running after I get back. If you vote on what to tell Venor and Ella, I should be able to post a reply to that before I go. For speed's sake, second the post(s) already written that have what you want to tell them.
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/29/10(Sun)23:05 No.11877123

    Second on this, though I'd still like to head into the sewers one more time, possibly tonight. I'm pretty sure a gator's bite would still be very useful to us.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:05 No.11877126
    Reassure venor
    Comfort ella
    Sell bike
    Eat pizza
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:05 No.11877128
    >Will the cult even be willing to work with us once they catch wind of Karessa's disappearance? Her superiors might have been the ones who had the idea of us not being a god-splinter in the first place.
    Of course, you aren't saying anything I haven't already thought of.
    By killing Karreesa, we have sparked that flame of suspicion in the elders into complete hate.
    However, what you said would make the entire cult, elders and lowers both, against us.

    I stand by my choice >>11876658
    I truly believe it is the best course of action that allows us to later take advantage of the cult.

    I like that.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:08 No.11877158
    We should turn to Venor and (making sure to use his name) ask him to tell (insert the name of person who is next in line after Kareesa) to meet with us at later date sometime soon. Then we need to go hunt do the criminal who Kareesa hired.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:10 No.11877181
    I second anything calming and reassuring.

    RIGHT. It's really late in the night for the Dopple, he needs to find a place to sleep.
    In the morning, tomorrow, let's plan our day.

    Many people want to hunt. We should do that.
    We have appointments with a Thief and with a Paladin. We should keep them.
    We need a new appearance, more knowledge of the devourer, and some more attacks. Pounce, Rake, and some form of powerful claw are good.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/29/10(Sun)23:12 No.11877220
    I apologize. I figured a bit wrong and won't be able to write a post out to satisfaction before I go. I'll take into account as much of what people have suggested as I can and post it when I get back. Shouldn't be too long.

    You guys are awesome and this is a blast to run for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:14 No.11877252
    >I like that.
    And I forgot to post the rest.

    How about:
    >I am not him, Karreesa? Have you been so blinded by your greed and hubris to forget who I am? A shard I may be, but the shard of a diamond is still a diamond. Old man, what is your name [it doesn't matter if we know it from Local Knowledge, pretend we don't]? Venor, go tell what you've seen to the others. Know that Karreesa forgot her place. When this cult was attacked and nearly destroyed, Kareesa lost faith and began doubting. She wished to bind your God, wished to sell the diamond of the Cult for her own profit, and know that there are those that scheme with her. Between the so-called elders of this cult, [name a few elder cultists that have schemed with Karreesa about her suspicion], do you wish to side with greedy, old fools, or with your God?

    We really shouldn't use Venor at all, and just let him rest and think about what has happened to him today. We need for him to let our seed soak in his mind and grow, not bury it under other orders.

    Thanks to Karreesa's knowledge, we can contact various cultists on our own. If we're just to meet with them at a "later date sometime", we can do so personally after going to our other meetings.

    The way I see it, we can
    -Either deal with the criminal now or rest,
    -Then go meet with the criminal (if we rested), or hunt (if we dealt with the criminal).
    -Then meet with Gaul.
    -Then visit the sewers (if we haven't hunted), or meet with the second-in-command Cultist who would take Karreesa's place and deal with him.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:15 No.11877273
    This is already at 220 posts, so it's unlikely it will become the same as last thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:24 No.11877407
    Vote it up.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:33 No.11877518
    It is too dangerous to implicate Kareesa's superiors as we only know one of them. We a better way. Maybe something more like this:

    If possible use our electrical abilities to cause an arc of electricity to pass between two of our fingers. Speak to that arc as if it was her captured soul. "I am not him, Karreesa? Have you been so blinded by your greed and hubris to forget what I am? A shard I may be, but the shard of a diamond is still a diamond." At this point snap our fingers and cut the arc. "Old man, you are known as Venor, correct? Venor, go tell what you've seen to the others. Know that Karreesa forgot her place. When this cult was attacked and nearly destroyed, Kareesa lost faith and began doubting. She wished to bind your God, wished to sell the diamond of the Cult for her own profit, and know that there are those that scheme with her. Between these betrayers of this cult, [name a few cultists that have schemed with Karreesa about her suspicion], do you wish to side with greedy fools, or with your God?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:35 No.11877556
    Nah, too dramatic.
    Just be like "Karessa ... you have failed me."
    And then be like "Venor! Looks like some of the cult doubts me. Me! A fragment of the splinter! I'm going to deal with this. You keep yourself and the girl safe."
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:36 No.11877568
    I like that you want to mystify the old man, but that would cause unnecessary rumors to sprout. Does their god have the ability to play with souls? To remove them?
    Also, I don't like
    >Old man, you are known as Venor, correct?
    As I've previously stated in another post.
    >> Tollymain 08/29/10(Sun)23:41 No.11877635
    Why wouldn't a god be able to take the souls of his followers? They take the souls of their followers after death all the time. The good ones just don't eat them.

    I actually like this idea. Audacity is key to success.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/10(Sun)23:43 No.11877665
    It would frighten him by our powers too much and, as I've said, cause unnecessary rumors to sprout. We don't know anything about their religion, and you want to do some extravagant act with fake souls and (crackling) electricity?
    >> monotreeme 08/30/10(Mon)00:46 No.11878435
         File1283143568.jpg-(76 KB, 350x350, official seal.jpg)
    76 KB
    rolled 80 = 80

    it seems I missed a major chunk of today's game.

    I have just one thing to add, or request.

    if we are still in the room with the other 2 minions apologize to the little girl first (pet her on head while doing it), then the old man.

    first for yelling at them and second for the little "loss of control" earlier

    and as them to be back here at about this time tomorrow for further orders and instructions.
    >> Back already. Military efficiency, hell yes. TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/30/10(Mon)01:02 No.11878637
    >TempDM, could we try accessing her knowledge (or memory, if possible) about any conversations or orders from her superior(s) concerning us in particular?
    You give this a shot, but the memories you pull are hazy and muffled, as if you're in a fog.

    >Instead tell him to bring us whoever would normally replace Kareesa.
    You don't know who this is, and neither does he.

    >Speak to the bloodstain, for the benefit of the others. "Oh, Karreesa... the smallest shard of a diamond is still a diamond. You should not have forgotten that." Then turn to the old man and girl. Act casual and not particularly menacing. "I thank you for your loyal service. Both of you did well, even if this night did not go as I expected."

    >"Tell me Venor, is this the life you had envisioned for yourself, for that poor child? It's never too late to leave, I intend to bring about a change here, and I'd rather not have you involved in the conflict that will come. There are loose ends I must tie, and your decision should be made by then. I am taking my leave."

    >"Venor! Looks like some of the cult doubts me. Me! A splinter of the Devourer! I'm going to deal with this. You keep yourself and the girl safe."

    >>I am not him, Karreesa? Have you been so blinded by your greed and hubris to forget who I am? A shard I may be, but the shard of a diamond is still a diamond. Venor, go tell what you've seen to the others. Know that Karreesa forgot her place. When this cult was attacked and nearly destroyed, Kareesa lost faith and began doubting. She wished to bind your god, wished to sell the diamond of the cult for her own profit, and know that there are those that scheme with her, the so-called elders of this cult. Do you wish to side with greedy, old fools, or with your god?

    >The last one but showy, with soul power.
    Okay, time to pick, because there's a bunch of good options and not much in the way of consensus. First to three, please.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:10 No.11878730
    >"Tell me Venor, is this the life you had envisioned for yourself, for that poor child? It's never too late to leave, I intend to bring about a change here, and I'd rather not have you involved in the conflict that will come. There are loose ends I must tie, and your decision should be made by then. I am taking my leave."
    >> Tsundere Anubis 08/30/10(Mon)01:12 No.11878749
    this one
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:15 No.11878770
    >>I am not him, Karreesa? Have you been so blinded by your greed and hubris to forget who I am? A shard I may be, but the shard of a diamond is still a diamond. Venor, go tell what you've seen to the others. Know that Karreesa forgot her place. When this cult was attacked and nearly destroyed, Kareesa lost faith and began doubting. She wished to bind your god, wished to sell the diamond of the cult for her own profit, and know that there are those that scheme with her, the so-called elders of this cult. Do you wish to side with greedy, old fools, or with your god?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:15 No.11878785
    >Speak to the bloodstain, for the benefit of the others. "Oh, Karreesa... the smallest shard of a diamond is still a diamond. You should not have forgotten that." Then turn to the old man and girl. Act casual and not particularly menacing. "I thank you for your loyal service. Both of you did well, even if this night did not go as I expected."
    >> prince of all cosmos 08/30/10(Mon)01:16 No.11878791
    This one
    >>I am not him, Karreesa? Have you been so blinded by your greed and hubris to forget who I am? A shard I may be, but the shard of a diamond is still a diamond. Venor, go tell what you've seen to the others. Know that Karreesa forgot her place. When this cult was attacked and nearly destroyed, Kareesa lost faith and began doubting. She wished to bind your god, wished to sell the diamond of the cult for her own profit, and know that there are those that scheme with her, the so-called elders of this cult. Do you wish to side with greedy, old fools, or with your god?

    I say this one. But regardless of what we say to them, we will be needing a new appearance and we will be needing to do some hunting. I hope we are able to do one or both tonight, but I must sleep now.

    Great thread as always TempDM, and goodnight.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:18 No.11878824
    This seems like the best option.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:23 No.11878889
    >"Tell me Venor, is this the life you had envisioned for yourself, for that poor child? It's never too late to leave, I intend to bring about a change here, and I'd rather not have you involved in the conflict that will come. There are loose ends I must tie, and your decision should be made by then. I am taking my leave."
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:24 No.11878902
    The only problem with telling him to leave the cult is that if he then decides to warn the cult, we really can't stop him.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/30/10(Mon)01:27 No.11878953
    >>I am not him, Karreesa? Have you been so blinded by your greed and hubris to forget who I am? A shard I may be, but the shard of a diamond is still a diamond. Venor, go tell what you've seen to the others. Know that Karreesa forgot her place. When this cult was attacked and nearly destroyed, Kareesa lost faith and began doubting. She wished to bind your god, wished to sell the diamond of the cult for her own profit, and know that there are those that scheme with her, the so-called elders of this cult. Do you wish to side with greedy, old fools, or with your god?"
    "Cult? I... aye, my lord."

    It's getting late into the night. You're still covered in blood.
    >River, clean up, go to inn and sleep
    >Attempt to track down hired criminal's home
    >Hunt in sewers
    What's next on the agenda? (The later you stay awake, the later you'll need to sleep, unless you want to skip sleep and begin taking penalties--small at first, but cumulative.)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:29 No.11878981
    New appearance tonight? BEFORE our meeting with Gaul tomorrow? Nooo.
    >> monotreeme 08/30/10(Mon)01:29 No.11878982
    rolled 100 = 100

    apologise to the little girl as per >>11878435

    then >River, clean up, go to inn and sleep
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:34 No.11879051

    Was that in an "aye, my lord" as in "I re-affirm my loyalty to the cause of the devourer" or "holy shit I am still not fully comprehending what's going on right now but I'll just say something so I won't get eaten"?
    >> monotreeme 08/30/10(Mon)01:35 No.11879073
    rolled 13 = 13

    in either case a reassurance would be nice...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:35 No.11879074
    Yes, let's pet the little girl's head with our bloodstained hand.
    >> monotreeme 08/30/10(Mon)01:36 No.11879090
    rolled 64 = 64

    fuck. I forgot that bit...

    avoid that part then...
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/30/10(Mon)01:39 No.11879134
    >Was that in an "aye, my lord" as in "I re-affirm my loyalty to the cause of the devourer" or "holy shit I am still not fully comprehending what's going on right now but I'll just say something so I won't get eaten"?
    Likely more the latter than the former, particularly,
    >holy shit I am still not fully comprehending what's going on right now
    but there seemed to be some of both.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:42 No.11879173
    Sense motive since we are not sure what kind of yes sir that was.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:43 No.11879182
    River, wash, sleep.
    See if Claire is okay.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:44 No.11879192
    New thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:45 No.11879213
    good night tempdm
    hopefully you will proceed tomorrow as well!
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)01:46 No.11879231
    Devour both of them.

    We require knowledge of old man things and dollys.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)02:00 No.11879397
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)02:00 No.11879403
    Crap, we shouldn't have called it a cult.

    Okay we need to wash up and then find a place to sleep.

    Also need to find out if there is an animal or monster in the world that dosn't require sleep.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/30/10(Mon)02:09 No.11879480
    >Sense motive since we are not sure what kind of yes sir that was.
    >1d20+3 = 11 Sense Motive
    You really aren't sure of any more than what I mentioned already.

    >River, wash, sleep. See if Claire is okay.
    Your pillow at the inn looks damn inviting this late at night. Claire jerked awake as you walk in but quickly fell back to sleep on the other bed. You expect more cloak and dagger in the near future; it's a dangerous world, and threats seem to appear far faster than they can be dealt with. For now at least, your stomach is full, and you're reasonably safe. Perhaps tomorrow will bring a new ally, and a new outlook on life you're still struggling to truly understand. Perhaps not. Sleep blankets your mind like a rolling storm cloud, and another day's efforts comes to an close.

    >hopefully you will proceed tomorrow as well!
    Nope, not unless you want me running it around 4am. I can do that if people want, just let me know. Next weekend, likely Friday or Saturday, is when to expect the next thread. Maybe I ought to get a twitter or something, though I've never used one of those.

    >New thread?
    No. This one's wrapped up as most of the players went to bed, and this is a good stopping point. It had a bunch of posts before autosage anyway.

    My thanks to whomever archived the thread, though I really wish the description could have included: "We finally eat one of our allies." Without, of course, mentioning which one.
    >> TempDM !!GKvElBvNwF/ 08/30/10(Mon)02:10 No.11879493
    >Also need to find out if there is an animal or monster in the world that doesn't require sleep.
    Elves only need four hours a night, but that's all off the top of my head. The one elf you've met, you nabbed martial weapon proficiency from.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)02:15 No.11879541
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    aww goddamnit, i missed the thread?

    well, either way, good job tempDM. i look forward to (hopefully) participating in the next thread that pops up
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)02:25 No.11879633
    Hmmm... we probably would have been better off telling him to get out while he still can. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)02:47 No.11879841
    You know, I feel kind of bad about the whole Kareesa thing. We were so bad at impersonating the Devourer that we actually made her doubt whether the Devourer was a God worth following. It must have been hell for her, wondering whether she had wasted her life in service to US.

    Can't wait until we eat another cult member and acquire Knowledge (Religion-Cult of the Devourer) so all those people who want to usurp control of the cult realize what a bad idea that is. At least with this particular cult.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)09:41 No.11882650
    I don't think it was that. I think she just doubted that we were an actual splinter, not that our being a splinter meant the Devourer wasn't as she expected.

    Then again, that doesn't mean we actually aren't one.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)09:48 No.11882723
    Damn, I fell asleep.

    We really should have stayed a bit longer to listen to his concerns, to let him know that we aren't the type of guy to go on a rampage and kill everything in a fit of anger, which is probably what he thinks now.
    Listening to him would also provide us the opportunity to smooth over my bad wording by calling it a cult.

    Oh well, what's done is done.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)10:14 No.11882907
    It's sure to cause problems for us in the future, especially with TempDM as the DM. I don't think it can become anything too major though. Other than him alerting as many cultists as he can about what happened, and one of them alerting the elders. That could be an issue.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)10:57 No.11883243
    Him alerting other cultists (and the elders, too, by extension) was a part of my plan to begin with. It will definitely happen, unless he's one of those tight-lipped fools. Which is possible, I suppose, if he decides to keep quiet out of fear for the girl's life, who he seems to cherish.

    Really, this should have been a moment to uproot his old beliefs and replace them with our basically-similar-slightly-tweaked beliefs. We did pretty well with that, but we couldn't completely eradicate the new suspicions as well as I wish we could.

    Karrreesa likely has knowledge of his home and location, though, so we can drop by some time soon and just chat with him. Note, 'chat' does not mean eat, nor does it mean attack, ravish, consume, destroy, or any other meaning other than chat. We just need to talk to him, hear his concerns and worries, and set them aside. Reassure him, that is, as we wanted him to reassure the girl.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)11:14 No.11883332
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    >so we can drop by some time soon and just chat with him. Note, 'chat' does not mean eat, nor does it mean attack, ravish, consume, destroy, or any other meaning other than chat.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)11:27 No.11883414
    Look at her last words. >>11876157 She couldn't have been referring to doubting we were a splinter because she had clearly decided that we were not a splinter.

    I'd just like to once again state that it is my opinion that doing this without first gaining ranks in Knowledge (Religion-Cult of the Devourer) is a very bad idea that will end much the same way our attempt to deceive Kareesa did.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)11:33 No.11883454
    You're right. If at all possible, we should get Knowledge Religion before dealing with Venor, but we also need to deal with Venor's concerns fast before he accepts them as fact.

    Who can we eat? That criminal likely doesn't know anything, and we may not be able to get the cultist he's to meet. We could take the criminal's appearance, then try to get the cultist, but if the cultist is somewhere populated...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)11:47 No.11883561
    Again, switching appearances before we meet up with Gaul again strikes me as a bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)11:52 No.11883593
    Well, presently, we've the appearance of a guard, right?
    It shouldn't be a problem with meeting the criminal since we won't be meeting the criminal as much as we will be ambushing and consuming him.

    But we need a cultist to eat. A high ranking cultist with good knowledge in their religion. And we need one soon, before meeting Venor. Well, we could meet with Venor before getting Knowledge: Religion, and just act on what he tells us as if we knew it as fact, but knowing of their religion can do nothing but help us.

    When the TempDM starts a new thread, we need to ask if there is a sufficiently knowledgeable cultist of their religion that has a house he lives alone in.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)13:20 No.11884429
    Ok hold on. As I understand it the criminal was supposed to meet Kareesa at the restaurant. If Kareesa dosn't show he is supposed to deliver a message to another cultist, presumably someone Kareesa trusted. According to what TempDM said here >>11877039 this cultist probably has no idea of Kareesa's suspicions that we are not what we claim to be.

    I propose that we intercept the criminal and gain either sneak attack or more Knowledge (Underworld) from him. Then, with the message he was supposed to deliver stopped, we head over to the home of the cultist he was supposed to meet anyways and secretly eat him for his knowledge (religion). Because if Kareesa trusted him enough to put the decision of what to do with us in his hands, he is probably to much for us to manipulate.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)13:25 No.11884481
    Addendum: We also must get some new clothes. Seriously, we were covered in blood. Even though we washed up our clothes are still going to be stained and ruined.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)13:41 No.11884621
    This seems like a good plan.
    >> monotreeme 08/30/10(Mon)14:32 No.11885063
    rolled 63 = 63

    let's find and kill a cultist of about our size, then steal their wardrobe.
    >> sageruman 08/30/10(Mon)14:34 No.11885070
    Sage for a quest.
    You want quests - you go fag up tgchan; it's specifically meant for that.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)14:53 No.11885224
    tgchan is meant for fags and fail, no more, no less. Good DMing belongs in /tg/.
    >> monotreeme 08/30/10(Mon)18:54 No.11887569
    rolled 76 = 76

    bump for discussion.

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