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!Wz87.gYWh. 05/19/11(Thu)17:34 No.14983142 File1305840887.jpg-(50 KB, 287x229, sentinel 1.jpg)
 >>14982959 >>14982969 >>14982992
"It used to be pretty bad," Karl says, spooning up the last of his soup as the two of you sit watching the readout on the screen. "Right before the Pollution Wars there was garbage and nuclear waste everywhere. Then the corporations took over, and got it all cleaned up. Now everything's starting to get clean again, and pollution is a thing of the past."
"Oh, I'm not a Thorite," he says, watching you as you get back to work. "Then again, some downtowners worship the whole lot of them. Captain Avenger, the Human Submarine, Spider-Guy, you name it. I think most of the stuff they say about those people was just rumors, anyway. The people in that time were probably too primitive to know any better."
As the two of you talk, you notice one screen seemingly switch off - but as you turn your attention to it you notice that it still reads something:
"Are you done with your sou-" Karl begins, before your suit moves forward, oblivious to your command, and strikes him in the back of the head, knocking him to the floor in an unmoving heap!
As the suit pivots around, dragging you helplessly within its unyielding grip, a distorted face wavers and flickers, patch by patch, into view on one of the screens. Held prisoner in the powerful mining suit, you can only stare at its looming coalescing shape!
At first it looks almost human, but then it resolves itself into the visage of something both more and much less than human - something you've seen and feared before!
A Sentinel!
(cont. on next page) |