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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/31/12(Sat)00:55 No.18522428 File: 1333169758.jpg-(63 KB, 608x880, 181b28ab7de7410132795412db5797(...).jpg)
 About to die, you summon your wits to execute your final duty as a BOUNCING PILOT and leave a witty, clever, dashing exit line... and let it pass as you stare, dumbfounded, at Minna's legs. The shadows play most interestingly along the curve of her calves, her slender, yet finely toned thighs, leading up to her firm, tight little ass.
"... *fuck* the light and fuck the tunnel, I'm going for *that,*" you say dreamily.
Minna blinks. "What?"
"What?" you reply.
She bends over and hauls you upright, dusting off your jumpsuit unconsciously. "I'm sorry."
"That's a fucking lie."
"NO SHIT!" she ejaculates, then giggles again. "I stopped, and I was *just* thinking 'if it is him I don't have to do anything but wait a second because he'll inevitably do something insane' and almost the same instant you go screaming off the roof and WHAM there you are dangling like a fucking fish on a hooooaahahahaahahahahahahahaha-" Minna bites her lip, hard, and suppresses another spasm of laughter with visible effort. "It was just... just... oh, oh, I haven't laughed like that in...." she wipes away a few more tears. "Oh. Wow."
"Are you okay?" Sanya calls down from the tower roof.
"Just fine," Minna calls up. "We're coming up, hon."
You huff, gathering up your parachute behind you. Utterly deflated, you really don't know what to do or say, so you tail along after Minna as you're told, for a change of pace.
"So what was that about Edinburgh?" you say as your nosiness gets the better of you.
"Oh, that," Minna says. "We really need to talk about Sean." |