/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

June 2008
1991877How to Roll Dice in /tg/"Don't abuse/spam this or I'll remove it. Thanks to MrVacBob and coda for implementing this, and a fa/tg/uy for requesting it." MootDice2008-06-14 20 
2021992Board games every fa/tg/uy should ownList of some board games and why people play themboard game dice catan carcassonne talisman2008-06-18 4 
August 2008
231354840k Ice CreamIn the grim darkness of the far future, the Sauvis Astartes seek to return ice cream to the galaxy. Also, "discussion" of what flavor each faction would prefer.40k, ice cream2008-08-07 2 
October 2008
2733392Earthflame promises to finish ArtIficeEarthflame will probably finish artifice in this thread. Hurrah.ArtIfice, Homebrew2008-10-04 0 
2811761How to Make a Good CharacterAnon posts 10 tips to avoid making a shitty roleplaying character. More advice is added, and wisdom is dispensed. Something most fa/tg/uys should read.advice, how to make a good character, 10 tips2008-10-16 6 
November 2008
3052437GameScience Dice vs Cheap DiceAnon posts a very interesting vid featuring the good Colonel from GameScience explaining why most /tg/ dice aren't in face random.dice, die, cheap, machined, casino, d20, d16, d4, polished2008-11-24 3 
January 2009
3371519Player Social Skills vs Character Social SkillsWhat's someone to do when his character is much better at social situations than he, the player, is?advice2009-01-11 0 
3474513OH GOD WHAT WAS THATCreepy cyborg enemies are discussed, drawing inspiration from Dr Who, System Shock and Portal.WHAT, horror, sci-fi, advice, design2009-01-21 2 
3497204Force commander vanilla iceOnly one man could aid davian thule against the green menace, Ice, Vanilla IceIce,Vanilla,DOWII,Forcecommander,kick it2009-01-23 7 
3554280Joan's 11th Suffering11th instalment ofJoanJoan, Joan d'Aww, collective game, fanservice2009-01-29 25 
February 2009
3676516Advice OrcAdvice Orc shares his wisdomorc, orcs, advice2009-02-11 2 
March 2009
3941796Poleaxe-wielding dwarf princessAnon asks what a good system would be. For his 8-year old niece.RPG, Advice, DM2009-03-11 8 
April 2009
4225841Wonderland as a Campaign SettingInspired by a flash animation/song, /tg/ discusses a campaign set in a dark version of Alice's Wonderland. Alice, Wonderland, campaign, setting2009-04-09 10 
May 2009
4552543FATAL the Movie Professor Farnsworth creates FATAL, the movie, with Uwe Boll as director. FATAL, Farnsworth, Voices, 2009-05-14 25 
4655339Neckbeard marriage!A fellow eloquen/tg/entleman asks /tg/ on ways for him to propose to his beloved lady. The neckbeards respond in their usual way, alongside some good ideas.dick-in-a-box, love, /tg/, metathread, neckbeard, help, advice2009-05-25 5 
4695827Neckbeard FinancesA thread about spending habits turns awesome.Money, army prices, debt, George Carlin, savings2009-05-29 2 
June 2009
4798636Essentials for playing Dungeons & Dragons"Hello, /tg/ I'm normally not from around here, but I feel like you guys could help me. I want to play Dungeons and Dragons. I'm trying to get some friends together or find a group. Point is, I've never played it, I'm am completely new to it, but the whole idea of the game sounds fantastic. Can you guys tell me what are the essentials for game play? What do I ABSOLUTELY need? "D&D, RPG, Advice2009-06-07 2 
48809461984 and Late-Night Philosophy/tg/ attempts to turn 1984 into a viable setting for gaming. The goal may have been accomplished, but it's lost under a torrent of mostly shit- turning into a surprisingly candid and polite discussion on the philosophy of safety over freedom.philosophy, 1984, george orwell, justice2009-06-15 1 
July 2009
5224704How to rock out with an army?Exalted player wonders how to defeat elves with a Roman-style army. Another player chips in, and the tale of how they got demonic lolis by rocking out in Malfeas is revealed...Exalted, story, advice2009-07-22 11 
August 2009
5436194Post-ice age settingAfter the apocalypse, man retreats to massive, vertical underground cities built into the permafrost. Most of man.setting, ice age, post apocalypse, cyberpunk2009-08-13 1 
5484640Town of IllusionsA mage is using illusion to give a poor town a good life, but it isn't real. /tg/ chooses their solution to the town's problems.writefaggotry, choices2009-08-17 1 
5663000Forced meme about DM cats.What the title saysadvice dog, DM cat2009-08-31 2 
September 2009
5756362Opening a FLGS #2 (4 or 5?)Tech Priest Naile showing off other game stores and some more discussion.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia2009-09-07 0 
5770742Opening a FLGS #3Webstore shenanigans.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia, Webstore2009-09-08 2 
5867345Opening a FLGS #4Tech Priest Naile discussing his shop's ideal location.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia, Lease2009-09-15 0 
October 2009
6164865Touhou HelpTouhous last thread autosaged and this in the continued3.5, Help, Touhou, Broken, D&D, DnD, Dungeon and Dragons, Advice thread 2009-10-07 1 
6168378CSI: DungeonA thread about dice-loading players turns into something completely otherDice-loading, dice, CSI: Miami, YEEEEAAAH2009-10-07 13 
November 2009
6516181Advice for StorytellersA no-troll, no-nonsense, honest set of advice for how to become a better DM/GM/Storyteller/Whatever-the-fuck-they-call-it-this-week.DM, GM, rookie, advice, useful2009-11-01 2 
6741973Death to DruidsA monk comes to /tg/ seeking advice on defending a mining village from genocidal druids and his treacherous ex-party. /tg/ provides it.Monk, villagers, level 1, advice2009-11-17 12 
6751380verythings-A-Check-Quest The Worst DM Ever /tg/ Makes a check, FOR EVERYTHING watch the zany adventures unroll/tg/, Quest, Questthread, Roll, Dice, Check2009-11-18 8 
6766926Ice Planet IFrom the man who brought us Fast Food Mafia, we now have a chilling (pun intended) new setting, where convicts and wardens struggle to survive sub-zero temperaturesIce, Planet, Geothermal, Campaign, Mafia, Food, Convict2009-11-19 1 
January 2010
7401927actual DMing adviceno really its actual advice.DM GM advice tips tricks2010-01-03 8 
7530631Artificers in 4eHow awesome artificers can be.artificers, 4e2010-01-11 1 
February 2010
7985592New DM Advice. Also NoseA new DM asks for some general advice on running a game. What happens next is very strange, but there is some excellent advice generated by the intelligent yet desperate basement-dwellers of /tg/. Takes about 10 to 20 posts before getting good.new, DM, advice, nose2010-02-09 1 
8121132Infini/tg/ - Human Sphere analysis threadDiscussion about the new pdf releases of the Human Sphere book for the skirmish miniature game Infinity.infinity, advice, review2010-02-17 2 
8135162RiderquestA journey of one hero and his pursuit of Justice, and his adventures for today.Kamen, Rider, Kamen Rider, Justice, Lawful Good, Good, Friend, /m/, quest, thread, quest thread,2010-02-18 2 
March 2010
8764302The Best. Game. Ever.What happens when you mix a bunch of bored Anons, a game idea, and the chance to roll copious amounts of dice? A critical success of a thread. Roll to not shit your pants.dice, awesome, humor2010-03-24 2 
April 2010
9064714Infinity intro threadGood advice and starting tips for Infinity, a scifi skirmish wargame.infinity, advice, starting2010-04-10 1 
9235939Random Setting GenerationInexplicably starts with a picture of Orson Welles. People roll using a random table and describe the setting that results from the roll.Dice, Orson Welles, Worldbuilding, Fluff2010-04-17 0 
939166040k replaced with animated mouseswhat happens when you mix dark herisy and mouse guard. Awesome happens thats what.Dark herasy, Mouse guard, 40k, mice2010-04-24 2 
May 2010
9614082Running a Horror GameA thread about tips to run a horror game, great read for any aspiring DMs.Horror, Advice, DMs, Setting, Help2010-05-05 2 
9779793Urist Rackwhispered, Dorfen child.A Fortress is annihilated by a goblin siege, leaving only one dorf child, will she survive?Dorf, Goblin, Siege, Sacrifice2010-05-13 7 
9929866How to Make D&D Horror WorkAnother advice thread for running creepy games. D&D, Dungeons&Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Creepy, Horror, Advice2010-05-20 5 
10079802Evil Campaign Advice/tg/ gives advice on how to run an evil campaign. (No trolling involved!)Evil, Advice, Campaign, Villain, Villainy2010-05-27 0 
10111656Power Keg of JusticePaladins don't fear falling. They look forward to it.paladin, falling, power keg of justice, bad ass2010-05-28 25 
June 2010
10578551So, our DM is XFa/tg/uy asks for advice about his gay DM. Some serious responses, and then new copypasta is made.DM advice, copypasta, gay2010-06-18 13 
September 2010
12131737Death QuestWe died but then we got better. Or got a second chance. We're not sure yet. Then we found our long lost childhood love interest, and god damn she's hot. Also, the world is going to be destroyed in 5 days by an asteroid and we need to get to NASA if we hope to survive. Worst rolls since Tau Quest, here we go!Death Quest, collective game, smoking hot farmgirl, bloodquest dice2010-09-18 11 
12144906Death Quest 2LOOTAN' TIME gives us crazy good rolls, and we roll out of Orlando with a gas guzzler, a gun, and our girl. NASA, here we come.Death Quest, collective game, looting, smoking hot farmgirl, AWESOME DICE2010-09-19 9 
October 2010
12373636Making a GURPS character/tg/ creates an Indian cyborg politician in a dystopian Science fiction/transhumanist universe.Indian, transhuman, transhumanism, cyborg, mooks, politics, GURPS, dice2010-10-08 3 
12594005Spooky Zerg Quest ICerebrate Anon celebrates Halloween by giving us control of a Terran on a planet that may have Zerg. First, we had to decide whether or not to wear pants. Things moved way slower than Cerebrate Anon planned, so more to come!Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Spooky, Secretly Terran Quest, The voices in my head are screaming!2010-10-28 11 
12605957Apprentice QuestLego Quest returns with the tale of a wizard's apprentice and the dark powers that grant her the magic she seeks!lego quest, wizard, apprentice2010-10-29 11 
12623583Apprentice Quest part 2The Apprentice learns how to make fire with magic, gives her nemesis a killer put-down, and continues her quest to master the dark arts!Lego Quest, Apprentice2010-10-31 7 
November 2010
127612581001 useful campaign ideasVarious fa/tg/uys chime in with useful plot hooks, villain ideas, riddles, and other tidbits for making your campaign betterdming, advice, ideas, roleplay2010-11-12 3 
12917518LARPing advice threadIn which Anon gets taught how the average LARP works, and tips on being a bard at same.LARP, bard, Blind Guardian bad, advice, tutorial2010-11-25 3 
12938067Larp costume helpThread about creating costume for larp wanders into discussion of actual armor construction and types.armor, LARP, advice2010-11-26 2 
December 2010
13153489How to do a Dark Setting ProperlyTheory and details on how to make a grimdark setting. Concise and excellent DM advice.Grimdark, DM, GM, World Building, RPG, advice, setting, grim and dark2010-12-15 17 
January 2011
13488330Cartoon VoicesThe thread begins with the king of the hill cast explaining their days in the 40k universe staying remarkably true to character, it goes on to various famous cartoon videogame, tv, and movie characters doing likewise, including adaptations of many Disney songs.Cartoon in my voice quotes 40k tv videogames movies characters songs singing2011-01-12 20 
13492769Space Opera BBEG Asks For AdviceHe's a brain in a robot with psychic powers, three planets to start with, and some Mary Sues and Furfags to kill. And he need's /tg/s help to do it.Space Opera, Space, Opera, Scifi, Help, Advice, Mary Sue, Furfag, Lasers, FTL2011-01-12 9 
13646200Construct Artificer Quest 2You're in Port Adder now. So much to do, so much time. And then we meet the NID and have to deal with a Criminal Mastermind. Yay.Construct, Artificer, Quest, Collective Game, Magic, Fantasy, Roleplay2011-01-25 5 
13659845Construct Artificer Quest 3You intimidate the fake guards, and take over a safehouse. You also interrogate one of them, and prepare to raid several other safe houses.Construct, Artificer, Quest, Collective Game, Magic, Fantasy, Roleplay2011-01-26 5 
13672773Construct Artificer Quest 4The continued adventures of the metal man in a fantasyland. Spying and shadow-boxing and playing mind tricks get cut short, with a temp ban for our beloved GM. What the fuck, /tg/.Construct, Artificer, Quest, Collective Game, Magic, Fantasy, Roleplay2011-01-27 6 
February 2011
13807311Apprentice Quest part 3The Apprentice raises her rival, bumps into a few familiar faces, and hits the high seas! Or rivers.Lego Quest, Apprentice2011-02-07 5 
13915400Apprentice Quest 4The Apprentice and her friends set out into the wilderness, rob some highwaymen, and hear some crazy stories about fabulous treasures and terrifying dangers!Lego Quest, Apprentice2011-02-16 5 
14037159How to be a good DM/GMSome easy advice on how to be a good DM/GM. Applies to every system out there.DM, GM, Advice, Good, How-to2011-02-25 6 
14055876Apprentice Quest 5The Apprentice delves deeply and greedily, and comes away with a ton of great stuff! Lego Quest, Apprentice2011-02-27 7 
March 2011
14104585Zerg Quest XXXIIIThe suspicious ship with a long name arrives over Moria and Anon tries to keep shit from getting real. Horrible bluff checks follow. ZergTV makes its debut on the airwaves.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Awfully Suspicious Ship, Bluff Check, /tg/ dice2011-03-03 11 
14290836Sorcerer Quest 6We use master oration to stir the burning heart of justice present in all good creatures to get us some gnoll-ish allies.sorcerer, sorcerer quest, quest, collective game, gnolls, JUSTICE2011-03-19 5 
14352827Alce in Dark Heresy/tg/ succeeds in making a children's character even more Grimdark and will make you shit bricks.Alice, Dark Heresy, Oh shit2011-03-24 2 
April 2011
14434868Ribbonfag's goodbye?Ribbonfag (who was apparently responsible for more of the awesome of /tg/ than was previously known) tells us the story of his time on /tg/.ribbonfag, sad, janitor, mod, ban, injustice2011-04-01 22 
14545566Disarmed Policeman Rides Again!The Disarmed Policeman returns to update his progress and answer some questions.Disarmed Policeman, Disarmed, Policeman, Roleplay2011-04-11 10 
14697839Disarmed Policeman ReduxReturning with stories of the current situation of his game, Disarmed Policeman also goes into detailing a past event: the often talked about Formal BallDisarmed Policeman, Disarmed, Policeman, Roleplay, game, thread, plot, story, That Girl2011-04-24 7 
14711890Final Fantas RPG DMing adviceOP asks for a RPG that has a FF feel. FFRPG is introduced and DMing advice is given.FFRPG, final fantasy, dm, advice, setting2011-04-25 0 
14739360Return of the Ice SerpentsStarts with someone asking about mixed armies. Soon, Chapter Master Alexander Constantine spots the thread and hi-jacks it, with permission. Finished the Forge world started in the last thread, and ended with the Chapter Master's tenative plans to make the Chapter. The Full Chapter. In minis.Ice Serpents, homebrew, 40k2011-04-28 1 
14752803Dice HilarityA man suggests using a d10 as a d5. Economics and math ensue.dice2011-04-29 5 
May 2011
14772442Gladiatrix Manager Quest 5A lot of extremely successful fighting occurs. Also, some scheming with regards to intentionally getting slaves killed (answer: no) and sabotaging reputations of assholes (answer: yes).Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia2011-05-01 7 
14784026Gladiatrix Manager Quest 6Very little progress gets made, but shit gets moderately real outside of the fights as all sides involved awkwardly and politely harass each other.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia2011-05-02 7 
14784591Ice Serpents, part the somethingth.Ice Serpents thread. Mostly a re-tread.Ice Serpents, homebrew, 40k2011-05-02 0 
14800654OP wants to open a FLGSFLGS advice requested, arrives in spades. Plenty of useful business advice. Includes tales of awesome local gaming stores and hives of scum villainy. But mostly scum.FLGS, original content, business, store, advice, game, gaming, advice2011-05-04 8 
14830436Gladiatrix Manager Quest 7Some spying continues. Also, the fighters learn to speak gnoll (poorly), and presumably some espionage happens off camera. Also, fighting.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia2011-05-06 7 
14882268Superpower QuestA lighthearted and fuzzy superhero origin quest! How wonderful! Maybe we'll meet a nice family of other superheros, and we can all be friends!quest, collective game, superpower, superhero, origin, ice cream2011-05-11 13 
14898581Gladiatrix Manager Quest 8Very little happens due to OP's shitty sleep schedule, but the plot advances a bit. Things look good for Volcatia, but there might be more happening below the surface.Gladiatrix, Female, Gladiator, Manager, Quest, Gneutered, Septimia, SSssS, Lizardwoman, Slicks, Antonina, Eunice, Volcatia, collective game2011-05-12 7 
14957888Ice Serpents, part 3... Probably.The return of the Ice Serpent.sIce Serpents, homebrew, 40k, Space Marines, Deathwatch2011-05-18 0 
14977000Making the Perfect Villain (tm)How do you make a villain your PCs love to hate? Make him their antithesis, and then make him a perfectly normal human being.evil, villain, mundane, space, furry, furries, human, humans, reasonable, trolling, troll, maximum, decency, PCs, psychopaths, BBEG, original content, original, advice2011-05-19 29 
15023363another LARP threadafer a summer style start the thread turns out into a general larp discussion and at the and focusing into the rules of different larpslarp discussion rules advice2011-05-24 1 
15041421Pencil...Dice?Anon proposes that pencils can be substituted for six-sided dice. Math and SCIENCE! ensue./tg/ gets shit done, science, math, dice2011-05-25 26 
15106773Let's Make a GodUsing tables, /tg/ creates their own gods. Bizarre combinations are a guarantee. gods, tables, dice rolling, homebrew2011-05-31 2 
June 2011
15129382Zerg Quest XLIIIAnon continues to dole out the harshness at VoidGate. /tg/ dice cause a game of musical nukes.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Nukes, /tg/ dice2011-06-02 10 
15252903Fantasy Races, in a Modern Office Environment.OP Poses question, and challenge, things go from there, with Office Politics, race relations, and really weird pron.roleplay,epic,office,elf,elf wut do,2011-06-13 8 
15301931Geist the furry hating the BBEGCan you make an awesome BBEG out of shitty character? Yes you can.furry hate, that guy, BBEG, advice, big bad2011-06-18 24 
15391375Six millions gp feyHow to make an awesome character from nothing.character fey artificer2011-06-26 10 
15427458Zerg Quest XLVIIThe big, glowy crystal spits out a scary Protoss? Diplomacy check!Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Diplomacy, TossTalk, /tg/ dice, Back from the dead motherfucker!2011-06-30 16 
July 2011
15582277Modern Fantasy Earth 2Liches and Dragons take over the thread. Also including: Deals to get rid of adventurers, a golem charity spambot, and centaur shenanigans.Advice, Earth, Elves, Racism, Lich, Centaur, Construct2011-07-15 6 
15593949Abaddon Quest IIThe Black Crusade grows. Champions are rallied, the warp get's another psychically asskicking, and Abaddon proves to be extremely badass with bionic arms.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Dice Gods, Doomrider2011-07-16 35 
15648361Moralfag Hypothetical SituationDebate is had over whether binary choice is heroic, plausible, or just false dichotomy.RAGE,railroading,debate,morality,choice,trolling2011-07-21 7 
15693844Advice doks mad shackA mad dok is givin´ da best advice dere is! Ork, advice, dok2011-07-25 4 
15765985GaybarianMan has problems.Advice2011-07-31 4 
August 2011
15994115Fantasy /tg/A forum by the many different races. In it, Drow Racism, Tiefling Lawers, and how and Ogre courts a nice elf lady.awesome, office, fantasy, drow, tiefling, bard2011-08-20 7 
September 2011
16400855Abaddon Quest XVIIIOP returns to us and it may turn out that a senile crazed terminought is behind the Malal cult.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-09-24 22 
16440246Ad Eva GeneralFeatures Art dumps, advice, and rules to play traps.AdEva, Evangelion, Trap, Advice, Art2011-09-27 3 
October 2011
16511689Fire and Ice QuestGame of Song of Fire and Ice gets started then OP drops it off to be picked up by another poster Fire and Ice Quest, Collective Game 2011-10-04 13 
16522070Song of fire and ice questPart duece of Song of fire and iceSong of fire and ice Collective Game 2011-10-05 10 
16525254Song of Fire and Ice P3StrongCock starts to consolidate their hold, crazy shenanigans start happening Song of Fire and Ice Quest, Collective Game, Strongcock Quest 2011-10-05 8 
16533628Zerg Quest LVIDyles tries to bird-dog on our Kingston celebration, but bungles it.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Dyles, /tg/ dice, Even now there is hope for man2011-10-06 10 
16534349Song of Fire and Ice P4Durian finally arrives, hunt goes wrong, crazy shenanigans Song of Fire and Ice Quest, Collective Game, Strongcock Quest 2011-10-06 8 
16542494Song of Fire and Ice Quest P5Song of Fire and Ice quest P4 Edyth gets married to DurianSong of Fire and Ice Quest,Stroncock quest, Collective Game2011-10-07 8 
16572797Song of Fire and Ice P6Song of Fire and Ice, discovered who was behind the plot of bandits, then watched as Stark DISPENSED JUSTICESong of Fire and Ice Quest, Strongcock Quest, Collective game2011-10-10 7 
16594675Song of Fire and Ice P7Song of Fire and Ice, found a mercenary camp set out to fight you, paid by an unknown benefactorSong of fire and Ice quest, Strongcock quest, collective Game2011-10-12 8 
16616021Song of Fire and Ice P8Coal mine was finished and quarry has been enlarged, Merwyn needs supplies to help CalumSong of fire and Ice quest, Strongcock quest, collective Game2011-10-14 6 
16664498Exalted ST AdviceA veteran Exalted ST passes down some advice to would-be STsexalted, DM advice2011-10-18 15 
16676293Let's Discuss Fantas-PH'NGLUI MGLW'NAFHGATHER SACRIFICES. Also, some interesting discussion on elder gods and eldritch horrors.cthulhu, shoggoth, elder gods, gods, horror, slaanesh, sacrifices, discussion2011-10-20 5 
16696114HENSHIN! RPG development revivalAnybody remember that Toku themed game in development long ago? One user starts dumping ideas and refinement to get the ball rolling and get the damn thing past its alpha status Kamen Rider,Homebrew System,/m/,JUSTICE2011-10-23 12 
November 2011
1683231740k is an 80s buddy cop moviethe immortal warriors of the undying god emperor are getting to old for this shitwarhammer 40k cop police buddy2011-11-04 3 
16851030Abaddon Quest XIXAbaddon visits the Eldar bitches, becomes a mince pie and grows a tentacle beard.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-11-06 26 
December 2011
17068583Zerg Quest LXIIIIn which Anon goes to Ludicrous Speed, and lives to tell about it.Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Zerg Quest, They've gone to plaid, /tg/ dice, Space dogs2011-12-01 14 
17218449Zerg Quest LXVAnon's trap is sprung, and Dyles hits the Protoss hard.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, unnecessary ban, dice retardation, surely OP will deliver2011-12-15 10 
17257411Organ Construct BardSomeone posts that their bard became augmented by a group artificer and is now part organ, discussion about a necrobard followed and many good ideas were shared.Bard, character, Necromancer, artificer, game ideas, villain, dirge, music, funny, D&D, construct2011-12-18 6 
17303960For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st CenturySonia Bethany Reynard joins the Space Fleet of House Jarik-Dremine and sees combat. Thread ends early when OP get wordfilter banned.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2011-12-23 34 
17342370Old Man Henderson Narrated Voice actor StephanosRex narrates the Old Man Henderson and other /tg/ storiesstorytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine2011-12-28 33 
January 2012
17423231For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century IISonia Bethany Reynard finishes her first combat mission. Despite a few unfortunate rolls, everything went better than expected. Ends with the players starting some kind of fight club.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2012-01-05 21 
17485327Stephanos NarratesStephanos Rex returns to /tg/ for some awesome voice acting. storytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine2012-01-10 13 
17503738For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century III Sonia Reynard checks to see if she would cut it as a Marine by joining a boarding action. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-01-12 15 
17542150For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century IVContinuation of previous thread's boarding action. Team chooses to disable the engines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-01-15 14 
17547932Kamen Rider WARP CORE BREACHIn what starts as another request for a nonexistent toku RPG, a fa/tg/uy gives a short storytiem about being sent into orbit and then Rule of Cooling back to earth. kamen, rider, warp core breach, henshin, justice, teleporting is for wimps and children2012-01-15 7 
17611512The Magus DilemmaWhat /tg/ assumes will be a THAT GUY story, turns into a twist that we didn't see coming, and the OP has no idea what to do next. We try and come up with reasonable approaches.magus, warlock, homonculus, clockwork heart, advice, 2012-01-21 13 
17637446Zerg Quest LXXSunday Zerg Quest? Inconceivable! In this thread, LOTS of internal politics. Nuclear politics.Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Bernie, Kerrigan, Nukes, Lying to genocide/rape survivors, Not even thinking twice about it, Group Therapy2012-01-23 10 
17646053Chapter Quest V - SacrificeRising Sons receive report from Onyx about Chaos warband in the Cryptus Sub-Sector. They track it down and engage it in a bloody battle with unforseen conclusion.Collective Game, Quest. Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Defiler, Chaos, cultist, sacrifice, manly tears, chaplain, Space Marines2012-01-24 14 
17650023Zerg Quest LXXIAnon gets down to business, to defeat the Toads. Did they send me larvae when I asked for ultralisks?Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Dyles, /tg/ dice, Now I'm quoting Mulan, What?2012-01-24 10 
17658488For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VThe long awaited boxing match takes place and we spend 3 week's pay to make sure we're ready for it.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Boxing2012-01-25 13 
17679146Oh, what tangled webs we weave.A fa/tg/uy offers a technique towards more compelling storytelling by sewing together the goals and beliefs of multiple PCs. Complete with demonstration.GM, DM, PC, advice, story, discussion, roleplaying2012-01-26 81 
February 2012
17750948For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VIThe beginning of a space battle before the thread dies from a lack of participation because everybody is busy bitching about the moderator in various meta-threads.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2012-02-01 14 
17810362Old World of Darkness StorytimeAlice in Wonderland in a post apocalyptic America run by Technocrats post apocalyptic, Alice, World of Darkness, oWod, Changeling, Technocrat, Storytime2012-02-05 5 
17822505Zerg Quest LXXIIIThe war against Dyles takes a hopeful turn!Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Holographic Hair, Dyles, /tg/ dice, Welcome Fruityling2012-02-06 10 
17844554For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VIIRecon in spess! We stumble upon a legendary ghost ship and have a moral dilemma placed before us. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-02-08 11 
17876480Abaddon Quest XXA Titan is thrown against the ground and broken, learns HOKUTO ZANKAI KENCollective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2012-02-10 25 
17947370For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century VIIIWe get the ship back to base, face some quarantine time then head home before the Ruling House can decide if they want us kept quiet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-02-15 12 
18029712Advice Dok!Your friendly neighborhood Mad Dok is here, with top-notch medical advice!warhammer 40k, wh40k, orks, medical advice2012-02-20 11 
18042712For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century IXTrying to prevent a large scale planetary invasion, we get our ship shot to pieces instead.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-02-22 13 
18084594Metahuman Renaissance Quest 12Dan kills flesh golems, and doesn't afraid of anythingMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, flesh golem, wolf-girl, advice dan2012-02-25 20 
18090274Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13Dan catches up with the most stereotypical necromancer ever, and finally learns a proper 'name' for Red.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, advice dan, red, syrpent2012-02-25 20 
18136605For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XDeciding to trade our damaged space ship in for a large transport aircraft, we fail at practically everything. Somehow, we do manage to survive it all. Probably only because we failed to die.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Ground Combat, Dice2012-02-29 13 
March 2012
18229378For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIAfter losing our transport we dicide to borrow some starfighters that are above well our paygrade. We'll put them back, honest.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, starfighter, dogfight, guntruck, technical2012-03-07 11 
18340884Viking QuestWe are Urist McHammerfist, last of the vikings! And we begin our journey to find a wife.collective game, viking quest, viking, dragon, jotun, iceland, barbarian, punch, fist, badass, awesome, boobs2012-03-16 12 
April 2012
18561629For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVWe set sail for the depths of space between galaxies and test our Cruiser in battle. Boarding actions may follow.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-04-04 12 
18654984For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVIPlayers continue to play Pimp my Ride then checkout the holodeck equivilant. Thrust vectoring is not for us but more enemies are as we get back into combat.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, holodeck2012-04-11 12 
18754650For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVIIWe learn that Missiles and Torps both have their place and that asteroid storms are not fun to fly through.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, holodeck2012-04-18 12 
18844449For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XVIIIOur squadron helps rival House Erid liberate the colony world of Robrinaan. The pirates are fighting strangely and using new ships.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice2012-04-25 14 
May 2012
18936596For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIXWORDS. Command tackles the age old 'why we fight' while the Admiralty try to assemble the largest battle formation seen in a century. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, WORDS2012-05-02 12 
18929052Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 2, Winter is ComingAn ice age soon approaches the planet Fortune. Can the inhabitants of this once tropical world adapt to the changing conditions or will they be met with the icy grip of extinction?Collective Game, Fortune Evolution, evolution, winter is coming, ice age2012-05-02 20 
18971217Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 3, the Age of IceThe Ice Age is finally here, and surprisingly, no extinctions were had. The introduction of the Snow Bugs leads to the development of a remorhaz-like colony of insects and the Asparagus Trees harbor the skull-like Tadseeds within. Namefag "Deus vs. Machina" is revealed to be a bro-tier artist and assists FortuneHost in updating the new critters.Collective Game, Fortune Evolution, evolution, ice age, FortuneHost, Deus vs. Machina, Bobski, fatherofthemoons, remorhaz2012-05-05 14 
18996830Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 4, the Ice Age ContinuesReturn to planet Fortune and see the new forms its bewildering array of creatures have taken. Giant enemy crabs, spike-trap trees, schools of piranha sharks, gardens of explosive herbs, crystalline sea plants, floating pachyderms, and skull-shaped seedpod tapeworms and more await you on this beautiful (and dangerous) world. The evolution game continues.agent of evolution, Bobski, Collective Game, Deus vs. Machina, evolution game, evolution, fatherofthemoons, Fortune Evolution, FortuneHost, ice age2012-05-06 14 
19025887For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXTank Combat in the 41st Century. Dirt side adventures once again as we end production of the Scarab menace.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Tanks, Marines2012-05-09 12 
19082172The Tale of Patrick O'CallahanWell, citizens of /tg/, gather round. Get yerselves a pint, warm up by the fire, and stop ogling the damn whores for a second so I can tell you the story of the best elf I've ever had the fortune of playing, Patrick O'Callahan.Story, Storytime, Patrick, O', Callahan, Irish, Elf, Awesome, Barfight, Justice, Wish2012-05-13 39 
19114176For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXIMore ground combat, this time exploring the depths of the city and freeing slaves. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, power armor2012-05-16 11 
19281105Zerg Quest LXXXVIIIbWe throw Kerrigan a parade. It's everything our little sister could have wanted. Also, Defensebrate is nearly murdered.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Starcraft, Oh shit, I love a parade!, dice don't fail me now, Tassadar2012-05-29 11 
19288711For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century 23Tracking down pirates so we can give them stuff. Seems legit.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Dice, Pirates, Rogue Trader2012-05-30 11 
19302239Grimdark/Necromancer Apprentice ThreadStarted with a lowly peasantborn killing his abusive father to protect his sister and mother, face an unknown power, become a necromancer apprentice with unholy gentleman's natureCollective Game, Necromancer Apprentice Quest, Necromancer, Quest, Peasants, Gentlemen, Undead, Lich, BRAAAAAAIIINSSS2012-05-31 8 
19305370The Necromancer's Apprentice part 2Caim continues on his path as the Necromancer's apprentice, learning the secrets of how to manipulate souls The creepy mask continues to creepy it upCollective Game, Necromancer Apprentice Quest, Necromancer, Quest, Peasants, Gentlemen, Undead, Lich, BRAAAAAAIIINSSS2012-05-31 7 
June 2012
19372341For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXIVWe track down and fight the stolen ship, narrowly avoiding getting our shit kicked in the process.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-06-06 11 
19497569House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 2House Bulwark continues its activities in Kings Landing, a duel is fought, a threat is made, and we have an audience with the Hand.House Bulwark, Game of Thrones, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, A Song of Ice and Fire, Not One Step Back2012-06-17 11 
19516190House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 3Donatello meets Syrio Forel, the heir to House Dannett is discovered, and fighting in the streets of King's LandingGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-18 7 
19535955Stupid Bunny on Drugs QuestA stupid bunny does drugs.Collective Game, Drugs, Animal Crossing, Bunny. Nice Teeth2012-06-19 7 
19545733Trinkets and PowersA rare example of an item/power choice that led to engaging discussion and interesting stories.Items, Trinkets, Powers, Choices, 2012-06-20 17 
19544423For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run CampaignWe launch our newly fixed ship on a campaign in the Smugglers run and test out the new deployment map. Then we get smashed by Bounty Hunters and have to get repairs.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Bounty Hunters,2012-06-20 12 
19543603House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 4Orten accuses the Bulwarks of murder, Lord Bulwark duels Ser Naton, and Thoros of Myr wields the Fire SwordGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-20 7 
19566657House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 5April Bulwark is a homicidal tsundere, Arya comes to visit, and Donatello hires Gendry. Good bye canon!Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-21 6 
19580181House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 6Arya and April run around House Bulwark and annoy a farmerGame of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, Collective Game, Turtle Quest, House Bulwark, Not One Step Back2012-06-22 7 
19599033Zerg Quest XCIA crossover...in MY Zerg Quest? It's more likely than you think.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, MetaQuest OP, Cerebrate Anon, Crossover, MetaQuest, Tassadar, /tg/ dice2012-06-24 14 
19614941Game of Thrones Quest IILord Dustain Karban of Saltmouth hunts down smugglers, but in the end he is left with more questions than answers.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire,2012-06-25 31 
19628133Game of Thrones Quest II!Where we finish the Visit by Lord Redwyne and find we are just average at jousting.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire,2012-06-26 33 
19637303For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 2A colony is liberated and we move on with our long term mission.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Bounty Hunters,2012-06-27 14 
19648381Poke-Quest Derails! Becomes Diamonds!OP tries to create a Pokemon inspired quest thread, /tg/ derails it almost immediately. When OP ragequits he is replaced with a Rampaging New OP who gives no fucks.Pokemon, Collective_game, Funny, Drunk_on_power, Fuck_the_police2012-06-28 22 
19661849Game of Thrones Quest 3We enjoy some pie, bust one of our men from getting glassed and start the investigation on the stolen wine. Oh look, autosage is up.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire,2012-06-29 26 
19663876Game of Thrones Quest 3 1/2Lifeboat thread, since a cranky mod autosaged the last one. Also: We delve deeper into the wine-smuggling mess. Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire,2012-06-29 25 
July 2012
19725124For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 3After blasting our way through another ship graveyard we lay claim to some vessels that should serve us well. Provided we can get them fixed.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines,2012-07-04 14 
19767602Game of Thrones Quest IVThe mystery-plot thickens a bit, we meet Davos, and that Tourney of Vines finally starts.Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, House Karban2012-07-07 27 
19777016Game of Thrones Quest IV LifeboatThe tourney continues after the old thread began to autosage, and we are busy being pretty good at the joust, and we knock Robert Baratheon off a horse with a stick.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-07 27 
19797089Zerg Quest XCIIIGalactic expansion? Nomming the galaxy begins. Also, exploration outside the galaxy, and budget meetings?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, /tg/ dice2012-07-09 7 
19806906For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 4As we make progress along the run it looks like the locals are battening down the hatches in hopes of waiting this one out.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-07-10 12 
19837339Game of Thrones Quest VWe complete the Tourney of the Vines, nearly die, and investigate the happenings on the bitch front.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-12 27 
19846606Game of Thrones Quest VI!We dig deeper into the whole mystery deal and talk to the Lady Jeyne, a secretive information broker in Saltmouth about many topics.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-12 22 
19853151Game of Thrones Quest VI and 1/2We start uncovering the true working of the Clawwater wine smuggling ring, and do awesome shit.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-13 27 
19898022Game of Thrones Quest VIIAfter months of investigating, we finally bring the hammer down on House Clawwater, and find that things are darker and more tragic than they first appear.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-16 23 
19910719Game of Thrones Quest VIIIWe deal with the aftermath of the invasion of Clawwater lands, clean up the debris left over, and make a startling discovery.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-17 22 
19915412Game of Thrones Quest VIII and 1/2The DM launches a lifeboat after the thread starts autosaging, we bury some Wildfire in a cave, and get part of our reward before the trial begins.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-17 26 
19923842For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 5The adventure continues as local Pirates and Mercs prepare an all out counter attack to kick us out of the run.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-07-18 15 
19954516Game of Thrones Quest IXWe deal with lady troubles, the trial of the Clawwaters, and many questions about bannermen.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-20 24 
19959122Game of Thrones Quest IX and 1/2The trial finishes up, more problems with bitches, and we finally get the fuck back home.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-20 23 
20019202For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 6We learn of limitations on Holographic cloaking yet it doesn't stop us from terrorizing parts of the station. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-07-25 22 
20060801Game of Thrones Quest XWe finally head home after our time away, and try and get shit shorted.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-07-28 24 
20067945Game of Thrones Quest X and 1/2We get our house in order and get ready for MAD MONEY jousting tourney!Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, House Karban, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire2012-07-28 23 
August 2012
20117414For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 7We remove out a secret passageway through the minefield, then our first attempt at convoy escort gets off to a rocky start.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice,2012-08-01 12 
20134147Game of Thrones Quest XIClawwater girls are still down but we don't despair. Winter is Coming so we upgrade our small city and build some silos and junk. Get swarmed with letters from everyone, oh and the huge tracts of land came to visit.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, House Karban, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire2012-08-02 25 
20140791Game of Thrones Quest XI and 1/2The lifeboat is launched as the Cargill visit proceeds apace, we finally figure out what to do with those new islands, grant Ser Crane a great gift, and hear wedding bells in the distance.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-02 24 
20210395Game of Thrones Quest XIIRulership continues, with questions asked and answered. Also, prolonged debate over just what we should be taking into our marital bed.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-07 23 
20218233Game of Thrones Quest XII and 1/2The lifeboat deploys, and some serious work and discussion gets underway. It ends when OP becomes tired and heads to bed after answering a pile of questions. Also: We need to get laid.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-07 25 
20222981For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 8Fencing and laser tag are a prelude to an economic catastrophe we may have inadvertently set in motion. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-08-08 14 
20318722For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 9The squadron takes it first real loss and we decide the fate of our allied House.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-08-15 14 
20378749Zerg Quest XCIXThe testing continues and OH FUCK LOOK OUTZerg Quest, Collective Game, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, Starcraft, Ow my brains!, TPK, OH GOD THE PAIN, /tg/ dice, Arm wrestling pro-tip2012-08-19 7 
20416028Lady Robot Master Quest Part 17In which we deal with stalkers. Not like the virus kind, but actual creeps.megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, ice man, bubble man2012-08-22 2 
20412936For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 10While looking for guns for our ship we stumble upon a planetary civil war. Rather than nuke the site from orbit we call for some Merc assistance. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-08-22 13 
20434992Game of Thrones Quest XIII TeaserThe OP finally reappears after nearly two weeks in captivity. Minor events are kicked off, people complain a bit, and then OP runs off to sleep after promising a pastebin update and more time.Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-23 25 
20461272Zerg Quest C100 Threads! Woo! Meanwhile, gods try to steal our mind.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, testing, /tg/ dice, less of you than I remember, OW MY HEAD2012-08-25 11 
20483789Amnesiac Quest 4We meet Doll, have an exchange of differences with Alice, plot with holograms, and attempt to steal some tech for Doll's mission.Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, Mystery, Horror, Future, Doll, Raptor, Catfish, Alice, Titan, Crazy Earl2012-08-28 10 
20509357For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 11Testing to see if battle plans ever survive first contact with the enemy.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, 2012-08-29 15 
20534293Game of Thrones Quest XIVThe Redwynes swing through, the normal thursday schedule picks up again, and we dive back into politics, investigation, and bitch-hunting. Game of Thrones Quest, Collective Game, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, House Karban2012-08-31 32 
September 2012
20600452Zerg Quest CIIAfter much discussion, Anon decides where its loyalties lie, and begins THRASHIN ON A MUTHAFUCKACerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, testing, Protoss, crossroads, nuclear diplomacy, I WILL CUT YOU UNIVERSE, voices in my head, PORTENT!2012-09-05 6 
20596712For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 12End of our adventures in the Smugglers Run if all things come together. Rapidly turns into Indecision 4024.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, power armor2012-09-05 14 
20600811Engine Heart with ViralIt's Engine Heart. With Viral, some story tiem, and other hilarity and hijinxEngine, Heart, Artifice, Robot, Wall-e, cute, no people, machines, terminator, Anonymous Prime2012-09-06 7 
20685810For House and Dominion: Wing Commander We get down to work setting our new wing in order. Ships are requisitioned, equipment recovered and kayaks paddled.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, management2012-09-12 21 
20675064Amnesiac Quest 6So a one-legged Russian Giant, an android girl with split personalities, and an amnesiac walk into a gun shop...Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, Mystery, Horror, Future, Doll, Alice, Titan, Crazy Earl2012-09-13 7 
20775313Dice superstitions/tg/ discusses how to please the dice gods.die, dice, RNG, god, gods, superstition, 2012-09-19 9 
20773984For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 2After a mad scramble from the bar to the front lines we're forced to dance with transport ships flying faster than light. Concept work begins on FTL weapons.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, FTL, dancing, party, ball2012-09-19 17 
20866010For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 3Ballroom edition 2 (Continued). Its difficult to Ballroom harder when people are pointing guns at you.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, FTL, dancing, party, ball, mecha2012-09-26 26 
October 2012
20952162Zerg Quest CVIThe battle continues, except for when we're busy making silly puns. The battle waits for puns.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Puns, /tg/ dice, botched nat 20, double 11s, Khas pops out of a cake, STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY REALITY2012-10-02 7 
20962433Lich's Employee Quest pt 3Sir Daniel deals with more wizards, this time taking down Beric. And the Wolves of Lupin forest.Skeleton quest, werewolf, dice gods, mantis2012-10-03 20 
20961599For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 4We set out to rally friendly forces to help retake our ships. If only we knew who to help first.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, management2012-10-03 16 
21110198Lich's Employee Quest pt 12Daniel goes east to an unknown town, and he knows fury.Skeleton quest, Hydra, wrath, dice gods, rage, god's favour2012-10-14 21 
21152374For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 5We continue our attempts to rally friendly forces and get some practice both on and off the ship.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, 2012-10-17 18 
21164535Grimoire QuestWe start a quest that seems to be originally a pick your choices picture. We switch characters three times before we come to a showdown between Leet, the main character for now, against three novice? wizards. It ends in shenanigans.Grimoire Quest, Collective Game, Pick Your Choice, Warlocks, Witches, Demons, Fae, Eldricth Horror, Mythical Creature, Magic2012-10-18 13 
21181500Lich's Employee Quest pt 15Daniel joins a Crusade with his apprentices, but not to kill, but to end it.skeleton quest, crusades, death, war, justice2012-10-19 13 
21209759Lich's Employee Quest pt 16Daniel settles his bad blood with Clarice, sort of. Then deals with Umbra in the volcano.Skeleton quest, volcano, apprentices, golem, shade2012-10-21 11 
21256335Lich's Employee Quest pt 19Daniel goes theatrical as he kills Fido the charisma wizard.skeleton quest, theatrics, Poe, masquerade, dice gods, assassinations2012-10-24 11 
21255552For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 6Adventures continue aboard the TCS Loreto as the team fights it way to one of the control centers. How will the AI problem be dealt with? Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Stealth, Power Armor, AI2012-10-24 13 
21348321Zerg Quest CIXDamnit, moot! We could have had a climactic battle, but noooo. You just had to improve 4chan while I was trying to use it!Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Xel'Naga, Double-Crit, /tg/ dice, Spiting Tassadar, Downtime, SO CLOSE2012-10-30 6 
21356417For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 7Efforts to retake the Loreto ratchet up while time begins to run out. We also test out the Fusion Gun. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Stealth, Power Armor, AI2012-10-31 13 
November 2012
21397476How to run a QuestOP asks for advice for starting a quest, various writers chip inadvice2012-11-03 9 
21462792For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 7Return to the Yineput system as we get down to business in a system wide fleet engagement.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-11-07 18 
21489423General Fabrications Civ QuestGeneral Fabrications, a MegaCorp specializing in the research and development of robots and automated manufacturing processes opens its doors 200 years after the apocalypse. shenanigans ensue.Collective_Game, General_Fabrications, Post_Apocalypse, Vice Lords, GunRover, PostNuclearNerd2012-11-09 13 
21566706For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 9Striking out into nearby sectors we start searching for resources to help keep the fleet in operation.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2012-11-14 16 
21611939Fantasic Real World, Part 2Magic guns techsupport, djinn wishes, and a thri-kreen's life is savedroleplay, fantasy, advice2012-11-17 0 
21677377Zerg Quest CXIISomebody has already summarized this entire thread by saying, "shit just got real."Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Zeratul, Xel'Naga, Nukes, Irreparable harm, here's us on the raggedy edge, /tg/ dice, the dice hate you2012-11-21 10 
21672766For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 10Unsatisfied with the prospect of mere front line combat we sign on to do another special mission for the Rovinar. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2012-11-22 16 
21767432Zerg Quest CXIIIThe FINAL Zerg Quest. After 2 years and 113 threads, the Swarm finally meets its end. Zeratul stands with his blade poised. Will he strike us down? Will the Swarm end here, or will it be assured of its immortality?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, /tg/ dice, I'm too young to die, Big Brother, Death, Rebirth, Alpha and Omega, Metaquest OP, Portent?2012-11-27 25 
21777327For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 11We resume our search for missing crewmen starting with a planet with a name that sounds like torture.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Hassan2012-11-28 16 
December 2012
21814423Cross Species Dating AdviceAnon begins with asking for advice on dating Mermaids, thread snowballs with anons both monstrous and not begging for helpMermaids, Monstergirl, Dating Advice2012-12-01 14 
21887708For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 12Two weeks on the road eventually lead back to combat along side our Wing. In a shocking display players turn down a boarding action for the right reasons.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2012-12-06 23 
21915068Militia QuestThe quest of a young militia officer in the corrupt nation of Kivasu. militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest2012-12-06 13 
21927754Breaking Out In DiceA strange new disease wherein the patient produces usable d6s leads to the utterly logical conclusion to confine them in one's basement for free dice and someone to game with.Dice, Basement, Disease, Die-agnosis, What2012-12-07 7 
21969980Militia Quest IIA soldier is punished for insubordination, the troops are disciplined. Marksman competition is held. The Weavery is re-discovered as a potential resource. militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest 2012-12-10 13 
21997450Militia Quest IIIA convoy from central command comes down for a visit, opens a grave, we get our official promotion. militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest2012-12-12 11 
21995661For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 13Back on campaign trail we begin looking for resources to keep our fleet in operation.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines2012-12-12 15 
22059782Militia Quest IVA rape by one of our soldiers is investigated and punished, we now have our own machete-wielding Penal Legionnaire. The town is further fortified and shocking rolling leads to our diplomatic envoy being attacked by the militia of Pierche.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2012-12-16 12 
22105367Militia Quest VOur Penal-Legionnaire bloodies the nose of the attackers from the previous thread, saving a comrade and taking his first step towards redemption. Our intensive training of NASA begins in earnest, we discover that they are experts at camouflage but clearly aren't house-trained. We learn of a massacre of a nearby village. The potentially-hostile militia force of Pierche approaches us for negotiations bearing gifts, some nice others not so nice.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2012-12-19 15 
22139609Militia Quest VIWe conclude our negotiations with the Pierche Militia, plot their untimely demise. Distracted by weapons shopping and FDLR attack on a nearby hamlet. Our NASA troopers bite off more than they can chew... and proceed to chew the fuck out of it with some amazing rolls.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2012-12-21 20 
22153374Dungeons the Dragoning, version 2.012Lawful Nice gives /tg/ another christmas present in the form of a D:tD update.Dungeons the Dragoning, Dungeons, Dragons, Lawful Nice2012-12-21 46 
January 2013
22341225Militia Quest VIIOur victory from last thread is capitalized on. As we continue training we learn that the heated fighting to the South has claimed 1st Company in its entirety. Sharks abound as snake-eyes leads to casualties in a deal-gone-wrong in Doma, LT Nathaniel is among them. Godly rolling leads to Shakira fighting his way out with an RPG. Style is confirmed as a crucial element for good rolling with a 100 at the end of the thread.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2013-01-02 15 
22438929Militia Quest VIII (Part 1)Connection issues lead to a stillborn thread, poor rolling may result in nastiness when the next thread comes up again. We still have that 100 to use at some point.militia, military, modern, officer, militia_quest, Collective Game2013-01-07 10 
22473624For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 14Game resumes following a 3 week hiatus. Players get to work planning how to steal a starship from an enemy stronghold.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-09 16 
22584289For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 15We start off with some time on leave and begin station upgrades. More combat is sure to follow.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-15 17 
22638638GoT Quest: House Dredd "The Hand is Strong" Another /tg/ House is created, this time in the well-defended but relatively lawless Mountains of the Moon. Dredd references abound as bringing law to the Vale is made our top priority. Right after hand jokes and women.Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, House Creation2013-01-17 8 
22657728GoT Quest: House Dredd (Creation Finalised)We make our final adjustments to House Dredd, and our until-now nameless character. Rollan Dredd, son of Lord Josephus Dredd will make his mark on Westeros. We also spend an almost certainly unhealthy amount of time decking out our lesbian-broette, Alyse Stone.Collective Game, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, House Creation, House Dredd2013-01-18 1 
22737146For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 16There is such a thing as capturing too many ships in a short period of time. With the station swamped with refugees we need to hire mercenaries to supplement our Marines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-23 16 
22848975DM Advice ThreadDM Advice Thread with some pro tips from pro players. STORYTIEM, who apparently isn't dead, drops by with some commandments and demandments for awesome gameplay.RPG, Advice, DnD, Pathfinder, STORYTIEM2013-01-29 18 
22844469For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 17Plans for the South Reach Cluster devolves into politics. Meanwhile news arrives the Republic will soon be adding their weight to the fight.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-29 14 
February 2013
22940280Teeje, god of chances and luckWhat seems to be a simple game suddenly turns into something more sinister as the number 3 continues to appear.Three, 3, god, Teeje, dice2013-02-03 24 
23011151Yautja Apprentice QuestWe kill our best friend, get selected by the gods, and ensure the continuation of our line.Collective Game, Predator, Yautja, Aztec, Yaujta Apprentice Quest2013-02-06 24 
22994199 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 18Some old friends decide to drop by and blow up the station while we're still on it. Players nearly get Linda and themselves killed. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-07 17 
23126805For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 19Follow up boxing match to resolve our previous bout some time ago. The Wing is taken off active duty for repairs and training.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-13 16 
23173426Harry Potter and the Roleplayers GameMillie is born, luck sucks and OP takes a break,Harry Potter Roleplaying Millicent Wands Wizards 2013-02-15 10 
23177176Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - Millicent leaves for Hogwarts and meets some new peeps.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts2013-02-15 31 
23178823Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (2)Millie battles her fears, meets more peeps and gets sorted.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-15 24 
23195523Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (2.5ish)In which we make it through dinner at ravenclaw table then notice our sister sneaking out. SUDDENLY A WILD 4CHIN OUTAGE APPEARS and OP disappears. Archived to protect our progress. Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-16 23 
23211302Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (3)The first day of Millie's adventure draws to a close. Spells go wrong and the DICE GODS shine on us.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-17 22 
23214333Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (4)Millie is fucking awesome at casting. Critically deals with her sis. And writes a letter home to pops.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-17 23 
23232052Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (5)We do awesome in our lessons. Build a stronger relationship with Olivia. And utterly fail to read a book in a library.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-18 22 
23255224Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (6)Millicent accepts Nathaniel (the ghost's) offer to enter the contest and build him a Mannequin.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-19 22 
23242800For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 20Our time on leave is interrupted by an enemy counter attack. We rapidly end up with more pilots than ships. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-20 15 
23275326Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (7)Millicent gets a cold letter from her father.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-20 22 
23296498Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (8)Millie has care of magical creatures. Amongst other things.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-21 22 
23333921Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (9)A mystery is afoot dear Nigel!Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest2013-02-23 24 
23340997Millicent Fauxley and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (10)Robert who?Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest2013-02-23 22 
23376557Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (11)Millicent gets a lot of stuff done.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-25 24 
23379273Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (12)This is a short thread following the previous one.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-25 23 
23396314Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (13)Some pew pew wand action.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-26 26 
23419368Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (14)The party comes to an end. Squib rights yo!Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-28 24 
23396978For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 21Promotions go through, our pilots are Knighted and we deal with the problems of excessive rookies.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-02-28 21 
23436781Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (15)B-E-A-UTIFUL...potion.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-28 26 
March 2013
23469498Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (16)Millicent talks to MaudMillicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-03 26 
23474605Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (17)paronioaMillicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-03 28 
23478921Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (18)OP needs some rest.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-03 28 
23527208Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (19)A short one from OP.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-06 23 
23506175 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 22We open our mouth at a staff meeting and end up escorting a diplomatic envoy to the Free Planets League.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-06 18 
23582153Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (20)OP returns. Unicorns are had.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-09 26 
23648685Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (21)Millicent starts to feel the pressure.Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter, Millie2013-03-13 22 
23654352Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (22)Shit gets real.Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Faux, Harry Potter2013-03-13 22 
23644751For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 23Search begins for the long lost starship Vieona and the wealth of technology that might be found aboard her.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-13 13 
23657708Alternate History India 1915Anon tells us of his amazing game where he and his fellows are mages helping Glorious India throw off the yoke of the British Empire in the middle of the Great War, and we discuss how best for India to liberate itselfAlternate History, Mage, White Wolf, India, 1915, AH, storytime, gaming, roleplay, advice2013-03-14 18 
23670753Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (22)A twist of fate.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-03-14 25 
23707397Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (24)Stuff happensCollective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter2013-03-16 24 
23799673Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (25)A short one. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Millie2013-03-21 23 
23807714Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw SUDDENLY BALROGS. BALROGS EVERYWHERE. Millicent Fauxly Quest, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-03-22 21 
23771287For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 24Boarding another sleeper ship leads to negotiations and a plan to reach the Vieona. Players at last reach the missing ship and decide to wake the crew despite the risks.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-22 12 
23807640Voice Acting ThreadBored /tg/ers + vocaroo = auditory hilarity/awesomeness/weirdness.Discussion, Vocaroo, Voice Acting2013-03-22 3 
23874860Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (26)Things got a little too...sexual. Seriously lay of the lesbian action. She's eleven. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter2013-03-25 25 
23893885For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 25Things get back to combat as pirates try to board the Vieona. We run around in Recon armor causing havoc once again.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-03-27 16 
April 2013
24002336Spider derailingOP wants help with miniatures. He gets horrifying spiders. (land_war_in_asia.jpg)spiders, spiders, spiders, pubic lice, horror2013-04-02 5 
24034466Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena RavenclawBack after a hiatus. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter2013-04-03 23 
24016134For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 26Getting off the Vieona with as much loot as we can risk, players decide to hold off on first hand testing of the supposed immortality drug.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-04-05 13 
24128977Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw*shrugs*Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Faux, Harry Potter2013-04-08 21 
24151747Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena RavenclawDecisions, Decisions. A tought situation. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Faux, Harry Potter2013-04-10 22 
24156782Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena RavenclawLate Night OP needs sleep.Millicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-04-10 22 
24174222Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (31)Millicent wakes in the hospital wing and meets a new elfMillicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-04-11 21 
24189163Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 32Spilling the beans. Collective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly2013-04-12 22 
24148991For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 27Operation Typhoon kicks off and we begin strike operations in advance of the invasion force.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-04-12 14 
24207612A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House HarrockYou are Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, and though your people have suffered hard times, through betrayal and loss, they can rise again under your banner. Will they take back the mountains, or be crushed by the barbarian clans? You decide!Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards2013-04-13 42 
24215245Beginner Guide to Dungeon MasteringAdvice on how to DM. Templates, instructions, and intermediate advice also.dnd, dnd 3.5, dm, dungeon master, dungeon mastering, advice, help, newbie, beginner, dowjin2013-04-13 14 
24224788Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 33I'd slytherin to your bed anyday. collective game, harry potter, millicent fauxly, quest2013-04-14 21 
24264524Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw Consequences of a nat 100Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Quest2013-04-16 21 
24264225A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 2In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, interrogated captured mountain barbarians to discover their numbers and location of their camp, got in good with our family, reorganised our ranger forces to better patrol our lands, and beat our son in a sparring match, teaching him respect and forging a bond twixt father and son.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-16 28 
24270171Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclawmight be a repost. collective game, millicent fauxly, faux, millie, harry potter, quest2013-04-16 21 
24280330Millicent Fauzly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 37500+ postsCollective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Millie, Quest2013-04-17 20 
24285365Mililcent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 38robert and olivia are awesomecollective game, hp quest, quest, Millicent Fauxly2013-04-17 20 
24300182Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 39Private lessonsHarry Potter, Collective Game. Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-18 21 
24304383Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 40things heat upHarry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Quest2013-04-18 20 
24307388Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 41stressful stuffCollective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly, Quest2013-04-18 2 
24314837Mecha campaign discussionOP seeks homebrewing advice on making two factions' giant robots and warfare-styles distinctive. Thoughtful discussion of Gundam (UC timeline) mobile-suit design philosophies results.Giant Robots, Gundam, mecha, advice2013-04-18 5 
24320932Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 42The Trident is found. Harry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-19 12 
24325496Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 43The world brightensCollective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly, Quest2013-04-19 20 
24340519A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 3In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, negotiate a military alliance and a trade agreement with House Eben, met his family and our potential daughter-in-law, ran down and slaughtered mountain men who tried to hold us up on the road home, and met Ser Lyn Corbray, envoy of Lord Royce, who gave us wealth from House Arryn, and called our son a fat bastard who needs beating into shape, which will lead to future hilarity.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-20 26 
24346062Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 44A new look on things. Millicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter, Quest Thread2013-04-20 20 
24365720Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 45YEAR ONE OVER. Harry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-21 20 
24387426Millicent Fauxly: Year TwoMillie goes shopping! So fetch. Millicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter, Quest Thread2013-04-22 21 
24402084A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 4n which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, does all sort of things to help advance his house, from recruiting hunters and poachers to cutting ties with House Belmore. In addition, the savages finally make their move with some mysterious help.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-23 25 
24408631Millicent Fauxly: Year Two Poo Poppin TagsHarry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-23 20 
24430972Millicent Fauxly: Year TwoShort oneHarry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-24 20 
24422968For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 28Operation Typhoon continues despite delays both in and out of game.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-04-25 15 
24467331Millicent Fauxly: Year TwoMillie spills spaghetti. Harry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-26 20 
24475272A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 5In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, musters his army and summons his ally. He makes ready for full scale war against the Milk Snakes clan.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-27 24 
24453954/tg/ gets shit done. Holy shit!Viral gets icons made for Engine Heart while the Kickstarter is building up to $10,000 and there's dice for everybody.Viral, Viralgames, Engine Heart, Robot, Robots, Kickstarter, KS, Dice, Icon, Icons, Symbol, Symbols2013-04-28 6 
24532547A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 6In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, concludes his negotiations with House Egen, gaining their aid in the war against the Milk Snake mountain clan, and took the arrow and sword to the barbarians' warriors, children and womenfolk, slaughtering their raiders to a man and taking their chief captive, our rangers harrying their fleeing families, though to great cost to our allies, who lost near half their men in the hard-fought victory.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-04-30 26 
May 2013
245521658 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 29Wanting to take away the enemy's eyes we search a nebula for stations making up part of a larger sensor array. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-01 16 
24607844A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 7In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, builds a few plans for turning Westpass into an economic powerhouse. Many ravens are sent out across the land to different lords and a fascinating guest known only as Maahira of Qohor arrives at High Harrock with a small escort of Unsullied and a big secret in tow.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-04 25 
24604445A Difficult Dilemma A tale of 2 anons whose characters struggle to reconnect & escape a slave-owning mining settlement w/ an ugly secret.character, roleplay, storytime, 4e, advice, oh god why, DnD2013-05-04 6 
24666929A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 8In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, dealt with his neighbours in matters of trade and diplomacy, helping to better his relations with his ally House Egen, and received a pointed missive from Lord Yohn Royce, Castellan of the Vale, relating to his dealings with Lady Maahira of Qohor. In addition, settlers arrived from elsewhere in the Vale, helping to develop the land of Westpass, and much discussion was had over the buying of goats.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Goats2013-05-07 26 
24678380Quaker Q&AA Quaker stops by /tg/ to ask a question, and answers many more. A (mostly) civil discussion takes place.RPG, religion, roleplay, morality, /tg/, advice, Discussion, Real Life, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Call of Cthulu, D&D, Vampire the Masquerade, Dogs in the Vineyard2013-05-07 11 
24684671For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 30Not wanting to give the enemy more chances to track us we take down the second sensor array and try for the shipyard.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-09 12 
24749571A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 9In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, received an invitation for his House to attend a tourney, featuring a joust and melee, to be hosted by his rivals House Belmore, and it was decided that Artys and Ser Morys would joust, and Brock, heir of Westpass, would join the melee. Much discussion was had with their allies of House Egen, including further unity of the military forces of the Houses, and the prospect of an alliance through marriage. Brock also shows he is learning, and finds Lorenna, daughter of Lord Egen, to be a most attractive girl, and a prime potential wife.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-11 30 
24785681Gundam AGE Quest: Part 9We get a badass Mobile Armor under our command (it's stuck in the colony but who cares!) and we capture Desil only to find out he's not as bad as we thought and we decide to fix him and find a good home for him...with the girl he would have kidnapped and killed... Who said I was railroading again?Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Nice, Desil2013-05-13 36 
24826552For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 31Operation Typhoon continues. Getting into the 3rd oversector we smash up more of our ships and start working more closely with allies. Not necessarily in that order.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-15 14 
24846460A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 10In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, travels with his family and Lord Egen to Grimarbour, the port-town of House Belmore, though rightfully being Harrock land, and location for the regional Tourney. Discussions were had with Yohn Royce, who seemed pleased to see Lord Harrock, and much jousting occurred, whereby Ser Morys progressed into the second round, as did Lord Harrock, though only after gravely injuring Lord Lyonel Corbray, Ser Lyn's brother.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-16 31 
24884613A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 11We wine and dine at the evening feast with the Lords of the Vale. Intrigue abounds as Lord Artys does his best not to reveal too much to the wrong parties. Much discussion is had on the information gleaned from these encounters, our situation is not as secure as we might have hoped.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-18 30 
24940637A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 12In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, spends time with his family, discovering potential husbands for his daughter Katrin, including the heir of Yohn Royce himself, and gifted a new weapon to his son, that he might bring the House honour in the Grand Melee. The second round of the jousting was had, where Ser Morys proceeded through to the third round, matched against Yohn Royce, and Lord Harrock suffered defeat at the hands of Ser Marwyn, of the rival House Belmore. Progress towards recruiting hedge knights into the service of Harrock was also made.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-05-21 31 
24958724For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 32We finish off one escaping convoy and deal damage to a second. Salvage is tallied and we trade ships after the EX-K takes a bad hit.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates, Salvage2013-05-23 17 
24993469Kenyan teacher asks about D&Danon claiming to be kenyan school councilor asks about D&D/Pathfinder, TG offers reasonable adviceKenyan, D&D, Pathfinder, Satan, advice2013-05-23 37 
25016399A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 13In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, meets with other lords, discussing the tourney and festivities, as well as politics of the region, though not all goes well with the initial discussion of Brock marrying the daughter of Lord Egen. This run of bad luck continued into the third round of the joust, where Ser Morys was badly hurt in his tilt against Bronze Yohn Royce, and it was discovered that some of the matches were fixed by Lord Belmore, the "Mummer of Strongsong", to ensure that his son would go up against Royce, which proves to be a choice Belmore will regret...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Belmore2013-05-25 38 
25037827The Real Bioweapon Quest IIWe get taken in by a pirate ship, we hide in rice and eat some bird people.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt, bird, rice, stinger, giger, real quest2013-05-26 11 
25094448For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 33Heading out on a simple convoy raiding mission we strike our biggest salvage haul yet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Pirates, Salvage2013-05-30 13 
25148048Dick DM Moves/tg/ vents about bullshit they've had to endure from their DMs/tg/, dm, DMing, DMs, DM advice, DM, gm, GMing, Gming, GM, That DM, That GM2013-05-31 14 
June 2013
25158316A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 14In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, gains a new sworn sword, Ser Banton, after gifting him back his armour and steed, snatching him from the grasp of House Belmore. The jousting came to a close, with Lord Yohn Royce, Castellan of the Eyrie, proving victorious after a viscous set of tilts against Ser Belmore, and the teams for the melee were announced, following a discussion between Lord Harrock and Lord Coldwater over a potential swapping of wards. Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-06-01 38 
25222776A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 15In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, negotiates the acquisition of a new spymaster, Lymorian of Braavos, a master of disguise and wit. Lord Artys also bears witness to the final event of the tournament, the melee, in which Brock fights to the best of his ability, and with so many veterans of sword and mace, shield and armour, almost anything can, and does, happen...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Brock2013-06-04 49 
25239933For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 34After squaring away some issues for the Wing's salvage, you check the state of your financial investments and move out. The last Warlord strong hold awaits.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-06-07 17 
25361633A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 16In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, celebrates with his newly knighted son, Ser Brock Harrock, saying how proud he is of him, and that he has earned his place as the heir to Harrock. Artys also met with Lord Egen, now a supporter of the marriage proposal between Brock and his daughter, before going aboard Lord Yohn Royce's ship, where the three lords discussed the events of a few weeks ago, when Lady Maahira of Qohor visited the lands of Harrock and Egen, discovering a disturbing possibility for her presence in Westeros...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Brock2013-06-11 44 
25378819For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 35Finale to the Pirate Warlord arc as we deal with our decisions from last week and the months previous. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates, worldbuilding2013-06-13 15 
25568016A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 17In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, discusses and plans the future of Westpass with his sworn swords and family, receiving a number of marriage offers for both Ser Brock and Katrin, throwing the previously certain plans into disarray. The rumours of House Egen engaging in full wartime conscription prove to be correct too, raising the theory that Ser Crowlys, marshal of House Egen's forces and no good friend to House Harrock, might be planning to take matters into his own hands...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-06-22 43 
25585458Millicent Fauxly Quest: Year TwoMillicent Fauxly begins her second year in earnest.Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Millicent, Collective Game, Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, HPQuest2013-06-22 14 
25571222That GM advice/storytimeOP asks for advice with a railroading DM, and gives context for his woes.That GM, advice, storytime, Pathfinder2013-06-23 5 
25607134Millicent Fauxly Quest: Year Twomillie in great hallMillicent Fauxly, Faux, Millicent, Collective Game, Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, HPQuest2013-06-24 10 
25624200A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Episode 18In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, sets plans in motion in regard to the marriage proposals made, so that his House might prosper with strong allies for trade and defence. Lord Artys also deals with the fallout of his uncle's revelation, that Artys' bastard brother, Ulfir Stone, was to be legitimised and made Lord of Westpass on his father's death, rather than him. The military build-up of House Egen is also further scrutinised, and the development of House Harrock's lands are planned.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-06-24 40 
25645753Llama Babby Quest 67In which we torture and kill people at random all whilst we pride ourselves on how great of paladins we are. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Lesbians, ERP, Entomophilia, This is not how justice works, You monster2013-06-26 24 
25667414Millicent Fauxly Quest: Year TwoMillie in dormMillicent Fauxly, Faux, Millicent, Collective Game, Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, HPQuest2013-06-27 11 
July 2013
25767857Demon Quest VWe discover our new abilities, find Tom's inner child, and see Emily's true self.Collective Game, Demon Quest, Emily, Nathaniel, Demon, Pro-choice2013-07-02 4 
25781387Dune Quest 01House Al-Kali on the planet Augustin Prime is born. Plans for domination of Arrakis are discussed before chargen starts.Collective Game, Dune, House Al-Kali, Spice2013-07-03 7 
25847176Imperfect Dieanon finds 3 flawed dice, does tests.imperfect, dice2013-07-06 37 
25850439The tale of HydraAlphone Kapwon brings another tale of bad roleplay, bad GMs and magnificent bastardy. All with the help of a fat, ugly industrialist.storytime, Alphonse, freeform, stories, science, industry, magnificent bastard2013-07-06 22 
25875846King in the North QuestHe has arisen, with a thirst for vengeance. Lead to Lord Beric by Harwin.King in the North Quest, Collective Game, game of thrones, a song of ice and fire, undead, wolf, king, revenge, vengeance2013-07-08 34 
25894366A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 19In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, deals with the potential economic and famine crisis that will be quick to come following the ceasing of trade with Harrock by House Frey, became close with his wife after discovering that she is potentially pregnant with their third child, discussed the potential for alliances with his sworn swords, and spoke with his daughter over the prospect of her becoming betrothed.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-07-09 37 
25916853 King in the North Quest Part 2He has found two kin; one dead, one alive. one human, one wolf.King in the North Quest, Collective Game, game of thrones, a song of ice and fire, undead, wolf, king, revenge, vengeance2013-07-10 20 
25997374The King in the North Quest 3We ambush some Freys and take a few notable hostages.King in the North Quest, Collective Game, game of thrones, a song of ice and fire, undead, wolf, king, revenge, vengeance2013-07-14 11 
26031660A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 20In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, deals with the arrival of Lady Lorenna of House Egen, potential wife for Ser Brock, and Ser Crowlys, her escort and sworn sword to Lord Egen, and sets about learning more about her, as well as allowing Brock time with her, in order to find if they are a good match, both in love and for politics. Lord Harrock also discovers that Crown Crag, the home of House Egen, has been closed to all outsiders bar Lord Royce's men, prompting no small amount of curiosity and paranoia, and deals with the upcoming food shortage with a series of new deals for iron.Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones2013-07-16 29 
26122431Jerkoff Thread 52Some more bitches die unnecessarily grimderp deaths.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Waifus, Slice of Life, Grimderp, Edgy, Mecha, Not mechas, Waifus, Dead Waifus, Waifu Wars, Waifus are really the main draw of the quest you know, Its written by a girl so you know its good!2013-07-20 16 
August 2013
26471166House and Dominion: Neeran War 1We look through some intel and get in our first ship to ship combat against Neeran warships.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion2013-08-08 14 
26602972For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2We discuss possible solutions to counter our new enemy, then set out in search of Neeran units that are hiding behind our lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion2013-08-16 14 
26735300For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3We continue hunting for enemy forces behind our lines. Players make a deal to establish a shipyard in PCCG.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, salvage2013-08-22 12 
26861593Intelligence Officer QuestAn intelligence officer receives a first, rather irregular assignment. Collective Game, Intelligence Officer Quest2013-08-28 7 
26860638For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4While conducting an inspection we find another company to invest in. Recon missions in the area finish up and we finalise some plans.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, salvage2013-08-29 13 
26913844Intelligence Officer Quest 2William, or Gerald, continues his investigations and draws closer to a suspect. Or a target. Or an innocent. Collective Game, Intelligence Officer Quest2013-08-31 5 
September 2013
26959766Intelligence Officer Quest 3Dinner with Mette goes badly. And then things go downhill. Collective Game, Intelligence Officer Quest2013-09-02 5 
27005773For House and Dominion: Neeran War 5Sonia goes on another sneaking mission to prove that she's still got it. Heading up to the front lines we decide to join the Alliance provided some conditions are met.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, salvage2013-09-06 14 
27164629Succbus Lord Quest Part 46Join us as Brooklyn has a reunion with his sister and uncle!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-09-12 23 
27144268For House and Dominion: Neeran War 6After a valiant effort to save their cruiser The Unnamed Guard from destruction Sonia and crew are forced to abandon ship.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion2013-09-13 14 
27286857Succbus Lord Quest Part 47Join us for more adventures in the Library and meeting a shameless Greed Demon!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, Old Spice2013-09-19 21 
27292905Captain DicebeardOP meets a GMing pirate and asks /tg/ if he should continue playing. /tg/ states the obvious: DO IT FAGGOT!Captain, Dicebeard, GMing, Crazy, Awesome, Funny, Story Time2013-09-19 25 
27282076For House and Dominion: Neeran War 7After securing passage off planet we link up with the Alliance once again. New job offers come up and we begin training Faction forces in mixed unit tactics.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, training2013-09-21 13 
27418931Succubus Lord Quest Part 48Join us as Brooklyn reunites Mary with her mother Oksana!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-09-26 23 
27398046For House and Dominion: Neeran War 8After finishing up mixed unit training we find that the voyage home is still beset by hurdles.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, training2013-09-26 13 
27433908Angel Quest 1Jonathon, an undertaker from Detroit discovers that he is an angel. The first time he tries to fly, /tg/dice dump so many critfails on him that he accidentally causes a plane to crash into a skyscraper.Collective Game, Angel Quest, tgdice, critfails, Cherubim2013-09-26 11 
October 2013
27523685Succubus Lord Quest Part 49Join us as we fight of a Miyian gang and talk to Arum!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, gattai2013-10-02 29 
27628570Lamia cultural discussionA question about the burial practices of mixed lamia/human communities continues into worldbuilding.lamias, worldbuilding, sacrifice2013-10-13 1 
27760998For House and Dominion: Neeran War 9We go poking through a Neeran archive then try to decide how best to approach the ship's control center.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Marines2013-10-18 12 
27883999Succubus Lord Quest Part 50Join us as we escape from, then have tea with Brooklyn-Draugr! Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-10-23 23 
27882904For House and Dominion: Neeran War 10We continue trying to take control of the Neeran ship. Obstacles are met, but not really overcome.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Marines2013-10-25 12 
27956521Washed up Villain quest 6 : End of part 1In which We fight nature itself, start the Apocalypse, fight with our fellow gods, and commit the ultimate Sacrifice with Justice to save the world from the void we opened. Meanwhile two children are born in the world of AlbionMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Villany, Justice, Rebirth2013-10-27 7 
November 2013
28040175Succubus Lord Quest Part 51Join us as we have a date with the twins and then find out more about Brooklyn-Draugr!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-11-01 25 
28086458CoC Advice ThreadGood advice for new Call of Cthulu DM's and playersCoC, Call of Cthulu, advice2013-11-03 5 
28214258NEET Quest 1Our NEET heroine, Tammy, gets an unpleasant surprise from her family and tries to make some changes in her life.Collective Game, NEET Quest, NEET, Tomoko, Watamote, modern day, slice of life, meta, metagame, metagaming, quest start, choose a name, female protagonist2013-11-11 28 
28247339Neet quest #2Our NEET heroine, Tammy, manage to compile a list of possibilities to fix her situation, and manage to confront her fear of talking to other people.Collective Game, NEET Quest, NEET, Tomoko, Watamote, modern day, slice of life, meta, metagame, metagaming, quest start, choose a name, female protagonist2013-11-12 23 
28253652Succubus Lord Quest Part 52Join us for the rescue of Belkarian Knight Fredika!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-11-14 25 
28288977NEET quest #3Tammy, our brave NEET heroine of 18 years who is trying to get a job or go back to school in 30 days after having been a NEET for 2 years, face her father for the first time in a long while.Collective Game, NEET Quest, NEET, Tomoko, Watamote, modern day, slice of life, meta, metagame, metagaming, quest start, choose a name, female protagonist2013-11-15 21 
28247191For House and Dominion: Ballroom EditionAttending a ball organised by our wingman's family we look up old friends and find out how they've fared over the past year. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, dancing, party, ball, assassination, flashback, Dice, Survey2013-11-15 12 
28305262NEET quest #4Tammy, our NEET heroine, having finished her job application, goes to the basement to find her outdoor clothes, but is confronted with a memory from her pastCollective Game, NEET Quest, NEET, Tomoko, Watamote, modern day, slice of life, meta, metagame, metagaming, quest start, choose a name, female protagonist2013-11-15 20 
28309051Marche/Kamina-like VillianOP brings us the idea of a man of justice dedicated to toppling the very gods to free the world from their influence. He is to be the main antagonist to the Player Characters, who are paladins and clerics fighting for what they believe is right. Much discussion is had, and storytime is promised.advice, paladin, awesome, BBEG, villain2013-11-16 5 
28337976Don't fuck with the dice godsOP tries to make a rouge trader quest but tries to defy the dice gods. They do not take his insolence kindly.Dice-Gods, Justice, 40k, Leman Russ,2013-11-17 20 
28339529Deatwatch A-squad QuestWe are a Silver Skull Devastator. We are a gentleman who best an Iron Hands marine at everything and gets put into A-squad the greatest bunch of misfits ever assembled. Including A guardsman an Ork and an Alpha Legionnaire.40k, Deathwatch, Dice Gods, What Is Happening, 2013-11-17 10 
28343246A-Squad Quest Part 2Where Daceus the Devastator Marine continues his exploitsCollective Game, A-Squad, Deathwatch, Dice Gods2013-11-18 5 
28397942NEET quest #5Our NEET heroine, Tammy, have regressed to a bad state. She has to find her way back on track, but it proves more difficult than before.Collective Game, NEET Quest, NEET, Tomoko, Watamote, modern day, slice of life, meta, metagame, metagaming, quest start, choose a name, female protagonist2013-11-20 14 
28549890Succubus Lord Quest Part 53Join us as we learn more about the wrath demons, watch as Fredrika gets her act together and try to comfort some of our companions.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-11-30 22 
December 2013
28633154For House and Dominion: Home Front 5Our Salvage fleet takes to the field and rapidly finds itself overwhelmed. Even with backup can Sonia salvage it all?Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2013-12-05 13 
28715801Clade Quest 5Felicia wants to entrap a Senator, the dice decide she wants to be mauled by a dog.Collective Game, Clade Quest, Abhuman, Catgirls, Politics, /tg/ Dice2013-12-08 5 
28777628For House and Dominion: Home Front 6As our salvage fleet starts to haul in loot the competition belatedly puts in an appearance. The possibility of more treasure and danger awaits.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2013-12-12 12 
28818067For House and Dominion: Home Front 6.5With money comes infighting over generosity or hording. Agreements with the governor means your station is online.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2013-12-14 12 
28904281For House and Dominion: Home Front 7We finish sorting out salvage sales to the House and their payment plan then prep for the next operation. One of the recovered Knights challenges us to a duel.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Duel2013-12-18 11 
28950349Succubus Lord Quest Part 54Join us as we set up plans for the Succubi village!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-12-20 20 
29065332Succubus Lord Quest Part 55Join us as we talk to the Ayarian leader then take control of Amanda! Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-12-26 20 
29176649Succubus Lord Quest Part 56Join us as we archive early to avoid a troll! Amanda talks to the Miyian Leader! Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-12-31 20 
January 2014
29170115For House and Dominion: Home Front 7After putting up a good fight in the duel you get back to business. Mercenaries, local business and others all want some of your money.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Duel2014-01-02 12 
29346834For House and Dominion: Home Front 9We attempt to conclude our business in South Reach before deployment back to the front lines. Ammo designs pour in as the munitions factory starts up.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-11 11 
29474760 Princess Guard Quest 100Will the party end for the hundredth thread?Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, congrats you magnificent bastard2014-01-13 32 
29494509Succubus Lord Quest Part 57Join us as Brooklyn meets and angelic hit squad and learns about magic classes!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-01-15 16 
29492055For House and Dominion: Home Front 10We take on some side quests first with Sonia then as Beryl, a boarding team leader working for Reynard Salvage Solutions.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-16 11 
29663498Succubus Lord Quest Part 58Join us as we explain our situation to Rebecca about being the son of a Hero Trainer!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-01-21 17 
29678589For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour 1We put the Wing through training, get a new uniform and deal with our new promotion. We also get to look over some R&D options.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-24 12 
29814791New Faggot Quest (Waifu Summoning v.II)WE FIGHT, WE LEARN, WE LOVE.Fara, icetear...really?, futaamazon, crazy, niggers, fucking, christ, another, collective game, parafaggot quest2014-01-27 7 
29826404For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour 2Beryl's sidequest resumes and wraps up. Sonia reaches the front and new business ideas pop up.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-30 11 
February 2014
29996614For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #33rd and 5th Wings begin their raids behind enemy lines. Priority is put on keeping everyone alive.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-02-05 11 
30081052 Exiled Prince Quest 1A Medici scion runs to Venice to escape a vengeful family, ignores wenches, and acquires currency.Exiled Prince Quest, Quest, Collective Game, TheBear, Merchant Prince, Venice, Renaissance, History2014-02-08 22 
30107038Exiled Prince Quest 2We cut a deal with a mob boss, hire guards, and look for a priest to play lawyer for us. QM reveals that the MC may be a rapist and our head guard is a multiple murderer. Naturally, we buy guns.Exiled Prince Quest, Quest, Collective Game, TheBear, Merchant Prince, Venice, Renaissance, History2014-02-09 15 
30149606Succubus Lord Quest part 59Join us as the fire as the Pride demons begin a crackdown and we free out Dad!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-02-12 15 
30169030Exiled Prince Quest 3Today is Guild-day! We reestablish connections with the Tailor's guild and the butcher's guild, get conned, and begin the hunt for the organization that did this. No one robs a Medici.Exiled Prince Quest, Quest, Collective Game, TheBear, Merchant Prince, Venice, Renaissance, History2014-02-12 11 
30148194For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #4After helping to evacuate a friendly shipyard we head back out for a few more raids.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-02-12 11 
30308129Succubus Lord Quest: Part 60Join us as Brooklyn gains her father's freedom and we escape from the Pride Demon raid!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-02-18 14 
30302243For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #5We finally let Daska take her Wing out on her own. A race to find the most salvage is soon kicked off.few more raids. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-02-19 11 
30420960Nanoha FORCE Quest 8In which Tohma meets a pair of kings once again, fixes a hate machine's life, and makes a hard choice.Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Dead End, Hard Choice, Huckebein, Best Girl, 2014-02-23 6 
30453585BoatmurderedSome Swede-fag tells /tg/ a story of the time he sent his players into boatmurdured.Storytiem, Pathfinder,Exploding Dice, Shitting the queen,D20,Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress2014-02-24 17 
30470525Salvage Operators 1A small team of salvage operatives start work on a wrecked frigate. OP ducks out early.Collective Game, Salvage Operators, ExplodingDice2014-02-25 1 
30455932For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #6We take part in one of the costliest battles for the Neeran yet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Battle2014-02-27 15 
March 2014
30616159WH40k Titan Quest Prequel 1Legio Pugnatores Walks upon the Ork-World of Ahran. Operation: Eagle's Landing40k, Titan, WH40k Titan Quest, Collective Game, TwiceBorn2014-03-04 12 
30636988WH40k Titan Quest Prequel 2Legio Pugnatores Walks upon the Ork-World of Ahran. Operation: Eagle's Landing, our first Titan battle.40k, Titan, WH40k Titan Quest, Collective Game, TwiceBorn, Orks2014-03-05 7 
30610011 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #7We fight our way clear of the battle, get our section of the fleet back to the lines then count our losses. Rebuilding the Wing begins.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-06 11 
30656703Succubus Lord Quest: Part 61Join us as we meet the Leader of the Aides and the Pamille Church and Leona makes a friend for life.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-03-06 12 
30802645Succbus Lord Quest Part 62Join us as meet a new Miyian Friend and take the twins on a date!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-03-13 13 
30760992 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #8We deal with Kinetic Kill Vehicle strikes on friendly targets then set out to steal an enemy prototype.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-13 11 
30940572Random Dimension Quest 9: Of Leveling and Character CreationWherein Nick Trimmers begins a training montage and we pick skills and spells.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, Choices, Leveling, timeskip, Palladium, Megaversal2014-03-20 1 
30894896For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #9We steal a prototype cruiser and nearly get it shot to pieces. Sonia's right arm gets destroyed again and we look over an offer from R&D.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-20 11 
30980009Succeed or DieInteractive writefaggotry at its best.Collective Game, Interactive Story, Dice2014-03-22 12 
31043321For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #10Short thread. We send ships into a hazard zone and deal with the fallout from a riot.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-27 11 
April 2014
31204732Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 4A day for the fools of April, and ethical conundrums.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, splicer2014-04-02 2 
31223288Bad Dragon d20 - THE GAME CHANGEROur favorite animal dildo peddlers bring us THE GAME CHANGERBad Dragon, Dildo, d20, Die, Dice, The Game Changer, lulz, funny2014-04-03 8 
31245469WH40k Titan Quest Prequel 3Legio Pugnatores Walks upon the Ork-World of Ahran. Operation: Eagle's Landing. Preparation for the assault on Site Primaris.40k, Titan, WH40k Titan Quest, Collective Game, TwiceBorn, Iron Hands2014-04-04 2 
31243985Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 5Where the people who free slaves are getting killed by themCollective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, splicer2014-04-04 3 
31306632WH40k Titan Quest Prequel 4Legio Pugnatores Walks upon the Ork-World of Ahran. Operation: Eagle's Landing. Mass Titan battle for Site Primaris, part 1.40k, Titan, WH40k Titan Quest, Collective Game, TwiceBorn2014-04-07 3 
31327202Succubus Lord Quest Part 63Join us for making our sister Excel meet our Dad!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-04-08 13 
31347992Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 7What do you mean our base got up and wandered away?Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, splicer2014-04-09 3 
31321777For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #11Linda's recon mission triggers an early Neeran invasion of the Apsis system. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice2014-04-10 11 
31371070Random Dimensional Quest Part 12 - DestabilizationIn which Nick discusses war and magic, and concerns for the health of Slow Ass arise.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, Palladium, Megaversal, elementals, health advice2014-04-10 1 
31390313Post Apoc Splicer Brigade Civ Quest Part 8/FinOur hopes and dreams, our despair and folly. Out with a bang once more.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, hivemind, splicer2014-04-11 3 
31435449WH40k Titan Quest Prequel 5Legio Pugnatores Walks upon the Ork-World of Ahran. Operation: Eagle's Landing. Mass Titan battle for Site Primaris, part 2, and an interlude with the Tung Lancers.40k, Titan, WH40k Titan Quest, Collective Game, TwiceBorn, Imperial Guard2014-04-13 5 
31451897WH40k Titan Quest Prequel 6Legio Pugnatores Walks upon the Ork-World of Ahran. Operation: Eagle's Landing. We finish the battle for Site Primaris, and set things up for the future.40k, Titan, WH40k Titan Quest, Collective Game, TwiceBorn,2014-04-14 4 
31490490Renegade Prince Quest 1First thread got eaten by trolls. In the second thread the MC gets shipped off to DOOM land.Collective Game, Renegade Voice, Renegade Prince Quest2014-04-15 5 
31542186Renegade Prince Quest 3: Meet The New Mini-BossJohan learns more about Razza'nalazec, and about his role in this story.Collective Game, Quest, Renegade Prince Quest, Renegade Voice2014-04-18 3 
31650014Succubus Lord Quest Part 64Join us as we raid a Vampire base!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-04-24 11 
31684353Renegade Prince Quest 5: That's What He Call Deserting IIIn an Inception-like twist (or not), Johan is given a Quest. Renegade Prince Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Renegade Voice2014-04-24 2 
31698624Legalize necromancy!4d20 raise it bro. Friggin' feds.necromancy, fuck da police, legal debate, pro-death2014-04-25 5 
31644613For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 2We create a treasure hunt for our sister and friends, chase some ghosts and go on a shipyard tour.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-04-25 11 
31781336For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 3We return from our tour of the House Helios shipyards only to suffer a kidnapping attempt. Our lodge suffers a fire in the process. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-04-30 11 
May 2014
31808787Succubus Lord Quest Part 65Join us as we escape the vampire base and have a chat with a new 'friend'!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-05-01 11 
31865028Renegade Prince Quest 6: That's What He Call Deserting IIIJohan travels in the desert and meet new faces, who may or may not be totally important for the rest of the storyCollective Game, Quest, Renegade Prince Quest, Renegade Voice2014-05-02 2 
31827538For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 3.5We attempt to find out who hired the Mercenaries that attempted to abduct us. Some of the ransom money is paid.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Dice2014-05-04 10 
31956236For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 4We get Bekka back mostly intact and dither over looking up info on the Lagunov clones. Some of the ransom money is recovered.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-05-10 11 
32082345For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 5Hunting for Warrel becomes the proverbial needle in a haystack. Archaeology proves informative and we begin planning RSS expansion.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-05-15 11 
32239357For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 6RSS recovered the badly wrecked Heavy Carrier and negotiations are conducted with the Governor to repair it. Construction of the R&D lab and LST shipyard begin.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-05-25 11 
June 2014
32511774Succubus Lord Quest part 66Join us as we have 'fun' times with Mina and go to our study group!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-06-03 10 
32671533Succubus Lord Quest part 67Join us as we go out on a date and corrupt an innocent cleric!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-06-10 8 
32946268Succubus Lord Quest part 68Join us as Brooklyn has the meeting with the Succubus heads!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-06-24 8 
32940481For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 7R&D personnel are hired and we get salvaging once again. All Salvage must go regardless of bounty hunters, privateers or rival Houses.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-06-26 11 
July 2014
33163699Succubus Lord Quest part 69Join us as we deal with the aftermath of the meeting!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-07-04 6 
33252932Succubus Lord Quest part 70Join us as we meet Luna and plan to save he leaders!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-07-09 6 
33226992For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 1Sonia heads to the front to recover data from Versa and the Captain of the Loreto. Intensive training begins as the Wings prepare to return to action.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-10 9 
33390339On Players and Social AnxietyOP asks how to lessen his player's burden. /tg/ gives decent advice for once.rpg, social anxiety, advice2014-07-16 2 
33377530For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 2Sonia requests a Heavy Carrier to support an extended harassment mission behind enemy lines. Alliance Command promotes her to the Brevet rank of one-star GeneralCollective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-17 9 
33451186Succubus Lord Quest 71Join us as we prepare for the big fight!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-07-18 7 
33535270For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 3We continue raiding and begin to collect allied forces trapped behind the lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-23 11 
33698865For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 4Getting your allies in line and lengthy tech discussions eventually make way for more raiding and salvaging behind the lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-31 11 
August 2014
33815206Cursed_Apprentice_QuestYour a wizards apprentice who gets back-stabbed and turned into a shota wacky hijinks ensue on a quest to reverse the curse before we unage into an infantshota, Agro, Cursed_Apprentice, Quest, huge cocks, pumpkin farming, OP needs to sleep,2014-08-01 12 
33833352Cursed_Apprentice_Quest 2We get some nice threads, hit on a bar maid, trick a pickpocket into touching our dick, ruin our threads after we get shot,befriend pickpocket,and figure this cult shit outshota, Cursed_Apprentice_Quest, 360noscopearrowthrow, wenches, magic, Collective game, quest, brainexplosion, hugs, brown elves, nopumpkins,2014-08-02 10 
33858723Cursed Apprentice Quest 3In this episode we meet a QT spider and make it our familiar, We cuddle it and arwen, We decide to say fuck it with the town and ditch, on a walk to the city, Shit happens.Cursed_Apprentice, Quest, Collective Game, Spiders, Cute, Shota, Fried chicken, brown elf boobage, whyaretherenopicturesofshotawizards,2014-08-03 13 
33871813Succubus Lord Quest 72Join us for the fight against Lord Dio!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-08-04 10 
33912798Tarrasque Carnival/tg/ comes up with the idea of a moving city carnival that follows a Tarrasque. Also no one is capable of seducing anything as the dice gods frown upon such things.Tarrasque, fucking dice gods, Tarrasque Carnical2014-08-06 13 
33863275For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 5After surviving an assassination attempt we lead the fleet back to friendly lines to drop off refugees and resupply.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-08-07 8 
340349215 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 6After getting bogged down in last minute preparations the fleet heads out once again, this time targeting the Maelstrom galaxy.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-08-13 7 
34094243Succubus Lord Quest 74Join us as we start policy making for Old TO!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-08-13 6 
34161166Esper Quest: Thread 9Akari's shadowruns intensify... needlessly. Also, patrollin' and random encounters! Yay!Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, JUSTICE2014-08-15 7 
34259195Succubus Lord Quest 75(!)Join us as we defuse a hostage situation!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-08-20 7 
34305460Khornette Quest #6In which we kill some Grey Knights in the most awesome way possible. So awesome Khorne has to stop time to give us a thumbs up.Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Space Marines, Lady of Change, Khorne, Dice gods, holyfuckwhat, ELH2014-08-22 5 
34365063For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 7Our Wing Commanders get into the spirit of looting everything in sight. More allies are found and many more sectors raided.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-08-27 7 
34459836Esper Quest: Thread 11We start with Mami, whose day has been (and will continue to be) full of robots! Then, the plot thickens!Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, JUSTICE, LASERS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, GOOD OLD-FASHIONED NEWFANGLED FISTICUFFS2014-08-28 6 
34498343Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1)We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style)MFSKQ, Edgy, Dark, Murder, Funny, Limblesslivingonaholeteasing, short thread, no dice, OP slightly off his game, Nobody gets shot with a 22., Collective Game, Quest, Modern Fantasy Serial Killer, 2014-08-30 1 
September 2014
34579948For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 8After another thread of successful raids, even more salvaging, and finding additional allies, Daska and her wing run into severe trouble.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-06 7 
34684983Love Triangle One-shot QuestMaybe possibly probably not a one-shot. Also, bitches be crazy.Collective Game, AnonymousQueste, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-07 5 
34696567Love Triangle One-shot Quest #2The title is definitely misleading.Collective Game, MedicAnon, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-07 4 
34703775Love Triangle One-shot Quest #3Tsubasa, you fool. And this still isn't a one-shot.Collective Game, MedicAnon, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-08 4 
34760065Love Triangle One-shot Quest #4the end? a new beginning maybeCollective Game, MedicAnon, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-10 1 
34756635Succubus Lord Quest 76Join us fpr the Celestian invasion!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-09-10 5 
34784675Joker Quest 105It's time for the School Festival and we're here with Mio. Maybe something nice will happen!Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game, Why Would Anything Nice EVER HAPPEN?2014-09-11 16 
34750338For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 9After saving one of your attack wings from a deadly ambush you go on to make your largest salvage haul of the current war.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-13 9 
34880963Joker Quest 106Anon and Mio spend pleasant time together at the festival, despite the shadow of the end creeping ever closer.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest, something nice happened2014-09-15 12 
34912784For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 10After finally leaving the Maelstrom galaxy behind us, we run into some trouble with the Shallan government over salvage reimbursement.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-19 7 
35070123For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 1Helping to train pilots from your House results in washing out two candidates. You return home and begin to look at avenues for political advancement.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-26 9 
35177127Esper Quest: Thread 15STRIPES! (heh). We start out with Mato, and then she and Akari have some good breakfast-time conversation! What happens next is up to the players!Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, JUSTICE2014-09-28 5 
October 2014
35220901For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 2We hang out with family and attend a Ball. Sonia manages to win a duel thanks to the time-honoured tradition of all out attack. Slow thread.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Dice2014-10-03 7 
35368274 For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 3We finally resolve the House Possat issue. But get attacked by raiders on our new planet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-10-11 12 
35458769Esper Quest: Thread 17Akari and Co. take on Not!Mechagodzilla... and... Co.? Oh boy. Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, GIANT ROBOTS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, THE GREAT EVIL, MAGIC, JUSTICE2014-10-12 2 
35509987Succubus Lord Quest 77Join us as the Greed Demon's drop a bombshell of information at us!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-10-15 7 
35567762Esper Quest: Thread 18Akari and Co. learn that Mop-man is a big jerk, just like his robot: REALLY BIG. Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, GIANT ROBOTS, ROBOT DINOSAURS, THE GREAT EVIL, MAGIC, JUSTICE2014-10-16 5 
35526226For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 4We buy some land, make deals and hunt down pirates. The Neeran are also up to their usual nonsense.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-10-17 11 
35813624For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 5Shore Leave Rescinded. We hunt down raiders behind our lines then set out to conduct front line salvage for the Alliance fleet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-10-31 8 
November 2014
35976464Disney Villains VictoriousA 'Your next campaign' thread turns into full-on worldbuilding of a setting where the villains of Disney movies won.Disney, Villains, Victorious, Worldbuilding, Scar, Grimhilde, Maleficent, Hans, Jafar, Facilier2014-11-07 47 
35959412For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 6We help harass the enemy retreat and get down to more salvaging. Business decisions regarding RSS are made and we consider future postings.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-11-07 11 
35999419Ivalice Quest 1Our protagonist hits the road with some classmatesCollective Game, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ivalice Quest2014-11-07 5 
36007446New DM Advice/tg/ chimes in with a bunch of great DMing advice.DM, GM, advice2014-11-07 0 
36045537Disney Villains Victorious: VIThe sixth thread, in which we discuss skills and traits and heroesDisney, Disney villains, worldbuilding, brainstorming, setting, homebrew, heroes, fluff, crunch, game design, Scar, Grimhilde, Maleficent, Horned King, Jafar, Facilier2014-11-09 14 
36083066Ivalice Quest 2Our protagonist begins to encounter things she can't explain.Collective Game, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ivalice Quest2014-11-11 2 
36102050For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 7We make preparations for the time skip, conduct a million surveys and get assigned to a new base. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-11-14 11 
36327916Ivalice Quest 3Our protagonist gets some confirmationCollective Game, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ivalice Quest2014-11-23 4 
36353393Epic Quest 4Zach meets with a recruiter, then is sent to school. He then plays capture the flag.Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game 2014-11-18 1 36330052 Epic Quest 3 Zach picks up a small child to join him on his extremely dangerous quest and fight the KKK. Then they eat ice cream Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-24 6 
36393659For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 8We develop our training regimen for alliance pilots and find ourselves home for the holidays. Movies and research projects are set in place and we decide to pass on heist contract.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-11-28 7 
December 2014
36527285For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 9Learning to duel properly, meeting new people and travelling to Watcher space as part of a diplomatic mission.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-12-04 7 
36599531Rat and other Rodent PeopleAnon requests images for his ratfolk Hedge Witch in Pathfinder. Discussion of rat people takes place, including anedoctes from pet owner, the realization that mice are the true assholes of the rodent world and that hamsters are brain-devouring psychopaths.Ratfolk, Rat People, Nezumi, Skaven, Hamsters, Mice, Pathfinder, Worldbuilding, World Building2014-12-08 13 
36663956For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 10We tour a Watcher colony world pick up souvenirs then set course for home. Spies begin to cause problems on the return flight.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-12-12 7 
36743632Succubus Lord Quest 78Join us as we see the eyes of the world through Brodin!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-12-14 7 
36833303Novice Heretek Quest #1The first thread in which we gain freedom, gain trust and gain some companions.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer 40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2014-12-19 29 
36800743For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 11After annoying House Helios we set up a few business contracts, talk Bekka out of enlisting early then set course for Warlord territory.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-12-19 9 
36852523Novice Heretek Quest 2: ACCESS RESTRICTEDWe learn how to shoot, we suckerpunch a weak teenager girl using cheats during a fight and we meet techpriest ToddCollective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2014-12-20 12 
36898294Esper Quest: Thread 28We pick up where we left off last time- BREAKING THE FAST! And silliness returns with a vengeance! Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, Burnination, Freezination, Xenos filth, invasion, Dice be praised!2014-12-21 2 
36913557Novice Heretek Quest 3We fight some crazed servitors and a armless commissar, then become stronger and learn how to drive a drillCollective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2014-12-22 12 
36923650DBZ Human Quest #16After some intense training with Goku, Kaguya finds himself up against the fearsome Ginyu Force!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Frieza, Goku, Vegeta, Kaio-ken, Kamehameha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Gohan, Vegeta, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Guldo, Ginyu, Force, Miracle, Bomber, Ultra, Fighting2014-12-23 14 
36921319Gunderson Nuts Presents: Succubus Lord Quest 78Join us for this holiday special by Gunderson nuts!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics, buy Gunderson Nuts2014-12-23 5 
36934600Novice Heretek Quest 4We discover that some crazed cannibal is killing slaves in the lower levels, we first help to rebuild their slums and then leave them without a water source. We also know what's behind Urmo's mask.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2014-12-23 11 
37019074Novice Heretek Quest 5Urmo reveals herself as the Eldar seer Elyadien. She says the ship must reach it's destination so her visions become true.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2014-12-28 10 
37026662DBZ Human Quest #19Things quickly take a turn for the worse in the struggle against FriezaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonaball, Frieza, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Chiaotzu, Dende, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Goku, Namek, Kamehameha, Dodon Ray, Solar Flare, Wolf, Fang, Fist2014-12-29 13 
37051951Succubus Lord Quest 80Join us for the aftermath of the Old TO battle!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-12-30 5 
January 2015
37116125DBZ Human Quest #25A confrontation with both old and new enemies shakes Kaguya to the coreCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Gohan, Nappa, Zarbon, Dodoria, Cui, Burter, Jeice, Recoome, Guldo, Ginyu, Namek, Dende2015-01-02 13 
37067020For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 12We help organise some negotiations, plot out a plan that should help South Reach and try to save Şivan Berwari from himself.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-01-03 7 
37196868Novice Heretek Quest 6Our protagonist tags himself with the "Micerian Spitfires" other companions to battle the daemon known as the Red Hook that has been massacring slaves for days and stop him from destroying the ship they are travelling into.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2015-01-06 11 
37202137For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 13We chase off raiders, deal with some fallout from Warlords changing sides and rope ourselves into an Alliance Intel Op.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-01-09 7 
37294659Sith Apprentice Quest Part 1Follows the life of a Sith Apprentice named Xanth and his introduction to the Sith Academy.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-11 39 
37302791Sith Apprentice Quest Part 2Follows the life of a Sith Apprentice named Xanth and his introduction to the Sith Academy.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-11 24 
37305202Novice Heretek Quest 7In which Heracor got his insides replaced and makes new gear for the inevitable shit storm he's heading intoCollective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2015-01-11 11 
37322685Sith Apprentice Quest Part 3Follows the life of a Sith Apprentice named Xanth and second day in the Sith Academy.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest, 2015-01-12 22 
37339254Sith Apprentice Quest Part 4Follows the life of a Sith Apprentice named Xanth and second day in the Sith Academy.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-13 22 
37344114Sith Apprentice Quest Part 5Follows the life of a Sith Apprentice named Xanth and second day in the Sith Academy. We end with things taking a turn for the sexy with Nivah.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-13 21 
37361291Sith Apprentice Quest Part 6We turn the Sith Academy into a shojo manga and discuss Force philosophy. Shit gets weird.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-14 20 
37367313Sith Apprentice Quest Part 7The potential blossoming of young romance paired with the scheming of a Chiss woman who has her eyes on Xanth. What could go wrong?Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-14 23 
37372643Novice Heretek Quest 8Heracor tries some of his newly implanted bionics and goes that a meeting, also befriends a unnamed servoskullCollective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-01-14 10 
37381002Sith Apprentice Quest Part 8Doubt and intrigue is the name of the game. Who can we really trust if anyone? Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest, 2015-01-15 21 
37378736Succubus Lord Quest 81Join us as we sort out our after battle prizes!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-01-15 5 
37388367Sith Apprentice Quest Part 9We go full waifu then immediately flirt with Cael'la and Brine gets silly because he is tired.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-15 21 
37396725Sith Apprentice Quest Part 10Time skip stuffSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-16 20 
37406079Sith Apprentice Quest Part 11Hunting trips and Nivah goes yadereSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-16 21 
37421875Sith Apprentice Quest Part 12Xanth lets loose the beast withinSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-17 21 
37427360Sith Apprentice Quest Part 13We meet Loric and get a puppySith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-17 21 
37453946Sith Apprentice Quest Part 14Cael'la rides a worm and Xanth rides a little too hard and gets soreSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-18 21 
37467545Sith Apprentice Quest Part 15We kill the worm and decide not to be dragon slayersSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-19 21 
37478947Sith Apprentice Quest Part 16The D is delivered and promises of future pastebinsSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-19 23 
37499983Sith Apprentice Quest Part 17We go into the fuuuutuuuuuuure with time skipsSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-20 27 
37507482Sith Apprentice Quest Part 18Tharon starts acting stalkery and people get paranoidSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-21 20 
37519663Sith Apprentice Quest Part 19People get mad when you kill the biggest threat in the Academy without a scratch, news at 11Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-21 20 
37533837Succubus Lord Quest 82Join us for Matriarch Ishtar's secret!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-01-22 5 
37551077Sith Apprentice Quest Part 20We spar with Master Jorrak and everyone lags to shitSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-23 21 
37546652Novice Heretek Quest 9We tinker with a skull and question a sunburned prisoner.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-01-23 10 
37559727Sith Apprentice Quest Part 21Master Jorrak reveals his past and wisdom for events to come. Also possible threesomes.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-23 20 
37572703Sith Apprentice Quest Part 21Arguments and exciting new possibilities on the threesome frontSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-24 21 
37579746Sith Apprentice Quest Part 23It's happening kidsSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-24 20 
37596194Sith Apprentice Quest Part 24The plot thickens and we argue about sistersSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-25 20 
37610328Novice Heretek Quest 10Heracor helps lead an assault on a prison and wonders why the Emperor decided he needed to be tested by a daemon prince.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-01-26 10 
37619918Sith Apprentice Quest Part 25We get a lead on our stalkerSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-26 21 
37620769DBZ Human Quest #43Nothing but Garlic, but Garlic was nothing Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonballs, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Demon, Makyo, Star, Krillin, Maron, Yamcha, Bulma, Chi Chi, Master , Roshi, Garlic, Junior, Spice, Mustard, Salt, Vinegar, Popo, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta2015-01-26 12 
37629415Coconut and Lychee Juice: a Story of EnduranceAn anon's foray into a possible DM-side drink has gone wrong. Oh so horribly wrong.drink, fortitude save, CON check, put the juice in the coconut, possible trading card game, /ck/ related, just go to the hospital already2015-01-26 7 
37640827Sith Apprentice Quest Part 26We find out about Loric's mom and we're not in deep shit no sirSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest, 2015-01-27 20 
37676681Novice Heretek Quest 11The small Imperial regiment faces the still forming Daemon Prince, Lanky is sent to be healed to the HQ and a small team starts investigating MegaPrison03.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-01-28 10 
37680444Sith Apprentice Quest Part 27We give good luck kisses and catch a glimpse of Loric's motherSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-01-29 21 
37685649Sith Apprentice Quest Part 28We go to trial and people freak the fuck outSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-29 20 
37705917Ogre Civ 3Ogre Civ Thread by NoviceQKNoviceQM Ogre Civ, Collective Game2015-01-29 1 
37707438Sith Apprentice Quest Part 29Part two of the trial and Taral is missingSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-30 20 
37744806Novice Heretek Quest 12We explore the ruins of MegaPrison03, discover the true nature of the Crystalline Underdark, and the origin of Lanky...Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-01-31 10 
37749705Sith Apprentice Quest Part 30Darth Languish takes special interest in usSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-01-31 20 
February 2015
37719882Ogre Civ 3.5Ogre Civ Thread by NoviceQMNoviceQM Ogre Civ, Collective Game2015-02-01 0 
37780990Pokemon Quest #64We go on a date at the ice rink, talk to Clair about relationships, and battle Emma of the Elite FourPokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Ice, Elite Four, Emma2015-02-02 20 
37799863Sith Apprentice Quest Part 31We finally confront our stalker and learn thingsSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-02-03 14 
37815381Novice Heretek Quest 13ITT:HERESY HERESY HERESY HERESY!! Oh and Heracor gets beat up in a danger room and upgrades his shiny sword to be even SHINIER! Then MORE HERESY!Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-02-04 10 
37884558Sith Apprentice Quest Part 32Things get lewderSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-02-07 13 
37907479Sith Apprentice Quest Part 33Time skip part one feat. Master YvalSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-02-08 13 
37974604For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 14We deal with civil unrest and plots on the planet of Surakeh.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-02-13 7 
38194498Novice Heretek Quest 14We defuse two bombs, we accidentally kill a patient and see how the Inquistor tortures someone. The protagonists also learns more about MegaPrison 02 and the prisoners in there.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-02-21 10 
38310986Novice Heretek Quest 15The protagonist meets a space marine and saves his friend, also gets new toys for his dendrites.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-02-26 10 
38326834Novice Heretek Quest: Background LoreWe roll dices to decide how the Heralds of Vengeance chapter actsCollective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-02-26 7 
38342181DBZ Human Quest #82After a heart to heart with Guldo, Kaguya makes a trip to New NamekCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Namek, New, Guldo, Ginyu, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, Chiaotzu, Tien, Yamcha, Videl, Moori, Dende2015-02-27 8 
March 2015
38396345Novice Heretek Quest 16We spar in the roof of a moving train with a Iron Hands loving techmarine, we explore some ruins and then descend into Hell.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-01 7 
38395797Surreal Workplacesanon asks for creepy quirks and horror ideas for an office/workplace setting. /tg/ provides.creepy, horror, modern fantasy, office buildings2015-03-02 26 
38445286 For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 15We deal with fallout from events of previous thread, elections and setting up some construction projects.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-03-06 7 
38559231Novice Heretek Quest 16Attack of the clones! Then Heracor spins his drill and pimps his ride!Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2015-03-09 10 
38465635Surreal Workplaces Part 2/tg/ continues discussing creepy workplaces, provides more ideas and quirks.creepy, horror, modern fantasy, office buildings2015-03-09 15 
38628074Novice Heretek Quest 18The deadly train ride towards the heretic infested HQ begins, we fight boarders, daemons, airships and a old enemy in our path. After reaching the HQ someone we didn't saw in a long time kidnaps and gives us both answers and questions. The ending of this arc is coming...Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-12 10 
38607687For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 16We discuss station construction and try to help Mike with his personal life before being recalled to the fleet. Sonia Reynard takes the reins of an Expeditionary Force as a Knight Commander.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-03-13 8 
38707081Splinter Fleet Quest: Part IIWe deal with nasty fliers and snipersCollective Game, Tyranid, Splinter Fleet Quest, Voice of the Gestalt2015-03-15 5 
38721143Novice Heretek Quest 19ITT: Exploding planes! Exploding buildings! Exploding Tanks! EXPLODING PLANET!!! The end of this arc comes, we run towards the spaceport in a desperate attempt to catch a ship before the planet gets Exterminated. Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-16 10 
38805471Novice Heretek Quest 20Our protagonist makes a good choice and manages to save the people on board of the ship. Once again sees Lanky and manages to chat for a short time with Oihan before they depart ways. Heracor is then given a the mission of repairing a ship while they are traveling in the warp...Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-20 10 
38826329Novice Heretek Quest 21We continue recruiting and learning more from the different tech-cultures and we once again get in a fight with some Skitarii.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-20 7 
38834528Khornette Quest #27We decide to go help Iggy find a very special book.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Dice Gods are Bullshit, ELH2015-03-21 13 
38869695Novice Heretek Quest 22We recruit Skitarii and spend day learning more of our new surroundings, people and weapons.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-23 7 
38929875Novice Heretek Quest 23Our mission to repair the ship start, as we enter in we find dozens of dead bodies rotting and a infectious stale air around us. After a hard day of work we decide to get new bionics and look more spoopy.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-26 10 
39028125Novice Heretek Quest 24In which we explore, we get mad, we discover some nasty and good stuff and we tinker with our weapons.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-31 10 
April 2015
39054250Malal/Malice WorldbuildingAnon starts a thread asking where the pictures of Malal's daemons were from. /tg/ starts brainstorming ideas for how Malal cults would work.Worldbuilding, cult, Chaos, Malal, Malice, Chaotic, Gods, troll, metaphysics, Joker, /tg/ is incapable of staying on topic,2015-04-02 5 
39107709Novice Heretek Quest 25In which Heracor explores the ship, snoops about, and pimps his armor.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-04 10 
39152906Novice Heretek Quest 26We try to repair the frigate and Nurgle Show his ugly mug. Heracor and friends get dirty AND PURGE THE UNCLEAN!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-06 10 
39217761Novice Heretek Quest 27Heracor puts an uppity miner in her place and make's the Omnissiah proud by suplexing a giant robo-amazon and discover why she was such a shit-boss. Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-09 12 
39264141For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 1We deal with the aftermath of the previous battle, trade for torpedoes and shuffle our fleet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-04-11 8 
39301676Novice Heretek Quest 28In which we take the lead as the new leader of the Skitarius temple and get some bionics and weapons to become more even powerful and lethal. With our new toys installed we finally get into our mission and get ready to fight the Nurglite plague.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-12 10 
39322254Ice WraithsThe Ice Wraiths are rolled up, and fluffed out as ice-weaponry using cyborg vampires from Russia.Space Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraiths2015-04-13 14 
39328459Ice Wraiths II: The ThreadeningFluffing occurs, cryothium is discussed and tomfoolery occurs.Space Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraiths2015-04-14 8 
39343349Ice Wraiths III: Heraldry EditionRussian Jokes made, Heraldry Discussed, and more fluffing occursSpace Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraths2015-04-15 3 
39361968Novice Heretek Quest 29In which we enter into the contaminated areas and explore a little bit, we learn about what creatures roam it and then discover what happened with the infected Wilhelmina...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-16 10 
39402285 Ice Wraiths Thread IV: Calling for Writefags and Drawfags EditionIce Wraiths,almost finished,nothing except some writefagotterySpace Marines,Custom Chapter,Ice Wraiths2015-04-19 2 
39444166Novice Heretek Quest 30After discovering how corrupted the techpriestess is we decide to continue cleaning the ship. We fight many enemies and finally make into the Plasma Engine, inside we find a massive beehive that its leeching from its heat and residual wastes and has grown out of control. Many people die...and one becomes a great hero.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-20 10 
39388345Young Justice Quest: Unlimited #25The unexpected final fate of an earth on the eve of Crisis. Collective Game, Young Justice, Super Boy, Hypertime2015-04-20 10 
39480921Rusoya Sector I: Ice Wraiths and FremenThe first official Rusoya sector thread. mainly focused on finishing the Ice WraithsSpace Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraiths, Sector Rusoya2015-04-21 1 
39525526Novice Heretek Quest 31Heracor Wakes up and sorts out what happened after passing out in the middle of the battlefield.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-24 11 
39529364Will of the Ice Quest #1Our protagonist wakes up, goes shopping with friends, discovers a plot in the kingdom and has a coming of age ceremony.QMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest, , 2015-04-24 7 
39532597Succubus Lord Quest 783Join us as we drink a Mocha and capture a Sloth demon!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-04-24 5 
39565981Will of the Ice Quest #2Visions and romance and plot thickening, OH MY!QMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest2015-04-26 5 
39587525Novice Heretek Quest 32We speak with the Inquisitor about what our mission entrails and also with Juliannus to learn more of the strange culture of the Astartes. After that we go to the Skitarii temple and start managing it to shape them into the warriors we desire.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ322015-04-27 10 
39585415Will of the Ice Quest #3Randal buys supplies, learns more about the gods, prays to Tor and then has a conversation about their love with TristaQMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest 2015-04-26 3 2015-04-27 5 
39614448Will of the Ice Quest #4Our hero is granted the title of King's Ranger by the king, fights a drunk, and kisses Trista (again). Also plothooks take place.QMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest2015-04-28 5 
39629434Novice Heretek Quest 33In which we do a shitton of stuff and then somehow end adopting a eight year old girl.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ332015-04-29 7 
39630741Will of the Ice Quest #5Randal joins up with Trista and fellow rangers, embarks on his journey north, engages in smalltalk with his companions, makes love to Trista, and battles bandits in a night ambush on their camp.QMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest2015-04-29 2 
39653160Will of the Ice Quest #6Randal and his group makes it to the small town of Waterrun, where he asks Sariel to train him and has some fun in an alley with Trista. The group then is ambushed by wolves before finally making it to Highspire Castle, headquarters for the rangers.QMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest2015-04-30 0 
May 2015
39631169For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 2Struggles over slavery issues. We head for a new battle front and help fight off a boarding attempt on the Majestic.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-05-01 9 
39728278Novice Heretek Quest 34We get meet our Generals and get new weapons and toys to equip ourselves with. After that we return to our room and see three lovely little girls sleeping together in our bed.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ342015-05-04 11 
39736900Will of the Ice Quest #7Short thread, but we take a short tour of the castle and meet the lord commander of the rangers.QMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest2015-05-04 1 
39749900Will of the Ice Quest #7.5Randal speaks to Lord Commander Stormwind and reveals everything he knows from his vision and meeting with The Stranger. He also gets some armor and meets his UncleQMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest2015-05-05 2 
39781961Crusader Quest Part 24: The Shitstorm Thread!A princess gets raped while we watch and we neglect a lady giving birth to our child.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Ruh Roh, Wilhelm, Cowardice, HistoricalFiction2015-05-06 20 
39788031Novice Heretek Quest 35After exiting the warp our ship gets somewhat damaged, they take it to a close SpacePort for repairing and we are given two days of free time while they are at it. We explore a little bit and take our students towards the local AdMech temple. On it we learn their curious cowboy like culture and end fighting with their leader for an old yet not forgotten friend.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ352015-05-07 10 
39871471Novice Heretek Quest 36We break our fucking skull and then meet some space yiffs that give us a wolf skull in exchange of a dead body.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ362015-05-11 7 
39872522Will of the Ice Quest #8Randal catches up a bit with his uncle, partakes in a sparring session, watches as Trista makes an enemy, and discovers some healing magic for the first time.QMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest2015-05-11 2 
39849414 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 3Dealing with the last of our boarders we fight off another fleet before looking at our reinforcements.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice,2015-05-11 7 
39934902Novice Heretek Quest 37We discover what happened between Karelia, her daughters and their sister in law Nalasha while we were with the Space Wolves. After that we discover that we might participate into a xenos hunt and get ourselves once again strongerCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ372015-05-14 10 
39941617Succubus Lord Quest 84Join us as we meet Nalika's sister, Pride Demon King Kaj!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-05-14 6 
39936935To Protect And Serve QuestWe're a beat cop in the year 2153 that's doing his job and doing it well.To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer2015-05-15 39 
40014004Novice Heretek Quest 38In which time flies after we do lots and lots of things including wanting to kill and entire bureau building and shave the armpit of a veteran.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ382015-05-18 11 
39993664For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 4We play as Sonia's Mom and ground Bekka. Back with the fleet we do some sims and prepared for battle.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-05-18 7 
40035774Will of the Ice Quest #9Randal catches up with his uncle, takes a much needed bath, tries his hand at practicing archery and swordplay, and makes a new friend. The Stranger even makes an appearance!QMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest2015-05-19 2 
40090416Novice Heretek Quest 39In which we investigate a secret Sororitas Order and end destroying a really psycho-inducing projector that they had. After that we finally head into the Hunt!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ392015-05-22 13 
40152805Novice Heretek Quest 40We get a quick glance of the possible Kroot that we will meet and then make planetfall onto Heptium Cuatt. Once on the surface we stick with Karelia and her bodyguards and then fight some Xenos.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ402015-05-25 10 
40127421For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 5Fleet battles and more fleet battles!Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-05-25 7 
40216514Novice Heretek Quest 41We shoot, we run over, we drown and in general we kill a good amount of fukken Kroots.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ412015-05-28 10 
40241735Will of the Ice Quest #10(Short thread due to power outages) Randal explores the castle and runs into The Stranger again.QMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest2015-05-29 2 
40282781Best Dad Ever Quest #1In this episode, you send off your daughter Eve to her first day of school, then rescue her with Papa Wolf Fury, and then have a d'aww.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-05-31 13 
June 2015
40301838Novice Heretek Quest 42Short Thread in which we get into an ambush, we fight more xenos and we meet our Skitarii again.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ422015-06-01 10 
40300996Best Dad Ever Quest #2You wake up, eat breakfast, head to the clinic, meet Jackie and get new leg, and I make my worst writing mistake ever. Fuck. Disgusting. Sorry.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-06-01 8 
40302304Will of the Ice Quest #10.5Randal is tasked with a mission to head north and spy on the barbarians and recruits some friends to do so.QMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest2015-06-01 1 
40276753For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 6After a prolonged battle with retreating Neeran fleets we begin to sort through the salvage.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-06-02 8 
40410848Ivalice Quest: The Five Lions War A hundred years after the original story, Ivalice is at war once again. Chemist Zaren Aphelion joins the imperial troops. Collective Game, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ivalice Quest2015-06-06 6 
40434639Ivalice Quest: The Five Lions War, Chapter 2This is a quest thread of some kind or other.quest, collective game, ivalice quest, five lions2015-06-07 10 
40449137Novice Heretek Quest 43We travel and meet a mutant Kroot salesman, and then we get ambushed!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ432015-06-08 7 
40425342For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 7We sort our fleet and head for our next assignment. A customized ship and select team take off into the latest salvage adventure.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-06-09 8 
40495952To Protect And Serve Quest 2More cop shenanigans in the future To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer, Badge2015-06-10 22 
40515072Novice Heretek Quest 44We explore the buried warpsphere and awaken the beast to ride it into the battle!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ442015-06-11 7 
40548119Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/ - The Crusade Continues>Our... adept Guardsmen prepare for an attack on a Chaos bakery >The Vostroyan Liaison Officer wants to find the man who stole his sweetheart's picture >The Commissar just gave up >There's some Tallarns around here somewhere doing Emperor knows what A demonic dough monster rises and a lone guardsman makes a brave sacrificeGuardsman Sergeant Joe, Guardsman Lieutenant Joe, Bakers Legion, WarChef Boyzrdees, Guardswoman Kal Teest, Vostroyan Regiment Liaison Alexandr, Tallarn Roughrider Lieutenant Aaliyah, Chimera Sacrifice, Valhalla all shiny and crome, Warhammer 40000, Guardsmen quest, Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/2015-06-12 12 
40557640Novice Heretek Quest 45In which we control the Inquisitress and oh noes! Perils of the Warp and other psyker shit happens!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ452015-06-13 7 
40598456Novice Heretek Quest 46In which we crash a meteorite sized ship into a planet and we capture, mutilate and torture and enemy. Also a fuckload of +90 dice rolls.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ462015-06-15 10 
40575195 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 8We resume running around a station that is not as deserted as we might like it to be. Salvage commences.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-06-15 8 
40679647Novice Heretek Quest 47Short and Sneaky thread in which we have some fatherly time with our adopter daughter Alaria, we work with our armor and we decide what weapon to build to Juliannus before he becomes a Deathwatch Blackshield.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ472015-06-18 10 
40720483Best Dad Ever Quest #3You wake up, cook delicious breakfast, grab some new threads, flashback to your days of Chivalrous, and get snatched at the end.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-06-21 5 
40675471Ice Cream Magical RealmFor when a cigar is not just a cigar and Ice Cream is not just Ice Cream. Anons try to describe their fetish using only ice cream./tg/, magical realm, fetishes, ice cream2015-06-21 3 
40742431Best Dad Ever Quest #4You wake up in the witchspace, go blind (resulting in a mini shit-storm), hear some dastardly plans, get un-blind and destroy a vat of something spooky. Eve gets a Voice, and plays Chivalrous.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-06-22 5 
40714184For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 9We finish recovering important items and data from the destroyed station. Loot is split, purchases are made, and the best route home is discussed.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey, Marines2015-06-23 11 
40758807Novice Heretek Quest 48Timeskip thread in which we build a bolter, we go down into a desert planet and buy some nifty grenades, then we discover something weird and suffer from a hangover without drinking any booze.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ482015-06-23 10 
40799555Novice Heretek Quest 49We enter into the miracle station of Melchisidor's Cloud and explore it a bit, then discover that it is darker than it looks like and get into the arena to get our wings.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ492015-06-25 10 
40859981Novice Heretek Quest 50In which we almost fuck a teenager, we repair a skull and improve some robotic wings!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ502015-06-28 10 
40856748For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 10R&D bases are visited, tech is explained and we return home to a hero's welcome. Mostly.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey, Marines2015-06-30 11 
July 2015
40936631Crusader Quest Part 32: The Shitstormening!OOPSY DAISY.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Damn Dice, Hugo, WAR, HistoricalFiction2015-07-01 17 
40988119Novice Heretek Quest 51In which we take control of Juliannus and get ready to capture a Zoanthrope.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ512015-07-04 10 
41009606Novice Heretek Quest 52We head inside the Tyranid Narwhal and explore its interior.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ522015-07-05 10 
41008852For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 1House Arrest Edition. Players and Sonia both rage against the machine.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey2015-07-07 11 
41136294Novice Heretek Quest 53We capture the Zoanthrope and make a leap of faith. Then we discover that our past crimes were not forgotten...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ532015-07-11 10 
41157784For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 2Rioja world building as the city begins its rapid expansion. Over land links connect to the main city.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey2015-07-14 9 
41304954Best Dad Ever Quest #8Check Twitter for the others! In this one, you jog with daughters, play frisbee, and mess around in the underground!Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-07-19 3 
41327948A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (House Creation)In which House Brachen, Scourge of the Ironborn, Guardians of the Tumblestone Coast, Left Hand of the Lannisters is created, and Lord Garrette Brachen and his child Trystan Hill are named.Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-07-20 13 
41349112A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Lord Creation)In which Lord Garrette Brachen is given form via character generation, and much discussion was had about what weapons to use and our hatred of the IronbornCollective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-07-20 11 
41326922For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 3Even more world building on Rioja. Our first Heavy Cruiser finishes construction.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-07-23 9 
41455802Novice Heretek Quest 54We study some ork tech and create our race trukk.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ532015-07-26 10 
41456560A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Part 1)In which Garrette Brachen, Lord of Brachenhall, learns of the state of his lands and the bandits plaguing them, bonds with his bastard son, and begins his war to purge the brigands from his lands, one spear at a time.Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-07-26 14 
41455056Best Dad Ever Quest #9You hold your Chivalry game, crush them at that, then crush Gerald with the good ol' times, then go have a fun little magical parent meeting, and FINALLY go monster hunting with the girls. Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-07-26 5 
August 2015
41604705Novice Heretek Quest 55We start the race and descend into an ork infested Hive from the sky. A bulletstorm forms soon after and the first two racers are violently eliminated.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ552015-08-02 11 
41606279A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Part 2)In which Lord Garrette of House Brachen completes his elimination of the outlaw band to Brachenhall's south-eastern border, gains lands from them for future exploitation, gains the praise of his smallfolk and sworn swords, and prepares his lands for his absence as he is invited to Ashemark by House Marbrand.Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-08-02 20 
41729079Novice Heretek Quest 56We finish the first race on the winning position at the cost of all our gunners and our trukk. This isn't over yet...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ562015-08-08 9 
41749820Novice Heretek Quest 57We rebuild our vehicle and meet the new deadmen that will drive with us. Then we plunge into a strange Space Hulk and fight to the death...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ572015-08-09 9 
41750379A Song of Gold and Sand: House Brachen Quest (Part 3)In which Garrette, Lord of Brachenhall, journeys to the castle of Ashemark, seat of Lord Damon of House Marbrand, to work on forging an alliance against the Bastard of Castamere and his rebels, on establishing new trade routes with which to fund your expansion, and in which Garrette finds out many interesting new facts, and receives a princely gift...Collective Game, House Brachen, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT2015-08-09 13 
41750491For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 4Spending time with siblings and watching the pretty light show in orbit. Maybe it's time to outfit your new command ship?Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-08-11 11 
41824846Novice Heretek Quest 58We go back from the death and once again make a hard deal with a strangeCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ572015-08-12 9 
41867430Novice Heretek Quest 59We team up with an Eldar, kill some heretics, and set off to explore the space hulk.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracore Nahive, NHQ572015-08-15 9 
41830378-STUFFED- Thread 1Teddy is lost in the woods at night. The woods are cold and spooky. Teddy wanted to be at the zoo.Collective Game, Drawquest, Stuffed, StuffedQuestComic, Radio, Teddy, Beatrice, dolls2015-08-17 6 
41891750For House and Dominion: Civil War 1Jerik-Dremine strikes back against House Erid. We debate the merits of different targets.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-08-17 11 
41993874How to do Stealth in RPGSOP asks what systems if any do stealth well. What follows is tips for how to do stealth well in any system.GM advice, stealth, sneaky breeki, advice2015-08-21 7 
42029954For House and Dominion: Civil War 2Starship theft and demolition derby help complete a mission. A Recon team is sent on a dangerous mission without Sonia! Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-08-25 12 
42070737A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IIn which we meet the new Lord Malroy and discover the fate of his family while he was gone in Essos. He also meets with Lord Varys, also known as The Spider, and agrees to dye his silvered hair and bend the knee with little effort to the new King.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-08-25 31 
42167147A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IIIn which Lord Brynden receives his pardon from the King, angers the Queen, and receives his House's penalties. Also we discover a cache of rare items in the family's villa, have an offer placed for said villa, and return home to Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-08-30 23 
42193278Novice Heretek Quest 60We are attacked by an strange weapon that an Slaaneshi Heretek has created and devise a plan to destroy it.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ602015-08-31 9 
42198013Sith Apprentice Quest Part 34Brine makes his triumphant returnSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-08-31 12 
September 2015
42237328Novice Heretek Quest 61In which we kill thousands by violently sending them into the gaping maws of hell and then we pimp our bike and name it "Promethia"!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ612015-09-02 10 
42169423For House and Dominion: Civil War 3Open warfare with House Erid begins. Players try to tackle the Zeus in space.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-02 12 
42253209A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IIIIn which, we manage our Houses resources. Gaining a cadre of veteran archers, begin to regrow our fields and our Lord gets learned. We make promises to old friends, take stances against rivals, and make gains in the land in preparation for warding off the neighboring Langwards. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-03 21 
42261508Sith Apprentice Quest Part 35We complete our training and prep for the tournamentSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-09-03 16 
42270864Novice Heretek Quest 62Astartes, Orks, Rak'Gol and Tau meet inside the explorator ship and combat for survival.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ622015-09-03 13 
42274759Journey Quest #2We reach the first destination in our Journey, but a big shock awaits us there.Collective Game, Journey Quest, JQ, Dice2015-09-04 10 
42308009Witch Apprentice Quest #1Maybe not animeweebshit? Hard to tell, would need confirmation.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-06 17 
42309700A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IVIn which we continue rebuilding our House's fortunes. Learn to be more convincing, defeat a group of bandits with resounding ease, and gain the northern forest with our House's strength. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-06 18 
42329137Witch Apprentice Quest #2Nadja receives her first lessons in witchery!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-06 12 
42333047Sith Apprentice Quest Part 36The tournament begins and be get Satan's blessingSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-07 12 
42343089Sith Apprentice Quest Part 37The tourney continues and the yandere button gets pushedSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-07 20 
42309693For House and Dominion: Civil War 4Taking the fight into House Erid space. Hit and fade tactics never get old.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-08 11 
42418466A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIn which we travel to King's Landing, gain the services of a Hedge Knight and his squire, make sweet love to a seamstress's daughter, and find Ser Wilson Celtigar's truths to be lacking. Also the QM messes everything up. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-11 15 
42437305Novice Heretek Quest 63The battle for the domination of the Explorator ship continues. We kill some enemies and sacrifice a great valuable ally against a fiend that shouldn't even exist.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ622015-09-12 10 
42456909Witch Apprentice Quest #3Nadja makes new friends!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-13 12 
42480084Sith Apprentice Quest Part 38The explosive bout between Xanth and RodrikSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-14 11 
42455812For House and Dominion: Civil War 5Hail Sonia Reynard, Baron of Rioja!Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-14 12 
42489059Sith Apprentice Quest Part 39Nivah and Cael'la have their fight and we notice some faces in the crowdSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-14 12 
42498321Witch Apprentice Quest #4Nadja discovers a glaring flaw in her brilliant plan.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-14 11 
42537382Novice Heretek Quest 64We defeat our foe and then proceed to explore the Lux Illustrans Inventionis on our own.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ632015-09-17 10 
42559544A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIIn which we storm off from our dealings with House Celtigar, take out our wrath on some thugs and a fine woman and meet with our Mother's family, the Hanfords. We checked a deal with them at length and come to one of great benefit.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-18 14 
42578977Witch Apprentice Quest #5Nadja wins by doing nothing.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-19 10 
42579966A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIIIn which we finish our dealings in King's Landing. Having a private audience with the Hand of the King, Jon Arryn. And entertain a Pentoshi banker with a lavish banquet. We also make great gains in Wealth from several sources and begin work upon rebuilding our prized Rare Bloodline. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-19 13 
42601125Our Spring (Quest)Finally the school day is over.Our Spring Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Slice of Life2015-09-19 10 
42628096Sith Apprentice Quest Part 40We are confronted by Darth Languish and fight Nivah in the final matchSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-21 20 
42612564For House and Dominion: Civil War 6Diplomats from three of the most powerful Houses each ask us to aid them in their bids for power.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-22 12 
42681759Sith Apprentice Quest Part 41We wrap up the tournament and Master Korr gives us the scoop on MastersSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-09-23 12 
42681706Novice Heretek Quest 65In which we explore, we finally find the password to unlock the entire Cruiser and we discover something on the Medicae Bay...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ652015-09-24 10 
42687766Desolation Quest 1A farmboy loses his family, his hometown, and buries them alongside his ability to give a fuck. Already dead inside, when death comes for him a 1-in-100 chance forces the QM to discard most of their notes.desolation quest, collective game, dice gods, derailment, off the rails, death, grim reaper2015-09-24 39 
42703341A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter VIIIIn which our Lord Brynden Malroy plans a melee to recruit Knights of quality in the future. Pays for his dear friend's brother's release from captivity. Ties up some loose ends in Steadhold and takes an absolute thrashing from the hands of his Uncle.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-09-25 12 
42719388Novice Heretek Quest 66We meet Arandano and discover another interesting part of the Cruiser's past. Then we meet our next racer team and leave the Inmaterium.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ662015-09-25 10 
42736932Witch Apprentice Quest #6Nadja very nearly gets flimflammed!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-27 7 
42759131Sith Apprentice Quest Part 42We meet Darth Carn and have our first interviewSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-09-28 1 
42760671Sith Apprentice Quest Part 42 We meet Darth Carn and have our first interview Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest2015-09-28 15 
42779058Witch Apprentice Quest #7Nadja takes a break from being the main character.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-09-28 6 
42796131Novice Heretek Quest 67In which we find and crash land a Tank, we fight against Traitor Marines and Orks and we head into the Eldar CraftworldCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ672015-09-30 10 
October 2015
42834474A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter IXIn which we attend the Tourney in King's Landing. Attend our trial, find our seed is strong, and we take over as Dontos for a moment bringing forth a righteous fury upon Ser Boros Blount in defense of our good name in the Trial by Combat. We also agree to accompany Lord Arryn to Dorne, and finally lay eyes upon Royce Redward.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-02 16 
42827638Make an Archive check, 20.A number of various /tg/entelmen relay various scenarios of when they rolled a critical, via green-text.epic gaming moments, dice, funny2015-10-02 0 
42866471Novice Heretek Quest 68We clash against different factions, meet again old enemies and discover several things along our way.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ682015-10-04 10 
42867667Witch Apprentice Quest #8Nadja makes a royal mistake.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-10-04 8 
42868396A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIn which Lord Brynden Malroy meets with the Longwaters, considers marriage proposals for the future, gains trade of iron and sale of horse. He then goes on to compete in the Archery contest, going to the final round against the Summer Islander Jalabhar Xho and it all coming down to sudden death.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-04 28 
42944418Sith Apprentice Quest Part 43We are introduced to Darth Incarnus and our third potential MasterSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-10-08 12 
42958901Novice Heretek Quest 69Our Tank shows its hidden ability and we use it to condemn an entire Craftworld but save ourselves.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ692015-10-09 10 
42996219Novice Heretek Quest 70Betrayal, mutants, aliens, psykers...just when we thought that we escaped hell we plunge into a even worse nightmare.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ702015-10-11 10 
42996572A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIIn which House Malroy celebrates Lord Brynden's victory in the archery contest, he meets a saucy little dornishwoman, finds his Aunt, Isabella Malroy, to be alive but distressed and he competes in the melee. A glimpse of revenge is finally seen. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-11 14 
43035145Novice Heretek Quest 71The Battle against the Mutated Karelia continues! Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ712015-10-12 10 
43069890Novice Heretek Quest 72We wake up and get answers to lots of questions.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ722015-10-15 10 
43070421A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the final days of the Tourney in King's Landing. Making small trade deals, beginning new alliances, and being the best wingman he can be. He also meets with a saucy little Dornishwoman again, and finds truths from all of the ladies he considers courting.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-15 13 
43079098Sith Apprentice Quest Part 44We have a heart to heart with Taral and prepare to (finally) choose our MasterSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-10-15 11 
43087887Witch Apprentice Quest #9The hour of truth.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2015-10-16 7 
43144208Sith Apprentice Quest Part 45At last we determine who will be our Master.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-10-19 10 
43128643For House and Dominion: Civil War 7Fleet and army are assembling. We look at Admirals, Generals and Wing Commanders to augment out command staff.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-10-20 13 
43197377Novice Heretek Quest 73We get our new gear and improve our skill with melee combat, then we meet someone that we haven't seen in years and become forced to fight her.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ732015-10-21 10 
43217275A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finds many ways to spend his vast wealth. Gains a lordly set of armor with intentions of self improvement. Raises troops. And makes leave for Dorne. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-23 12 
43268833A Wizard's Apprentice QuestSElf-explanatory.Collective Game, Wizard, Apprentice, Quest, Magic Missile, Tree2015-10-25 2 
43315121Novice Heretek Quest 74We try to interrogate Elyadien. We have some father/daugher time and then receive a gift from a friend.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ742015-10-27 10 
43338152Sith Apprentice Quest Part 46The last month at the Academy passes, and we wake on graduation daySith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-10-29 11 
43301188For House and Dominion: Civil War 8Raiders begin to attack the Run. We get to work building more defenses. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-10-29 12 
43351856Novice Heretek Quest 75We enter into the Warp and meet our generals, then challenge one of them to a duel.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ752015-10-29 7 
43351901A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIVIn which we visit Myr as Illiad, Lord Brynden Malroy's dear friend and third in command of The Sons of Gold. We collect a fair amount of Myrish goods, allies, and participate in a mission to free his younger brother, Illion, from captivity. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-10-30 14 
November 2015
43410421Sith Apprentice Quest Part 47We say our last goodbyes and make our way to Dromund Kaas with Darth IncarnusSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-11-02 14 
43445873Novice Heretek Quest 76We finish our fight and meet a strange, strange medic.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ762015-11-03 9 
43484905A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy travels to Dorne, stopping in Estermont for a short stay. He also meets with the Hand of the King again, finds confusion when dealing with a Lady, arrives in Dorne and has a pregnancy scare. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-06 11 
43502555Novice Heretek Quest 76We become a inhuman monster...but deeply we have always been one. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ762015-11-07 7 
43520543Novice Heretek Quest 78A timeskip happens and we finally clash against Georgius in an electric brawl that ends unexpedtedlyCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ782015-11-08 7 
43521219A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the many activities in his visit to Dorne in service to Lord Jon Arryn. He meets with the local flavor, fights those from abroad, and finds that many of the truths in his life, could very well be lies. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-08 14 
43541572A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy continues his affairs about Dorne in aid of the HAnd of the King, Lord Jon Arryn and his peace talks. He takes part in a pissing contest most strong, meets again with the fairer Ladies of his life, and he finally finds a truth he did not know there was to be had.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-09 13 
43608045Novice Heretek Quest 79We get a pet bird and descend into Telematha to reach the city of Aquacadens, then we are guided into a strange building that seems to hold some secrets...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ792015-11-12 7 
43657475Jedi Apprentice QuestIn which we meet Zev, a new Jedi ApprenticeEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-16 15 
43656411Sith Apprentice Quest Part 48We meet Zyr'rha and spar with Darth IncarnusSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-11-16 10 
43671751Novice Heretek Quest 80The Coven of Magii invites us to join into their inner circle if we complete their trials...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ802015-11-17 9 
43724585novice heretek quest 81We continue in the Arena. Veni, vidi, vici Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ812015-11-19 9 
43725454A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy continues his trip in Dorne aiding in the ongoing peace talks in his own ways. We speak to Lord Arryn of truths unknown, race Lord Quentyn Qorgyle to finally wrap up our pissing match, and spend some quality time with Lady Giselle about Dorne. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-20 15 
43774826Sith Apprentice Quest Part 49We arrive on Dromund Kaas and get into a shower with our MasterSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-11-23 11 
43777820Jedi Apprentice Quest #2In which Zev makes a new friend!Eail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-23 10 
43776268For House and Dominion: Civil War 9Saving convoys and killing pirates. The House picks up additional territory while preventing a threat to the Run.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-11-25 13 
43825958Jedi Apprentice Quest #3In which Zev and Renari face the CouncilEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-26 12 
43832922Jedi Apprentice Quest #4In which Zev eats delicious foodEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-26 13 
43841789A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy meets with the upper crust of the Realm, and finds himself as but mere player in a game stacked against him from the beginning. Long term decisions are finally made and more than a few dances are had. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-11-27 16 
43826037The /tg/ "Justice" LeagueSuperman comes to /tg/ for help against the forces of evil and /tg/ decides they don't need Superman. Odd god tier heroes emerge and hilarity ensues.DC comics, superman, heroes, fowlweatherfriend, /tg/, Stupidity, Funny, Hilarity, Justice, League, Overpowered bullshit, why is everyone god tier, plz buff superman, too low tier, 2015-11-27 10 
43860904Jedi Apprentice Quest #5In which Zev destroys Academy propertyEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-28 11 
43870844Novice Heretek Quest 82A new faction appears! The Nox Vox suddenly decide to attack and hunt all the Magos, possibly crippling our attempts at discovering their true and dark intentions...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ822015-11-28 7 
43896050Jedi Apprentice Quest #6In which the legend of Master Zev beginsEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-30 12 
December 2015
43949611Jedi Apprentice Quest #7In which Zev dabblesEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-12-03 10 
43964906Novice Heretek Quest 83The fight against the Nox Vox continues withing the bowels of Telematha. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ832015-12-03 6 
43967330A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes up his affairs in Dorne. Gains a betrothal. Returns home to Steadhold. And proceeds to make a lot of cash. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-12-04 14 
43908563Awoken Overlord Quest IYour Name is Alice and you are the overlord now.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess2015-12-04 5 
43925515Awoken Overlord Quest IIAlice starts her new job as the overlord and recruits the first few followers.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess2015-12-04 1 
43949255Awoken Overlord Quest IIIAlice continues her quest, finds mighty allies and some other guys.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess2015-12-04 1 
44020820Sith Apprentice Quest Part 50We get armored up and meet Watcher 18Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2015-12-06 14 
44022038Jedi Apprentice Quest #8In which Zev meets a hippyEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-12-07 10 
43980634Awoken Overlord Quest IVAlice continues her journey to become a supreme overlord, only stopped by OP's scheduleCollective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess2015-12-07 1 
44018196Awoken Overlord Quest IV.V (NSSF-Edition)Alice again continues her journey, this time with a QM who hasn't slept for two days.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess, No sleep since friday Edition2015-12-07 1 
44059939Novice Heretek Quest 84The truth, finally reveals itself. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ842015-12-09 10 
44093184A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the needs of his Household in the month leading up to the Grand Melee of Steadhold. His dear friend Illiad returns in a far graver state than he had left, promises to aid House Longwaters are made, and the quest for a dragonbone bow is begun.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2015-12-11 15 
44130292Novice Heretek Quest 85Heracor is missing in action. We now take control of Liwet and discover what has she been up to. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ852015-12-13 7 
44043160Awoken Overlord Quest V: Fell asleep in the middle of the last thread editionAlice is back, after being interrupted by sleep. Also, a boar is caught and such.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess, fell asleep edition2015-12-14 1 
44189651Awoken Overlord Quest VIAlice is finally back and continues her conquest, even against some pretty bad odds.Collective Game, Awoken Overlord Quest, Bad Rolls the Game, Alice is a goblin princess2015-12-16 1 
44227661Novice Heretek Quest 86Necrons and Mechanicus clash, this is only the beginning of a great clash between two technological superpowers. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ852015-12-18 7 
44324390Novice Heretek Quest 87We make a truce with an enemy and discover than a friend has now become an enemy...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ872015-12-23 7 
44346879For House and Dominion: Civil War 10The Houses of the Run begin to assist others in the relay with their piracy problem. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-12-25 11 
44393111For House and Dominion: Civil War 11We throw down the gauntlet with House Nasidum but thread stalls due to computer glitches.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-12-29 11 
44468103Jedi Apprentice Quest #9In which Zev goes for a ride on a bitchin starshipEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-12-31 11 
January 2016
44543554Novice Heretek Quest 88Scavenging, exploring and fighting. The daily routine of our protagonist. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ882016-01-04 10 
44587789For House and Dominion: Civil War 12After some delays we kick off the new year by finally beginning the fight against House Nasidum.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-01-07 11 
44650939Jedi Apprentice Quest #10In which Zev fights an edgelordEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2016-01-09 10 
44689723Witch Apprentice Quest #10Nadja gets schooled.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-01-11 7 
44687770For House and Dominion: Civil War 13Battle of the Magdalena system. Salvage ensues.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2016-01-12 12 
44750184Novice Heretek Quest 89Novice Heretek Quest 89Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive, NHQ892016-01-13 12 
44814502Novice Heretek Quest 90Early archiveCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ902016-01-16 7 
44863016For House and Dominon Civil War 14WE get to go to a ball. Lat'Tham anyone?Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-01-19 11 
44877320Novice Heretek Quest 91We become some parricides and try to hunt down our own mother...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ912016-01-20 6 
44830524Novice Adventurer Quest 1We start off as a young adventurer in the making.Novice Adventurer Quest2016-01-21 6 
44864532Novice Adventurer Quest 2We go shopping, and get our first big mission, and encounter trouble along the wayNovice Adventurer Quest2016-01-21 5 
44901788Novice Adventurer Quest 3We face intrigue in the city, and head back home to get our class.Novice Adventurer Quest Collective Game2016-01-21 5 
44921451A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy returns to form and enjoys the day prior to the Melee in Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-01-22 13 
44940437Novice Heretek Quest 92We end upgrading ourselves and proceed to fight our Mother...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ922016-01-22 5 
44939791Witch Apprentice Quest #11Nadja meets Nadja.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-01-23 7 
44942554Novice Adventurer Quest 4We have an interesting day with little sisters, angry girls, and a weird encounter.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-01-23 1 
44961159A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends the opening the Melee in Steadhold and begins talks of a larger alliance.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-01-24 14 
44967545Novice Adventurer Quest 5We go on a journey to find a princess and meet some cool people.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-01-24 2 
45015053Novice Adventurer Quest 6You chat with Maria's family, meet some elves, and finally get the princess.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-01-26 1 
45049681Novice Heretek Quest 93The King is down...now its time to kill the Queen.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ932016-01-27 5 
45055150Novice Adventurer Quest 7We are Maria, and we learn we're tsundere for Kline, and we meet the king.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-01-28 1 
45007892For House and Dominon Civil War 15Finishing up the ball with a dance or two before working to divide up the conquered territories.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-01-28 11 
45070850A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to the many matters of assuring his House's future success.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-01-29 15 
45099473Novice Adventurer Quest 8Cilus enjoys fine dining, meets a mysterious maid, and trouble ensues.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-01-30 1 
45122300Novice Adventurer Quest 8.5We are Annabelle and we encounter sex and violence while looting the castle.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-01-31 1 
February 2016
45157884Novice Heretek Quest 94We try to escape but that isn't easy when everybody wants you dead.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ942016-02-02 6 
45165080Novice Adventurer Quest 9We are Cilus and we learn first-hand on how annoying female thieves are.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-02 0 
45137463For House and Dominon Civil War 16We revisit the Yineput system years later, relive old glories and test out an advanced Gunship Mech.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, mecha2016-02-03 11 
45206423Novice Adventurer Quest 10We finish up the castle incident, and head back home with a certain guest in tow.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-04 4 
45215402A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy's melee continues. Deals are finalized and a few mental breaks are had.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-05 13 
45239733Novice Adventurer Quest 11We visit our childhood friend, get a sword, and go skinny-dipping.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-06 2 
45264638Novice Adventurer Quest 12We go out and find a rare animal, get all nostalgic, and meet a pretty dancer.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-07 3 
45280008Witch Apprentice Quest #12Nadja receives a lesson in courteousness.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-02-08 8 
45281923A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy discusses the grimness of the Hayford's future, the brightness of others and enjoys the end of the melee.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-08 14 
45312571Novice Adventurer Quest 13We talk to a sexy dancer, get throttled, and meet one of the S-rank adventurers.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-09 2 
45321142Novice Heretek Quest 95Our protagonist has an honorbound duel to the death with the Necron Lord who used to rule this world in aeons past. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ952016-02-09 6 
45282356For House and Dominon Civil War 17Rushing back home we begin planning future defense of our holdings, then watch our subordinates become terrifying raiders in their own rightCollective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-02-10 11 
45347891Novice Adventurer Quest 14We have a talk with a paladin, we find a dead body, and we hug a certain cleric.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-11 0 
45359137A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIIn which Brynden Malroy finishes up the Melee in Steadhold and all that entails.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-12 13 
45388774Novice Adventurer Quest 15We have a heart-to-heart talk, go to the town festival, and get a gift from a goddess.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-13 2 
45396811Novice Heretek Quest 96The War of Telematha Begins. As our protagonist starts to escape its world several other plunge to retake it. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ962016-02-14 6 
45407582Novice Adventurer Quest 16We come back to the guild and lead a group to drive off potential dangers from the city.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-14 1 
45450190Novice Adventurer Quest 17We fight assassins, and stop an assassination plot, and get wasted.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-16 0 
45422039For House and Dominon Civil War 18Investment, raiding and loot start things off, followed by planning to thwart a future invasion.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-02-17 12 
45485470Novice Adventurer Quest 18We get a mission, and teach a princess how to fight the right way.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-18 1 
45496860A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIIIn which Brynden Malroy actually finishes up with the events of the Melee in Steadhold. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-19 13 
45535279Novice Heretek Quest 97Heracor has a sudden realization of what he has to live and make of himself and we also start controlling Comissar Oihan!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ972016-02-21 6 
45558347A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy attends to his House and her needs. And finds a web of secrets that finally brings everything together.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-22 13 
45536738For House and Dominon Civil War 19We continue to monitor our distant raider fleets and work to help Rioja's immigration problems.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-02-23 12 
45525262Novice Adventurer Quest 19We fight the princess's bodyguard and go out to see a fight.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-23 1 
45598099Novice Heretek Quest 98Our feeling of guilt makes us leave the Micerian Spitfires and try to get the approbation of a General. We then meet part of his Scions.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ982016-02-23 5 
45618290Novice Heretek Quest 99Short thread were we start to explore the Mining Ship. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ992016-02-24 5 
45588578Novice Adventurer Quest 20We watch the outcome of the match and decide to visit another nation's guild, only to get into a fight.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-25 1 
45626207Novice Adventurer Quest 21We learn about the Rioel guild and about its master, narrowly avoid getting tentacled, and run from a collapsing temple.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-25 1 
45637731A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIn which Brynden Malroy meets with many members of his family. Both old and new. And finds many new truths in the ever expanding web.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-02-26 12 
45666099Novice Adventurer Quest 22We partake in a feast for a king, and ponder on how you've gotten yourself into a strange mess.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-02-27 1 
March 2016
45732699Novice Adventurer Quest 23We go shopping and nearly get attacked, we fight some orcs, and we go on a mission against our will.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-03-01 2 
45768291Novice Adventurer Quest 24We go out shopping and get caught up in a gang war.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-03-03 2 
45779266A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIIn which Brynden Malroy returns to Steadhold, assembles his war council, makes great gains in preparation for war, and finds a spy. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-04 11 
45807009Novice Adventurer Quest 24.5We're still stuck in the building, and we recall our childhood days.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-03-05 2 
45840966Witch Apprentice Quest #13Nadja fails to learn the wrong lessons from the wrong person.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-03-07 7 
45880304One Foot in the Grave Quest 1 James Mantell III get's stabbed, stabs, and Dies. Twice.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Dying twice.2016-03-08 5 
45962850Novice Heretek Quest 100: The EndEnd thread in which I explain why I cannot run anymore and how I would have wished for it to end. Good bye to everybody. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ1002016-03-12 6 
46075291A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy is reunited with many members of his family. Schools some, loves others. Wedding? Soon.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-18 14 
46117006Witch Apprentice Quest #14Nadja gets hurt.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-03-20 7 
46123011Knight vs Dragon practice questA first time QM runs a short quest based off anons' suggestions. It becomes a knight saving the princess from a dragon.Collective game, Acerbus, QM's first quest, Knight vs dragon practice quest, female MC2016-03-20 1 
46203924One Foot in the Grave Quest 5.5Slices of life abounds, Redem is bloody useless at everything, and minion is trapped in spainCollective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Slice of life2016-03-23 1 
46224548A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIIIIn which Brynden Malroy entertains his many guests. Meets with Dornishmen and women alike. And finally is married to Lady Obella Qorgyle.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-25 11 
46246954Witch Apprentice Quest #15Nadja makes a startling discovery!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-03-26 7 
46290534A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIVIn which Brynden Malroy begins to plot the escape of his sister from Lord Royce Redward's clutches and watches the first day of the TourneyCollective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-28 11 
46310397Witch Apprentice Quest #16Nadja makes drawings on scraps of paper.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-03-29 10 
46303217A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIV-iiIn which we continue discussion regarding the Quest, House Malroy past and future, and answer some questions. No new story progression here.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-03-29 10 
46291900For House and Dominon Civil War 20We set a prisoner exchange in motion, work out our diplomatic policy regarding some aliens and squash an organised crime ring.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-03-31 14 
April 2016
46374362A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy sees to the bedding of his new wife, makes decisions for the future, and the Tourney comes to an end.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-01 11 
46386675Fluffing out CW Bel'Aslynsee aboveSpace elf, Ice2016-04-03 1 
46508967Novice Adventurer Quest 25We meet a fellow S-Rank after slaying a dragon, and Kline is in deep shit.Novice Adventurer Quest, Collective Game2016-04-07 1 
46438779For House and Dominon Civil War 21We don't negotiate with terrorists, but we will try to distract them from killing all our marines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-04-07 11 
46556904ASOIAF House Creation Thread: Riverlands EditionAnd lo, House Gauthier was born. "With a Soft Hand."A Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-09 5 
46567400ASOIAF House Creation Thread: House Gauthier pt. 2Our slow attempts to finish house creationA Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-10 5 
46590446A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXVIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy sees to his House's needs just prior to the Invasion of the Princewood. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-11 13 
46645642ASOIAF House Creation Thread: House Gauthier pt. 3Where we add more details and stat up Rotrick GauthierA Song of Ice and Fire, house creation, Gauthier2016-04-14 5 
46671276A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy begins to Invasion of the Princewood attacking the Southern Camp.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-15 12 
46733176For House and Dominon Civil War 22House Bonrah makes some suspicious moves giving us an opening to declare war on them.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-04-21 12 
46780545ASOIAF House Creation: Dorne EditionThe Creation of House Chancer, a load of up-jumped pirates nobody had heard of.ASOIAF, house creation, house chancer, A Song of Ice and Fire2016-04-21 2 
46815422A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XXXIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy makes plans for the Siege of the Forgotten Hall, engages in a pursuit through the Princewood.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-22 12 
46838982A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIn which Lord Brynden Malroy and his twenty good man perform a raid of suicidal proportions. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-04-23 14 
46840672Random Power Generation GameA champion of Slannesh is coming to do things to your orifices you cannot even imagine. Do you survive?Random Power Generation, Emperors Children, 40k, orifice invasion, slannesh, 2016-04-23 2 
46865891A Song of Ice and Fire: House Gauthier Quest, part 1Where we survey all we're destined to lord overCollective Game, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, Game of Thrones, Gauthier2016-04-24 2 
46881870Witch Apprentice Quest #17Nadja's first big trip!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-04-25 7 
46903744Pentecost and the Last CrusadersAnon asks /tg/ for their best results on random tables, like space bats that can carry Baneblades or the nicest heretics ever./tg/ 40000, Last Crusaders, Pentecost, Aurum Space Bats, Rogue Trader, Space Marines, Dice Stories2016-04-26 2 
3343Playing in the Shadows 1A metaquest style prologue with the shapeshifting MC deciding on how to spend his sabbatical.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC2016-04-27 6 
46883731For House and Dominon Civil War 23Allied fleets advance through territory of minor Houses and into Bonrah space itself.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice2016-04-27 11 
May 2016
40951Playing among the Shadows 2Masquerade begins; criminal intent; the first clues.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-02 4 
10083Willikers An abusive policeman awakes from a VR simulation to wreak more havoc than usual.Willikers, Animated, Carter Kriggs, Police, Abuse2016-05-03 3 
40442Greentext Quest 1James gets captured by catgirls, marries one to get away while pretending to be a god. G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, lewd, dice2016-05-04 10 
47023622For House and Dominon Civil War 24In which we chase down a fleeing convoy and divide up more conquered territory.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-05 12 
51460Greentext Quest 2James finds a musclegirl orc to marry. On the way to a shrine, he stops by the elf town.G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, lewd, dice, orc, elf2016-05-05 6 
106793Playing among the Shadows 3Possibly captured, but the secrets of the twins might be worth it.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-10 5 
47166668For House and Dominon Civil War 25Sonia takes a brief vacation and Surveys return in force.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-13 12 
47233947A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes up the Invasion of the Princewood, gets a little close to the fire, and has a baby.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-05-14 12 
96808Greentext Quest 4James has a near death experienceG.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest 2016-05-16 2 
129580GreenText Quest 4.99A fanfic that gets retconned by the actual QM about 2/3 down the thread. MC chills with goblins. G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest2016-05-20 4 
47300412For House and Dominon Civil War 26A timeskip to the beginning of 4033 sees the completion of our force buildup. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-21 11 
47390229For House and Dominon Civil War 27The apocalypse draws nearer, but is delayed by IRL issues.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-26 12 
47473562Kato's a hackAnon's love kissing ass Faggots, tumblr, dice2016-05-28 9 
154180Greentext Quest 5James dances and enjoys his friend's handmade meal. G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, goblins, Greentext Quest2016-05-29 1 
47506660A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy deals with the fallout of the Invasion of the Princewood. Meets many interesting people and makes grand plans. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-05-30 12 
June 2016
47627184A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy, deals with matters at home. Including gathering information regarding the Langwards and with family.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-06-06 11 
204681Greentext Quest 7James encounters a demon G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest2016-06-07 2 
177123Greentext Quest 6James explores the Dragon's DenG.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest2016-06-07 1 
230512Green Text Quest 8James Finally Heads Out To B̶a̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ Fuck The EndG.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest2016-06-12 1 
254435Greentext Quest 9James impregnates the Elemental and permanently learns the Tree spell G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest2016-06-18 1 
47857058A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIn which Lord Brynden Malroy make leave for the Tourney in Highgarden and all that entails. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-06-19 13 
47856308Witch Apprentice Quest #18Nadja makes a new friend!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-06-20 5 
47864980ASoIaF House Creation Thread 1/tg/ begins the process of creating House Malbrand, an ancient house of dubious moral standards from the Westerlands.A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, Creation, House, Malbrand2016-06-22 1 
47842322For House and Dominon Civil War 28The enemy arrives. We commence skirmishing actions and preparation for a major battle. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-06-23 13 
280497A Safe Haven 1 PrologueIt's a young girl's first day of Middle School and despite living what seems to be a normal life, not everything is as it seems. Slice of life2016-06-24 11 
47973182A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIIn which Brynden Malroy meets and mingles with varying Lords and Ladies of the Reach during the Tourney in Highgarden. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-06-27 11 
47955450For House and Dominon Civil War 29The minefield and siege array we've gone to such trouble to acquire are deployed in a pivotal battle.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-06-29 11 
July 2016
48057301How That Guys Can Ruin a Good Game Pt. 2OP is back with a followup and an update: GOOD END GET.Oriental adventures, that guy, problem player, cringe, storytime, poetic justice, fucking rekt, lol2016-07-01 2 
48091950A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy continues to attend the events of the Tourney in Highgarden. Such as the Squire's Melee and Lord Tarly's feasCollective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-04 10 
48126546Witch Apprentice Quest #19Nadja braves the darkness.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-07-05 6 
48209420A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLVIIIIn which Lord Brynden Malroy goes on a hunt with Lord Randyll Tarly, meets some old friends and finally gets what he has been seeking. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-11 14 
48242624Witch Apprentice Quest #20Nadja gets bullied!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-07-13 5 
48244399For House and Dominon Civil War 30House Nasidum invades the Run while our fleets try to wear down their skirmishing forces.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-07-15 12 
48340135A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter XLIXIn which Lord Brynden Malroy jousts for the first time in several years, gains a huge opportunity, and participates in an Archery Contest.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-19 17 
379810You awaken in Westeros... (QUEST, pt. 1)You wake up buck ass naked in Westeros, armed with the knowledge of the book series. Let's not get killed alright? Collective Game, Game of Thrones, You awake in Westeros Quest, A Song of Ice and Fire2016-07-20 6 
48345227For House and Dominon Civil War 31The last enemy Super Heavy in the Relay is disabled and we start planning how to take down the enemy fortress.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-07-22 9 
392358Dungeon Officer Quest #1Varian Engel, former War Magus of Guild Amaranthine, is forced out of his retirement when a threat from the past comes knocking at the door.Collective Game, Dungeon Officer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-07-22 5 
48435299A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Chapter LIn which Lord Brynden Malroy finishes the Archery Contest. And takes a man to trial. Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-07-25 11 
48421016For House and Dominon Civil War 32We perform hit and run with super heavy cruisers. Short Thread.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-07-26 11 
400239Fantasy Officer Quest #1Enter our hero, who finds himself in the middle of a big mess. Shows no mercy, gets a ward under his wings, then gets arrested for murder.commissar, military, officer, Manus2016-07-29 1 
August 2016
48569012Witch Apprentice Quest #21Nadja tries to help!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-08-02 5 
432562Game QuestReal life is a game, and it's horrifically bad.Slice of Life, Original Setting, Game Quest2016-08-03 1 
48604341Witch Apprentice Quest #22Nadja has a bad day.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-08-04 6 
452818Life of a Bastard QuestAdventures of Ser Lucerys Waters, mercenary captain and slaver, in the service of LysMercenary, Slaver, Westeros, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones2016-08-08 4 
48689163Witch Apprentice Quest #23Nadja asks questions nobody wants to answer.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-08-09 6 
443412Game Quest 2It's alright actually.Slice of Life, Original Setting, Game Quest2016-08-10 1 
48673395For House and Dominon Civil War 33We pursue Bonrah ships as they break their blockade then investigate strange activity in the nav hazard. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-08-11 8 
48774302Witch Apprentice Quest #24Nadja doesn't have a great day.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest2016-08-14 5 
48758380For House and Dominon Civil War 34We locate a new nav station constructed by Aries. Players can't decide if we negotiate with terrorists.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-08-16 9 
491047Dungeon Officer Quest #2Friends in unlikely places. Gifts are given, harsh words exchanged, and what was once lost has been regained.Collective Game, Dungeon Officer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-08-24 5 
48938041For House and Dominon Civil War 35We find out the Governor lost some ships but picked up some toys, and get ready for the final showdown in the Run.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Salvage, Dice2016-08-25 8 
September 2016
49062423For House and Dominon Civil War 36The Siege Array finally proves its worth. Knight Commander Avun fights for control of her ship, and the battle is joined in full.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-09-01 12 
49187660For House and Dominon Civil War 37The Mobile Fortress is finally dealt with.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-09-07 11 
584580Witch Apprentice Quest #25Nadja takes Daemonology 101 WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-09-18 5 
567757For House and Dominon Civil War 381st Thread on /qst/. Recap followed by a short Mech battle on Rioja.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-09-18 8 
591524A Song of Revenge and Gold: House Malroy Quest | Recap I-L & Q&AIn which, Lord Brynden Malroy is introduced to /qst/ after a hiatus. Questions are answered, recaps are had, and Father returns home.Collective Game, House Malroy, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-18 10 
547639A Song of Storms and Time: A House Deschain Quest House Deschain is a house located in the middle of Dornish Marches. You play as Ser Wil Deschain, having just earned his knighthood.Collective Game, House Deschain, Deschain, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-22 1 
558058A Song of Storms and Time: A House Deschain Quest #2Ser Wil Deschain arrives in Kings Landing to sort out inheritances and watch some tournaments.Collective Game, House Deschain, Deschain, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-22 1 
604018 A Song of Storms and Time: A House Deschain Quest #3Ser Wil Deschain meets with a Prince and talks about the state of the Seven Kingdoms and Dorne. Collective Game, House Deschain, Deschain, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF2016-09-22 1 
618475Witch Apprentice Quest #26Nadja passes Daemonology 101.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-09-25 5 
619693Sith Apprentice Quest Part 51Brine makes his triumphant return... again.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2016-09-26 24 
October 2016
631780For House and Dominon Civil War 40Surveys, salvage, troop movements and trades.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-10-03 9 
646429Sith Apprentice Quest Part 52We git gud at the Force and then have some dreams and stuff.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2016-10-03 20 
642746Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 1: Welcome to SunnyvaleA new QM, Mayor, opens a slice-of-life quest inspired by the farming life-sim Harvest Moon. We meet our protag, Jacky Richmond.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-03 17 
666142Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #1In which we cry like a baby and get roped into helping some fox become a guild master.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice2016-10-07 8 
676443Witch Apprentice Quest #27Nadja gets lied to.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-10-09 5 
681893Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 2: Tara the TerrorThe slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. The MC, Jacky, confronts Tara, accepts a challenge, plants some crops, and explores the farm.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-11 10 
676442Sith Apprentice Quest Part 53We go on our first mission and rip a Trandoshan in halfSith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2016-10-13 12 
696787Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #2Where we buy some shit, get a skill, bite the shit out of a ghost, and get a new companion.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-10-16 7 
710101Witch Apprentice Quest #28Nadja refuses to let go.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-10-17 5 
684380Dynamic Kid Quest 01Humble beginnings when Miles takes a request and drags a friend with him. Rats, barrels and something bigger ensues.Collective Game, Dynamic Quest, Collette, ice cream, rats, intrigue2016-10-18 15 
693714Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 3: Ero and PeacefulThe slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. Barrels, girls, monsters, and ecchi.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-18 8 
704321Sith Apprentice Quest Part 54We encounter and Mandolorian and two Jedi, and manage to talk our way out of a fight.Sith, Star Wars, Sith Apprentice, Sith Apprentice Quest,2016-10-19 11 
728653Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #3Where we dream, get kissed by a ghost, spaghetti spews from our every hole, nibble the earlier mentioned ghost, and we begin a new dungeon.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-10-24 6 
746756Witch Apprentice Quest #29Nadja makes it all better.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-10-25 5 
710594For House and Dominon Civil War 41Logistics, ship design and our new plasma pistol start things off, followed by giving medals and promotions.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest,