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  • File : 1304323008.png-(312 KB, 500x500, 1304148054496.png)
    312 KB Ice Serpents Time? Ice Serpents time. Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)03:56 No.14784591  
    Hey guys, we haven't done this in a little while.

    Let's do an Ice Serpents Thread.

    I'll type up what I've got so far, feel free to jump in with questions, comments, and suggestions.

    The Pic, by the way, was done by an awesome Drawfag in a recent thread. They apologized because they didn't think they did a good job (I disagreed).

    Anyway, I'm going to start with the Next Post.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:04 No.14784641
    First Company: Formerly Storm Wardens (turns out that name's taken) Now nameless, Led by Chapter Master Alexander Constantine.
    >Terminators and Elite Veteran troops. Masters Of Close-Quarters combat.

    Second Company: Sons of Glacialis Elle, led by Captain Theseous Montoren
    >Almost entirely Heavy Armor and Heavy Armor support.

    Third Company: Winter's Hammer, Lead by Captain Herlad Saintson
    >Siege Warfare specialists. Second only to the Imperial Fists.

    Fourth Company: Ice Fangs, led by Captain Neco Radix
    >Specialized hunter-killer units. Lots of specialized drones and servitors.

    Fifth Company: Hail Storm, led by Captain Animus Frigus
    >Advance charge deep-strikers. Favor high-mobility bikes in support of the absolutely horrifying Scout-Variant Bane-Blade.

    Six Company: Space Knights, led by Chaplin-Captain Galeus 'Fumbles' Cycanus
    >Special reserve and support roles. Generally not on the front-line, due to developmental errors in the Initiation process.

    Seventh Company: Frost Zephyrs, (Scouts) Lead by Scout Captain Dertum Foscali

    Eighth Company: Home Guard (Permanent Garrison/recruitment) Led by Apothecary-Captain Infragilis Moenia

    Ninth Company (Librarians, need name) led by Brother Chief librarian Novus Inimicus

    Tenth Company (Dreadnaughts, need name) led by Certo Pugnaculum the Unshakable.

    Eleventh Company (Artillery Shock and Awe specialists): Storm Serpants led by Battle-Captain Reboare Vigoro

    Battle Cry: Ignis Glaciesque (Fire and Ice)

    The Ice Serpents have rather unconventional views on the Codex. As a result, they currently have just under 1,500 Battle Brothers (counting the Space Knights), no Assault Marines (Only three Jump-Packs. They're all currently in the possession of Ivan the Insane, Venerable Dreadnought who prefers to tackle titans with his two power-fists to anything resembling a tactical approach. Currently also in possession of the Chapter's second highest individual kill-count.)
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:06 No.14784658

    Chapter Fluff had us founded because one of the High Lords of Terra decided that some sort of vague threatening prophecy meant they needed a new chapter of Space Marines.

    Originally a Ultras successer chapter, we decided to buck the rules and go into unique chapter territory for some reason. Once we got there, we ended up with NO assault marines, LOTS of armor (like almost every squad has a Bane-blade or Land raider to call their own level), a bunch of tech-marines (makes sense, we do after all have a lot of tech-stuff), enough librarians and Dreadnoughts that they have their own companies (and deploy along side regular ones as well).

    One of my friends pointed out that the reason the Ultras had so many successors was because 90% of the loyalist members of the traitor legions were folded into the Ultras before the Space Marines we divided into chapters.

    Looking at the fluff we already had, we looked scarily like the Luna Wolves in both colors and spirit.

    So, we rolled with that.

    Currently the only force in the Imperium with the Scout Bane-Blades, traded the rights to produce and use them and Bane-Blades on our private forge-world to Mars in exchange for an STC print of an advanced cooking pot we found on a crusade.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:09 No.14784672
         File1304323774.jpg-(105 KB, 400x500, Ice Serpent 2.jpg)
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    This is a picture of proper Chapter Colors, and the (for me) only real disappointment about the picture the Friendly Drawfag made.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:12 No.14784690
    >Six Company: Space Knights, led by Chaplin-Captain Galeus 'Fumbles' Cycanus

    One of the running jokes from the first thread was there was a guy who kept getting shitty dice-rolls.

    So I named him Brother-Captain Fumbles, and told him that for his repeated failures he got to watch the special-ed Marines.

    This was expanded on later in that when most marines aren't 100% perfect, and this is discovered when they're part-way into the process they often develop some sort of odd mutations, or mentally retard, etc.

    In most chapters, these people become servitors. In the Ice Serpents, since they tend to disregard the Codex a lot, and learned recently of their origins let them try to become full space marines. The ones who don't come out of the process good enough to be a 'Real' Space Marine, get folded into the sixth company on the logic that if nothing else they can be harvested for gene-seed in a couple decades.

    As a result of these somewhat lenient practices, Ice Serpents numbers are swelling a bit beyond what the Codex allows, and they seem to have no intention of stopping.

    Another thing that sets the Chapter apart from others is the semi-open doors policy. Part of this is a necessity, due to the lack of servitors.

    They have many people from their home-planet of Glacialis Elle doing tasks like cooking and cleaning for the chapter, in exchange for doing things like helping train local military.

    Since they chose a shrine-world that is also more or less a Death-World (Due in part to the Saint who first colonized the planet, who did things like import Finrinsian Sea-Dragons for 'sport fishing'.) they share their Fortress Monastery 'The Pillar of Unity' with a local order of the Sisters Hospitaller/Militant: the Order of the Frozen Saint.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:23 No.14784766
    Currently Have two of several planets under control of the Ice Serpents fleshed out:

    Glacialis Elle

    Classification: Shrine World/Chapter Home
    Tech level: Warp-Space local, share a system with a Forge World.
    Star: Yellow Star
    Sector classification: Undetermined. Would like someone with more detailed setting knowledge to help.

    Arbites Presence: Slight
    Astra Telepathica Presence: None/Chapter Controlled
    Astra Astronomica Presence: Token
    Mechanicus Presence: Token
    Administraum: Moderate
    Ministorum: Major
    Inquisition: None officially, Pillar of Unity is the Home-base of a Single Inquisitor.

    Planet Size: Medium
    Axial Tilt: Moderate (like Terra's)
    Length of Day: 2 hours
    Length of year: 52 Terran days/642 local days
    Satellites: Nine
    Gravity: Standard
    Atmosphere: Normal
    Hydrosphere: Watery
    Temperature: Bitter Cold (resulting in skys of Ice protecting the sea-land based civilization about 12 miles down).
    Terrain: The planet is covered in cliffs and cave, with howling fjords everywhere. The seas are near-freezing and treacherous, where there isn't icebergs there's cliffs and plateaus, often stretching all the way to the ice above. Life revolves around the many caves, and the moors and swamps around them. Almost everywhere that isn't around these somewhat cloistered communities is uninhabitable: nothing but frozen deserts and wasteland.

    Population: 41 million
    Government: Democracy (local), Astares mostly exempt.
    Economic base: Ice Serpents, Pilgrimages.
    Cash unit: Imperial Thrones.
    Exports: Negligible.
    Imports: Tech.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:24 No.14784770

    Enforcers: Only a small force, but rather well trained and equipped. We're talking close to guard standards.

    Militia: Almost half of the planet's population has gone in for voluntary military training. It's considered a right of passage, considering the militaristic nature of the Saint the planet was formed in reverence of. The average equipment and training rivals that of the actual enforcers. Mainly civilian by virtue of the fact that they haven't much need for a standing army.

    Standing Army: Not particularly large for the planet's population size, the local PDF has only a scant dozen regiments. One for each of the major cities. They are however, as well equiped and trained as any guard regiment that's ever seen service.

    Armoured Force: The main armored division has only a handful of tanks and transports. Given the hostile and insular nature of the world, there is but one armoured regiment, and most of it's gear has seen better days.

    Titan Force: Amazingly, despite the other lack-luster armor, this planet has something worth boasting about: A single Imperator class Emperor Titan. The only reason it's here is because the local Mechanius have no idea how to get it off-world.

    Private Army/Armies: Rather tiny in size, but a minor Rogue Trader house has it's nominal home here, so it has it's private forces, nearly a regiment in strength and rivaling the guard's stormtroopers, leading the household defense.

    Naval Force: The navy is inconsequential in size and equipment. Existing primarily as a hunting expedition to kill off one of the few life-forms able to thrive here: Fenrisian Sea-Dragons. Not intended for military purposes on the logic that the sea kills far more effectively than any naval power forged by man could hope to.

    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:25 No.14784776

    Orbital Station(s): There are several orbital stations, but they exist mainly as a sort of border-patrol/early warning system. The continued planet-wide military doctrine is in full effect here: We'll hunt down whatever this fucking planet doesn't murder and finish the job.

    Missile Silos (planet): A few short-range anti-air types. Nothing long range because it'd just hit the ice and possibly cause a small collapse.

    Missile Silos (orbital): Only enough for point defense. Local leadership has decided that if the multiple moons somehow managed to not swat them down, they're either clued in to the best way to navigate in, or they've earned the brutal slaughter waiting for them on the 'ground'.

    Defense Lasers: The most potent weapon in the limited space arsenal. Capable of gutting a capital ship from Stem to Stern. They could only afford the one though.

    And of course, the Ice Serpents call this planet home.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:34 No.14784856

    Sharing the System is a Forge World:

    Glacialis Binary

    Classification: Forge World
    Tech level: Advanced Imperial.
    Star: Yellow Star
    Sector classification: Undetermined. Would like someone with more detailed setting knowledge to help.

    Arbites Presence: Slight
    Astra Telepathica Presence: Slight
    Astra Astronomica Presence: Token
    Mechanicus Presence: Dominating.
    Administraum: Small
    Ministorum: Governmental.
    Inquisition: Token.

    Planet Size: Small.
    Axial Tilt: Large.
    Length of Day: 25 hours
    Length of year: 325 Terran days/312 local days
    Satellites: Three
    Gravity: Heavy (1.5 Terran Gravity)
    Atmosphere: Normal, heavily regulated atmosphere.
    Hydrosphere: Moist.
    Temperature: Chilly.
    Terrain: Caves, flat rocks, and cliffs. Due to the amount of canyons, The Cult Mechanicus discovered that the planet was VERY rich in minerals, and the lack of any local life meant they could do pretty much whatever they wanted without worrying about the local ecosystems getting in the way.
    Population: 18 billion
    Government: Since this was in our space, they agreed to be governed by the Ministorum/us and make life pleasant enough for the locals in order to maintain our favor.
    Economic base: Ice Serpents, Tech.
    Cash unit: Imperial Thrones.
    Exports: Imperial Armour, Titans.
    Imports: Supplemental food: seeds for the hydroponic farms, mostly.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:35 No.14784863

    Enforcers: Small, but decently equipped and trained. The local police are about what you'd expect in terms of skill and size, considering the nature of the planet.

    Militia: Since service in any Military branch is volunteer, most people don't opt to go into the militia. Those that do are often surprised at the quality and efficiency of the fighting force, given that the existing budget goes to a much smaller group of individuals.

    Standing Army: Local pdf isn't huge, considering the size, but there are several regiments running around. Not surprising, considering the forge-world receives the direct protection of an Astartes Chapter: Local forces only have to hold out for the weeks travel to the Chapter's home system.

    Armoured Force: Fed on the table scraps of an army it supplies, the local armor is about what you'd expect. Considering that it supplies the Emperor's Angels of War, these table scraps are of immense quality and number: Bolters, Baneblades, Scout Fliers, etc. Stress testing Astartes gear has lead to a surplus of Combat servitors who know how to use it in an emergency.

    Titan Force: One of the few exports that don't go into the Ice Serpent's hands, the massive factories churn out Warhound Titans almost In Mass. The relatively massive turn-over of these God-Machines are the primary reason the other Powers that be in the Imperium don't mind the Chapter owning it's own forge-world.

    Private Army/Armies: Various Rogue Traders make regular stops here, the lack of local fertilizers and certain other necessities along with the output makes sure they do brisk business. Some of the more influential ones own their own local trade depots, with a small standing force to police it. Well numbered and decently trained they're allowed as long as they aid in the defense of the planet should circumstances demand it.

    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)04:35 No.14784872
    As a graphics designer I can tell you that color scheme sucks.
    It's got 5 different colors for a simple model even without painting a picture on shoulder or anything.

    Ultramarines - 3/4ths blue, small white/gold
    Blood Angels - 3/4ths red, small black/gold
    Space Wolves - 3/4ths grey, small yellow/red
    Black Templar - 3/4ths black, small white/red
    Dark Angels - 3/4ths green, small white/red
    Imperial Fists - 3/4ths yellow, small white/red
    White Scars - 3/4ths white, small black/red

    Your scheme - half white, half (grey/light blue/purple/gold)

    It's easy to incorporate a 1 major and 1-2 minors on something like a tank. Not 1 major and 4 minor colors.
    He doesn't need purple shoes if everything else is not purple. The Crimson Fists have a reason for random colors on one body part, your scheme doesn't.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:37 No.14784882

    Naval Force: Given the fact that they're in charge of the production and maintenance of the Chapter's fleet, along with those ships sold to rogue traders and the Imperial Guard (not even counting the Trader's fleets) it's not surprising that their navy is both numerous and well-maintained.

    Orbital Stations: Due to the massive merchant fleets coming and going, a multitude of orbital platforms have been built. They are also, as a side-effect of it's military importance, armed to the point where small armadas would fear it's ire.

    Missile Silos (planet): Fairly large numbers. Not particularly powerful, due to fear of harming the planet's infrastructure.

    Missile Silos (orbital): Part of the Orbital Station's Point Defence, along with others. Stocked with enough Ammo the scuttle a fleet twice the size of the planet it defends.

    Defence Lasers: The REAL teeth of the automated defense systems, almost a half dozen lasers capable of ripping apart capital ships.

    Mercenary Force: Surprisingly, a few mercenary groups, mostly human, call this planet home. Due to it's proximity to more turbulent systems, the easily obtained weapons (black market and otherwise), and the relatively safe planet make it an ideal base of operations. The Ice Serpents are well aware of their existence, and are ready to take out any group that steps outside of excepted parameters at a moment's notice.

    That's most of the stuff so far.

    There's some things I need to ask: Anyone who was involved with making the Emperor's Nightmares I would like to ask pop in and make yourself known.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:42 No.14784919

    That's am kinda harsh way to put it, but I see your point.

    The main color isn't actually white, it's a light grey, with some blues (all of the other colors except the Aquila are a shade of clue). The feel was to go for a cold/ice color scheme since the chapter name and their home-world were both like that.

    The reason for the darker/lighter blues was to provide slightly more contrast to the model.

    That said, I see your point on that, and will look into maybe changing them a bit.

    Any comments or questions on anything else?
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:43 No.14784931

    >That's am kinda
    >That's A kinda


    Man, what the hell is with me and typos today? I ran this shit through spell-check and proofread TWICE and this still got in.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)04:53 No.14784999
    Is tonight a bad night for this or something?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/02/11(Mon)04:56 No.14785013
    Probably the Emp's Nightmare guys are asleep.
    That said, got any more defining characteristics of the Ice Serpents? Maybe like the culture of the area or something.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)05:03 No.14785045

    Their homeworld is very religious, but not so much in a 'prayer meetings' way as they are 'practice what you preach'.

    And they worship a militant Saint.

    Most all the local culture revolves around three things: Religious Reverence, Military, and surviving on this border-line death-world.

    The Ice Serpents themselves worship the Emperor similar to the way some Christians see God: There's God, Jesus, and the 'Holy Ghost' who are both different people and the same person at the same time.

    In regards to the Emperor it's: Omnissiah, Emperor (Human-ish form), Emperor (as a god. Depending on your interpretation of Canon, they can call him the 'Star Child).
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)05:04 No.14785051
    Another /tg/ homebrew Chapter? :>

    Let me guess, more than 1000 marines
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)05:04 No.14785052
         File1304327069.jpg-(44 KB, 397x500, palemarine1.jpg)
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    playing with some 2-3 color schemes for cold marines, pic 1
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)05:05 No.14785057
         File1304327116.jpg-(44 KB, 391x494, palemarine2.jpg)
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    pic 2 (playing with colors that're cold without looking like Ultramarines)
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)05:09 No.14785081
         File1304327393.jpg-(41 KB, 398x494, palemarine3.jpg)
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    pic 3
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)05:11 No.14785089

    both of these look like different megaman armours for the ice power in different games... which is good.

    i vote 2nd one, the lighter blue looks "icey"
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)05:11 No.14785093

    Like how they see the different aspects of the Emperor as parts of a greater whole, they see themselves as a part of a greater whole that is the Imperium.

    They discourage the sort of wild Cowboy sort of tactics like rushing into the enemy and such in favor of the strategic approach to such things.

    They like the Imperial Fists for having a similar philosophy.

    They only have one exception in that reguard: If innocents are in danger, they take priority. The only thing above citizens is The Mission they're on, and even then they will try to compromise to help any bystanders. Only when it comes to having to choose between the two with no gray area will they allow harm to fall Imperial citizens.

    They believe in loyalty: To the Emperor, Humanity, The Chapter, and the Imperium.

    In that order, no exceptions.

    This somewhat unique view on their relationship with each-other and humanity at large is both the cause and effect for their slightly disdainful attitude towards the Codex Astartes.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)05:15 No.14785109

    Out of the three I'd say the second one comes closest to how they should look.

    I personally favor Fenris Gray/Ice Blue mix (since you seem to be using the Bolter and Chainsword painter) with some gold (For the chapter emblem and certain special markers) for contrast.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)05:16 No.14785116
         File1304327776.jpg-(43 KB, 394x492, palemarine4.jpg)
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    not a personal fan of the half-half but testing for variety

    some of the colors in the other ones could use tweaking but next to ultramarines they definitely don't look identical.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)05:27 No.14785165
         File1304328444.jpg-(44 KB, 387x480, palemarine5.jpg)
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    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)05:38 No.14785227
         File1304329096.jpg-(85 KB, 400x500, alt scheme.jpg)
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    I was inspired by this to try and create a different color scheme or two of my own.

    This is the first one.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)05:42 No.14785254
         File1304329361.jpg-(86 KB, 400x500, alt scheme 2.jpg)
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    This is the second. Honestly, I like this one more.

    The colors should really feel more muted and cold.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)05:53 No.14785302
    Anyway, figured I should put this here:

    If anybody from the Emperor's Nightmare project is on, I wanted to toss out a question:

    Is it cool with you if our Chapters are bros? I ask because we used Deathwatch creation rules to kick-start this, and one of the rolls put us as really good friends with another chapter.

    Some among us (myself included) thought it would be cool if we went with another /tg/ Chapter, and the only one we knew of (that were serious) was yours.

    We learned of more since then, but between the focus over-all on defense, and the way your chapter views some things (like the close relations to the people of your home-world) makes it seem like the best fit.

    This is one of the few things that's still up in the air (big things anyway), and it's something I feel compelled to ask since you guys put a lot of time and effort into what you're doing.
    >> Kamaluq !zrj8XSKLEc 05/02/11(Mon)06:06 No.14785362

    I don't see why they couldn't be friends. In fact, I think most of us res/tg/uardians were of the opinion that the Nightmares are in dire need of some friends among the Astartes, fellow battle-brothers that can deal with (or simply disregard) their overall weirdness.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)06:12 No.14785380

    It's entirely likely that at least part of our Gene-stock comes from Horus.

    So if you can get past that we're golden.

    In all seriousness, since both chapters are defensively minded (In theory anyway), wouldn't it make sense for both to be based fairly close to one another?
    >> Starshadow 05/02/11(Mon)06:34 No.14785473
    res/tg/uardian here

    Where exactly is the chapter located? The Nightmares are located in Tempestus near the Raven Guard in the galactic south.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)06:45 No.14785526

    Don't have an official location.

    Luckily, our reason for founding (M 37) was because of the Reign of Blood wrecking so much shit, and a vague prophecy about something really bad that they needed a Chapter created for the sole reason of dealing with it.

    So we can put it wherever the hell we want to, and say that's where the Emperor's Tarot wanted us to be.

    (Given the fact that every second to third squad has a Baneblade and we're coming up on 2,000 members rather quickly it's gotta be a real shit-storm.)
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)06:46 No.14785542

    Part of the reason I hadn't set a location was because I don't know the 40k Galaxy map well enough to not do something like place us right in the middle of a fucking Xeno controlled patch of sky.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)06:52 No.14785593
    Is 4chan acting completely borked for anyone else?

    Because shit has been happening ALL DAY for me.
    >> Starshadow 05/02/11(Mon)06:57 No.14785639
    Here is a quick rundown:

    The universe is divided into 5 parts, a circle centered on Earth and the rest partitioned into 4 slices. The Nightmares are in the galactic "south" along with the Raven Guard, Tallarns, Krieg and Sororitas Headquarters.

    West of us is Tanith and the rest of the Sabbat worlds. East of us are the Ultramarines and Tau. And to the far north is Cadia and the Eye of Terror.
    >> Starshadow 05/02/11(Mon)07:01 No.14785678
    Yeah 4chan can get buggy. But I'm not having any issues at the moment.

    I'm liking the fluff you have so far. Something I noticed with /tg/ chapters is that marines tend to live closely with normal humans. Either inhabiting the same planets or assuming leadership over the population.

    It could be that we just got lucky with the dice. But then again having no social contact other than plucking feral warriors off some crapsack world is kind of boring.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)07:11 No.14785757

    So Segmentum Tempestus?

    Sounds alright so far.

    As for the close interaction, It was one part luck, one part side-effects with the other stuff we were doing.

    We rolled the Home-planet first, and only after did we make a Chapter on a whim.

    Then it just so happened that the Chapter's Home-world description we rolled for was close enough that it could easily fit the world we just made.

    Then we rolled a Forge-world, that fit very easily into the system we already had, and with our chapter needing a lot of supplies.

    Then when we rolled for the Forge-World's government, and it went to the Ministorum, which our Chapter has some close ties to since we live on a Shrine world.

    When we thought about how we could avoid servitors almost entirely, we realized how well-trained the local military was....

    It all just sort of came together.
    >> Chapter Master Alexander Constantine 05/02/11(Mon)07:23 No.14785834
    Alright, it's really late where I'm at, so I'm gonna go.

    If the thread's still up when I get back I'll pop in.

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