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!!cAsGzl185mF 05/01/12(Tue)21:19 No.18941379 File: 1335921557.gif-(7 KB, 1410x910, Formation.gif)
 The fleet begins a slow advance, nothing major but the fleet will certainly arrive in orbit within two or three hours. Every so often you catch something over fleet wide coms, the Admirals giving broad orders to make sure there's no interruption. You've never heard of Fleet Admiral Quersett Ehkhif before today but someone couldn't make it to that rank without a bit of know-how. "Starfighter squadrons, continue to wait in reserve."
"Alex what's happening, my sensors aren't cut our for making sense of this many contacts." Asks Mike. "Looks like the enemy scarabs are holding just outside the fleet's effective range. They're falling back as we advance."
Red icons pop up on your screen centered on the cargo blocks of some older transports. "Incoming missile volley!" Someone reports over fleet coms. As missile trails begin to approach the fleet numbering in the hundreds or perhaps thousands you realize it isn't one transport firing them but one hundred. Some of the Scarabs outfitted with missile racks join in, filling the space between the fleets. "Forward ranks, Fire!" The fleet lines open up, doing their best to return fire or shoot down the missiles with their beam weapons. Regardless large numbers of missiles make it through, only to impact ineffectively against shields. |