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05/18/11(Wed)02:47 No.14966447 File1305701242.jpg-(74 KB, 800x600, 2333_md-Scouts, Snipers(...).jpg)
By examining his scout drones and analyzing the movements of the tyranid army, he discovered that he could cut off the synapse at a crucial choke point, sealing the tyranids into a frozen valley. He immediately lead a team of 10 scouts into hostile territory. By the time he reached the choke point necessary to seal the tyranids in, 7 of his allies had fallen. Because the Hive Mind was now anticipating the drones, he had no choice but to turn to his personal weapons. He turned to his sniper rifle, delivering a crucial blow to a Tyrant's head. The tyranids immediately started to scurry, looking for where the shot came from. However, this was soon lost, as they payed more attention to the countless space marines closing in on them. As he stared at the endless tide of gaunts, he could see land raiders forcing the tyranids into the frozen valley, and units already lining the top, ready to rain death upon their alien foes. Following this victory, Radix was highly praised for his dispatching of 4 enemy leaders in one battle, and even named a captain of a new company: the Ice Fangs. This new company, under Radix's command, would prove to show the pinnacle of both hunter-killer stealth and stratagem. _______________________________ Overall, a pretty dull story. Probably could've done better. |