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  • File: 1336289576.png-(48 KB, 500x500, ElvisWalrus_Coloured.png)
    48 KB Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 3, the Age of Ice (Continued) FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)03:32 No.18996830  
    A continuation of this thread: http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/18971217,; but since it's going into autosage, I figured I'd put it back on the boards, since folks are still contributan' and want to participate.

    Refer to that thread or it's archived version on suptg for rules/details.
    > http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/18971217/

    See and vote up the previous threads here:
    > http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Fortune%20Evolution

    Alright, now that the introductions are out of the way, let's get this freak show back on the road!
    (Also, a hearty thanks to the anonymous drawfag who sketched up my opening picture. You are god-tier, whoever ye be.)
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)03:42 No.18996911
    Are you planning to give us a recap of the previous thread's species, FortuneHost?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)03:49 No.18996951
    The last couple evolutions from the last thread did not get archived. I believe it was the shellfrogs that were eating the sea ginger and the grand raveshark with the extra fins down its sides.
    >> FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)03:51 No.18996966
    Sure thing, though I made this for the people who are still wanting to post in the previous thread. For two days the thread moved super-slow and then sped up tonight like one would not believe. Unfortunately by now the previous thread's in autosage.

    I'm only going to give the most recent creatures though, for a full history I reccomend the archives, which are on suptg as linked above.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)03:52 No.18996975
         File: 1336290763.jpg-(259 KB, 1222x487, shellfrog3.jpg)
    259 KB
    Well here are my shellfrogs

    The Shellfrogs begin eating the Sea Ginger's salt crystals. The males grow an additional throat sack, giving them a two tone chirping croak.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)03:58 No.18997014
         File: 1336291135.jpg-(346 KB, 1600x1440, leech tree.jpg)
    346 KB
    Two Leech evolutions:

    > Predaleech (branch-off of Deep Rock Leech)
    > Carnivorous (eats Rock Suckers)
    > Aquatic (deep see/abyss)

    The Rock Leech's teeth evolve into something a little sharper and harder with a muscle that lets them be pushed forward out of the mouth, almost but not quite a beak. These new "Predaleeches" go around eating their relatives, grappling them with their tentacles, then cracking their shells open and slurping the delicious goo inside up with all seven mini-beaks. They're still quite helpless against any other predator, but at least they're a step up on the food chain. Enterprising Predaleeches hitch a ride on other animals and scour them for rock leeches, killing and eating any that are found and providing a valuable service to the community.
    >no pic, because not sure how to draw little beaky things

    > Pink Predaleech (branch-off of Predaleech)
    > Carnivorous (eats Tough Pinkies)
    > Aquatic (shallow)

    These Predaleeches have been carried up or migrated from the deep ocean nearer to the surface, adopting a pigment similar to their Pink Leech ancestors and have begun hunting the soft-shelled Tough Pinkies, repeating their "ride on the parasite's prey until one comes aboard" trick in these shallower waters.
    >again no pic lol
    >> FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)04:03 No.18997044
    Don't worry, the suptg archives refresh every two hours and a final time when the thread 404s, but, failing that, archive.foolz.us/tg/ archives *all* threads and recently started including *all* the accompanying pictures, so need to fret, Fortunates.

    Ah, that many less to reload, thanks Anon(s). Excellent art by the way. Really going the extra mile, hopefully it inspires the others, rather than intimidate them away (as one Anon feared was happening when the previous thread was going along slower-than-molasses.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)04:08 No.18997076
    Just wanted to say thanks to whoever cooked up those two doodles for me in that pic :D
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)04:10 No.18997090
    Spineback Demolisher - bus sized apex predator of the tundra and forest. Long sticky chameleon like tongue bony armor plate. Sub woofer like bellow. Solitary. Destroy and uproot spike trees to get at the creatures in the roots.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)04:13 No.18997111
         File: 1336292001.jpg-(116 KB, 965x550, 1336276168155.jpg)
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    >> Available Species: Mountain Crab FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)04:16 No.18997132
         File: 1336292214.png-(120 KB, 618x452, giant enemy crab!!!.png)
    120 KB
    > Name: Mountain Crab
    > Habitat: Mountains, Alpine Highlands, and Cliffs
    > Diet: Scavenger, occasional Cannibalism
    Their trials have made the crabs hard and ruthless... they have survived by going out and feeding on their relatives... and then interbreeding with them. The Murder Crabs, Clifflclimber Crabs and Stone Crabs begin to blend together into a single species.
    From the Murder Crabs, the creatures develop a cannibalism. Upon birth, the young take their teeth to one another, and then disperse, to establish lairs of their own in the cold unforgiving rock. There is little meat in the mountains, and it is not unheard of to see such cannibalism even into adulthood. Other than that, the usual fare of the Mountain Crabs are wayward Bloats, the odd Chomper, lots of scavenging.
    The Mountain Crabs repurposed their inherited fertilizer organ and spray a noxious fluid, used to poison Bloats and bring down those out of claw reach, and to repel Spinebacks. The liquid is an irritant to most creatures, but toxic to the Bloats.

    > about the picture
    I tried using a different style for this image, it's still a work-in-progress. I tried loose, fast, and dynamic with this one, feel free to let me know if you like it Fortunates, or if I should go back to my previous style (semi-Shwig and surface blurs).
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)04:17 No.18997137
    It might be useful to get something like one of those super easy Google Sites just to put basic info on instead of having to reference old threads. (I know I had a booger of a time trying to figure out stuff!)
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)04:18 No.18997150
         File: 1336292299.jpg-(184 KB, 1019x764, wollyspineback.jpg)
    184 KB

    the Spineback demolisher gets furrier, becoming a Wolly Spineback Demolisher
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)04:19 No.18997164
    I think the style isn't bad in general, but you should probably clean up those edges.
    >> FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)04:40 No.18997265
    Oooh, that's not a bad idea, though I don't feel like filling out a profile. I may just make a Word Document or text file for it. I suppose the benefit of teh Google sites would be the online access and availability, though, huh?

    Oh worry not, like I mentioned, work-in-progress. Refinement was implied, not the least of which was the cleaning of said edges. The line work was my main point-of-difference, I think.
    >> Raveshark Family Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)04:50 No.18997315
         File: 1336294255.jpg-(342 KB, 1799x1053, Raveshark Family2.jpg)
    342 KB
    There are currently 3 varieties of Ravesharks.

    The Midnight Raveshark prowls the mid to upper ocean. It has bio-luminescent organs on its gills that is uses to attract mates. These can scare away prey, starving the fish. 6 feet long

    The Great Raveshark is the ultimate predator of the Abyss. It is 12 feet in length and has an enlarged head and prehensile tentacles that help it eat large prey. It has the same advantages of bio-luminescence.

    The Shadow Raveshark is much smaller, only 3 feet. It is no longer bio luminescent and its tentacles have atrophied allowing it bite prey easier. It hunts in schools.
    >> agent of evolution 05/06/12(Sun)04:57 No.18997354
         File: 1336294659.png-(144 KB, 575x420, skullroot_scorpion.png)
    144 KB
    The Parasitic Skullroot has undergone a drastic evolution - now when it finds itself within the gut of a Proboscis Scorpion it will eat it's way to the Scorpions head, replacing it with it's own and only retaining the Scorpions eyes. It will then seek out a Tree Serpent to eat it, and live the rest of it's life in the larger and more hospitable Serpent gut.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)04:59 No.18997360
    ...and there's our Cordyceps
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)04:59 No.18997362
    So that's where you were going with those things.
    >> agent of evolution 05/06/12(Sun)05:01 No.18997371

    I didn't have a plan, it just seemed natural.
    >> Alpine Herb Family Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)05:02 No.18997377
         File: 1336294953.jpg-(274 KB, 941x1152, Alpine Herb Family.jpg)
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    The Alpine Herb has a symbiotic fungus in its roots that makes it poisonous to many creatures, especially Mountian Crabs.

    The Boom Ginger is a relative in the Steppes. It's large dry leaves act as kindling for the volatile fungus. During the summer the Boom Ginger explodes, dispersing chunks of its bulb and fungus.

    The Sea Ginger is a relative of the Boom Ginger that has found its way to coasts. The Salt Water kills the fungus and forms salt crystals on the tips of its leaves.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)05:02 No.18997380

    While you are taking feedback: your style is definetely really nice, that mountain crab is pretty rad-looking. Thing is, for the purpose of these evo games, a simple, yet clean style is probably the best. Something you can easily use the filler tool on and where crude lines drawn in paint won't stand out as much, so that people not as skilled in image editing won't be deterred from joining in.
    On another note, thanks for running these threads, keep up the good work!
    >> agent of evolution 05/06/12(Sun)05:19 No.18997466
         File: 1336295984.jpg-(246 KB, 1222x487, crystal_frogs.jpg)
    246 KB

    With their new diet so high in salt, crystals begin growing out of their shells! When male frogs fight, the victor eats the losers crystals, making the size of the crystals a key indicator of strength for female Frogs seeking a mate.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)05:21 No.18997479
    I can't help it, the male looks like he's poopin'
    >> Available Species: Gel Walrus FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)05:23 No.18997493
         File: 1336296230.jpg-(60 KB, 420x318, 1336277935017.jpg)
    60 KB
    Yeah, it was meant to be a "thread starter" image or title page, in fact. I'll work on a "easy-to-edit" version here, real quick, unless someone else wants to take the reins on that one.
    Thanks for the complements, it's you folks who make it fun to run.

    Had to look that word up... great Hera, zombie shrooms, in real life too. 0_o
    > Name: Gel Walrus
    > Diet: Substrate/Dirt
    > Habitat: Steppes/Plains (especially common along coasts of these areas)
    There is also the Gel Walrus, a steppes-dwelling dirt-eater. They eat by ejecting their stomach cavity out of what looks like their tail (but is really where the mouth is located) and "vomit" stomach acids onto the bare earth. They then consume the partially digested mess that results.
    The Gel Walrus is a very proliferate species, as they are difficult to eat by other creatures, due to the jelly-like composition of their body, the lack of nutrients and the potent stomach acids at their cores.
    So, to reiterate, they only need eat *dirt* and have no predators. Yes, they're fucking errywhere on the steppes. They are also not unwelcome to the ocean, as their oceanic lineage still shines on, letting them swim through the water if need be, though they rarely feel the need to.
    It is posited that this may, in fact be a form of play, a rather relatively advanced behavior for such a primitively constructed organism.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)05:33 No.18997536
    Fortune, which of the ancestral sea critters are still around in some form or other? The Porkies with the vacuole for example aren't much more complicated than real world comb jellies, and probably exist in similarly large numbers even at this modern ice age point. It'd be nice to have an inventory of what all there is to eat that isn't related to a hyper advanced predator. :p
    >> Deus vs Machina 05/06/12(Sun)05:41 No.18997578
    The Great Ravesharks have developed an elastic, distendable stomach and increased the efficiency of their digestive system. They begin swallowing prey whole, digesting it slowly within their stomachs.
    >> FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)05:57 No.18997658
         File: 1336298265.png-(42 KB, 490x476, MountainCrab_Template.png)
    42 KB
    A new Mountain Crab template.

    That's a good question, I have no idea. So many people have created offshoots rather than just straight-evolutions it's been hard to keep track.

    Why, do you need a handy food-beast?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:02 No.18997675
    Go through everything and get a proper and complete list before starting the next thread. Ideally with full evolution trees and template images of each creature that's available.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:03 No.18997681
    Not at present, it's more idle curiosity about what all we have on Fortune!
    >> FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)06:09 No.18997708
    That will take a metric fuckton-and-a-half of work, but I suppose y'all are worth it.

    A *lot* of critters, that much is for certain. More than I can handle sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:11 No.18997722
    Sure it's plenty work. But I can tell you for sure it's not more work than a lot of other things fa/tg/uys have done that you may (or may not) have enjoyed.
    And it's not utterly essential but it will make things go evenly and provide the best possible evo/quest.
    >> Good Night, for Now FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)06:23 No.18997768
         File: 1336299795.jpg-(8 KB, 250x164, Antarctica_sun_scenic_a_tn[1].jpg)
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    Oh very true, I'll be doing it, don't misunderstand me.

    Well gang, it's 5 in the am where I live, so I must bid you all many a fond farewell for the evening. Keep on evolving, adapting, or developing these awesome critters and plants.
    Don't forget to also (continue) to uprate these threads over @ suptg.
    Carry on, ladies & germs.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:25 No.18997779
         File: 1336299932.jpg-(122 KB, 965x550, 1336276168155.jpg)
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    The woolly spineback has developed further armored plating. This has allowed it to migrate into areas where having excess fur would be a risk for parasites, as well as becoming waterlogged. indeed, the Spineback demolisher will make infrequent trips into water for short swims. On occasion it will even make an opportunistic attack against an unwary aquatic organism, though this is not often successful. On occasion it will eat gel walruses, though it seems to find them unsavory compared to other creatures.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:34 No.18997818
    What creatures have not evolved for a while?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:35 No.18997823
    The ones nobody remembers.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:40 No.18997843
    tis a harsh world. but the snow beetles, the carrion flies, and the exploding herbs, as well as the murder bush...that spike tree thing. could all use some love.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:41 No.18997852
    The plant called the Vampire Lily evolved *once* downright aeons ago...
    Water Berries haven't changed at all.

    The Blueflies haven't been touched in ages. See here:
    > http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/18971217/#18975454
    > http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/18971217/#18978656

    Webspinners haven't been adapted since Part 2
    > http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/18929052/#18941586

    Sailfins need some love too...
    > http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/18971217/#18992775
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:43 No.18997859
         File: 1336300989.png-(313 KB, 723x721, 1332610716868.png)
    313 KB
    hey guys whats going on in here? Oh! a pristine world without horror you say! Well, I guess i could help evolve some of your inhabitants. ONWARD, TO SCIENCE!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:47 No.18997881
    >no horror
    Oh yeah? Check this shit out:
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:47 No.18997884
    > without horror
    Ha ha ha, nope. Some nightmare fuel of our own has already emerged.
    One Anon evolved a creature inspired by the tongue louse, and another inspired by the Cordyceps fungus.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:50 No.18997898
    yeah...yeah...not too bad. might be able to work some magic with those sea berries..Im diggin on the murder bush though.Spikes seem to pop out and kill everything around it, then shank back in to murder what crawled inside.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)07:06 No.18997993
    hey could someone collected the untouched life forms and put them into one big picture. avoids extra posts and will grab the lazy art types attention.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/06/12(Sun)07:10 No.18998012
         File: 1336302635.png-(39 KB, 509x288, sailflyer.png)
    39 KB
    Alright, guys, help me out here, what did the shellfrog split off from? I know it's on the wiggle line, but did it straight off develop from the snails? I have an idea for a creature splitting off from there, but not sure what to start from, I was hoping for a minimal amount of shell.

    Anyway, sailfins adapt towards gliding through the air further, gaining a stronger tail for more powerful jumps, and developing a sleeker head, with a more aerodynamic beak and fewer feelers.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/06/12(Sun)07:53 No.18998236
         File: 1336305190.jpg-(54 KB, 581x534, fursurpunt.jpg)
    54 KB
    The fur serpents continue to further adapt to largely subterranean life in the far north. Their tails widen, and form into a burrowing implement to compliment their feelers.

    They also change coloration of their mane and eyes, and their fur spreads further over their heads, allowing them to look out of the snow without being noticed.
    >> agent of evolution 05/06/12(Sun)08:40 No.18998499

    The creature the shell frog came from is no longer available. You can either make a new branching evolution or just evolve the existing frog.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)10:52 No.18999274
         File: 1336315924.jpg-(22 KB, 200x250, alpine herb.jpg)
    22 KB
    In some regions of the high mountains, the fungus is slowly taking the upper hand in the relationship, covering the entire root system taking more of the sustenance for itself leaving the actual plant smaller and shriveling
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:26 No.18999548
    Can I get an informed opinion on relative sizes of these beasties? Specifically, I was wondering about the Proboscis Scorpion and the Gel Walrus.
    >> agent of evolution 05/06/12(Sun)11:38 No.18999668

    The Scorpions are small enough to be prey for the Tree Serpents, so I imagine them to be around the size of a large wasp or mouse. It has been mentioned that the Walrus is ocassionally eaten by Spinebacks, so I guess they are about the size of a walrus (given the Spineback is the size of a bus).

    OP won't be back for some time, so that's the best I can give you.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:02 No.18999826
         File: 1336320136.png-(101 KB, 575x420, proboscisscorpio.png)
    101 KB
    Thanks, that's quite enough actually.

    So the proboscis of the Scorpions shortens and stiffens a bit, allowing them to puncture Gel Walruses and feed on their constituents. How this affects the walruses is up in the air for now
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:04 No.18999839
    That's bodily fluids, not voters.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:14 No.18999907
         File: 1336320898.png-(103 KB, 571x565, MountainCrab_01.png)
    103 KB
    That sounds right to me. Here's some more:
    Wretch - bear size
    Chomper - gorilla sized
    Tree Serpent - anaconda sized
    carrion fly - fist sized
    shellfrog - size of a bullfrog
    mountain crab - see image
    Musclebro, ever the helpful caricture lends his "image-to-scale" services once again.
    >> FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)12:18 No.18999935
    When drained, a Gel Walrus tends to shrink, as its body rearranges to make up the difference when it loses "putty".

    >forgot my name
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:25 No.18999979
    Man, that's highly corrosive acid they're drinking.

    Since it doesn't kill them, the Gel Walruses make no attempt to stop the scorpions feeding on them. Yet.

    >no picture because no change
    >> FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)12:33 No.19000060
    No, only the Walrus' stomach acids are corrosive IIRC.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:35 No.19000075

    That's what they're drinking.
    >> Lunchtime Bump FortuneHost 05/06/12(Sun)13:29 No.19000457
    Still plenty of evolving to do folks, don't be shy.
    I've got stuff to do later today, so this will be my last post until tomorrow, I imagine.

    I look forward to what wonders you create in my absence.
    >> fatherofthemoons 05/06/12(Sun)13:31 No.19000482

    Oh man is that a cool new take on their parasitic nature. Props man props. Can't wait for my critters to meet those.

    Speaking of which I'll be posting up a new Skullroot evolution soon, until then bumping thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:09 No.19000761
    Actually I was thinking more the gel gunk than the acids.
    >> That one guy 05/06/12(Sun)14:10 No.19000768
         File: 1336327800.png-(69 KB, 399x490, 1336199537627.png)
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    These little guys aren't dead yet, right?

    Rock crabs bunch up together and create larger farms.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:11 No.19000784
    Pretty sure they're merged into the agglomerated Mountain Crab population, since their food (the Alpine Herb) went poisonous on them.
    >> agent of evolution 05/06/12(Sun)14:25 No.19000888

    They are, they (along with all the other crabs) turned into this:

    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:00 No.19001205
         File: 1336330853.png-(306 KB, 800x600, flamingmountaincrab.png)
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    The Mountain Crabs are a-changing. Rather than the poisonous bile they spit previously they now upchuck a slightly shorter range burst of a poryphoric liquid, useful for fending off cannibals on the war path or keeping warm on particularly cold winter nights.

    Also my flames are terrible and I should feel terrible. But I don't.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:02 No.19001217
    That's "pyrophoric". God damn it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:47 No.19002285
    The Bladed Flipper seems like it has remained unevolved since before the ice age
    >> Deus vs Machina 05/06/12(Sun)17:13 No.19002557
         File: 1336338826.png-(56 KB, 1626x610, GreatRaveshark4.png)
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    Great Ravesharks' sensory organs have developed into something resembling true eyes. These eyes detect infrared signatures, whereas their conventional eyes detect visible light.
    >> Father 05/06/12(Sun)17:56 No.19003005
         File: 1336341363.png-(24 KB, 372x553, 1336286757620.png)
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    Hah hah time for evolution!

    The Skullroots have taken to a new sort of life, one that doesn't require them to leave the Resin Packets, before the Asparagus trees open they begin to produce resin again and as such the resin packet begins to drain, when this begins the Skullroot, roots herself into the base of the packet and goes dormant along with her precious cargo or Tadseeds.

    The Skullroots begin to grow older and their spinalroots form together while other roots begin to form a new skeleton, like ribs and shoulder pieces. It would appear they are getting ready for a mobile life post resin packet, but since their skin, stomach, and reproductive organs are all they have the Skullroots remain stilled.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:56 No.19003767
    I'm going to bump this. It seems to me we need to do some backwork and make evolution trees for the first three threads. This will only get more difficult if we put it off. Seems to me the Chompers need a tree, so I'll work backwards from their last incarnation in thread 3, and make an evo tree. Anyone else want to call something? Be a good sport.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:19 No.19004058
         File: 1336346353.png-(389 KB, 4900x210, Pinkie to Gel Walrus small.png)
    389 KB

    Ta da.
    >> Chomper Family Tree Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:11 No.19004619
         File: 1336349470.jpg-(943 KB, 2013x2635, chomperfamily.jpg)
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    Here are the descendants of the Chomper. Forgive me if I leave out important info or lines, and please add to this if I have.

    the Wolly Spineback Demolisher is the premier predator of the Ice Age. The Size of a Bus, with a powerful tounge and powerful tusks. Likes to burrow under snow.

    the Wretch is a pack hunter, which likes to eat Chompers and occasionally take down a Spineback.

    The Chompers are omnivores, that tend to scavange for food. The Thumbed Chompers have learned to defeat the defense mechanisms of the Stiletto Trees and use their spines as simple tools to break apart the trees edible parts.. The Humped Chompers have humps that store energy.

    Great! Glad someone took up my call.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:29 No.19004834
    This seems improbable to me. Fortunehost nixed a cold spewing creature earlier, you might have to be satisfied with poison bile.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:57 No.19005167
    If they evolved to eat the Alpine Herbs again, maybe they could eventually piss fire (under the right circumstances), but that's a few creative evolutions away!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:58 No.19005177
    now...if you explain it just a little better, like they eat the exploding herbs, but the explosives in them are filtered out by a special kidney or liver, and stored in a seperate bladder due to how caustic they are...then when they are expelled two special teeth at the "urethra" click together to make a spark...science...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:01 No.19005214
    We really need trees that resemble Phylogeny charts, showing what's still alive (just because the Gel Walruses evolved from the Pinkies doesn't mean all the other pinkie-forms are dead)
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:53 No.19005736
         File: 1336355609.jpg-(120 KB, 965x444, 1336276168155.jpg)
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    the woolly demolisher is no longer woolly. All the fur that once clung to its underlying exoskeleton has fallen off. Yes readers, the spineback has an exoskeleton as well as a conventional skeleton. This is the secret to how it hauls its massive bulk around.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:44 No.19006364
         File: 1336358685.png-(40 KB, 200x191, fool.png)
    40 KB
    An example of a "thumbed" Chomper using the "stiletto" of the Stiletto Tree to kill a Barkworm.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:53 No.19006479
    /r/ing the the whole Tree so far.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:17 No.19006787
         File: 1336360624.jpg-(95 KB, 366x372, thumbchomper.jpg)
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    the Thumbed Chompers teeth flatten, their canines shorten, as their diet shifts to vegetables.

    Take a look through the threads on the archive, there are various trees, as well as trees on this thread. I might make some more trees in a minute.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:32 No.19006997
         File: 1336361576.jpg-(98 KB, 664x474, wretch.jpg)
    98 KB
    The Spinebacks get increasingly aggressive and the less nimble, heavily armored Wretches are their favorite prey. The remaining wretches are selected for more nimble forms and less scaly armor. They tend to eat less now..
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:39 No.19007062
         File: 1336361963.jpg-(96 KB, 366x378, humpchomp.jpg)
    96 KB
    The Humped Chompers get longer bodies with an accompanying extra hump. They lose agility but can store more energy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:47 No.19007163
         File: 1336362479.jpg-(58 KB, 1200x600, Yeah,RIP.jpg)
    58 KB
    The Bladed Flipper, forgotten by evolution, is now extinct, as there are no more swamps for the Flipper to breed in.
    Seriously though, amphibious creatures do terribly in ice ages, and given the fact that no one evolved the little guy, it would only make sense for them to be extinct.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:48 No.19007168
         File: 1336362492.jpg-(98 KB, 581x534, furserpents2.jpg)
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    The Furserpents develop stronger feelers. They continue burrowing under the Asparagus Trees.,
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:13 No.19007472
    Is there a predator for the Parasitic Skullroot?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:21 No.19007549
    Didn't they eventually become like a spider-thing in the asparagus trees?
    >> Blyoat Family Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:31 No.19007625
         File: 1336365062.jpg-(726 KB, 3600x1444, blyoatfamily.jpg)
    726 KB
    Blyoats are creatures that rely on photosynthesis, but increasingly eating plants. Most Blyoats float. They all have "tubs" on their backs, a pool of fluid in which plants grow and are digested. It uses its trunk to put things in its tub. Its orange spots are photosynthetic.

    The Land Blyoat has some shaggy fur, and mud shrubs now survive in its tub. It has a split trunk to help uproot plants.

    The Sea Blyoat has algae masses that grow in its fur.

    The Giant Sea Blyoat has lost its flight, and grown in size to fend off predator sailfish. It floats on the surface of the water.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:31 No.19007630
    That was their offshoot. The original linage has not evolved since before the ice age.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:32 No.19007638
    Not specifically. I could see chompers eating them.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:36 No.19007672
    Aww, I liked them. RIP little guys. We'll find you frozen in ice and recreate your genetic structure.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:36 No.19007678
    Any mammalian species could eat them without ill effects.
    >> Rejoice, for OP hath Returned! FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)00:46 No.19007755
    Wow, thanks to all who continued to evolve and double thanks to those who made the evo trees. You've probably saved me *hours* of work.

    You're right, I was ready to nix it, but if you spread it out over a few evolutions and explain as wonderfully as this... that could be allowed. Some critter resembling the bombadier beetle.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)00:57 No.19007856
    Really? I thought they had evolved into Barkworms... oops.

    That works for me.

    If you guys enjoy this long enough that we reach the late civilization stage and develop such technologies, that could certainly be a possibility.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:03 No.19007908
    Good to see your back! I'm a little confused as to the state of flora, both land and sea. Along with fishes and other sea creatures (beyond the Ravesharks, Sailfins and Sea Blyoats). What else is in the sea?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:06 No.19007931
    I think that would be awesome.

    Also, what ever happened to those freaky tree-like ancestors of Rock Crabs? the one's that just had big 'branches' of poison tentacles? If I coudl art, I'd love to help those guys
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:08 No.19007947
         File: 1336367310.jpg-(92 KB, 366x372, thumbchomper2.jpg)
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    the Thumbed Chomper's grow smaller mouthes to reflect their increasing plant diet.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)01:27 No.19008107
    They evolved into the Shellfrogs you see now, believe it or not.
    The various leech species are bottom feeders, parasites etc. The ocean, like the fresh water contains floating seaside plants called "water berries" and "vampiric lily".
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:52 No.19008301
         File: 1336369924.jpg-(94 KB, 366x378, humpchomp2.jpg)
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    The Humped Chomper begins walking on its front palms.
    >> Available Species: Bloat Whale FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)01:57 No.19008358
         File: 1336370244.png-(285 KB, 900x687, BloatWhale_00.png)
    285 KB
    > http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/18971217/#18996473
    (bumping with new art)
    The Bloat Whale is an evolution of the Giant Sea Bloat. It's "dish" has shrunk into a blowhole, though unlike Earth whales this blowhole connects to the stomach, but eventually began to connect to the lungs. However, sometimes food gets stuck in the windpipe, and the whale must "blow" it out of the whole, creating a similar effect to that seen on Earth cetaceans.

    Bloat Whales subsist primarily on plankton. They are also home to a number of aquatic plants that latch on for the ride, soaking in the arctic sun, as the Bloat Whales have no need to dive very deep for their microscopic meal.
    Bloat Whales are found mostly in the Western Ocean (L) and the Eastern Ocean (K).
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:59 No.19008383
    Awesome OP. I like how you move from a really funky/strange drawing to something so "natural." Can't wait to see it get all messed up.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)02:14 No.19008492
         File: 1336371274.jpg-(93 KB, 366x372, thumbchomper3.jpg)
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    The Thumbchompers get smaller mouths...
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)02:22 No.19008569
         File: 1336371765.jpg-(93 KB, 366x378, humpchomp3.jpg)
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    The Humped Chomper gets a greyer coat and larger canines for scavenging dead Thumbchompers and Wretches.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)02:23 No.19008580
         File: 1336371835.png-(57 KB, 576x426, Sea Cactus.png)
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    Due to the shellfrogs consuming so much of the sea ginger fewer and fewer plants survive. Those that do are adapted to growing larger and larger crystals until they become spines growing from the leaves which ward off the shellfrogs. Meet the crystal cactus.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)02:37 No.19008675
         File: 1336372679.jpg-(177 KB, 1101x845, vampire lilly.jpg)
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    The Vampire lillies get bigger so they can take on larger prey, including Sailfins. They start spreading out more, instead of clinging in close colonies.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)02:53 No.19008780
         File: 1336373586.jpg-(92 KB, 366x378, humpchomp4.jpg)
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    The Humpchompers get fatter. They store up energies for long peroids and now hibernate in caves in the mountains.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)03:02 No.19008829
         File: 1336374120.jpg-(139 KB, 965x444, marinespineback.jpg)
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    Marine Spineback
    New Branch of the Spineback Demolisher
    Spinebacks living near the seaside begin swimming more, forced to go after prey in the sea. Their shortenedlimbs make them more streamlined for swimming. They cannot breath water and stay near the coast or on icebergs. They eat mainly gelwalruses, sailfins, midnight ravesharks and the ocassional Bloat Whale calf.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)03:10 No.19008875
         File: 1336374655.jpg-(160 KB, 965x444, marinespineback2.jpg)
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    The Marine Spineback grows thick matts of fur which cover up its chest plates. The chestplates shrink but are still present in some areas underneath the fur. The fur helps them stay warm..
    >> Regional Map FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)03:35 No.19009030
         File: 1336376122.png-(148 KB, 800x500, regionmap.png)
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    Reposting the regional map, so that new folks can get an idea of what Fortune looks like as well as the spread of critters. The regions map key is provided below.
    A) Glacier
    B) the Middle Mountains
    C) Frozen Steppes
    D) Snow Forest
    E) Coastline
    F) Coastal Waters
    G) Eastern Ice Flows
    H) Western Ice Flows
    I) the North Sea
    J) the Abyss
    K) the Western Ocean
    L) the Eastern Ocean
    M) the South Sea

    A more detailed overview of the regions can be found here:
    > http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/18971217/#18971499
    >> Farewell for Now FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)03:58 No.19009150
         File: 1336377535.jpg-(17 KB, 331x227, anaktuvuk_scenery.jpg)
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    One last bump before bed, keep evolving, Fortunates. I look forward to whatever your fevered minds end up creating. Have a photo of the Frozen Steppes (Region C), as seen in my mind.

    G'night, fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)04:19 No.19009256

    This photo needs to be covered in Gel Walruses to be accurate.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)04:28 No.19009311
         File: 1336379295.png-(228 KB, 500x328, GelWalrusBG.png)
    228 KB
    Never let it be said that OP does not deliver, even at 3:27am.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)05:45 No.19009727
    Nope. not dead. not letting it happen. Indeed, here is a story

    "the fucked up little beast is like certain varieties of earth salamnder, able to survive being frozen for extended periods of time, hundreds or thousands of years in rare cases...but this is no earth creature, no, entire colonies of the creature are frozen, deep in icebergs, glaciers, and deep permafrost...waiting...waiting...their time will come again, during the thaw. they will be a relic of the past, to remind the planet of what once was..."
    >> agent of evolution 05/07/12(Mon)06:15 No.19009858

    A breeding pair of mountain crabs become lost in a blizzard, and found themselves in the southern coastal areas. What they find was a paradise compared to the wasteland from which they came, and they gleefully set upon the Shellfrogs as their new primary food. They have become a little smaller, to more reliably catch the nimble frogs, and they no longer need such large energy stores with more ready meals.
    >> agent of evolution 05/07/12(Mon)06:16 No.19009862
         File: 1336385787.png-(26 KB, 490x476, beach_crab.png)
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    dammit, pic
    >> OP's Morning Return FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)08:48 No.19010485
         File: 1336394910.png-(723 KB, 990x582, Surfacing Bloat Whale.png)
    723 KB
    That is too awesome not to include. Consider it canon.

    The breeding pair at first makes trips back "home", and sections of the Mountain Crab population begin migrating back and forth with the indiscernable seasons of this icy world. Soon, however, the species sees no need to return to their land of origin.
    They begin becoming a seperate species.
    (Added onto your original description, hopefully you do not take it as an insult.)
    >> agent of evolution 05/07/12(Mon)10:06 No.19010893

    Not at all, these games are all about collaboration, the more people modify creatures I modify, the more fun it is!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)10:11 No.19010934
         File: 1336399880.jpg-(125 KB, 965x444, 1336276168155.jpg)
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    The spineback grows slightly more spiky as well as developing a new behavior. It can be seen slowly traversing vertical cliff and glacier faces with its powerful grappling claws.
    the rape train has no brakes. i guess this creature is more of a rape-dozer then anything, but i digress.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)10:21 No.19010992
    I feel like I have missed out on way too much..
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)10:26 No.19011016
    This guy has it all wrong. It has evolved into a spider and a poop/tree hunter ages ago.

    Also only host can kill them off. And even he is too shy to do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)10:39 No.19011101

    The flipper that lived in poop in order to hunt flies has been completely forgotten.
    There was also the barkworm.
    But what happened to the poop flipper?
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)10:43 No.19011125
    Amen to that.

    If you'd like I can bring you up to speed. The more the merrier, we'd be happy to have you.

    Read your adaptation and then you ended up taking the words out of my mouth. This creatures is a freaking nightmare... a tank made of bone, flesh, and fury.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)10:52 No.19011190
    We should probably make a complete list of all the critters alive at all. There have been many variations that didn't change the main lineage, just assuming they died robs the world of welcome variety.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/07/12(Mon)11:00 No.19011238
         File: 1336402813.png-(38 KB, 515x348, sailan.png)
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    Honestly, there's not much to recommend besides asking questions or reading through the previous threads at the moment, they're all on suptg, but we'll hopefully have some nice evolution trees and stuff ready for Part 5.

    The sailfins develop larger 'wings' and their crawl shorten, lessening air resistance but still allowing them to grab onto bloats.
    >> OP Bumps for Justice & Pudding FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)11:15 No.19011333
         File: 1336403726.png-(89 KB, 800x500, Part 5 Teaser.png)
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    > But what happened to the poop flipper?
    As I understood it, it evolved into what we now call the Barkworm.

    I wholeheartedly agree, and I was planning to do just such a thing for the next part, but if someone wants to do it now I'd be appreciative.
    I'd do it now, but I am worried the thread would fall into obscurity while I did, as it'd take multiple hours.

    > but we'll hopefully have some nice evolution trees and stuff ready for Part 5
    Indeed, see above. Such is the plan. I actually finished the new map for Part, the Fifth this morning. Can you say... continental drift?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)11:49 No.19011613
    What happend to the icebreak horn on the sail flipper? What does it eat? blimpies? If so i would imagine they are really hard to catch as all they need to do is fly a little higher (pun intended) (if they are still into the whole cannabana deal).
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)11:51 No.19011631
    Problem is that they are incredibly slow.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/07/12(Mon)11:55 No.19011682
    Honestly, at the moment I imagine they eat whatever they can get their hands on and hunt blimpies when they can get one at a reasonable height, in the future they might be able to hunt them consistently if they get better at the whole flying deal.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:09 No.19011807
         File: 1336406954.png-(51 KB, 1626x572, RaveDragon.png)
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    Ok. Sounds about right. Still what about the horn? I guess it got lost in the fortunehost art revamp.
    The original raveshark with a big fin to help it move its long boddy.
    It is starting to look more like a ravedragon
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)12:23 No.19011919
    The thing to remember is that the Blimpies fly the way hot air balloons fly... really slow in ascending, descending and no acceleration to speak of. It's part of their "chill" attitude, part of this is for most of their history they've had no predators, and even now, their numbers seem to be remaining stable, so their in no danger of dying out.

    Even with all that, you have to remember, the flying-fish Sailfins are ambush predators, they burst out of the water with no warning, spearing one poor sod and falling back into the water, to eat the now floating corpse.
    Similar to how wildebeest are just minding their own business, drinking some water, *BAM*, crocodile appears. By the time the prey notices, their already caught or otherwise injured.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/07/12(Mon)12:33 No.19011987
    Speaking of that, how do blimpies give birth? I'm pretty sure they split off after the serpent line developed live birth, but what next? Do their young helplessly float around and eat plankton until they start floating, leaving them completely vulnerable to sailfins? What about land based ones? Would they put their young in their tub?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:36 No.19012012
    Fortunehost, I'll make a graphic with all existing animals as they split from each other, ignoring past versions.
    >> ecologyfag 05/07/12(Mon)12:36 No.19012022
    really that's not unheard of on Earth, Tuna one of the largest most majestic fish of the Oceans actually spawn thousands of young that fend for themselves for a time. The reason why there's tuna is because they spawn massive numbers of young only some of which will succeed.

    As an ecology saying goes, fish are born dead.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:36 No.19012023
    Heh, never really thought of that.

    Yeah, it would make sense to just place them in their tub until they were old enough to fly on their own.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:39 No.19012054
    It would make sense for the blimpie to keep its young in its tub until it grew large enough to float on its own.
    >> ecologyfag 05/07/12(Mon)12:43 No.19012087
    problem there is the extra weight may leave it flying low enough to be exposed, though it could be a possible trade off. More likely the young are larval instead of nymphs and look nothing like their parents till they reach a certain age.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:45 No.19012103
    >Would they put their young in their tub?

    Surinam Toad, much?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:45 No.19012105
    The flying low part makes sense. Gives the sailfin a period where they can efficiently hunt blimpies
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/07/12(Mon)12:48 No.19012132
    Yeah, it's an interesting thought, but somehow I don't see bloats reproducing often, and with live birth there won't be many per birth.

    And anyway, the thought of mother bloats keeping their young in the tubs is too cute to forgo, not to mention that it allows for some sexual dimorphism (larger tubs on females?)
    >> ecologyfag 05/07/12(Mon)12:54 No.19012182
    could make sense, Bloats have altricial young that stay in the tub feeding on parasites that would be there anyways slowly bringing them lower down due to weight limits.

    Also, strange but important question. How do Bloats have sex? being a bio major I'm curious how the fuck these things reproduce.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:59 No.19012227

    Female drops her bouyant eggs on the surface (it'd have to be a lot, I imagine they'd get eaten), male fertilizes them then the female picks them back up with her trunk to grow in her tub.
    >> ecologyfag 05/07/12(Mon)13:02 No.19012261
    honestly, sounds pretty damn complicated. You'd have far too many chances of them getting A. eaten by sailfin or B taken out by inclement weather.

    I'd imagine they'd actually have precocial young then, small fish like larva that swim about living off aqautic plants and what not before emerging from the water to take flight.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)13:07 No.19012309
    Fertilization through their trunks? Maybe male blimpies simply let out a huge spray of fertlizing liquid in the general direction of a female (powered by their gas-like insides), the female can then suck this up with their trunk.
    >> ecologyfag 05/07/12(Mon)13:10 No.19012331
    could be the Blimpy lays eggs slowly, placing them into their pool as they are layed, maybe one or two a day tops, the male floats overhead and drops a semen packet into the pool, fertilizing it for a period of time, another male may drift by in this window and do the same. and so on and so on
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)13:42 No.19012542
    Having gained their first predator the gel walrus has developed its first defense mechanism.
    A "nostril" extends from the stomach to the face that is capable of expelling rock melting stomach acids at high pressure speeds.The gel walrus take large stones into their stomachs and shoot acid coated rocks that tend to explode on impact.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)13:45 No.19012575
         File: 1336412714.png-(52 KB, 420x318, Canon walrus.png)
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    Fuckin cpatcha ect. ect.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)13:59 No.19012723
         File: 1336413581.png-(225 KB, 800x600, Sailfin Attack.png)
    225 KB
    Hmm, I like this option the best, to be honest.

    >>19011987 >>19012022 >>19012023 >>19012054
    >>19012087 >>19012103 >>19012105 >>19012132
    >>19012182 >>19012227 >>19012261 >>19012309
    Thanks, originally I hadn't even thought about things like this, but all this in-depth talk is *great* and more than welcome, guys/gals. Carry one and continue full steam ahead.

    Oh, I was working on a picture for you guys, thought you'd all enjoy it. The shading turned out better than I could've hoped but the background leaves a lot to be desired, not real thrilled with it.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)14:15 No.19012879
    You are a scholar and a gentleman, Anon. I applaud you, godspeed.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:19 No.19012922
    I'm confused. Aren't the gel walruses mouths where their ass is supposed to be, and the face is just an form of misdirection, so that if predators attack, they would target non-vital organs?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:21 No.19012943
    They don't have a mouth or even vital organs at this point I don't think. The main reason predators don't eat them is that they're full of acid.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:22 No.19012946
    That's exactly right. Only now with >>19012542 the walruses have an acid spewing hole in their face.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)14:22 No.19012953
    You are correct. That said, the "face end" is closer to the stomach cavity, so it'd make sense to create a new passageway rather than try and spray from the tail.

    Also, to the Anon that made that adaption, the bile-spewing is one thing, but the "acid-covered rocks" is a bit too much. The Gel Walrus simply sprays some of its stomach acid, no more.

    Sorry to be a party pooper in that respect.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:23 No.19012959
    Dude they eat with their butt. They puke out acid onto the ground, then slurp the goop back up.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/07/12(Mon)14:23 No.19012962
    Makes sense, they trick the predators into attacking the acid-expelling organ.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)14:24 No.19012972
    Well, I guess these two fine Fortunates did the job for me. Thanks for that, glad this quest thread(s) has been so very civil.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:25 No.19012981
    Well I did that because their only predator is the rape train, and if they can eat the acid then having it spit on them won't do much. I figure with exploding rocks the spinebacks will just think it's too much trouble.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:25 No.19012988
    Since we're on the subject/s, how do Gel Walruses mate?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:28 No.19013019
    I imagine it's some form of asexual reproduction seeing as how they lack... organs(acid sack aside).
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)14:30 No.19013042
    Actually, the Spinebacks avoid the Gel Walrus because they taste gross. They're used to eating meat, what's a mouth full of jelly to these creatures? Uncomfortable that's what.
    I imagine Gel Walrus stomach acid is the *only* thing that might make a dent in Spineback armour besides another Spineback... or an avalanche... actually they'd survive the avalanche. The acid wouldn't eat all the way through, but it might bore a small hole.

    No idea, frankly, for most of these critters, I didn't give much thought to the subject. Feel free to come up with that on your own (though I imagine the Gel Walrus could just "divide" like an amoeba or something, that's one option I suppose).
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:32 No.19013055
    Yeah I'd go with budding/cloning like some real world Cnidarians can do.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:33 No.19013065
    Makes sense, they're even less complicated than they are.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/07/12(Mon)14:34 No.19013072
    They drop the 'udder' structure and it matures into a new welrus while the original grows it back?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:34 No.19013075
    At some point they lost mouths all together. They spray acid and then soak up the nutrients. Seemed like an odd jump, after so much already went into their internal structure.
    I think that's their nostril, which now also serves as a pore to shoot acid out of.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:35 No.19013084
    I know spinebacks generally avoided them but hasn't it been said that they can still eat them without melting from the inside out? If they can do that I don't see how it melts the armor.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:51 No.19013242
         File: 1336416664.png-(129 KB, 581x534, wegotarealfeelgoingdownwelcome(...).png)
    129 KB
    As the Furserpents begin spending more of their time underground, a few Furserpents were born with feeler stalks growing out of where their eyes would normally be; a genetic anomaly. These Eyeless Furserpents begin spreading the mutation to their children. The advantages of not having to waste time creating blood vessels, nerve bundles, and eyeballs prove greater than maintaining the eye. Soon, the Eyed Furserpent is supplemented by it's eyeless variant.
    As the Eyeless Furserpents become more common, they begin growing more and more feelers.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)14:57 No.19013305
    They can, it's just that they don't like the taste of jelly, not when meat is available. A good analogy might be dogs. While they'll eat dog food, if there's a burger or a steak nearby they'll take it.
    As for why it can burn through armour but not their insides... I don't know, you may have caught me there. Perhaps whatever keeps our own stomach from burning holes in our system?
    Feel free to flesh this out or explain this as you all please, I've been impressed with your creativity so far.

    > we don't need eyes where we're going
    No idea where the phrase comes from, but it seemed appropriate.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:59 No.19013329
    event horizon the movie iirc
    also back to the future 2 I think
    >Roads? where we're going... we won't need... Roads.
    but I think the eye deal is from event horizon when everyone has their eyes either torn out or sploded.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:05 No.19013410
    Mucus actually. It's really good for protecting things in large quantities.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:14 No.19013515
         File: 1336418052.png-(49 KB, 420x318, Cow gut.png)
    49 KB

    The gel walrus have developed stronger acids that allow them to break down a wider range of materials.

    In order to avoid being harmed by their own acid the walrus have grown a second stomach chamber. The first chamber contains a more corrosive acid and is insulated with a thick, rubbery membrane.The second chamber contains weaker acids; it is primarily used to disperse nutrients throughout the body and transfer material into the first chamber. The thick membrane of the first chamber prevents nutrients from being dispersed throughout the body, thus a need for a second chamber.

    This more advanced digestive system allows the walrus to "eat" more than just dirt.

    Sorry if this is too much in one evo but it kind of snowballed and I don't see a way to break it up that makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:17 No.19013548
         File: 1336418224.png-(127 KB, 366x378, hump-per.png)
    127 KB
    The Hump-chompers, or Hump-ers, have evolved a series of small improvements to make their hunting in the frozen wastes a little easier, including longer saber-like teeth, powerful molars for crunching the hard chitin of the demolisher (and other creature's skulls), and new feet better suited to a quadrupedal gait. They have also gained blubber.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)15:20 No.19013590
    The Chompers are herbivores, my friend.

    It's just fine. Sounds good to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:23 No.19013623
    i believe they became omnivore scavengers. Not predators though.

    Also I'm still working on the overall chart. Nearly finished, I just need to format it for size, text and these latest mutations.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:29 No.19013678

    Eagerly looking forward to it, thanks anon.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:32 No.19013701
         File: 1336419144.png-(301 KB, 734x678, compare.png)
    301 KB
    That be a different breed, mon. The Thumbed Chompers are herbivorous, the Humped Chompers are omnivorous, leaning towards meat.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)15:39 No.19013769
    Seconded. Thanks a million in advanced.

    No, I just checked, went through the old threads. It's definitely a herbivore. Not trying to be contentious.

    (Being a little paranoid about scaring off the Fortunates, there FortuneHost?)
    >/self analysis
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/07/12(Mon)15:43 No.19013807
         File: 1336419819.png-(35 KB, 515x348, sailan.png)
    35 KB
    The sailfins develop a second pair of smaller sails to aid them in flying, and their armoured plating devolves into a series of soft 'feather' scales.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)15:49 No.19013856
    The armor plates should probably turn into scales first, *then* feathers. I hope I'm not being too railroad-y.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/07/12(Mon)15:50 No.19013869
    They're not really feathers, they're just softer scales. I will make them more featherlike later though, I need to redraw them anyway.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)15:53 No.19013909
    *re-reads your post*

    Oh, herp-derp. Disregard, carry on, Stooge, my mistake.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:59 No.19013947
         File: 1336420743.png-(45 KB, 420x318, Tripod.png)
    45 KB
    The gel walrus's expansion in diet has lead to a significant size increase. To compensate for their greater bulk they have merged their former mouth tentacles into a third pair of legs.

    What kind of size increase should they get? I know they're as big as a walrus but I'm not sure how big that really is. I feel like car sized would be to much, bear sized maybe?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:07 No.19014039
         File: 1336421261.jpg-(1.25 MB, 3003x2454, bigtree.jpg)
    1.25 MB
    Here are all available species. The graphics are greatly reduced in size. Do not use them to edit, only refrence.

    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/07/12(Mon)16:11 No.19014088
    Pretty sure the original tree serpents are still around, the fur serpents are just a northern offshoot.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:12 No.19014101
    I can't help but feel it's too late for some of the more unloved species, might be time for some extinctions.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/07/12(Mon)16:13 No.19014122
    I still have plans for one of the squid species, I'm just a bit busy at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:14 No.19014124
    You forgot this line from FH:

    >> Silt Serpent
    >Spins webs like a spider in the forest (D) eating stray snow beetles and barkworms. Renamed to Siltspinner.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:20 No.19014186
    I'm gonna go with car sized, they weigh about the same.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)16:22 No.19014214
         File: 1336422175.png-(39 KB, 203x470, Musclebro.png)
    39 KB
    Tell you what, it's your adaptation, I'll let you decide how big he is, with this guy.
    This is Musclebro, complete with transparent background. Insert, stretch, scale, and crop to your needs.

    Can't say thank you enough, all of Fortune is in your debt.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:28 No.19014291
         File: 1336422532.png-(140 KB, 585x596, size.png)
    140 KB
    Assuming they were around A before, I think B is about right.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:39 No.19014402
         File: 1336423177.png-(465 KB, 1920x596, My name is HUGE.png)
    465 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:42 No.19014431
    Oh I've got plans for you my friend.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:48 No.19014492
         File: 1336423718.png-(31 KB, 500x700, steppesasp3.png)
    31 KB
    Using the potential for autonomous movement shown in its close relative, the spike death shrub, the Steppes Asparagus gains the ability to slowly move its roots. Fueled by the the heat dome in its core, the roots will plough the ground around the plant, circulating fertile soil and integrating organic matter into it. This encourages other plants to settle in the vicinity, which the Aspargus' colony of Bark Worms will also tend to. Especially the highly flammable Banana Leaf is a welcome guest, as its leaves can be harvested to fuel the central heat dome.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:50 No.19014513
    What does it eat?
    How big are chompers and wretches?
    I fear it is too big to be able to function..
    I get that it is a fuckhugetankomgmonster, but I would still like to know.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:51 No.19014524
    It mostly eats chombers and wretches. They're closer to the size of the gel walruses.
    >> fatherofthemoons 05/07/12(Mon)16:59 No.19014609

    That is a pretty solid adaption, glad my old Asparagus Trees are getting love while I make the Skullroots.

    I'll throw up a new evolution soon in fact. I'll probably need a decent picture of it done by someone else soon though.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:13 No.19014755

    Sure thing, I've been loving them for a while now. And I have grand plans for them.
    On another note, is there any fortune equivalent to grass?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:19 No.19014826
         File: 1336425585.png-(53 KB, 504x335, Wooly walrus.png)
    53 KB
    With their new found size, mobility, potent acid and taste for the organic the gel walrus has decided to try for a larger, more lively subsistence.

    To facilitate this new endeavor, they have grown even more fur to camouflage their presence.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:19 No.19014827
    The unevolved Bluegrass maybe? not familiar with it
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:25 No.19014909

    Oh man, dat beard.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:27 No.19014922
    After losing his tusks I felt he needed a bit more walrus.
    >> fatherofthemoons 05/07/12(Mon)17:28 No.19014939

    So naturally the ballin' sideburns were a necessity.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:29 No.19014946
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:31 No.19014973
    That's what i thought. How would it be able to get the energy to hunt when they prey is so small? It would have to catch boatloads of creatures. Not to talk about how hard it sould be catching the smaller creatures. It's not like it could sneak up on them.

    This is a evo quest and anything goes, but it would be cool if (like the blimpie surviving cold in the other thread) you came up with fake science to support it.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)17:36 No.19015038
         File: 1336426607.png-(1.31 MB, 2703x2209, bigchart_edited(small).png)
    1.31 MB
    It's body is incredibly efficient, much like a hyenas. Even the bones are digested (this leaves Demolisher feces white or grey-ish in colour).
    It only needs one or two wretch/chompers a week.

    Also, I present an updated version of the evo tree from >>19014039
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:42 No.19015113
         File: 1336426928.png-(59 KB, 782x687, 1335922240379.png)
    59 KB
    What ever happened to the silt spider? I cannot remember if it lived or died?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:44 No.19015147
    It should replace the "bladed flipper" in the evo tree for to be accurate.
    Good job, I like it
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:46 No.19015176
    I coulda sworn the normal tree snakes are still around, it's cool if we go with the furry ones though.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:50 No.19015228
    Not to mention the spineback is completely white, letting it hide itself efficiently in the snow.

    And it has a ridiculously long tongue that it can use to grab things by surprise.
    >> Father 05/07/12(Mon)17:56 No.19015334
         File: 1336427806.png-(55 KB, 432x514, 1336422175381.png)
    55 KB

    (Time for a little jump, nothing too major just can't be arsed to string it out)

    The Skullroots have formed a "ribcage" of 8, out of roots covered in their thin gray skin. It doesn't allow for much beyond securing the Skullroot into the base of the Asparagus Tree's Resin Packet before it expels them. This hasn't allowed them any further ability to move but the potential for a new body has now expanded.

    Since I can't really draw this one, I've included a size comparison, the Skull roots, including the newly formed ribcage is about the size of a rhesus monkey, and probably one of the smaller creatures on Fortune.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)17:57 No.19015340
    Also, poisonous bile, like the Komodo Dragon, it only needs to bite you *once*. Then it just waits for you to die.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:21 No.19015689
    I imagine spinebacks are like alligators and other real-world lizards and can go months without getting a solid meal.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)18:28 No.19015781
    That is correct.
    See >>19015038 and http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/18971217/#18971832
    > Quote:
    "Spinebacks are mighty bus-sized predators common to the steppes (C) feeding on Wretches and Chompers. They have very efficient digestive systems and can survive many weeks on a single meal alone.
    Spinebacks are mostly wandering loners, save during mating season, where the males stake out a small patch of land as their territory and then try and entice females to it (usually done by booming calls that, frankly, could be mistaken for thunder). The male and female then have a form of ritualized combat, locking tusks. The male must win, overpowering the female by tossing her on her back, to be allowed a worthy mate. After this, the female rolls herself upright and allows the male to mate, after which the two part and the male stops defending territory, returning to a nomadic existence."
    >> Sigmar 05/07/12(Mon)18:42 No.19015957
    Might I suggest renaming the Hump-Chomper as Bear-Chomper, since that's the direction it seems to be heading?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:05 No.19016302
    or the camel
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:48 No.19016915
    Does anyone know a good alternative to MS Paint for Linux? I'm going crazy here not being able to draw things.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:56 No.19017046
    I'm doing the same, but I just can't draw.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:00 No.19017090
    I'm not familiar with linux. I've got Gimp, Photoshop and Illustrator. Can you get those for Linux? Pirate.... Bay?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:02 No.19017127
         File: 1336435374.jpg-(18 KB, 370x300, 1318748228420.jpg)
    18 KB

    I can't into photoshop and Gimp is basically photoshop for Linux. All I want is a simple drawing program like MS Paint but every one I download is all dumb and not as good as Paint. Arg I'm so mad right now!

    Pic related they're talking about me
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)20:10 No.19017231
    I'm using a program called Paint.NET (pronounced "Paint dot Net"). I don't know if it would work for a Linux, but it's worth a shot. Think of it as MS Paint +, it loads really fast and is super simple but has a lot of features that are damn easy to learn.

    Currently I'm working on an "Ultimate Flipper Evo Tree". Every creature that the primordial Flipper has evolved into in a single image. For those newly joining us this includes: Ravesharks, Furserpents, Blimpies (Bloats), Spinebacks, Demolishers, Wretches, Chompers, Silt Spinners, Barkworms, and Sailfins. Needless to say it'll take a while to get done, and may not be seen until Part 5, but just thought I'd let you know what was waiting in the wings.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:33 No.19017493
         File: 1336437222.jpg-(23 KB, 338x218, bluegrass.jpg)
    23 KB
    I love you. I found a version of that program for Linux and it works!

    Pic related, it's the Bluegrass. After being eaten so much by the Herbi-Chomper, varieties of Bluegrass with more leaves and tiny bulbs flourished. Most bluegrass is now more thick and grows a little longer.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:50 No.19017661
         File: 1336438233.png-(26 KB, 734x563, water berry.png)
    26 KB
    Water berries grow a little longer and anchor themselves to rocks near the shore.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:07 No.19017882
         File: 1336439269.jpg-(31 KB, 322x207, dwarfblue.jpg)
    31 KB
    The Bluegrass splits into two sub species. The new branch, The Dwarf Bluegrass is smaller and stubby and is only found on the steppes and mountains.. It is less likely to eaten by some herbivores as it provides little nutrition.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:47 No.19018261
         File: 1336441653.jpg-(123 KB, 965x444, marine spineback.jpg)
    123 KB
    The marine spineback, having to search farther and farther out for food, eventually trades in it's legs for fins, allowing it to stray farther from shore in search of food.

    sorry the image quality isn't that great, but I'm doing this with a laptop mousepad, which likes to jerk everywhich way, so if someone would be kind enough to fix up the pic, I'd greatly appreciate it.
    >> Deus vs Machina 05/07/12(Mon)22:07 No.19018458
         File: 1336442851.jpg-(131 KB, 965x444, Marine Spineback.jpg)
    131 KB
    Here's a quick fix.
    >> Father 05/07/12(Mon)22:08 No.19018465
         File: 1336442893.png-(43 KB, 738x553, Crosssection.png)
    43 KB

    Fuck yeah time for Cross sections. Poorly drawn ones with made up as fuck Biology.

    The Skullroot has, for the most part used its Skull to house all important organs and necessary components to live. This has had two effects, one it has streamlined their overall size and evolution as was necessary for their continued survival and two, it squished a lot of organs that could have grown larger into smaller areas, thus a small brain and heart while the reproductive organs and stomach expanded. With the new ribcage the back of the head has opened up from a previously closed section that the spinal root left uncovered when it evolved into its new function. from this area the Heart has begun to send out "Heartroots" (not unlike veins) to look for a new area to expand. The Heart is like a seed of its own within the Skullroot, providing her with resin used as blood to keep the creature alive and functioning while the expanded growth of it would allow for a larger body. The possible relocation into the ribcage of the Skullroot would provide it with a much needed area to expand but at the same time it risks being harmed due to the lack of protection the ribcage can provide as of now.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:17 No.19018545
    Thanks Deus. Sage for not contributing
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)22:22 No.19018589
    Dude... you've gone above and beyond the call here, fucking awesome.
    Hopefully others will catch this kind of enthusiasm and put as much thought and love into their adaptations of critters.

    I'm glad it worked for you.

    That was on a touchpad? Damn, that's actually pretty impressive, better than I could do with a similar tool.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:30 No.19018651
         File: 1336444236.jpg-(160 KB, 1308x485, aquabeast.jpg)
    160 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:31 No.19018659
    Yeah, a touchpad. Thank god for the line tools. Filling in the fins took me a good 10-20 minutes though.
    >> Father 05/07/12(Mon)22:35 No.19018703

    Glad you liked that. I've been slowly building this one up, I'm excited as fuck for the final product.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:37 No.19018720
    Spineback V Raveshark.

    >> Father 05/07/12(Mon)22:38 No.19018739

    Alright I know this world is absurd and all. I'm just curious now, how on earth does a creature with not one but two skeletons swim. At all. Sounds like it would be a bit too heavy.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:40 No.19018771
    Ravesharks live way deeper though
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:52 No.19018918
         File: 1336445543.jpg-(158 KB, 1308x485, aquabeast.jpg)
    158 KB
    Continued evolution to aquatic environment. will make periodic dives for long periods. Returns to surface to breath.
    External plates are indeed solid, but internal bones are hollow in the aquatic creature. Look at armored and prehistoric fish. they swim. not elegantly, nor beautifully, but with savagery.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:55 No.19018950
    Then we need to go deeper.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)22:57 No.19018974
         File: 1336445845.png-(88 KB, 826x640, ANGRYBACKSTROKE.png)
    88 KB
    Aquabeast does not swim, he scares the shit out of water until it takes it where he wants to go.
    That or, as a creature of naught but muscle and fury he does the ANGRY BACKSTROKE!
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)22:58 No.19018994
    > image related
    I couldn't resist.
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)23:01 No.19019035
         File: 1336446109.jpg-(11 KB, 348x232, inceptionparodies-2[1].jpg)
    11 KB
    Well shit... killed that joke.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)23:16 No.19019184
    >Hollow bones.
    They ain't reaching the Ravesharks anytime soon. Well, except the midnight variety, but they're not as cool.
    >> nongent 05/07/12(Mon)23:19 No.19019221
         File: 1336447190.png-(33 KB, 1007x250, 1336209361285.png)
    33 KB
    i didnt make the aquatic spineback, i did make the spine back, and evolved the fuck out of him. i never made the wolly spineback, but i modified and pushed it to its current state. if someone is to blame, it is me. But...there will be more to come. If no one fucks with the murder shrubs soon i might have to give them an evo nudge to become a type of rolling tumbleweed/ murder spike ball on impact. Glory...oops. too late.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)23:22 No.19019247
    If I had saved that image, I would have used it.
    >> nongent 05/07/12(Mon)23:24 No.19019259
    need more evo! dont get discouraged at the spinebacks. they are few in number, and solitary. I ant speak for the the swordfins i just updated the picture and gave em a name, no idea where that guy is gonna go with em. maybe smaller. i endorse smaller.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)23:29 No.19019325
    That wasn't a joke, that was a reference. Learn the difference, help your fellow man!
    >> FortuneHost 05/07/12(Mon)23:30 No.19019328
    You're kind for saying that. Makes me feel a *little* less like a /b/-tard for jumping on it.

    Partly because of the filename on >>19018918, I've already taken to calling them Aquabeasts.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)23:33 No.19019357
    We could just call it Marine Spineback, or Sea Spineback, or Ocean Spineback.
    >> nongent 05/07/12(Mon)23:45 No.19019480
    it is too late...the host has spoken, and aquabeasts they shall be. in the future, i stick to generic file names.
    >> ecologyfag 05/07/12(Mon)23:45 No.19019482
    And nine hours later I reappear, glad to hear the concept of how do they mate has been taken up.

    Also, I'd see spinebacks actively going around chewing on things like limestone and calcite/calcium deposits to help fuel that big ass shell of theirs, also again the marine variety may run into the blimpy paradox in terms of weight there's a reason why there's not many huge shelled animals unless they've got hollow shells and float bladders which aren't even all that effective well, it tends to leave them streamlining.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)00:05 No.19019674
         File: 1336449902.jpg-(54 KB, 486x304, Rock Sucker 2.jpg)
    54 KB

    > Rock Sucker (evolution of Rock Sucker)
    > Filter Feeder
    > Aquatic (deep see/abyss)

    The Rock Sucker evolves a revolution in mating! Instead of simply spewing its gametes into the sea and letting them do what they will, the female carefully deposits them on her tentacles while the male uses his tentacles to deliver a spermataphore to the female's tentacles. After hatching the larval Rock Suckers drop to the sea floor and begin to feed and grow a shell like their parents.


    Your diagram left off the humble Rock Sucker (easy to do, it looks like the Rock Leech except for the mouth)
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)00:08 No.19019711
         File: 1336450084.jpg-(67 KB, 486x304, Rock Sucker 3.jpg)
    67 KB

    > Rock Sucker (evolution of Rock Sucker)
    > Filter Feeder
    > Aquatic (deep see/abyss)

    Some larval Rock Suckers clung to their mother's tentacles, cleaning her body off. This eventually turned into them forming colonies of sessile polyps, growing a carbonaceous structure instead of their adult shell, which filter feed the water as the parent Rock Sucker shuffles around on the sea floor.
    >> Deus vs Machina 05/08/12(Tue)00:10 No.19019737
    Ravedragons, having taken to swallowing their prey whole, develop a series of glands throughout their bodies that increase the efficiency of their digestive system. Some produce strong acids to aid in dissolving swallowed victims. Others serve to extract nutrition from the waste left after primary digestion is completed, more efficiently separating nutrients from excreta.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)00:14 No.19019771

    > Rock Sucker (evolution of Rock Sucker)
    > Filter Feeder
    > Aquatic (deep see/abyss)

    The Rock Sucker's early stage continues to evolve. With large numbers of their species being eaten by Rave Sharks of various types, they actually have come to use that as part of their life cycle by forming into a free swimming medusa stage. After its initial polyp stage on its parent, when eaten by a Rave Shark, the shark's stomach dissolves the carbonaceous stone enough that the larval sucker is able to break free in its intestinal tract. This freed form uses its mouth cilia to swim through the Rave Shark's intestines, feeding on food and feces there before eventually being expelled. Once free in the ocean it sinks to the bottom and forms another filter-feeding polyp stage there, growing until it has enough body mass to squirm free with a soft-shell and begin its life as an adult Rock Sucker.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)00:23 No.19019869
         File: 1336450994.png-(96 KB, 486x304, Rock Sucker 4.png)
    96 KB
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)00:54 No.19020205
    >>19019482 >>19019674
    >>19019711 >>19019737
    >>19019771 >>19019869
    Awww shit, son, it's gettin' all science up in here.

    In all seriousness, these descriptions are lovely, please continue, my dear Fortunates, to develop evolutions/creatures with this degree of detail and attention. We are creating an entire *world* after all. Extra props need to be given to those whose descriptions have forced me to look up new words. It's rare that I find new words anymore, but in this thread alone I've learned 2-3 new ones, well done. I say that both out of pride in my own abilities and as a sincere gratitude in teaching or showing me something I didn't know, for granting me the opportunity to learn.

    Also: If you've enjoyed these threads, don't forget to vote the threads up at the link below.
    > http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Fortune%20Evolution
    (I don't know if it's standard procedure, but if I come back to a suptg archive I can vote again later, allowing me to grant, as long as I wait in between, infinite votes. Is this the case for anyone else?)

    That *would* be pretty fucking sweet.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)01:15 No.19020418
    Swordfins, finding themselves too slow to catch anything of nutritional importance in the water, have begun to lose some the thickness in their outer shell. This is most pronounced in their various spikes, to the point where most of it is hollow.

    (I just had a thought of making these guys aquatic jet-powered lancer/bulldozers. Unwieldy and unable to turn very well, but very powerful in a straight line. Maybe have jets of water/air shoot out of their now hollowed-out spikes to propel them through the water, aided by their hollow internal bone structure? That being said, I have no idea how to get there/how to draw, so if someone wants to take my idea and run with it, be my guest.)
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)01:30 No.19020555
         File: 1336455007.jpg-(223 KB, 1308x485, aquabeast.jpg)
    223 KB
    The Aquabeasts with smaller tails win out as the tail proves ineffective in underwater hunting.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)01:45 No.19020731
         File: 1336455923.jpg-(230 KB, 1308x485, aquabeast2.jpg)
    230 KB
    The Aquabeasts Gain Curved Tusks that protrude beneath the jaw.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)01:45 No.19020737
         File: 1336455948.jpg-(26 KB, 346x420, bluegrass.jpg)
    26 KB

    Bluegrass is now two distinct species.

    The larger bluegrass (still name bluegrass) get a little taller and puts more of its mass into its stem, allowing for its shoots to be eaten and regrow without the death of the plant. This means there is more food for herbivorous creatures.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)01:46 No.19020745
         File: 1336455994.jpg-(224 KB, 1308x485, aquabeast3.jpg)
    224 KB
    As the Aquabeasts no longer have to fend of packs of wretches, they slowly lose the need for armored plating. thickwiry blue mats of hair replace some of the plating. The tail shrinks too.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)01:56 No.19020865
         File: 1336456584.jpg-(223 KB, 1308x485, aquabeast4.jpg)
    223 KB
    The Aquabeasts qucikly mutate and evolve in their new underwater habitats. While they still beach on icebergs and the coast, they spend most time in the water. Their back flippers shrink to provide a more hydrodynamic shape.

    god damn I keep forgetting my pics.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:10 No.19021011
         File: 1336457438.png-(26 KB, 408x455, vampire lily 2.png)
    26 KB

    A seperate species of vampire lily appears. Slightly smaller and with a small flower on top. These smaller Flowered Vampire Lilies grow in the southermost part of the coastal waters while the larger Vampire Lilies grow somewhat farther up north.

    If someone has the font, they could change the title on pic related to "Flowered Vampire Lily" cause I don't have the font that OP is using.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:10 No.19021013
         File: 1336457447.jpg-(77 KB, 515x348, icesailers.jpg)
    77 KB
    The Sailfins species divides over time between those good at swimming and those good at jumping/gliding. The swimmers fair better in the northern iceberg filled oceans. Their coloration shifts to camoflauge them near icebergs.

    These are known as Icesailers unless anyone can think of a better name, I was thinking we needed some more generic fish in the ocean, so I'm going to maybe evolve this into some more standard fishes.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:13 No.19021040
    Done! Feel free to use any old font.

    The Flowered Vampire Lillies grow bigger flowers.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:14 No.19021047
         File: 1336457671.jpg-(79 KB, 515x348, flower vampirelilily.jpg)
    79 KB
    god damn it here is the pic.
    >> Deus vs Machina 05/08/12(Tue)02:15 No.19021063
         File: 1336457754.png-(61 KB, 1626x572, RaveDragon2.png)
    61 KB
    The Ravedragons' internal glands have developed further. Notably, the ones located near the latter portions of their digestive systems have been adapted to synthesize a stinging and highly noxious fluid from waste products. In the event of pursuit by any predators they can disperse this into the water through a new extension on their tail fins. Any pursuers will be blinded and disoriented. In the event they are being pursued by a hungry pack of Shadow Ravesharks, Ravedragons will take the opportunity to quickly double back and seize one in their mouths before making their escape, making the would-be hunter the prey.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:22 No.19021120
    Didn't the vampire lilly have fake berries or something so that it mimicked that other aquatic plant?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:23 No.19021124
         File: 1336458198.jpg-(104 KB, 664x474, wretch2.jpg)
    104 KB
    The wretches hind legs grow, making it faster. Its posture changes ..
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:25 No.19021142
         File: 1336458306.jpg-(42 KB, 694x532, giant vampire lily two.jpg)
    42 KB
    I don't recall. Add some evos to the water berries then, those guys are cool. I love working on the plants, they need some love.


    The larger variety of Vampire Lilies (called Giant Vampire Lilies) grow slightly larger and get more stinging roots (the white ones) that spread out a little farther, in order to catch larger and larger prey.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:33 No.19021229
         File: 1336458780.png-(23 KB, 351x340, old vamplily.png)
    23 KB
    Found it. Thread 1.
    All vampire lilies should have these fake berries.
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)02:36 No.19021255
    That is correct, though as it's been forgotten, we'll make that a split/branch-off, so as not to invalidate others' creations.

    No, they need not *all* have the berries.

    Alright, as I type this, were in post No. 265 out the 300 that starts autosage. Feel free to keep posting until the thread 404's of course, but just figured you'd all want a heads up.
    I'm super impressed with all of your creations so far and love 'em to pieces. I didn't get the chance to respond individually to each one (that would clog up the thread and wouldn't allow for as many people to contribute) but I *do* read each and every one.
    I'm headed for bed, guys and gals, so I'll see the rest of your critters in the morning.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:37 No.19021275
         File: 1336459079.jpg-(21 KB, 515x348, flowered vampire lily.jpg)
    21 KB

    The smaller Vampire Lilies suddenly remember that they have fake berries. They live closer to shore near where the Water Berries live, and eat fish and stuff that comes to feed on the Water Berries.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:38 No.19021283
         File: 1336459131.jpg-(87 KB, 366x378, camel chomper1.jpg)
    87 KB
    The Camel Chomper's head grows smaller, but its compact shape makes it less prone to injury. Its gets large molars and its throat muscle strengthens. It is now a decent scavenger. It eats Chimp Chomper, Wretch and Fursnake corpses. Otherwise its diet mainly consists of Boom Ginger, Sea Ginger, Ice Beetles and Snow Beetles.
    >> "Ultimate Evo Tree" Teaser FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)02:39 No.19021297
         File: 1336459186.png-(231 KB, 1780x600, GulperUltimate_00.png)
    231 KB
    Before I hit the sack, as they say, I've got a final announcement. As I mentioned in >>19017231, I'm working on "Ultimate" evo trees. I'm currently doing work on the Flipper descendants, but I've had to split it up into multiple projects, with an eventual plan of putting them all together. I tried doing all of the creatures descended from the Flipper at once, but my processing speed went to pretty much 'nil.
    For now, though, enjoy this teaser, a work-in-progress of the "Gulper" section of the Flipper family tree.
    This tree is slow going, but you can help. Sections of the evo tree already done for me (previous trees from other threads etc.) save me lots of time, shaving several hours off at a time. So, if you want to help me get this "Ultimate" evo tree done faster, feel free to post sections of the various critters' (and plants') evo trees. If the thread 404's, send these evo tree sections to the "foolz us" archive (link below) where you can post accompanying comments to a thread, even *long* after the thread itself has 404'd. I'll check both here and there for any sections that you, the fans, provide.
    > http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/18996830

    Alright, with all that out of the way, I bid you all a good night. I will see you again in Part 5, to be posted sometime later this week.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:41 No.19021314
         File: 1336459271.png-(98 KB, 486x304, 1336450994634.png)
    98 KB

    > Stinging Rock Sucker (split from Rock Sucker)
    > Filter Feeder
    > Aquatic (deep see/abyss)

    Those Rock Suckers that find their way into the guts of Ravedragons have a nice little advantage: Such simple internal systems and no pain receptors means that the nasty fluid produced in Ravedragon guts doesn't bother them. Over time, some of the medusal rock suckers actually start carrying the cells that produce those chemicals with them on their external cilia. These cells receive nutrients via diffusion from the rock sucker's body and continue to produce toxins, giving the newly stinging rock suckers a terrible bite for something their size when their cilia strike a living target and those cells release a burst of toxic fluid.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:46 No.19021372
         File: 1336459611.png-(27 KB, 540x414, water berry.png)
    27 KB

    Water Berries grow more roots that anchor them even tighter to their rocky homes.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:56 No.19021440
         File: 1336460175.jpg-(150 KB, 965x444, Spineback2.jpg)
    150 KB
    The Spineback Demolishers with smaller tusks win the game of natural selection. Spinebacks now have smaller tusks but this has allowed greater use of their tongue which tends to be more muscular.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:57 No.19021448
         File: 1336460240.png-(14 KB, 485x396, waterberry.png)
    14 KB
    The waterberries develop a better looking drawing, and the seeds inside of their berries become more acid resistant. The resistance is to the point where even Gelwalrus acid won't destroy them.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)02:59 No.19021460

    you skipped like ten different evolutions that already happened
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)03:06 No.19021512
         File: 1336460795.jpg-(30 KB, 500x322, cheetahlaugh.jpg)
    30 KB
    It'll be a split-off then.

    > The waterberries develop a better looking drawing
    Oh gawd, mah sides.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:09 No.19021544
         File: 1336460940.png-(27 KB, 500x700, steppesasp4.png)
    27 KB

    These recent developments have caused an anomaly in the Steppes Asparagus' growth; early in its life, it forms a sort of cocoon with very hard and sturdy roots. These so called 'corporeal' roots are rigid and hardly ever move after the central corpus has formed. Inside this structure lies the Barkworms' nest with the central heat dome.
    As it growths further, the much more flexible ploughing roots emerge around the corpus. This division of tasks allows the roots to adapt to its individual more easily, increasing the overall energy efficiency of the entire tree.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:17 No.19021630
         File: 1336461462.png-(65 KB, 486x304, 1336450994634.png)
    65 KB

    > Stinger (split from Stinging Rock Sucker)
    > Filter Feeder
    > Aquatic (deep see/abyss)

    The complex life cycle of the rock sucker is cumbersome, and a small portion of the population spontaneously evolves to avoid the mobile sucker stage, living alternately as sessile polyps and mobile medusans. Breeding occurs in the polyp form, where the Stingers release vast swarms of gametes into the water. The fertilized gametes develop a carbonaceous exterior to protect against their stage of development. When the fertilized are eaten by Ravedragons they hatch and the larval medusans acquire their stinging cells inside and eventually are expelled into the ocean where they use their cilia to acquire food and sting anything foolish enough to eat them. They balloon in size during this stage of their life before eventually shedding most of their body and sinking to the seafloor to root as a polyp. After one spawning, the polyp lives on for some time until something eats it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:20 No.19021650
         File: 1336461648.jpg-(36 KB, 394x503, serious'd.jpg)
    36 KB
    Yes. The actual drawing is now an environmental adaptation.
    >> Deus vs Machina 05/08/12(Tue)03:21 No.19021661
         File: 1336461697.png-(66 KB, 1626x572, RaveDragon4.png)
    66 KB
    The Ravedragons' mouth tentacles become even more prehensile, and its mouth has developed from a conventional jaw into a lobed maw lined with hooked teeth to grip its prey as it is swallowed whole.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:24 No.19021696
         File: 1336461899.png-(51 KB, 486x304, 1336450994634.png)
    51 KB

    > Poison Parasite (split from Stinger)
    > Flesh Eating Parasite/Filter Feeder
    > Aquatic (deep see/abyss)

    Another evolution to streamline the birthing process, these Stingers have lost their polyp stage. Breeding takes place in the guts of Ravedragons, where hundreds of tiny, newly hatched medusae pour out gametes. The fertilized eggs free float in the sea until a Ravedragon ingests it (usually while eating something else). Then the eggs hatch and the young medusa go on a binge of devouring the Ravedragon's intestines and toxin-producing glands until they spawn. Once the medusa are expelled they free float in the ocean, filter feeding, as a dead end in the life cycle, clinging bitterly to a life they no longer have a need for.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:25 No.19021703
    this thing is turning into Cthulhu, I'm scared.

    The Sailfin's feathery under-scales become a little larger and it's wings become slightly longer, allowing for longer and longer flights.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:26 No.19021715

    Cthulhu has intestinal parasites? Who knew? :p
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:27 No.19021724

    Fortune is probably trying to hate you to death right now, splitting off yet another stupid species of bottom dweller
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)03:27 No.19021728
    That is awesome. I'd comment on how intelligent and educated it sounded, but I'm currently looking up a few new words.
    Also, your greentext stats are great, really help me out when its time to make evo trees.
    If only everyone followed such a template, HINT, HINT. Ha ha ha, I've tried to be loose about such things though, don't want to be too overbearing, just know that your use of that is immensely helpful.

    Of course! Forget macroevolution and microevolution, this is meta-evolution! Adaptations that utilize the fourth wall.

    Hmm, didn't I say I was going to be going to bed? Oh Fortune, how I wish I could quit you.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:28 No.19021735
         File: 1336462122.png-(38 KB, 570x384, sailfin.png)
    38 KB
    forgot pic
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)03:34 No.19021775
    Not entirely surprised, it's kind of like the Cloverfield monster.

    > mfw I have the opposite reaction
    Wait, it's a split off? FFFFUUU-...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:35 No.19021783
    So we've got jellyfish now?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:46 No.19021888
    It's a split off! I didn't want to get rid of the cute little sessile polyps from the other related species. <3
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:48 No.19021900
         File: 1336463311.png-(64 KB, 531x433, water berries.png)
    64 KB
    I'm addicted too, I've evolved the plants at least five times already today.

    The Water Berries begin to connect their roots on the rocks and grow in clumps like bushes. They are still each a separate organism but they grow in close proximity.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)03:51 No.19021927
    Seems like a shame to let the Ice Age end here, in the middle of the night, with a soon to come auto-sage... Feels like theres still so much to do.
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)04:01 No.19022006
         File: 1336464098.jpg-(3 KB, 100x100, tn_89[1].jpg)
    3 KB
    It's just fine. Earth has *millions* of species, I think our little world can handle these dozens. Such variety is welcome on Fortune.

    > They are still each a separate organism
    > still a separate organism
    > still
    You're not trying to make another "sentient-brain plant" like you guys did for Indonesian Gentleman's evolution quest are you?

    See: >>19021696 and >>19021630. So, short answer, yes.

    > mfw

    Well it's the second Ice Age thread, plus I've got to get to bed. Interview with a job tomorrow, amusingly, it's for a zoo, so I'll still be dealing with critters, even in real life.
    Plus, it'll be nice to have more enviroments/biomes than arctic and ocean.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)04:03 No.19022012
    I'm not making a brain plant, just saying that they are growing close together now. Though they could get all sentient...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)04:28 No.19022174
    one of us
    one of us
    one of us
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)05:22 No.19022430
         File: 1336468978.png-(16 KB, 212x230, Snow Shrub.png)
    16 KB
    No link to the old one, because that was a couple threads ago.

    > Snow Shrub (split of Mud Shrub)
    > Lives in the Middle Mountains

    Those elements of the Mud Shrub population that live furthest north have evolved to grow more slowly, requiring fewer nutrients and less liquid water. This lets them go in ever colder climates with ever more snow and less soil. This "Snow Shrub" population can still pollinate with Mud Shrubs, but is spreading through the mountains to the north.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)05:30 No.19022465
         File: 1336469433.png-(17 KB, 212x230, Ice Shrub.png)
    17 KB
    No link to the old one, because that was a couple threads ago.

    > Ice Shrub (split of Snow Shrub)
    > Lives in the Middle Mountains

    Another branch off of the Shrub population, the Ice Shrub has evolved better cold resistance to creep its way further up the sides of the mountains. It can survive for months while completely frozen without suffering any damage.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)05:39 No.19022507
         File: 1336469992.png-(18 KB, 212x230, Ice Shrub.png)
    18 KB
    > Ice Shrub (evolution of Ice Shrub)
    > Lives in the Middle Mountains

    The Ice Shrub evolves a relationship with a bacteria which digests the natural sugars in the Shrub's leaves and produces alcohol. This keeps the water in the plant liquid even in freezing temperatures, allowing the plant to grow year round instead of spending time frozen - though the bitterest cold can freeze it still, and it comes out unscathed.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)05:51 No.19022550
         File: 1336470706.png-(22 KB, 212x230, Ice Shrub 3.png)
    22 KB
    > Ice Shrub (evolution of Ice Shrub)
    > Lives in the Glacier

    The Ice Shrub has grown to include small amounts of alcohol in its seeds and its roots. The root alcohol seeps out into the surrounding snow and ice, melting it so that the roots can drink in the resulting water. This has let the Ice Shrub spread into the Glacier, abandoning the less frigid mountains for a new, less competitive home where their increasingly retarded growth isn't an issue.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)06:00 No.19022594
         File: 1336471255.png-(22 KB, 230x189, 1335759581196.png)
    22 KB
    > Red Lichen (evolution of Red Lichen)
    > Lives anywhere it can stay above freezing at least part of the time

    After eons of unchanging, the Red Lichen has evolved slightly... to infest new hosts. Blyoats, Spinebacks, and any other animal that accidentally brushes up against it and can't scrape the resulting colony off gets a slow-growing parasite vampirizing it. The most common victim are land-based Blyoats.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)06:34 No.19022749
    ...let's hope the planet doesn't warm up and let that thing's metabolic rate go up. It'll cause mass extinctions on its own.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/08/12(Tue)07:19 No.19022939
         File: 1336475966.png-(120 KB, 581x534, eyesareforcasuals.png)
    120 KB
    The eyeless furserpents become the dominant burrowing creature, and drive their eyed cousins further south.

    >Eyeless furserpents
    >Burrowing, inhabit the Middle Mountains and the Frozen Steppes
    >Omnivore, eats insects and roots

    As they are separated from their southern cousins, they develop sensitive hairs on their feelers capable of detecting vibrations, to compensate for their lack of eye sight, and lose their mane, making it easier to move underground.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/08/12(Tue)07:35 No.19023004
    The common furserpents degenerate their feelers into a more uniform size, as they are driven south, they remain capable of burrowing, but without the need to hibernate their northern cousins have, they primarily remain arboreal creatures. The females begin selecting for larger manes, the male in the alpha pair of a group will often be the one with the largest mane.
    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/08/12(Tue)07:36 No.19023007
         File: 1336476999.png-(119 KB, 581x534, casuals.png)
    119 KB
    Forgot pic

    Also, northern creatures such as spinebacks begin consuming ice shrubs for the alcoholic high, and eyeless furserpents do the same to their roots.
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)07:42 No.19023031
    And with post #300, I close the thread.

    > hope the planet doesn't warm up
    The Ice Age is *ending*. What have you done... we are doomed. It's like a less-retarded version of the "Happening", the plants are trying to kill us... or maybe high-brow "Day of the Triffids" is a better analogy.
    > OP has seen neither of these movies.

    Maybe you're just good at technobabble (or maybe bio-babble in this case) but that sounds like something that could actually work.

    Excellent job, these are all *brilliant* ideas.
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)07:48 No.19023061
         File: 1336477732.jpg-(16 KB, 381x365, akusmile.jpg)
    16 KB
    > mfw those filenames
    Oh you...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)07:49 No.19023064
    >Drunken rampaging spinebacks
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)08:02 No.19023094
    See you tonight Fortunebro?
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)08:15 No.19023134
    That *has* to be illustrated... and believe me I will.

    Possibly, if not with Part 5, then with a discussion thread, see what you guys liked/disliked and see what you all want or look forward to in the next thread. It'll also be a chance to answer questions that folks have, as well as be an "intermission" where someone can join in without discovering us and trying to catch up mid-thread.
    >> ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)08:21 No.19023156
    A note to all ya aquatics, speed in water is akin to building aircraft. You can have the best propulsion but if it ain't stream lined it won't have any sort of speed, its why many of your larger faster swimming predators have roughly the same body layout, it just happens to work fairly well.

    Also, where the hell are the trees?
    >> Fortune: Evolution Game 1d4chan Page FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)08:26 No.19023186
         File: 1336480005.png-(26 KB, 135x135, slowpoke-d4[1].png)
    26 KB
    I also wouldn't mind help making a page on 1d4chan.
    It might be presumptuous, but one Anon suggested an online Google document that I could link to and let that serve as an introduction.
    Sounded good, but I don't know how to set all that up and wasn't wanting to create a Google account.
    I figured a *wiki* page however would be an excellent alternative. Online and easily accessible and link-able. Any assistance in that area will be appreciated. I'll be making the page in a second here...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)08:36 No.19023239
    The Asparagus family of plants were huge trees at some point or other. Don't know how tall they are today.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)08:40 No.19023265

    The short tree is only a local variant in the steppes. Unless I have overlooked something here, the rest has remained largely unchanged since the beginning of the ice age.
    >> ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)08:48 No.19023300
    well then, if anyone would like to aid me in doing art I can do some written descriptions to add some more variety, Trees are something I know fairly well as well as swamps though I cannot draw for crap.
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)08:54 No.19023335
    Well, I *was* an art major, it's just that I'm better with a pencil than I am a mouse.
    Plus, I like your descriptions, especially the level of biological fidelity you put in them. If nothing else you're good at technobabble (or maybe I'm just gullible) and your stuff certainly *sounds* plausible.

    Don't forget, if this thread 404's we can continue the conversation over at http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/18996830, and that way we won't have to make a new thread, either.
    >> ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)09:00 No.19023353
    Went to college for Ecology and wildlife management so its actual terms used in the professions that exist, that and I do have a flair for technbabble, I apparently made vampires sound biologically plausible one time while drunk.

    Anyways on to the trees!

    Some water berry plants, living at the edges of slowly back filling lakes, ponds and other bodies of water have found themselves stranded on dry land their soft protoplasmic forms not particularly well suited to this. As such, several species across the land have begun to dendrify, developing the very first stages of woody tissues allowing them to remain more upright than they have originally been able to. This has a drawback however as the added weight is putting pressure on their rather shallow root systems and forcing for the time being a reduction in general size.
    >> Trees! ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)09:09 No.19023394
    In more northerly climes, The asparagus Tree has taken a slightly different route, its form already suited to living on dry sometimes arid land has led it to grow steadily longer more intricate root systems beneath the soil, reaching down past the permafrost it sometimes encounters. Meanwhile the vegetative top has grown to becomes a shelter and compact sources of energy, providing photosynthetic sugars, to avoid being buried in snow or drifts the form is generally cone shaped. creating a strong outer cone of green tissue while the sheltered inside is left hollow save the supporting branches and those that died from years past. Its interior being fairly windproof now provides a shelter that at times means life or death on the tundras.
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)09:16 No.19023421
    > made vampires sound biologically plausible one time while drunk.
    As overused a word as it is, that's simply *awesome*.

    It will be good to have someone who actually knows their stuff on board for this game, as I'd like to take a more "scientific" route to this game as opposed to the fantastic. (Nothing wrong with the fantastic, I probably enjoy it more than most, but it's just not what I'm wanting here)
    The descriptions can be as lengthy and detailed as you'd like. I'd happily read an impromptu novel (more like impromptu biology textbook or impromptu field guide, but you get my drift), but I know others would not enjoy such TL;DR fare, the post word/count limits notwithstanding.

    Hopefully we can avoid what is sometimes referred to as "Hollywood Science", although I prefer the TV Tropes phrase "Art Major Biology", mostly for the amusing self-referential. I literally am an art major who is interested in biology (and astrophysics, and history, and language, and archaeology, etc).
    >> ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)09:22 No.19023453
    filling the pore spaces of ice pack and in return icebergs, Red lichen has begun to grow. The plant, unable to develop a root structure has instead adapted to grow along side the ice, producing a mild glycerol like wax that prevents the watery tissue from freezing solid even as it slowly works its way through the ice, dying it a mixture of red, yellow and ocher. This branch of the lichen is however cold adapted, cutting it off from the more southerly regions and from parasitising animal life at the risk of glycerol poisoning.
    >> ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)09:25 No.19023469
    would have loved the last project I really worked on which was the Planet 4chan setting, built the ecology from the ground up on a slightly different from earth normal planet.
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)09:29 No.19023489
         File: 1336483799.jpg-(65 KB, 400x300, have frog's attention.jpg)
    65 KB
    > Planet 4chan
    I am intrigued... dare I ask for a link?
    >> ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)09:31 No.19023497
    long since dead, the wiki sadly fell apart awhile back so much of the info has been lost sadly.
    >> FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)09:35 No.19023531
    Damn shame.
    Your tree descriptions sound good so far, by all means continue, do not let me stop you. Although as you go along, if you wouldn't mind also keeping track of the various species & subspecies you make, even if it's an image of names connected by some lines, just so I can follow along.
    >> ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)09:36 No.19023539
    the base theme was basically 4chans userbase was dragged to an alien planet and had to do its best to survive. It was half an atmosphere higher in pressure, much higher oxygen content and a 16ish hour day which resulted in some odd adaptations. Much of the plant life was also yellow red and orange due to its distance from the primary compared to ours, the results being...interesting.
    >> Flowering water berry ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)09:41 No.19023576
    will do I have a bad habit of doing that but will be kept in mind for future references.

    The flowering water berry:
    As water berry has started to break off from its watery roots(badumsha). Its developed a more advanced tap root, allowing for it to drill deeper into the ground, holding it fast against arid conditions and providing an area to store excess sugars and carbs during times of stress. As a means to ensure reproduction stays high even without the ease of watery pollination it has begun to develop simple flowers, little more than small clusters of white petals, the offer of pollen and nectar a heady lure to those looking for a quick meal.
    >> ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)09:58 No.19023671
    Cluster 'sparagus.

    The cone like initial tree 'sparagus has made a bit of a leap. Developing what is called a 'suckering habit' A sucker, an offshoot of the root system emerges from the ground to create a clone of the parent tree. Clone 'sparagus now dot the landscape forming tight clusters of ten or twenty plants each a small natural hut that allows for shelter in times of harsh weather. The roots however are interconnected resulting in a certain level of vulnerability. As a sucker that has been infected can readily transmit to the other members of the glade.
    >> 1d4chan Entry in Place FortuneHost 05/08/12(Tue)11:39 No.19024236
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    As another nail in the coffin of this fast dying thread, I want to announce the creation of a 1d4chan page. It is here that I will compile the rules of the game as well as links to archives.

    Eventually background and such will be added, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it (though feel free to start penning potential text entries for eventual use). For now, let us bask in the cheap imitation of legitimacy that this wiki entry provides.

    > http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Fortune:_Evolution_Game
    >> ecologyfag 05/08/12(Tue)12:50 No.19024746
    amen to that also; as I'm bored and don't have work for a while yet.

    >> Stooge !2oBeAJCdvY 05/08/12(Tue)14:28 No.19025567
    Nice, I'll finally have a bit more freedom tomorrow and start getting a bit more involved in the game, finally going to do something fun with the squids. Looking forward to the next thread for now.

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