Thread | Title | Description | Tags | Added | Score |
May 2008 |
1706268 | Aspekt Boyz | Exploring how ded 'ard, shooty and choppy the panzees really is. | orks, 40k, eldar | 2008-05-11 | 25 | |
November 2008 |
2953023 | Neon Exodus Sanction | Newfag/writefag/namefag weeaboo makes another Evangelion adaptation, this time using Eldar, and write it as if a TV series. | Warhammer, 40k, NGE, EVA, Titan, Eldar, writefaggotry | 2008-11-09 | 8 | |
2986784 | Dave Eldar | What started with a discussion of Fluff and Crunch changed for the better with a story about Davius, the Space Marine Scout who is supposed to infiltrate an Eldar Craftworld.
Now he is known as Dave Eldar. He enjoys Shooting Shuriken Catapults, and Doing Eldar things. | Dave Eldar, writefaggotry, Shuriken Catapults | 2008-11-13 | 23 | |
February 2009 |
3829606 | Idranel is a bitch. | Perhaps inspired by the previous thread, an Anonymous writefag ensures Idranel returns to being a racist bitch. | Idranel, Eldar, writefaggotry, Dawn of War. | 2009-02-27 | 5 | |
April 2009 |
4191444 | Recto Blades | It starts with something stupid, gets retarded quickly as a new dark eldar weapon is created. Everything great about /tg/is in this thread. | recto blade, warhammer, warhammer 40k, dark eldar, 40k | 2009-04-06 | 22 | |
March 2010 |
8816985 | Eldar - The Rich, Black Folk of 40K | Discussion about the Ultramarines film evolves into the similarities that Eldar have with black basketball players and beyond. | blacks, eldar, basketball, eldrad | 2010-03-27 | 4 | |
8871718 | Enter the Sarge | Fairly normal "what if" thread leads to our first encounter with Sarge, a badass wood elf on the edge, and leading role in the upcoming film epic: Full Metal Bodkin. | Elves, Eldar, Sarge, All Goblins must fucking Hang, Fluff | 2010-03-30 | 14 | |
October 2010 |
12325360 | Gladiator Quest | In tribute to the new Dark Eldar Codex, a quest thread is made detailing the circumstances of a human slave captured by Dark Eldar. | Dark, Eldar, Quest, Role Play, Discworld, Slave, Gladiator | 2010-10-05 | 0 | |
12332782 | Eldar weapons Rogue Trader Conversion | A very devoted elegan/tg/entleman gives rules for a fuckhuge armory of Eldar equipment. | Eldar, 40k, Rogue Traider | 2010-10-05 | 6 | |
12346811 | Eldar quest redux | New initiate dark eldar, getting ready for her first big raid! yay! | dark eldar quest | 2010-10-06 | 1 | |
12358484 | Eldar quest redux2 | Continuing the tale of Caraten, our lonely and neglected dark eldar, as she begins her first raid on an Imperial world | dark eldar quest | 2010-10-07 | 0 | |
March 2011 |
14159874 | Eldar Lore Thread | Discussion of obscure Eldar fluff - now with added Time Lords! Includes speculation on Dark Eldar and the Thirst. | 40K, fluff, Eldar | 2011-03-08 | 3 | |
May 2011 |
15068132 | Dark Eldar Creation | Inspired by the recent frenzy of creation over new Space Marine Chapters, Chaos Warbands, Necron Tomb Worlds, etc, a bunch of fa/tg/uys get together and start planning a /tg/-original Coven or Kabal of Dark Eldar. Many ideas are discussed, none are decided on...yet. | "Dark Eldar", "Chapter Creation", "40k", "Coven", "Kabal" | 2011-05-27 | 2 | |
15072853 | Designing a Craftworld | We start to come up with ideas for a Craftworld. Morbid Ynnead worshipping eldar happens | Eldar Ynnead | 2011-05-28 | 1 | |
15080684 | Craftworld Enohar #2 | /tg/'s Ynnead-worshipping craftworld continues to be drawn up, with additional fluff, speculated special characters and stories. | Ynnead, Eldar, Craftworld | 2011-05-28 | 1 | |
15091388 | The Enshrouded #2 | /tg/ continues fleshing out The Enshrouded, a secretive confederation of DE Haemonculi Covens with various areas of interest between them. Crunch options are investigated and drawfags contribute. | Dark Eldar, Chapter Creation, The Enshrouded, Haemonculi, Coven, 40K | 2011-05-29 | 3 | |
June 2011 |
15267522 | Golden Aquilas 2 | Continuing creation of a Mary Sue marine chapter. | Female marines, girls, mary sue, deathwatch, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, troll, awful, horrible | 2011-06-15 | 10 | |
15278303 | Golden Aquilas 3 | More horribly beautiful writefaggotry and Sue creation. | Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes | 2011-06-16 | 10 | |
15287443 | Golden Aquilas 4 | More writefaggotry, including the tale of the Aquila's only ever male marine. | Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes, Golden Aquilas | 2011-06-17 | 10 | |
15350349 | Golden Aquilas 5 | Crunch gets done and a rival warband of Chaos Sues is created. | Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes, Golden Aquilas | 2011-06-23 | 7 | |
July 2011 |
15601954 | Abaddon Quest IIII | The fall to ancient earth takes an unexpected turn, with the arival of the eldar | awesome, abaddon, abadass, eldar, time travel, 40k, chaos, | 2011-07-17 | 23 | |
15612380 | Abaddon Quest V | Abaddon yells at Ahriman, discovers a loyalist Alpha Legion dreadnought, and cock-slams raptors. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-07-17 | 22 | |
15616064 | Abaddon Quest VI | Abaddon experiences the joy of fatherhood. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-07-18 | 23 | |
15626041 | Abaddon Quest VII | Abaddon informs his waifu about the current situation and chats with his abomination of a child. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-07-19 | 25 | |
15647815 | Abaddon Quest VIII | Abaddon starts planning for his wedding and the eventually corruption of the Eldar. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-07-21 | 22 | |
15681044 | Abaddon Quest IX | Abaddon plans shit during war council and has a space battle with the Eldar. Awesome ensues. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-07-24 | 21 | |
15701229 | Abaddon Quest X | Abaddon manages to captured a powerful eldar seer after boarding her flagship. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn | 2011-07-26 | 21 | |
15734989 | Abaddon Quest XI | Sex. Bloody violence. Violent sex. Popcorn. We've got it all, bitches. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Hot, Sex, Violence | 2011-07-29 | 23 | |
August 2011 |
15770652 | Abaddon Quest XII | Abaddon and the gang makes planetfall on Terra via bikes to rescue Typhus. More dinosaurs die, a mysterious servant of Malal is discovered/killed and chaos rocks out in the jungle. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-08-01 | 20 | |
15818442 | Abaddon Quest XIII | Typhus is rescued, the eldar learn of Nurgle, another Malal cultist is found and captured, warcouncil is called, Kharn shows his true love and Ahriman finally snaps. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love | 2011-08-05 | 25 | |
15823037 | Abaddon Quest XIV | Ahriman fucking snaps and gets snuffed by Abaddon. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love | 2011-08-05 | 23 | |
15891865 | Abaddon Quest XV | War council ends, a rape orgy begins, awesomeness ensues and a god is born. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love | 2011-08-11 | 21 | |
15894168 | Abaddon Quest XVI | Abaddon makes a breakthrough with the High Seer, then a hug births Slaanesh and and Abaddon Punches the Warp, again. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love, Slaanesh | 2011-08-11 | 20 | |
15926413 | Abaddon Quest XVI | Abaddon explores the plot of the Malal cultists. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Khorne | 2011-08-14 | 22 | |
September 2011 |
16400855 | Abaddon Quest XVIII | OP returns to us and it may turn out that a senile crazed terminought is behind the Malal cult. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods | 2011-09-24 | 22 | |
October 2011 |
16762176 | 40k Inspired Drink Recipes + Worst Craftworld | A picture of a Drunk Farseer causes a thread to discuss the goings on of the worst craftworld ever, and post amazing drink recipes. Also Brighter Lance | 40k, Eldar, Brighter Lance, Craftworld | 2011-10-28 | 14 | |
November 2011 |
16851030 | Abaddon Quest XIX | Abaddon visits the Eldar bitches, becomes a mince pie and grows a tentacle beard. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods | 2011-11-06 | 26 | |
December 2011 |
17163496 | Gourmet 40k | A discussion about what Xenos are edible stays remarkably on track. Creation of the Adeptus Delicious Space Marine Chapter included. | warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, Tau, Eldar, Necrons | 2011-12-10 | 8 | |
January 2012 |
17618098 | Chapter Quest IV - First Blood | Rising Sons answer Tyr's plea to bring them food from Stygia(agri-world in Sub-Sector Tyranus). On their way back they are ambushed by Dark Eldar corsairs and Chapter Master himself loses an arm in epic battle aboard Dark Eldar flagship. Despite this, Rising Sons prevail and even manage to take over one of the ships. Tyr is saved and Rising Sons grow even stronger. | Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Mandrake, Chapter Master, ambush, sub-sector, STC, warhammer 40k, Space Marines | 2012-01-22 | 9 | |
February 2012 |
17798062 | Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 4.5 | Hito Hijikatai faced Ward Liesterman on the tournament and it ending something very unexpected. | Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Luchador, Warhammer 40k, Dark Eldar | 2012-02-04 | 1 | |
17876480 | Abaddon Quest XX | A Titan is thrown against the ground and broken, learns HOKUTO ZANKAI KEN | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods | 2012-02-10 | 25 | |
17927799 | Eldar, adoption, and baking. | Do Eldar adopt cross faction? What if Vect's daughter was raised by a Baker? | Dark, Eldar, d'awww, Lofn, Writefag, Baking, <3 | 2012-02-15 | 6 | |
March 2012 |
18286800 | Planetary Governor Quest Part Two | We uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation Napalm | Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Warhammer, 40K, Eldar, Guns, discussion, Ultramarines, Sisters of Battle, RT, Rogue Trader, Genestealer | 2012-03-11 | 23 | |
18517205 | Wacky Racing 40k | Op asks a simple question: What are the DE Reaver races like?
What follows is an discussion about racing in 40k, and how to make a game about it.
Who knew that 40k and Redline would fit this well together? | Racing, Discussion, Homebrew, Dark Eldar, 40k, Redline | 2012-03-31 | 20 | |
April 2012 |
18587064 | Commorragh Quest | We are a dark eldar bounty hunter and we hunt a Heamonculus. | collective game, dark eldar, commoragh | 2012-04-06 | 1 | |
June 2012 |
19470363 | Chapter Quest VIII - Visiting the Dark Sister | Ghosts of Retribution go on a joint mission with Rogue Trader to retrieve an artifact from a Space Hulk, but what happens next was not expected by anyone... | Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, Eldar, Space Hulk, Spirit Stones, Rogue Trader, Chaos Space Marines, Traitors | 2012-06-14 | 4 | |
July 2012 |
19833002 | Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark Eldar | Brother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER. | Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, Dark Eldar, Feudal world, webway, Commoragh, slaves, rape, Sororitas | 2012-07-12 | 10 | |
19969075 | Commoragh Quest I | Brother Montus dives into the webway, trying to save Sister Judith from her Dark Eldar captors, however instead ends up in Commoragh, while on the way creating a personal warp spawn in the form of an Chaos Ork... | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Soulstone, Chaos Orks, Arena | 2012-07-21 | 6 | |
19981203 | Commoragh Quest II | Montus participates in a deadly battle royale in Death Arena. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Soulstone, Arena, Wytches, Battle Royale | 2012-07-22 | 6 | |
20007819 | Commoragh Quest III | Brother Montus awakes to find yet another sentient tinkering with things in his chest! Emperor protect his soul, Montus is forced to negotiate with the vile xenos to continue his quest to save Sister Judith. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2012-07-24 | 8 | |
20075193 | Commoragh Quest IV | The trials of Montus continue as the Wytch Xynthia begins tormenting him. Though Sister Heidra's trapped soul is returned, the Wytch slays the enslaved guardsman Marcharius and tricks Montus... | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2012-07-29 | 6 | |
August 2012 |
20135355 | Chapter Quest V | Xynthia cries. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches, Slaves | 2012-08-02 | 4 | |
20165003 | Scraplootas cont'd | More fluff, more drawings, Blue gets a funstik | Orkz, homebrew, Blue, tau, eldar, fanseer, Boris, Fizzgutz, Threegrot, Dirknitt | 2012-08-04 | 7 | |
20194318 | Commoragh Quest: Astartes Creed | Montus' assassination mission goes off perfectly, and when he returns Xynthia is more than grateful. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2012-08-06 | 13 | |
20223200 | Commoragh Quest VII: Assassins after Sex | Montus is interrupted from cuddling with his Mistress by another assassination attempt and realises that their attackers are ex-Elysian Drop Troopers... | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2012-08-08 | 10 | |
September 2012 |
20611402 | Commoragh Quest X | We continue our preparations to regain Judith from Vorl-Xolanth. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2012-09-06 | 3 | |
20693485 | XENO ADVENTURE PART 8 | In which Xeno tickles an eldar's ears, and battles the gal-o mandrake | xeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, eldar | 2012-09-12 | 6 | |
December 2012 |
22001442 | Half-Eldar | Half-Eldar discussion thread. | Half-Eldar, Eldar, 40k, Human | 2012-12-13 | 3 | |
January 2013 |
22406838 | Eldar Interrogation | "Sir! I've captured an eldar who was lurking around the woods in front of our garrison. What are your orders?"
"RUB HER EARS" | Collective_Game Eldar | 2013-01-05 | 24 | |
22504406 | The Commissar and Marcia | Commissar adopts an Eldar into the IG psykers | eldar imperial guard marcia commissar draw thread | 2013-01-10 | 50 | |
22560741 | The Commissar and Marcia :Training begins | a small session of training for the eldar convert, then some side pics by OP | drawthread, drawfag, eldar, IG, quest, imperial, guard, Marcia, Commissar | 2013-01-13 | 34 | |
22599356 | XENO ADVENTURE PART 10 | In which Xeno kicks ass and tickles feet and loses hips | xeno, Collective game, Xeno's adventure, taucron, necron, quest, drawquest, adventure, eldar | 2013-01-16 | 6 | |
22617928 | The Commissar and Marcia: Obstacle Course | The Commissar's eldar conscript is put through the paces. | Eldar, IG, Imperial Guard, Quest, Marcia, Commissar, drawthread | 2013-01-16 | 23 | |
22656737 | The Commissar and Marcia 5 | A character from the Commissar's past returns from the dead. He then proceeds to knock out an entire tavern's worth of patrons and recruits a psyker to serve as Marcia's teacher. | Eldar, IG, Imperial Guard, Quest, Marcia, Commissar, Collective Game | 2013-01-18 | 21 | |
February 2013 |
22944423 | Commoragh Quest XII | We jump onto a speeding skimmer, massacre a few Dark Eldar and stomp on a few knees, you know, typical weekday in Commoragh. | Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches | 2013-02-03 | 7 | |
March 2013 |
23646805 | Love can clang | An eldar and a necron discover that love can clang, even in a mineshaft | CLANG, love, can, bloom, eldar, necron, | 2013-03-12 | 11 | |
23649973 | Damned Marines I | /tg/ continues to attempt to make a corrupted loyalist, xeno-tech-usin' offshoot of the Ultrasmurfs. | custom chapter, chapter creation, emperor, space marines, warp, chaos, eldar, slaanesh | 2013-03-13 | 6 | |
June 2013 |
25479311 | Kabal of the Pale Collar | Writefaggotry thread derails, creating a Corporate Kabal | Dark Eldar, Pale Collar, 40k, Warhammer, funny | 2013-06-17 | 22 | |
August 2013 |
26426265 | Fallen from Grace | A writefag starts a story about a "gentle" Dark Eldar. | writefaggotry, Dark Eldar, Varia | 2013-08-04 | 13 | |
26451101 | Fallen from Grace pt 2 | A writefag continues his story about a "gentle" Dark Eldar. | writefaggotry, Dark Eldar, Varia | 2013-08-05 | 11 | |
October 2013 |
28027663 | Warlock Quest 1 | You are a Warlock of Biel-Tan. And today's gonna be one of those days. | 40k, quest, Warlock quest, collective game, eldar | 2013-10-31 | 9 | |
January 2014 |
29449266 | souls in asses | we discuss whether souls live in asses and what that means for the orks | ork, bum, butt, ass, soul, slaanesh, eldar, 40k, warhammer, epic, lol, funny, fluff | 2014-01-12 | 22 | |
May 2014 |
32195887 | The Commissar and Marcia-Sidequest: Da Pod | An unidentified "Space Pod" lands in the thick jungle of Feral World "Loss". The Commissar calls the guardsmen and Marcia to investigate and find a rather unexpected lifeform. | Collective Game, The Commissar and Marcia, Marcia, Commissar, Imperial Guard, Eldar, drawthread, Squat, Grotling, heresy | 2014-05-18 | 7 | |
July 2014 |
33560253 | Dark Eldar playing Pretend | Typical Dark Eldar discussion. | warhammer, 40k, dark eldar, itt, roleplay, rpg, commoragh, decadence | 2014-07-22 | 2 | |
November 2014 |
36413926 | New adventures with Aerwin | The show of Aerwin the eldar mon-keigh expert and her crew continues | Eldar, Aerwin, writefag, drawfag, dave, Wraithguard, grot, mike | 2014-11-27 | 7 | |
December 2014 |
36587371 | Khornette Quest #17 | In which we start corrupting some Eldar and fight a Wraithlord. Those two things may or may not be mutually exclusive. | Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Eldar, ELH | 2014-12-06 | 11 | |
36959535 | Khornette Quest #18 | In which we save a lost Eldar and talk about accepting Chaos into her life. | Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Eldar, Emperor's Day, Healing, ELH | 2014-12-25 | 11 | |
January 2015 |
37112132 | Khornette Quest #19 | In which we have fun with Sytili and visit a Feudal World. | Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Eldar, Zoanthrope, ELH | 2015-01-02 | 13 | |
February 2015 |
37902779 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 1 | You are Bellatrix Curis, in training to become a Sister of Battle.
Some stuff happens, and then some lewd stuff happens with a xeno witch, and she passes out before you can get her name! The nerve! | Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM | 2015-02-08 | 11 | |
37997548 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 2 | Bella finds the Eldar's spear, learns that her name is Alirye, puts the moves on the poor pointy-eared gal, and the both of them head into the spooky forest! | Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Dire Chicken, Spooky Forest, Hylophobia, | 2015-02-12 | 9 | |
38174648 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 3 | Bellatrix lectures Alirye on how snazzy the Emperor is, meets a felinid techpriestess, pets said techpriestess, and discovers HERESY. | Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, TECH HERESY, Necrodermis, Double headpats | 2015-02-20 | 6 | |
38246094 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4 | Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt! | Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, Goo, Super-strength, Invisibility | 2015-02-23 | 8 | |
March 2015 |
38403397 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 5 | Bella and Alirye infiltrate the Ork camp, and Bella promptly sets some tank-thing on fire, then some Orks on fire, then tries to set a building on fire and gets krump'd by a Nob. | Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Lots'o'fire, Krump'ing | 2015-03-02 | 6 | |
38630544 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 6 | Bella and Alirye kick some ork arse, Aila performs a super-duper-extra delicate field operation and jams Bella's severed arm back into place, and, most importantly, Bella does some one-liners.
Oh, and Aila barges in and ruins the lewd mood Alirye and Bella had been cultivating. | Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Catgirl Techpriestess, Awkward conversations, mood-ruining, lewd-interrupting, power nap | 2015-03-12 | 5 | |
38723571 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 7 | Bella takes up the flamer, engages Alirye in a duel of lewd, half-listens to some tech-priests, and finds out that Alirye is a cougar during the cult-purging road trip! | Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, ear lewdness, flamer time!, cougars, lewdvengeance, Aila heard all of that | 2015-03-16 | 4 | |
39010444 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 8 | Short thread (sorry). Bella and Alirye arrive at their destination, talk to some civilians, find the heresy, and have several benches tossed at them. | Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, reasonable people, crazy psykers, cultists, spooky artifacts, telekinetically-propelled benches | 2015-03-30 | 4 | |
April 2015 |
39165875 | The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P1 | The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2015-04-06 | 135 | |
39185203 | The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P2 | The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2015-04-07 | 141 | |
May 2015 |
39765609 | Craftworldis Ayl-Nasturcane | After a shaky start and a few trolls, /tg/ makes a craftworld of healers. | Eldar, Fluff, Creation, Healing, Aylis-Nasturcane | 2015-05-05 | 6 | |
June 2015 |
40617073 | Penal regiment designation /tg/: another inspection | The regiment is deeply in ork terriroty and has problems with folding tools and special members | collective game, penal regiment designation /tg/commissar gaurun, cpt notaneldar,lemming, gibbers, stephen meltaman, Sergeant KommandoInDisguise, james, ruh | 2015-06-15 | 5 | |
July 2015 |
41226907 | Lost Prinarch Quest 16 | The dark eldsr board our ship only to meet an angry primarch! | collective game, Lost Primarch Quest, Primarch, Eleventh, Psyker, Eldar | 2015-07-15 | 8 | |
May 2016 |
144394 | Kabalite Quest 3 | The thread takes a turn towards the seedy underbelly of slave pits and fight clubs. Are you not entertained? | Alchemical Abomination, Alcehmical Abomination, Kabalite Quest, Dark Eldar, Deldar, Collective Game | 2016-05-22 | 3 | |
October 2016 |
49591185 | Nobledark 40k part deux | Alternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. First chapter was not archived. | Eldar, human, nobledark, emperor, Isha | 2016-10-09 | 31 | |
49707496 | Nobledark 40k part tethera | Alternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. A sequal thread | Eldar, human, nobledark, emperor, Isha | 2016-10-21 | 28 | |
49889220 | Nobledark 40k Part Quadra-something(?) | Alternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Another sequel thread, gone too soon. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha | 2016-10-25 | 27 | |
November 2016 |
49948023 | Nobledark 40k The Fifth | Alternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Attempts to focus on War of the Beast, derails quickly. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2016-11-02 | 26 | |
50077670 | Nobledark 40k de la Six | Alternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Died too soon, again. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2016-11-05 | 26 | |
50119235 | Nobledark 40k de la Six part II | Alternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Krieg is chillingly fleshed out and Sangy's tale is finished. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2016-11-16 | 25 | |
50263743 | Nobledark 40k 8.0 | 40k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Cleaned up fluff, did Eldrad & Corax, beginning to overhaul 1d4chan page. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2016-11-27 | 23 | |
December 2016 |
50425952 | Nobledark 40k 8.1 | 40k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Russ firmed up, planning for Lion and Horus being started. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2016-12-13 | 21 | |
50611245 | 4Chan in the time of 40k | In the The Grim Darkness of the 41st millennium, there are still Neckbeards, Autists, Weeaboos, Virgins, and shitposters | 4Chan, Warhammer 40k, 40k, 40kchan, guelaboo, kriegers, Eldar, Orkz, Roleplay, 4chan is the Eye of Terror | 2016-12-15 | 9 | |
50684106 | Nobledark 40k Niner | 40k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Died too soon, again. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2016-12-16 | 21 | |
January 2017 |
50874097 | Nobledark 40k X(mas) | Some seriously good writefaggatory including but not limited to WotB, slice of life and the origin of the Greater Good | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-01-01 | 20 | |
50992723 | Nobledark 40k XI | A.I. overlords, military structure, Jubblowski, Q'orl and attempts to unfuck up the technocracy. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-01-07 | 20 | |
51105718 | Nobledark 40k X + II | Detail of military organization and equipment, notes on the Chaos Eldar and their relationship with Dark Eldar and Orks, slice of life etc | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-01-14 | 18 | |
51257007 | Nobledark 40k XIII: Based Horus edition | Some drawfagging, some ushankas, some speculation on the pantheons and the great game. Other stuff. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-01-20 | 18 | |
51441824 | Nobledark 40k XIV: Remember, No Gothic edition | AdBio, writefagging, list of godly things, Calgar and the Swarmlord and the 1st Bug War | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-01-30 | 18 | |
February 2017 |
51524369 | Nobledark 40k XV: Bug-hunt, crazy Necrons | Sororitas discussion, Kryptman, Nemesor Zahndrekh, Vampires, Big Ships and more | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-02-05 | 16 | |
51646615 | Nobledark 40k XVI: War of the Wiki Edition | Chaos Eldar warrior fluff, religions of the Imperium, stuff about Erebus, a mad bastard elder called Rommel and more oh my! | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-02-12 | 16 | |
51730871 | Nobledark 40k XVII: What The Fuck Is Going On edition | Primarchfag writes some stuff about Fulgrim,more stuff on vampires, sororitas, religion and Imperial policy. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-02-19 | 16 | |
51833468 | Nobledark 40k XVIII: Perils of the Warp Edition | The Prince gets a rewrite, Chaos Eldar get some good shit, Dr Bile is getting shit done, Outsider be crazy, Phoenix Lords, Orks getting real | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-02-25 | 16 | |
March 2017 |
51972949 | Nobledark 40k XIX: Whose Grimdark Is It Anyway Edition | Arguments over Tau, Tau Doomguy, Ursh, Navigators, Armageddon and the lunatics who live on it, and more | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-03-07 | 15 | |
52094866 | Nobledark 40k Part 20: Fuck Roman Numerals edition | Old Eldar Empire was fucked up, attempts to make some new eldar characters, Chaos Soldiery fleshed out, a bit more writefagging | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-03-15 | 15 | |
52262671 | Nobledark 40k Part XXI: Return of the Roman Numerals | Angry renegade Dark Eldar, bit moar on Fulgrim, bit on Dr. Bile, the shadier things of the Alpha Legion, Monty Python. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-03-27 | 15 | |
April 2017 |
52451994 | Nobledark Imperium: The Shining Bunkers of Civilization Edition | Timeline hammerin out, Necron Titans, Gutsmek Wazdakka, Macharius, A Ω Hydra, Kinebrach blades and more | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-04-07 | 14 | |
52634996 | Nobledark 40k Part 23: Return of the Thread Numbering edition | Tankred Enduring, character of Isha All-Mother discussed, more of Fulgrim's story, on Kinebrach blades, Khine awaits his Chariot and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-04-16 | 14 | |
52769445 | Nobledark 40k Part 24: Fyodor Flips His Shit edition | Inquisition Schism, Angron writefaggatory, 5 Big Bastards written about, Chaos Eldar are dicks, Dark Mechanicus origins, Fenris Ultramar etc | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-04-25 | 12 | |
May 2017 |
52931666 | Nobledark 40k Part 25: ROADTRIP YEAAAAAAAAAH edition | Hell that is Cadia, Caerys, Kayleth, Relationships of the gods, moar on Arrotyr, moar Chaos Eldar troops/atrocities | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-05-05 | 11 | |
53143370 | Nobledark 40k Part XXVI: Roman Numerals Reloaded | Nature of Preatoria and Mordia, Dark City social changes, Crone Eldar, Malal deamon-prince, Hrud, Qah, Unnaground, Hubworlders, Legienstrass | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-05-16 | 11 | |
53338185 | Nobledark 40k Part 27: Roman Numerals are Shit Edition | Someone steps up to the plate for Dorn, Crone Eldar WMDs, Badab War, Feast of Blades, Interex and their warriors, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-05-26 | 11 | |
June 2017 |
53557919 | Nobledark 40k 28: Imperial Grand Tour edition | Savlar, felinids, Damocles Gulf, more Old Earth, Silent King, what are Zoats and should (the tyranids) be eating them, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-06-09 | 11 | |
53787726 | Nobledark 40k 29: Multi-Drug withdrawal eddition | Urkrathos the Chaos Fleet Master, more on Savlar, Saharduin, Indigo Crow and the Raid, Tyrant Star and Harrowing, nature of Assassins | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-06-23 | 11 | |
July 2017 |
53972235 | Nobledark 40k 30:Lost and Damned guide to Shaa-Dome real estate Edition | Gods, Tau, Changeling, Ceggers, Daemonculaba, Adoption, Hector Rex, Dark Mechanicus, Eisenhorn, 1st Dorn draft, Malal, Dark Sun, Warpstone | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-07-05 | 11 | |
54215770 | Nobledark 40k: Bureaucrat's Wetdreams (or nightmare) edition | Currency, Draco is a freak, Angron and slavery, Minotaurs,Doomtau Kais, Preatorians and sexy nuns, floaty skulls, Titus is building a Legion | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-07-21 | 11 | |
August 2017 |
54503379 | Nobledark 40k 32: Survivor Civilization editio | Taldeer has Slutty Ears, Ultramar Draft 1, Iybraesil, Damocles Crusade, Tigurius, Demiurg, Titus and Mira, Savlar wear vault suits. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-08-03 | 11 | |
54715863 | Nobledark 40k 33: Orkz is da greenist and bestest edition | Featuring the Saruthi, Lady Celestine, Cyrene Valantion, actual agreement on Eversors, Ulthran Cartel politics, and (attempts at) Orks | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40 | 2017-08-16 | 11 | |
55001131 | Nobledark 40k 34: Orkz II | Died far too young, but contains discussion and Bjorn writefaggotry worthy of archiving. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40 | 2017-08-24 | 11 | |
September 2017 |
55066206 | Nobledark 40k part 35: the Old (and new) Gods edition | Mostly Necrons, C'tan, and Blood Angels, along with associated things. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-09-04 | 11 | |
55313386 | Nobledark 40k part 36: Citizen Khaine edition | Squats, shrikes, Slaugh and the Rangdan Xenocides, adorable proto-orks, more Ultramar, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-09-19 | 11 | |
October 2017 |
55583946 | Nobledark 40k part 37: Hive Architecture 101 and Remedial Political History Edition | We finally talk about the Tau. General Eldar stuff, Black Legion, the Imperial Aquila. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-10-07 | 10 | |
55824461 | Nobledark 40k part 38: Master of Meatkind Edition | More of Lion's story, Tarellian colonies and culture, Xun'bakyr and the Maynarch Dynasty, and the crazy stuff on Ganymede | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-10-19 | 10 | |
November 2017 |
56059361 | Nobledark 40k part 39: Spooky Scary Necrons Edition | More on the Silent King and Maynarkh Dynasty, more High Lords, spess combat, and Bile's projects and relationship with Commorragh. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-11-04 | 11 | |
56286128 | Nobledark 40k part 40: Skiing in Space Austria edition | Asdrubael Vect and the Dark Eldar, Reri Hesperax, Ratlings, Eldar Empire logistics, Asurmen and Phoenix Lords, Legienstrasse & Draco stories | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-11-16 | 11 | |
56468501 | Nobledark 40k part 41: Fear and Loathing in Savlar edition | More on the Phoenix Lords, Tau, Inquisitor Valeria, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-11-27 | 10 | |
December 2017 |
56684946 | Nobledark 40k part 42: Unpronounceable Tau name edition | Died way too soon, but a little done including a complete writeup for Kryptman. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-12-01 | 10 | |
56706040 | Nobledark 40k part 42a: Unpronounceable Tau name edition part II | Fulgrim returns, Catachan, Slaugth get a writeup, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-12-08 | 10 | |
56930616 | Nobledark 40k part 43: WAAAGH! edition | Thread died too quickly again, but some discussion of Vandire and the Imperial Civil War | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-12-15 | 10 | |
56947494 | Nobledark 40k part 44: Coming around for another go edition | Fenris versus the Olamic Quietude, more squats, Cain's assistant, more Vulkan, are Orks edible, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-12-21 | 10 | |
57055511 | Nobledark 40k part 45: SCREEE! edition | Finally get the fluff of the Astronomican fixed, Elysian Drop Troopers, Octarius, Tarellian religion, Cthonia, and more | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2017-12-28 | 10 | |
January 2018 |
57242663 | Nobledark 40k part 46: One Crusade Man edition | Isha worship, tyranids, and some other discussion. Died way too early, archived for completeness sake. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-01-05 | 10 | |
57265950 | Nobledark 40k part 47: The End Times edition | Hopefully not the End Times. Craftworld Kaelor, Khaine, Taldeer, Wyverns, Obliterators, Kroot, Genehounds, Moons of Shaa-Dome, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-01-12 | 12 | |
57452096 | Nobledark 40k part 48: Not The End Times edition | Qah died for your sins subedition. Hrud, Tau-Imperium cultural friction, pre-Raid Macha, wraithguard, Crone Eldar abominations, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-01-21 | 12 | |
February 2018 |
57661171 | Nobledark 40k part 49: Big Slapfight in Heaven edition | Bloodtide, Marines Malevolent, Sisters fluff starts to get fixed, Celestine, Imperial Civil War, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-02-05 | 10 | |
57828105 | Nobledark 40k part 50: Big 5-0 edition | Lion finally gets finished, Khorne's Avatar, more debate over non-militant Sisters, Stern, Titus, Morty was right: vermin get the last word | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-02-12 | 10 | |
57999291 | Nobledark 40k part 51: Galactic. Eldar. Conspiracy. Edition | Olamic Quietude, [Redacted] about the Cabal and Gahet, A.I. related stuff, Viskeon, Luther's world in the Eye, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-02-23 | 10 | |
March 2018 |
58264906 | Nobledark 40k part 52: Prospero University Edition | Taskmaster of Shaa-Dome, Pastoral Worlds, Anval Thawn, an alternate future, Siege of Terra, AdMech and the Fab-General, DOOMRIDER, and more. | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-03-12 | 10 | |
58563280 | Nobledark 40k part 52: Szarekh Does Not Serve Edition | Ork diplomats (now making more sense than the ones in canon), the cost of eternal war, blanks and Sisters of Silence, dreadnaughts, and more | Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-03-26 | 10 | |
April 2018 |
58818593 | Nobledark 40K Pt 54: Let's Number This Right Edition | Discussion of unsaved old ideas, coop Imperial Army units, the Laer, and wonder metal neutronium. Died early, archived for organization. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-04-05 | 10 | |
59020817 | Nobledark 40k part 55: Dorn's Last Stand edition | Elysium system, Blacklaw the Freeboota, discussion and planning of various aspects of the setting, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-04-16 | 10 | |
59183440 | Nobledark Imperium Part 56: Bug War Edition | More Blacklaw, armored warfare, Space hulks, Brain Boyz, Tau-Imperial relations, Angron and his children, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-04-27 | 10 | |
May 2018 |
59412072 | Nobledark Imperium Part 57: Gold And Silver Editiion | Redneck Tau, vox-warfare in Navy doctrine, Blacklaw finished, and a "cute HumanxEldar romance" - an Anon who had their wish fulfilled. | Nobledark,Eldar,Human,Emperor,Isha,40K,Warhammer 40K | 2018-05-07 | 10 | |
59566862 | Nobledark Imperium Part 58: Doom'Tau Edition | Deathwatch, Nazdreg da Git, more writing, Sons of Antaeus, Mortifactors, Novamarines, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-05-17 | 10 | |
59767125 | Nobledark Imperium Part 59: SPESS MARINE Edition | Hereteks, life of the average Joe, the expedition of Por'O M'arc, Chief Psykana of the Adeptus Astronomica, location of Cthonia, and more | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-05-23 | 10 | |
June 2018 |
59905153 | Nobledark Imperium Part 60: Ringworld Edition | Iron Minds versus Old Empire, galaxy map, Interex society and government, Rednecks versus Aliens, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k | 2018-06-03 | 10 | |
60121526 | Nobledark Imperium Part 61: Rednecks v. Xenos Edition | Minor xenos backgrounds fluffed out, Mont'Kau suit finished, Chaos commanders get developed, & Imperial architectural trends are discussed. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-06-17 | 10 | |
60371811 | Nobledark Imperium Part 62: Imperial Propaganda Edition | Ullanor, New Men writefaggotry, the Ilmaea of Commorragh, the voyage of Por'o M'arc, Space Marines on Old Earth, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-06-29 | 10 | |
July 2018 |
60604925 | Nobledark Imperium Part 63: Lady Malys' Quotebook Edition | Lineup for the Raid, nature of humanity and abhumans, Codex entries, Rak'gol, the corrupted Man of Gold, the Cthonian Ring, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-07-14 | 10 | |
60859322 | Nobledark 40k part 62a: Yet another Man of Gold Awards edition | DIed far too soon, but contains good writing that needs to be archived. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-07-17 | 7 | |
60898868 | Nobledark 40k part 62a: Wrapping Things Up edition? | Crone Berserkers, Demiurg, Goge Vandire, naval battles, life in the Cadian Gate region, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-07-28 | 9 | |
August 2018 |
61123571 | Nobledark imperium part 65: This is (Not) The End edition | Motivations of Lady Malys, Tindalosi and Ordo Chronos, High Lady of the Psykana, Death of Argel Tal, Davinite Lodges, Blood Pact, and more | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-08-06 | 10 | |
61372827 | Nobledark imperium part 66: Get in Luther, We're Going Black Crusading edition | Malys and Be'lakor, Duke Severus XIII, Sly Marbo, webway gates of Sol, eldar psychology, Saim-Hann, Inquisitor Valeria, and more | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-08-21 | 10 | |
September 2018 |
61588973 | Nobledark imperium part 67: Daemons 101 for Dummies edition | Lynn Mywin and Ephrael Stern, Freri and Geki, Ahriman, Blood Pact, Medusae, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-09-05 | 6 | |
61833502 | Nobledark imperium part 68: I Am Alpharius edition | Died far too soon, but included good discussion on the Harrowing, Thexians, Enoulians, more Quietude, and Terranis | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-09-10 | 6 | |
61899944 | Nobledark Imperium part 68b: [planet]-chan edition | Men of Gold get a writeup, bolters, Istvaan, Prometheanism, Fra'al, Hruds and Terranis, and FEELS | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-09-19 | 7 | |
62080203 | Nobledark Imperium part 69: Two Year Anniversary, Boyz edition | Died too soon, but more Ulmeathic League, Alpha Legion versus Be'lakor, felinids, gretchen rebellion, Rogue Traders, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-09-25 | 8 | |
October 2018 |
62171748 | Nobledark Imperium Part 70: Tau Secretary Edition | Blanks, M'kar, Barbarus and Typhon, Féin-Cineál, Sslyth pirates, more Ingethel, life and death of empires, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-10-06 | 7 | |
62359978 | Nobledark Imperium Part 71: Ssylth Shenanigans Edition | Ahmontekh and Suhbekhar Dynasty, Lucius, Word Bearers and Monarchia, Idranel, building inspectors (really), Lynn Mywin, and more | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-10-21 | 7 | |
62669954 | Craftworld Driag-Nahl | Witness the birth of the unholy bastard of /k/, Vietcong, Noldor and Nagarythe. | Eldar, Traps, Jungle, Masterwork Gear, PTSD, Arts and Crafts, Poor Iron Warriors | 2018-10-30 | 6 | |
November 2018 |
62597893 | Nobledark Imperium Part 72: BLOODQUEST edition | Lelith Hesperax, more Lucius, servitors, treatment of mutants, Istvaan V, and assorted miscellania | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-11-02 | 6 | |
62760862 | Driag-Nahl Thread # 3 | Continued work on the /k/raftworld of Driag-Nhal. More work done on backstory and stuff | Eldar, Warhammer, Craftworld, Arts and Crafts, /k/, Traps, Avatar is mad | 2018-11-03 | 5 | |
62827250 | Actaul Driag-Nahl Thread #3 | More work is done on the Craftworld and friends. Kabals are fluffed up nicely | Craftworld, Kabals, Mad Max, Backstabbing, Eldar | 2018-11-09 | 2 | |
62813095 | Nobledark Imperium Part 73: Mystery Tech edition | Demiurg, Crone Wild Hunt, more Ulumeathic League, more Fulgrim, Hubworlder Grudges, Void Dragon dreams, Crone plots, and more | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-11-13 | 6 | |
63044149 | Nobledark Imperium Part 74: Fleshing out the Great and Bountiful Human Dominion edition | Surprisingly lively debate of Spirit of Integrity, Malal, Isha, Hubworlders, Tarellians, Vespid, more Legi and Draco, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-11-28 | 7 | |
December 2018 |
63265340 | Nobledark Imperium Park 75: Missing Pieces of Malal Edition | More Malal, Crone "Society", Geography of the Eye, Ingethel, Czevak, Jubbowski gets a rewrite, Order of the Old Tree, Handmaidens, and mor | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-12-12 | 6 | |
63512037 | Nobledark Imperium Part 76: Tenta-Crones and Wyches Edition | Nightbringer versus Khorne, more Tarellians, Isha's daemons, more Czevak and Jubblowski, central themes, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2018-12-29 | 5 | |
63727920 | /tg/ Sector Creation thread: worshiping the Omnissiah isn't Heresy edition | More work is done and new planets/facions are rolled including amnesiac Necrons roped into fighting Chaos by Eldar | Necrons, Eldar, Amnesia, 40k, Chaos, Rolling | 2018-12-31 | 1 | |
January 2019 |
63751904 | Nobledark Imperium Part 77: Fleshing Things Out Edition | Inquisitor Heldane, Vect and Malys have a spat, Yvraine's social life, Aun'va and the Emperor, capital ships, Vandire's rise, and more | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2019-01-16 | 3 | |
February 2019 |
64151956 | Nobledark Imperium Part 77: Manifest Ectasy Edition | Writefag delivers on a lot of Sisters of Battle writing, Necrons versus tyranids (twice), how humans and eldar see each other, and more | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2019-02-02 | 3 | |
64394033 | Nobledark Imperium Part 79: Rise of the Imperium The Musical Edition | More Sisters, Arrotyr gets the Monty Python treatment, Nightsiders, Imperial bureaucracy, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2019-02-15 | 2 | |
64663397 | Nobledark Imperium Part 80: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD KING OF THE GALAXY edition | Ratlings, space battles, tabletop in the nobledark, Blood Pact society, Gathrog and Dregruk, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2019-02-23 | 4 | |
March 2019 |
64830871 | Nobledark Imperium Part 81: Milk for the Khorne Flakes Edition | Chaos Felinids, the World that Wasn't/Veiled Region, Kiavahr, Spirit of Integrity, more space battles, leader of Carlos McConnell, and more | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2019-03-13 | 3 | |
65114001 | Nobledark Imperium Part 82 : Eldar Tallarnian Holidays edition | The idiot playboy of McConnell Corp, mythical Trials of Isha, Zarakynel tries to be a homewrecker, daemon weapons, and more | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2019-03-30 | 2 | |
April 2019 |
65418021 | Nobledark Imperium Part 83: Nurglite Wight King Edition | Necron terriforming, writeups for Obyron's duel and Veiled Region, Mandragora and the lost Necron homeworld, and more. | Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K | 2019-04-06 | 3 | |
August 2019 |
67952063 | The Battle For Arazonia Secundus | The Americus 10th Mechanized scour the desert of foul xenos. Featuring; Ork Cowboys, Eldar Tavern Wenches, Tempestus Scions, Stoner Tank | 40k, writefaggotry, IG, Orks,Tau, Necrons, Eldar, Sisters of Battle, Daemonette, Krieg | 2019-08-29 | 3 | |
September 2019 |
67964177 | Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry Regiment | Dysfunctional Imperial Guard camp fights off wave after wave of enemies. Featuring: a cat, frenchmen, Commissars, a deathclaw, and fapbait | 40k, writefaggotry, IG, Felinid, Necron, Custodian, Chaos, Slaanesh, smut, Tau, Dark Eldar | 2019-09-01 | 4 | |
68123185 | Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry Regiment Part 2 | Short lived second part to the Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry Regiment | 40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tau, Dark Eldar, Sisters of Battle | 2019-09-02 | 2 | |
68113304 | The battle of Damnatum Lutum, part 4 | With winter rolling in and the Tau having settled down, the anons of the thread worldbuild with some giant battles on the side | 40k, writefaggotry, world building, IG, Eldar, Tau, Rogue Trader, Chaos, Orks, Imperial Fists, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition | 2019-09-10 | 6 | |
October 2019 |
68704690 | The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 5 | In the thick of winter, the Imperials try to advance into Tau territory but old and new enemies appear to complicate their plans. | 40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition, Grot | 2019-10-12 | 6 | |
November 2019 |
69181640 | The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 6 | As winter ends, deep fog engulfs the region, and all sorts of spooky enemies appear | 40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Inquisition, Genestealers | 2019-11-11 | 5 | |
December 2019 |
69925790 | The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7 | First part of the final chapter in the DL series. Nids show up and are fought with a mix of nukes, volcanos, guns, and good ol' melee comba | 40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tyranids, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Inquisition, Orks, Tau | 2019-12-22 | 3 | |
January 2020 |
70060601 | The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.5 | Part 2 of the final thread. As another nuclear explosion goes off in the distance, our remaining heroes continue to fight the Tyranid horde. | 40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tyranids, Tau, Chaos, Inquisition, Orks, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar | 2020-01-03 | 4 | |
70248496 | The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.5.5 | Part 3 of the final thread, the forces of Chaos return in force while our heroes struggle to survive across the map. | 40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tau, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Inquisition | 2020-01-05 | 2 | |
70300545 | The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.6 | Part 4 of the final thread. The story comes to an end with an epic titan fight. Epilogue in another thread. | 40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition, Tyranids | 2020-01-22 | 4 | |
70585421 | The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Epilogue | Posters discuss the fates of their characters, their favorite parts of the seven month saga, and next steps. | 40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition | 2020-01-27 | 6 | |
April 2020 |
71693957 | Jungle Rumble | Bunch of characters from different factions get send to a jungle deathworld. What could possibly go wrong? | 40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Necrons, Tyranids, Kroot | 2020-04-07 | 1 | |
May 2020 |
72679969 | The Battle of Ignotius | Chaos cults stage an uprising on an Imperial world and all hell breaks loose as various factions advance hidden agendas. | 40k, Warpfuckery, IG, Lamenters. Writefaggotry, Chaos, Eldar, Necrons, Tyranids, Orks, Imperium | 2020-05-27 | 3 | |
November 2020 |
75946522 | Iron Falcons #2 | Anons flesh out the lore and roll up the Dark Eldar. Sector is getting a bit crowded. | Space Marines, Primaris Marines, Chapter Creation, Iron Falcons, Perturabo is an Autist, Dark Eldar | 2020-11-18 | 10 | |
February 2021 |
77292353 | Kaiju Sector Clusterfuck Faction Generator I | A thread dedicated to creating a Tyranid Hive Fleet spirals into a sector clusterfuck as more (weirdly kaiju related) factions are rolled up | Warhammer 40k, Tyranids, Orks, Tau, Space Marines, Eldar, Clusterfuck | 2021-02-05 | 2 | |
77353236 | Kaiju Sector Clusterfuck Faction Generator II | Rolls further create two fanatical Guard regimentum, a renegade Blood Angel Chapter, an insane DEldar Kabal and an insaner Necron Dynasty. | Warhammer 40k, Tyranids, Orks, Tau, Space Marines, Eldar, Imperial Guard, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Creation Tables, Clusterfuck | 2021-02-08 | 3 | |
77704221 | Saving Private Mon'Keigh | What if cupanon was a craftworld Eldar? | storytime, Writefag, eldar, 30k, time travel, not as planned | 2021-02-24 | 53 | |
June 2021 |
79479764 | Chocolate and Corruption in 40k #2 - Wonka Land | An Eccentric mix of characters explore the perils of Wonka Land. Some continue to slide into corruption. | 40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Tyranids, Inquisition, Orks | 2021-06-04 | 8 | |
September 2021 |
4926394 | Hapless Guardswoman Quest #2 - Beach Episode | Rhea Silvia blunders through even more bizarre encounters, but is offered the chance to empower herself, for a price... | 40k, Inquisition, Chaos, Orks, Necron, Dark Eldar, Tau, Chocolate, Corruption | 2021-09-01 | 1 | |
October 2021 |
4979125 | Hapless Guardswoman Quest #3 – Corrupted, or Very Corrupted? | Rhea experiments with forbidden powers, then gets cold feet and cuts a deal with the Dark Eldar instead. | 40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Chocolate, Corruption | 2021-10-03 | 0 | |
November 2021 |
82269828 | Dark Eldar (And More) Creation Thread | A creation thread for a Deldar Kabal delivers lore, art, worldbuilding, and even more factions. Shit's pretty lit | 40k, Creation Tables, Dark Eldar, Imperial Guard, Chaos Space Marines | 2021-11-26 | 1 | |
December 2021 |
5015461 | Hapless Guardswoman Quest #4 – Spooky Edition | Rhea babysits a cursed artifact and a haunted house, gets tangled in a Halloween themed Chaos ritual, then scouts out an isolated island. | 40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Chocolate, Corruption | 2021-12-01 | 1 | |
82330143 | Kabal of the Cloaked Void thread #2 | A continuation of 82269828, involving norse feral world guardsmen and a Grotesque monstrosity made from a Dreadnought. | 40k, Creation Tables, Dark Eldar, Imperial Guard, Cloaked Void, | 2021-12-08 | 1 | |
January 2022 |
5074164 | Hapless Guardswoman Quest #5 – Candlemas in Groxbridge | Christmas themed thread where Rhea fights in a mall, does a Die Hard, and makes an unlikely alliance to fight Krampii. | 40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Chocolate, Corruption | 2022-01-13 | 0 | |
March 2022 |
5125693 | Hapless Guardswoman Quest #6 – Treasure Hunt | Rhea joins a Rogue Trader's expedition, helps lead a landing party, and encounters some old enemies, things don't go well. | 40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Eldar Corsairs, Rogue Trader, Chocolate, Corruption | 2022-03-04 | 0 | |
April 2022 |
5185262 | Hapless Guardswoman Quest #7 – Jungle Adventures | Rhea survives the ruins, makes new friends, then goes and visits her evil clone. | 40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Eldar Corsairs, Rogue Trader, Chocolate, Corruption | 2022-04-22 | 0 | |
June 2022 |
5238849 | Hapless Guardswoman Quest #8 – Fun in the Desert | Conclusion of the thread 6-8 arc. Rhea picks which evil waifu should get godlike powers. | 40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Tau, Rogue Trader, Chocolate, Corruption | 2022-06-05 | 0 | |
July 2022 |
5294441 | Hapless Guardswoman Quest #9 - Gothic Noble | A new world is introduced, and Rhea finds herself plunged into intrigue once more as she tries to keep allies happy. | 40k, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Chocolate, Corruption | 2022-07-13 | 0 | |
January 2023 |
87277920 | Saving Private Mon'Keigh #2 | Mon'Keigh Eldar's attempts at preventing the Horus Heresy | storytime, writefag, Eldar, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, Time Travel, 30k | 2023-01-09 | 38 | |
December 2023 |
91097573 | Valhallans on an Anchor World Part 2 | The Valhallan 545th and their allies fight chaos and tyranids while an Inquisitor goes on a secret mission | 40k, IG, valhallans, skitarii, chaos, tyranids, deathwatch, writefaggotry, mordians, felinids, eldar, harlequins | 2023-12-08 | 4 | |
January 2025 |
94653077 | Tallarns on an Ice World 2 | Assorted characters fight to save Candlemas. Again. See for links to all threads | 40k, IG, Tallarns, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Orks, Necron, Felinids, Eldar, writefaggotry, Candlemas, Christmas | 2025-01-04 | 1 | |
94653077 | Tallarns on an Ice World 2 | Assorted characters fight to save Candlemas. Again. See for links to all threads | 40k, IG, Tallarns, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Orks, Necron, Felinids, Eldar, writefaggotry, Candlemas, Christmas | 2025-01-04 | 1 | |