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05/11/08(Sun)13:53 No.1709157 File :1210528433.png-(5 KB, 300x300, rapelord.png)
 >>1707262 'did you 'ere dat boss?' the boy said nervously, fidgeting in his seat. The battlewagon was fully enclosed, the passengers unable to see the battle raging outside.
'shut yer gob ya-' but Nob Guzzfappa was cut short when his head exploded into a fine mist, a gigantic bone colored fist penetrating through the wall.
The crudely built wagon began to buckle as two massive powered clawed hands tore deep into it's hull. Looted adamantite gave way with a painful screech as the Wraithlord forcibly enlarged the hole. Da boyz scrambled wildly for a way out, but the only exit ramp was blocked by the wraithbone giant. The ghost warrior's bony bright lance stood erect, warm to the touch as eldritch energies coarsed through its shaft in anticipation. To the horror of the hapless greenskins the mighty construct sank the lance deep into the immobilized wagon. Superconcentrated light energy penetrated the hull of the battlewagon, filling its dark cavities with burning starlight. |