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!vv/Nr3MYLo 07/17/11(Sun)11:30 No.15612383 File1310916637.jpg-(354 KB, 1231x890, dinosaurpost.jpg)
 You currently stand in the middle of a jungle. By your side are Kharn, ten World Eaters, the Master of Hounds/Lash of the Black Legion (the Iron Warrior who built your arms), Lucius, a squad of his men and a passive carnosaur.
Having tamed such a powerful steed, you get the idea to have the Jokaero outfit it with a fearsome array of weaponry. You tune into the vox channel to try and contact the Vengeful Spirit, but as you do a voice comes in.
“Abaddon, is that you? Where in the warp are you?” Ahriman says, an annoyed tone to his voice
(rolls are 1d100 with higher being better, and any rolls of 66, 77, 88, or 99 will result in that action being chosen above all and "enhanced", as it has clearly been blessed by the Dark Gods) |