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04/18/12(Wed)04:05 No.18764380 File: 1334736334.jpg-(41 KB, 660x340, Battlecruiser_SC1_CineInaugura(...).jpg)
 >>18763017 I'd do a counter proposal on it, think of it as a Terran Battle cruiser from StarCraft design.
8 Extended Engines, (function as with Fusion Drive upgrade - Actual Fusion drive upgrades are give 50% less performance on this design due to overlap) 6 core mounts (spinal, heavy pulse,) exchangable for two guns over its weight class - all or nothing you either get two guns over your wieght class or 6 heavy mounts. 6 PD mounts - 4 on raills streatching accros the length of the nacelles shileding the main body and engies, 2 at each end of the hammer head. (full PD to the front, half pd to the sides, 66% pd upwards, downwards and backwards.) 2 Phase or beam turrets, topside and downside, on protusions, able to focus fire forwards, backwards, and to the flanks.
0-18 or torp launchers in the hammer head at exchange with the heavy mounts at a 3to 1 exchange.
0-1 Shuttle, depending on space (if it uses ammo, it will have to loose some) .
Emergency thrusters (max 16) are a popular upgrade for increased mobility doing faux thrust vectoring for greater mobility to keep up with corvettes in manoeuvres. considering the Throw more corvettes at it approach of the Dominion houses in their wars and skirmishes, you need a fast heavy puncher with them, and due to the obvious lack of torp production and the low position of the house you'd go with a ship that can cover three mission parameters while being able to keep up with your main combatant force.
thus a cruiser that can keep up with or even outpace corvettes and can be configured as the usual cruiser gunboat, a gun on engine for taking out the stations and things to heavy for corvettes, or missile boat. |