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The prison break plan has officially begun! You, Aurora, The Markgician, Odetta, and Suan De are being carried by the Buffalo to a certain bridge spot that will lead you to the prison proper.

The Shotgun Kiss is a Prison Island linked to the mainland by an old bridge. It’s a repulsive artificial peninsula of sorts, another element of human hubris. Regardless of your inexplicable disdain for it, the connection was created to facilitate the life of the people working there. This place has been a secret mainstay of the region for decades — and to the surprise of no one — people don’t like living in jail, prisoners, guards, or office workers. The hiring situation was so dire that the government was forced to build better accommodations for the guards, and when that wasn’t enough anymore, they built the village Galactic is currently invading. (Backstory provided by Vera’s guard mole.)

You plan to first save Mysterious Calamity, one of the many Calamity Cousins. She’s being held on the 5th floor of the facility, Floor E. The Markgician has made it pretty clear that the escape route he devised connects to the entirety of the prison, so this bifurcation isn’t a hassle. It’s one big route. As far as you gather, there are underground tunnels connecting the jail to the bridge, and there’s one tunnel that Agent Mage himself carved throughout the prison that is now linked too.

Floor E and F are similar. Living conditions aren’t a concern, so the cells are usually overcrowded from all the floors above them, but these have singular cells for their prisoners. All prisoners from these levels are persons of interest.

While Agent Mage won’t struggle to make a connection to Misty's wing, he can’t directly connect the route to her. So, it’s up to you to find a way to bust her out. Now, you’re presented with many options for your heart’s desire. Pick whatever fits your style more!

—At this time, Agent Major Tom is about to break into the Prison Security Chief’s house—

What do you do?

>Pretend to be a guard and find Misty’s cell, talk to her. Get to know her better before letting her know you’re breaking her out.
>Steal a key to unlock the prison door. Keep it simple and *invisible*, if you catch your drift.
>Go invisible. Wait for the cameras to be jammed. Destroy the door with Philonune. Then escape with her.
>Write In.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/QM91m
Discord: https://discord.gg/AmjbaTR
Archives: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=do+your+best+quest
(Rough Grammar ‘till half of the 9th Thread)
Incomplete Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nIx_dvaNCPQ7zLg2BK_ucCyGNM741kAANxqXj7hdDs/edit?usp=sharing


Votes are counted until 25 minutes have passed. This rule doesn't apply to the last reply of the day.
Votes that require a dice roll are counted until 15 minutes have passed, so we can speed up the process. Rolls are counted until 10 minutes have passed, so be prepared!

(NEW) Dice Mechanic:

We always roll 1d100s!
Since most people weren’t happy with the system of averaging top four rolls, we’re using best of 2/3/4 depending on the attribute a prompt requires. If Johnny is a genius and it’s a Knowledge based roll, he gets more rolls (Max. 7)! If he sucks, he gets less dice (Min. 2)!

When asked for rolls, I will specify how many you’re going to get. Rolling begins after it’s asked.

Rolling 100 is a critical! There are no Critical Failures anymore!

The difficulty of the roll is tied with the effectiveness of the action. In other words, the harder the option the better the result!

Don’t forget that at the end of the day, this is a story-driven quest! What the prompts are describing is more important than the difficulty of the rolls, for results in a fight.

Again, rolls are only counted when they are posted within ten minutes of being asked, so watch out!
>Pretend to be a guard and find Misty’s cell, talk to her. Get to know her better before letting her know you’re breaking her out.
>Steal a key to unlock the prison door. Keep it simple and *invisible*, if you catch your drift.
>Steal a key to unlock the prison door. Keep it simple and *invisible*, if you catch your drift.

>No Evil Holly or Evil Sina art just yet
Man, we’re going to get a Good Howie pic before we get to see them, aren’t we?
>Pretend to be a guard.
This'll be hilarious and it means we won't burn stamina so early in the heist. We always hit it off with the Calmitys.
>Steal a key to unlock the prison door. Keep it simple and *invisible*, if you catch your drift.
>>Steal a key to unlock the prison door. Keep it simple and *invisible*, if you catch your drift.
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Several minutes of traveling come to an end, you have reached the old bridge spot where the secret passageway is, Agent Beef sends you off and will wait for your safe arrival much later. He’s well-equipped for his stay, with plenty of food, water, and entertainment — he has all the surveillance gadgets and he’ll use them to listen to everyone’s whereabouts. Remember: during your direst moments the Buffalo is cheering you on. While not previously discussed, Vera will be the one providing him with updates.

From where you stand, the fortress is visible in all of its brutalist glory. Concrete walls, concrete towers, concrete heart. The building is as immense as it is uncaring — it’s surrounded by the referee blimps circling like vultures. You knew it’s a monument against human hubris, but not architectural taste. It’s very weird. A dungeon through and through.

And what’s a good dungeon without catacombs? Pleasant, perhaps. But it wouldn’t tell a nice story, would it?

Regardless, amidst the debris under the bridge on what’s left of the land before it meets the ocean, there’s a gate. You’d think these are sewers, but you’re wrong. Only the door is similar.

These tunnels are ancient architecture, far beyond the time where photographs were created, they’re in good condition too. It’s circular, a combination of rock and dirt, with torchbearers on the walls. The low visibility forces you to use your night vision, the others, lanterns. What mystery lies in these walls? Have they been lost to time? You hope there aren’t any mole people.

“T-This place gives me the creeps.” Aurora is holding your arm. She doesn’t realize that you’re granting her night vision.

“Be thankful you didn’t have to clean up the debris.” Suan De retorts.

“Thanks for that.” You know Suan De and the others needed to prepare everything for the escape route.

“Any clues as to why the hell this place exists?” Odetta is both rude and curious.

“The persecuted found solace here as their hiding spot...” The Markgician acts like a creepy gravekeeper with the lantern in hand. “Their fortunes are unknown to this day…”

“You aren’t messing with me, are you?” Odetta wonders.

“That’s what my dad told me.” The Markgician trusts his family. The Lokyo Region is known for its underground chambers, so it’s not out of the question.

You don’t want to overthink it, so you push through. At the end of the tunnel (follow Agent Mage’s route (going forward)), there’s a hole with a sewer lid on. Mark takes it off. Space looks cramped, and man-made with a spoon rather than a shovel. It’s not smooth at all and uncomfortable!

“From here on out, our escape way is pretty narrow.” Agent Mage lets everyone know this was the comfy part.
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“Oooh~ This is the tunnel that you made?” Agent Honey Bunny wonders.

“Not exactly! I finished it.” Agent Mage doesn’t want to take all the credit. “My dad made most of it. Then he randomly got taken out of prison and never completed it.”

“I bet he’s proud now.” Agent Spooky deadpans.

“Nope, he wanted to escape with his friends. At least he got Leopoldo out though, now I have him with me.” Agent Mage makes little sense. “I’ll be guiding you one by one to your floors. Agent Phil Noon, you’re going first.”

“Alright.” You wave everyone goodbye. Your part of the mission starts now.

“Have fun.” Odetta chuckles.

“Don’t get hurt.” Agent Slob Dragon orders.

“G-Good luck!!!” Agent Honey Bunny gives you a quick kiss.

You follow Agent Mage’s twisty hole downwards to the Fifth Floor. Height-wise, the underground bridge-tunnel is at the same level as Floor D, so you had to go down and down. The Markgician explains he was actually at Floor E at one point when he was a prisoner! So you’re expected to come out of his former cell from beneath his bed.

Before the self-evident problem arises, with both having your invisibility cloak on, the Markgician opened the door. You knew there was no prisoners in here, but you’re glad there are no surprises so far. You split ways with Agent Mage after this, you could’ve kept him around, but it’s better not to delay the others.

“Agent Bubbles is talking! Can you hear me, Agent Phil Noon?” Scarlet asks. “The camera is on! So a simple thumbs up will suffice!”

You solely make your thumb visible to her.

“O-Okay, that was kinda creepy, but if it works, it works!” Bubbles didn’t like it. “Agent Cheese-on-Wheels says that the cell key should be at the front office of the level. But normally, the guards around have a spare too. Up to you which sounds better for you! I think it’s way cooler if you steal it from a guard, but it’s better safe than sorry. Where do you want to go? I’ll give you directions!”

Bubbles’ GPS arc… You never thought you’d see the day. You plan to be stealthy, steal the key, and bring the Calamity out back into the world.

What do you do?

>Go to Calamity’s cell. Find a foolish guard to steal the key from.
>Go to this Floor’s Front Desk and steal the key from an unsuspecting victim.
>Write In.
>>Go to this Floor’s Front Desk and steal the key from an unsuspecting victim.
>>Go to this Floor’s Front Desk and steal the key from an unsuspecting victim.
We can also check the desk for memos or cameras to further see hoe the level is situated, there might even a map, even if it is just a fire escape map.
>Go to this Floor’s Front Desk and steal the key from an unsuspecting victim.
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You have to play it safe, a key missing from the front desk is easier to go unnoticed than an actual guard’s one. In other words, one man can’t keep an eye on multiple keys! It’s basic logic!

Decision has been made! Agent Bubbles tells you where to go from the spot that you’re in to the front. With your invisibility still on, you leave — the sound of the cell door shutting is so common to the prisoners in this wing that it isn’t eyebrow raising. The Markgician’s cell is an old cage, so you don’t expect it to be fancy enough to be automatically locked, but since you’re being careful, you’ll steal its key too.

The way the corridors are laid out lets the prisoners face each other, cell in front of another cell. You could even befriend the guy in front… That’s why the convicts are spaced out for such a thing not to occur, for every cage with a prisoner, the next one is empty, and they’re spaced out diagonally. Zig Zag convicts. This seems unnecessarily hostile.

The door at the end leads to an open hall of circular shape. More entrances to different sections encompass the walls, the one door in the middle leads to the exit — and before the exit proper, there’s the Floor Front Desk. You had to go through another hallway to get there, but here you are in the most open area so far, an odd mix of a hotel lobby and a gladiator ring. You could potentially climb up or down here to reach the other floor, but you aren’t nuts. To the desk you go.

There are many guards shooting the breeze behind the main desk, one of them working as the mainstay receptionist, but what comes as a shock is that there are visitors. The perfect distraction to scurry your hands onto the key. One issue… You don’t know where the keys are stashed. A positive — as Bubbles is saying — is that there’s nothing cryptic about the keys, they have the Floor’s letter and the numbered wing. Yes, not the cell, but the entire section.

Bubbles reminds you that the Markgician’s cell is in Section 14. Mysterious Calamity’s in Section 17. You need Key E-14 and Key E-17. Simple.

Now the main issue is that the guest is about to screw you over...
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“Madam Leitgeb. That prisoner is in section 17, yah.” The Receptionist Guard says. She opens the drawer in front of her to show all the labeled keys and pulls out the one requested. Her desk is otherwise pristine aside from the guest book, but their camera signals are in the other room where the other guards are resting. “The interrogation room on this floor is over there, yah. Please, wait until one of the guards brings the prisoner, yah.”

“Very well. I’ll be eagerly waiting.” Ms. Guest nods as she steps away with one direction in mind.

This isn’t good. The receptionist is calling over someone to take the task.

—Agent Major Tom has successfully interrupted Security Chief Gaston Onisorio’s breakfast, with a flying referee by his side, the duel will be underway soon.—

—Agent Honey Bunny is waiting for her signal at her post—

What do you do?

>Put your attention on securing the escape route. Steal Key E-14 while the receptionist is distracted.
>Grab Key E-17 right in front of them. It’ll disappear. Then walk away. What are they going to do? Nothing.
>Peek into the Guest Book. Find out who is about to be interrogated.
>Follow the Guest into the interrogation room. You feel like this could be important.
>Write In.
>>Follow the Guest into the interrogation room. You feel like this could be important.
>>Follow the Guest into the interrogation room. You feel like this could be important.
>Follow the Guest into the interrogation room. You feel like this could be important.
Hey its that cop lady that helped us with our van when it got stolen.
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The voice of the guest… you recognize it, it’s fuzzy but identifiable enough to make you believe that following her will be important. And that’s what you do! You track her steps into the interrogation room. It’s quite generic, if not a little better than you thought, the entire prison feels like a long-forgotten place that has been kept alive for its horror movie vibes — but this?, it’s clean, not deteriorated, and has been painted recently. If you have to guess, people from outside tend to use this room, important people, so it is in the best interests of everyone to keep it in shape.

You find it interesting that they’re leaving the guest unattended, not even one guard escorting her, in fact, you believe the receptionist was overly familiar with her — like not friendly, but you know, a known co-worker you say hi to more than you’d like but doesn’t bother you. Why do you act like you ever had a job that lasted more than a couple of days? You don’t remember having a coworker during your janitor days. You would’ve liked having Kata as your coworker… You’re here trying to save her cousin! Sucking up to the boss and his family!

Enough mentally dilly-dallying. You have things to accomplish. You must overanalyze this guest’s appearance to draw hefty conclusions that *might* get challenged later. She’s diligently reading her notes on a tiny notepad, so no better time than now. Let’s start! Hmm, perhaps it was due to the wedding crash, but you can tell this person is a foreigner. The hair, the eyes, the way her face cheeks go around her skull… It’s very unique. Okay, that’s all bullshit. Her notes are in a language that you don’t know. Your Knowledge allows you to guess it’s from Yuropstein! You can also read the name on the pen she’s using. Unless she stole that thing, she’s Judith! How very foreigner to carve your name on a pen. You’d never do that. Your socks are a different story.

To the surprise of your most dead brain cell, you find her cute. It’s very useful to establish the obvious. Maybe you feel the need because you can tell she studied the law. She has that air.

Investigation comes to a halt once the criminal to be interviewed is brought in! A perpetually depressed-looking lady with long nails!

“Ms. Calamity, I was waiting for you! Welcome! Please, take a seat.” Judith stands up and offers her seat. You don’t know if this is the good type or bad type of coincidence.

Tstststsh… Could you be so kind as to identify yourself first?” Ms. Calamity doesn’t take the offer out of wariness. Hey, your investigative work! It was all for nothing!

“Under these circumstances, I can’t. My deepest apologies.” Unbeknownst to Judith, she validates your efforts. “Would you like to eat a biscuit before we get this interview underway?”
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“How could I turn this down?” Ms. Calamity pinches the little treat with her large fingernails without moving an inch from her place. She seems to enjoy it.

“Do you have an understanding as to why you’re being imprisoned?” Judith is ready to take notes.

“As far as I know, my crimes aren’t against the law… so I can’t say I’m fully aware.” Ms. Calamity shakes her head.

“Could you be so kind as to explain what you mean by that?” Judith is confused but doesn’t show it.

“Is it a crime to steal a heart? Yes. Is it against the law? It should be. But bad lovers carry on.” The woman cackles.

“Ah, a sense of humor, those who dwell at this level have lost all hints of one.” Judith smiles back.

“Tell me about it, this place is so dry…” Ms. Calamity pretends to swoon.

“So, are you aware that — under the Prancijanian law — you were falsely accused?” Judith asks.

“You’d be the first one to give me notice, if that’s your concern. Everything else is self-evident.” Ms. Calamity shakes her head.

“Indeed.” Judith nods. “Do you have any ideas as to who is blaming you?”

“Someone in here, isn’t it? They want to do it by their own hands, don’t they?” Ms. Calamity claims.

“You’re aware...” Judith nods.

“No, Miss, I’m guessing.” Ms. Calamity chuckles. “And if I may continue with my speculation, every minute I continue to be here could be my last. And I see it in your eyes, you only paid me a visit to warn me...”

“I apologize.” Judith nods slowly.

“If I take you as a hostage, I wonder how far I can get?” Ms. Calamity chuckles.

“Not far enough, I’m afraid.” The interviewer says. “I’m working hard to prove your innocence. Please, stall for as long as possible.”

“Do you have something else to eat...? Tststststsh...” Ms. Calamity cackles.

What do you do?

>Talk to them while invisible. Maybe these two ladies will be willing to listen to a helping ghostly hand.
>Wait for Misty Calamity to be brought back to her cell and help her escape. Follow your plan.
>Lure Judith out by dropping her drink on her! Then when she’s gone, have a one-on-one talk with this Calamity.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>Talk to them while invisible. Maybe these two ladies will be willing to listen to a helping ghostly hand.
>>Talk to them while invisible. Maybe these two ladies will be willing to listen to a helping ghostly hand.
>>Lure Judith out by dropping her drink on her! Then when she’s gone, have a one-on-one talk with this Calamity.
>>Talk to them while invisible. Maybe these two ladies will be willing to listen to a helping ghostly hand.
>Talk to them while invisible.
When cop-lady inevitably objects, we can just mention that we gained the files that took down the cult. Maybe offer to help her gain info for one of her prosecutions, since she seems opposed to the Prancijan government and we'll be taking them down sooner or later.

If we could point her towards the White Flames instead though...well that'd be great!
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“Ladies, may I have a word?” You get a little cheeky with your opening line. There’s fun in being mysterious! With the voice distorter provided by the Phil Noon mask, there’s no way they can recognize you. Scarlet, err, Bubbles seems cheery to hear that her mask is being used! What a goofball.

Mhmhm? They’re listening to us? I should’ve seen it coming...” Ms. Calamity looks up at the speaker on the wall. Judith joins her. Neither look particularly surprised.

“Is the speaker malfunctioning? Regardless, this is the first time they’d resort to something of this kind. It’s wholly illegal, and I assure you those involved being reprimanded will be the tip of the iceberg in their future.” Judith sounds apologetic towards her interviewee.

“Hey! Let’s not get hasty, I want to talk! It’s just me.” You walk under the speaker to not raise suspicion. Maybe you’ll have to flick the microphone to create some static.

“A little brazen, aren’t you? I guess it is expected of someone intruding on a private conversation.” Ms. Calamity giggles.

“It’s important.” You adjust your glasses despite being invisible.

“Enough to risk your life? Going rogue in this kind of job is rather *life-threatening*…” Ms. Calamity retorts.

“I say so, yeah.” You owe a lot to her family.

“Pardon, you’re using a voice distorter, aren’t you? It’s quite a common model. I’ve heard it being used plenty of times in my line of work. It’s effective, mind you. But you’re no guard.” Judith notices. Identifying voice distorters isn’t a difficult task, but recognizing the model? That’s new...

“I never said I work here.” You never intended to go along with this narrative.

“Then who might you be?” Ms. Calamity is curious.

“A friend, a potential ally at least.” You retort.

Both women share a look. This must be confusing to them.

“I can hardly say I ever trusted a man with no face or voice. Tstststsh...” Ms. Calamity cackles softly.

“There are other ways to build trust. Explain to us how you hacked our communication system.” Judith adds to the questionnaire.

“Is that really what you want to know first?” You point out that there’s an offer on the table that is being ignored.

“Love, I’d like to hear your offer, but I’m a mere prisoner on death’s row...” Ms. Calamity grabs another biscuit.
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“Your name. Please.” Judith needs something to hold onto.

“Call me Phil Noon.” You retort. Judith goes through her notes to make sure if your name is of importance. You notice a little change in her expression so slightly, she found something, but it’s not anything she can use in her favor.

“Mr. Phil Noon, an explanation is warranted. I’ll hear your case. I don’t believe trust is a limited resource, but it needs to be harvested. The floor is yours.” Judith wants you to earn her trust.

Now you need to wonder, how can you make an invisible man with a distorted voice seem approachable?

What do you do?

>“Like I said, I’m here to help.” Turn the voice distorter off, and make yourself visible with both hands raised. You’re not a threat.
>“I was sent here to take Ms. Calamity out of this prison. I can’t openly tell you by whom, but I can tell Ms. Calamity. And if she trusts me, would you allow me to do my job?” Bet on earning Ms. Calamity’s trust.
>“I’ll make it easy. You’re interested in me, aren’t you? Ask me any questions, and I’ll answer them openly.” Let Judith interrogate you.
>Write In.

(Only reply of the day, we continue tomorrow!)
>“I’ll make it easy. You’re interested in me, aren’t you? Ask me any questions, and I’ll answer them openly.” Let Judith interrogate you.
>"So that at least you can trust me Ms. Calamity I am a friend of Katastrophic Calamity and ate one of her muffins, gigantic masterpiece"

Side note, damn, Judith is hot
Supporting both the vote and the statement
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I am loving Punk P's new hat§
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“I’ll make it easy. You’re interested in me, aren’t you? Ask me any questions, and I’ll answer them openly.” You have nothing to hide from them except the things you’re actively hiding for your own safety! It’s not hypocritical!

“Excellent. Allow me a moment to prepare.” Judith needs to go through her notes. “In the meantime, feel free to snatch one of these remarkable biscuits fresh from Hamje I have to offer, everyone. A little treat puts everyone in a good mood.”

“Should be difficult for him to grab any…” Ms. Calamity doesn’t understand why she said it. You’re supposedly talking over the intercom.

“I’m sure he’ll be lured by their quality if we make an effort to highlight it. It should be easy for you, Ms. Calamity.” Judith wants the help.

Tststsh, I did notice it’s my cousin’s cooking, but I thought of it as an intimidation more than seeing it as a friendly gesture. Putting a hit on my family and all that...” Ms. Calamity doesn’t mince her words.

“A miscalculation on my end. I apologize. All that crossed my mind is that a homely meal brings the best of memories, just like an effective cup of coffee.” Judith says.

“I wouldn’t say you failed on that part of the assumption.” Ms. Calamity looks nostalgic.

“Speaking of cousins…” You don’t think they’re talking about the kind nurse. “You can trust me, Ms. Calamity. I am a friend of Katastrophic Calamity and ate one of her muffins, gigantic masterpiece.”

“You grabbed a big bite out of my cousin’s big muffin?” Ms. Calamity wants you to confirm. Judith dives back into her notes upon hearing the name of the nurse.

“Yes.” You nod.

“The biggest one?” Ms. Calamity needs you to clarify.

“Mhm.” You nod again.

“With your entire mouth?” Ms. Calamity opens her mouth and shows her big fangs.

“That’s how I do it, yeah.” You keep on nodding.

...Did she moan?” Ms. Calamity chomps the air and grins.

“W-What?” You forgot this is an innuendo!

TSTSTSHehehe…!” Ms. Calamity didn’t. Her cackling is bone chilling.

“Y-Your sense of humor is indeed thriving, Ms. Calamity. May it persist for ages!” Judith doesn’t know how to properly react without laughing. “Are you open to questions now, Phil Noon?”

“Y-Yes, go ahead.” You recover your composure.

“We’ll start simple. Please, state your objective.” Judith asks. Nobody has a clue about what you’re doing here.

“Huh, I’m here to try to take Ms. Calamity out of this prison.” You retort.

“You’re staging a prison break for me? How touching.” Ms. Calamity doesn’t sound too thrilled.

“As you likely heard, Ms. Calamity’s life in this prison is in danger. Can you prove to us that you aren’t part of this conspiracy that seeks to bring her to a premature end?” Judith needs evidence that you’re an ally!

Guess the Kata connection wasn’t good enough to sway them.

What do you do?

>“Huh, I can call Kata if you want. There's a signal in this dump, right?” Call Kata over the phone.
>“I’m friends with many of her family members. Does the Venus Line mean anything to you, Ms. Calamity?” You can try to make a connection through Galactic instead.
>“I wouldn’t be talking to both of you if I wanted to kill her, would I?” You don’t think so! You hope this makes a sound argument.
>“Ms. Calamity, ask me anything about Kata and I’ll answer it no problem!” You have a connection with the nurse! You’re kitchen buddies!
>Write In.
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>>“I’m friends with many of her family members. Does the Venus Line mean anything to you, Ms. Calamity?” You can try to make a connection through Galactic instead.
>“Huh, I can call Kata if you want. There's a signal in this dump, right?” Call Kata over the phone.
>“I’m friends with many of her family members. Does the Venus Line mean anything to you, Ms. Calamity?” You can try to make a connection through Galactic instead.
>“Huh, I can call Kata if you want. There's a signal in this dump, right?” Call Kata over the phone.
>>“I’m friends with many of her family members. Does the Venus Line mean anything to you, Ms. Calamity?” You can try to make a connection through Galactic instead.
Don't call anyone, they can see when they got the call and then see who called them.... They can already see what phones were in the vicinity any way. An island like this might be far enough off that it'd have it's own cell tower meaning any phones pinging it means they were on the island.
Alright getting rid of phone call because >>6114923
No phone call, they'll know
I for one think this is adorable
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“I’m friends with several of her family members.” You reply. “Does the Venus Line mean anything to you, Ms. Calamity?”

“He loves raving about it to everyone, doesn’t he?” Ms. Calamity remembers fondly. “What makes you so special then?”

I know he reached the Moon.” You specify.

“His expedition failed, Phil Noon.” Ms. Calamity is trying to trick you.

“No, Ms. Calamity, I know he reached the moon.” You know Galactic somehow reached the moon in his childhood.

“Oh, my dear G…” Ms. Calamity feels emotional.

“I’m here to help you. They’re worried.” You confide.

“We never give up on each other…” Ms. Calamity softly smiles.

“Is this enough proof to believe him, Ms. Calamity?” Judith asks her interviewee.

“Enough to chance it.” Ms. Calamity believes in you, somewhat, not fully.

“Ah, I can’t share the feeling just yet.” Judith laments.

“Lady, in my eyes, you’re blocking my chance to live.” Ms. Calamity doesn’t say those words lightly. “You haven’t been as candid, and I rather fancy my chances with Noon.”

“Let me revert the notion, I think we might be all striving for the same path. May I continue questioning you, Phil Noon?” Judith pulls out her notes.

“Sure, but we’re pressing for time, so…” You can’t stay here forever.

“I’ll be succinct.” Judith flips through her notes until she lays a finger on a page. “I’m Judith Leitgeb, I believe in justice — not as in the letter of the law — but as a concept. I’m an interpol agent who is leading one of the major police precincts in the city. My unit is responsible for the case against the Cult of Chernobog. During my overview of the facts, I happened to notice that your alias was brought up by two different minor witnesses. Curiously, the detective in charge tried to scrub it from the records. Could you explain your involvement?”

“Was his name wiped from the records or not? How do you know he was involved?” Misty thinks she’s trying to make you admit something that you don’t have to.

“I went to press the witnesses on my own to confirm. I could see the certainty in their eyes, unlike with Mr. Noon.” Judith is certain.

“How obnoxiously thorough…” Ms. Calamity feels like she could’ve done more for her.

Who could possibly have ratted you out? It’s not like you were telling everyone involved that you were Phil Noon. Regardless, you need to answer. If this goes well, you’ll move on!

How do you respond?

>“I helped whoever I could, that’s all.” Don’t brag.
>“Some of my affiliates and I worked together to bring down the cult.” Be factual.
>“I’m sorry, but I wasn’t involved.” If you say the wrong thing, it could screw over someone.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>“Some of my affiliates and I worked together to bring down the cult.” Be factual.
>“Some of my affiliates and I worked together to bring down the cult.” Be factual.
>>“Some of my affiliates and I worked together to bring down the cult.” Be factual

>“Some of my affiliates and I worked together to bring down the cult.” Be factual.
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“Some of my affiliates and I worked together to bring down the cult.” You throw the facts. No embellishing is needed.

“Ah, isn’t it so exciting when facts line up? There’s this one thing I couldn’t wrap my head around from the Cult of Chernobog human trafficking case. One coincidence that seemed so innocuous, but ever so prevalent, it never left my thoughts.” Judith sounds so relieved.

“Do tell.” Ms. Calamity is listening.

“Ms. Calamity, I don’t know if you’re aware of the events, but there were two instances where victims were rescued, both on different days and places, and all of these women ended in the same medical facility: Dr. Calamity’s Private Clinic.” Judith rambles like a TV detective. “What I didn’t tell Mr. Phil Noon is that the two witnesses belong to separate cases. And If we were to believe in his word — and due to his association with your family — this minuscule detail would make sense. He was relying on his friends for help.”

“Adorable. Those are a lot of words for a woman who said that she wanted to be brief.” Ms. Calamity got it.

“Madam, what I’m trying to make you understand is the quality of his character, and the deepness of the bond he forged with your family. They refused to identify him despite my insistence.” Judith wants Ms. Calamity to wholeheartedly trust you for whatever reason.

“Hello? I was convinced already.” Ms. Calamity is going along with your plan no matter what.

“Excellent.” Judith smiles. “One more comment before I let you go. Phil Noon, I would greatly appreciate it if you told your associates to stop messing with my evidence, please. You’d be pleased to know I have little clue who you’re covering the tracks of, but it’s shoddy work.”

“I will.” You don’t know if she’s talking about Richard, the stuff Vivi did, or Fiora’s offer from the other day…

“Are you going to turn a blind eye for me, Leitgeb?” Ms. Calamity asks.

“It’s either for your death or your liberty. And I believe birds should be free.” Judith jokes. “Am I necessary for your little scheme, Phil Noon? Or can I go?”

What do you do?

>“You’re a free bird too, Ms. Leitgeb, thank you. I’ll take things from here…” Grab Ms. Calamity’s hand and tell her to be quiet. You’re disappearing now.
>“If you could serve as a little distraction at the desk, that’d be great.” You need to snatch some keys.
>“Honestly, if we all three can work on a plan together, that’d be great.” Make yourself visible! It’ll be quite the entrance.
>“One question, if my name ever comes up again, how would you feel about it?” Ask if she’s gonna stay an ally, or…
>Write In.

(Only reply of the day, we continue on the weekend! Sorry for the short sessions!)
>>“Honestly, if we all three can work on a plan together, that’d be great.” Make yourself visible! It’ll be quite the entrance.
>“You’re a free bird too, Ms. Leitgeb, thank you. I’ll take things from here…” Grab Ms. Calamity’s hand and tell her to be quiet. You’re disappearing now.
Cool moment...
>Write In.
Actually if possible I would like for us to be friends. I get the feeling this isn’t the last time we’ll run into each other as well as I get the sense your working on something thats more than likely going to align with what I’m trying to do.
I checked back on the archives she was the last star we checked before ours.
“I have plenty of goals, but nothing would feel more satisfying than to live in a world where we humans can leave our petty differences aside and strive for a wonderful future together, doing everything in our capabilities to acquire progress and enrichment for our own self and society. Let’s all do our best together, shall we?” The eloquent woman desires.

“You said it!” You agree completely.

“But perhaps, I will be more than happy to welcome some companionship, some… ‘friends’, right now.” Why did she sound so conniving there…?

“Huh, good luck with that!” Maybe you could be friends but that sounds difficult. You don’t know her and you two will most likely never run into each other again after all.
>“Honestly, if we all three can work on a plan together, that’d be great.” Make yourself visible! It’ll be quite the entrance.
>“Honestly, if we all three can work on a plan together, that’d be great.” Make yourself visible! It’ll be quite the entrance.
Maybe just make our hands invisible to make the point.
>“If you could serve as a little distraction at the desk, that’d be great.” You need to snatch some keys.
This too.
We need the keys to help unlock that guy thats supposed to distract the final guard in Crossbill’s area and also the keys for Crossbill’s cell if they’re there.
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“Honestly, if we all three can work on a plan together, that’d be great.” You make your hands visible for a striking image that doesn’t reveal too much. “Also, hi.” You wave at them in case they didn’t notice.

“Hello there.” Judith grabs your hand for a handshake. “Was it wrong for me to believe you were more prepared?”

“Eh, can’t miss the chance to make things easier. Lives are at stake after all.” You defend your wrongly assumed clumsy actions.

“Good point, good point.” Judith agrees.

“The security isn’t hacked, then?” Ms. Calamity pokes one of your hands with her long nails.

“Not by these hands, nope.” You throw a pun. “Gotta say, you’re taking the floating duo very well, you two. I’m impressed!”

“I’m mortified.” Ms. Calamity admits but doesn’t show it.

“No, you’re Mysterious.” You joke again for no good reason. You assume a Mortified (Mortimer?) Calamity exists, and if he doesn’t, maybe you should suggest it to one of the Calamitys! You bet Kata would be thrilled.

“Only in name. Tststsh…” Misty chuckles.

“Jokes aside, may I suggest that Ms. Leitgeb distract the people at the desk while I steal some keys?” You propose as you turn visible.

“My, my. What a surprise. I can’t believe you were hiding in plain sight.” Ms. Leitgeb doesn’t sound too surprised.

“Actually, I was invisible.” You say.

“Incredible little trick...You’re taller than what I was expecting. What a hunk.” Ms. Calamity uses her hand to measure herself, then you. Both take a moment to internalize this new knowledge.

“Care to explain how?” Judith wonders.

“It’s a secret.” You wink. “At another time I might explain, just trust that it works.”

“Ah, very well. I won’t be questioning you now. You mentioned Keys before.” Judith emphasizes the quantity.

“Our escape route is within one of the cells. And unless you want this to look like you cooperated, I have to bring Ms. Calamity out of hers too.” You explain your train of thought.

“Oh! This is far less complicated than I thought, and I had a good feeling already with your costume and little tricks.” Judith was expecting you to concoct a more difficult plan.

“You’ll put your neck on the line for me? I’m moved. Thrilled even.” Ms. Calamity says.

“No, I won’t. That’d mean there’s a chance of failing, and I’m against pointless sacrifices.” Judith reassures. “Hence why I couldn’t help you out today.”
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“Today?” Ms. Calamity raises an eyebrow.

“Can’t disclose how adventurous I can get. Unless it's over coffee.” Judith chuckles. “Even with your disguise, you’re not planning to be seen, correct?”

“Yes, I’m trying to be as sneaky as possible.” You adjust your glasses.

“I’ll keep that in mind. And as far as your suggestion goes, Phil Noon, what are the keys you seek?” Judith wants to know.

“Promise me as a friend that you won’t tamper with the escape route.” You retort.

“As a friend, you say?” Judith is confused by the wording.

“Yes, if possible, I would like for us to be friends.” You propose. “I get the feeling this isn’t the last time we’ll run into each other, as well as get the sense you’re working on something that’s more than likely going to align with what I’m trying to do.”

“I have never renounced such a proposition. If we succeed today, consider us friends!” Judith accepts by shaking your hand again. “Ms. Calamity? You’re part of this as well.”

“You want me to, uh…” Ms. Calamity shakes your hand too. Her nails are dangerously close to your face.

“With both.” Judith crosses her arms over yours to handshake Ms. Calamity. It’s a triangle strategy. “Good!”

Tstststshehehe… This is ridiculous.” A heartwarming feeling passes through Mysterious’ body, she believes everything might just end up fine.

“One caveat before I accept your conditions.” Judith stops the trifecta from continuing. “Mr. Phil Noon, if this is all a trick and Ms. Calamity perishes. I’ll bring you down. Understood?” There’s no impact to her words, all delivered as a matter of fact, so nonchalantly that you question if she threatened you at all.

“It’s not gonna happen. I promise.” You double smile, both with the mask and under. “Keys are 14 and 17.”

“I’ll proceed with my other interviews as planned. There’s one that will garner the guards’ attention and up the security around me. I’ll start with it. It’ll be a little hectic, so please, use this window to snatch the keys.” Judith explains. “After that, I’ll keep them entertained.”

“I’m returning to my cell then?” Ms. Calamity wonders. Judith nods.

“It’ll be brief, I swear.” You promise!

“I trust you, Phil Noon...” Ms. Calamity grins.

“I’m going to act fussy in front of the men, please, pay no mind to my methods.” Judith is going to enjoy this. “Before tension rises, does anybody want a treat?” She offers her snacks. Finally, you eat good, it’s better than decent!
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Anyway, after a brief restful moment. The plan goes underway. Misty Calamity is taken away after the interview is done and you return to invisibility. By the desk, Judith watches Ms. Big Fingernails be taken away — surely to give you an idea where her cell is — after the guard’s return, the N.U. Agent asks the receptionist to meet up with some Lau Krug. It’s as she says, the receptionist opens up the desk where the keys are laid up and freezes. This is not a name they can take lightly. She looks up to her and asks again for confirmation. Judith repeats herself. The receptionist bites her lips, takes her handheld radio to communicate with the security room, and fails to connect the call...

—Agent Major Tom is having an incredible duel against Gaston Onisorio. A proper fight between the two! Due to the Referee he brought, they can’t kill each other.—

—Agent Honey Bunny was deployed, the plan was to be incommunicado to activate the Crimzone inside the security room, but she was surprised to find out that there was already one active. She relayed the news before she entered, and hasn’t communicated since.—

—Agent Slob Dragon is waiting for her signal at her post, she’ll move once you rescue Objective C (Calamity).—

As confusion continues, you snatch the keys. A couple of unrelated ones were missing, perhaps a clue that someone else is messing around on this floor, you don’t take this detail lightly. After all, there are rumblings about Ms. Calamity's possible assassination. You make haste to your objective!

Deep in section 17, passing next to you is a guard and… Gordon Senior’s nurse! The mysterious tomboy nurse that you met in the past when she was a dirty beach invader! She ate your cake and had a heart attack during your cooking duel! Her name is (was?) Ivanna Tavarez, and is sporting a pirate look (?). She’s going out of the section. Did she meet someone here?

What do you do?

>Save Misty Calamity, don’t deviate.
>Whisper something in her ear. You know, for fun. (Write In.)
>Relay the information to the others. She has a Flame after all!
>Write In.

Only reply of the day, we continue tomorrow!
>>Relay the information to the others. She has a Flame after all!
>Relay the information to the others. She has a Flame after all!
>Whisper something in her ear. You know, for fun. (Write In.)
"Want more cake?"
>Relay the information to the others. She has a Flame after all!
>Save Misty Calamity, don’t deviate.
+1 then
>Save Misty Calamity, don’t deviate
While she's distracted

What sort of bad luck would it be if she got done killing Misty?
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Her presence must be notified! You have no idea what her powers are, but she’s a flame user — she could potentially throw a wrench into your plans. You whisper to Agent Bubbles this key info. As you should remember, your outfit was equipped with T_T Neko’s cameras, so your trusty redhead saw her, all you have to say is Flame to get the point across. And that’s what you do. It works! Bubbles asks for confirmation and you nod. She informs the others after gasping. How dramatic.

One word is all Ivanna needed to stop in her tracks. She heard you, but can’t confirm it. This place is not noisy, but not a library either, so she’s second-guessing herself. The guard leading her asks what’s the holdup. You believe this is the perfect opportunity to mess with her a little, for fun! What could go wrong?

You get really close, right next to her ear, and whisper softly…

Do you want some cake?” You tease her like the monster you are. Bubbles is befuddled, but that’s only the beginning of a wild sequence…

Ttsggghh…” Ivanna loses her footing as she collapses to her knees. Her body is shaking like if Ajna sat on a washing machine, her legs being the wobbliest part. “N-Not now, you know I can’t...” Ivanna rejects your offer in a way that makes you feel she both is and isn’t talking to you directly. How odd. She brings out a jar of Pyro Snackos from her purse and devours them like medicine. You recognize the brand because Aurora forbids Bruna from eating those or else she’ll go full stampede mode. It was never clarified to you what that meant.

“Are you alright...?” The Guard notices Ivanna losing her shit.

Don’t tell a soul…” Ivanna breathes heavily as she gathers herself.

“I can’t even connect to the people upstairs.” The man shrugs as he shows his handheld radio playing static. It sounds like he would’ve if he could… “I’m taking you to the infirmary. Got a bad feeling ‘bout this.”

I’m fine…” Ivanna gets irritated, but she can’t do much about the pushy guard, who puts her arm around him to drag her out of the hallway. She’s not appreciative.“I said I’m fine…

You feel like you’ve just taken Ivanna out of the equation… Bubbles asks you what you did to her because this isn’t normal at all, but you aren’t entirely sure what happened. You can’t get answers now!
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You make haste to Misty’s cell. You don’t know which one is hers, so you look around until you find her. She’s inside her bed pretending to be asleep with her pillow double. After double-checking that nobody is around, you open the cell up.

“It’s time…” You whisper to Big Fingernails. Ms. Calamity nods without muttering a word. “Remember, you can’t let me go.” You explained it to her before.

“I’m never letting you go…” Ms. Calamity whispers back with a terrifying smirk. With your level of courage and knowledge of her family, it doesn’t come as unnerving.

It takes a moment for her to get used to the invisibility veil, she even gasped when the process began, and marveled at the strange beauty of it all. After solidifying the bed decoy, you leave the cell and close it behind. From this point, you need to return to the hallway connecting all Sections to find F-14.

Unsurprisingly, you find Ivanna on the way to the door. The stubborn woman is walking on her own, the concerned guard is prepared to help her out.

What do you do?

>Whisper something else to Ivanna again. You know, for extra fun! (Write In.)
>Beeline to the escape route. Inform the others to tell Agent Mage to get ready, he’s taking Ms. Calamity out of here.
>Write In.
>>Beeline to the escape route. Inform the others to tell Agent Mage to get ready, he’s taking Ms. Calamity out of here.
>Whisper something else to Ivanna again. You know, for extra fun! (Write In.)
"That guard ate a piece, he didn't tell you, he knew the truth"
KEK! Nevermind, backing this! Turn them against each other!
>Whisper something else to Ivanna again. You know, for extra fun! (Write In.)
"Your family loves you dearly."
How about...
>"Do your best to be a good, kind girl, and I'll make it for you again when we meet once more."
+1 I like this one better
>Beeline to the escape route. Inform the others to tell Agent Mage to get ready, he’s taking Ms. Calamity out of here.
Time to continue the operation. We've secured the VIP
Supporting all of these
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“Ma’am, we’d move faster if you held onto my shoulder…” The hefty guard says as he watches Ivanna struggle.

“For the last time, I don’t need your assistance…” Ivanna tries to catch her breath. Her patience is running thin for that man. This gives you an idea…

It was agreed that you’d be leading the pack, and she will always trail behind you. By rubbing Ms. Calamity’s hand, you signal to proceed slowly and with caution. It’s obvious that you’re approaching the distressed girl. It’s hard to describe, but it has always felt like the people you bring along know what you’re doing. You wonder if being invisible together creates some connection, or if Ms. Calamity is used to sneaking around. Her footsteps are barely perceptible — not to the level of Houda Lan — but close to your level.

Anyway, you stand beside the tumbling Ivanna, who is resting her hand on the wall. You get closer to her ear and...

“That guard ate a piece, he didn’t tell you, he knew the truth.” You throw coal into this engine of drama.

T-The cake…?” Ivanna starts quivering, in a desperate attempt to stay on her feet, she puts her back against the wall. She’s overwhelmed and can’t look into her bag.

“He took it, dear. He took *it* from you.” Misty joins and whispers too. With her voice lowered, she kinda sounds like Kata. Ivanna has another big spasm.

H-How are you two back…? How is this happening…? I thought… I thought...” Ivanna manages to bring out her jar, but there are no more Spicy Snackos… This is Bruna’s nightmare. And hers too. She slowly slides down to the ground, her fidgeting out of control…

“Seriously, are you feverish?” The guard didn’t hear you, and feels like it’s time to intervene.

Back off if you know what’s good for you…” Ivanna can’t trust him anymore during this manic episode. Huh, maybe you should temper this storm? She looks unwell. You should say something nice…

All the man can do is raise his hands and walk back. He was likely told that she’s capable of overpowering him. There’s clear fear in his eyes.

“Your family loves you dearly.” You hunch down to whisper.

“Mommy is here for you.” Ms. Calamity whispers too.

I know… I love you too… I’m sorry for trying to kick you out…” Ivanna takes off her cape and unfastens a couple of buttons from her jacket. This is getting weird.
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“W-What? You’re into me now? I guess… this isn’t so bad.” The Guard is deeply confused but aroused. He moves forward and you take advantage of that to put Ms. Calamity’s cell key inside his pocket. He’ll take the blame if someone notices it went missing.

No. Stay away, you thief.” Ivanna wants nothing to do with him.

“T-That’s it, you’re not making any sense, I’m callin’ for help…” The guard runs away.

I’m making sense, you just can’t feel their love…” Ivanna is offended, hard to describe why. She’s going to turn more violent if you don’t steer her on a better path!

“Do your best to be a good, kind girl, and I’ll make the cake for you again when we meet once more.” You promise (?).

“Cake…” Ivanna slowly nods. It felt like a cathartic moment and now her energy is depleted. You guess this works for you.

After this encounter, you beeline to the Escape Route! Agent Mage welcomes you into it. Once out of harm’s way, you have a moment to decide the next step. You know Agent Slob Dragon is being deployed now. You should meet with Mr. Distraction to get that part of the plan underway, but Ms. Calamity wants to have a short talk with you if possible. She must be confused about what happened. Agent Mage will lead her to Agent Beef otherwise.

What do you do?

>Meet with the Mysterious Prisoner (Not Ms. Calamity.)
>Chat with the Mysterious Prisoner (Ms. Calamity.)
>Take a short rest and get a full report on how things are going with everyone.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>Take a short rest and get a full report on how things are going with everyone.
>Take a short rest and get a full report on how things are going with everyone.
>Take a short rest and get a full report on how things are going with everyone.
>Take a short rest and get a full report on how things are going with everyone.
"Agent Bubbles, status report."
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The entrance to the catacombs will serve as a better break room than resting in the middle of a hole. You three go all the way down through the escape route until you get there. From this point onward, Agent Mage will take Ms. Calamity to Agent Beef to secure her safety. You reassure her that the worst has come and gone, now she’s practically free…

“I need to catch my breath and check on the others. Have a safe journey back.” You wink at Ms. Fingernails as you sit down on a rock.

“Thank you… for saving my life.” Ms. Calamity looks at you like you’re the coolest man in the world. “Phil Noon, before I leave, can you hand me your mask? I have a present for you.”

“Huh? Here.” You pass it over without thinking about it.

Ms. Calamity fixates on your face for a moment, lost in the sea of your eyes… Once she reaches ashore, she combines the Philonune inspired mask with her own to create a hybrid! The styles match! She had the other half in her pockets.

“I’m a jeweler. With this visor, you won’t miss even the most minuscule of details— it has a scope to both zoom in and out. It’ll come in handy, I’m certain. Think of me when you use it...” Ms. Calamity softly giggles.

“Thank you!” You’re happy with this upgrade as you put it back on. You can pull it apart if the visor is in the way.

“Your voice… is better than I imagined.” Ms. Calamity turned the voice modifier off on purpose! These Calamitys are crafty. “Good luck to you… I know we’ll be seeing each other again.”

After this short exchange, Agent Mage leads Ms. Calamity through the tunnels. You’re left here with Agent Spooky, who is waiting for her turn. Or not. She may turn into a ghost and be annoying in her own way, who knows?

“Agent Bubbles, status report.” In the meantime, you ask how everyone is doing as you catch your breath. Being invisible for so long is draining.
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“Leave it to me, Phil Noon.” Bubbles does her best!

—Agent Spooky is right next to you, but she’s not fully here. Due to the strange circumstances around the Security Room, there’s something of a role reversal: Agent Spooky managed to snatch the phone number of the Behemoth’s handler and it’s T_T Neko who’s distracting her through a barrage of mocking text messages that have evolved into a 1v1 in a phone game. For her part, Agent Spooky is surveying the areas where the Crimzone is active to make sure everyone is fine, which leads you to…

— Agent Major Tom saw the only flaw in the plan and decided to fight Onisorio in a best of 5 to gain as much time as possible. He’s up 1-0, but things might change! It’s worth noting that the Crimzone wasn’t activated. You thought it was mandatory but even that is at the referee’s discretion. How fun.

—Agent Honey Bunny is fine! The situation in the Surveillance Room is tense. Everyone inside is trying to find the bug sabotaging the cameras, and the saboteur who planted it. Funnily enough, the bickering between the guards, SCI agents, and miscellaneous people lead them to believe everyone is so untrustworthy, that the role of main investigator fell on Aurora — as she’s believed to be the most impartial person inside for being new, and she arrived *after* the cameras malfunctioned. She’s not handling the responsibility well, but everyone finds her too endearing to not trust. How lucky. One thing, she doesn’t know where the Crimzone comes from even within. Something is up.

—Agent Slob Dragon is approaching the objective. Nothing much to comment on just yet.

“...That’s all, Phil Noon! I requested everyone to slow down to give you time to catch your breath.” Bubbles finishes her report. T_T Neko can be heard being a delight while playing, she’s the opposite of toxic when she’s competing.

What do you do?

>Meet the Convict who will be a distraction. You have to convince him.
>Go to the Surveillance Room. Assist Honey Bunny.
>Go straight to Crossbill. No time to lose.
>Write In.

(Only reply of the day, we continue tomorrow)
>Meet the Convict who will be a distraction. You have to convince him.
>Go to the Surveillance Room. Assist Honey Bunny.
Because the situation is weird in there.
>>Go to the Surveillance Room. Assist Honey Bunny.
>Meet the Convict who will be a distraction. You have to convince him.
I've got trust in Aurora's ability to handle herself.
>Meet the Convict who will be a distraction. You have to convince him.
Keep it going on our end!
>>Meet the Convict who will be a distraction. You have to convince him.
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I'm sorry, everyone. I got too tired to finish a post. We'll continue tomorrow, hopefully earlier!
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“Thanks, Bubbles, but I think I’m ready to go.” You adjust your glasses.

“Agent Mage will be right there in a moment!” Bubbles continues being her informative self! “And Phil Noon?”

“Yeah?” You ask.

“Great job so far! You’re really rocking!” The cheerful Bubbles congratulates you! “Like you totally convinced that cop girl like it was nothing! And, huh, the other was, like, super weird, but I can’t argue with the results!”

“Everything is going according to plan.” You don’t really understand what happened to Ivanna though. You learned that the cake’s side effects last longer than you could’ve imagined, but the real question is what was going through the cake fanatic’s mind? It’s likely something else is going on with her, but you can’t fathom what it could be.

“Here I am, Noon!” Agent Mage salutes. “Where to next?”

“We’re going to Floor F. We’re meetin’ our decoy.” You say.

“Then I’ll be right there with you!” Agent Mage is going to be part of this objective.

You pat the unconscious Spooky’s head, and then through the tunnel system you go! Down! It’s the first time you’ll go under the catacombs’ levels. This makes you feel like an underfunded firefighter. The temperature rises as you approach the earth’s core… Thank god it ends before you start sweating. There were two moments where the path diverged, so you imagine you’d be lost without Agent Mage’s help. Anyway, Mage pops out of the hole first! You look through it to see the rest of the cell, it is as uninspired as Ms. Calamity’s. A bed, a desk, a toilet — and some books sparse around. Nothing out of the ordinary.

“Rolling Thunder, it’s me! Mark!” The Markgician celebrates his reunion.

“If it isn’t the little chap. What do I owe the surprise? Were you brought back again and need my assistance?” The Muscular man catches up with things quickly. You’ll go by whatever Agent Mage called him.

“Woah, you catch up to things fast! You never change!” Agent Mage welcomes this surprise.

“I’m cunning both inside and outside the ropes, my funny little friend.” The man with a wall for a back chuckles.

“Well, huh, I wasn’t arrested actually. I’m here on a secret mission…” Agent Mage whispers. “Call me Mage.”

“I will not, my minuscule buddy. But your name won’t escape these lips again.” Rolling Thunder promises as he boops the Markgician’s nose.

“How did the last match go?” The Markgician wonders.

“Let it be known all over the world that lightning can strike thrice!” Rolling Thunder proudly announces.

“Woah, is that good?” Agent Mage isn’t sure that this is good.

“I’m the lighting, little buddy.” Rolling Thunder deadpans.
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“No offense, but if lighting striking twice is pretty unlikely, doesn’t that mean you didn't have much faith in yourself?” Mage sounds confused.

“It’s a pun, little masked man. Don’t overthink it, you don’t want your last two brain cells to race for third.” Rolling Thunder ruffles Mark’s hair.

“Then, are you ready to land the final blow to this feud?” Agent Mage wants to recruit him! “I can get you out of here now!”

“Aren’t you going to present to me your little friend over there?” Rolling Thunder can feel your presence.

“This is my new boss! His codename is Phil Noon.” Agent Mage presents you. Guess it’s time for you to stop peeking through the hole.

“Hello, small fellow, I’m Blythe Dempsey, some people like this boy call me by my in-ring name ‘Rolling Thunder.’ Let’s get to know each other better before we collaborate, shall we?” Rolling Thunder extends his hands to you.

“Nice to meet you.” You shake his hand. He tightens the grip, but with your level of Athletics, it’s not even an issue.

“Impressive.” Rolling Thunder intended to hurt you a smidgen for whatever reason. “Those who slithers in the shadows tend to be… meeker. Perhaps, I’ll be swayed to assist you.”

“Huh? You don’t wanna fight Quye?! This is so out of character!” The Markgician is in shock.

“Little boy, I can use the escape hole whenever I want. I have no reason to be rash.” The fit man plays with his mustache. “It’s quite the punishment to be caught. And since you’re the one leading the charge, it’s fair I judge you. This conglomeration won’t work without our goals aligned.”

It’s overtly clear that this man doesn’t trust you. Mage putting you in the spotlight has complicated things, but you don’t believe it’s going to be difficult to gain this man’s trust as long as you get ahold of his character.

What do you do?

>Explain to him why you’re here. Maybe he’ll be more cooperative if he knows you’re here to save a friend!
>Ask him about his feud with Quye. What exactly happened to him that made him so resentful?
>Promise that you’ll pay him in cold cash if he does the hit. Maybe that will encourage him?
>Ask him how you can prove yourself. This is the kind of freak who has some test in mind.
>Write In.
>>Ask him how you can prove yourself. This is the kind of freak who has some test in mind.
>Ask him about his feud with Quye. What exactly happened to him that made him so resentful?
>Ask him how you can prove yourself. This is the kind of freak who has some test in mind.
>>Explain to him why you’re here. Maybe he’ll be more cooperative if he knows you’re here to save a friend!
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“I agree, let’s get to know each other.” You look around. “Huh, is the guy you hate not making rounds or something? Can we really speak freely?”

“That cowardly fiend won’t step out of comfort. The shadows are his territory. Much like a spider, he only waits for his prey to be trapped in his web.” Rolling Thunder scoffs at the mere idea. “He fights dirty, little corndog. If you bring the fight to him, you *will* strike second.”

“But he isn’t around?” You find this hard to believe.

“Cowards get cocky. The moment you step in his play field, the terror arises. But otherwise? He lazes around in his watchtower where he can’t hear a bleep. And even if he did, he’d pay no mind, as no scheme can best him.” Dempsey has this guy well studied.

“Watch dogs are generally seen as lazy, but they’re anything but.” Mage points out.

“Didn’t you kick his ass 3 times?” You point out.

“I’m a proud boxer, young man. A professional. I deal with fists and tears.” Rolling Thunder kisses his knuckles. “You’re generally correct, I have bested him thrice now. But winning conditions are different for everyone. To me, watching his swollen face eat the concrete floor fills me to the brim with joy. To him, my continued stay is a bigger victory. He lets no soul escape these confinements.”

“What about Mage? He left, didn’t he?” You point out.

“Ah, that’s your mistake. My tiny friend isn’t a resident of Fire Field, just a visitor.” Rolling Thunder chuckles.

“Didn’t he take someone else with him?” You point out.

“I’m not aware of this. Little mustache, what does he mean?” Dempsey moves his eyes back to Mark.

“Oh! That man wasn’t on *this* floor. He was in solitary confinement.” Mark clarifies.

“Record intact.” Rolling Thunder really wants to be the only one who has ever defeated this guy. What a shitty technicality.

“What’s your beef with this guy anyway?” You wanna know.

“It’s for pride.” Rolling Thunder Dempsey doesn’t sugarcoat it. “

“Pride?” You ask back like you want a thorough explanation!

“There are plenty of undefeated champions in our country’s history, I was one of them, untouchable. A world champion. A little misunderstanding with a fat cop brought me here. I resided on Floor A for a couple of days, then I got into a little altercation with one of the guards. Him thinking he could taunt a man of my stature was his greatest mistake, and mine? To keep the scuffle going. I must’ve disposed of a dozen guards at that point when they sent him. Little scoundrel, I was depleted, he shouldn’t have beaten me that day if he faced me fairly…” There’s so much resentment in the Boxer’s voice.
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“You had to face him again, right?” Mage is getting hyped about this.

“Correct. I was thrown to Floor B for my insubordination. But the thought didn’t perish, the rematch was a must. I caused another commotion, this time I conserved my energy — and once he arrived, I was ready. Not him, cocky little fiend, he wasn’t. I took him down. But a tied score wasn’t enough. I’m above the level of a little cheat.” Rolling Thunder grits his teeth. “I was thrown down to Floor C, and there he got lucky, and our battles continued. Floor D, E, and F... I dug deeper to keep this rivalry going. Who would’ve thought that hell could be this comfortable for a fighter? Those who dream for Valhalla are missing some excitement. And after our last encounter, it’s 3 a peace, tiny spectators.”

“And let me guess, you don’t want to blow this one by rushing it...” You assume.

“You caught on quickly. There’s nothing but brimstone below…” Dempsey looks upwards through the prison bars.

“What do I need to do for you to agree to help us?” You ask.

“Would you be so kind as to spar with me?” Dempsey is in his fighting stance like the proper boxer he is. “A friendly contest, whoever lands a punch on the other first wins. I won’t hurt you, I only need the warm up.”

This is getting out of hand…

What do you do? [SP:30]

>Punch this guy. [Athletics & Courage Based] [Extremely Hard Roll]
>Turn invisible, then punch him. [Knowledge Based] [Normal Roll or SP Cost:1]
>Refuse. Propose a game of wits. [No Roll]
>Write In.
>>Punch this guy. [Athletics & Courage Based] [Extremely Hard Roll]
This guy seems like he hates tricks and even if we fail the roll he seems like he'd respect us more for giving our best shot rather than using our powers
>>Punch this guy. [Athletics & Courage Based] [Extremely Hard Roll]
Hit 'em fast and hit 'em hard.
>Punch this guy. [Athletics & Courage Based] [Extremely Hard Roll]
>Punch this guy. [Athletics & Courage Based] [Extremely Hard Roll]
>Ask him for some quick pointers with punching

I forgot we have a fight as a debt to that guy who is protecting giorsal, we should do it one of this days
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Time to roll, everyone, 1d100, best of 5!
Rolled 4 (1d100)

Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 41 (1d100)

Lets do our best!
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Oh yeahhhhhhhh, time to roll
Rolled 55 (1d100)

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“Sure, don’t expect anything fancy though.” You’re not even a professional… You take your mask off.

“Huh?! You’re willing to trade punches with him?!” Agent Mage is surprised.

“There won’t be trading.” Dempsey is sure of himself. “Serve as our referee, tiny bud.”

“All right, you two ready? When I drop my hand, it’s a go!” The Markgician was ready for this! He loves being involved. “Go!” He makes it official as he steps back.

You throw your best punch, nimble at first, hard on contact! It is speedy — but ineffectual. Dempsey dodges out of the way, and leaves his fist in front of your eyes, then lightly taps your forehead. You have been defeated in this tiny duel. Is this how Matilda felt when you swooped her legs? If it is the case, this isn’t so bad to you.

“Rolling Thunder wins!” Agent Mage makes his win official.

“Wasn’t much of a sweat, but it was better than I anticipated.” Dempsey assesses. “You have a ruffian’s stance. Who taught you how to fight?”

“A delinquent friend of mine. I know a little Judo from another friend, but we’re trading blows here.” You’re honest.

“You can manage different fighting styles? The thought perplexes me.” Dempsey finds this impressive.

“Isn’t that what Mixed Martial Artists do?” You don’t think there’s something special.

“I’m an old-fashioned man, refining a style is what moves the soul, and knowing the rules moves the heart.” Dempsey has his own take. “I congratulate you for your poise. Would you two gentlemen be willing to learn one technique?”

“Like a trick?” Agent Mage’s magician antics are surfacing.

“No, little fellow. Tricks are for those who can’t measure up to the challenge. One special jab.” Dempsey adjusts his monocle. “Let it be my apology for the hostility.”

“You’re helping us out?” You want to confirm.

“I’ll be part of your little scheme. I can sense there’s something of bigger importance at stake than my rivalry. To raise your hands with no formal training against a world champion tells me all I need to know.” Dempsey nods. “Now, I’m not aware about how time constrained you are, but let me stress, this might be the only chance I get to teach you.”

What do you do?

>Accept learning Rolling Thunder’s technique.
>Decline. You don’t have the time. Besides, you can bust him out later or something.
>Write In.

It’s time to find Crossbill! What’s the next step?

>Break the cell’s lock with Philonune. Let Dempsey fight Quye first. Turn invisible to find Crossbill.
>Ask Agent Mage to create a new route to Crossbill’s cell. It might take a long time. Once that’s ready, you’ll let Dempsey out.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>Accept learning Rolling Thunder’s technique.
Yeah free skill
>Break the cell’s lock with Philonune. Let Dempsey fight Quye first. Turn invisible to find Crossbill.
>Accept learning Rolling Thunder’s technique.
>Do you like poker?
>Break the cell’s lock with Philonune. Let Dempsey fight Quye first. Turn invisible to find Crossbill.
Also this, wonder if he knows our land lord since Craig was a champion boxer if I recall.
Supporting this
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“Sounds good.” You aren’t entirely sure this is the best time for it, but you gotta go with the flow. “Right, Mage?”

“Always good to have a… technique under my sleeve? Doesn’t sound right.” The Markgician wonders if this technique is going to fit his character build.

“Good choice, young men. It’s going to pay off infinitely if you keep these antics up.” Dempsey gets into position to demonstrate his move. “Now what I’m going to demonstrate is what is named the Phantom Jab, one of the 47 Forbidden Techniques. Pay attention, you gifted children, you’ll be surprised by what you see.”

Dempsey throws a quick jab. It looks nothing out of the ordinary, except for one little detail...

“Did you catch it?” Rolling Thunder Dempsey is expecting you to say no.

“I’ll let my buddy take center stage.” Agent Mage noticed nothing. Or maybe he did, he’s strangely competent at weird times.

“Did you grow another row of knuckles?” You saw his hand expanding somehow.

“It’s my brimming soul expanding beyond the carcass of my flesh. My fighting spirit is breaking all conventions of reality, as reality is molded by our wills.” Rolling Thunder Dempsey sounds like a fraud martial art master.

“You punch… with your soul?” You raise an eyebrow.

“Yes, actually.” Dempsey wants you to understand above trying to make scientific sense.

“And how do we learn it?” You wonder.

“Picture yourself doing it, and it’ll be done. You hold those beastly spirits within, don’t you? It’s not much different. Awareness is what separates the normal folk from developing this technique.” Dempsey knows you have a flame. “If you thought I would have wasted our time teaching you a move that required years of mastering, you’d be offending me greatly.”

“Oh cool! Look!” The Markgician does it with a kick. “It’s like I’m astral projecting.”

You give it a shot! It’s as easy as the legends say, but it makes you a little dizzy. It’s like your brain was moved out of frame with Philonune alongside it. This has more drawbacks than you were expecting. But it may prove useful one day! Hopefully, not today, you don’t want to fight.

“Huh, this is pretty useful… I think.” You’re happy with this. “Sir, before we move on, I must ask: Do you like poker?”

“The gentleman’s game? But of course. I’m a figurehead of the gentleman’s sport, it stands to reason I’m a hobbyist.” Dempsey doesn’t mind how out of nowhere this question is since it aligns with his interests.

“Well, if we all manage to get out of here, would you like to join me and my friends at a poker tournament?” You invite another lunatic to it! “I’m not aware if you know Craig, he was a former boxer. I think he won a title once.”
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“...I recall him, yes. A phenomenal talent.” Dempsey doesn’t look thrilled though. “If we’re lucky today, I’d be interested in joining.”

“Great! I think it’s time we get this going. I’ll open the cell, then it’s go time. You ready, Mr. Dempsey?” You ask.

“I am…” Dempsey looks at his own hand. “…Ready for the final bout.”

“I’ll be retreating then! Good luck, you two!” The Markgician is by his hole already. This dude is fast! “Unless you want me to open up the door?”

“Nah, I got this.” You put your mask on, turn invisible, and use Philonune to break the cell open…

“Incredible.” Dempsey is amused. “But it will be nothing compared to my final match.”

“After you.” You adjust your glasses despite your cloak.

“Do what you must, Phil Noon. Carry on to glory, and I shall do the same.” Dempsey walks out…

You run past him as you hear a clash between two titans. Not the mafia titans, those suck. Except Suan De…

With Bubbles giving you directions, you arrive outside the cell you were looking for. Nobody seems to be inside but you can sense that someone is waiting. This time, you aren’t dramatic and only use Philonune’s spear to break the lock and enter… You draw your partner back to his flame form and set foot inside. And at that moment, you lose something that never crossed your mind you could lose again…

“Partner, I’ve been snatched away!” Philonune is in the hands of the prisoner… You can turn invisible, but your flame? You haven’t worked on that! You don’t think it’s even possible.

“…” You look at the perpetrator…

It’s a really silly bird… Your best buddy is playing with your best buddy. Crossbill is here. And the situation cannot be more odd!

“What do we have here?” Crossbill tries to juggle Philonune, but by releasing her grip, your partner floats back to your side.

What do you do?

>“It’s me, Crossbill! Phil Noon! Do you remember me?” Make sure you aren’t a stranger.
>“Hey, don’t do that again.” Scold Crossbill like you always would.
>“Two can play the same game.” Steal her prisoner pillow.
>Hug Crossbill! Fuck it! She’s alive and well!
>Write In.

Also, only reply of the day, we continue tomorrow!
>“Two can play the same game.” Steal her prisoner pillow.
>"It's nice seeing you again and healthy, have you been eating your veggies Ms Crossbill?"
>Hug Crossbill! Fuck it! She’s alive and well!
This plus
>Pick her up. She totally loves being picked up!
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“Two can play the same game!” You frown, then steal her pillow! “A-ha! You’ve been bested!”

“Put that down! You have any idea how much I had to do to steal a decent pillow?!” That’s the Crossbill you know! Very bratty and petty, unlike yourself. She’s right, it’s a memory foam pillow. You don’t even have one at home!

“And you have any idea what I had to do to have him? Literally sign a contract with a demon! This demon! Him!” You show her Philonune to drive the point.

“Bah, please! He looks nice! I bet you have a wonderful relationship!” Crossbill tweets back!

“Oh, thank you.” Philonune pretends to blush. He’s getting more eccentric the longer he spends with you…

“…” You remain silent as you drop your guard.

“…” Crossbill does too.

In that moment, you both realize that you’re the idiot the other knows.

“It’s you, huh, Bestie? Dreams are real, huh? What a riot.” Crossbill smirks.

“It’s nice seeing you again and healthy, have you been eating your veggies, Ms. Crossbill?” You wiggle your eyebrows.

“Look at me, I’m as healthy as one can be, not one wrinkle on this face. I’m so pretty they had to lock me up.” Crossbill poses! “Hold on. What are you doing here?!”

“You told me to find you, and a friend of mine says that birds are meant to be free. So work that out in your mind.” You joke.

“And why else?” Crossbill wonders.

“No, that’s it. I’m here to take you out of this hole.” You say.

“C’mon, don’t be like that, what else brings you here to the devil’s oven?” Crossbill wants to help you do that something else.

“Nope, that’s all. I mean, I gathered a ragtag group of individuals who have other objectives, but mine is just you.” You smile.

“...Bestie, there’s a guard behind you.” Crossbill points at him!

You turn around and see absolutely nothing! Nothing at all! It was all a ruse!

“There’s no one there.” You turn back with a frown.

“Y-You’re supposed to linger a little!” Crossbill is wiping her face. Maybe some tears?

“Aw, don’t tell me you’re emotional.” You’re going to tease this woman.

“What if I am?” Crossbill doesn’t try to hide it anymore.

“Aw, c’mere you!” You approach Crossbill…

...to lift her up! She totally loves being picked up!

“You didn’t have to do *this* though.” Crossbill pouts aggressively.

“Sorry, force of habit.” You literally have done this twice.

But this cute reunion comes to a halt due to the ground shaking… Bubbles exclaims that there’s trouble! Something big has happened! Another group or individual is also breaking in!

Sadly, this is all we have for this week’s thread! Thanks for playing and see you next time!
Thanks for running!
Thanks for running
That was sweet.
Thanks for running!

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