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06/02/11(Thu)00:36 No.15131238 File1306989377.jpg-(51 KB, 600x337, Alamar_SC-G_Cncpt1.jpg)
 >>15131147 With its reinforcements in place, Warbrate has little trouble guiding the ground troops through the corridors of the cannon complex toward the reactor core. Well, that is, those who can fit. The ultralisks are too large, and make their stand holding the entrance. While they cut a swath through the androids, they are outnumbered. Warbrate allows Gorn to seize control of them.
As the remaining forces break through, they see a sight that surprises everybody except Cyberbrate: a highly modified, irresponsibly oversized, and almost dangerously unstable Protoss drive core. With this power source, the cannon could have enough energy to fire at orbital targets at approximately the rate of a photon cannon for several minutes. Cyberbrate gives us long odds of disabling the core without causing a detonation, but is willing to try if we wish.
If not, it can easily tell us where to strike to cause a detonation, though it really looks like striking it anywhere would do.
Because of ladyfriends and it being a slow night anyway, I'm going to stop here. Next week looks like a pretty 99%-sure end to VoidGate. Way to stomp its shit, guys.
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/15129382/ |