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!!cAsGzl185mF 02/28/12(Tue)17:50 No.18138763 File: 1330469420.jpg-(137 KB, 800x533, Technicals.jpg)
 You drop the shuttle in, becoming nervous about being boxed in. A few cables and guide wires strung actross the street are easily snapped by the weight of the transport. Slowly lowering the craft towards ground level you adjust the repulsors to bring you to a hover at 1 meter. "We're low enough, opening the back hatch." Says ops. "Deactivating mag locks."
There's a slight whirring noise follwed by a metalic thud as the loading ramp opens. The tanks rapidly offload, wanting both to get clear and to join the battle in a hurry. "Technical." warns Maybourne. You look up to see a four wheeld vehicle come speeding around the corner of the next intersection. A twin linked machinegun is mounted on a post on the back. The bullets bounce off your armored windscreen as though someone were firing pellets at you.
Checking the rear camera it shows the second tank hit the pavement. "Tanks are clear." As you begin to increase throttle to lift off two more gun trucks drive into view, both of them mounting larger caliber weapons.
[ ] Move slowly so your gunners can get a better shot at them [ ] Evade In either event Roll 1d20
>If you wish to use thrust vectoring to assist in evading, roll 1d100 instead. |