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01/11/12(Wed)11:56 No.17502534 File1326301001.jpg-(79 KB, 496x662, Fingon-and-Gothmog.jpg)
 >>17502506 Last of all the Eastern forces to stand was that of the Longbeards of Belegost. The Dwarves withstoodfire more hardly than Men and Elves, and the Dwarves were wearing great masks, which stood them in good stead against the Dragons. If not for the Dwarves, the Noldor would have all been slain. But the Dwarves made a circle around Glaurung, and he could not withstand the blows of their great axes, nor even the armor of Glaurung could fully withstand such an onslaught. Glaurung in his rage turned and crawled over Azaghal, but with his laste stroke, Azaghal drove a knife into the belly of Glaurung and so wounded him that he fled the field. His brood in dismay followed him back to Angband. But the hill of Himring was taken, though all of the sons of Feanor survived.
In the west Fingon was surrounded by a tide of foes thrice greater than all that was left to him. The balrogs drove in between Hurin, Turgon, and Fingon, and they were sundered from eachother. There, Gothmog, high-captain of Balrogs, turned against Fingon and what a grim meeting that was. At last, Fingon stood alone with his guard dead about him, but he fought with Gothmog until another Balrog came behind him and cast a thong of fire about him. At last fell Fingon, High King of the Noldor, by the black axe of the Balrog Gothmog, and flame sprang from his helm when it was cloven. He was overborne by the Balrogs, and beaten to the earth and his blue and silver banner broken and colored with his blood. |