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Available Species: Carrion Fly & Snow Bugs
05/04/12(Fri)02:24 No.18971543 File: 1336112699.png-(134 KB, 483x755, Carrion Fly & Snow Bug.png)
 >>18971389 >>18971499 Alright, now for the critters. As mentioned at the end of the last thread, you all had to roll to see if the various critters survived. Good news, no extinctions this time. That said, some were pushed to the very edge, and may yet die as this thread goes on. At last, here are your critters.
Carrion Flies As insects, the Carrion Flies were struck particularly heavily by the coming of the Age of Ice. While once so common as to be ubiquitous, now their numbers have plummeted, and further predation by Neo Serpents brought them ever closer to extinction. The only areas that Carcass Flies are thin strips of land along the coast. (E)
Snow Bugs The enviromental pressure did, however cause an entirely new subspecies to emerge from the Carcass Flies, a species that utilized genes not seen for millions of years, and the new breed posessed remarkable resistance to the cold. These Snow Bugs were a very light shade of blue, almost white, and they gained hardened carpaces, that, while grounding them, retained heat far better than that of their cousin's. They are still a relatively new species, and are rarely found outside the southernmost parts of the forests (D). |