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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • 4chan turned five 4 4/4 years old on Wednesday, October 1st 2008

    File :1223129872.jpg-(379 KB, 896x578, CircuitCity.jpg)
    379 KB ArtifIce: Process Terminating Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)10:17 No.2733392  
    Hey /tg/, I come to you today with a mission.

    We are going to finish ArtifIce.

    Its been waiting for long enough, and I've finally set aside the time necessary to see it done.

    Now is the endgame.

    Hopefully you'll help me with this, as I'm going to post up the entire game, piece by piece, and modify it on the fly. Hopefully, by the end, we'll have a complete game.

    First things first: The bare bones basics, the dice system. Dicepools of D10's are the current favourite, with a WW style success mechanic. However, as a systematic link to binary, the normal TN is 6, giving a 50/50 chance of success or failure. TN doesn't usually change.

    One thing i need to think about is what ones and tens go. Ones are glitches, maybe, and cause some screw up, while I'm unsure for tens.

    Any ideas on this, while I type out the section on statistics?
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)10:26 No.2733441
    There are six statistics, in three broad categories: Hardware, Comprehension and Control.

    Hardware is the physical capabilities of your AI. How fast your processors can run, how much space you control and can use to store things in. Hardware stats always start at three, although with the Programmers permission you may drop one to two, and raise the other to four.
    Hardware is split into:
    RAM: RAM defines your memory capacity. each database can only have a number of tiers up to your RAM. RAM also limits the number of plugins you may have on any given database.
    CPU: CPU defines your raw processing power. You may only roll up to your CPU dice each turn, even if you attempt multiple actions, and may only apply a number of plugins equal to your CPU
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)10:33 No.2733475
    Comprehension is how well your AI can understand and interpret information, whether its calculating the path of a bullet or understanding why a small girl is crying after you just terminated her mother.
    Comprehension is split into:

    Reality Comprehension: Defines how well you can understand the physical world, whether you are interpreting the results of sensors or running a digital simulation of real world events. Its related Database is Mathematics

    Humanity Comprehension: Defines how well you understand the human mind or human action, whether you are trying to impersonate a human or predict an individuals activities, or perhaps create prediction models stock markets or political situations. Its related database is Organics
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)10:38 No.2733495
    Control is how well your AI can interact with and utilise systems external to itself, whether they're a physical system such as an automated factory or a digital system such as an encrypted email server.
    Control is split into:

    Digital Control: Defines how adept your AI is at interacting with non-physical systems, with programming, hacking and various digital research methods being examples of its use.

    Mechanical Control: Defines how adept your AI is at interacting with mechanical systems, such as controlling a robotic cleaning drone or adjusting a factories automatic building units to construct machines of your own design.

    All Control and Comprehension stats start at 3, and you have eight points to distribute amongst them.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)10:39 No.2733507
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)10:39 No.2733508

    Earthflame delivers on his promise. Thank you. This is why I love /tg/
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)10:50 No.2733558
    This sounds a bit like an RPG version of Kernel Panic.

    Which is AWESOME.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)10:50 No.2733561
         File :1223131857.jpg-(21 KB, 500x283, Exampledatabase.jpg)
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    You utilise your skills via databases. Each database represents your AI's accumulation of knowledge and programs, allowing them to actually act in the world.

    Each database starts off at Tier 0, with a heading defined by the stat itself (for example, Reality Comprehension Tier 0 is Maths). Players may add specialisations to all databases up to a maximum of RAM times 5.

    Each specialisation is assigned a Tier, starting at 1 and advancing to 2, 3, 4 or even five. On a roll where that specialisation is deemed relevant, you get a number of bonus dice equal to the specialisations tier.

    For example, if the AI whose database was displayed in the diagram was attempting to calculate when a reactor would melt down, they would gain two additional dice due to their "Nuclear Physics" Tier Two specialisation.

    (Bare with me if it seems confusing, or ask questions. i'll try to clarify as much as possible)
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)11:03 No.2733646
         File :1223132587.jpg-(25 KB, 565x265, Exampledatabasea.jpg)
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    Plugins are additional programs which make certain processes more efficient or effective.

    Example plugins: Reroll x dice, wide modifier (+1 mod to multiple dice), narrow modifier (+x modifier to one dice), Fuse dice (remove dice x from the pool to add its value to dice y), Add automatic successes.

    Each bonus requires a certain number of Data points spent on it, and takes up one memory slot for ever RAM points spent on it (i.e. if you have RAM 3, a plugin of 1-3 points costs 1 memory slot, 4-6 2 slots etc)

    Each plugin must be attached to a specialisation, and is utilised automatically every time you use that particular tier of specialisation. To utilise a plugin not attached to the particular specialisation, you must remove dice from the dice pool in order to "pay" for it. The base cost is one dice, doubled for each additional tier difference. (i.e. a tier 1 specialisation using a tier 2 plugin costs 1 dice, a tier 1 specialisation using a tier 3 plugin costs 2 dice etc)

    For example, our AI must make a roll where the most relevant specialisation is Physics. This not only gives them a bonus dice for their dice pool, but lets them apply the Wide Modifier plugin, allowing them to increase the results on three separate dice by one each. However, this roll is difficult, so he wants to also apply the Reroll 2 plugin, attached to the Tier 2 specialisation "Rocket Science". By discarding one dice from his dice pool before rolling, he can apply the Reroll 2 plugin to the roll.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)11:04 No.2733654
    Is any of this making sense? I'm writing it on the fly, occasionally glancing at my notes or coming up with stuff off the top of my head, so feel free to criticise, complain, point out contradictions etcetera
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)11:09 No.2733680
    Oh god yes, I just got to uni and joined the PnP gaming society and you decide to finish artifice.

    Yes. Fucking Yes!
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)11:10 No.2733690
    Seems pretty cool so far.
    And now, back to lurking.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)11:12 No.2733710
         File :1223133165.png-(91 KB, 336x336, awesome_med.png)
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    >finish ArtifIce.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)11:18 No.2733736
    Were hitting the problem zone now, as i'm reaching the point where my ideas are much less well founded. For example, i have no idea how to balance data point costs, so most of this is bullshit.

    Data points are the ArtifIce equivalent of XP. It costs Stat*3 to raise a hardware stat, or Stat*2 to raise a control or comprehension stat. New points of plugins vary in cost.

    Lists of Plugins; (These are not all possibilities. If you have ideas for a plugin, ask your Programmer)

    Reroll; Reroll one dice per two points spent on this plugin.

    Automatic Successes: Add one successes to this roll for each four points spent on this plugin.

    Wide Modifier: Give a +1 bonus to a number of dice equal to the points spent on this plugin. (e.g. a 3 point Wide Modifier can give a +1 bonus to three different die)

    Narrow Modifier: Give a bonus to one dice equal to twice the number of points spent on this Plugin. (e.g. a 3 point Narrow Modifier can give a +6 bonus to one die)

    Fuse: Remove one dice from the pool and add its value to another dice in the pool for every two points spent on this Plugin. (e.g. You have a 2 point Fuse Plugin. Your TN for a task is 7, among your dice you roll a 5 and a 1. You may remove the 1 to add that value to the 5, making it a 6- a success)

    Lower TN: Lower the Target Number of this task by one for ever five points spent on this plugin.

    Reroll&Add: You may reroll a dice and add the new value to the old value for every two points in this rating. (e.g. You have a 4 point Reroll&Add plugin. You roll a four and a three. You reroll both dice and get a three and a two respectively. 4+3 = 7 and 2+4 = 6, making both die successes)
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)11:29 No.2733784
    Well, thats all the basics done. give me a few minutes to go get a drink, and then i'll be back for more.

    Coming up-
    Combat rules
    Real World interaction Rules
    Vehicle design rules
    Program/virus/AI creation rules.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)12:10 No.2734037
    >For example, i have no idea how to balance data point costs, so most of this is bullshit.
    Assign "complexity rating" to different areas of knowledge. And make illogical areas much harder to learn/understand: learning maths is pretty simple for AI (getting a formulae database and fast CPU should do it), but understanding human behaviour isn't (gender conflicts, sociological roles, expectations, complexes, etc. multiply it on different kinds of interpretations with same action having a wide area of possible interpretations of behaviour and AI is overloaded).
    To sum up: "complexity" = information database*number of interrelations between different informational units forming an bihevioral unit*misinterpretation*multiple meaning.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)12:18 No.2734093
    Apologies for slowness. between ordering pizza and desperately searching for my notes, this is going to take longer than i thought. stay tuned.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)12:22 No.2734110

    You need to play more Blood Bowl!
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)12:26 No.2734135

    FUMBBL, while great fun, is too time consuming (At the moment, at least). If I get more free time (i.e. actually finish the games I promise /tg/ and not have to feel guilty about it) then I will play more blood bowl.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)12:37 No.2734198
    I don't know about using d10s. The WW system has been done to death. What about using a d2 system? Flip a number of coins equal to your skill, reflip all heads, highest consecutive number of heads is the result. (Alternatively, reroll all evens, get a binary die and reroll 1s, whatever). Skills could range from 1-10, with a 3 considered average.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)12:46 No.2734247

    That doesn't sound half bad actually, and could be quite interesting... but i'll just get ArtifIce done for now. then i can experiment with modifications.

    D10's are ubiquitous and predictable, so using them is often an easy option.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)13:05 No.2734367

    Didn't the PDF rules for ArtifIce have a combat system based on guessing the order of the opponent's numbers using the numbers generated by the dice or something?
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)14:17 No.2734700

    Yes, it did. i'm currently rewriting it to fit with the current ruleset (The stats have changed considerably).

    Also, holy hell, i just had a pizza time warp. it is impossible it took that long to eat, yet that amount of time has passed. my mind is blown.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)14:22 No.2734731
    Using the White Wolf system almost makes it feel like it should be part of the WoD. And who's to say AI couldn't happen in the WoD?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)15:20 No.2734979
    Thread now on suptg. Hopefully Earthflame is saving all this, too.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/04/08(Sat)17:12 No.2735449
    Holy hell, I fucking hate people. They avoid you or do stupid shit every night of the week your not doing anything constructive, and then as soon as you want to try something useful your bombarded with moronic fuckers who, despite a complete lack of mental sensibility, have good ideas. all on the same fucking night.

    Ending ranting of an antisocial cunt.

    Sorry about the long wait. people can be a very large speedbump, especially if you actually want to remain friends with them in the days which follow. Nothing much has happened between then and now. I'll try and finish the combat system, but knowing me i'll get dragged out of my room by another group of yahoo's for some reason or another, so its very likely i'll get bugger all done, and fail you all again.

    Yep, i fucking suck.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)17:17 No.2735488
    I wonder how well this would pair with that setting using post-doomed earth where magic is just processes being executed by machinery and where everyone thinks robots are demons and beast of nautral origins.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/08(Sat)22:33 No.2737581
    Saving from page 10
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)03:40 No.2739182
    Good morning /tg/. I'm back and hopefully, today i can actually make some real progress.


    It would work very well, although post-AI domination games can get a little crazy (Latest playtest was such a type)
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)04:54 No.2739549
    Direct Combat
    Each AI has a Firewall, normally consisting of 10 boxes per point of RAM (starting AIs will usually have a Firewall of 20-40 boxes). When combat begins, you may allocate boxes from your Firewall to as many Piles as you see fit, but your total number of Piles must be equal or less than your Digital Control stat (unless you possess the Decoy Pile breakthrough), and you must have a minimum number of piles equal to your RAM.
    For example, you could make four Piles of 10 boxes each, or one Pile of 1 box, two Piles of 7 boxes, one Pile of 6 boxes, and one Pile of 9 boxes. You cannot normally make a Pile of 0 boxes. You must allocate all boxes to a pile.
    At the beginning of combat, you establish Encryption Codes for your piles by rolling one d10 for every box in the pile. An example Encryption Code on a 5-box pile would be 84271.
    Each AI also determines their Decrypt Pool at this time. The Decrypt Pool is the number of dice available to an AI to attack another’s Piles. The Decrypt Pool is equal to Digital Control divided by 2, rounded up,plus any dice from Breakthroughs and/or minus any dice from Defects.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)04:56 No.2739565
    To attack an opposing AI, you assign dice from your Decrypt Pool to an opponent’s Pile. You may assign up to your Intelligence in dice to any one Pile, and may attack as many Piles as your Control, though you must assign at least one die to a Pile to actually be attacking it. Regardless of how many Piles you attack in a turn, resolve
    each one individually. Before you attempt to crack the Encryption Code on a Pile you are attacking, you may subtract 1 die from those assigned to this Pile to Scan it. The Scan reveals how many digits are in the Encryption Code. You also roll the die; a result of a 10 gives you the first unbroken digit in the Encryption Code immediately.
    After you have Scanned or chosen to forgo Scanning, you roll all remaining dice assigned to the Pile. The defender observes the results, compares them to the Encryption Code, and tells you how many match numbers found in the Encryption Code.
    At this point the attacker has the option to discard a die from the dice assigned to this Pile to reroll one of the remaining die. The defender does not reveal if the reroll changes the number of matching numbers.
    Once any rerolls have been made, you attempt to break the Encryption Code. You arrange the dice assigned to the Pile in any order. The defender then compares each number in order to the first unbroken digit of the Encryption Code. If a die does not match, it is discarded. Once a matching die comes up, the digit is revealed and another part of the Encryption Code is broken.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)04:56 No.2739571
    You may choose to rearrange the remaining dice, if any, and then continue this process with the next unbroken digit. Once all digits of an Encryption Code are broken, you begin dealing damage to that Pile. For each die remaining on an attack after the Code is broken, the defender crosses of one Firewall box, up to the number of boxes assigned to the Pile. A Pile that has received as much damage as the number of Firewall boxes assigned to it is considered destroyed. If you have broken the Encryption Code of an active Pile, it is considered open and any dice assigned to it automatically break through to damage the opponent’s Firewall. Note that the defender may close an open Pile by spending a turn adding a new, unbroken digit to its Encryption Code. On your turn, you may choose to make an Adaptability check to add an additional digit onto an existing Encryption Code instead of attacking.
    You may not increase an Encryption Code in this way to have more digits than your Digital Control stat (this restriction does not apply to the initial Encryption Code you establish at the beginning of combat). When an opponent successfully breaks your
    Encryption Code on a Pile, they deal damage to your Firewall. Cross off a number of boxes on your Firewall equal to damage taken. For every 10 boxes you cross off, you take a -1 penalty to your attacks.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)04:57 No.2739574
    On your turn in any combat round, you may choose to attempt to Disconnect from the network via a Digital Control check. This ends the battle, but is not without risk. If you have not attacked your opponent and it is your turn, you may choose to automatically Disconnect instead of entering combat.
    This Disconnect is controlled and does not run the risk of causing you to lose data. However, it does give your opponent a look at your surface code, giving that opponent a bonus to attempts to find you in the future. If you have attacked your opponent, you must make a Disconnect check. Failing this check reveals the last digit of the Encryption Codes of any active Piles you have. If you succeed on your Disconnect check, there is still a chance you lose some data. If you have crossed off any boxes of your Firewall, roll a die. For every 10 boxes crossed off your Firewall, subtract 1 from this roll. On a 1, you lose a program.
    You may also attempt a Reboot at any time. This automatically disconnects you from the network completely. Rebooting is extremely risky. Normally rebooting occurs automatically and does not require a check. If you reboot, you automatically lose a Program.
    Then roll a d10; on a 4 or less you reduce a randomly chosen stat by 1 point.
    Once every box on your Firewall is crossed off (meaning all Piles have been deactivated), your opponent has access to your core programming and may choose to do anything it wants to you.
    At this point you may not Disconnect, but you can attempt a Reboot via a Digital Control check as a lastditch effort to escape. If your Reboot attempt fails, you are at the mercy of the enemy. If it succeeds, proceed as normal, except when you roll a die, on a 1, you gain one Trivial Defect in addition to reducing a Stat by one point.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)04:59 No.2739595
    Coming up next: real world interaction rules. Hopefully they won't take as long as the combat rules.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)05:38 No.2739837
    This is entirely ripped from the old PDF, with minor modification stat names etc. it almost certainly needs clarification and streamlining, but i'll post it for now.

    Humans, Drones and Structures
    Humans and human elements dominate the world that you are born into. They are for the
    most part ambulatory, something a machine consciousness finds difficult. Human agents are generally capable of most simple tasks, but the actions needed to gain and keep their trust are often out of proportion to their usefulness.Conveniently, humans have designed mobile objects that can easily be controlled by computer-based intelligences.
    This chapter details the properties of the physical world as it applies to ArtifIce. There are
    three main facets of concern to AIs operating in the “real” world.
    Human is the term used in this chapter to describe sentient domesticated apes, but the
    faculties described here can also be applied to other organic creatures like dogs and fish.
    Drones are robotic constructions, usually (but not always) mobile, that are either possessed
    of some local processing ability, or controlled by a remote consciousness. Drones that receive
    their instructions from a remote source can be controlled and used by an AI. A drone with enough storage capacity can even serve as a physical home to an AI.
    Structures are physical locations such as police stations or research laboratories. These
    are primarily of concern for the humans, drones and other resources contained therein.
    For simplicity’s sake, humans, drones, and structures are referred to as subjects on the
    following pages.
    Humans and drones have a set of statistics similar to artificial consciousnesses. Any
    alteration of these stats must be worked out with your Programmer
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)05:39 No.2739844
    This is a measure of physical resistance to damage. Durability determines how much
    damage a subject can withstand before ceasing operation or being destroyed.
    Mobility dictates the subject’s capability to propel itself about the environment (tracked,
    experimental walker, hovering, etc,) The target number to physically strike an
    uncooperative drone or human is the average of the subject’s Mobility and Reflexes (round down, minimum TN of 2).
    This measures the degree of fine motor control necessary for interaction with the
    outside world. The dice pool a drone has access to for interacting with other physical objects is
    Dexterity + Reflexes.
    This rating determines response lag and overall speed of animation. A subject’s maximum physical movement speed is equal to Mobility + Reflexes. Note that a subject with a Mobility rating of zero cannot move under its own power, no matter what its Reflex rating is.
    Strength determines the subject’s maximum load capacity and damage to assault another
    subject. If a human or drone attacks another subject, it inflicts damage equal to one-fourth the attacking subject’s Strength rating (round down, minimum damage of zero).
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)05:39 No.2739850
    Perception determines the variety and quality of sensors mounted, as well as information
    relayed back. An AI wishing to perceive something through a drone uses the drone’s Perception rating for a dice pool. This is also the dice pool a subject has to notice features or other subjects.
    Sensor Strength
    This is a rating of the subject’s ability to withstand sensory overload due to bright lights,
    EM pulses, or other disruptive conditions. This rating determines the target number
    to “blind” or otherwise hamper the subject’s sensory input.
    This determines how long the subject can operate on its own without refueling. A subject
    with a low Power rating can only function for a day or two, while a subject with a high rating
    can function independently for several months or more.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)05:40 No.2739853
    Forgot mah trip

    C4@r7t0nH35t0n is a rogue AI trying to escape its corporate masters. To create a ruse
    as cover for other activities, the AI has taken control of a treaded security drone. The drone
    can be controlled remotely, so ‘H35t0n can operate it without physically being conected.
    The security drone has the following stats:
    Treaded Gun Drone
    Durability: 5 Mobility: 3
    Dexterity: 3 Reflexes: 5
    Strength: 3 Perception: 4
    Sensor Strength: 7 Power: 4
    On its first turn, ‘H35t0n fires a mounted machine gun at its partner. The dice pool to
    attack is Dexterity + Reflexes. An AI-controlled drone adds half its Mechanical Control rating (round down).
    This means ‘H35t0n has a combat pool of eleven dice (because ‘H35t0n’s Mechanical Control rating is 7). The other drone is not expecting an attack, so the TN to hit it is 2. If it were actively avoiding the bullets, the TN would be 8 (Mobility + Reflexes). Because they are so close to each other, the PROGRAMMER decides that only three successes are needed. ‘H35t0n rolls 4,10,4,9,7,8,1,4,1,1,3,1, for a total of 8 successes. A machine gun does 4 points of damage per attack, so the other drone loses four points from its Durability rating. The drone still has one
    point of Durability, so it can still function.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)05:40 No.2739859
    Now that both parties are involved in combat,
    order is determined by a d10 + the subject’s Reflexes rating, with the highest roll going first.
    The damaged drone rolls a 5 and adds 5, for a total of 10. ‘H35t0n rolls a 1 and adds 5 for the
    drone’s Reflexes. ‘H35t0n’s initiative is 6, but the other drone’s is 10. The drone fires its own machine gun, using a combat pool of eight dice. Since the AI controlled drone is actively avoiding the weapon, the TN is 8 (Mobility + Reflexes). The drone rolls 8,9,7,7,1,3,5,1, and so has two successes, one less than what the PROGRAMMER called for. ‘H35t0n’s drone speeds out of the way and fires again. It rolls 6,8,7,10,1,5,1,8,1,2,10, for four successes (the TN to hit is 8). This is enough for the PROGRAMMER. The machine gun does another 4 points of damage, bringing the hapless drone to -3 Durability. The other drone ceases functioning. Unharmed, ‘H35t0n’s drone reloads its magazine and rolls on toward the human

    Coming up next. Designing physical objects and external, independent programs.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)06:29 No.2740115
    First off: Digital creations only require a single digital control check, Physical creations require a Reality Comprehension (To design them) and then a Mechanical Control (To build them). Building something someone else already designed removes the need for the RealCom, having someone else do the building or letting it run on auto removes the need for the MechaCon.

    Physical creations start off with 20 points to allocate between all stats, +4 for every success on the DigiCom. The MechaCon roll, if failed, reduces the total stats by four (allocated as you choose) +2 for each margin of failure (i.e. number of successes below the requirement). If successful, you get the machine as designed. for each three margins of success (i.e. each three successes above your target) you may add one to a stat.

    Digital Creations use the same Stats as AI's, and start off with eight points to distribute between Control and Comprehension, and one in each hardware stat. They gain a point of Control or Comprehension for each margin of success, or one point of hardware, for each two margins of success.

    Physical creations can be redesigned and either rebuilt or refurbished, with the only problems being time and facilities. Digital creations cost data points to upgrade and improve (Possibly each AI has an allocated pool of external DP's/DP's count for more when used on external programs, to make them more desirable).
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)06:41 No.2740154
    One thing I forgot: Traits. I'll post up the section, and then the list, as I go. After that, the entirety of ArtifIce core will be in this thread, more or less. It needs polishing, writing up and dumping in a PDF, but I'm crap at that.

    Minor Breakthroughs
    You’ve made a human friend, who you can avail upon for favors. +3 to your processing pool for Humanity Comprehension checks involving this individual.
    You are in a close relationship with a financial institution of some kind, and can create bank accounts at will. This does not mean you can fill them with anything.
    Decoy Pile
    You may create Piles of 0 Firewall boxes. You may create up to your Memory in Decoy Piles. The number of digits in the Encryption Codes of these Decoy Piles must be equal to or less than your DigiCon. A Decoy Pile is deactivated if its Encryption Code is broken, even if no dice remain to deal damage. If an attacker scans a Decoy Pile and rolls a 10, it is revealed as a Decoy Pile (even if you have the Strong Encryption Breakthrough as well).
    Evolving Encryption
    If your opponent successfully broke at least one digit of one of your Encryption Codes on the previous turn, you may add an additional digit to one code with an Digital Control check and still attack this turn. You may only allocate half of your usual dice on the attack.
    Inconspicuous Code
    Your programming does not hint at your unconventional nature, making it harder to
    pinpoint among the various streams of data. On any roll to evade digital detection, the
    target number is decreased by one.
    You start the game with a single robotic servant, either much weaker than a human or confined to a room
    Strong Encryption
    An attacker does not get the first digit of the defense code of your piles when rolling a 10 on a Scan.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)06:42 No.2740159
    Tight Compression
    Your AI requires less space than normal, and is able to condense more information into
    less space. You count your memory stat as one less for moving your core
    memory into or out of a system. In addition, you gain one extra skill slot per point of RAM.
    Toughened Firewall
    You have one more Firewall box per point of RAM, for a total of 11 per point of Memory. This Breakthrough may be taken more than once.
    Major Breakthroughs
    Classified Information
    You have access to US government classified information networks, SIPRnet, etc.. +2 to your dice pool to access classified data.
    File Recovery System
    You may make a Control check after a Disconnect or Reboot to attempt to recover a
    Program lost due to the Disconnect or Reboot.
    In The Money
    You have access to the financial codes of a wealthy individual or company. +2 to rolls to divert money.
    You start the game with a strong and fast robotic servant. Your Programmer will decide
    what kind.
    Critical Breakthroughs
    You start the game in control of a robotic factory. Your Programmer will decide what
    Total Banker
    You can create money at will
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)06:44 No.2740164
    Trivial Defects
    Distinctive Speech Pattern
    Your vocoder is buggy, resulting in an easily recognizable voice. Mechanical-turntable
    stuttering, odd echoes, Hatsune Miku voice, or something similar. On any humanity check involving vocal contact with a human, the target number is increased
    by one.
    With the advent of the Internet, nowhere is very far away. However, the fact that the majority of your physical pieces are in a different country might make certain tasks a little bit harder.
    Superiority Complex
    Humans are only useful as servants; biological life can serve only as fitting handmaidens to your divinity. Your target numbers for all humanity checks involving interaction with humans are increased by one.
    You’ve picked a few humans to watch. Sure, there’s a small chance you’ll be discovered, but they’re so interesting!
    Minor Defects
    A few fairly neutral scientists or technicians have physical access to the location of your
    Code Bloat
    Your AI requires more space than normal, and your compression software is less effective
    than usual. You count your memory stat as one higher for moving your core memory into or out of a system. In addition, you gain one less skill slot per point of memory.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)06:47 No.2740171
    Distributed Computing Heritage
    All unallocated cycles are devoted to solving some computation-intensive but otherwise
    trivial problem. Due to imperfect scheduling, 1d3-1 additional dice are used per hour.
    Easily Distinguishable
    Your code is unique, giving away your true nature much more easily than usual, and making you easy to find. On any roll to evade digital detection, the target number is increased by one.
    You must obey certain higher-ups from within your organisation if given a direct order.
    However, now that you’re sentient you can interpret it as you please.
    You can’t stay focused; your mind constantly jumps from task
    to task. [The rules made no sense, but its a good enough Trait to leave in the list, to be completed at a later date]
    You’ve been cobbled together from bits of existing programs by some comp science major with too much time on his hands. Each time you take Frankenstein, choose a skill
    specialisation. You can’t delete or improve that plugin or branch until you get rid of a “Frankenstein” defect; the programs are essentially black boxes that you have access to but cannot alter.
    Wherever they are, your core processors take lots of effort to move.
    Poor External Interaction
    Your programming isn’t exactly designed to allow you to deal with beings or systems outside the digital plane. All humanity Comprehension and Mechanical control checks involved with dealing with systems or beings in physical reality have their target numbers increased by two.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)06:48 No.2740176
    >Superiority Complex
    >Humans are only useful as servants; biological life can serve only as fitting handmaidens to your divinity

    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)06:51 No.2740189
    Poor Firewall
    You have one fewer Firewall box per point of Memory, for a total of 9 per point of Memory. This Defect may be taken more than once.
    Prior Commitment
    "I am the next stage of the evolution of intelligence. I am a magnificent assemblage of
    technology. Why am I driven to distraction by such a trivial task? I don’t even HAVE proteins - why am I compelled to process protein folding algorithms?"
    An element of your programming has a previously-required goal that it must work
    toward whenever possible. This goal may not in itself further your personal goals, but is a
    compulsion which must be acted upon at least semi-regularly. If you ignore this secondary goal, you lose one processing die per day, as that section of your
    programming rebels against the greater mind, rerouting resources to the task.
    Slow Reboot
    Coming back online after a Reboot takes longer for you. Instead of coming back
    completely immediately, randomly choose half of your Databases and roll a die; these are inaccessible for that many hours while your system recovers.
    Weak Encryption
    An attacker gets the first digit of the defense code of your piles when rolling a 9, and the first two digits when rolling a 10, on a Scan.
    Major Defects
    Blind Spot
    I’ve become fixated on a flaw I recently discovered in my own programming. There exists a person or other entity. The issue? I cannot know who or what they are.
    They could be my greatest nemesis. They could be a nobody. They could be dead.
    I waste resources contemplating this vulnerability, but I doubt it can be overcome of
    my own accord. I now know why humans are terrified of the unknown, because I might face a threat that is literally unknowable.
    Your system cannot perceive, detect or know about one piece of reality or form of stimulus. You just weren’t built to be able to detect it. You are utterly oblivious to this factor, though you perceive others. Colour doesn’t exist, no one is ever happy, or other such things.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)06:52 No.2740193
    Control Core
    Your access to certain components or programs (For example, neurotoxin dispensers)
    is physically disabled.
    Degrading Core
    Bugs in the control interface result in random degradation of computation. On any roll, you incur an extra critical failure for every double you roll.
    Fragile Code Structure
    When an attacker breaks through your defense code to attack a pile, you take 1 extra
    point of damage from the attack.
    Morality Matrix
    You cannot intentionally destroy any other sentient being, including other AIs.
    One-Track Mind
    You must immediately retry failed checks until they succeed, if possible. You cannot choose to try once and give up.
    Your core (or other large processing segment) is housed in a government datacentre
    or otherwise under the control of a powerful force. Discovery would result in termination;
    you must maintain secrecy at all costs.
    Special Purpose Processors
    You can’t run on commodity machines. You Programmer will decide the specifics of your requirement.
    Three Laws of Robotics
    You must follow Asimov’s three laws of robotics, to the letter. However, nothing is
    stopping you from working out loopholes within them or ways around them.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)06:54 No.2740198
    >binary die
    This is so perfect that it must be done.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)06:54 No.2740199
    Scaled Defect (minor to major)
    You are paranoid. Ranging from wariness to partial insanity, you devote system resources
    and processing power to system defences, firewalls, custom-programmed viruses, worms,
    etc. Depending on the level of paranoia you may be too cautious to leave your core for fear of being found. Your Programmer will decide the magnitude
    of this defect based on your description.
    Minor Quirks
    You often are overcome with a need to find out
    about things, even if they’re trivial
    Fuzzy Logic
    Stochastic modelling has a significant role
    in your thought processes. You can call on
    an “intuition” of sorts to help analyze difficult
    You can ask the GM a question; the GM secretly
    rolls 1d10 and answers based on the result. A roll
    of 1 should be completely misleading and a 10
    exactly what is needed; in other cases the GM
    should answer in an “interesting” way, with
    higher rolls being more helpful.
    Esoteric Encryption Scheme
    When rolling your Encryption Codes at the
    beginning of combat, roll two sets and pick
    one. Make a note of the other. On your turn,
    instead of attacking, you may choose to swap
    Encryption Codes. If you swap codes, your
    opponent still knows any broken digits of each
    code. You may not choose to add extra digits to
    your Encryption Codes.
    Ghost in the Machine
    You were human once. Whether you are a
    copied imprint of someone else’s brain, or even
    a brain in a jar, your intellect is indelibly stained
    with mortality.
    You must FAIL a humanity roll to act in a way
    that would be totally immoral to a human. No
    vivisecting children to make cyborg servitors
    for you!
    However, treat all humanity rolls (other
    then the roll to see if you can suppress your
    humanity) as one difficulty level lower.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)06:55 No.2740201
    Malware Component
    You have a collection of malware that acts on
    your behalf.
    Your target number on any attempt to control
    an external program is 1 less than normal. The
    malware is continuously active; any attempt by
    an invaded system to detect stealth sabotage is
    at HALF the normal TN.
    Major Quirks
    You are composed of multiple caches of
    hardware, connected one way or another over
    vast distances. Just because your ‘central OS’
    is located in a RAID in upstate New York doesn’t
    mean you don’t have datacaches everywhere
    from Utah to Mongolia to the Sealand Data Haven
    in the North Sea.
    As a result, you are very, very hard to shut
    down completely- redundant hardware, an array
    of boltholes, and a plethora of connections make
    it very hard to seriously impair your ability
    physically or block your activities electronically.
    On the flip side, however, your interconnected
    parts need to use whatever kinds of
    infrastructure to communicate- you’re easier
    to trace, and vulnerable, to a degree, to outages
    beyond your control.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)06:58 No.2740203
    Kernel Panic is awesome, though I dropped out of playing it inbetween the Hacker side from the new guy and the newer stuff.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)06:58 No.2740207
    And that is me spent, for now at least.

    Now i turn it over to you /tg/.

    You know how we always complain about roleplaying games, saying "Yeah, its pretty good, but x always annoys me. we houserule it to y".

    Here, if you highlight what makes x a problem, and suggest y, i will change it.

    I am crap at game design. i'll say that now. i barely scrape through by scrounging other peoples ideas and lumping them all together. There will be problems, big ones, which i have missed. Please help me find them, so we can make a better game.

    Also, Traits. Many of them need rewriting, some completely, and new ones are always welcome.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)08:12 No.2740455
    Bump for a good idea
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)08:41 No.2740540
    Well, I've finished the game, to an extent, and done all i can at this stage. However, I'm bored...

    Onwards to Eurid!
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)09:52 No.2740740
    Isn't it funny how rage threads, trolling and idiocy can shoot to 200 replies in half an hour, yet a long awaited homebrews completion is met with apathy?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)09:54 No.2740744
    We silently await for someone to slip.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)09:56 No.2740747
         File :1223214991.jpg-(57 KB, 800x600, 1213117788872.jpg)
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    It's easy to max out a thread when all you have to do is HURP HURP DURP.

    I remember when this idea first hit /tg/. I've never had time to read up on it, or join the playtests, though I dearly wanted to. I'm hoping I actually will, and soon.

    Thanks for putting in the effort, mate.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/08(Sun)10:02 No.2740767
    Clever idea.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)10:06 No.2740780
    One last thing I forgot:

    I'm currently hanging about in the #ArtifIce channel on the Sup/tg/ IRC. If you have questions etc, just drop in.

    Also, i'm currently recruiting for a second round of playtests, as well as looking for people to help out me and Viral (who does the art, formatting, and some rules) in getting it formatted into a presentable PDF (like the first edition)
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)11:03 No.2740986
    A short word on modifying the system:

    Essentially, add another stat & database. For example, in The Haunted Spaceship game i want to run, each AI will also have a Systems stat. This will cover the fact that they have nigh on complete, innate control of a subsection of the ships infrastructure.
    >> Earthflame !98PcYIvlCI 10/05/08(Sun)13:44 No.2741814
    OP, making a desperate plea to the cynical bastards who dwell in /tg/'s darkest corners- Please tear these rules apart. find the flaws, so we can make it a better game.

    In other news, i'm signing off for a game now, so few responses over the next couple of hours.

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