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04/08/10(Thu)15:52 No.9065520 File1270756332.jpg-(541 KB, 1306x555, BakuninModeratorsWeb.jpg)
 >>9065497 Nomads are the space gypsies, mercenaries, mafia, and so on, who got three big space stations, added engines, and now travel the Sphere selling their services as mercenaries, hackers, owners of secure databanks (nomad ships are the only place where the human AI, ALEPH, does not have acces). There are three main ships- Tunguska, the seat of political power of the Nomad Nation(their diplomats forced O-12, the "new UN" to recognize the nomads as a sovereign state), ruled by the romanian and russian mafia, provider of best hackers and secure databases in the sphere. Corregidor, former space-prison, whose citizens were refugees, mercs and other "scum of earth", now specializing in EVA work and providing best mercenaries in the sphere. and Bakunin, the ship that is nothing but insane. Every dissenting person, every anarchist, hippie, ultra-right nutjob, scorned fashion designer or crazy scientis have gathered there, because they're free to pursue their own agenda as long as they do not harm others in the process. The more normal acitivites include the best shopping mall in the universe, with every avantgarde fashion designer, parfumist, designer-drug creator, tatooist and body-modder found there. Wanna add bunny ears and vagina dentata? Go there. That stupid bitch from next door will never criticise your dress after you've bought it from the Beubutiqe.
There's also the praxis, where the REAL crazies and radicals live, where you go for illegal combat drugs, super-soldier bodymods, weapons breaching every convention ever signed, and so on. They're the ones that managed to get dolphins uplifted enough to have them steer Nomad shuttles and figher craft since they have better 3D awareness than humans. |