/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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August 2011
15820617Bittersweet Turned HopefulRequest thread is hijacked by bittersweet stories. One guy is reminded of a girl he knew long ago, and finally gets in touch with her during the thread. Great Romantic Success is had.d'aw, hope, hopeful, good end, bittersweet, memories2011-08-05 37 
January 2012
17397637What was the best thread of 2011?2011 was a pretty rockin year for /tg/. Anon recounts their favourites. Anagrams, Rap Battles, we have it all. Come take a trip down memory lane and welcome in the new year by reliving glories past./tg/, tg, 2012, 2011, memories, awesome, epic, win, 40k, homebrew, storytime2012-01-02 24 
17458366Memory Lane 2011 Part 2Come join us on a walk down memory lane! The best threads of /tg/ 2011. Linked and listed for your reading pleasure. Who needs other boards?/tg/, tg, 2012, 2011, memories, awesome, epic, win, 40k, homebrew, storytime2012-01-08 5 
February 2024
5881146Lingdom Quest 2Rika continues to live her life and make more Memories.Slice of Life, Lings, Lingdom, Memories, Rika, Bubu, Kari, Puki, Hand Holding, Princess, Cooking2024-02-17 7 
April 2024
5939898Lingdom Quest 3The Little Ones sing, listen to stories, and play.Slice of Life, Lings, Lingdom, Memories, Rika, Bubu, Kari, Puki, Tina, Little Ones, Baba, Pappy2024-04-13 6 
June 2024
5984584Lingdom Quest 4Rika and the gang grow, play, and look at the sky,Slice of Life, Lings, Lingdom, Memories, Rika, Bubu, Kari, Puki, Tina, Little Ones2024-06-02 5 
August 2024
6038593Lingdom Quest 5Rika and the gang befriend a crocko and meet some Bravies Slice of Life, Lings, Lingdom, Memories, Rika, Bubu, Kari, Puki, Tina, Bravies2024-08-15 5 
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