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  • File : 1286041726.png-(108 KB, 500x500, Journal209.png)
    108 KB Zombie Quest part 6 Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)13:48 No.12300301  
    CHapter 3- Hope

    New readers,
    archives here:


    cue music

    It is now 6am , the sun shines its first rays on a newly deceased world. "What the fuck " says the sun, and it continues on with its existence. You and your group are racing against the clock to get word out that a cure has been found for the zombie virus by way of satellite uplink that is present in the soon-to-be-overly-overrun campus grounds' Tech building.

    Meanwhile the US millitary has implemented a complete lockdown of the island, destroying bridges, and shooting down outbound airplane flights indiscriminately.
    It may not be long before ground forces get involved.

    [DM's note: to those who wish to frequent my operation times, I can definitely say that I will be hitting Tuesday and Thursday nights [since those are times that Diary can help me], Saturdays if the stars are willing. Otherwise Im a terrible asshole that plays this by ear.]
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)13:52 No.12300331
         File1286041954.png-(146 KB, 1000x1000, Journal211.png)
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    You approach the tech building and decide to cruise around for a bit, yelling for survivors within. However you get no answer, the building is silent save for a few walking dead that El Rana runs over without batting an eye.

    You wonder if Luchadores ever bat eyes.

    You also realize that none of the dead are swarming around the entrances trying to get in- you wonder what that should mean for the survivors within- if there are any.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:58 No.12300366

    It's quiet...


    Too quiet.

    See if we can find a low window, or a spot to get in at, other than somewhere obvious. Someplace like this...it reaks of boss fight. Tell everyone to be on guard for an ambush.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:58 No.12300369
    Rockit Hamma our way in.

    Disregard doors.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)14:05 No.12300404

    Dom has no time for doors.
    >> Post-New Age !4zDAAqk0r6 10/02/10(Sat)14:05 No.12300405
    We need to activate stealth mode here.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/02/10(Sat)14:08 No.12300428
    I'm with this guy.

    Oh, did group two move to the radio tower to try and contact other survivor groups in the city?
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/02/10(Sat)14:10 No.12300435
    Sneak Moad.

    Do et.

    Maybe have our luchador friend peel up beside a window, then hop in? That might work.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)14:15 No.12300464
         File1286043304.png-(86 KB, 500x500, journal213.png)
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    Dom and Dex attempt to scout for a feasible window entrance that wont pop in a room with a dozen zombies or so when-

    A fire escape system
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)14:26 No.12300552
         File1286043974.png-(39 KB, 500x500, journal214.png)
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    Dex informs you that the rooftop has access to the two other floors. As does the fire escape. You can reach the ladder for it using El Senor.

    But if you want dex with you, you're gonna need 3 minutes or so to have EL Rana carry him up. And what will happen to the truck if left unattended is anyone's guess.

    Alternatively you can have someone go in and open the doors to the front momentarily.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)14:27 No.12300555

    has access to the 2nd floor***

    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/02/10(Sat)14:28 No.12300568
    Dom goes it alone.

    He's immune to the virus anyway.

    Scout mission, go!
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)14:29 No.12300574
    >implying Dom can be even remotely subtle
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)14:29 No.12300577

    Be warned
    One can still die from being eaten to death :
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/02/10(Sat)14:30 No.12300583
    Yeah. Have him go in through the second floor and work his way down from there.
    >> Post-New Age !4zDAAqk0r6 10/02/10(Sat)14:40 No.12300652
    this works. He can secure a somewhat safer route for them
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)14:56 No.12300796
         File1286045765.png-(134 KB, 500x500, Journal215.png)
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    Meanwhile, in the not-so-old Radio tower.
    Rainy, Charlie, Hellen and Se7en inspect the remains of yesterday's battle. The whole affair of Dom getting bit felt like months ago. Lingering in the air is the rosey smell of death and decay. Hellen recoils due to her heightened senses. At the center of the lobby, the big screen is turned on, static assaulting your eyes..
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/02/10(Sat)15:02 No.12300854
    Turn off the TV. The noise will probably mess with Helen's senses.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)15:09 No.12300920
         File1286046560.png-(93 KB, 500x500, Journal216.png)
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    Dom enters the rooftop.
    Standing under the dish is a familiar figure.

    Your eyes have locked.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)15:10 No.12300932
    You know it occurred to me to day at work (because I have nothing better to do there but think about Zombie Quest apparently) everyone has a cell phone, we don't need to go to the radio tower to contact anyone outside the island, just call them! The military obviously hasn't blocked phone traffic yet or GRainy wouldn't have been able to send Dom her newest pics of him.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)15:11 No.12300938

    Crap where are the other two!?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)15:18 No.12301005

    Ready the rocket hammer, let him make the first move.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)15:25 No.12301075
         File1286047537.png-(90 KB, 500x500, Journal218.png)
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    Helen's ears have strained.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)15:27 No.12301096

    Well son of a bitch! Shoot him! Shoot him dead!
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)15:31 No.12301131
    rolled 7, 2 = 9

    . . . . . .
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/02/10(Sat)15:40 No.12301232

    Horror Club.

    Mother of god. Draw our rocket hammer. We've got business to attend to.

    And kick the TV back into Freddy. Try and pin him with it, then roll back and start firing. That bastard's lethal.

    Wait, where's Cthulu?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)15:42 No.12301251

    If we follow the trend he's probably attacking the cafeteria.
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/02/10(Sat)15:47 No.12301313
    Isn't the Armaggedon Armory there?

    ...Cthulu might be superfucked, depending on if he attacked head-on or not.

    We need some kind of a battle cry when we charge Voorhes. Something to shout out to the heavens.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)15:48 No.12301323
         File1286048907.png-(103 KB, 500x500, Journal219.png)
    103 KB

    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/02/10(Sat)15:49 No.12301335
    Unload into him with the Magnum before you climb up on to the roof. If he still lives then go for the rocket hammer battle.

    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)15:49 No.12301344

    The armory was in the back of the monster truck last we saw it. Fortunately there are a lot of other survivors there and more an a few of them are probably armed.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)15:52 No.12301368

    Obviously Dom's going to rocket hammer his head off!
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/02/10(Sat)15:53 No.12301388
    Rocket Hammer his chainsaw away first.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)15:55 No.12301410

    I guess that's a slightly safer plan than going straight for the head.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)15:58 No.12301441
    rolled 2 = 2

    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)15:59 No.12301451

    That doesn't look good....
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)16:07 No.12301521
         File1286050052.png-(106 KB, 500x500, Journal220.png)
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    Freddy attempts a death stare but


    Helen kicks the tv into his face, she doesnt fall for this ambush bullshit, she's BLIND.

    Freddy pays the price with his hat.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)16:08 No.12301535

    Helen has a vendetta against hats? I like it!
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)16:08 No.12301537
    rolled 1, 2 = 3

    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)16:15 No.12301592
    Oh god, no!

    captcha: ingarati shall
    Shall what, captcha?! THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/02/10(Sat)16:15 No.12301594
    I'm not liking the low rolls here...
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)16:21 No.12301654
    Dom really should be retreating from Jason and trying to blow the damaged leg off with the Magnum. Once Jason's mobility is gone, he will be much easier to deal with.

    As for Helen with Freddy...Stab him in the face.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)16:27 No.12301723
         File1286051235.png-(112 KB, 500x500, Journal221.png)
    112 KB
    rolled 2 = 2

    Dom aims for the chainsaw, surely the thing will give away with the right hit.

    But that swing never came. The teeth of the chainsaw roars passed the hammerhead and and dislodges Dom's grip on the Rokkit Hammer. The the thing is sent airborne and Dom is wide open for a counter attack !
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)16:28 No.12301739

    Magnum, magnum, magnum shothimwiththemagnum!
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)16:31 No.12301779
    Kick the zombie in the balls.

    Alternatively, RUN LIKE A BITCH.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)16:33 No.12301799
    Pull out the magnum and target his legs. They're a more stable target than his head, what with all of the hobbling.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/02/10(Sat)16:45 No.12301964
    And run the fuck away while at it!
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)16:46 No.12301979
         File1286052406.png-(149 KB, 500x500, Journal222.png)
    149 KB
    Jason makes a misstep and leaves an opening that Dom is all too oppurtunistic to take. Dom's hand flies freely to his holster.

    The magnum is primed and ready to shoot Vorheese in the back !
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)16:48 No.12301994
    rolled 8, 10 = 18

    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)16:49 No.12302002

    Go for the double
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)16:51 No.12302024
    Do a double shot!
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)16:52 No.12302028
    rolled 8, 6 = 14

    Doubletap !
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/02/10(Sat)16:53 No.12302044
    With a roll like that? Double.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)17:09 No.12302175
         File1286053769.png-(129 KB, 500x500, Journal223.png)
    129 KB
    The nightmare on elmstreet.


    Helen doesn't even KNOW you.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)17:10 No.12302190
    Take that stylish hat
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)17:11 No.12302203

    I can just imagine GRainy, Charlie, and Sev7en standing there dumbfounded as Helen did this.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)17:12 No.12302217

    Probably not a good idea, we couldn't even take guns zombies had touched, the hat is probably much worse
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)17:36 No.12302429
         File1286055369.png-(121 KB, 500x500, Journal224.png)
    121 KB
    Shots were fired. Bullets smash through vorheese's thick back , though as good as that was it seems faze Vorheese slightly.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/02/10(Sat)17:38 No.12302449
    Back off and take out his legs.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)17:39 No.12302469

    Should have know it would take more than that to drop Jasen.

    Fall back, keep shooting, and call for Rana.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)17:46 No.12302544
    Retreat a few meters, then go for an aimed headshot.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)17:51 No.12302603
         File1286056261.png-(66 KB, 500x500, Journal225.png)
    66 KB
    Meanwhile, Dex and Rana sees that something is fucking UP.

    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)17:53 No.12302628
         File1286056406.png-(23 KB, 375x375, BlackBox15.png)
    23 KB
    Buuhhh club meeting today. I had thought id finish this battle before 6 but I was wrong.

    See you back in 4 hours !
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)17:55 No.12302659

    Have fun!
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)19:14 No.12303547
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)19:27 No.12303684

    anon missed the conversation where Dom was confirmed a boy ?

    Or can he/she just be assigned any gender they want ?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)19:42 No.12303814
    no, journal has tried to "claim" that she's a guy, but dom is still a girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)19:45 No.12303842
    Try using acting ability on the zombie
    Back away in horror saying things a expendable teenager would in those slasher flicks and back away slowly with any luck he will walk slowly towards you, fire some shots randomly too add effect all the while secretly taking aim at his chainsaw. Then shoot the chainsaw in its fuel tank. If this is anything like the movies it will explode, if this is nothing like the movies the chainsaw will at the very least break. This is the horror role Dom was meant to play.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)19:58 No.12303976
         File1286063935.png-(91 KB, 500x500, 1285784676046.png)
    91 KB

    >I think its time for a new argument. I already have enough plotted out over the issue of his gender [that happens in game]. Other things left to tackle about the character is his xenophilia and what he actually does as an art student.


    Journal has stated unequivocally that Dom is male. He does not, however, have any particular gender identity.

    >Biologically he has male genitalia, but in terms of gender, he's pretty blank - or prefers to be blank, even though he comes off as having a wonderboy naivette. All his sexual encounters with Grainy can be counted as Wierd, albeit hot. Dom is actually far more interesting when I try to cast him as an outsider looking in.

    >I mean, watch an episode of RuPaul's drag race and tell me that shit doesn't destroy gender barriers.

    >Gender roles are as imagined as money.

    >Anyways Im gonna get off my crate, everyone has something they can take from the MC. This is just my take, despite being Dom's artist. I'd like to think that these characters just come up to me and tell me their story.

    Not that any of this, as I mentioned when it was first said, will stop the arguing about Dom's gender.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)20:15 No.12304150
    and we have established two new arguments
    1.Rainy is clearly Doms stalker before zombies. How far did her depravity go was she a watcher from afar or did she do creepy/awesome stuff like sneak into his room.
    2.Dom is a costume designer, we believe he should design a Luchador mask for Rana. What should he design first?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)20:31 No.12304315

    Considering on her wall of pictures there's a shot of Dom at his computer, I think it's safe to assume she got a bit on the creepy/awesome side. Of course that could have been a public computer we really have no context for the shot. I don't think she actually molested Dom though. Probably just snuck into his room and stood over him while he slept or something, maybe stole a shirt or the like.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)20:34 No.12304338
    like we listen to you
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)20:36 No.12304366

    If I expected anyone to listen to me I wouldn't talk.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)20:43 No.12304459
    you forgot your trip code
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)21:28 No.12304985
         File1286069297.png-(118 KB, 500x500, Journal226.png)
    118 KB
    " Glasses Man ! " the Luchadore murmers, " Can you take the wheel ? "

    " Sure, it's not like I'm crippled or anything " Replies Dex as he pulls out the APC. A single window pops up on screen

    A program hijacked from a friend allows him to not only pirate episodes of wierd science, but it enables him to control vehichles caught in its resonance. And by sending out counter signals to aggravate the blah blah blah blah blah

    he can control vehichles with boom boom waves.

    Did you think that the creator of the Chainsword, the Powerglove the Rokkit hammer, and the incidental trigger to the zombie plague not have a meta scifi weapon himself ?

    [slow updates for now until i get out of this theater room]
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)21:42 No.12305132
    Rana needs to get up to the roof to help Dom.
    Should he stick with El Diablo, or should he switch to another mask?
    >> NightElf !!Pe8/IxcXVF4 10/02/10(Sat)21:43 No.12305143
    Rainy and Dom had SEX
    yes... SEX
    but Dom was only semiconcious at the time...
    Dom has a penis deal with it....
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)21:53 No.12305234
    Get too the wall of the building.
    Have Rana jump up and use the suspension of the monster truck as a make shift trampoline and allowing him too fling himself to the roof.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)22:37 No.12305657
         File1286073436.png-(385 KB, 1000x1000, Journal227.png)
    385 KB
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/02/10(Sat)22:42 No.12305699
    sorry, I'm still in slow mode, guys so just take it easy until I find a desk : )

    thanks for playing though !
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)23:12 No.12306006
    No surprise attack the zombie. As there is no chance he could have predicted a lucha libre wrestler would appear.
    >> Mr. Failcake 10/02/10(Sat)23:53 No.12306495
    rolled 19 = 19

    Have El Rana put on the metal mask so he can resist the chainsaw
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)06:16 No.12310168
    had a hell of a night, so I'll just bump this and continue this all in the morning.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/03/10(Sun)14:56 No.12313927
    Get off page 15 quest thread. You don't belong here, you aren't even auto saging yet.

    Have Dom put a couple more shots into Jason while he falls back to Rana.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)15:22 No.12314213
    rolled 1, 9 = 10


    bang bang
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)15:45 No.12314397
         File1286135141.png-(128 KB, 500x500, Journal229.png)
    128 KB
    rolled 6 = 6

    Vorhees charges forward as bullets smash into his head on the wayside, tickling his festering grey matter to little effect.

    The monster gets within range and takes another swipe !
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)15:50 No.12314433

    Rana grab that son of a bitch and throw him off the roof. If he's still alive afterwords Dex can run him over. Dom can just keep shooting in the mean time I guess.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)15:51 No.12314448
    rolled 14 = 14

    dodge that shit.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)16:13 No.12314700
         File1286136831.jpg-(93 KB, 500x500, journal230.jpg)
    93 KB

    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)16:15 No.12314712
         File1286136900.png-(110 KB, 500x500, Journal230.png)
    110 KB

    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)16:16 No.12314724
    rolled 9, 10 = 19

    . . . .
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)16:21 No.12314787
    rolled 7, 3 = 10



    >Giga Driver
    >Giga Suplex
    >Giga Horn
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)16:23 No.12314818
    Why the hell is this a quest?

    You could be making an awesome ass comic.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)16:24 No.12314824
    >Giga Driver
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)16:29 No.12314876

    naw my awesome ass comics takes longer to draw than this.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)16:31 No.12314903
    It better involve Grainy's ass.

    And Dom's ass.

    And I think you can guess the rest.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)16:31 No.12314906


    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)16:34 No.12314933
    or maybe


    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)16:54 No.12315112
         File1286139266.png-(179 KB, 500x500, Journal232.png)
    179 KB
    rolled 6 = 6



    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)16:57 No.12315126

    Way to go Rana!
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)16:57 No.12315131
    Rana: epic pose
    Dom: stare at him with sparkly eyes
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)17:05 No.12315205
         File1286139938.png-(71 KB, 500x500, Journal233.png)
    71 KB
    Dom's face a man explodes in a round of Lucha Libre.

    Again, this is a common occurence. Mexico holds a lot of wonders that isn't understood beyond sitcom stereotypes.

    Theres even magic there.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)17:08 No.12315238
    Dom's face when**
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)17:10 No.12315253
    Dom needs to craft a luchadore mask for Rana now that he has seen the glory of luchalibre.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)17:15 No.12315292
    brb washing dishes
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/03/10(Sun)17:25 No.12315380
    Any progress on contacting survivors at the Radio tower?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)17:30 No.12315434

    I thought the survivors were going to be contacted through the PA in the tech building and the radio tower was for contacting the outside world?
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/03/10(Sun)17:32 No.12315456
    I meant other survivor groups in the city. If there are any.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)17:43 No.12315588
         File1286142232.png-(64 KB, 500x500, Journal234.png)
    64 KB

    What should we tell the other survivors ?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)18:06 No.12315828

    Ah, hadn't gotten around to worrying about those survivors yet.


    Let's see, the ones in the school? Get to the garage, grab a car and get ready to flee.

    The ones outside the school? We have a cure, put a giant note on your door or something and we'll do our best to rescue you.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)18:07 No.12315837
    There are other survivors and there is hope. Hope in a cure for this disease.

    This isn't to be said but I would recommend we not tell people to come to us at this point since it would either result in people getting killed trying to get here or leading even more zombies. We're better off going out to look on our own maybe or sending out messages that we're going to come out looking for more survivors later on.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)18:09 No.12315856
    Too inform us where they are and too stay held up where they are we will come too them, however if hiding place is compromised to make there way to our safe house
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)18:10 No.12315859
         File1286143800.png-(106 KB, 500x500, Journal235.png)
    106 KB
    OH! That's right !

    " I almost forgot ! "

    " This is for you Mr. Frog ! Me and Sally made it this morning ! "

    It's a mask of friends !
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)18:14 No.12315916
    don't stop believin
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)18:15 No.12315927
    Bring candy, gum and cakes.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/03/10(Sun)18:37 No.12316164
    Have him put on the new mask and lets go open up the first floor.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)19:02 No.12316396
    Yeah, we shoud find out what this new mask can do before we proceed, though.
    captcha: manysses and
    Captcha says there's gonna be many zombies and... something else? Cthulu's still out there.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)19:20 No.12316549
    Have Rana put on the new mask to see what it does, then we go down into the building to open a door on the ground level to let PD in.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)19:20 No.12316556
    OP here;

    sorry we're taking a long time right now but me and DIARY are planning something big. If anything, this would be a great time to get other folks in on this when she finally posts.

    >implying i know how tg works


    captcha: cakes excessel
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)19:26 No.12316623

    Here I was getting ready to go to bed and you go and say that. How am I supposed to sleep now!?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)19:31 No.12316660
    >captcha: cakes excessel

    Sally approves (+10)
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)19:38 No.12316741
         File1286149100.png-(99 KB, 500x500, Journal236.png)
    99 KB


    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)19:40 No.12316772

    I have a sudden desire to see Rana hurl Helen into a horde of zombies like a harpoon.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)19:40 No.12316773
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)19:40 No.12316774

    oh sorry, you can go to bed. Im sure this will take like a billion hours of buidup anyhow :<
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)19:42 No.12316792

    Probably, but a little sleep deprivation never killed anyone.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)19:42 No.12316794
    Harpoon Special?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)19:59 No.12316934
         File1286150356.png-(237 KB, 1000x1000, Journal237.png)
    237 KB
    You enter the Tech building 2nd floor.

    You are now in the main hallway facing the computer lab. In either ends of the hallway is a barricade and -
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)20:08 No.12316993
         File1286150890.png-(76 KB, 500x500, Journal238.png)
    76 KB
    . . . . a lone vending machine examines you quizzicaly.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:10 No.12317019

    Examine the machines contents. If it contains nothing of interest ignore it. We're running out of time and don't need to be wasting it on those infernal machines. Besides leaving it to the zombies seems like a fitting torment.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:11 No.12317031
    You know what happened too your friend, you can work with us or against us. From no on if someone wants a delicious treat you give it too them no questions asked. Don't think of it as communism, think of it as helping humanity survive.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:13 No.12317045
    Guys, I don't know if you noticed, but that thing has a camera, and what look like guns.
    I don't think we should antagonize.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:17 No.12317082
    and it should help us
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:19 No.12317099
    Wait, a vending machine with GUNS?!

    ...Ask it if it wants to join our party.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:20 No.12317114

    having taken a second look at that thing I do believe your right. In fact it looks like it has two mini-guns and a pair of rocket launchers. I am now firmly in favor of ignoring it. If it has anything good in it, Dex can get it out later. If we have time.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:24 No.12317170
    This thread has, by all means, exceeded all quotas of MANLY HEROISM.

    It can't be plain manliness, for that would be an empty cause in a world after mankind.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:27 No.12317208
    I think smashing this one is a bad idea.

    Examine what it offers.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/03/10(Sun)20:28 No.12317219
    Agreed. We might be able to appease afrosis back in the main hall if we bring her a new vending machine.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)20:39 No.12317349
         File1286152751.png-(109 KB, 500x500, Journal239.png)
    109 KB
    "You'll be back, " Says the machine
    " You'll come crawling back for my goods and services, over 40 computer parts, ammo, and mechanical goods and 50 brands of snacks and refreshments, including coffee. all for a low low price of 7 dollars a can. Open in dozens of other locations, preserving the American way.... "
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:43 No.12317402
    >computer parts
    >mechanical goods

    Hmm, might need some of this stuff to upgrade the school lab to manufacture zombie cure faster.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:47 No.12317436
    "Wouldn't you enjoy being mobile, so you could spread your goods to the world, we have a friend who could arrange that."
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)20:53 No.12317524
    Make our way through the computer room and get to the stairs to go down to the first floor.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)21:02 No.12317625
         File1286154158.png-(65 KB, 500x500, Journal240.png)
    65 KB
    You made it into the tech lab. computers and buncha machines you dont understand are all over the place. The place is kept pretty clean. There aren't even any zombies here..
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)21:10 No.12317725
         File1286154653.png-(259 KB, 1000x1000, Journal241.png)
    259 KB
    A map updates
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)21:12 No.12317732
    Gotta get Dex up there to do his thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)21:18 No.12317814
    Pass through and go into the Link Room.
    Knock on the door first, in case there are survivors. Someone must have made that barricade.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/03/10(Sun)21:28 No.12317940
         File1286155725.jpg-(123 KB, 500x500, diary01.jpg)
    123 KB
    RECAP ! ! !

    Meanwhile. Through the looting and disgrace of the dead you have acquired a substantial amount of money.

    Its time to reward yourself with a snickers bar.

    . . .

    . . .

    What the flying fuck.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/03/10(Sun)21:29 No.12317951
         File1286155778.jpg-(93 KB, 500x500, diary02.jpg)
    93 KB
    You attempt to go digging through the vending machine for whatever chocolate bars are left.

    . . . .

    The Dystopic Vending Machine's security system locks up and a metal barrier prevents you from reaching the snicker bars from the broken glass.

    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)21:33 No.12318006
         File1286156009.png-(158 KB, 500x500, Journal243.png)
    158 KB
    Dom scouts ahead. The equipment room shows signs of life, but whoever was here is gone currently. Whoever it was, they were hard at work on something.

    Dom moves on to scout the hallway beyond the barricade.

    About 8 of them are loitering beyond this point.

    A third color is introduced.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)21:46 No.12318180
    >A third color is introduced.
    What, are they zombies?
    We could try to use the door as a choke point so that we only have to take them on one by one.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/03/10(Sun)21:52 No.12318280
         File1286157151.jpg-(73 KB, 500x500, journal244.jpg)
    73 KB

    "UM. Excuse me!" seven called out nervously through the radio waves.

    "To my friends on campus. If you believe in a hope. If you believe there is something out there--we need that inspiration. Hope is fueled by the people who believe in it. Follow the brightest to safety and you'll make it. I believe in you."

    "I see an army of hands breaking through the gates of hell. They're coming for us in our final shelter. And when they do, Please be ready. Either run or fight. Neither is cowardlt. Neither is stupid, but I want you to believe in whatever it is you'll do. I want you to please find as much reason as you can to do it."
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/03/10(Sun)21:53 No.12318294
         File1286157196.jpg-(74 KB, 500x500, journal245.jpg)
    74 KB
    "Someone will save us. I know it."

    "I've seen people who have stood up to this. And if my visions show me something. If they give me any indication...There is a chance. It may not be you who will live to see it. But it will be because of you that someone you care for does."
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/03/10(Sun)21:55 No.12318314
         File1286157317.jpg-(79 KB, 500x500, journal246.jpg)
    79 KB
    "We're here in october University. The last place I will see so many people alive in one place for a long time."

    "This is RABID RADIO signing off."
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)22:07 No.12318481
    I say we go in there its pretty hard to tell the difference between zombies and tech nerds
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)22:08 No.12318493
         File1286158091.png-(90 KB, 500x500, Journal245a.png)
    90 KB
    Suddenly, Rabbit's voice comes on the idle Kitty Kat radio on the workbench. A microphone was propped up against it and blaring it back out on the PA.

    Zombies approach your location. Your serrendipitus attempt at scouting interrupted
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/03/10(Sun)22:26 No.12318734
         File1286159198.jpg-(57 KB, 500x500, rockstar.jpg)
    57 KB
    You look away from the Vending Machine that proclaims your socialist ways. The radio broadcast not only echoed from the PA's but reverberated loud enough that you believe it might have made it past the school grounds. The words were an inspiration to something you didn't think about before.

    Since Day Zero you just looked for a means to escape, looking out for yourself and only you.

    You didn't think there was Hope until you saw it driving outside running over your undead classmates like road kill. You didn't think there would ever be a chance to see this week to its end before you die a nobody.

    Run or Fight.

    Your name is. . .

    And you chose to. . .

    [Player's Note: Orders fiven to either Dom or Afrosis should be prefaced with their respective names.]
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/03/10(Sun)22:31 No.12318797
    I'm getting a "Beatrix" vibe from her. And I'm all for fighting.

    I think its time for some Rocket hammer revenge
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)22:36 No.12318870
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)22:36 No.12318871

    Seconding rocket hammer
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)22:41 No.12318941
    I second beatrix good sir
    though captcha seems to think the name Sconia is quite nice, Sconia Sought
    what is your take?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)22:41 No.12318948
    I'm seconding Beatrice, as well as fighting.

    Dom should coordinate with Rana, so that when the door is opened, only one zombie gets through at a time to either be given a faceful of rocket hammer or to be grabbed by the face, lifted up, and pitched towards Dom who will home run the zombie into the next one in line. We can call it the Home Run Rocket Slam.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/03/10(Sun)22:47 No.12319026
         File1286160426.jpg-(42 KB, 500x500, diary03.jpg)
    42 KB
    Your name is Beatrix and you chose to fight.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)22:49 No.12319062
    yes and yes

    do the home run rocket slam
    >> noko+dice+3d10 Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)22:51 No.12319086
    . . . .
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/03/10(Sun)22:51 No.12319088
    I like the way you think.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)22:52 No.12319107
    rolled 5, 4, 5 = 14

    . . . . . .
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/03/10(Sun)23:09 No.12319356
         File1286161799.jpg-(68 KB, 500x500, diary04.jpg)
    68 KB
    Beatrix turns towards her companion in clearing the third floor of the Eastern Wing. You do not know his name but he has become a Lieutenant of sorts to you. He is a partner, the only person with enough drive and desire to fight along side her.

    He mentions if they intend to fight this apocalypse head on its time to move.

    But where?
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/03/10(Sun)23:10 No.12319366
         File1286161854.jpg-(55 KB, 500x500, diary05.jpg)
    55 KB
    The radio crackles back to life: "Oh thats right- Everyone gather at the cafeteria if you want to evacuate, thats.. that's kinda important. Haha..."


    Well. Thats a start.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/03/10(Sun)23:11 No.12319381
         File1286161917.jpg-(107 KB, 1000x1000, mapewing.jpg)
    107 KB
    Beatrix is currently located on the 3rd Floor of the East Wing Dormitory -- Thanks to her this area is clear of zombies. You know the cafeteria is located on the second floor. The central and west wings are still zombie infested.

    There is an elevator in the central part of the dormitory.

    . . .

    Third floor staircase is apparently busted. What now smar/tg/uys?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)23:12 No.12319393
    rolled 95 = 95

    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)23:13 No.12319397
    >The radio crackles back to life:
    I believe the word you're looking for is "crackers."
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)23:13 No.12319403
    rolled 6, 5, 1, 5, 6, 2, 4 = 29

    . . . .
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/03/10(Sun)23:16 No.12319432
    Guess we got to head for the elevator in central. I mean we can at least make sure the other survivors get there safe before figuring out what to do.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)23:18 No.12319463
    Head towards the elevator. We might as well attempt to clear the way for any other survivors.

    No, it's crackles.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)23:32 No.12319653
    I believe the lieutenant should be referred to as the Stig, by those not under his command... Just throwing that out there.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)23:36 No.12319704
         File1286163366.png-(115 KB, 500x500, Journal246.png)
    115 KB
    what the fuck i thought I postedthis already
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)23:37 No.12319717
         File1286163448.png-(160 KB, 500x500, Journal247.png)
    160 KB

    gets 4 other zeds. 3 remain. Your routine could use some work but tis a start
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/03/10(Sun)23:40 No.12319762
    rolled 3, 4, 2 = 9

    the zeds are comin they comin
    >> Anonymous 10/03/10(Sun)23:50 No.12319873
    When the next one come through the door, give it a face full of rocket hammer. For the next one, Rana grabs it by the head, then smashes it face-first into the remaining zombie. Before it can fall over, Rana catches the second one by the head, then smashes the heads of the two zombies together above him. Z-Cranium Crash!
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)00:09 No.12320085
    Use special attack
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)00:26 No.12320281
         File1286166374.png-(88 KB, 500x501, Journal248.png)
    88 KB
    sorry, had to restart comp.

    Anyways, the zombies attack.... I guess. They kinda suck against this guy. I mean, no one even rolled higher than a 5 what the shit.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/04/10(Mon)00:32 No.12320350
         File1286166752.jpg-(62 KB, 500x500, diary06.jpg)
    62 KB
    You enter the Central Wing. Also known as the Common Rooms.

    In the room you spot a mass of like minded bimbos that might have gained a personality since turning into the undead.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)00:34 No.12320382
    Luchador Attack
    Finger Flick against the weakling
    *a counter attack*
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/04/10(Mon)00:38 No.12320426
         File1286167096.jpg-(149 KB, 1000x1000, mapcent.jpg)
    149 KB
    The zombie bitches are in your line of sight. They were massed in the center of the common area and huddled in a pile. There must be some poor soul in the middle of it all.

    You can hear the whimpers of possible survivors in one of the side office rooms.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)00:40 No.12320448
         File1286167230.png-(103 KB, 500x500, Journal249.png)
    103 KB
    We're done here.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)00:40 No.12320455
    What weapons and attacks does Beatrice and her companion have?
    Can't formulate a plan without those.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/04/10(Mon)00:42 No.12320472
         File1286167341.jpg-(139 KB, 500x500, rockstarlightning.jpg)
    139 KB
    A battle menu pops up.

    Beatrix can attack three times. Her command feature is currently disabled.

    Lt Stig is capable of zombie take downs. Because of his motorcycle suit it allows him to withstand your average zombie attack long enough to perform a double tap. Should a fellow character get threatened, Lt. can complete an AUTO-PIN similar to AUTO-PROTECT.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)00:49 No.12320556
    We don't want to get surrounded, so is the door to the room to our immediate left open? If we could get in there, we can use the door as a choke point to force the zombies to come at us at a manageable pace.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)00:54 No.12320610
         File1286168081.png-(198 KB, 1000x1000, Journal250.png)
    198 KB

    Dom and Rana enter the 1st floor of the tech building. Z's are seen pounding the double doors into the medical section. Someone must have engaged the locks to the place in order to get around.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)01:00 No.12320674
    Is that the main door behind Dom and Rana? Can they open it? With the number of zombies, I think it would be better if they could get PD's firepower to thin the crowd.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/04/10(Mon)01:05 No.12320723
    Well since the Bimbos are all in a cluster I say hit them with the whirlwind.

    I agree. Try and get PD in to mow them down.
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/04/10(Mon)01:24 No.12320910
         File1286169852.jpg-(104 KB, 500x500, diary07.jpg)
    104 KB


    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/04/10(Mon)01:29 No.12320948
    It's time for some serious decapitation
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/04/10(Mon)01:47 No.12321090
    rolled 8, 4, 8, 4, 6, 2, 2, 7, 8 = 49

    . . .
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)01:51 No.12321117
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/04/10(Mon)02:00 No.12321172
         File1286172015.jpg-(108 KB, 500x500, diary08.jpg)
    108 KB
    Using Whirlwind attacks three times, Beatrix charges the line. She swipes as she crosses the mob and ends up on the other side of the horde.

    7 Bitches dead.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/04/10(Mon)02:01 No.12321183
    How many are left?
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/04/10(Mon)02:06 No.12321224

    13 Bimbo's remaining in the common area.
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/04/10(Mon)02:27 No.12321382
    I would have the Stig move across the room to join her and they can defend from there.

    And now I am off to bed
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)02:43 No.12321574
         File1286174626.png-(131 KB, 500x500, Journal252.png)
    131 KB
    Dex dismounts and rolls into the tech building.

    The group sees the tresspassing undead get agitated even more when they see a live human walk by in plain sight.

    Dexter's internal monocle falls off its respective eyehole when he sees the steampunk-savvy mechanical analyst walk on by like it was another grand day in the slums of Olde England
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)02:45 No.12321587
         File1286174736.png-(211 KB, 1000x1000, Journal251.png)
    211 KB
    A map updates
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)02:57 No.12321687
         File1286175452.png-(62 KB, 500x500, Journal253.png)
    62 KB
    A scientific Rivalry remembered,
    and half a bargain fulfilled
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)03:01 No.12321707

    Dexter point out the survivor to the others and work with them for the best way of saving that beautiful creature on the other side, with your brains and their might you should make toast of those zombies no sweat.


    Lt Stig, you cant let ladies do all the slam one of those more fresh looking bimbos into the others and shout something about her dress being prettier then the others...

    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)03:06 No.12321731
         File1286175984.png-(72 KB, 375x375, BlackBox16.png)
    72 KB
    We will pretty much just implement it

    But we have to turn in for the night , THANKS FOR PLAYING ANON !
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)03:08 No.12321744
    Bugger and I just woke up...

    Man I suck on the timing thing.

    But thanks Op for liking my idea, my spelling was horrific thought.

    You have a good night and thanks for keeping the quest alive.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)03:10 No.12321755

    hmmm I know diary has to pass out, but I might stick around I just need to to not think for a moment before I decide.

    captcha fiendan operas.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)03:12 No.12321773

    Well I'd like to thank you both for your hard work. I mean here in japan I can't really do much, I'm a hour bus from the closest small town and net is pretty much all I got.

    This quest started two days into my work and I've been trying always to get onto it everytime I can, sometimes I can my ideas done into actual scenes and honestly it feels awesome to contribute to something like this.


    Thank guys ;)
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)05:17 No.12322603
    You see rivalry.
    I see tsundere relationship
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)11:42 No.12324957
         File1286206953.png-(85 KB, 500x500, DexterMeme.png)
    85 KB
    Theres even a flashback sequence for it.

    captcha: the stattist
    >> The Violinist !T553Hr9UPg 10/04/10(Mon)12:24 No.12325269
    Steampunk Mechanical Analyst?



    That is DEXTER'S LADY.



    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)13:06 No.12325651
    so, are both diary and Journal running this quest, or is one of them doing the art and the other the writing or what?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)13:14 No.12325741

    It would seem they are both running the quest, yes. They've never bothered to go into the production details and no one has asked, so I suppose I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)13:14 No.12325743

    I pretty much lead the operation. Diary helps me out with extra stuff.

    Right now, we're planning a two pronged adventure. Diary pretty much has complete control of the Beatrix team.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)13:22 No.12325812

    And now we know!
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)13:47 No.12326065
    and knowing is half the battle
    GO JOE!
    >> bump Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)14:35 No.12326546
    make your will save
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/04/10(Mon)15:38 No.12327201
    MYself and Journal have collaborated numerous times before and originally it was just Journal doing Zombie Quest. Once I got to reading I wanted to join in and help.

    We're both drawing and both writing together sorta. Journal is head of the team overall. He has less of a life than I do.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)18:38 No.12328844
    I I do things like like

    go outside.

    and get coffee.

    And watch peeeeoooopllllleeeeeee
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)18:42 No.12328889
    Hot. I mean, what?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)20:28 No.12329880
         File1286238493.png-(31 KB, 500x500, journal12.png)
    31 KB
    ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ########

    Allll right Let's open this up for Draw requests While we Wait For Tuesday. Non Readers are welcome to request anything vaguely related.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)20:36 No.12329973
    My request from a previous thread.
    >Dom and the party posing as if they were in a Star Wars poster: Dom in the center with the Rocket Hammer held high in his right arm, right foot on top of a zombie head. GRainy to his right, wielding her chainsword. Charlie to Dom's left with an M4 equipped with a laser-sight. El Rana looming behind Charlie, his fists together in front of him. Pointdexter with a machine gun and Helen with her makeshift lance off to the right side of the poster. To the left are Beatrice and Lt. Stig posed back to back. And rising up behind them all in a pillar of light, faced turned upwards towards the countless Bro watching them, is Se7en.
    I don't know where the Steampunk Girl should go, though. Maybe next to PD?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/04/10(Mon)20:41 No.12330026
    OH THATS RIGHT ! I've been wanting to pull that shit off !
    Its too bad that Im never in my room to do this kinda stuff.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:29 No.12331319
    helen with out her mask
    the gang doing normal stuff
    dom wearing a dress and actually acting like a girl in stead of divulging herself in her fantasies.
    >> bump Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:27 No.12332010
    bump for moar
    >> bump Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)00:07 No.12332511
    It's tuesday, lets get this thing going!
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)02:36 No.12334081
         File1286260566.png-(185 KB, 700x700, Hellenweb.png)
    185 KB
    " Helena Warsaw"

    This is just about the only simple thing I can do right now before I get all hollywood-crazy tomorrow
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)02:56 No.12334250
         File1286261760.png-(357 KB, 700x700, Hellenweb copy.png)
    357 KB
    And sure why not experiment a little with photoshop bruuuuusheeesssss
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)04:26 No.12334888

    Waiting to see if my Bimbo zombie bitch fight idea takes off :P
    >> Diary !3Z6UWrbLfw 10/05/10(Tue)07:37 No.12335719

    Well. When you start the game. You really start the game. And I intend to start it with THIS.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)07:43 No.12335740

    I've been in this quest since part one man ;), even thought I've missed a few parts due to work (since hours in japan throw me off from the rest of the world) however every time I join in and even get my ideas jotted down I feel really awesome and the giggles and GAARR moments I witness give me plenty of laughs and teary moments.

    You and journal really made a quest i can get into dude and you have my upmost thanks for that.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)09:54 No.12336461
         File1286286876.png-(244 KB, 514x800, ZombieHomerunweb.png)
    244 KB
    Dex in a ballgame.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)10:24 No.12336656

    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)11:52 No.12337355
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)12:12 No.12337538
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)12:38 No.12337751
         File1286296694.png-(120 KB, 700x700, progress.png)
    120 KB
    progress report on the epic poster request.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)16:01 No.12339515
    rolled 2, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 7, 2, 1, 7, 8, 1, 7, 6 = 61

    . . . . .
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)16:04 No.12339551
    Grainy looks so much manlier than Dom in that poster.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)16:07 No.12339576
    rolled 3, 9, 5, 5 = 22

    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)16:09 No.12339589

    keep trying
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)16:50 No.12339982
         File1286311848.png-(153 KB, 500x500, Journal254.png)
    153 KB
    The undead rush is greeted with machine gun surprise.
    Dex shoots down 8, Dom 1 and El Rana, 2 with a LUCHA BACKHAND.

    4 remaining zombies meets you in melee, one of them getting a nasty bite on the Luchadore !
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)16:52 No.12339997
         File1286311926.png-(115 KB, 500x500, wereback.png)
    115 KB
    ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# ################# #################
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)16:55 No.12340038
    Dex and Rana COMBO ATTACK
    Rana grabs zombies and flings them into the air while Dex pelts the with machine gun fire followed till they come crashing down.

    Dom finishes off the remainder
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)16:55 No.12340044



    Rana break that fucker over your knee.

    Dom, keep them off Dex.

    Dex, shoot them!
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)16:55 No.12340048
    What were we trying to accomplish again?
    >> noko+dice+4d10 Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)16:58 No.12340084
    .. . . . .
    >> Ted, Crazy SOB 10/05/10(Tue)16:58 No.12340088
    rolled 2 = 2

    You are unstoppable. Do you even sleep Journal?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)17:02 No.12340121
         File1286312531.png-(40 KB, 500x500, ICONSPECIBUS.png)
    40 KB

    Dom Team: Get to the Medical sector of the Tech Lab to setup a lab for producing the cure.
    Rainy Team:
    Cleared the Radio Tower to inform survivors and students. Currenty: Going back to help evacuate survivors ?
    Rabbit: Rally listeners.

    Beatrix: ????
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)17:03 No.12340131
    rolled 6, 6, 9, 7 = 28

    . . . . .
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)17:06 No.12340166

    The plan was for Dom's group to go to the tech lab and warn all school bound survivors of the impending zombie horde at the front gate. Providence put a radio next to the PA system, which magically switched on at the right moment, enabling Se7en to do that for them. So all they have left now is loot good stuff and rescue the techy on the other side of the zombies.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)17:08 No.12340194

    There's something on the order of 500 zombies pounding at the front gate. We really don't have the firepower to stop them. There should be no setting up in the tech lab. Grab the good stuff we'll set up somewhere else.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)17:23 No.12340333
         File1286313804.png-(121 KB, 500x500, Journal255.png)
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    EL Rana does a closed cyclone clothesline and sends the Zeds into the air, meanwhile, Dex pulls back the bolt and unleashes hellfire onto the midair targets !
    Heavy Rain ensues.

    The Zombies at the corridor are defeated.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)17:30 No.12340414
         File1286314211.png-(215 KB, 1000x1000, Journal256.png)
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    A map updates....
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)17:33 No.12340445
    Knock on the glass door the techy is behind. Be polite, we don't need someone else trying to take Dom's head off.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)17:54 No.12340629
         File1286315676.png-(103 KB, 500x500, Journal258.png)
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    You stand corrected. The analyst behind the glass stays her ground and shoots a glare at Dom and the Luchadore.

    " Dexter, " She begins. " Before I can even begin to think about letting you in here, why dont you end those two infected by shooting them in the head. "
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:03 No.12340722
    Don't waste ammo.
    Rana crub stomp them.
    >caugele business
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:07 No.12340767

    Whoa, hang on, WHAT!? I dearly hope we missed two zombies some how and isn't talking about Dom and Rana. They are not infected, explain this.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:15 No.12340853
    rana is immune but has been bitten and she has no idea of his immunity
    Dom was bitten and infected, but has since been cured of the zombie virus for another virus that kills the previous virus
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:17 No.12340867

    I meant explain it to her, I should have been clearer.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)18:17 No.12340869
         File1286317050.png-(72 KB, 500x500, SteamMeme.png)
    72 KB

    "But your friends have been bitten, Explain THAT."

    This woman drives a hard bargain, probably more ruthless minded than Dom is.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:21 No.12340912

    They're immune.

    I cured one of them.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:21 No.12340919

    Do you see them trying to eat Dex? They are clearly not zombies. Dom was given the anti-virus and is now literally a walking anti-zombie. Biting him would probably kill weaker zombies.

    As for Rana....do they know the cancer is making him immune?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:22 No.12340928
    how does she know dom was bitten, dom wears long sleeves.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:23 No.12340939

    His sleeve has a bite mark?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:27 No.12340981
    But Rana hasn't been bitten. She is full of shit. Break the glass.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)18:32 No.12341031
         File1286317951.png-(68 KB, 500x500, JOurnal259.png)
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    YEAH ! Like that can even happen.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)18:33 No.12341033

    He has been just now.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:34 No.12341043
    she is offically a bitch, shoot through the glass.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)18:34 No.12341045
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:35 No.12341060
    Are you saying that you couldn't cure people?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:38 No.12341080
    "We don't have time for this. But want proof? My blood's an Antivirus. Zombies drink it, they get sick. People drink it, they get sick, then get cured if they live through it. Rana here's immune-how do you think he's lasted this long fighting with his bare hands?"

    "Besides that, I can tell you there are other survivors like us waiting, a horde of zombies at the gates, and we need the tech here to make more of the cure, and stock up. I've got a deal for you-the moment I start showing signs of dropping down due to infection, you can shoot me in the head. Same goes for Rana. But if we never show, you never shoot us. Capiche?"

    If she still denies this...

    Tag-team attack. Rana grabs Dom and whirls him like a whirlwind, then throws him at the glass, which he slams through with his rocket hammah.

    We don't have time for politics beyond that.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:39 No.12341096
    Dom chime in: BURN!!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:41 No.12341122

    What he said.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:46 No.12341171
    we agree with this
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)18:48 No.12341191
         File1286318887.png-(51 KB, 500x500, Journal260.png)
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    Dex's tell spotting picks up the trauma behind this woman's face.

    She is, after all, a rival.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:56 No.12341256
    Although rival Dex is a man of science and science does require the sharing of knowledge should we be nice too the bitch and show her how to cure it?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)18:58 No.12341277

    We should, the more people working on the cure the better. Dex probably shouldn't be overly smug about it either, he did start the zombie plague after all.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)19:05 No.12341332
         File1286319914.png-(105 KB, 500x500, Journal261.png)
    105 KB
    Dom has had enough of this shit. And it starts like this

    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:07 No.12341348
    He mad?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)19:09 No.12341373
         File1286320174.png-(68 KB, 500x500, Journal262.png)
    68 KB
    What you never seen a ship from a mile away ?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:12 No.12341401
    Finish that little rant up with "So there."
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/05/10(Tue)19:15 No.12341438
    Dom is officially the best character in this quest.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)19:28 No.12341573
         File1286321327.png-(91 KB, 500x500, journal263.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:29 No.12341581
    ZOMBIE CRUSH for emphasis.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:31 No.12341589
    Have him snap his fingers in a Z formation for even further emphasis/gender line blurring.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:35 No.12341639
    So wheres Rana in all this?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:35 No.12341642
    HAHAHA awesome.

    So is she letting us in, or are we breaking in?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:36 No.12341652
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:37 No.12341656
    Flexing in the background for emphasis. That or giving her a burning stare in the background.

    captcha: delivering davnney

    I think captcha has named Dex's girl - Davnney!
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:44 No.12341733
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)19:51 No.12341801
         File1286322669.png-(77 KB, 500x500, Journal264.png)
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    You decide, after so much heated exchanges followed by a rather unsettling expounding of one's own personal problems- to let them in your so-far-impenetrable fortress.

    You are indeed a Renaissance lady of sorts, dabbling in the fields of science and invention. Most notably, that of engineering. You have transferred in from your home country England to see to your educational advancement in October. A city known for its self sufficiency from the rest of the world.

    The very thought of it tickled you- you make it a point to help this new utopia thrive with your vision of a better tomorrow, starting with your environmentally safe industries inspired by the steampunk genre. Of which you dabbled in the culture's lifestyle.

    Your rival, Dexter Pointman, acts as your only formidable enemy in this university, his ruthless methods and lack of moral scrupples and above all his completely cold intellect has garnered him an infamy equal only to his actual talent as a scientific genius.

    And your name is-
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:53 No.12341829
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)19:54 No.12341834
    brb need to eat. Gots the black shakes now I do.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:58 No.12341884
    I still vote Davnney. Davnney Doskanovic
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)19:59 No.12341898
    Mary Poppins
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)20:02 No.12341921

    That doesn't sound particularly British though. I do like it though.

    Ooo, found this spiffy Victorian & steampunk name generator.

    Let's see....Alva Darmody Astry
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)20:09 No.12341990
    Marianne Macready
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)20:11 No.12341997

    Nickname as Ready
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/05/10(Tue)20:11 No.12342007
    I like this one
    >> NightElf !!Pe8/IxcXVF4 10/05/10(Tue)20:14 No.12342047
    Soha Miles?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)20:24 No.12342152
    uh... is this still alive?
    >> Rider !!Ylufk7p3Z1L 10/05/10(Tue)20:27 No.12342180
    Journal is after the Noms I believe
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)20:46 No.12342392

    Goddamnit I love Dom.

    Let's go grab Rainy's ass, just for emphasis. Actually, put that on hold.

    MY VOTE IS FOR....

    Davney MacReady
    >> Gman 10/05/10(Tue)20:51 No.12342453
    I second this, the name bit, even with her new pirate bandanna making her more direct with her feelings, Dom is still not likely to do the groping,
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)20:55 No.12342498
    Op here, what do you think is a good symbol for her ?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)20:59 No.12342542
    Steam engine.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)21:01 No.12342554

    A gear/cog.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)21:03 No.12342579
    This, but with a jet of steam from one end.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)21:12 No.12342699
         File1286327553.png-(140 KB, 500x500, Journal265.png)
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    a shape like a cog was pretty painful to draw over and over again so I opted for a [!]

    Marianne McReady aka Ready, is famous for her lightning fast industrial performance to build on the spot !
    With her knowledge of conventional machines, she can break down objects to its base function , combine them, and create a new object with only a handful more parts.

    The process of creating an object might take her 10 minutes or more to set up. If only there was a way to transport objects from the future, then you'd be in business. But for now, Readiness and preplanning will trump any aces that sorcery can cook up anyday.

    But really now, time travel.... sigh :
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)21:22 No.12342747
         File1286328148.png-(281 KB, 1000x1000, Journal266.png)
    281 KB
    the map updates.
    It seems that errant moans coming from the patient rooms are fast pulling in mobs from the distant corners of the campus.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)21:26 No.12342792
    Something steampunkish like gears or a wrench with wings
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)21:29 No.12342821
         File1286328566.png-(70 KB, 1000x1000, MarianneIcon.png)
    70 KB

    I Just ended up combining a lot of ideas and it worked !
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)21:36 No.12342908
    That's pretty good.

    So, I guess Dex and Ready have their hatesex now, or something?
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)21:44 No.12342986
    PS. I started a new Zombie Quest thread.

    Problem: I can't find it.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)21:51 No.12343046
    found it.

    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)21:51 No.12343049
    Someone should lock up the truck and bring the weapons we don't want any smart zeds getting into that. Also can we use the vending machine as a sentry after we get some goods.
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)21:56 No.12343104
    This one's hit a heft 300 post limit

    >> Gman 10/05/10(Tue)21:56 No.12343108
    I found it for you
    >> Journal !w68jcmPgR6 10/05/10(Tue)21:59 No.12343134

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