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We tarry not on our timing for we aim to rescue our friend.
Our investigations lead us here, as a matter of wild guess or a determined answer we have yet to see. A veil is thrown before us and like the sandstorm, a wild sting in our eyes that tells us that going back is all too tempting...


And the Events that came after that...

And the thoughts that ran in our minds...

Action Phase.
[I-1] Watchful
[O - 1] Thinly
[ K -1 ] Nordus
[ P - 1 ] [Rook] Justin
[Y -1 ] Livia


[ M - 1] Bloom
[P - 1 ]moonsaber
[P - 2 ] Dish

[R - 1] Grenouille

>-Do I still gain a Lux Breath? If so +1
>Deploy from infernal door
>Consume Earth's Draught [Pot 7]
>Move 6W

[R1] Grenouille

Lvl 1

ATK: 3 [2+1] DEF: 4 [0+1+3?]
MAG: 6 HP: 4/4
ACT: 3 MOV: 3

GEAR: Prisoner's Clothes (+1 DEF)
MAIN: Sylvan Shortbow (RNG 5)
OFF: Empty
- Moblin Dagger
- 1x Minibomb
- 2x Keys
- 8x Blood Alpha
- 21x Wooden Arrows (1/2STR + 2)
- 21x Ghoul Arrows (1/2STR + 2, INFECT)
RACE: Frog
+3 MAG, Water Walk, Essence Burn [Hydras]
+1 MAG, +3 Sight, Lux Immune, Blind Resist, Lux Element

SKILLS: [R] Switch, Backstab'

- Extinct Seamonster Feast: +1 STR, Loot Increase
- Earth's Draught [Pot 7]: +3 DEF?
>move 5N,1E
>face E
>Open Book to the Castor's Fist ; 2 atk ; 5 def ; crushing ; knockback ; hidden skill ???

[Y] Livia : Level 7
=Midian Mutation : Lux Mortality ; Silver Mortality ; Water Vulnerability ; Healing Bane ; Blood Hunger 01=
=Feast : +1 Str ; Increased Loot=
HP: 8/8 (7+1); MV: 6 (4+2) ; STR: 7 (4+2+1) ; ATK: 6 (6) ; DEF: 6 (2+2+2( overhead)) ; MAG: 4 ; ACT: 2(3-1); ZEAL : 1.2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5 ; [Legendary Fake] ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
-Offhand : Noblelady's Salamander Umbrella ; Unfolded ; 2 defense overhead; Protection against the sun ; 4 HP ; -1 Act ; Fire Resistant, can not be used to block fire and the sun at once.
-Armor : Revenant Leathers ; Lvl 6 ; +1 HP +2 STR ; +2 MV ; +2 END ; Makes no noise ; Cannot speak
Bag :
-14 Chains; Rope substitute
-5.0 Blood alpha ; 2 sips ; +5 HP ; Reduces Death Clock ; Pushes Reraise Timer
-Chained Maria ; 10 HP ; 3 END ; -2 MV upon deploying

Hunter Skills : Hook and Pull, Suspension, Rig, Bloodlust, Rig Network, Lurk, Mortal Wound, Revenge Has No Home
Vampyre Skills : Lovelier
Corridor Skills : Hunter's Lore, Headbutt
Cord Skills : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook, Morning Star
Shield Skills : Boomerang, Reflect, Unshakeable Tera
>Move 4N
>Use unseeing binoculars 18N

[I] Watchful : Level 5 : Adept
=Lux Sworn: Lux Resistant, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag=
=Harpie Graft : Aer Resistant=
=Seamonster Steak : +1 Strength ; Inceased Loot=
HP: 4/4 (3+1) Mov: 4 (3+1) Str 2 (1+1) Atk: 6 (2+4) Def: 0 (0) Mag: 2 (1+1) Act: 2, Vision 10(5+3+2), Breaths : 0, Merits : 2 Zeal : 4
-Main Hand : BR-04 (Level 2, 2-Hands, Ammo 2|6, Range 6, +4 Attack, Pike Buster: Melee range shots adds Atk to Dmg. )
-Armor : Ranger Hat, +1 Move, +2 Vision, +1 HP
Bag :
-Unseeing Binoculars (View at a distance, does not dispel darkness, Ghosts cannot enter viewing range, If they do they are frozen in place)
-Spirit Ward (Place to create a warded tile, Wisp types are revealed within sight range, Ghosts cannot approach within 6 tiles, Creatures that die in range roll a second d6 for Wisp\Reincarnation chance.)
-3x Calorie Gram
-3x Water Flask (9 sips remaining)

Ammo :
-Pumpkin Rounds x18 (6 Damage, Fire)
-Silver Rounds x30 (5 Damage)
-Happy Bday x7 (4 Crushing Damage, 5 Aoe)
-Metal Slugs x6 (6 Crushing Damage)
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spreadshot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time
Loaded : Pumpkin Rounds x 6 (6 Damage, Fire)

>crackling over the ansible

"Do your best everyon-people! Watch out for any dae-spirits, and be care-wary of any corpses."
>Initiate a Channel link with Thinly
>Move W; W; N

"Everyone stay close. We don't want to get separated, especially since this place looks to be right full of ambush spots."

[P] Justin Lv3 [Human Paladin]
HP 6/6 [6+0] MOV 3 [+0] ACT 2 [+0] STR 2 [+0] DEF 4 [7 Front] [2+2+3 Shield] MAG 4 [2+2]

ATK: 3 [Shield]
POW: 5 [Wand + Armor]

+Main Hand+ Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk; +3 Def]
+Off Hand+ Traveling Cane [lv2; G|M; +1 Mag; 2 Range; 1 Regen]
=Armor= Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 60z [100z + Ish Bone in Llama Bank]
+ Barbed Shotel [1 Hand; +2 ATK; +1 DEF; Sword; Disarm; Vorpal Strike]
+ Spiced Jerky [Heals 5; 2/2 Bites remaining]

[Guide] Channel; Pulse; Ward; [Paladin] Crusader OATH (Redistributes MAG split between ATK and DEF); Shield Formation

Tap reminders: [Channel: Thinly]
Watchful may I cast Lux Pulse on you? I wish to see if it will do more then just cast light and with your resistances it should not harm you
Go ahead sir.
>Move 2W, 2N,
>face W

My First Battle! This area will be my first step to glory!

HP:5/5(5+0), MOV:3(3+0), ACT:2(2+0), ATK:4(2+2), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:0(0+0)

-Knight's Sword (Lvl 1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (Lvl 1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Helmet (Lvl 1, Def+2)

-2 x cookies
-5 x llama water

[K] Shield Bash, [K] Counter
>Channel the Weiss Kail
>Lux Pulse the Militia Watchful. Instead of limiting his vision I shall expand it.

[O] Thinly: Level 5
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 ATK : 2 DEF : 1 (1) MAG : 5 (3+2) POW : 6 (5+1) ACT: 2 ZEAL : 4.6
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Academic Writing Tool (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Time, Teras, Lux)
-Off Hand : Academic Writing Pole (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Accessory : Floor Notes
-Armor : Fools Cap (Mag +2 , HP +1)
Bag : 1210z
-Stale Wafer x5 (Heals +2 HP, Favored by Wisps)
-Jerky x2
-Llama Water x5

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel, Ward, Relinquish, Polarize, Tangent

>Move 5N
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Dungeon Phase... I hear something over the ansible... a voice crying out in the north..

> Turn Imminent
Did my Lux Pulse do nothing?
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Avdol: Ahhggh Runners Make It stop Make the Pain Stop Auuugghh THESE SANDS THEY BURN !

" Bogies ! Multiple Bogies !! "

Action Phase:
In this case, Lux Pulse would not raise someone's sight beyond the sandy veil. However it may poke holes in the fog itself.

>-+1 Lux Breath
>Move 4W 1N
>-Hide/Take Cover in Bdog remains
>-Overwatch bow N

[R1] Grenouille

Lvl 1

ATK: 3 [2+1] DEF: 2 [0+1+1]
MAG: 6 HP: 4/4
ACT: 3 MOV: 3

GEAR: Prisoner's Clothes (+1 DEF)
MAIN: Sylvan Shortbow (RNG 5)
OFF: Empty
- Moblin Dagger
- 1x Minibomb
- 2x Keys
- 8x Blood Alpha
- 21x Wooden Arrows (1/2STR + 2)
- 21x Ghoul Arrows (1/2STR + 2, INFECT)
RACE: Frog
+3 MAG, Water Walk, Essence Burn [Hydras]
+1 MAG, +3 Sight, Lux Immune, Blind Resist, Lux Element

SKILLS: [R] Switch, Backstab

- Extinct Seamonster Feast: +1 STR, Loot Increase
- Earth's Draught: +1 DEF
>Move N N N
>Move N N E
>-Tap face N (for shield)

"We got incoming! Get by me if you need some cover!"

[P] Justin Lv3 [Human Paladin]
HP 6/6 [6+0] MOV 3 [+0] ACT 2 [+0] STR 2 [+0] DEF 4 [7 Front] [2+2+3 Shield] MAG 4 [2+2]

ATK: 3 [Shield]
POW: 5 [Wand + Armor]

+Main Hand+ Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk; +3 Def]
+Off Hand+ Traveling Cane [lv2; G|M; +1 Mag; 2 Range; 1 Regen]
=Armor= Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 60z [100z + Ish Bone in Llama Bank]
+ Barbed Shotel [1 Hand; +2 ATK; +1 DEF; Sword; Disarm; Vorpal Strike]
+ Spiced Jerky [Heals 5; 2/2 Bites remaining]

[Guide] Channel; Pulse; Ward; [Paladin] Crusader OATH (Redistributes MAG split between ATK and DEF); Shield Formation

Tap reminders: [Channel: Thinly]
Thank you.

I think Avdol can be helped. I just need him to be a bit closer.

>Move 1E, 3N
>Overwatch Cleanse on Avdol

[O] Thinly: Level 5
=Channeled : Kail=
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 ATK : 2 DEF : 1 (1) MAG : 5 (3+2) POW : 6 (5+1) ACT: 2 ZEAL : 4.6
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Academic Writing Tool (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Time, Teras, Lux)
-Off Hand : Academic Writing Pole (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Accessory : Floor Notes
-Armor : Fools Cap (Mag +2 , HP +1)
Bag : 1210z
-Stale Wafer x5 (Heals +2 HP, Favored by Wisps)
-Jerky x2
-Llama Water x5

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel, Ward, Relinquish, Polarize, Tangent
>The ansible crackles
MASTER AVDOL! Your courageous body has been severely bruised! Was it them, your captors who did this to you? Do not worry! The brave and noble Wyrd Hunt will bring them to justice! Hang in there Master Avdol, don't let your warriors spirit wither away!
>Packed Round
>Spreadshot NW

[I] Watchful : Level 5 : Adept
=Lux Sworn: Lux Resistant, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag=
=Harpie Graft : Aer Resistant=
=Seamonster Steak : +1 Strength ; Inceased Loot=
HP: 4/4 (3+1) Mov: 4 (3+1) Str 2 (1+1) Atk: 6 (2+4) Def: 0 (0) Mag: 2 (1+1) Act: 2, Vision 10(5+3+2), Breaths : 0, Merits : 2 Zeal : 4
-Main Hand : BR-04 (Level 2, 2-Hands, Ammo 2|6, Range 6, +4 Attack, Pike Buster: Melee range shots adds Atk to Dmg. )
-Armor : Ranger Hat, +1 Move, +2 Vision, +1 HP
Bag :
-Unseeing Binoculars (View at a distance, does not dispel darkness, Ghosts cannot enter viewing range, If they do they are frozen in place)
-Spirit Ward (Place to create a warded tile, Wisp types are revealed within sight range, Ghosts cannot approach within 6 tiles, Creatures that die in range roll a second d6 for Wisp\Reincarnation chance.)
-3x Calorie Gram
-3x Water Flask (9 sips remaining)

Ammo :
-Pumpkin Rounds x18 (6 Damage, Fire)
-Silver Rounds x30 (5 Damage)
-Happy Bday x7 (4 Crushing Damage, 5 Aoe)
-Metal Slugs x6 (6 Crushing Damage)
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spreadshot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time
Loaded : Pumpkin Rounds x 6 (6 Damage, Fire) +1 Damage
>Move 2N, 1E
>Face N
Woah! He doesn't look too good, don't worry we are coming to save you!

HP:5/5(5+0), MOV:3(3+0), ACT:2(2+0), ATK:4(2+2), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:0(0+0)

-Knight's Sword (Lvl 1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (Lvl 1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Helmet (Lvl 1, Def+2)

-2 x cookies
-5 x llama water

[K] Shield Bash, [K] Counter
>Move 3W, 1N
>Overwatch Suspend on Avdol.

[Y] Livia : Level 7
=Midian Mutation : Lux Mortality ; Silver Mortality ; Water Vulnerability ; Healing Bane ; Blood Hunger 01=
=Feast : +1 Str ; Increased Loot=
HP: 8/8 (7+1); MV: 6 (4+2) ; STR: 7 (4+2+1) ; ATK: 6 (6) ; DEF: 9 (2+2+2( overhead) + 5(forward)) ; MAG: 4 ; ACT: 2(3-1); ZEAL : 1.2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5 ; [Legendary Fake] ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
--Page Castor's Fist ; 2 atk ; 5 def ; Crushing ; Knockback ; Hidden Skill ???
-Offhand : Noblelady's Salamander Umbrella ; Unfolded ; 2 defense overhead; Protection against the sun ; 4 HP ; -1 Act ; Fire Resistant, can not be used to block fire and the sun at once.
-Armor : Revenant Leathers ; Lvl 6 ; +1 HP +2 STR ; +2 MV ; +2 END ; Makes no noise ; Cannot speak
Bag :
-14 Chains; Rope substitute
-5.0 Blood alpha ; 2 sips ; +5 HP ; Reduces Death Clock ; Pushes Reraise Timer
-Chained Maria ; 10 HP ; 3 END ; -2 MV upon deploying

Hunter Skills : Hook and Pull, Suspension, Rig, Bloodlust, Rig Network, Lurk, Mortal Wound, Revenge Has No Home
Vampyre Skills : Lovelier
Corridor Skills : Hunter's Lore, Headbutt
Cord Skills : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook, Morning Star
Shield Skills : Boomerang, Reflect, Unshakeable Tera
Avdol is likely immun-unaffected by magic still. Maybe we can giv-apply ghost paper to the big guy?"
I do not think anyone here has any ghost paper.
If the problem isn't magical then maybe it's something far more practical.... Red Giants don't have skin don't they ?

Commander online, I wasn't asleep no sir merely meditating.

>Not deploying.
Turn ends in 5Min.
>Move 1W, 1N
>Face N
Meant to post these as well.

[W]Kail, Lvl.6
HP:9/9 MOV:5 (4+1) ACT:2 ATK:9/8(4(STR)+2+3/4(STR)+2+2) DEF:9(2+2+5(shield)) MAG:1

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Dident (Atk+3, Reach 1-2, applies stun, 2hnd)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [K] Evil Never Rests, [K] Challenge, [W] Eyes Closed, [Axe Artes] Cleave, Wreck, [Shield Artes], Reflect, Kill Medusa, Unshakeable Tera, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
Zeal : 0.7
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Dungeon Phase...

>This situation seems familiar... Haven't I been here before?

If it's not too big a deal, I'm going to need you to bot me while I'm asleep, in case I'd miss a turn. Just have me move into position and Shield Formation to provide people cover, or pulse where needed. (Keep in mind, the traveling cane has only 2 range)
Will do.
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Avdol: These skeletons ! There is no END TO THEM !!! They are like SAND !

Action Phase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMXy3mYzkws

The air is dry ! Eyes could scarcely blink! Skin could scarcely bend even blood disappears into the sandy winds. And from the hungry saids emerges He, The Lesser King. A scourge that haunts the sifting sands. Hold your ground Runners, for sure there is at least that to hold onto !"
>Move 2N
>attack lancer skeleton in front of me
>face N
Rodger that Justin! Now have at thee!
HP:5/5(5+0), MOV:3(3+0), ACT:2(2+0), ATK:4(2+2), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:0(0+0)

-Knight's Sword (Lvl 1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (Lvl 1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Helmet (Lvl 1, Def+2)

-2 x cookies
-5 x llama water

[K] Shield Bash, [K] Counter

"I'm out of here."

>Spend an act to pull myself on top of the Bdog wreck [not sinking]
>Jump/Moonsault 3E
>-Switch Offhand to Minibomb
>Throw minibomb 2E to destroy skeleton
>-Face S, prepare Moonsault

[R1] Grenouille

Lvl 1

ATK: 3 [2+1] DEF: 2 [0+1+1]
MAG: 6 HP: 4/4
ACT: 3 MOV: 3

GEAR: Prisoner's Clothes (+1 DEF)
MAIN: Sylvan Shortbow (RNG 5)
OFF: Empty
- Moblin Dagger
- 1x Minibomb
- 2x Keys
- 8x Blood Alpha
- 21x Wooden Arrows (1/2STR + 2)
- 21x Ghoul Arrows (1/2STR + 2, INFECT)
RACE: Frog
+3 MAG, Water Walk, Essence Burn [Hydras]
+1 MAG, +3 Sight, Lux Immune, Blind Resist, Lux Element

SKILLS: [R] Switch, Backstab

- Extinct Seamonster Feast: +1 STR, Loot Increase
- Earth's Draught: +1 DEF
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"Gren! Look out *bzzzttttshhttt*to the west*bzzttssh*.."
Fate is a funny thing is it not?

>Move 4N
>Teras Pulse the skeleton on the pillar

[O] Thinly: Level 5
=Channeled : Kail=
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 ATK : 2 DEF : 1 (1) MAG : 5 (3+2) POW : 6 (5+1) ACT: 2 ZEAL : 4.6
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Academic Writing Tool (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Time, Teras, Lux)
-Off Hand : Academic Writing Pole (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Accessory : Floor Notes
-Armor : Fools Cap (Mag +2 , HP +1)
Bag : 1210z
-Stale Wafer x5 (Heals +2 HP, Favored by Wisps)
-Jerky x2
-Llama Water x5

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel, Ward, Relinquish, Polarize, Tangent
"Oy, what are those skeletons thinking ?"
>-Eyes closed
>move 2N (Rushdown Atk9 stun damage)
>attack the skeleton SE (9atk stun damage)

[W]Kail, Lvl.6
HP:6/9 MOV:5 (4+1) ACT:2 ATK:9/8(4(STR)+2+3/4(STR)+2+2) DEF:9(2+2+5(shield)) MAG:1

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Dident (Atk+3, Reach 1-2, applies stun, 2hnd)

Personal :
-Battle Dress (lvl2, +2HP, +1MAG)
-Frimelda Blade (lvl5, left hand only, +1Act if main hand, Atk+3, Def+3, ???? memories, 1hnd)
-Claymoore (lvl7, Atk+4, Def+3, Mag+2 [Pyra Darc], 2hnd, ????, ????)
-Knight's Burden (lvl4, Def+2, HP+2, Protective Aura)
-Knight's Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)
-Moblin crossbow (lvl1, 5 range)
-Poison bolts×5 (2dmg, Poison)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
Group Bank:Knight's Shield lvl1 (lvl1, 1hnd, Def+2 (front only)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [K] Evil Never Rests, [K] Challenge, [W] Eyes Closed, [Axe Artes] Cleave, Wreck, [Shield Artes], Reflect, Kill Medusa, Unshakeable Tera, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
Zeal : 0.7
>Move 2N
>Cast Plant Pulse on Kail
>-Face W for Shield

"Stay strong! Hold a line!" Justin calls out, then turning his attention to the skeleton nearby. His shield is readied and boxing the lost soul in with Nordus.

[P] Justin Lv3 [Human Paladin]
HP 6/6 [6+0] MOV 3 [+0] ACT 2 [+0] STR 2 [+0] DEF 4 [7 Front] [2+2+3 Shield] MAG 4 [2+2]

ATK: 3 [Shield]
POW: 5 [Wand + Armor]

+Main Hand+ Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk; +3 Def]
+Off Hand+ Traveling Cane [lv2; G|M; +1 Mag; 2 Range; 1 Regen]
=Armor= Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 60z [100z + Ish Bone in Llama Bank]
+ Barbed Shotel [1 Hand; +2 ATK; +1 DEF; Sword; Disarm; Vorpal Strike]
+ Spiced Jerky [Heals 5; 2/2 Bites remaining]

[Guide] Channel; Pulse; Ward; [Paladin] Crusader OATH (Redistributes MAG split between ATK and DEF); Shield Formation
>Move 4W
>Shoot the skeleton 3 SW
>Face N

[I] Watchful : Level 5 : Adept
=Lux Sworn: Lux Resistant, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag=
=Harpie Graft : Aer Resistant=
=Seamonster Steak : +1 Strength ; Inceased Loot=
HP: 4/4 (3+1) Mov: 4 (3+1) Str 2 (1+1) Atk: 6 (2+4) Def: 0 (0) Mag: 2 (1+1) Act: 2, Vision 10(5+3+2), Breaths : 3, Merits : 2 Zeal : 4
-Main Hand : BR-04 (Level 2, 2-Hands, Ammo 2|6, Range 6, +4 Attack, Pike Buster: Melee range shots adds Atk to Dmg. )
-Armor : Ranger Hat, +1 Move, +2 Vision, +1 HP
Bag :
-Unseeing Binoculars (View at a distance, does not dispel darkness, Ghosts cannot enter viewing range, If they do they are frozen in place)
-Spirit Ward (Place to create a warded tile, Wisp types are revealed within sight range, Ghosts cannot approach within 6 tiles, Creatures that die in range roll a second d6 for Wisp\Reincarnation chance.)
-3x Calorie Gram
-3x Water Flask (9 sips remaining)

Ammo :
-Pumpkin Rounds x18 (6 Damage, Fire)
-Silver Rounds x30 (5 Damage)
-Happy Bday x7 (4 Crushing Damage, 5 Aoe)
-Metal Slugs x6 (6 Crushing Damage)
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spreadshot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time
Loaded : Pumpkin Rounds x 5 (6 Damage, Fire) +1 Damage
>-Regenerate 2 HP
>Move 5N
>-Wall Shift
>-Turn the Page to the Chain Sword ; 3 atk ; 1 def ; 3 range
>Attack the nearest alive skeleton

[Y] Livia : Level 7
=Midian Mutation : Lux Mortality ; Silver Mortality ; Water Vulnerability ; Healing Bane ; Blood Hunger 01=
=Feast : +1 Str ; Increased Loot=
HP: 7/8 (7+1); MV: 6 (4+2) ; STR: 7 (4+2+1) ; ATK: 10 (7+3) ; DEF: 5 (2+2+2( overhead) + 1 (forward)) ; MAG: 4 ; ACT: 2(3-1); ZEAL : 1.2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5 ; [Legendary Fake] ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
--Page Chain Sword ; 3 atk ; 1 def ; 3 range
-Offhand : Noblelady's Salamander Umbrella ; Unfolded ; 2 defense overhead; Protection against the sun ; 4 HP ; -1 Act ; Fire Resistant, can not be used to block fire and the sun at once.
-Armor : Revenant Leathers ; Lvl 6 ; +1 HP +2 STR ; +2 MV ; +2 END ; Makes no noise ; Cannot speak
Bag :
-14 Chains; Rope substitute
-5.0 Blood alpha ; 2 sips ; +5 HP ; Reduces Death Clock ; Pushes Reraise Timer
-Chained Maria ; 10 HP ; 3 END ; -2 MV upon deploying

Hunter Skills : Hook and Pull, Suspension, Rig, Bloodlust, Rig Network, Lurk, Mortal Wound, Revenge Has No Home
Vampyre Skills : Lovelier
Corridor Skills : Hunter's Lore, Headbutt
Cord Skills : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook, Morning Star
Shield Skills : Boomerang, Reflect, Unshakeable Tera

Could you also bot me too? Just have me stay with the group and counter or shield bash as necessary.

HP:5/5(5+0), MOV:3(3+0), ACT:2(2+0), ATK:4(2+2), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:0(0+0)

-Knight's Sword (Lvl 1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (Lvl 1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Helmet (Lvl 1, Def+2)

-2 x cookies
-5 x llama water

[K] Shield Bash, [K] Counter
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Dungen Phase.
[taking a foodbreak added time 15m]
Yuck, skeletons, it feels like they get caught in the teeth when you try and suck the bones for cheap marrow.
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" Shots fired towards the north ! Livia's been downed and the dust storm is about to clear !"
>Winds have stopped.
>Sands have stopped assaulting avdol.

Action Pha-
Avdol, Kail, Thinly, you are all in range to help Livia.

Get her umbrella, Livia also has blood alpha on her, feed her it and she will revive. Quickly! Before the sands settle completely and the sun shows. She will need two injections to bring her health to full!

The boss is looking like is isn't willing to let our people go! Watchful, Gren I suggest you do a fighting retreat. Get behind our knights!

I am opening up another 2 slots for those who wish to deploy.
"Aye aye."
>-Eyes closed
>move 3N 2E
>grab a blood alpha from Livia's body and inject it to her
"Here's one."

[W]Kail, Lvl.6
HP:6=8/9 MOV:5 (4+1) ACT:2 ATK:9/8(4(STR)+2+3/4(STR)+2+2) DEF:9(2+2+5(shield)) MAG:1

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Dident (Atk+3, Reach 1-2, applies stun, 2hnd)

Personal :
-Battle Dress (lvl2, +2HP, +1MAG)
-Frimelda Blade (lvl5, left hand only, +1Act if main hand, Atk+3, Def+3, ???? memories, 1hnd)
-Claymoore (lvl7, Atk+4, Def+3, Mag+2 [Pyra Darc], 2hnd, ????, ????)
-Knight's Burden (lvl4, Def+2, HP+2, Protective Aura)
-Knight's Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)
-Moblin crossbow (lvl1, 5 range)
-Poison bolts×5 (2dmg, Poison)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
Group Bank:Knight's Shield lvl1 (lvl1, 1hnd, Def+2 (front only)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [K] Evil Never Rests, [K] Challenge, [W] Eyes Closed, [Axe Artes] Cleave, Wreck, [Shield Artes], Reflect, Kill Medusa, Unshakeable Tera, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
Zeal : 0.8
On it.

>Move 3N
>Inject the Vampyre Livia with her Blood Alpha.

Here is two.

[O] Thinly: Level 5
=Channeled : Kail=
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 ATK : 2 DEF : 1 (1) MAG : 5 (3+2) POW : 6 (5+1) ACT: 2 ZEAL : 4.6
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Academic Writing Tool (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Time, Teras, Lux)
-Off Hand : Academic Writing Pole (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Accessory : Floor Notes
-Armor : Fools Cap (Mag +2 , HP +1)
Bag : 1210z
-Stale Wafer x5 (Heals +2 HP, Favored by Wisps)
-Jerky x2
-Llama Water x5

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel, Ward, Relinquish, Polarize, Tangent

"Oh good the signal is much clea-better no--- No! Livia was downed by an invisi-cloaked assailant! It resembl-looked like a Militia!?! I thought only Hunters could cloak."
Thank you both, Sir Kail, Sir Thinly. I am in your debt

>Stand up
>-Turn the page to Castor's Fist ; 2 Atk ; 5 Def ; Crushing ; Knockdown ; Hidden Skill : ???
>Move 2W, Pick up umbrella
>Equip Noblelady's Umbrella ; 2 def overhead ; 4 hp
>Face N

[Y] Livia : Level 7
=Midian Mutation=
=Feast : +1 Str ; Increased Loot=
HP: 8/8 (7+1); MV: 6 (4+2) ; STR: 7 (4+2+1) ; ATK: 10 (7+3) ; DEF: 9 (2+2+ 4 (forward) + 2(upwards)) ; MAG: 4 ; ACT: 2 (3-1); ZEAL : 1.2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5 ; [Legendary Fake] ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
--Page Castor's Fist ; 2 Atk ; 5 Def ; Crushing ; Knockdown ; Hidden Skill : ???
-Offhand : Noblelady's Salamander Umbrella ; Unfolded ; 2 defense overhead; Protection against the sun ; 4 HP ; -1 Act ; Fire Resistant, can not be used to block fire and the sun at once.
-Armor : Revenant Leathers ; Lvl 6 ; +1 HP +2 STR ; +2 MV ; +2 END ; Makes no noise ; Cannot speak
Bag :
-14 Chains; Rope substitute
-5.0 Blood alpha ; 2 sips ; +5 HP ; Reduces Death Clock ; Pushes Reraise Timer
-Chained Maria ; 10 HP ; 3 END ; -2 MV upon deploying

Hunter Skills : Hook and Pull, Suspension, Rig, Bloodlust, Rig Network, Lurk, Mortal Wound, Revenge Has No Home
Vampyre Skills : Lovelier
Corridor Skills : Hunter's Lore, Headbutt
Cord Skills : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook, Morning Star
Shield Skills : Boomerang, Reflect, Unshakeable Tera
>Move 4N
>Shoot the skeleton SE
>-Pike Buster
>Face North.
>-10 range sight.

[I] Watchful : Level 5 : Adept
=Lux Sworn: Lux Resistant, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag=
=Harpie Graft : Aer Resistant=
=Seamonster Steak : +1 Strength ; Inceased Loot=
HP: 4/4 (3+1) Mov: 4 (3+1) Str 2 (1+1) Atk: 6 (2+4) Def: 0 (0) Mag: 2 (1+1) Act: 2, Vision 10(5+3+2), Breaths : 3, Merits : 2 Zeal : 4
-Main Hand : BR-04 (Level 2, 2-Hands, Ammo 2|6, Range 6, +4 Attack, Pike Buster: Melee range shots adds Atk to Dmg. )
-Armor : Ranger Hat, +1 Move, +2 Vision, +1 HP
Bag :
-Unseeing Binoculars (View at a distance, does not dispel darkness, Ghosts cannot enter viewing range, If they do they are frozen in place)
-Spirit Ward (Place to create a warded tile, Wisp types are revealed within sight range, Ghosts cannot approach within 6 tiles, Creatures that die in range roll a second d6 for Wisp\Reincarnation chance.)
-3x Calorie Gram
-3x Water Flask (9 sips remaining)

Ammo :
-Pumpkin Rounds x18 (6 Damage, Fire)
-Silver Rounds x30 (5 Damage)
-Happy Bday x7 (4 Crushing Damage, 5 Aoe)
-Metal Slugs x6 (6 Crushing Damage)
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spreadshot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time
Loaded : Pumpkin Rounds x 3 (6 Damage, Fire) +1 Damage
Turn ends in 10.

>-Lux Breath +1
>-Switch Sylvan Shortbow to Moblin Dagger
>Backstab Skeleton to S
>Move 1E 1S 4E

[R1] Grenouille

Lvl 1

ATK: 5 [2+1+2] DEF: 2 [0+1+1]
MAG: 6 HP: 4/4
ACT: 3 MOV: 3

GEAR: Prisoner's Clothes (+1 DEF)
MAIN: Moblin Dagger (+2 ATK)
OFF: Empty
- Sylvan Shortbow (RNG 5)
- 2x Keys
- 8x Blood Alpha
- Empty
- 21x Wooden Arrows (1/2STR + 2)
- 21x Ghoul Arrows (1/2STR + 2, INFECT)
RACE: Frog
+3 MAG, Water Walk, Essence Burn [Hydras]
+1 MAG, +3 Sight, Lux Immune, Blind Resist, Lux Element

SKILLS: [R] Switch, Backstab

- Extinct Seamonster Feast: +1 STR, Loot Increase
- Earth's Draught: +1 DEF
I can deploy if you guys need some help
>Deploy E of Justin
>Prepare [ArrowArrowBall] Prepare [ArrowArrowBall] if I can take my turn

[M] Morat ; Level 3
HP: 3/3 MOV: 3 ACT: 2 ATK: 0 DEF: 3 (0+1+2Shield) MAG: 6 (4+2) MAG Power: 9 (6+3)

- Main hand: Juvenile Student Notes [Tera] Level:3 Words:3 Mag:+3
- Armor: Lvl.3 Morde's Spooky Mask of Friendship (+1 DEF, +2 MAG)
- Off hand: Knight Shield +2 DEF
Bag: [0z]
- Chalk
- Book of Pyra lvl1 Mpower1 Words2
- Llama water x5

Bank: [850z]
-Xbow and ammo:4xP.bolts
-Chimera Ink: Apply it to a book to give it an extra Word.
-Chimera meat
-Mask lvl1 Mag1 Def1
-Book of Aer lvl1 Mpower1 Words2

Skills/Words: [M] Ball, [M] Arrow, [M] Ring, [M] Block [M] Glass
Spells Prepared:
>Pulse K1
>Move 3W

>Move 2W
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Quickly ! Help out Livia before the su-

" Th- Three people in critical- This can't be happening ! "

????: But it is Scholar.
Runner: ???
????: I'll have you cut your losses here, and turn immediately back around, this area does not welcome the living. If you don't then more of your friends will die slowly as life drains out of them. There is no out thinking this. Turn around, now.

Dungeon Phase...

Well ?
A correction:
Kail Had Eyes closed and now has 4hp and 1bleed stack and undropped.

Please respond to this post to resume your turn :v
>finish the move (2E)
>inject Livia with blood alpha
>-Eyes closed

[W]Kail, Lvl.6
HP:3/9 MOV:5 (4+1) ACT:2 ATK:9/8(4(STR)+2+3/4(STR)+2+2) DEF:9(2+2+5(shield)) MAG:1

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Dident (Atk+3, Reach 1-2, applies stun, 2hnd)

Personal :
-Battle Dress (lvl2, +2HP, +1MAG)
-Frimelda Blade (lvl5, left hand only, +1Act if main hand, Atk+3, Def+3, ???? memories, 1hnd)
-Claymoore (lvl7, Atk+4, Def+3, Mag+2 [Pyra Darc], 2hnd, ????, ????)
-Knight's Burden (lvl4, Def+2, HP+2, Protective Aura)
-Knight's Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)
-Moblin crossbow (lvl1, 5 range)
-Poison bolts×5 (2dmg, Poison)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
Group Bank:Knight's Shield lvl1 (lvl1, 1hnd, Def+2 (front only)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [K] Evil Never Rests, [K] Challenge, [W] Eyes Closed, [Axe Artes] Cleave, Wreck, [Shield Artes], Reflect, Kill Medusa, Unshakeable Tera, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
Zeal : 0.8
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Action Phase:

[???]: You bastard knights How the hell do you expect me to get my promotion if you don't die after the first shot ! Feth it then, if it's a fight you want I am more than willing to oblige

Runner: The sand- the sand is dampening our healing effects if only there was a way to NOT stand in this wretched sand we'd be more than capable at taking on these brutes !
This sounds like a job for someone who is not alive!

Do you need my help friends?

"Promotion? Sounds mili-martial to me.There are no Hunters her-present this must be Volga!

Not the land for the livi-unexpired? Who are you?"
[???: Classified !

"Oi Arsehole!

"If there is scifax facility right behind you then there better be a good Gods damned explanation for you attacking my men!"
[Classified:] It's quite simple. It's because there is a scifax facility right behind us.

And now we would have to kill you ~ you are in a warzone after all, and no one bothered to de millitarize it. How saaad
"A little help here ?"
>-Eyes closed
>-Unshakeable Tera (Defense up to 14)
>challenge sniper
"Show yourself, or I'll come get you !"
>Reflect N

[W]Kail, Lvl.6
HP:2/9 MOV:5 (4+1) ACT:2 ATK:9/8(4(STR)+2+3/4(STR)+2+2) DEF:9(2+2+5(shield)) MAG:1

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Dident (Atk+3, Reach 1-2, applies stun, 2hnd)

Personal :
-Battle Dress (lvl2, +2HP, +1MAG)
-Frimelda Blade (lvl5, left hand only, +1Act if main hand, Atk+3, Def+3, ???? memories, 1hnd)
-Claymoore (lvl7, Atk+4, Def+3, Mag+2 [Pyra Darc], 2hnd, ????, ????)
-Knight's Burden (lvl4, Def+2, HP+2, Protective Aura)
-Knight's Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)
-Moblin crossbow (lvl1, 5 range)
-Poison bolts×5 (2dmg, Poison)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
Group Bank:Knight's Shield lvl1 (lvl1, 1hnd, Def+2 (front only)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [K] Evil Never Rests, [K] Challenge, [W] Eyes Closed, [Axe Artes] Cleave, Wreck, [Shield Artes], Reflect, Kill Medusa, Unshakeable Tera, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
Zeal : 0.8

"Are you working for Mendele or is that a stupid question? How about we compare ranks and see who is the biggest big nob here Sonny Jim?"


Knights to the front! Thinly, Justin start overwatching heals and cleanses, and get Avdol back on his feet.

Watchful I want ops that that bugger right now, you have binoculars bloody well use them!

We need to haul ass people there's a sandbug coming up right behind you!


Zieg feel fr- Oh okay we got Ghoul incoming!

Using my amazing dogtective skills, I have deduced that there is a sci fax facility in the desert. The final clue was someone telling us there's a sci fax facility in the desert. A tough case, but I cracked it.

It's being protected by undead volgon sand marines eternally fighting a war that'll never end.

These classified goons are pretty easy to beat, just don't get shot. Of course they never miss and any time you give them is time they spend improving their weapons so you might want to hustle on and be fast, taking some casualties.

For the love of stairs and starlight do not give these people time to get properly set up! You're fighting militia down there! Any time you give them is time they'll put away in a bottle and use to hit you harder! "Oh I've got a shield" yeah well they've got armor piercing bullets, it ain't gonna cut it. MOVE and get behind a building! Throw up some dust! Block line of sight!

The Lesser King I haven't a clue. Dunno, boss. Just some monstrous centipede with a hunger for the flesh of the living.

I can't solve every damn case, what, i'm a busy dog. I've got places to be.

You want me down there, give the word. I don't wanna be, but I will.


>Deploy at the door

[U]Ziegfried, Level:7, Adept
Status: Ghoul
HP:4/4(5+1-2), MOV:6(4+2), ACT:3(3+0), ATK:5(3+2), DEF:2(0+2), MAG:3(3+0)

-Ghoul Teeth [Atk 1]
-Revenant Leathers [Lv6, +1 HP, +2 Str, +2 Mov, +2 End, No Sound, Can't Speak]
-Chainsaw [Req Str3, Atk+3 x2, 2 Hands]

-Chimera Meat x2
-Pot Shield [2 Def, Fireproof, Cooking Implement]

Skills: [Ghoul]Steal, Backstab, Devour, Regenerate, Wholesale Swallow, Wyrm Bite, Violent Regeneration [Surgery]Wear Person, Snatch, SwordArms, Fire Resistance
Zenny: 0z
Bank: 1580z, Prisoner Clothes, Monster Restraints, Bogeyman Mask

[Skinless] : 1/2 Base Def, and -2Hp For the first 3 Turns of the next floor :v
Classified !
I do however have 59 Confirmed kills. Would you like to be 60 ? I think I found the button inside people's skulls that makes their head explode !
"If I may, that large creature does have two weaknesses that can be exploited due to the way it traverses terrain."

"The first is that the creature must travel forwards or backwards in order to turn; it cannot sidestep or rotate itself. Given its rigid and calcified body, I also imagine that there are limits to how sharply it can turn. The second is that it seems to rely heavily on burrowing, meaning that solid objects like those fortress ruins you are standing on will impede its movement and potentially force it to the surface. Mages with access to Block and Terras or Guides should also be able to produce solid obstructions to this effect, though one single block is likely not enough to impede it much."
"Hey Quaz, Armi, Graves...any of this sound famili-like the good ole days? I hate to bring back traum-memories but something about this seems awfully familiar to some of the stori-battles I looked through."
Wait, that voice- Maryland is that you ? Your voice hasn't even changed- did you even LEAVE this floor !?

Classified: Th- THATS CLASSIFIED, TRAITOR ! I thought you were supposed to be working the Ion rig where the hell did that fire support go ! We were getting eaten alive out here !!

" Fire Support !? You were gonna get caught up in it ! You'd be a pillar of salt if it went through ! Please don't give me that I tried to sa-"


" Ah... !"

Armi: Alright I got it, it's -.... Oh.

"Really? Did everyone go to the same military academy? Next you're gonna tell me Graves if your long lost brother."

"You know that speak-recording is /really/ starting to worr-freak me out...Is it still playing?
"I don't like how that Skellypede looks no, no, lets see if we can stop it on its tracks"
>Prepare [ArrowRingBlock]
>Cast Tera ArrowRingBlock south west and try to stop Karkasal

[M] Morat ; Level 3
HP: 3/3 MOV: 3 ACT: 2 ATK: 0 DEF: 3 (0+1+2Shield) MAG: 6 (4+2) MAG Power: 9 (6+3)

- Main hand: Juvenile Student Notes [Tera] Level:3 Words:3 Mag:+3
- Armor: Lvl.3 Morde's Spooky Mask of Friendship (+1 DEF, +2 MAG)
- Off hand: Knight Shield +2 DEF
Bag: [0z]
- Chalk
- Book of Pyra lvl1 Mpower1 Words2
- Llama water x5

Bank: [850z]
-Xbow and ammo:4xP.bolts
-Chimera Ink: Apply it to a book to give it an extra Word.
-Chimera meat
-Mask lvl1 Mag1 Def1
-Book of Aer lvl1 Mpower1 Words2

Skills/Words: [M] Ball, [M] Arrow, [M] Ring, [M] Block [M] Glass
Spells Prepared:
It's an encrypted decoder... technically we don't know WHEN it'll stop. It seems to just reveal information based on context of the conversation.... Kind of like normal people.. "
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Phase Mark.
Phase Ends at 8Pm Est
Or when 10 Players have turned in actions followed by botting orders by the Party Leader.
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The green spaces are not in sand, you can cover there

Maryland is drawing a bead on you from up north

Justin can move and heal

Nordus can jump on that pillar to be out of the sand

Gren can move, then prepare arrows

Livia can phase into the sand and head north, safely out of line of fire

Thinly - heal people I guess?
>Move 3N
>Plant pulse Kail
>-Face NW

[P] Justin Lv3 [Human Paladin]
HP 6/6 [6+0] MOV 3 [+0] ACT 2 [+0] STR 2 [+0] DEF 4 [7 Front] [2+2+3 Shield] MAG 4 [2+2]

ATK: 3 [Shield]
POW: 5 [Wand + Armor]

+Main Hand+ Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk; +3 Def]
+Off Hand+ Traveling Cane [lv2; G|M; +1 Mag; 2 Range; 1 Regen]
=Armor= Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 60z [100z + Ish Bone in Llama Bank]
+ Barbed Shotel [1 Hand; +2 ATK; +1 DEF; Sword; Disarm; Vorpal Strike]
+ Spiced Jerky [Heals 5; 2/2 Bites remaining]

[Guide] Channel; Pulse; Ward; [Paladin] Crusader OATH (Redistributes MAG split between ATK and DEF); Shield Formation
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" Alright ladies, rise and shine, it's time for our daily tests. Who would like to volunteer for this morning's excercise ? You 4 have do so well lasting this long, why it seemed almost yesterday that more than a dozen of your were cramped in that space...

" Well.... then , which one of you is brave enough to step on the tile today ? "

" Today's prize is information on how your friends are doing. But you'll only get to ask about one~! "

>Not going to be able to deploy this map by the way guys.

"You k-PRRHSSssszzzZZTTTT-ng is /really/ sta-PPssshhhzzrrtttTTT-e out...Is-PooohhsshhZZTT"
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315 KB JPG
>A voice breaks through ainswable

"Something briefly spotted through the sand earlier. Not sure if that's a sniper or a turret, but if there's a facility there then there's bound to be more bullets heading your way the closer you approach."

"Is it just that? I looked at the merits our Militia can gain. There was a mention of stored memories and there's a few b-dogs lying around."
TAKE THIS!.....ah crap
Oh god oh god I'm gonna die!...Thanks Justin!
>Move 2N
>Eat a cookie healing +3 hp
>Face and turn shield towards South

Gotta find cover and recover my wounds...

HP:2/5(5+0), MOV:3(3+0), ACT:2(2+0), ATK:4(2+2), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:0(0+0)

-Knight's Sword (Lvl 1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (Lvl 1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Helmet (Lvl 1, Def+2)

-2 x cookies
-5 x llama water

[K] Shield Bash, [K] Counter

"So uh...not to be nose-pry but can you fill us in on who this Maryland is Quaz? It's pretty obvio-clear that you worked together. I promise to buy you a roun-pint after all this is said and done. What do you say?"

I don't have anything constructive to say.
>Move 1N, 2W, 1N
>Use Unseeing Binoculars 13N, 2W
>-10 range sight.

[I] Watchful : Level 5 : Adept
=Lux Sworn: Lux Resistant, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag=
=Harpie Graft : Aer Resistant=
=Seamonster Steak : +1 Strength ; Inceased Loot=
HP: 4/4 (3+1) Mov: 4 (3+1) Str 2 (1+1) Atk: 6 (2+4) Def: 0 (0) Mag: 2 (1+1) Act: 2, Vision 10(5+3+2), Breaths : 3, Merits : 2 Zeal : 4
-Main Hand : BR-04 (Level 2, 2-Hands, Ammo 2|6, Range 6, +4 Attack, Pike Buster: Melee range shots adds Atk to Dmg. )
-Armor : Ranger Hat, +1 Move, +2 Vision, +1 HP
Bag :
-Unseeing Binoculars (View at a distance, does not dispel darkness, Ghosts cannot enter viewing range, If they do they are frozen in place)
-Spirit Ward (Place to create a warded tile, Wisp types are revealed within sight range, Ghosts cannot approach within 6 tiles, Creatures that die in range roll a second d6 for Wisp\Reincarnation chance.)
-3x Calorie Gram
-3x Water Flask (9 sips remaining)

Ammo :
-Pumpkin Rounds x18 (6 Damage, Fire)
-Silver Rounds x30 (5 Damage)
-Happy Bday x7 (4 Crushing Damage, 5 Aoe)
-Metal Slugs x6 (6 Crushing Damage)
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spreadshot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time
Loaded : Pumpkin Rounds x 3 (6 Damage, Fire) +1 Damage +1 Range
I will go. Perhaps this time they will manage to kill me. Then things will get interesting.
>Step forward

Tell me about Gilda.
>-Regenerate 2
>-Bleed 1
>Put 3 packs of Blood Alpha SE, point towards Avdol
>-Begin to Lurk
>Move 5W, 1N
>Overwatch if shot at wall shift down into the sands, then 2N

[Y] Livia : Level 7
=Midian Mutation : Lux Mortality ; Silver Mortality ; Water Vulnerability ; Healing Bane ; Blood Hunger 01=
=Feast : +1 Str ; Increased Loot=
HP: 5/8 (7+1); MV: 6 (4+2) ; STR: 7 (4+2+1) ; ATK: 10 (7+3) ; DEF: 5 (2+2+2( overhead) + 1 (forward)) ; MAG: 4 ; ACT: 2(3-1); ZEAL : 1.2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5 ; [Legendary Fake] ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
--Page Chain Sword ; 3 atk ; 1 def ; 3 range
-Offhand : Noblelady's Salamander Umbrella ; Unfolded ; 2 defense overhead; Protection against the sun ; 4 HP ; -1 Act ; Fire Resistant, can not be used to block fire and the sun at once.
-Armor : Revenant Leathers ; Lvl 6 ; +1 HP +2 STR ; +2 MV ; +2 END ; Makes no noise ; Cannot speak
Bag :
-14 Chains; Rope substitute
-4.0 Blood alpha ; 2 sips ; +5 HP ; Reduces Death Clock ; Pushes Reraise Timer
-Chained Maria ; 10 HP ; 3 END ; -2 MV upon deploying
>Move 2S, 2W
>Grab blood alpha that Livia dropped.
>Inject blood alpha pack into Avdol to stabilize him

[O] Thinly: Level 5
=Channeled : Kail=
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 ATK : 2 DEF : 1 (1) MAG : 5 (3+2) POW : 6 (5+1) ACT: 2 ZEAL : 4.6
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Academic Writing Tool (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Time, Teras, Lux)
-Off Hand : Academic Writing Pole (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Accessory : Floor Notes
-Armor : Fools Cap (Mag +2 , HP +1)
Bag : 1210z
-Stale Wafer x5 (Heals +2 HP, Favored by Wisps)
-Jerky x2
-Llama Water x5

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel, Ward, Relinquish, Polarize, Tangent
>-Swtich Moblin Dagger to Sylvan Shortbow
>Move 4N 1W
>Overwatch an Illusion Arrow S to hit Karkasal if he breaches the sand, knock prone & stun
>-3x Essence Burn Hydras + 3 Lux Breath

[R1] Grenouille

Lvl 1

ATK: 5 [2+1+2] DEF: 2 [0+1+1]
MAG: 6 HP: 4/4
ACT: 3 MOV: 3

GEAR: Prisoner's Clothes (+1 DEF)
MAIN: Sylvan Shortbow (RNG 5)
OFF: Empty
- Moblin Dagger (+2 ATK)
- 2x Keys
- 8x Blood Alpha
- Empty
- 21x Wooden Arrows (1/2STR + 2)
- 21x Ghoul Arrows (1/2STR + 2, INFECT)
RACE: Frog
+3 MAG, Water Walk, Essence Burn [Hydras]
+1 MAG, +3 Sight, Lux Immune, Blind Resist, Lux Element

SKILLS: [R] Switch, Backstab

- Extinct Seamonster Feast: +1 STR, Loot Increase
- Earth's Draught: +1 DEF
i've seen these threads a lot and i have no idea what this shit even is

Skirmish game where you play as a little chess piece and try to help the team accomplish its goals. Check out the PDF above and jump right in. If you make a char now you can likely deploy next turn.
so who invented this? who draws the maps? the visuals are great.


Here, have a twitter.

Feel free to come on IRC


The channel is #skirmish
i'm just amazed at how much love and effort is put into this. i'm very into making games and i respect when other people put the time in.

somebody should fund this.
We share the same sentiments bro.
If you really are interested in game design, I'd suggest you take some time to join the game, get a real feel of the dynamics and truly emerge yourself. Then you'll even have a greater understanding and appreciation of the fine details that make this game awesome.
The creator is a real modest guy, but I could write an essay about the amazing things I've learned from this game.
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>limits to how sharply it can turn

That might depend on other elements of articulation. How closely is it based on centipedes?
>Ready to deploy where ever.

Dish Lv3: Novice Human Paladin

HP 5/5 [6+0] MOV 3 ACT 2 [2+0] STR 2 DEF 7 [2+2+3] MAG 5 [2+2]

ATK: 2 [Hammer]
POW: 4 [Wand + Cloak]

MHand -MidianBane [Lux] [1Handed] +2 atk, +1 def, disarm and vorpal strike
OHand - Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk, +3 Def]
Armor -Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 200z
-Guide Cloak (+1 Mag, +1 Def)
-Lvl 1 Wand (+1 Mag, Rng 3)
-Lvl 1 Hammer (+2 Atk)

[G] Pulse,[G] Ward [G] Channel,[G] Cleanse,[P] Crusader Oath

You probably want to be more specific Dish.
Bleh meant whenever, I'm waiting for the next action phase.
Processing Begins. Hourly Processing will be provided again until 12am PST, or 4am Est...
Ready to deploy wherever needed.

StatusEffects: Alive
ATK: 2+1+3 ACT: 2 DEF: 1+1 HP: 4 MOV: 4 MAG: 1
M.HAND:Spring harpoons Lvl:2;Atk (x2); 4 range; *hook and shoot*/just cause stuff.
OFFHAND:Dual wielding main weapon
Gear:Lv. 1 Overcoat, DEF +1, ATK+1
BAG:Chains x 4, Iron Maiden x 3, Llama water 5/5 x 1, cookie 2/2 1x,
Bank:Hunters bomb, mob pole/pike, Blood A x2, 340 zenny, hunters chain, +1 atk Rng 3
Skills: Hook and Pull,suspension,bloodlust
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Dungeon Phase...
>On Standby if anyone decides I need to deploy, although get confirmation that I'm still around if you do, might end up getting some sleep at some point.
We might need you for your special eye, as it is almost night and there will be ghosts running around. We can't fight what we can't see.

Of course do keep in mind that if you deploy here you do not get a chance to deploy in the following subfloor.
wait does that mean i have deployed..or.....if so yay i dont waste a turn...if not can someone explain?
You are deployed, as is Dish and Ziegfried.
thanks now i wonder.........if that pillar is upright or if it is tilted.
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Action Phase... The sniper attacks continue.
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" Well lucky you, if you win I'll tell you one juicy hint on where your friend Gilda is. My what a talented Ghoul, learning Order magic in her condition~ "
???:Oooooh nooo it looks like your scout had their chest poked open... better go help them..uhehehe

And this time she's not fighting ONE DEMON she's damn doing the foolhardy thing and fighting TWOOOO

Can you believe it!? Ruumbleeeeeee!

Watchful is not on the sand, this should heal him to full.

>Plant Pulse the Militia Watchful
>Inject Avdol with the second shot of blood alpha I picked up.
>Pick up the intact blood pack

[O] Thinly: Level 5
=Channeled : Kail=
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 ATK : 2 DEF : 1 (1) MAG : 5 (3+2) POW : 6 (5+1) ACT: 2 ZEAL : 4.6
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Academic Writing Tool (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Time, Teras, Lux)
-Off Hand : Academic Writing Pole (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Accessory : Floor Notes
-Armor : Fools Cap (Mag +2 , HP +1)
Bag : 1210z
-Stale Wafer x5 (Heals +2 HP, Favored by Wisps)
-Jerky x2
-Llama Water x5
-Blood Alpha x1.5

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel, Ward, Relinquish, Polarize, Tangent
>Attack skeletal 3 diagonal north west
>Attack yet again skeletal 4 diagonal north west

StatusEffects: Alive
ATK: 2+1+3 ACT: 2 DEF: 1+1 HP: 4 MOV: 4 MAG: 1
M.HAND:Spring harpoons Lvl:2;Atk (x2); 4 range; *hook and shoot*/just cause stuff.
OFFHAND:Dual wielding main weapon
Gear:Lv. 1 Overcoat, DEF +1, ATK+1
BAG:Chains x 4, Iron Maiden x 3, Llama water 5/5 x 1, cookie 2/2 1x,
Skills: Hook and Pull,suspension,bloodlust
Thank you sir, I think I'll just lie here for now and play dead. He is almost in my sights.

>Reload with Firing Solution and Metal Slugs
>Firing Solution again

[I] Watchful : Level 5 : Adept
=Lux Sworn: Lux Resistant, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag=
=Harpie Graft : Aer Resistant=
=Seamonster Steak : +1 Strength ; Inceased Loot=
HP: 4/4 (3+1) Mov: 4 (3+1) Str 2 (1+1) Atk: 6 (2+4) Def: 0 (0) Mag: 2 (1+1) Act: 2, Vision 10(5+3+2), Breaths : 3, Merits : 2 Zeal : 4
-Main Hand : BR-04 (Level 2, 2-Hands, Ammo 2|6, Range 6, +4 Attack, Pike Buster: Melee range shots adds Atk to Dmg. )
-Armor : Ranger Hat, +1 Move, +2 Vision, +1 HP
Bag :
-Unseeing Binoculars (View at a distance, does not dispel darkness, Ghosts cannot enter viewing range, If they do they are frozen in place)
-Spirit Ward (Place to create a warded tile, Wisp types are revealed within sight range, Ghosts cannot approach within 6 tiles, Creatures that die in range roll a second d6 for Wisp\Reincarnation chance.)
-3x Calorie Gram
-3x Water Flask (9 sips remaining)

Ammo :
-Pumpkin Rounds x21 (6 Damage, Fire)
-Silver Rounds x30 (5 Damage)
-Happy Bday x7 (4 Crushing Damage, 5 Aoe)
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spreadshot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time
Loaded : Metal Slugs x6 (6 Crushing Damage) +2 Range
>Overwatch Counter
>Jump 3S, 1W
>-Dragon Wings Stance
>-The Whole Thing

[S] Jenny : Level 7 : Adept
HP: 10/10 (6+4) Mv: 4 (3+1) STR : 4 (3+1) ATK: 7 [4+3] DEF: 2 [1+1] MAG: 4 (1+1+2) ACT: 2 (2) Zeal : 0.5
=Dormant Daemon=
-Main Hand : Hammer Watch [Level 5, +3 Atk, Heavy Crush, +2 Mag, 2 Range Melee\Casting, 2 Handed]
-Off Hand :
-Armor : Man-Eater Armor [ Defense +1, HP +4, Stats do not decrease on debuff, -1 HP per stat debuff ]
Bag: 840z
-Jerky x 4.0 [ Heals 5 HP, two bites ]
-Winged Shield [Defense +2, Hover : Become a flying target, like a vengeful gargoyle with a sharp stick !]
-Chain-Sword [Attack +3, Defense +1, Range +3]
-Un. Threaded Harpoon [Level 5]

[K] : Counter, Spin Slash, Shield Bash, Ground Slash
[S] : Jump, Twist, Acronaut, Lunge, Dragon Wings
[Sword] : Double Cut
[Cords] : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook
[Mace] : Arm Crack, Power Smash, Skull Crack
[Great] : The Whole Thing, Block, Limb Smash

Bank : 0
-Death Crystals from LanternReap
Go Moonsaber! But maybe more enemies still lurk nearby!
>Move 2S
>Counter SW

HP:5/5(5+0), MOV:3(3+0), ACT:2(2+0), ATK:4(2+2), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:0(0+0)

-Knight's Sword (Lvl 1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (Lvl 1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Helmet (Lvl 1, Def+2)

-1 x cookie
-5 x llama water

[K] Shield Bash, [K] Counter

>Act to retain arrow charge
>Move 1W
>Overwatch Illusion Arrow W; force Kalkasar to move N with illusory images
Undecided ? Very well. I'll come get you myself."
>-Eyes closed
>overwatch Reflect in case I get shot
>move 1N 2W 2N
[W]Kail, Lvl.6
HP:5/9 MOV:5 (4+1) ACT:2 ATK:9/8(4(STR)+2+3/4(STR)+2+2) DEF:9(2+2+5(shield)) MAG:1

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Dident (Atk+3, Reach 1-2, applies stun, 2hnd)

Personal :
-Battle Dress (lvl2, +2HP, +1MAG)
-Frimelda Blade (lvl5, left hand only, +1Act if main hand, Atk+3, Def+3, ???? memories, 1hnd)
-Claymoore (lvl7, Atk+4, Def+3, Mag+2 [Pyra Darc], 2hnd, ????, ????)
-Knight's Burden (lvl4, Def+2, HP+2, Protective Aura)
-Knight's Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)
-Moblin crossbow (lvl1, 5 range)
-Poison bolts×5 (2dmg, Poison)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
Group Bank:Knight's Shield lvl1 (lvl1, 1hnd, Def+2 (front only)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [K] Evil Never Rests, [K] Challenge, [W] Eyes Closed, [Axe Artes] Cleave, Wreck, [Shield Artes], Reflect, Kill Medusa, Unshakeable Tera, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
Zeal : 0.8
>Move N3
>Start Channel Link 2 on Kail
[P] Justin Lv3 [Human Paladin]
HP 6/6 [6+0] MOV 3 [+0] ACT 2 [+0] STR 2 [+0] DEF 4 [7 Front] [2+2+3 Shield] MAG 4 [2+2]

ATK: 3 [Shield]
POW: 5 [Wand + Armor]

+Main Hand+ Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk; +3 Def]
+Off Hand+ Traveling Cane [lv2; G|M; +1 Mag; 2 Range; 1 Regen]
=Armor= Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 60z [100z + Ish Bone in Llama Bank]
+ Barbed Shotel [1 Hand; +2 ATK; +1 DEF; Sword; Disarm; Vorpal Strike]
+ Spiced Jerky [Heals 5; 2/2 Bites remaining]

[Guide] Channel; Pulse; Ward; [Paladin] Crusader OATH (Redistributes MAG split between ATK and DEF); Shield Formation

Channel Links: [Thinly 1] [Kail 2]
why are you botting 4 people?
So the game can progress.
>Move 4W, 2N
>Wholesale Swallow skeleton E
>Attack the Lesser King with the Chainsaw
>Face N

>Move 3W, 2N, 1W

>Prepare Ball Ball
>Shoot Teras Ball Ball 3 SW

>Move 3W, 5N
>-Regen 2
>-Bleed 1
"You hur-wound me Quaz. Hey everyone we're getting some stran-odd interference over the aetherwaves. I swear I hear something."

"Kail, I just started a channel with you. I have a plan to let you get closer to the sniper, but it's going to be using some untested methods. If nothing turns sideways, I'll give you the plan in a moment."
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Dungeon Phase...
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About Dragon Wings:
As it was implemented before tap actions existence I would like to note that it should take one action to active. However, for this turn I will accept that it was activated as a tap action. The rest of the game will proceed with the assumption that it takes an action to activate for future use.

> Dragon Wings activate anyway.

*PPPZzzsssHHHTTtt* LIVIA you're still bleed-phlebotomizing! They'll be able to se-track you down! *PPSHhhzztsshh* Maryland's got another sho-bead on you guys. Be careful with how you advan-move!" *Bzzshhtt*
"I see something on the port-side bow, looks like someone in overwatch! Starboard side of the ship seems to have something hidden beneath the sands as well."
Noted. The reason why I thought it was a tap action was because it has an S on its card, indicating it was a stance, and those became tap actions.
Got stuff to do all day so Dara Dara can you bot for me? Just set me to protecting allies and keeping myself alive
I will do so.
A trap? What does that entail?

"Dark2 at dus-sunset?!? We have midians inbou-coming get ready!"
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bumping into enemy units without precedent stops you and terminates action string

Action Phase !
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" Hahahahaha you know your power too well, Jenny - now for the next phase.. "

> Action phase.
And Jenny leads with a powerdrive straight into the pair of demons! That's a knockout out if there ever was on--

wait no they're still alive! They're still one biomechanically augmented piece! Can she go the distance? That's an important question actually, if she doesn't, those rocket launchers are likely to lead to a quick ad painful end!

WOoooh! Ruumbleeeee!
Slow Phases have begun, we'll see where this turn is at by 12pm est.
How much damage did I take?
Dark 2 is going to be a problem. We need him dealt with.

Grenouille, you are our only person with healing items, can you help out Thinly or Justin? Remember he has overwatches but I think you can use pillars to block LoS.

If people can absorb those overwatches for Gren that would be great.

Livia, if you can? Take the sniper out now.

We need another healer on the ground. I am asking for a volunteer.

Ziegfried is going to be berserking next phase, get out of his way. Let him heal to full health by eating those skeletons then try to restrain him.
two sets of 2. 4 total.
Wrong! I am berserking *now*. But thankfully I have this neat adept Ghoul skill that allows me to remain myself during Action Phase.

Does berserking give me anything specific or do I just go bonkers and attack whoever I want (when I'm in control)
Shred of Humanity:
You can manipulate yourself to perform as usual. During enemy phase however, anything that can be directly harmed - will be hunted down and devoured. Shred of Humanity is additive- it does not override that you are berserking, but it will let you act while berserking.
Oh I knew that, I meant do my stats change under berserk mode?
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Berserking Stats:
Base END/2
Base STRx2

" Unleash it. The Monster "
>Eat a Jerky

[S] Jenny : Level 7 : Adept
HP: 6/10 (6+4) Mv: 4 (3+1) STR : 4 (3+1) ATK: 7 [4+3] DEF: 5 [1+1+1+2] MAG: 2 (1+1) ACT: 2 (2) Zeal : 0.5
=Dormant Daemon=
-Main Hand : Hammer Watch [Level 5, +3 Atk, Heavy Crush, +2 Mag, 2 Range Melee\Casting, 2 Handed]
-Off Hand :
-Armor : Man-Eater Armor [ Defense +1, HP +4, Stats do not decrease on debuff, -1 HP per stat debuff ]
Bag: 840z
-Jerky x 4.0 [ Heals 5 HP, two bites ]
-Winged Shield [Defense +2, Hover : Become a flying target, like a vengeful gargoyle with a sharp stick !]
-Chain-Sword [Attack +3, Defense +1, Range +3]
-Un. Threaded Harpoon [Level 5]

[K] : Counter, Spin Slash, Shield Bash, Ground Slash
[S] : Jump, Twist, Acronaut, Lunge, Dragon Wings
[Sword] : Double Cut
[Cords] : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook
[Mace] : Arm Crack, Power Smash, Skull Crack
[Great] : The Whole Thing, Block, Limb Smash

Bank : 0
-Death Crystals from LanternReap

Group Bank : 1122z
-Acronaut Helm [ +2 Def , Prevents Destruction]
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Turn Corrections:
Justin should be at 0hp exactly. Therefore not bleeding and stable. Carry on.
>Deploy NW of R1

[G] LeiLei : Level 3
=Orodnian, +1Hp , +1Mov , [Good Smell]=
HP : 4/5 (4+1) MV : 4 (3+1) STR : 1 (1) ATK : 4 (1+3) DEF : 6 (1+1+4(shied)) MAG : 3 (2+1) POW : 4 (3+1) ACT: 2 (2) ZEAL : 2
Main Hand : (Crystal Studded Wand : Mag +1, Casting Range 3, Grants Plant, Grants Pyras)
Offhand :
Armor : (Guide Cloak : Mag +1, Def +1)
Bag: 200z
-Holey Shield : (Defense +4, Atk +3, Piercing Vulnerability)
-8 Fixitives
-Llama Water : 25 sips

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel
(How does activating Swordarms work, is it an action, or a tap action?)
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>-Shred of Humanity
>Attack Skeleton N with Chainsaw (Str 10+3, Hits 2x)
>Move 3N 2W
>Backstab chainsaw skeleton S of me
>Move 1S 5W

[U]Ziegfried, Level:7, Adept
Status: Ghoul
HP:-?/4(5+1-2), MOV:6(4+2), ACT:4(3+1), STR:10((2*3+2)), END:1(0+2)/2), MAG:3(3+0)

-Ghoul Teeth [Atk 1]
-Revenant Leathers [Lv6, +1 HP, +2 Str, +2 Mov, +2 End, No Sound, Can't Speak]
-Chainsaw [Req Str3, Atk+3 x2, 2 Hands]

-Chimera Meat x2
-Pot Shield [2 Def, Fireproof, Cooking Implement]

Skills: [Ghoul]Steal, Backstab, Devour, Regenerate, Wholesale Swallow, Wyrm Bite, Violent Regeneration [Surgery]Wear Person, Snatch, SwordArms, Fire Resistance
Zenny: 0z
Bank: 1580z, Prisoner Clothes, Monster Restraints, Bogeyman Mask

[Skinless] : 1/2 Base Def, and -2Hp For the first 3 Turns of the next floor :v
Errata - Shred of Humanity is missing from skills bar, but it is there!

Alright pet, one more shot should do it...

>-Free action loot Bdog wreckage
>Use a Blood Alpha to restore HP to full
>Move 1W 1N
>Shoot an Illusion arrow 5NW to lure Karkasal to move N again
>-1x Essence Burn, 1x Lux Breath

[R1] Grenouille

Lvl 1

ATK: 5 [2+1+2] DEF: 2 [0+1+1]
MAG: 6 HP: 3/4
ACT: 3 MOV: 4 [3+1]

GEAR: Prisoner's Clothes (+1 DEF)
MAIN: Sylvan Shortbow (RNG 5)
OFF: Empty
- Moblin Dagger (+2 ATK)
- 2x Keys
- 7x Blood Alpha
- Empty
- 19x Wooden Arrows (1/2STR + 2)
- 21x Ghoul Arrows (1/2STR + 2, INFECT)
RACE: Frog
+3 MAG, Water Walk, Essence Burn [Hydras]
+1 MAG, +3 Sight, Lux Immune, Blind Resist, Lux Element

SKILLS: [R] Switch, Backstab

- Extinct Seamonster Feast: +1 STR, Loot Increase
- Earth's Draught: +1 DEF
- Twilight: Monsters Gain +1 MOV
>-Bleed 1
>-Regenerate 2
>Boomerang the Sniper
>Face E
>Overwatch Reflect
>-Unshakable Tera ; Def to 13

[Y] Livia : Level 7
=Midian Mutation : Lux Mortality ; Silver Mortality ; Water Vulnerability ; Healing Bane ; Blood Hunger 01=
=Feast : +1 Str ; Increased Loot=
=Twilight: +1 Mov=
HP: 8/8 (7+1); MV: 7 (4+2+1) ; STR: 7 (4+2+1) ; ATK: 9 (7+2) ; DEF: 9 (2+2+2( overhead) + 4 (forward)) ; MAG: 4 ; ACT: 2(3-1); ZEAL : 1.2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5 ; [Legendary Fake] ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
--Page Castor's Fist ; 2 atk ; 5 def ; crushing ; knockback ; hidden skill : ???
-Offhand : Noblelady's Salamander Umbrella ; Unfolded ; 2 defense overhead; Protection against the sun ; 4 HP ; -1 Act ; Fire Resistant, can not be used to block fire and the sun at once.
-Armor : Revenant Leathers ; Lvl 6 ; +1 HP +2 STR ; +2 MV ; +2 END ; Makes no noise ; Cannot speak
Bag :
-14 Chains; Rope substitute
-1.0 Blood alpha ; 2 sips ; +5 HP ; Reduces Death Clock ; Pushes Reraise Timer
-Chained Maria ; 10 HP ; 3 END ; -2 MV upon deploying

Hunter Skills : Hook and Pull, Suspension, Rig, Bloodlust, Rig Network, Lurk, Mortal Wound, Revenge Has No Home
Vampyre Skills : Wall Shift, Wall Walk, Lovelier
Corridor Skills : Hunter's Lore, Headbutt
Cord Skills : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook, Morning Star
Shield Skills : Boomerang, Reflect, Unshakeable Tera

After this phase Karkasal should hopefully be harassing our foes rather than us, if that's the case I'll work on it.
(Worst case I will be attacking it, I might have too while im zerking)

Hopefully the skeletons keep you occupied. No offense.

GREN if you do that action you'll end up bumping Lei Lei north. where she'll be in the line of fire of Dark2. He has at least a potential 12 range. Lei Lei right now you're in between the line of fire of 3 different soldiers with high powered guns!

This is the fault of whoever decided to deploy in my path.

>The floor boss is still too close to us right now, I'm not amending that act. Find another place to deploy.
We need to deploy a couple more people here, I'm thinking. Otherwise we'll be drawn into a battle of attrition we don't want.
Guys is that... Is that a railgun to the west ?
>Deploy N of H1 Moonsaber

StatusEffects:[Void Mark: Feast], [Sparkling Meat, +1 STR, Increased Loot Discovery]
ATK: 2 ACT: 2+1 DEF: 1 HP: 4+2 MOV: 4 MAG: 3+2=5 POW:3+2+3=8
M.HAND:Lv. 3 Oracle's Staff[Spirit] Lux+Arias, Pow+3, Rng 4
OFFHAND:Floor Notes
Gear:Lv. 5 Student's Outfit(+1 Act, +2 Mag, +2 HP)
BAG:Book of Iron, Pyras+Teras, Pow +2, Words 2, Guide Wand, Plant[Hydra+Teras], Pow+1, Rng 3
Bank:Sermit the Salamander Puppet, Book of Fire, Pyras, Pow +1 Words 2
Skills: Pulse, Channel, Ward, Cleanse, Polarize, Hand, Tangent, Sacred Geometry, Recursion, Index Fingers
"Hahahaha, run, run, I'm coming for you !"
>-eyes closed
>overwatch Reflect
>move 3N2W
"Come on, shoot me, I dare you ! I'll get at least one of you suckers ! Do you feel lucky ? Do you feel lucky, /punk/ ?"

[W]Kail, Lvl.6
HP:3/9 MOV:5 (4+1) ACT:2 ATK:9/8(4(STR)+2+3/4(STR)+2+2) DEF:9(2+2+5(shield)) MAG:1

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Dident (Atk+3, Reach 1-2, applies stun, 2hnd)

Personal :
-Battle Dress (lvl2, +2HP, +1MAG)
-Frimelda Blade (lvl5, left hand only, +1Act if main hand, Atk+3, Def+3, ???? memories, 1hnd)
-Claymoore (lvl7, Atk+4, Def+3, Mag+2 [Pyra Darc], 2hnd, ????, ????)
-Knight's Burden (lvl4, Def+2, HP+2, Protective Aura)
-Knight's Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)
-Moblin crossbow (lvl1, 5 range)
-Poison bolts×5 (2dmg, Poison)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
Group Bank:Knight's Shield lvl1 (lvl1, 1hnd, Def+2 (front only)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [K] Evil Never Rests, [K] Challenge, [W] Eyes Closed, [Axe Artes] Cleave, Wreck, [Shield Artes], Reflect, Kill Medusa, Unshakeable Tera, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
Zeal : 0.8
Timing Concerns
>Lei Lei's deployment will occur after everyone moves given current combat zone is under overwatch.

>Overwatch Counter
>Move 1N, 2E

>-Bloodlust \ Twilight : +1 Mov
>Move 6E, 4N

>-Crusader Oath
>Move 6N
>Face E

"...Well okay then, I was going to be willing to talk this out. And then you shot my mage."

"So I am going to wait about, 2 or 3 turns, and then we'll talk again."

"Quaz do some-stop her!! FETH IT the sun be damned I'm deplo-going in!!"

>Deploy S of M1 Moonsaber inside my refurbished maiden

=Status: Not Void Touched (has a brain and can cast spells); Blood tea: fed; Sea monster steak: +1 STR and increased loot=

HP:4/4(4+0), MOV:4(4+0), ACT:3(3+0) MAG 7(5+2)
ATK:3(3+0), DEF:1(0+1), POW:9(5+4)

-Main hand:
-Off Hand: Celestial Runic (Lvl 3. [Darc] [Teras] [Gravity] Word:3 +2 POW)
-Armor: 6-eyed Spooks Mask (lvl3. +1DEF, +2MAG)
-Handless Eqp: empty (n/a)

Bag: [20z]

-4 Blood alpha (2 uses, +5 HP, Reduces Death Clock, Pushes Reraise Timer) {12/12}
-Chalk (Draw runes)
-Refurbished Maiden (Traps enemies; can stay inside it)

=Mutation: Midian=
+2 ATK +1 ACT +1 HP +1 MOV +1 MAG
Lux & Silver Mortality, Water Vuln, Wall Shift, Wall Walk, Regen II, Blood Hunger I

Skills : [M] Block, Ball, Ring, Arrow, Glass [Midian] Wall Walk, Wall Shift,

[Prepared Spells: / Ammo: ]
"Oh god, what a mess"
>Deploy SE of R1

[M] Moriarty ; Level 1
=Lux Sworn=
HP: 3/3 | MOV: 3 | ACT: 2 | ATK: 0 | DEF: 1 (0+1) | MAG: 6 (4+1+1) | MAG Power: 7 (6+1)

- Main hand: Book of pyra [Pyra] Level:1 Words:2 MagPow:+1
- Armor: Mask Level:1 Def:1 Mag:1
- Off hand:

Bag: [0z]
- Chalk
- Student Notes ?

Skills/Words: [M] Ball, [M] Arrow
Spells Prepared:
>-Regen 1 from Traveling Cane?
>Stand up?
>-Bag Sword in the adjacent NW tile?
>Plant Pulse on Watchful

Unless the regen doesn't work like that.

[P] Justin Lv3 [Human Paladin]
HP 1?/6 [6+0] MOV 3 [+0] ACT 2 [+0] STR 2 [+0] DEF 4 [7 Front] [2+2+3 Shield] MAG 4 [2+2]

ATK: 3 [Shield]
POW: 5 [Wand + Armor]

+Main Hand+ Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk; +3 Def]
+Off Hand+ Traveling Cane [lv2; G|M; +1 Mag; 2 Range; 1 Regen]
=Armor= Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 60z [100z + Ish Bone in Llama Bank]
+ Barbed Shotel [1 Hand; +2 ATK; +1 DEF; Sword; Disarm; Vorpal Strike]
+ Spiced Jerky [Heals 5; 2/2 Bites remaining]

[Guide] Channel; Pulse; Ward; [Paladin] Crusader OATH (Redistributes MAG split between ATK and DEF); Shield Formation

Channel Links: None
>If it isn't too late to post
>Crusader Oath Defense Up 2, and Atk Up 2
>Move North 3 while facing Zieg

Dish Lv3: Novice Human Paladin

HP 5/5 [6+0] MOV 3 ACT 2 [2+0] STR 2 DEF 7 [2+2+3] MAG 5 [2+2]

ATK: 2 [Hammer]
POW: 4 [Wand + Cloak]

MHand -MidianBane [Lux] [1Handed] +2 atk, +1 def, disarm and vorpal strike
OHand - Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk, +3 Def]
Armor -Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 200z
-Guide Cloak (+1 Mag, +1 Def)
-Lvl 1 Wand (+1 Mag, Rng 3)
-Lvl 1 Hammer (+2 Atk)

[G] Pulse,[G] Ward [G] Channel,[G] Cleanse,[P] Crusader Oath
"Don't fear! 8 is here!"
>Deploy at the door

[R]Agent8 Lvl 1 Rouge

HP: 4/4 MOV: 3 ACT: 3 ATK: 3(2+1) DEF: 1(0+1) MAG 2

MHand-Lvl 1 Dagger(+1 Atk)
Armor-Lvl 0 Prisoners Clothes(+1 Def)
Lvl 1 Dagger(+1 Atk)(X4)
Dungeon Key(X2)
Thief Bomb

[P][Back Attack]
[Weapon Throw]
"Legal issues with names."
[R]8 Lvl 1 Rouge

HP: 4/4 MOV: 3 ACT: 3 ATK: 3(2+1) DEF: 1(0+1) MAG 2

MHand-Lvl 1 Dagger(+1 Atk)
Armor-Lvl 0 Prisoners Clothes(+1 Def)
Lvl 1 Dagger(+1 Atk)(X4)
Dungeon Key(X2)
Thief Bomb

[P][Back Attack]
[Weapon Throw]
welcome aboard [8], nice to have you
Ah, a new dagger-wielding ne'er-do-wel! How grand to have you, you're just in time for a thrilling combat! Aha, keep your limbs close and you'll have a great time here!

Join our chat sometimes: https://client00.chat.mibbit.com/
Server: rizon #Skirmish
Realized i have plus 2 temp health due to bloodlust from killing the skeles still going the whole commands issued before or right here

StatusEffects: +2 temp health and +1 mov
ATK: 2+1+3 ACT: 2 DEF: 1+1 HP: 4 MOV: 4 MAG: 1
M.HAND:Spring harpoons Lvl:2;Atk (x2); 4 range; *hook and shoot*/just cause stuff.
OFFHAND:Dual wielding main weapon
Gear:Lv. 1 Overcoat, DEF +1, ATK+1
BAG:Chains x 4, Iron Maiden x 3, Llama water 5/5 x 1, cookie 2/2 1x,
Bank:Hunters bomb, mob pole/pike, Blood A x2, 340 zenny, hunters chain, +1 atk Rng 3
Skills: Hook and Pull,suspension,bloodlust
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Leftshark: You bastards ! No one gets past me !! AAAHHHHH !!

" Wait you mustn't that skellipede will - !"

Dungeon Phase!

Hang in there squire you still have all the important bits.
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"Hummmm how long have you been holding on to that... no matter.. "
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I wrote things super tiny again :v

Im sorry sometimes i think this is a quest for ants
Is the 4/1 on the Sadiah Kopis for ATK/DEF?

>Only have inventory space for 1 item
>Choose to loot the unappraised gun

Also guys you may want to run away from that Bdog.
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What do you mean 'sometimes I think'?
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frankly I'm triggered
>Move 1 S
>Face N
"Mmmff pphhmm-mmnn hmm mmm mmmhhnn!" T_T

(What's my number Monday?)
By ancient law you are M2. Probably. I mean you could take M1 given the previous M1 lost his head.
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Dark 2: Feth this ! Try and hunt me down fools !
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" Looks like this fight is heating up. Anyone from the cells care to join in ? "

> Penny and Becki activated

" U-Uhm if iit w-w-wwould help I- _I can pe-pe-pe- rhaps offer myself up"
As an added note. The sun has now set.
Just to double check, but the sun is now down correct?
>-Eyes closed
>Ground slash W (Castor fist, Atk8, crushing knockback)
>Move 2E 3S
"I'm in need of assistance !"

[W]Kail, Lvl.6
HP:2/9 MOV:5 (4+1) ACT:2 ATK:9/8(4(STR)+2+3/4(STR)+2+2) DEF:9(2+2+5(shield)) MAG:1

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Dident (Atk+3, Reach 1-2, applies stun, 2hnd)

Personal :
-Battle Dress (lvl2, +2HP, +1MAG)
-Frimelda Blade (lvl5, left hand only, +1Act if main hand, Atk+3, Def+3, ???? memories, 1hnd)
-Claymoore (lvl7, Atk+4, Def+3, Mag+2 [Pyra Darc], 2hnd, ????, ????)
-Knight's Burden (lvl4, Def+2, HP+2, Protective Aura)
-Knight's Helmet (lvl1, Def+2)
-Moblin crossbow (lvl1, 5 range)
-Poison bolts×5 (2dmg, Poison)
-Knight's Shield (lvl1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Sword (Lvl1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
Group Bank:Knight's Shield lvl1 (lvl1, 1hnd, Def+2 (front only)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [K] Evil Never Rests, [K] Challenge, [W] Eyes Closed, [Axe Artes] Cleave, Wreck, [Shield Artes], Reflect, Kill Medusa, Unshakeable Tera, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
Zeal : 0.9
In future posts, listing bank stats isn't needed :v
>Move 1N, 2E, 1S, 2E
>Use Blood Alpha on [O1] Thinly

[R1] Grenouille

Lvl 1

ATK: 3 [2+1] DEF: 2 [0+1+1]
MAG: 6 HP: 3/4
ACT: 3 MOV: 4 [3+1]

GEAR: Prisoner's Clothes (+1 DEF)
MAIN: Sylvan Shortbow (RNG 5)
OFF: Empty
- Moblin Dagger (+2 ATK)
- 2x Keys
- 7x Blood Alpha
- ??? Gun
- 19x Wooden Arrows (1/2STR + 2)
- 21x Ghoul Arrows (1/2STR + 2, INFECT)
RACE: Frog
+3 MAG, Water Walk, Essence Burn [Hydras]
+1 MAG, +3 Sight, Lux Immune, Blind Resist, Lux Element

SKILLS: [R] Switch, Backstab

- Extinct Seamonster Feast: +1 STR, Loot Increase
- Earth's Draught: +1 DEF
- Twilight: Monsters Gain +1 MOV
>Stand up
>Move 1N, 3E
>Face E
>-10 sight range

[I] Watchful : Level 5 : Adept
=Lux Sworn: Lux Resistant, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag=
=Harpie Graft : Aer Resistant=
=Seamonster Steak : +1 Strength ; Inceased Loot=
HP: 4/4 (3+1) Mov: 4 (3+1) Str 2 (1+1) Atk: 6 (2+4) Def: 0 (0) Mag: 2 (1+1) Act: 2, Vision 10(5+3+2), Breaths : 3, Merits : 2 Zeal : 4
-Main Hand : BR-04 (Level 2, 2-Hands, Ammo 2|6, Range 6, +4 Attack, Pike Buster: Melee range shots adds Atk to Dmg. )
-Armor : Ranger Hat, +1 Move, +2 Vision, +1 HP
Bag :
-Unseeing Binoculars (View at a distance, does not dispel darkness, Ghosts cannot enter viewing range, If they do they are frozen in place)
-Spirit Ward (Place to create a warded tile, Wisp types are revealed within sight range, Ghosts cannot approach within 6 tiles, Creatures that die in range roll a second d6 for Wisp\Reincarnation chance.)
-3x Calorie Gram
-3x Water Flask (9 sips remaining)

Ammo :
-Pumpkin Rounds x21 (6 Damage, Fire)
-Silver Rounds x30 (5 Damage)
-Happy Bday x7 (4 Crushing Damage, 5 Aoe)
-Metal Slugs x6 (6 Crushing Damage)
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spreadshot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time
Loaded : Pumpkin Rounds x2 (6 Damage, Fire) Damage +1
>1 S
>2 E

[R]8 Lvl 1 Rouge

HP: 4/4 MOV: 3 ACT: 3 ATK: 3(2+1) DEF: 1(0+1) MAG 2

MHand-Lvl 1 Dagger(+1 Atk)
Armor-Lvl 0 Prisoners Clothes(+1 Def)
Lvl 1 Dagger(+1 Atk)(X4)
Dungeon Key(X2)
Thief Bomb

[P][Back Attack]
[Weapon Throw]
Hey buddy, you have 3 actions.

Each "action" you use to "move" gets you your full move score.

So you could move 1 s and 2 e in a single action! And then you'd have 2 more to attack, or move again. Or a whole bunch of other stuff!
Psst, you can do 3 actions. That's what the 3 ACT stands for. You can move trice as much, or attack something or whatever.
>-Bleed 1
>-Regenerate 2
>Store umbrella in bag
>Move 3E, onto the skull
>-Turn the Page to the Twin Chevrolet ; 5 range ; Atk 2x2 ; def 1
>Hook and Pull the sniper to me
>Lovelier Bite the sniper
>-Wall Walk to maintain my balance and stick to the skull.
>-Wall Shift if the Lesser King goes under ground.

[Y] Livia : Level 7
=Midian Mutation : Lux Mortality ; Silver Mortality ; Water Vulnerability ; Healing Bane ; Blood Hunger 01=
=Feast : +1 Str ; Increased Loot=
=Twilight: +1 Mov=
HP: 8/8 (7+1); MV: 7 (4+2+1) ; STR: 7 (4+2+1) ; ATK: 9 (7+2) ; DEF: 5 (2+2+ 1 (forward)) ; MAG: 4 ; ACT: 2(3-1); ZEAL : 1.2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5 ; [Legendary Fake] ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
--Page Twin Chevorlets ; Atk 2x2 ; Def 1 ; Range 5 ; Twin Hook and Jab ; Hook and Scissor
-Offhand :
-Armor : Revenant Leathers ; Lvl 6 ; +1 HP +2 STR ; +2 MV ; +2 END ; Makes no noise ; Cannot speak
Bag :
-14 Chains; Rope substitute
-1.0 Blood alpha ; 2 sips ; +5 HP ; Reduces Death Clock ; Pushes Reraise Timer
-Chained Maria ; 10 HP ; 3 END ; -2 MV upon deploying
-Noblelady's Salamander Umbrella
Just a heads up Jenny. I do believe there's something behind the pillar directly to your west.
teleport trigger for next volunteer

Will it take me an action to leav-exit the maiden?
It occurs to the wary watcher here that the teleportation portal Runa just ventured to walk through to take her to the FIGHT CHAMBER is open for 1 turn. Else Runa can't walk to it.

Which means the teleportation square those demons are standing on are still active.

If someone were to knock them from it, then enter that green teleport area, the jaunt-portal would probably react as if someone just entered it to be teleported. Out of the arena, into the complex.

Bit of a prison break.
I'm being told the Chainsaw has a special ability called Bonecarve and I'm not exactly sure how it works.
Thank you.

>Stay prone in case of overwatch
>Inject Avdol with Blood Alpha twice.

[O] Thinly: Level 5
=Channeled : Kail=
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 4 ATK : 2 DEF : 1 (1) MAG : 5 (3+2) POW : 6 (5+1) ACT: 2 ZEAL : 4.6
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Academic Writing Tool (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Time, Teras, Lux)
-Off Hand : Academic Writing Pole (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Accessory : Floor Notes
-Armor : Fools Cap (Mag +2 , HP +1)
Bag : 1210z
-Stale Wafer x5 (Heals +2 HP, Favored by Wisps)
-Jerky x2
-Llama Water x5
-Blood Alpha x1.0

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel, Ward, Relinquish, Polarize, Tangent
>Move 5N
>Cleanse [W1] Kail

[G] LeiLei : Level 3
=Orodnian, +1Hp , +1Mov , [Good Smell]=
=Twilight, +1Mov=
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 5 (3+1+1) STR : 1 (1) ATK : 4 (1+3) DEF : 2 (1+1) MAG : 3 (2+1) POW : 4 (3+1) ACT: 2 (2) ZEAL : 2
Main Hand : (Crystal Studded Wand : Mag +1, Casting Range 3, Grants Plant, Grants Iron, Grants Acid)
Offhand :
Armor : (Guide Cloak : Mag +1, Def +1)
Bag: 200z
-Holey Shield : (Defense +4, Atk +3, Piercing Vulnerability)
-8 Fixitives
-Llama Water : 25 sips

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel
I would appreciate your aid Runa. However if it frightens you do not force yourself to come.

I am guessing my teleport is at the exclamation point. Otherwise these actions are invalid.

>Move 1 N, 1 E, wait to be teleported, 5 N, 5 E
>Mercurial Strike both weapons at the gunman's back
>Attack him again.
>-Spirit Fist on second attack with chi from the first attack
>Face N

[$] Beckie ; Level 5 ; Beck Rogue Guild
HP: 5/5 (4+1) Mv: 6 (4+2) STR: 2 ATK: 5 (2+3), DEF: 1 (1) MAG: 3 MAGPOW : 3 ACT: 4 (3+1) CHI : 0 Zeal : 0.5
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Blade Ray (Level 4, Attack +2, Move +2, Knockouts by this weapon leaves a stun counter instead. Mercurial Strike)
-Armor : Mothman's Other Half (Level 4 [$][R], +3 Atk, Slashing, +1 Act, +1 HP, Grants Wall Walk, Takes up armor and a hand slot)
-Accessory: Red Compass
-Accessory: Merchant's Bag : +2 Item slots

Bag 4/6 (4+2) : 1537z
-Crystal Pick; Can mine crystals
-Science Crowbar (Level 2, Attack +2, Opens locks and crates)
-Drowned Witch Hat (Level 6, Mag +4, HP +2, Lux Vulnerability)
-Darc Crystal x8

Skills : Throw weapon, Switch, Steal, Backstab, Orange Leaves, Spirit Fist
Skillz : Weapon Swap, Pickpocket, Butterfingers, Spinning Throw, Mirror Hands, Ghost Hands, Vacuum Pocket
Thrown : Stone Skip, Catch, Two In Hand
(Livia, there is talk about the legality of your actions. Even if we could a full 3 act instead of 2, you still cannot do what you want to do. I suggest redoing something totally different for now. This is purely OOC suggestion, as I cannot give you IC talk, we both being muted. Drop+pick up isn't a very legal move too. Anyway, this had been your friendly ghoul offering a bit of advice :D)
>-Shred of Humanity
>-Skinless debuff goes away
>-Regen 1
>Devour Chimera Meat x1 from inventory
>Bonecarve the Lesser King x3 (Str 10+3, x2 Hits, Heavy damage)

[U]Ziegfried, Level:7, Adept
Status: Ghoul
HP:-?/6(5+1), MOV:7(4+3), ACT:4(3+1), STR:10(2*(3+2)), END:1((1+2)/2), MAG:3(3+0)

-Ghoul Teeth [Atk 1]
-Revenant Leathers [Lv6, +1 HP, +2 Str, +2 Mov, +2 End, No Sound, Can't Speak]
-Chainsaw [Req Str3, Atk+3 x2, 2 Hands]

-Chimera Meat x2
-Pot Shield [2 Def, Fireproof, Cooking Implement]

Twilight : +1 Mov

*Screams effing murder, no one can hear*
(As far as I know storing items is free Sir Ziegfried. As long as I don't try to equip something without spending an action I am not violating any rules. )
Bonecarve [new edition]: Sacrifice movement. Make damage Heavy for 1 Turn.
[This will not disable movement while berserking]

Quaz: W- Wait Wait ! P-Please don't kill Maryland she might be a salty person but Uh. UH.


" M-Maryland Respond. Q to Maryland Please respond !Get out of there ! That thing is gunning for you ! "
>Did I get captured somehow

"Do /NOT/ kill the sniper I repeat do NOT kill the bloody sniper Livia!"

My mistake, I was referring to Miss Potts.
Miss Potts and Becki activates.
"What in the name of stairs and starlight is going on down there, Wyrds? All this sodding ainsible is getting is screaming noise and the grinding roar of sand. It's interuptig my coffee.

It's like some giant worm thing is slithering across the dunes. Are you fighting a giant worm thing? I bet it's a giant worm thing! I bet it's - oh let me guess, uh, the size of an airship with two heads and spewing a constant stream of murderous worm minions. Right? Oh oh oh and it's on fire. Because the giant murder worm is going to be on fire because it's that kind of desert. And I *bet* it bleeds acid. And if you make noise, it goes for you so you can't be loud or fire guns.

Do I have to come down there and sort this thing out myself? Quaz just starting whimpering like one of his experiments went funky again.

It's making me kinda worried we're all about to grow four heads or turn inside out, really."

>-Bleed 1
>-Regenerate 2
>Store umbrella in bag
>Hunter's Lore on the Lesser King
>Move 2 E
>Suspend the Lesser King

[Y] Livia : Level 7
=Midian Mutation : Lux Mortality ; Silver Mortality ; Water Vulnerability ; Healing Bane ; Blood Hunger 01=
=Feast : +1 Str ; Increased Loot=
=Twilight: +1 Mov=
HP: 8/8 (7+1); MV: 7 (4+2+1) ; STR: 7 (4+2+1) ; ATK: 9 (7+2) ; DEF: 9 (2+2+ 5 (forward)) ; MAG: 4 ; ACT: 2(3-1); ZEAL : 1.2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5 ; [Legendary Fake] ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
--Page Castor's Fist ; Atk 2 ; Def 5 ; Crushing ; Knockback ; Hidden Skill : ???
-Offhand :
-Armor : Revenant Leathers ; Lvl 6 ; +1 HP +2 STR ; +2 MV ; +2 END ; Makes no noise ; Cannot speak
Bag :
-14 Chains; Rope substitute
-1.0 Blood alpha ; 2 sips ; +5 HP ; Reduces Death Clock ; Pushes Reraise Timer
-Chained Maria ; 10 HP ; 3 END ; -2 MV upon deploying
-Noblelady's Salamander Umbrella

Hunter Skills : Hook and Pull, Suspension, Rig, Bloodlust, Rig Network, Lurk, Mortal Wound, Revenge Has No Home
Vampyre Skills : Wall Shift, Wall Walk, Lovelier
Corridor Skills : Hunter's Lore, Headbutt
Cord Skills : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook, Morning Star
Shield Skills : Boomerang, Reflect, Unshakeable Tera
"Right, right, I've got the feed fixed - look here, if someone holds the target steady, someone can get to them and pull them up here to the Furiosa.

And if not, I can pack up my stuff, get to the door, get to the guy next and then extract them both. It'll get Maryland up here and Quaz can say hello. Bet he'd like that.

Plus, it'll be good for some information on the area below. Someone just needs to keep that giant worm from eating his face. Also I bet that Dark2 is circling around to rescue his KO'ed CO - you're going to take sniper fire coming in to from the east. Likely he's aiming at Maryland right now to keep us from getting to the guy. Lady. Lad. Ladette. Getting to 'em"

>Any Militia with [Take Prisoner] can extract our downed foe to the Furiosa
>Maybe anyone? That kinda goes against the idea of it requiring a skill, but it sorta worked last map with the Kid
>Trigger can deploy, but it'll take him the turn to the deploy, the turn to move next to Maryland and then Prisoner Extract them on turn 21

>Keep in mind the area 3 S of Maryland and 3S 2W has 2 claymores on the sand if you want to get close

>Yes, I can get from the door to Maryland in 1 turn of movement. Hey, you should all learn to hustle. Time is money, people.
>Attack Mendele Monstrosity South
>-The Whole Thing
>Face East
>Overwatch dodge 1 South, 2 East should I get shot at.

I believe as a Slayer I get access to Battle Intuition.

[S] Jenny : Level 7 : Adept
HP: 10/10 (6+4) Mv: 4 (3+1) STR : 4 (3+1) ATK: 7 [4+3] DEF: 2 [1+1] MAG: 2 (1+1) ACT: 2 (2) Zeal : 0.5
=Dormant Daemon=
-Main Hand : Hammer Watch [Level 5, +3 Atk, Heavy Crush, +2 Mag, 2 Range Melee\Casting, 2 Handed]
-Off Hand :
-Armor : Man-Eater Armor [ Defense +1, HP +4, Stats do not decrease on debuff, -1 HP per stat debuff ]
Bag: 840z
-Jerky x 3.5 [ Heals 5 HP, two bites ]
-Winged Shield [Defense +2, Hover : Become a flying target, like a vengeful gargoyle with a sharp stick !]
-Chain-Sword [Attack +3, Defense +1, Range +3]
-Un. Threaded Harpoon [Level 5]

[K] : Counter, Spin Slash, Shield Bash, Ground Slash
[S] : Jump, Twist, Acronaut, Lunge, Dragon Wings
[Sword] : Double Cut
[Cords] : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook
[Mace] : Arm Crack, Power Smash, Skull Crack
[Great] : The Whole Thing, Block, Limb Smash
Am I alive sarge?? >just cause 2diagonl north east and east again and pull self to it should be behind pillar >overwatch suspend against anything. Coming close to or shooting me Me >>46626708
You took 1 stun damage, meaning you have 1 action this turn. Otherwise you are intact.
Oh dear me. Is everyone alright? It has been so long.

>Move 1S, 1W, teleport, 1S
>Prepare BallRing

[M] Miss Potts, Lvl 1
=Lux Sworn, Human=
HP : 3/3 Atk : 0 Def : 1 (0+1) Mov 3 Mag : 6 (4+1+1) Pow : 7 (6+1) Act : 2 Lux Breath : 5 Zeal : 0.6
Hand : Book of Teras +1 Mag
Armor : Mask +1 Def +1 Mag
Bag :
-Book of Fire +1 Mag
Skills : [M] Ball [M] Ring


>Dark2: "Try and hunt me down you fools."


>-regen 2
>exit the maiden
>store the maiden in inventory
>-face NE
>prepare bloc arrow ball (earth wall!)

[M1] Bloom, Level 3: Mage

=Status:Blood tea: fed; Seamonster feast: +1 STR, increased loot; Twilight: +1 MOV, sparkly; SUPER FUCKING PISSED=

HP:4/4(4+0), MOV:5(4+1), ACT:3(3+0) MAG 7(5+2)
ATK:3(2+1), DEF:1(0+1), POW:9(5+4)

-Main hand: empty
-Off Hand: Celestial Runic (Lvl 3. [Darc] [Teras] [Gravity] Word:3 +2 POW)
-Armor: 6-eyed Spooks Mask (lvl3. +1DEF, +2MAG)
-Handless Eqp: empty (n/a)

Bag: [20z]

-4 Blood alpha (2 uses, +5 HP, Reduces Death Clock, Pushes Reraise Timer) {12/12}
-Chalk (Draw runes)
-Refurbished Maiden (Traps enemies; can stay inside it)

=Mutation: Midian=
+2 ATK +1 ACT +1 HP +1 MOV +1 MAG
Lux & Silver Mortality, Water Vuln, Wall Shift, Wall Walk, Regen II, Blood Hunger I

Skills : [M] Block, Ball, Ring, Arrow, Glass [Midian] Wall Walk, Wall Shift,

Misc: Not void touched (has a brain)

[Prepared Spells: bloc arrow ball/ Ammo: ]


I'll take M1 then. It'll be like Morat getting revenge.

I would fix your action, and include your stat block
>-Index Fingers for quick switching to Book of Iron and then back
>Prepare HandHand with Book of Iron
>Cast TerasHandHand to commandeer the NW pillar as mobile cover(7 POW before sand)
>Switch to Oracle's Staff, Channel [R]8

StatusEffects:[Void Mark: Feast], [Sparkling Meat, +1 STR, Increased Loot Discovery]
ATK: 2 ACT: 2+1 DEF: 1 HP: 4+2 MOV: 4 MAG: 3+2=5 POW:3+2+3=8
M.HAND:Lv. 3 Oracle's Staff[Spirit] Lux+Arias, Pow+3, Rng 4
OFFHAND:Floor Notes
Gear:Lv. 5 Student's Outfit(+1 Act, +2 Mag, +2 HP)
BAG:Book of Iron, Pyras+Teras, Pow +2, Words 2, Guide Wand, Plant[Hydra+Teras], Pow+1, Rng 3
Bank:Sermit the Salamander Puppet, Book of Fire, Pyras, Pow +1 Words 2
Skills: Pulse, Channel, Ward, Cleanse, Polarize, Hand, Tangent, Sacred Geometry, Recursion, Index Fingers
Feel free to override.

>Move 3N
>Plant Pulse Kail

>Move 6E
>-Crusader Oath
>Face NE

>Recover from stun
>Hook and Pull myself to behind the pillar 3E, 2N
>Pick up Morat's book and llama water
>Move 6 S
>Drop Morat's Book S

"Oh god is this what the battlefield is like?! I'm scared I wanna go home!.....Okay pull yourself together Nordus! You knew that this is what you would face! I can't just stand here and do nothing! ....Oh ew, I'm standing in Morat's corpse....maybe his book would help someone else and he doesn't need his water anymore, the magic users at the door could use this book. Here is the book hope this will help!"

HP:5/5(5+0), MOV:3(3+0), ACT:2(2+0), ATK:4(2+2), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:0(0+0)

-Knight's Sword (Lvl 1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (Lvl 1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Helmet (Lvl 1, Def+2)

-1 x cookie
-5 x llama water
-5 x llama water

[K] Shield Bash, [K] Counter

(I was under the assumption that picking up maidens were actions. I should have another action):

>prepare ball arow bloc


"Charon! Morat's spellbook should still be clos-near his cor-oh never mi-ignore that, Nordus got it for you already"
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Eternal was the battle that raged on after the fact for even though Jormungand's ilk laid waste to the ruins of the mass grave, time and again would a foolhardy nationalist lay claim to this dead land. In a constant state of passing hand after bloodied hand to the next invader that would take this dry bloodied gulch until finally the dead would elect their own king, created of the bones and restless fury that seeped beneath the sands.
"Hang in there, hero. Blood sand and snipers is just another wonderful day in the Wyrd Hu--

I knew I called it it's a giant worm with acid blood that eats souls and devours the living to funnel its reign over the damned and the desert

i knew it

I called it

I told so you. Because of course! We were about overdue for some creepy centipede composed of the ravaged flesh of the murdered, the doomed and the dead."
I believe those are deployed warmaiden rules. A normal, unfilled maiden is like anything else.
>>46626857 #
>>46630787 #

>Plant Pulse Kail [POW 5] >>46627075 #
>Initiate Channel Link with Kail
>-Regen 1

Willing to provide.

[P] Justin Lv3 [Human Paladin]
HP 2/6 [6+0] MOV 3 [+0] ACT 2 [+0] STR 2 [+0] DEF 4 [7 Front] [2+2+3 Shield] MAG 4 [2+2]

ATK: 3 [Shield]
POW: 5 [Wand + Armor]

+Main Hand+ Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk; +3 Def]
+Off Hand+ Traveling Cane [lv2; G|M; +1 Mag; 2 Range; 1 Regen]
=Armor= Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 60z [100z + Ish Bone in Llama Bank]
+ Barbed Shotel [lv 2; 1 Hand; +2 ATK; +1 DEF; Sword; Disarm; Vorpal Strike]
+ Spiced Jerky [Heals 5; 2/2 Bites remaining]
+ Sadiah Kopis [lv 4; 1 Hand; +4 ATK; +1 DEF; +1 ATK if Mounted; Dagger; Sword]

[Guide] Channel; Pulse; Ward; [Paladin] Crusader OATH (Redistributes MAG split between ATK and DEF); Shield Formation

Channel Links: [Link 1 Kail]
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Dungon Phase !
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About Battle Intuition:
only Hunter descended that learned clairvoyance may get Battle Intuition.
"Quaz, hey - relax. Here, have some coffee. It's like Moth's Flame. We're not going to leave people to get eaten by monsters. Maryland'll be fine. We'll get them out of there. Trust us. We got you, Wendigo and Latvian out.

In fact, hang on, where's the Kommodant... Burk? Yeah? Mind if I just-- yeah, thanks. You don't really have that soft, diplomatic touch boss. Ahem."

"Is this thing on?

Hey! You snipe-crazy gun toting bastard! You're down one man, your CO's unconscious and that giant murderous centipede is eating people.

Got a deal!

Stop shooting us, and we rescue your boss Maryland from the dinner plate. Yeah?

You stop shooting, everyone lives!

Ain't even here for you lot!

Hey, I'll even throw in a special semiautomatic and a briefcase full of silver bullets for you. Free of charge. If the first two don't down any midian you fire at, come right on back and I'll get you a better gun to make up. Guaranteed. Got an old eager war buddy up here name Quaz all eager to reconnect with old friends.

Can't do that if everyone's dead.

We ain't your enemy. Deal?"
>only Hunter descended that learned clairvoyance may get Battle Intuition.
So you mean Ghouls and Slayers don't get it unless they were originally Hunters.
"No, no -- oh for--- look, Bloom, in door voice. In door voice. You need to be an approachable people's person. Even if you are a cannibibalistic stain on the uniform of humanity.

Threatening to murder people is not a good sales technique, it cuts your customer retention rates a quarter. Build up slow, offer some thing nice, then threaten to break every finger in their hands before you move on to the murdering - it's polite. That hard sale stuff doesn't work. You need to build rapport, then trust, theeen you threaten; y'know, so it works.

And elocution, dammit! EN-NUN-CI-ATE"
This concept would be easier illustrated if Clairvoyance was an ability card that you carried with you to your next class.

It isn't for the simple reason that it's ingrained in the class and ports into the next advance class.

If I was 110% sure on the wording of skillz I'm fairly certain ghouls would get them too if they descended from Rogues.
So im out of berserk mode?
"I should be clear. You will lose this fight, in the end. You can only hope to inflict casualties large enough to make us feel we have made a mistake in coming here in the process. If you agree to leave peacefully, we will be extremely generous given the death of our friend here. If you do not, you will die in futility. This is a fact."
y not stick it above the hunter card like fire vulnerability is above ghoul on the picture with all class cards?
"Trigger, is that our dear Bloom on the ansible? Ooh, say hi for me! How are they doing? Oh your giving him strategic advice?! GRAND! I'll pitch in!"

*leans too close against Trigger, shouts into the ansible*

"BLOOM, are you there friend?! Listen, have they threatened you or any of your companions?
OK, HAVE YOU INSULTED THEM?! CALL THEM SCROTUM-EYEBROWS! Oh you went with dickface?! Good! Now challenge them to thrilling single combat!
Then get in there and crush their knee-caps! Their knee-caps Bloom! They need those to walk!
Stuff your pockets with sand and throw it into their eyes! Throw them onto the floor and kick them in the ribs! Sink your teeth into an ear and rip it! AHA the glory of combat! That's how a hero fights!
Bloom, are you writing this down?! Did you get the part about the knee-caps?!"
"The timer on that B-dog is still counting down. I'm not a volgon bomb expert but it might be prudent to put at least 3-4 squares of distance between yourself and it. Try not glass yourself friends."
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"THEY KILLED MORAT TRIGGER! That's beyo-past the hard sell...."


"I'll be sure to remem-keep that in mind Nut...."

(Forgot to ask a while back but how do we ask for which variant of armor we want? I wanted this version of the spooks mask but I didn't see a letter or anything :-[ )
"What? Bloom? Yeah I'm jus-- heywhatareyou---"
"In the knee-caps!"
"You have to--"
"Sink your teeth into an ear!"
"So you can build trust in order to--"
"Challenge them to thrilling single combat!"
"Which will then allow you to open up a negotation in order and"
"Throw sand in their eyes!"

Out of ingrained, desperate habit Trigger dug out his battered hipflask and took a long, despairing swig.

"Bloom, are you writing this down?! Did you get the part about the knee-caps?!"

Oh. His hipflask was empty. How'd that happen? It had been full only a minute ago and somewhere in the pleasantly numb interlude he'd run out.
Thinly, can you throw a Time Pulse my way next turn. I think I could get the perfect Groundslash on the boss next turn, and with your help, I could make it even stronger. How about that ?

"Alright ALRIGHT! Get off the bloody ainsable."

"Look mister it's like this, you are going to be offered a nice bed that isn't in a bombed out hell hole infested in skeletons, a free lift to the next Core Town and a chance to not have horrible things done to you by either skeletons. Or us."

"This is going to be the best offer you are going to get considering the circumstances hoss. You've lost, you can lose in a manner in which you retain all vital parts or you can bleed out on the sand and die a thousand miles from home with a bullet in your gut and the knowledge that when you were offered the chance to be treated better then you deserve, you decided you wanted to die heroically instead."

"Don't be a fuckin' hero Soldier. It's a good bed, it's got proper lumber support and everything, and there will be home cooked meals by our onboard master chefs Melty and Rabbitspaw and I am led to believe this is a big plus."

"Come on, this was a misunderstanding, we can avoid compounding it."
"It's called the Lumbar boss. Though I think what you said is probably more accurate for our beds. They're properly supported by lumber..."
Oh oh Mistery Burkharder tell him about the riceballs they are spherical-round! Rabbitspaw almost perfected them. They are 359.5 degrees!

Has tiny kink in side which make them not wobble that Rabbitspaw had to put there else they'd always roll-slip out of hands and is made eating little bit hard experience. Would roll-glide-bounce off of Rabbit teeth.

Ooh anyway riceyballs! Rabbitspaw must admit they are not actually rice-Riceballs for all we have in supply-hold-storage is crackers and salt and also pyracite Crystals which Rabbit opted not to touch-cook with. So they are actually water sogged crackers with bit of salt Rabbit has shaped into near-round sphericalness and lightly seasoned with happy thoughts of rice.

But they are delicious-delectable-edible!
Gotta admit, they're pretty good. The salt really makes the whole thing come together, y'know ?
Okay, that's it. Next time we're out shopping, we're going to track down some rice.
Im upgrading my coat to have a air elemental to it so i can hopefully run faster.
>Im upgrading my coat to have a air elemental to it so i can hopefully run faster.
That's great but what does that have to do with riceballs?
riceball deliverys booyah
How sharp are skeleton bones?
not sharp enough but their weapons almost killed a night.
Can they be dissassembled to be used as weapons?
wait....so i have battle intuiition or how did i predict that bomb/given a single move to survive obiliteration?
Unless I misread what's happening, I am currently back to *normal* and this should be my statline right now.

[U]Ziegfried, Level:7, Adept
Status: Ghoul
HP:11/11(5+6), MOV:7(4+7), ACT:3(3+0), ATK:7(3+4), DEF:4(1+3), MAG:4(3+1)

-Ghoul Teeth [Atk 1]
-Revenant Leathers [Lv6, +1 HP, +2 Str, +2 Mov, +2 End, No Sound, Can't Speak]
-Chainsaw [Req Str3, Atk+3 x2, 2 Hands]

-Chimera Meat x1
-Pot Shield [2 Def, Fireproof, Cooking Implement]

Skills: [Ghoul]Steal, Backstab, Devour, Regenerate, Wholesale Swallow, Wyrm Bite, Violent Regeneration, Shred of Humanity [Surgery]Wear Person, Snatch, SwordArms, Fire Resistance
Zenny: 0z
Bank: 1580z, Prisoner Clothes, Monster Restraints, Bogeyman Mask

-Twilight : +1 Mov
-Chimera Meat : +5hp, +2 Str, +1 End, +1 Mag

(Or my hp is at 6 and not 11, but everything else should be like that)

Zieg, chainsaw is +2 atk, x3
Oh! That explains some things. But not why I only attacked once last turn. I said I was attacking 3 times.
I attacked 3 times but only seem to have done 1 hit. Is this working as intended or was my action mis-written.

>Bonecarve the Lesser King x3 (Str 10+2, x3 Hits, Heavy damage) meaning I do my attack 3 times (so 3 times 3 hits of 12 heavy damage).

But if it's suposed to have ended as it did that is perfectly alright.
I see three 11's to the right of you though?
he's saying that should have been nine 11's.
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The Lesser King Roars ! His Minions answer the call ! Defend yourselves everyone !

Avdol: I - I had nice nightmare - what in the salts is happening !? Why is the arena bigger than I remember it !?

The Salt Has Piled High ! I must have made everyone so mad that they have summoned an ocean of salt for me ! WAIT THAT WAS NO NIGHTMARE ! MASTER ! WHERE IS HE !?
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" You two have been giving me a wonderful time that I will admit - perhaps a reunion will be fitting for the final round of this experiment ! "

[about Berserk II: assuming your stats have reset after the first berserk, stat modifications occur as is. However the termination point has increased ! ]


I'm at 0, but I've got Blood Alpha on me. I got Thinly back up, anyone mind doing the same for me?
I just read this a second time. and I can see that the description for bone carve could be read 2 ways.

1. One in which bone carve is an action to perform

2.In which bonecarve costs an action and makes attacks afterward heavy.

I assumed it was version 2- and also assumed you had 3 acts. Woops !
But I'll fold on this one. Let's read it as version 1 and see what happens.

>5 west
>4 north and 1 west
ATK: 2+1+3 ACT: 2 DEF: 1+1 HP: 4 MOV: 4 MAG: 1
M.HAND:Spring harpoons Lvl:2;Atk (x2); 4 range; *hook and shoot*/just cause stuff.
OFFHAND:Dual wielding main weapon
Gear:Lv. 1 Overcoat, DEF +1, ATK+1
BAG:Chains x 4, Iron Maiden x 3, Llama water 5/5 x 1, cookie 2/2 1x,
Ouch, my hip. Sorry Deary, I can't move right now, Runa would you give an old lady a hand?

>Stand still
>Gesture for Runa to do the same.
>Prepare BallBall
>Prepare BallRing

[M] Miss Potts, Lvl 1
=Lux Sworn, Human=
HP : 3/3 Atk : 0 Def : 1 (0+1) Mov 3 Mag : 6 (4+1+1) Pow : 7 (6+1) Act : 2 Lux Breath : 5 Zeal : 0.6
Hand : Book of Teras +1 Mag
Armor : Mask +1 Def +1 Mag
Bag :
-Book of Fire +1 Mag
Skills : [M] Ball [M] Ring
Sorry about he dialogue just gonna say nothing and gonna continue running the directions I listed and also I have the 1 mov from twilight and 2 bloodlust temp health
>-Regen 1 [Traveling Cane]
>Plant Pulse Self [POW 5]
>Activate Crusader Oath
>-Retain current Facing [NW/towards Lesser King]

Justin turns after pulsing Kail, seeing the roaring king bear down upon him. His shield came up right in time, blocking the brunt of the maw until slamming him into the pillar behind him. On the verge of death, the paladin braces behind the shield with one hand while the other keeps himself steady using his cane. This monster wishes to end him.

Justin will refuse this wish.

"COME FORTH YOU FORSAKEN CORPSE!" he shouts in defiance, clutching the cane under the head and tapping it to his chest while behind his shield. "LIKE THE MOUNTAIN YOU ARE BUT A GUST OF WIND BUFFETTING MY RESOLVE!"

[P] Justin Lv3 [Human Paladin]
HP 4/6 [6+0] MOV 3 [+0] ACT 2 [+0] STR 4 [2+2 Oath] DEF 6 [9 Front] [2+2+3+2 Shield+Oath] MAG 0 [2+2-4]

ATK: 5 [Shield]
POW: 0 [Wand + Armor - Oath]

+Main Hand+ Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk; +3 Def]
+Off Hand+ Traveling Cane [lv2; G|M; +1 Mag; 2 Range; 1 Regen]
=Armor= Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 60z [100z + Ish Bone in Llama Bank]
+ Barbed Shotel [lv 2; 1 Hand; +2 ATK; +1 DEF; Sword; Disarm; Vorpal Strike]
+ Spiced Jerky [Heals 5; 2/2 Bites remaining]
+ Sadiah Kopis [lv 4; 1 Hand; +4 ATK; +1 DEF; +1 ATK if Mounted; Dagger; Sword]

[Guide] Channel; Pulse; Ward; [Paladin] Crusader OATH (Redistributes MAG split between ATK and DEF); Shield Formation
>Attack monstrosity until dead. Should take 3 actions maximum.
>Move 5N, 1W
>Inspect and loot the dead gunman.
>-Switch into any equippable guns.

[$] Beckie ; Level 5 ; Beck Rogue Guild
HP: 5/5 (4+1) Mv: 6 (4+2) STR: 2 ATK: 5 (2+3), DEF: 1 (1) MAG: 3 MAGPOW : 3 ACT: 4 (3+1) CHI : 0 Zeal : 0.5
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Blade Ray (Level 4, Attack +2, Move +2, Knockouts by this weapon leaves a stun counter instead. Mercurial Strike)
-Armor : Mothman's Other Half (Level 4 [$][R], +3 Atk, Slashing, +1 Act, +1 HP, Grants Wall Walk, Takes up armor and a hand slot)
-Accessory: Red Compass
-Accessory: Merchant's Bag : +2 Item slots

Bag 4/6 (4+2) : 1537z
-Crystal Pick; Can mine crystals
-Science Crowbar (Level 2, Attack +2, Opens locks and crates)
-Drowned Witch Hat (Level 6, Mag +4, HP +2, Lux Vulnerability)
-Darc Crystal x8

Skills : Throw weapon, Switch, Steal, Backstab, Orange Leaves, Spirit Fist
Skillz : Weapon Swap, Pickpocket, Butterfingers, Spinning Throw, Mirror Hands, Ghost Hands, Vacuum Pocket, Moonsault
Thrown : Stone Skip, Catch, Two In Hand
>Move 4N 1E 1N

"Looks like our comrades need help! Onward to battle!"

HP:5/5(5+0), MOV:3(3+0), ACT:2(2+0), ATK:4(2+2), DEF:3(1+2), MAG:0(0+0)

-Knight's Sword (Lvl 1, Atk+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Shield (Lvl 1, Def+2, 1hnd)
-Knight's Helmet (Lvl 1, Def+2)

-1 x cookie
-5 x llama water
-5 x llama water

[K] Shield Bash, [K] Counter
>Move 4W
>-6 Breath
>Center Spreadshot on tile 3N, 5W, 5 (7 - 2) Fire damage, 6 Light damage, Range 6

Vidofnir guide my shot, so these uneasy souls may find peace.

[I] Watchful : Level 5 : Adept
=Lux Sworn: Lux Resistant, Blindness Resistance, +3 Vision, +1 Mag=
=Harpie Graft : Aer Resistant=
=Seamonster Steak : +1 Strength ; Inceased Loot=
HP: 4/4 (3+1) Mov: 4 (3+1) Str 2 (1+1) Atk: 6 (2+4) Def: 0 (0) Mag: 2 (1+1) Act: 2, Vision 10(5+3+2), Breaths : 6, Merits : 2 Zeal : 4
-Main Hand : BR-04 (Level 2, 2-Hands, Ammo 2|6, Range 6, +4 Attack, Pike Buster: Melee range shots adds Atk to Dmg. )
-Armor : Ranger Hat, +1 Move, +2 Vision, +1 HP
Bag :
-Unseeing Binoculars (View at a distance, does not dispel darkness, Ghosts cannot enter viewing range, If they do they are frozen in place)
-Spirit Ward (Place to create a warded tile, Wisp types are revealed within sight range, Ghosts cannot approach within 6 tiles, Creatures that die in range roll a second d6 for Wisp\Reincarnation chance.)
-3x Calorie Gram
-3x Water Flask (9 sips remaining)

Ammo :
-Pumpkin Rounds x18 (6 Damage, Fire)
-Silver Rounds x30 (5 Damage)
-Happy Bday x7 (4 Crushing Damage, 5 Aoe)
-Metal Slugs x6 (6 Crushing Damage)
Skills: Firing Solution, Packed Round, Friendly Fire, Spreadshot, Battle Rhythm, Double Time
Loaded : Pumpkin Rounds x2 (6 Damage, Fire) Damage +1
Hey Dara Dara if I don't post by the time the next action phase ends, just bot me and have me just helping allies such as overwatch move in front of them and dragging downed allies towards healers.

Morat rolled up a wanderer.
Would he be deployed and be able to do an action? See here >>46613206
>-Bleed 1
>-Regenerate 2
>Move 3S, 1W
>Inject Lady Lei Lei with Blood alpha
>-Turn the Page to Twin Chevrolet ; 2x2 Atk ; 1 Def ; 5 Range ; Twin Hook and Jab ; Hook and Scissor
>Hook and Scissor myself back to the position on the Lesser King's head.

[Y] Livia : Level 7
=Midian Mutation : Lux Mortality ; Silver Mortality ; Water Vulnerability ; Healing Bane ; Blood Hunger 01=
=Feast : +1 Str ; Increased Loot=
=Twilight: +1 Mov=
HP: 7/8 (7+1); MV: 7 (4+2+1) ; STR: 7 (4+2+1) ; ATK: 9 (7+2) ; DEF: 5 (2+2+ 1 (forward)) ; MAG: 4 ; ACT: 2(3-1); ZEAL : 1.2
Equipped :
-Main Hand : The Thousand Arms. ; Lvl 5 ; [Legendary Fake] ; Hidden Skills: Open Book, Page Turn, Close Book
--Page Twin Chevrolet ; 2x2 Atk ; 1 Def ; 5 Range ; Twin Hook and Jab ; Hook and Scissor
-Offhand :
-Armor : Revenant Leathers ; Lvl 6 ; +1 HP +2 STR ; +2 MV ; +2 END ; Makes no noise ; Cannot speak
Bag :
-14 Chains; Rope substitute
-1.0 Blood alpha ; 2 sips ; +5 HP ; Reduces Death Clock ; Pushes Reraise Timer
-Chained Maria ; 10 HP ; 3 END ; -2 MV upon deploying
-Noblelady's Salamander Umbrella

Hunter Skills : Hook and Pull, Suspension, Rig, Bloodlust, Rig Network, Lurk, Mortal Wound, Revenge Has No Home
Vampyre Skills : Wall Shift, Wall Walk, Lovelier
Corridor Skills : Hunter's Lore, Headbutt
Cord Skills : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook, Morning Star
Shield Skills : Boomerang, Reflect, Unshakeable Tera
Avdol, good you are up. I was worried because I had run out of blood to heal you with.

We are in the Salt Flats, seeking our lost friends in a hidden place underneath the sands. We found you lost, driven mad by the sandstorm and battling the spawn of the creature we now fight. The Lesser King. We aided you with water and then you fell when you saved my life from a sniper.

>Plant Pulse the Rogue Gren
>Time Pulse the Weiss Kail.

[O] Thinly: Level 5
HP : 3/5 (4+1) MV : 4 ATK : 2 DEF : 1 (1) MAG : 5 (3+2) POW : 6 (5+1) ACT: 2 ZEAL : 4.6
Equipped :
-Main Hand : Academic Writing Tool (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Time, Teras, Lux)
-Off Hand : Academic Writing Pole (Range 4, Mag +1, Write Runes and Wards at range, Grants Plant, Teras, Hydra)
-Accessory : Floor Notes
-Armor : Fools Cap (Mag +2 , HP +1)
Bag : 1210z
-Stale Wafer x5 (Heals +2 HP, Favored by Wisps)
-Jerky x2
-Llama Water x5
-Blood Alpha x1.0

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel, Ward, Relinquish, Polarize, Tangent
>Attack the Mendele Monstrosity W twice
>-The Whole Thing
>Face S

[S] Jenny : Level 7 : Adept
HP: 10/10 (6+4) Mv: 4 (3+1) STR : 4 (3+1) ATK: 7 [4+3] DEF: 2 [1+1] MAG: 4 (1+1+2) ACT: 2 (2) Zeal : 0.5
=Dormant Daemon=
-Main Hand : Hammer Watch [Level 5, +3 Atk, Heavy Crush, +2 Mag, 2 Range Melee\Casting, 2 Handed]
-Off Hand :
-Armor : Man-Eater Armor [ Defense +1, HP +4, Stats do not decrease on debuff, -1 HP per stat debuff ]
Bag: 840z
-Jerky x 3.5 [ Heals 5 HP, two bites ]
-Winged Shield [Defense +2, Hover : Become a flying target, like a vengeful gargoyle with a sharp stick !]
-Chain-Sword [Attack +3, Defense +1, Range +3]
-Un. Threaded Harpoon [Level 5]

[K] : Counter, Spin Slash, Shield Bash, Ground Slash
[S] : Jump, Twist, Acronaut, Lunge, Dragon Wings
[Sword] : Double Cut
[Cords] : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook
[Mace] : Arm Crack, Power Smash, Skull Crack
[Great] : The Whole Thing, Block, Limb Smash
>Stand up
>Move 1S, 4E

[G] LeiLei : Level 3
=Orodnian, +1Hp , +1Mov , [Good Smell]=
=Twilight, +1Mov=
HP : 5/5 (4+1) MV : 5 (3+1+1) STR : 1 (1) ATK : 4 (1+3) DEF : 2 (1+1) MAG : 3 (2+1) POW : 4 (3+1) ACT: 2 (2) ZEAL : 2
Main Hand : (Crystal Studded Wand : Mag +1, Casting Range 3, Grants Plant, Grants Iron, Grants Acid)
Offhand :
Armor : (Guide Cloak : Mag +1, Def +1)
Bag: 200z
-Holey Shield : (Defense +4, Atk +3, Piercing Vulnerability)
-8 Fixitives
-Llama Water : 25 sips

Skills : Pulse, Cleanse, Channel
Moriarty is now W of R1 as M....3? . Act accordingly
>-Shred of Humanity
>-Regen 1
>Bonecarve Lesser King Str14+2 Heavy Damage, Hits 3 times.
>Bonecarve Lesser King Str14+2 Heavy Damage, Hits 3 times.
>Bonecarve Lesser King Str14+2 Heavy Damage, Hits 3 times.
>Bonecarve Lesser King Str14+2 Heavy Damage, Hits 3 times.

[U]Ziegfried, Level:7, Adept
HP:?/11(5+6), MOV:7(4+3), ACT:4(3+1), ATK:14((3+4)*2), DEF:2((1+3)/2), MAG:4(3+1)

-Ghoul Teeth [Atk 1]
-Revenant Leathers [Lv6, +1 HP, +2 Str, +2 Mov, +2 End, No Sound, Can't Speak]
-Chainsaw [Req Str3, Atk+2 x3, 2 Hands]

-Chimera Meat x1
-Pot Shield [2 Def, Fireproof, Cooking Implement]

Skills: [Ghoul]Steal, Backstab, Devour, Regenerate, Wholesale Swallow, Wyrm Bite, Violent Regeneration, Shred of Humanity [Surgery]Wear Person, Snatch, SwordArms, Fire Resistance
Zenny: 0z
Bank: 1580z, Prisoner Clothes, Monster Restraints, Bogeyman Mask

-Twilight : +1 Mov
-Chimera Meat : +5hp, +2 Str, +1 End, +1 Mag
"Alright ! Let's go !"
>-Eyes closed
"Come one skeletons ! I'll destroy you, and your king with you !"
>move 4W 1S 1W
>Spinslash (Castor's Fist, 8 crushing dmg, haste)

[W]Kail, Lvl.6
HP:3/9 MOV:5 (4+1) ACT:2 ATK:9/8(4(STR)+2+3/4(STR)+2+2) DEF:9(2+2+5(shield)) MAG:1

-Skybreaker Tomahawk (lvl3, Att+3, causes -1 ACT stun damage)
-Famous Raider's Armor (lvl6, Def+2, Atk+2, HP+1, Mov+1)
-Castor's Fist (lvl4, Atk+2, Def+5, crushing, knockback, can't be swung with a secondary weapon, hidden skill ???, 1hnd)
-Dident (Atk+3, Reach 1-2, applies stun, 2hnd)

Skills: [K]Spinslash, [K]Counter, [K]Shield Bash, [K]Groundslash, [K] Rushdown, [K] Evil Never Rests, [K] Challenge, [W] Eyes Closed, [Axe Artes] Cleave, Wreck, [Shield Artes], Reflect, Kill Medusa, Unshakeable Tera, [Sword Art] Reaper's Execution, [A Big Heart]
Zeal : 0.7
>Move 3 North
>Examine Skull
>Ward [R-1] Grenouille

Dish Lv3: Novice Human Paladin

HP 5/5 [6-1] MOV 3 ACT 2 [2+0] STR 4 [2+{2 C.O.}] DEF 9 [2+2+3+{2C .O.}] MAG 0 [2+2 Redistributed through C.O]

ATK: 2 [Hammer]
POW: 4 [Wand + Cloak]

MHand -MidianBane [Lux] [1Handed] +2 atk, +1 def, disarm and vorpal strike
OHand - Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk, +3 Def]
Armor -Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 200z
-Guide Cloak (+1 Mag, +1 Def)
-Lvl 1 Wand (+1 Mag, Rng 3)
-Lvl 1 Hammer (+2 Atk)

[G] Pulse,[G] Ward [G] Channel,[G] Cleanse,[P] Crusader Oath
Grenouille looks to be on a sand tile, so the ward won't cut it. That and you don't have your wand equipped so you can't ward him anyway?
It took a moment for Bloom to realize how lucky he was. Now standing atop his maiden he could see the dying blanket of sunlight covering the desert. Light even at this level was enough to kill him. The pillar that Charon had grabbed shielded him from the deadly rays. In a fit of rage he had nearly died pointlessly. He didn't know if the Scholar knew or if his actions were a stroke of luck. In either case Bloom realized two things: anger and bloodlust came easier as a Midian, and he would have an early death if he failed to control himself.


"Capt. I don't belie-think they heard you or they're ignoring us..."


"They retre-fell back North! Let's figh-take out the King for now! Let's see what kind of weap-gear these dusty bastards are using. "

>4W 6N
>- loot skellies; prioritize the spear
>-stay in cover on the pillar
>examine spear

[M1] Bloom, Level 3: Mage

=Status:Blood tea: fed; Seamonster feast: +1 STR, increased loot; Twilight: +1 MOV, sparkly; still pretty

HP:4/4(4+0), MOV:5(4+1), ACT:3(3+0) MAG 7(5+2)
ATK:3(2+1), DEF:1(0+1), POW:9(5+4)

-Main hand: empty
-Off Hand: Celestial Runic (Lvl 3. [Darc] [Teras] [Gravity] Word:3 +2 POW)
-Armor: 6-eyed Spooks Mask (lvl3. +1DEF, +2MAG)
-Handless Eqp: empty (n/a)

Bag: [20z]

-4 Blood alpha (2 uses, +5 HP, Reduces Death Clock, Pushes Reraise Timer) {8/8}
-Chalk (Draw runes)
-Refurbished Maiden (Traps enemies; can stay inside it)

=Mutation: Midian=
+2 ATK +1 ACT +1 HP +1 MOV +1 MAG
Lux & Silver Mortality, Water Vuln, Wall Shift, Wall Walk, Regen II, Blood Hunger I

Skills: [M] Block, Ball, Ring, Arrow, Glass [Midian] Wall Walk, Wall Shift,

Misc: Not void touched (has a brain)

[Prepared Spells: bloc arow ball x1 ball arow bloc x1 / Ammo: ]
>deploy at the door

[K] Rabata Lvl2 Tam Knight
=Tam regen, twilight=
HP:7/7 Atk:6 (2(STR)+3+1) Def:7 (2+1+4(shield)) Mov:4 (3+1) Mag:0 (Aethernumb) Act:2
-Warmaiden (Atk+3, Def+4, HP3, 2hnd, shield, stores two weapons)
-Raider's Helm (lvl2, Def+1, Atk+1, Def+1)
Bag :[0z]
Warmaiden :
-Cross Sword (Lvl2, Atk+2, Def+2 1hnd)
-Kite Shield (lvl2, +3 Def, 1hnd)

Skills : [K]Counter, [K]Spinslash, [Sword Arte] Step Cut, [Racial] Tam Regen, [Racial] Tam Change
Zeal : 0.3


You're gonna get destroyed doooooooooodge.

"Quaz! Cree-disturbing recording of Armistan! Some of us didn't grow up in an autocr-militarized society so dodging bullets isn't exactly common, and mages aren't known for range discipline in the first place! Can you tell us anything we can do to not get shoo-hit?!

>- Ask about any [Cover] mechanic.
>Stand up
>Move 1W, 5N

>Move 5N, 4W

>Pick up that book
>Move 5W, 3N
>-Taking my pillar with me
>Teras Pulse the Lesser King
This isn't a valid override.
>-Regen 1 [Traveler's Cane]
>Plant Pulse on Self [POW 5]
>Tera Pulse on Self [POW5]

Justin turns after pulsing Kail, seeing the roaring king bear down upon him. His shield came up right in time, blocking the brunt of the maw until slamming him into the pillar behind him. On the verge of death, the paladin braces behind the shield with one hand while the other keeps himself steady using his cane. This monster wishes to end him.

Justin will refuse this wish.

"COME FORTH YOU FORSAKEN CORPSE!" he shouts in defiance, clutching the cane under the head and tapping it to his chest while behind his shield. "LIKE THE MOUNTAIN YOU ARE BUT A GUST OF WIND BUFFETTING MY RESOLVE!"

[P] Justin Lv3 [Human Paladin]
HP 4/6 [6+0] MOV 3 [+0] ACT 2 [+0] STR 2 [+0] DEF 12? [15? Front] [2+2+3+5? Shield+Pulse] MAG 4 [2+2]

ATK: 3 [Shield]
POW: 5 [Wand + Armor]

+Main Hand+ Iron Door [Shield] [+1 Atk; +3 Def]
+Off Hand+ Traveling Cane [lv2; G|M; +1 Mag; 2 Range; 1 Regen]
=Armor= Vestal Plate [+2 Mag, +2 Def]
Bag: 60z [100z + Ish Bone in Llama Bank]
+ Barbed Shotel [lv 2; 1 Hand; +2 ATK; +1 DEF; Sword; Disarm; Vorpal Strike]
+ Spiced Jerky [Heals 5; 2/2 Bites remaining]
+ Sadiah Kopis [lv 4; 1 Hand; +4 ATK; +1 DEF; +1 ATK if Mounted; Dagger; Sword]

[Guide] Channel; Pulse; Ward; [Paladin] Crusader OATH (Redistributes MAG split between ATK and DEF); Shield Formation

>Override if still possible
>Stand Up
>Move 1N, 1E, 4N
Thread no!!!
Thred's ded. Rip in potatoes

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